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Power Rangers

The Power Rangers are some damn goofy people, but you have to admit that a kids show that has been on for 8-10 years has got some staying power. I got the info for these fighters at Ranger Central

Titanium Ranger | Vipra | Green Dragon Ranger | Gold Ranger | White Tiger Ranger |
Ryan the Titanium Ranger

Kidnapped by demons in his childhood, Ryan is changed into an agent for the demon Diabolico. He is sent into the Lightspeed Aqua Bay to steal the ranger technology. Using this equipment, the demons turn Ryan into the Titanium Power Ranger. His main weapons are a diamond edged ax and his Max-Solar Zord.

Strategy: Use his axes reach to his advantage. Don't let the enemy move inside of the range of the axe.
  • Chain Combo or Sweep Combo, Ax Assault or V-Lancer
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Blast Kick, Max Solar
    Similar Fighters: Sonson, War Machine
    Launcher: A rising ax attack
    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Strength: H Weakness: P Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ax Cannon*: A beam of energy fires out of the ax (H)
    Ax Assault*: Moves forward while delivering 3 ax attacks
    Ax Hurricane*: An uppercut attack using the ax
    Blast Kick: Used in air, flys downward with a multi-hit kick attack
    Counter Attack: Stands ready and counters physical attacks

    Hyper Attacks:
    V-Lancer*: Uses a laser lance to fire a large, v-shaped beam. 16 hits (H)
    Max Solar: Ryan?s zord fires a series of laser blasts. Like Blodia Vulcan. 20 hits (H)
    Ranger Attack: Dashes forward (C) to perform a 10 hit combo

    Enter: Morphs. A large metallic plate drops down and changes him into ranger-form.
    Taunt: Opens his visor. Ryan has bright red eyes
    Victory: Holds his ax over his head

  • Vipra

    One of the demons working for Diabolico. Vipra is resourceful (relatively) and a intelligent leader. Vipra wields a snake-shaped sword.

    Strategy: Vipra is a projectile user. Although she does have a sword, it's range is very short. Use the Sword Beam and Screaming Demon Attacks to keep the enemy away.
  • Chain Combo, Sword Beam or Blade Run or Blade Shower
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Giant Vipra
  • Sweep Combo, Shadow Spike, Screaming Demon
    Similar Fighters: Ruby Heart, Venom

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Strength: D Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Sword Beam*: Fires a thin projectile of darkness (D)
    Screaming Demon*: A black creature is thrown in an upward arc. (D)
    Blade Run*: Dashes through the enemy with her snake sword
    Shadow Spike: A pillar of darkness appears in front of Vipra (D)
    Bonus: When critical, Vipra gains 2 points of attack, Double Jump
    Launcher: A rising sword stab
    Hyper Attacks:
    Blade Shower*: A beam of energy is fired out of the sword. Up to 21 hits (D)
    Snake Fang: The sword comes to life and does Venom?s Death Bite attack. 12 hits (D)
    Giant Vipra: She grows and swings her sword at the enemy. 8 hits.

    Enter: A flame flies around, hits the ground and turns into Vipra
    Taunt: Holds her sword over her shoulder aimed at the enemy.
    Victory: Slices up the defeated enemy

  • Green Dragon Ranger

    This ranger was the sixth power ranger to join the team in the Dinosaur season. Long ago, the dragon coin which gives the ranger his power was lost and taken by Rita, an evil sorceress. Millennia later, when she returned to conquer Earth, she brought her own, evil Power Ranger with her. The Green Ranger eventually broke free of her control and took up the battle against Rita.

    Strategy: A powerful fighter. The Green Ranger is fast and durable, making him a good melee fighter, even if his attack power is a little low. His hypers are powerful with a lot of range, but are slow to start. Use them with team hyper attacks. Greeny also works well as an assist fighter against projectile characters, with his Reflect Flute and he can give an ally Super Armor.
  • Chain Combo, (Fake) Dragon Rise or Dragon Ball
  • Sweep Combo, Vapor Quake
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Dragon Ball or Rising Dragon
  • Fake Dragon Rise (Blocked), Step in, Basic Throw
    Similar Fighters: None
    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 3 Defense: 7 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M Drain: Super Armor 1
    Special Moves:
    Dragon Ball*: Throws a green, swirling ball of energy straight ahead (A,downward)
    Dragon Flute Reflect*: Plays his dragon dagger flute, causing enemy projectiles to immediately turn around.
    Vapor Quake*: Stabs the ground, sending a wave of steam along the ground. 3 hits (B,E)
    Dragon Rise: Moves forward with 2 dagger slashes, followed by a jumping slash
    Fake Dragon Rise: Moves forward with 2 dagger slashes only.
    Rising Dragon: Skips the dagger slashes for a simple jumping slash. Dragon Punch type. (A)
    Basic Throw: Stabs the enemy and sparks fly
    Bonus Abilities: Super Armor 2 (w/Shield)
    Launcher: An over the top looking uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Dragon Zord Missiles*: A giant hand comes on screen and fires missiles from its fingertips. 20 hits
    Dragon Tail: The Dragon Zord's tail stabs down from the sky when Green blows on his flute. 5 hits
    Dragon Shield: Assist hyper. Gives an ally the shield on his chest. Gives his Super Armor to the ally.
  • Note: This effect is cumulative with normal Super Armor, but the total effect cannot be more than 3.
  • Use this move again as an assist or when Green is fighting to return the shield. Takes no vigor to return.

    Enter: A guy holds up a coin and yells "Dragon Power" and becomes the Green Ranger
    Taunt: Goes into the pose in the picture
    Victory: Plays his dragon flute and the Dragon Zord rises in the background

  • Gold Ranger

    The Golden Power Ranger from the "ZEO" season. In the US version, the gold ranger is an alien that is helping the rangers against the Machine Empire to free his own world, which has already been conquered. His people have the ability to split into three identical warriors.

    Strategy: The Gold Ranger is more of a projectile user than melee fighter. Golden Staff is anti-air, Golden Orb is long range, and the Golden Drop can be used to hop over projectiles. His basic punches and kicks are fairly slow, so be careful before committing him to melee combat.
  • Chain Combo, Golden Orb or (Final) Gold Rush
  • Sweep Combo, Pyramidus Cannon
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Golden Orb or Golden Drop
    Similar Fighters: None
    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Special Moves:
    Golden Staff*: Holds up his staff and it emits a golden light from its top. 5 hits (P)
    Golden Orb*: Fires a gold colored projectile straight-ahead (A)
    Spectral*: Steps forward (T) grabs the enemy for a jumping throw with 3 Gold Rangers (P)
    Golden Drop: Jumps up, then dives forward with a drop kick. (A,no jump). 2 hits possible
    Gold Rush: Steps forward, then jumps up in a spiral. Dragon Punch-type.
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy around the head with his ankles and twists.
    Bonus Abilities: Teleport, Shadow Slide, Long Range
    Launcher: From crouching, stabs his staff straight up.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Pyramidus Cannon*: Calls forth a beam from the sky. Blasts, then moves forward for another. Magneto-like. 18 hits (P)
    Final Gold Rush: Dashes forward, leaving golden shadows, (C) through the enemy, and the shadows dash forward for hits. 9 hits (P)
    Crystal of Triforia: Splits into 3 Gold Rangers. 2 simply follow, mimicking the other. V-Ism. Triples hits
  • NOTE: Cannot perform hyper attacks when activated. Lasts 8 seconds.

    Enter: Holds up his hands and the staff floats in front of him. Yells "Golden Power" and transforms
    Taunt: Holds up his hands and the staff floats in front of him
    Victory: Goes into the picture pose and a Pyramid (his zord) drives up behind him.

  • White Tiger Ranger

    The Sixth Ranger to join in the second season of Power Rangers (US 2 nd season). He controls a white tiger zord in battle. His weapon is a talking Saber named Saba (probably Japanese English for saber…). Nothing terribly special about him, either.

    Strategy: Another decent fighter with really slow hypers. Although they are not comboable, the Phoenix works well during Hyper Chains and Team-up Hypers. Also the Mandala works almost exactly like Strider's Orborous, except that each ball will stay hit it has hit 3 times. Once the Mandala's begin to hit, start performing combos, just leave off the finishing hit. The best way to defeat the Tiger is to simply out-Hyper him.
  • Chain Combo, Saber Scrape x 3 or Tiger Quake
  • Chain Combo, Saber Scrape x 2, Energy Drain
  • Sweep Combo, Tiger Quake
  • Tiger Mandala, Hit with T. Mandala, Chain Combo x 3
    Similar Fighters: Strider
    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Special Moves:
    Kanji Fire*: Throws a sphere with a Japanese kanji in it as a projectile. (H)(A)
    Saber Scrape*: Steps forward with a sweep of his blade. Can be done 3 times in a row
    Saba Beam*: Tosses his sword up, and it shoots a laser blast downward from the eyes on the pommel. 4 hits (H)
    Zord Leap: Jumps up as if jumping to his zord (T) and rides the enemy to the ground.
    Tiger Quake: Punches the ground, causing a quake that knocks enemies from their feet. Minor damage (E).
    Basic Throw: Grabs, both roll along the ground, and Whitey kicks the other guy up into the air.
    Launcher: An upward sweep of Saba
    Hyper Attacks:
    Phoenix Flight*: A fireball throwing motion and a giant robotic bird flies past him with white fire. 10 hits (F,W)
    Tiger Mandala: A group of 6 Kanji orbs surround the Ranger. Do again to fire them forward. Each can hit 3 times. (H)
    Energy Drain: Charges forward (C), picks up the enemy and drains life from the victim. Also, Drain Effect.

    Enter: Yells "White Tiger Power" and transforms
    Taunt: Twirls his sword around
    Victory: Jumps up and lands on his Tiger Zord's head.
