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War of the High Schools

Rival Schools is a fighting game populated by High School Students. As some web review said "Finally, a game that has a reason to have a few dozen schoolgirls." Each fighter belongs to one of several different schools, in a war between the learning organizations.
Hyo | Akira (Armored) | Hinata | Kyusuke | Roy | Batsu | Hideo | Shoma | Ran | Incho | Momo | Nagare | Zaki | Yurika |
Alternate: Burning Batsu |

The President of Justice High, an evil high school that brainwashes its students and Staff. Hyo is the person orchestrating the war of the schools. Hyo wields a masamune-type blade.

Strategy: Hyo should stay in close to the enemy. Like Strider, his blade gives him longer range than most others and his speed lets him combo well. Projectile users can keep him back, but his speed makes dodging most projectiles fairly easy.

  • Launcher, Air Combo, Ground Crush
  • Chain Combo, Sword Beam or Spiral Blade or Diamon Driver
    Similar Fighters: Morrigan;Strider Mix

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Sword Beam*: Throws a medium ranged beam off his sword
    Spiral Blade*: An uppercut attack that hits multiple times
    Charge Blade*: Hyo dashes forward with a sword attack
    Ground Crush: Air Only. Dives downwards, causing a disturbance in the ground (E)
    Launcher: A rising sweep of his blade
    Hyper Attacks:
    Diamond Driver*: Performs 2 Spiral Blades followed by a downward stab. 12 hits
    Dual Blade: Runs forward (C) splits into 2 and pummels enemy. Ends with Spiral Blade. 25 hits

    Enter: Sits at his desk, then slices it up with his sword
    Taunt: Pic Pose
    Victory: Sheathes his blade and bows to the enemy

  • Akira

    A kind hearted woman being controlled by her armor. With her Armor on, Akira is a blood-thirsty killing machine.

    Strategy: All of Akira's moves require her to be close to her enemy. Stay close to the enemy and use her speed to stay ahead of the enemy's attacks.

  • Chain Combo, Armor Kick or Skull Aura
  • Sweep Combo, Armor Dive
    Similar Fighters: Rogue, Chun-Li

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 6 Strength: P Weakness: S Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Flip Throw*: Runs forward, grabs the enemy's leg, and flips them back
    Armor Kick*: Jumps forward with a double kick (A)
    Skull Ball*: Holds a small globe of energy in front of her. Not a projectile (A)(P)
    Gate Elbow: Steps forward and jabs the enemy with her elbow
    Skull Fist: Only after a elbow smash. Punches forward with a purple glowing fist. Powerful (P)
    Launcher: Steps forward, one leg raised with an uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Skull Aura*: A huge version of the Skull Ball envelops Akira. Hits 12 times (A)(P)
    Reflex Barrage: Dashes forward (C) and unleashes a flurry of punches. 15 hits
    Armor Dive: Does a sweep kick (C), jumps into the air, and skids along on the enemy. 2 hits

    Enter: Does a throat cut motion
    Taunt: Laughs insanely
    Victory: Grabs her head and laughs more insanely

  • Hinata

    The little sister of the Street Fighter Sakura. Hinata was never formally trained in the arts of combat, but she took a mail correspondence course on it. She is best friends with Kyosuke and Batsu.

    Strategy: Hinata is quick, but her moves will probably be underestimated. Her moves are actually fairly powerful to compensate for their limited range. Play aggressively, but don't stay close for too long.

  • Chain Combo, Enbukyaku or (Shinku) Rengekiken
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Renkyakudan or Rennishindan
    Similar Fighters: Sakura, Lilith, Dan

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Enbukyaku*: A 3 hit spinning kick with a flaming leg. Counts to 3 in Japanese(A)(F)
    Shourryuken*: A dragon punch uppercut attack
    Rengekiken*: Throws a short distance fireball at the enemy. Extremely short range (A)(F)
    Renkyakudan: Air Only. Hinata kicks and a shoe flies downward
    Senpukyaku: A spin kick attack along the ground
    Launcher: Ducks down and kicks up with one leg
    Hyper Attacks:
    Incendiary Senpukyaku*: Does a stationary Enbukyaku. Hits 15 times (A)(F)
    Shinku Rengekiken: Throws a full screen fireball that hits 5 times (A)
    Rennishindan: Air Only. Hinata kicks 16 shoes down at the enemy

    Enter: Sort of kneels down and puts her fists in her face
    Taunt: The pose in the picture
    Victory: Leans to one side a little and pumps her elbows inwards.

  • Kyusuke

    Kyusuke is the brother of Hyo. The siblings have not spoken for years, ever since Hyo began his plan to create an army of mind controlled high school students. Kyusuke is opposed to his brother's plan and is secretly fighting against Justice High.

    Strategy: Kyusuke is best off staying in the middle distance. Just within range of enemy, he can avoid most attacks, while beginning able to use his specials. The homing blades are too weak to use against projectile users, and he has little defense against grapplers.

  • Sweep Combo, Lightning Upper, Air Combo, Shadow Cutter
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Shadow Cutter or Double Shadow Cut
    Similar Fighters: Ruby Heart, Yuri

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense*: 6 Speed: 6 Strength: S Weakness: E Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Cross Cutter*: Kyusuke throws one blade high, one low, and then they home slightly towards the target (A)
    Lightning Strike*: Jumps upward and forward, and punches downward (S)
    Lightning Upper*: A bolt of lightning bursts out from the ground. Launches (S)
    Shadow Cutter: Kyusuke does a jumping backflip attack(A)
    Launcher: A basic uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Super Cross Cutter*: A hyper version of Homing Blades. Kyusuke throws 12 blades instead of 2(A)
    Double Shadow Cut: Performs a series of 3 Twisted Sparkles. 10 hits total.

    Enter: Straightens his jacket
    Taunt: Cleans his glasses
    Victory: Turns his back and grunts

  • Roy

    An American Style Football player. Roy is an exchange student from the US and gets drawn into the War of the Schools against his will. In actuality, Roy's father is some type of secret agent sent in to control the situation.

    Strategy: Roy is built like a football player (Well Duh..) and should we treated as such. Linebackers don't wait around or throw things, they charge! Stay close to the enemy and don't let them get away.

  • Chain Combo, Dynamite Straight or Super Touchdown
    Similar Fighters: Ken/Ryu Family, particulary Ken

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Touchdown Wave*: Jumps forward and punches downward. Creates a short wave along the ground ( the ground)(E)
    Twister Upper*: A flaming, spinning uppercut attack (A)(F)
    Dynamite Straight*: Roy does a punch that reaches across the screen
    QB Sack: Runs forward to tackle the enemy
    Launcher: Basic standing uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Super Touchdown*: Hyper version of the Touchdown Wave. Hits 12 times (A,downward)(E)
    Triple Twiser: Does 3 Twister Upper flaming punches. Like Ken. Hits 10 times

    Enter: A football flies onscreen and Roy does a flying catch
    Taunt: Roughing penalty gesture
    Victory: Yell's go long and throws a pass

  • Batsu

    Batsu is a trouble maker from Taiyo High. He is often getting into trouble with school officals. However, he is also a member of the strange Imawano family. Being an heir to incredible power, only Batsu can stop the strange war of Justice High.

    Strategy: Although he has a projectile, Batsu works best by staying close to the enemy. Move back and forth between being in melee range and just far enough back to avoid the enemies attacks. If the enemy is open on the way back, throws a Yaisen.

  • Chain Combo, (Shinkai) Guts Bullet or Cresent Drive
  • Chain Combo, Guts Upper(Knocks into air) Air Combo, Shinkai Kick
    Similar Fighters: Ken/Ryu Family;Ryu especially

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 4 Defense*: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Guts Bullet*: A blue projectile attack (A)(W)
    Cresent Drive*: Jumps forward with a double axel that causes a bolt of lightning (S)
    Guts Upper*: A aqua powered uppercut (W)
    Shooting Star: Jumps forward and up with a roundhouse kick (A)(S)
    Launcher: A standing uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Shinkai Guts Bullet*: Throws a very large Yaisen aquaball. Hits 10 times (W) Triple Gut Punch: Does 3 Rising Fists in series. 10 hits (W)
    Shinkai Kick: Air only. Dives downward with his foot extended. Hits 5 times (W)


  • Hideo

    A teacher at Justice High. Hideo fights under the control of Hyo. Normally an honorable man, he is now being used to do the bidding of the evil Justice High. Hideo is almost exactly like Ryu or Akuma in style.

    Strategy: Hideo's main strength is his air specials. Both of them are extremely cheap and can be comboed together quite well. Hideo works best as a medium ranged fighter, not getting to far away and not getting too close.

  • Chain Combo, (Shimazu) Seihaken, Launcher, Air Combo, Triple Seihaken or Raieishuu
    Similar Fighters: Ryu, Akuma

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 6 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Seihaken*: Hideo throws a fireball at the enemy.(A)(H)
    Jicchokuken*: An uppercut attack. Same as Shoryuuken (A)
    Shinenkyaku*: Creates a small twister around himself and does a spinning kick combo. 3 hits (A)(B)
    Raieishuu: Air Only. Zips forward through the air. Can be used up to 3 times in a row
    Triple Shioken: Air Only. Throws up to 3 fireballs down towards the enemy.
    Launcher: Standing uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Shimazu Seihaken*: Hideo throws a very large fireball. 10 Hits (A)(H)
    Shimazu Jicchokuken: Punches out (C) followed by 3 hits from a jumping uppercut. If misses, leaps up for 10 hits

    Enter: Holds his lower back and leans backwards
    Taunt: Does a "Come here" gesture
    Victory: Shakes his head in shame

  • Shoma

    A baseball player. Shoma is a great clean up batter. He goes to the same school as Roberto. Shoma may be a star baseball player, but his is a moron. He is failing all of his classes and is far too pig-headed to realize that Natsu loves him.

    Strategy: He is a guy with a REALLY big bat. You figure it out.

  • Sweep Combo, Frustration
  • Chain Combo, Fastball or Infield Throw
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Hundred Balls
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Fastball*: throws a high speed, but weak, baseball at the enemy (A)
    HomeRun Swing*: A huge wind-up and a powerful swing.
    Strike Out*: A 2 hit attack with the bat
    Safe Slide: A Long range slide kick attack
    Frustration: Slams the ground hard with his bat.
    Launcher: An upward bat swing
    Hyper Attacks:
    Hundred Balls*: Shoma throws 12 Fastballs at various heights. Can be used in Air
    Grand Slam: A hyper Homerun Swing. Deals a ton of damage and forces a change in character. Slow

    Enter: Takes a practice swing
    Taunt: Does a baseline shuffle while taunting with "Nee Nee Nee!"
    Victory: Throws a Baseball card of himself towards the screen

  • Ran

    Ran is a reporter for the Taiyo school newspaper. Her only goals are to find the best scoop. Ran is a little bitter about missing the events in the first Rival School game because she was on vacation. Now that Justice High is once again creating havoc, she refuses to be left out of this story.

    Strategy: Ran is a one-trick fighter. Her camera attacks are basically all she has. Her melee fighting skills suck and she can't take a solid hit. Her camera work is the only thing keeping her alive.
  • Chain Combo, Flash Attack
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flash Attack
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Extra Editor or Exclusive Interview
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 1 Energy*: 6 Defense: 2 Speed: 5 Ratio: 1 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Flash Attack*: Takes a picture with her camera, causing damage. High or low (H)(A,downward). Takes 1 picture
    Extra Editor*: Throws a newspaper into the air. Works as anti-air
    Time-lapse Flash*: Takes a picture that doesn't cause damage, but slows down the victim. Takes a picture
    Changing Film: Can change to two different kinds of film
  • High Speed: Her camera attacks have less recovery and starting times, but do less damage
  • High Quality: High start and recovery times, more damage is dealt.
    Reloading Camera: Ran must put new film in after every 6 pictures.
  • NOTE: If you try to take a picture without film, Ran automatically reloads.
    Basic Throw: Trips the enemy, steps on top of the victim and takes a close ranged picture.
    Launcher: An upward swing of her camera

    Hyper Attacks:
    Super Flash*: Reloads, then takes a series of pictures from different angles, then reloads. 8 hits (H)
    Exclusive Interview: Swings her newspaper up (C) then interviews her opponent, causing damage. 2 hits
    Glamour Photo Shoot: Level 3. A blast of light surrounds Ran (C) and the victim is shown in a
  • variety of humorous and embarrassing poses with Ran's Team. 6 hits

    Enter: Performs a camera and lighting test
    Taunt: Looks around saying "Where?"
    Victory: Strings up a wire and starts developing her photos.

  • Incho

    Incho is the Japanese term for a classroom president or task-master type role. Thus, Incho is not her name, but the only name she uses in the game. She is very strong willed and is always looking out for the school's appearance above her own needs and wishes.

    Strategy: Incho can be a good fighter, but her attacks are really weak. I'm not taking about just the damage; her single hit, uncharged moves don't even knocked the enemy back very much. If Incho can fully charge her specials (about 6 seconds) they do tremendous damage and send the enemy flying. However, 6 seconds in this type of fighter is a long time and the moves are still blockable.
  • Chain Combo, Wind Stance or Lightning Stance (no charge) or Demonstrations
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Dragon Stance (no charge)
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 3 Defense: 3 Speed*: 5 Ratio: 1 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Wind Stance*: Incho steps forward with a single punch. May be done twice in a row
    Dragon Stance*: Ducks down for a jumping uppercut. Charge for more damage and hits. 1-6 hits
    Lightning Stance*: Leans back, then flies forward with a flying kick. Charge for damage. 1-6 hits
    Rock Break Stance: Hops forward with a downward blow. Must be blocked high
    Basic Throw: Grabs her enemy in a headlock and then runs and jumps.
    Bonus Abilities: Rolling Evade
    Launcher: A basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Demonstrations*: Starts stepping forward, while doing a series of 9 Wind Stance punches. Biology Lesson: 3 Levels. A blast of energy rises around Incho (C) and she teachs biology
  • This heals all of her team by quite a bit and the initial hit causes a little damage.

    Enter: Goes into her martial arts pose and wishes everyone luck
    Taunt: Starts doing knee bend exercises
    Victory: Jumps up and down, then realizes what she is doing and looks embarrassed.

  • Momo

    Momo is a "cute and defenseless" (her words) little girl. The truth is, she is a junior member of the Darkside Student Congress terror group led by Kurow. Her mission is to disturb the relationships between the various high schools in Tokyo so the Darkside Congress can rule Japan. Yep. Momo is a member of the tennis club, as she is always carrying a tennis racquet and balls.

    Strategy: Momo is a little goddess. While her stats aren't anything special, her moves are exceptionally quick to start, making it very hard to beat her to the attack. The lag times on her jumping attacks are a little long and her hypers more or less suck (except for Against the Wall), but her special moves are hard enough to beat without hyper powered help.
  • Chain Combo, Whale Serve, Serve Volley or Whamm Slam
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Rocket Racquet or Spin Smasher or Momo Crusher
  • Sweep Combo, Against the Wall
  • Chain Combo, Spin Smasher
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    Whale Serve*: Throws a ball up and smashes it down and forward. The ball bounces
    Serve Volley: Runs forward with a quick chop with her racquet
    Rocket Racquet*: Jumps into the air, her racquet held over her head. A trail of hearts follows her. 3 hits
    Spin Smasher*: Flies through the air in an arc, spinning around with her racquet out. 4 hits
    Giant Swing: Reaches out (T) grabs the enemy by the ankles, spins around, and releases
    Instant Volley: Air Only. Swings her racquet in an overhead smash fashion 6 times in a row!
    Basic Throw: Headbutts her foe then smashes the victim in the head with her racquet
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump
    Launcher: Slips her racquet along the ground and sweeps it upward

    Hyper Attacks:
    Whamm Slam*: Runs forward, chopping up and down with a racquet while crying. 8 hits
    Momo Crusher: Does a Rocket Racquet up, then falls down with a Spin Smasher. 10 hits
    Against the Wall: Level 3. Dives at her victims feet (C) throws the victim into the air and repeatedly
  • bounces the victim back up with tennis ball hits from a single ball. 8 hits. Block low.

    Enter: Skips on screen while singing "La la tra la la"
    Taunt: Spins in a circle and claps
    Victory: Runs around in cirlces, giggling like a little girl.

  • Nagare

    A swimmer from Gorin High School. Nagare is perhaps the scariest character in Rival Schools, mostly because he nothing but a jacket, speedo, and flippers. His strong point is that his moves are beyond weird. While not really important to the Project Justice story, Nagare is one of the strangest new additions.

    Strategy: As would be expected off a swimmer, his air attacking capabilities are high. Unfortunately for Nagare, speedos do not provide much protection, so his defense is horrible. Using his water kicks and trying to time his concrete dive are best ways to victory.
  • Chain Combo, Breast Stroke, Underwater Dash
  • Sweep Combo, Breast Stroke Kick, Splashing Kick
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Concrete Dive or Breast Stroke
    Similar Fighters: Felicia

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 2 Speed: 6 Strength: W Weakness: S Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Concrete Dive*: Jumps into the air, and lands in a dive. Leaves him wide open if he misses. (A,no jump)
    Breast Stroke Kick*: Sorta lays down and kicks with his feet, sending out short ranged water blasts. 3 hits (W)
    Breast Stroke*: Swims forward hanging in mid-air. 3 hits (A)
    Artificial Respirator: Jumps forward (T) and starts giving his opponent CPR.
    Basic Throw: Jumps up and drops kicks his opponent
    Bonus Abilities: Air Dash
    Launcher: A double upward arm sweep. 2 hits

    Hyper Attacks:
    Splashing Kick*: Sits down and kicks his legs, sending massive water waves forward. 12 hits (W)
    Underwater Dash: Swims upward at a 45 degree angle. His arm motions cause damage. 8 hits
    Synchronize Swimmers: Dashes forward (C) and Nagare and his opponent start doing synchro swimming. (W)

    Enter: Walks forward making swimming motions with his arms
    Taunt: Hops on one foot then hits himself on the head
    Victory: Puts his arms at his side and begins panting

  • Zaki

    Zaki is enroled at the same all girls school as Akira. She is trained as a ninja who specializes with a length of chain. After Akira defeats her, Zaki agrees to help the new student to investigate the strange happenings around the school.

    Strategy: Zaki is definitely good at the waiting game. Stand around and charge her chain. One special note is that her chain can defeat projectiles, although it reduces the effectiveness of her chain attack to do so. Her moves are far more effective when charged, but it takes over 4 seconds to fully charge, which is actually quite a long time.
  • Chain Combo, Hakou no Tessa or Douuhehi or Genkou Geri or Lonesome Pride or H. Inuzuma Geri
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Kuuha no Tessa
    Similar Fighters: Omega Red

    Stats: Power: Energy: Defense: Speed: Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Hakou no Tessa*: Spins her chain around and then throws it out. Chargable. 1 to 8 hits
    Douuhehi no Tessa*: Same as Hakou no Tessa, except that the chain goes along the ground. Charge. 1 to 8 hits
    Lonesome Pride*: Zaki does a medium ranged drop kick
    Genkou Geri: Leaps forward with a downward kick. Block high. Can be done twice in a row
    Kuuha no Tessa: Another chargable chain attack. This one sends a chain up-forward at an angle. 1 to 8 hits
    For each two seconds of charging, gains 3 more hits to chains.
    Basic Throw: Wraps her chain away her victim for 7 slaps
    Launcher: An upward sweep of her chain

    Hyper Attacks:
    Hissatsu Inuzuma Geri*: Moves forward doing 4 Genkou Geris and then a Lonesome Pride to finish. 9 hits
    Hissatsu Penkou Tessa: Throws out her chain (C) which chokes her opponent with ripples along the chain. 5 hits
    Bursting Pride: Rushes forward (C) exchanges eye bolts with her victim, then 4 low kicks and hits with one
  • of her victim's allies, if any. This final hit hurts both.

    Enter: Stands bouncing with her back turns, then turns around and smoothes out her hair
    Taunt: Sweeps her hand up over her head
    Victory: Holds her chain lovingly

  • Yurika

    A violin player who goes to the all girls school. However, she is also the sister of Kurow and a member of the Darkside Student Congress. Yurika often feels bad about the lives she destroys as a Congresswoman. Quiet and melancholy, Yurika simply follows Akira around, waiting to complete her mission.

    Strategy: Yurika is completely worthless in hand-to-hand combat. To win, she must make good use of her special and hyper moves. If she gets cornered, its all over.
  • Chain Combo, Tragic Serenade or Tragic Minuet
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Tragic Waltz or Fatal Rondo
  • Chain Combo, Fatal Requiem, Air Combo (optional), Fatal Rondo
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, T. Serenade or T. Lullaby or Fatal Rondo
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 1 Energy*: 9 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Tragic Serenade*: Hops back, sending a projectile of musical notes ahead (A,short range)
    Tragic Waltz*: Slides forward with a stab from her violin bow
    Tragic Lullaby*: Rises into the air, spinning around with notes falling from her. 6 hits (A)
    Tragic Minuet: A quick triple stab attack with her bow.
    Basic Throw: Spins the enemy around and slashes the back of the victim's head with her bow
    Launcher: An upward swing of her bow

    Hyper Attacks:
    Fatal Nocturne*: Slides forward, trailing a series of musical notes. 11 hits
    Fatal Requiem: A series of bow stabs that ends with her launcher. 7 hits
    Fatal Rondo: Does a hyper Lullaby. Rises up with notes. 13 hits (A)

    Enter: Threatens her foes with her bow
    Taunt: Plays music that raises her teams vigor, regardless of groove
    Victory: Stands holding her violin and bow with a smug expression

  • Burning Batsu

    After Hinata is kidnapped by the Darkside Congress and Batsu is struck down in the battle to rescue her, he leaves in agony. He immediately begins intense training. This training transforms him into Burning Batsu, with new moves and a large improvement in his defense.

    Strategy: Burning Batsu is simply an improved version of Batsu. His battle plans are basically the same, except the Burning Batsu is a little stronger and has much high defense.
  • Chain Combo, Guts Bullet or Elbow Burn x 2 or Burning Bullet or Burning Guts Upper
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Guts Bullet or Shooting Star or Burning Star
  • Sweep Combo, Burning Guts Upper
  • Chain Combo, Guts Bullet, Burning Bullet
    Similar Fighters: Batsu, Ken/Ryu Family

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 5 Defense*: 10 Speed: 4 Ratio: 3 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Guts Bullet*: Throws a large projectile straight ahead (A,downward)(F)
    Elbow Burn*: Does a jumping uppercut. May be done twice in a row. 3 hits a piece(F)
    Crescent Star*: Jumps forward with a kick that must be blocked high. 2 hits
    Shooting Star: Air Only. Dives downward with a kick, just like Akuma's classic move. 3 hits
    Basic Throw: Pushes his foe back while tripping
    Launcher: A basic standing uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Burning Bullet*: Throws a giant Guts Bullet that travels in a flash. 5 hits (A,downward)(F)
    Burning Guts Upper: Dashes forward, then does an uppercut that sends a blast of fire up. 8 hits (F)
    Burning Star: Air Only. Does a shooting star that hits 8 times (S)
    Imawano Mozo Otoshi: Reaches out (T) and does a jumping, spinning piledriver. High damage.

    Enter: Rears back and does a quiet scream
    Taunt: Moves his arms as if swatting flies
    Victory: Wipes sweat off his face and wanders away
