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Samuria Troopers

Ryo | Anubis | Ancient One |



The leader of the Ronin Warriors (Samuria Troopers). Ryo (pronounced Rye-oo in the US) wears the armor of Wild-fire, the armor of virtue. Using the twin Swords of Fervor, Ryo is the most powerful warrior among the Ronin. Also, Ryo can transform Wildfire into Inferno, armor with much greater powers. He uses Inferno during his Hypers.

Strategy: Although kinda slow, Ryo is best off staying fairly close to the enemy. His swords and specials give him range long that most characters cannot compete with. Stay within your sword range, ducking out occasionally to launch a longer ranged special.
  • Chain Combo, Burning Slash or Rage of Inferno
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Flare Up
  • Sweep Combo, Flame Spire
    Similar Fighters: Captain Commando

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 8 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Sword Windmill*: A spinning blade slash attack
    Flame Spire*: Creates a pillar of flame in front of himself. (F)
    Burning Slash*: A long distance flaming sword slash. Like Strider?s Gram slash (A)(F)
    Power of the Ronin:
  • Kento: The Ronin of Earth causes an earthquake similar to Hulk?s (E)
  • Rowen: Fires a holy-energized arrow. (H)
  • Sai: Rushes forward to grab the enemy with his staff
  • Sage: Jumps into the air comes down with a lightning based sword attack (S)
    Bonus: When in danger, Ryo gains +2 defense.
    Launcher: Rising sword sweep
    Hyper Attacks:
    Note: Transforms into Inferno for hypers.

    Rage of Inferno*: Touches his blades together, and thin lines of fire shoot out. 20 hits (A)(F)
    Flare Up: Jumps upward swinging a very large curve of flame. 12 hits (A)(F)
    Ronin Shockwave: Swings a sword (C) kicks the enemy upward, Ronin Teams beat up. Like Commando's thing. 12 hits
    Power of Inferno: Transforms into Inferno. All stats, except speed, raised by 3 points. 15 secs

    Enter: One arm up, one forward and slides in front. Transformation from show
    Taunt: Connects his swords hilt to hilt and swings it over one shoulder.
    Victory: Changes into the Inferno armor

  • Anubis

    The leader of the Dark Warlords. Anubis wears the armor of Loyalty, which the Dynasty turned into the armor of Cruelty. As the battle with the Ronins progresses, Anubis begins to question Talpa's loyalty to himself and the other warlords.

    Strategy: Anubis relies on fore thought. His chain attacks are slow to recover, so they must be used with caution. One weakness is that Anubis lacks much variety for his specials, although his hypers are decent. Use the Trick Chain to fool the enemy, because it causes the block direction to change.
  • Chain Combo, Scythe Chain or Chain Claw or Quake with Fear
    Similar Fighters: Omega Red, Hulk

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Shadow Shock*: A wave of blackness swirls around Anubis. (D)
    Scythe Chain*: Throws the scythe end of his chain straight or upward at 45 degrees. (A)
    Chain Claw*: Throws the clawed end of the chain. Used to throw the enemy. (A)
    Warlord Call:
  • Fang Strike: Sekmet uses his swords to form a whip. Poisons the enemy (B)
  • Black Flash: Kail attacks with Black lightning. A small ball forms in front of him (D&S)
    Launcher: Swings his scythe weapon up
    Hyper Attacks:
    Quake with Fear*: Chains fly out from Anubis. Each can hit up to 5 times for up to 30 hits.(D)
    Trick Chain: Throws the chain into the ground behind the enemy. Pulls rocks like Hulk's. Reverses block direction! 10 hits(E)

    Web of Deception: Dais jumps out and shoots a giant web out his back (C) Like Venom Web. 8 hits

    Enter: Standing as a human, a shadow crosses over him, and he is wearing his armor
    Taunt: Laughs insanely
    Victory: More insane laughter

  • Ancient One

    An ancient monk who is the last of his clan. The Ancient One is mostly an instructor and teacher to the Ronins, but can kick some serious booty himself when he gets the chance. He wields the Staff of Ancients that lets him focus the combined power of his forgotten, extinct clan.

    Strategy: The key to victory with the Ancient One is to bombard the enemy non-stop with a variety of specials. Try to keep the staff charged up as much as possible, because all his specials, except the Holy Shock, use the staff. If you don't use variety, the opponent will predict your moves and get you.
  • Sweep Combo, Staff of Ancients or Ancient Beam
  • Launcher, Stairway to Heaven
    Similar Fighters: Gambit

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: H Weakness: D Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ancient Ray*: Fires a beam of energy from his staff (A)(H)
    Staff of Ancients*: Rushes forward with a three hit combo attack
    Ancient Beam*: A beam attack bursts from under the ground, directly under the enemy (A)(H)
    Holy Shock: Surrounds himself with a burst of holy energy (H)
    Staff Charging: Temporarily raises the staff's power. The same as power +2 for punches only.
    Launcher: Stabs the staff into the ground, causing a burst of energy (H)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Stairway to Heaven*: A pillar of light springs from the ancient One. 20 hits (H)
    Heart of Old: Jumps to a wall and throws slanted pillars of light. 8 hits. Just like Cajun Explosion (H)
    Oh, Ancients!: Strikes the ground (C) and a hole opens under the enemy. Drops them in. Massive Damage. (E)

    Enter: The ringing staff lowers gently and the Ancient appears
    Taunt: Reaches up to play with his hat
    Victory: Sticks the staff into the ground and vanishes. The staff pings.
