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The Pretty Sailor Soldiers

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Usagi (Moon) | Mamoru (Tuxedo) | Fiore | Chibi Chibi | Haruka(Uranus) | Makoto (Jupiter) | Setsuna (Pluto) | Kaolinite | Galaxia | Fish Eye | Moonlight Knight | Endymion |


Usagi / Serena (US)

When the forces of the Dark Kingdom begin to invade Earth, a guardian cat named Luna visits a 14-year old Japanese girl named Tsukino Usagi (Rabbit of the Moon) and gives her a brooch to transform into a Sailor Soldier, Sailor Moon. The moves for Usagi are based on abilities from all 5 seasons of the shows.

Strategy: Nearly all of her attacks are projectiles, so don't fight in melee unless it is absolutely necessary.
Battle-plan: If you can get close to her, her only defense is the Spiral Heart Attack.
  • Chain Combo, Moon Scepter or Spiral Heart Attack
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Rainbow Heartache
    Similar Fighters: Psylocke

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 7 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Moon Scepter*: Fires a crescent shaped energy wave. (A)(H)
    Spiral HeartAttack*: Spins on her feet with her wand extended. Moves forward
    Moon Healing*: Uses the Cresent Wand to Heal.
    Gorgeous Mediation: Uses a sword like weapon to fly in 1 of 8 directions.(A)
    Summon Soldier:
  • Mars: Shoots a lick of flame from her hands (F)
  • Venus: Swings a chain of energy, hits 4 times (H)
  • Mercury: Uses a ground moving wave of water energy (W)
  • Jupiter: Underhands a ball of lightning at the enemy. (S)
    Launcher: Punches upward with a random rod weapon
    Hyper Attacks:
    Rainbow Heartache*: Raises the Heart Wand and hearts fly in all directions. Think Psylocke. 17 Hits (A)(H)
    Planet Attack: All 4 summons soldiers at once. Moon does a moon scepter. Each does 3 hits.(HHFWS)
    Crisis Make-up: Turn into Super Sailor Moon, all stats up 2. 10 secs
    Silver Millennium: In danger only. Fires a powerful homing beam at the enemy. 50% chance SM dies. 20 hits (H)

    Enter: Spins around shooting heart and turns into Sailor Moon. See gif
    Taunt: Usagi does her pre-battle arm posing
    Victory: The entire team shows up and does the "I'll punish you" (Tsukine karate, ashokio)

  • Mamoru / Darien(US)

    Mamoru turns into Tuxedo Kamen (Mask) whenever Sailor Moon is in danger. Mamoru was the prince of the Earth over 1,000 years ago. When he was killed in a battle against the Dark Kingdom, Queen Serenity of the Moon sent the souls of the fallen into the present world. Mamoru and Usagi were to be married in the ancient days.

    Strategy: The most capable of melee combat of all the Sailor Moon characters. Try to use the Rose attack, then keep the enemy busy with melee attacks until you can use Blossom Crash
    Battle-plan: A melee figther, but with weak power and speed. The Staff Extension, if avoided, will still extend all the way out, leaving him defenseless.
  • Red Rose, Chain Combo, Blossom Crash
  • Chain Combo, Tuxedo Mirage or Staff Rush
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Rose Storm or Staff Extension
  • Sweep Combo, Rose Vine
    Similar Fighters: Gambit

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 6 Speed: 5 Strength: E Weakness: D Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Red Rose*: Throws a rose at the enemy. The rose will stick to the enemy (A,downward)(E)
    Staff Extension*: Holds his staff like a pool cue and it extends across the screen.(A)
    Staff Rush*: Performs 4 swiping attacks with the staff
    Rose Vine: Throws a rose into the ground and a vine grows upward (A)(E)
    Launcher: An upward sweep of his cloak
    Hyper Attacks:
    Rose Storm*: Throws 20 roses forward at a variety of angles (E)
    Blossom Crash: Must have a rose sticking on them. Rose petals fly upward from the enemy. 16 hits (A)(E)
    Tuxedo Mirage: Gets the past prince's sword and does a Hayato like sword attack. 12 Hits

    Enter: A circle of roses hit the ground and he jumps down
    Taunt: Stands straight and announces his identity
    Victory: Takes out a rose to give to the enemy

  • Fiore

    When he was young, Fiore crash landed on Earth and was saved by a young Mamoru. After he recovered his health, Mamoru gave Fiore the rose that Usagi had just given him as a farewell gift. Fiore promised to return with the perfect flower for Mamoru one day. Now he has come back with a sentient blossom that feeds on human energy.

    Strategy: High power, but with low defense. Fiore could be a good melee fighter except for the D. Fiore works best as a middle ranged fighter.
    Battle-plan: Get close to him, and he's all yours.
  • Sweep Combo, Ivy Spike or Dark Energy
  • Chain Combo, Dark Blast or Spiny Revenge
    Similar Fighters: Marrow, Amingo

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ivy Drain*: Fiore's arm turns into a vine and grabs the enemy. Drains HP (D)
    Giest Attack*: the energy of the evil flower flows around Fiore shaped like a woman (D)
    Ivy Spike*: Shoots a vine downward and a large thorn bursts out of the ground (E)
    Dark Blast: Fiore shots a beam of dark energy. (A)(D)
    Gather Energy: A ball of energy gathers on Fiore's hand and raises his vigor.
    Launcher: Punches the ground, causing dark energy to rise up at his feet (D)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Dark Energy*: Streams of energy shoot in 8 directions from a large ball. 24 hits (D)
    Spiny Revenge: Fiore's finger nails shoot out and crush the enemy. Like Marrow's Bone Crush. 6 hits
    Colony Drain: Grabs the enemy and steals HP and one level of vigor (D)

    Enter: Looks human, surrounded by rose petals, and becomes Fiore
    Taunt: Becomes covered in roses
    Victory: Picks up the enemy, hands burst out of the ground and drain energy.

  • Chibi Chibi

    The toddler from the Sailor Stars series. Chibi Chibi randomly fell from the sky, much like Chibi-usa. Although none of the Senshi know who Chibi Chibi is, she joins them in their fight against Galaxia. She may be small (very, very small), but she may quite possibly be the most powerful Sailor Soldier in the universe. NOTE: Stars has never been shown in the US and probably never will be.

    Strategy: The best thing about Chibi Chibi is her extremely small size. She can literally walk under attacks that most characters couldn't avoid by ducking! Her special attacks are kind of slow, but horrendously powerful for a 2-year-old.
    Battle Plan: Her greatest weakness is the same as her strength. Because she is so short, her attacks don't move high enough to hit her enemies in the air. Also, if you can force her into melee, she has no chance.
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Chibi Blast or Tier Flash
  • Chain Combo, Chibi Blast or Sacred Shooting Stars
    Similar Fighters: Psylocke, Sailor Moon

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 10 Defense: 2 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: T

    Special Moves:
    Scent of the Butterfly*: Chibi throws a red glowing butterfly. Flies slowly, but homes (A)(H)
    Chibi Blast*: Gathering energy around herself, Chibi flies forward. (A)(H)
    Tier Flash*: Chibi fires a ray made up of white feathers. Fair sized beam attack(A)(H)
    Shining Star: A pulse of light surrounds Chibi-Chibi (H)
    Star-lights: Chibi Chibi summons the Star-lights
  • Serious Laser: Star Fighter fires a laser at the enemy
  • Sensitive Inferno: Star Healer throws a ball of electricity (S)
  • Gentle Uterus: Star Maker fires 3 balls of energy in 3 directions (P)
    Launcher: Hops up in joy with a smile and her arms up in the air
    Hyper Attacks:
    Light of Hope*: Chibi radiates a huge pillar of light energy. 24 hits (H)
    Sacred Shooting Stars: All 3 Star-lights come out and all attack together. 18 hits (S,P)
    Sword of Sealing: Chibi transforms into a sword, and moves forward in an 12 hit combo.

    Enter: A diamond shaped star seed falls out of the sky, turns into Chibi
    Taunt: Silently prays to the stars
    Victory: Prays, and ripples of light move out from Chibi Chibi

  • Haruka / Amara(US)

    The Sailor Soldier of the Heavens, Sailor Uranus. She first appeared when she and her partner, Sailor Neptune, were searching for the pure heart talismans. The pair is very bi-sexual, and seems to flirt with just about anything human. Haruka wields her talisman weapon, the Moon Dagger. Haruka is very gruff and will let nothing get in the way of her mission. She will accept any sacrifice to save her planet, be it innocent lives or even her own.

    Strategy: Like most of the Sailors, Uranus is at her best from a distance. Try to keep the opponent just out of their melee range with World Shaking and Heavenly Winds to counter air raids. Use her sword specials if the enemy gets too close for comfort.
    Battle Plan: Although made for distance combat, her attacks have a huge gap. When fighting her, you are safe in the air anywhere except directly over her. Use this to move in close to her.
  • Chain Combo, World Shaking or Space Sword Blaster
  • Launcher, Heavenly Winds
  • Sweep Combo, Pure Talisman
    Similar Fighters: Terry Bogart(?)

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    World Shaking*: Haruka punches the ground, and a ball of energy rushes along the ground (E)
    Heavenly Winds*: A swirl of wind rises around Haruka (B)
    Dagger of the Moon*: Charges the enemy (C), grabs and slices the enemy. (A)
    Force Counter: A counter attack. Blocks an attack and slashes with the Dagger
    Track Star: Use this ability to raise Speed by 2 points temporarily.
    Launcher: A rising slash with her Moon Dagger
    Hyper Attacks:
    Space Sword Blaster*: Swings the Dagger, shooting sword-shaped beams(Think Jhun KOF). 21 hits. (B)
    Heaven Crash: Does a World Shaking (C), pops the enemy up, 10 hit air combo.
    Pure Talisman: Dashes forward while swinging the Dagger in a 15 hit attack.

    Enter: Spins around and a Heavenly Winds surrounds her
    Taunt: Arms over chest and says "Sailor Uranus, appearing gorgeously"
    Victory: Neptune drops in, and the 2 go back-to-back

  • Makoto/Lita

    The Soldier of Thunder, Sailor Jupiter. When she is forced to transfer schools because of fighting, Makoto meets Usagi. After falling for a crane game guy, he pisses her off and she tries to kick his ass, except a youma interferes. She then discovers her sailor transformation. Makoto is a blackbelt martial artist and likes cleaning and cooking.

    Strategy: She would be a good melee fighter except for the defense. Although many of her moves are melee range, staying too close isn't a good idea. Stay back a little and wait for your opponent to make a mistake.
  • Chain Combo, Wide Pressure or Thunder Clap
  • Sweep Combo, Thunder Crash
  • Rose Pierce into corner, Oak Evolution
    Similar Fighters: Terry Bogart, K Prime, Blackheart

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 6 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Strength: S Weakness: H Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Thunder Crash*: A bolt of lightning hits her head, and shoots along the ground (S)
    Wide Pressure*: Under hand throws a ball of lightning (A)(S)
    Voltage Punch*: Dashes forward with a first encased in lightning (S)
    Combo Throw: Leaps forward (C) and judo-throws the enemy. Do move mid-throw to do a second
    Launcher: An upward sweeping kick that sends the enemy flying.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Oak Evolution*: Spins around shooting wide pressure projectiles in all directions. Up to 27 hits (S)
    Thunder Clap: Throws a Wide Pressure shot that explodes into a sphere of lightning on contact. 15 hits (S)
    Supreme Dragon: Creates a dragon made of lightning. Flies upward at a 45 angle. 10 hits (S)
    Rose Pierce: Throws an earring (C) that the enemy dodges, and Makoto hits them with a 10 hit combo.

    Enter: With back turned, 3 rings of lightning go around her. See Gifs
    Taunt: Pose from the picture 2
    Victory: Does the picture pose with lightning bolts behind her

  • Setsuna

    The lonely soldier charged with keeping the Gate of Time out of evil hands. Sailor Pluto has lived all alone for millennia, guarding the Doorway. However, when the Death Busters assault the Earth, she is forced to leave her post, for she has the ultimate power that Sailor Moon needs to defeat them. Setsuna is very lonely, having spent centuries guarding the Gate of Time. She is quiet and reserved, easily the most mature of the Sailor Soldiers.

    Strategy: Setsuna's best abilities are her enhancement related moves. It can be very useful to keep your fighters with Speed up, while not letting the enemy use any non-hyper enhancements. Her fighting skills leave a little to be desired, but the Dead Scream attacks are worthwhile.
  • Chain Combo, Key Strike
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Dead Scream or Time Disruption
  • Launcher, Time Storm
    Similar Fighters: Gambit

    Stats: Power: Energy: Defense: Speed: Strength: P,D Weakness: S Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Dead Scream*: Fires a large purple orb from her staff. (A,downward)(D)
    Speed Up*: Assist only. Setsuna raises the speed of an ally by 2 points
    Key Strike*: Does a multiple hit combo using her key-staff
    Reduction: The gem of her staff flashes, and all non-hyper enhancers are removed. Drain effects are removed too.
    Launcher: A rising staff attack
    Hyper Attacks:
    Time Disruption*: A really large Dead Scream. Hits 12 times. (A)(D)
    Time Taboo: If the enemy is not blocking, a gem flash leaves the enemy frozen for 5 seconds. TIME FREEZE
    Time Storm: A tornado-shaped rip in time is centered on Setsuna. Very Tall. 8 hits. See Pluto Planet Power gif (P)

    Enter: Pluto Planet Power. A time storm swirls around her. See Gifs page
    Taunt: Holds her staff over her hand with one hand. Staff is parallel to her back
    Victory: Holds the staff up, one hand holding it, the other touchin the gem. Smoke swirls around her.

  • Kaolinite

    The assistant of Professor Tomoe. Kaolinite was created by the Professor using human DNA and the essence of Pharaoh 90. She has great power, even standing up the combined power of 5 of the Sailor Soldiers. She will do anything for her creator, including sacrificing her own life if necessary.

    Strategy: Kaolinite's main strength is her ranged attacks. All of her moves have range to them, making her good at a distance, but not in hand-to-hand combat. Stay away, using her hair moves if the enemy tries to get closer.
  • Chain Combo, Crystal Freeze, Wild Braid or Buster Freeze
  • Sweep Combo, Crystal Blade, Air Combo, Wild Braid or Hair Throw
    Similar Fighters: Sindel

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy:* 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: W Weakness: E Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Hair Throw*: Whips out her hair. If it hits, Kaolinite throws the enemy with her hair (A)
    Crystal Freeze*: Shoots several thin shards of ice in a group. Stuns the enemy if hits (A,downward)(W)
    Pharaoh Shield*: Places a shield on herself or an ally that protects from one projectile
    Crystal Blade: Makes a sword out of ice and swings it. Launcher (W)
    Basic Throw: Does a variation of the hair throw attack
    Bonus Abilities: Teleport, Levitation (Vertical Flying)
    Launcher: Ducks down and her hair stabs upward
    Hyper Attacks:
    Wild Braid*: Bends over and her hair comes alive. It flails wildly. 20 hits (A,upward)
    Buster Freeze: Swings the ice sword and a wave of ice flies forward. 16 hits (W)
    Force of Mistress: Gives Kaolinite Super Armor 3 for 12 seconds

    Enter: Standing in a lab coat, teleports forward, out of coat
    Taunt: Leans forward slightly and laughs
    Victory: Her hair comes to life, moves around over her head.

  • Galaxia

    Galaxia is a being from space. Her plan is stop the cycle of the Sailor Wars by destroying the entire universe. Once, she was the strongest soldier in the galaxy, Sailor Galaxia. But after defeating Chaos, she became evil and twisted. Unlike the Sailor Senshi, which draw the power of a single star or planet, Galaxia can take power from the entire Milky Way galaxy!

    Strategy: Galaxia is hard to fight. She has plenty of projectiles to counter a mid or far ranged plan as well as her sword to win battles up close. Since all of her moves are ranged, the safest place to be in close to counter her moves before they start. However, don't let any weakened fighters near her when she has the sealing sword, or she may instantly kill them!
  • Chain Combo, Star Stealing or True Star Seed
  • Sweep Combo, Column of Decay or Star Wave or Gravity Swell
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 10 Defense: 7 Speed: 5 Strength: D,P Weakness: H Ratio: 3

    Special Moves:
    Star Stealing*: Fires a projectile from her bracelets. If it hits, works as a Drain attack (P)
    Absorb Energy*: Puts her hand out, and a field of energy surrounds her. Projectile hits are converted into vigor
    Column of Decay*: A column of energy rises from under the enemy. 4 hits (P)
    Star Wave: With Sealing Sword only. Sends a wave of energy along the ground. Pulls enemies toward the ground (E)
    Anima Mates: Calls one of her henchwomen
  • Lead Crow: Throws a vial into the air. Turns into a mini black hole on contact (D)
    Tin Nyanko: Fires a bazooka shaped like a cat's leg
  • Aluminum Siren: Throws junk food at the enemy, lowering their speed by 1.
    Basic Throw: Wraps the enemy in black tendrils. Holds the enemy until hit
    Bonus Abilities: Regeneration
    Launcher: Brings her hand up with a golden bolt of energy following it (P)
    Hyper Attacks:
    True Star Seed*: Fires 15 Star Stealing shots rapid fire in a spray. One Drain per 4 hits (P)
    Gravity Swell: Like the star wave, travels along the ground. If the enemy is airborne over it, they are pulled down. 15 hits (P)
    Sword of Sealing: Galaxia gets a sword! Power + 2 plus increased range.
    Shattered Hope: With Sealing Sword only. 3 vigor levels. Quickly dashes forward with a sword hit. Little damage.
  • However, if the enemy has less than 1/2 of their life left, their body shatters. Death and no resurrection.

    Enter: Black tendrils wrap together and explode, leaving Galaxia
    Taunt: A glowing spiral winds around Galaxia
    Victory: Raises her arms in victory and dozens of diamond shaped Star Seeds appear

  • Fish Eye

    Believe it or not, that is supposed to be a guy. Fish Eye is the cross-dressing member of the Amazon Trio. His powers derive from fish, but that doesn't exactly give him much. As such, Fish Eye is basically worthless in combat and is often falling for cute boys (watch the subtitled).

    Strategy: The main reason to select Fish Eye is either to complete a Dead Moon Circus Theme Team or to simply freak out the enemy with his girlish good looks. The Dagger attacks are powerful for a ratio one, but it is almost impossible to hit the enemy with them.
  • Sweep Combo, Balancing Ball
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 1 Defense*: 6 Speed: 5 Strength: W Weakness: S Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Dagger Miss*: Throws a dagger in an arc that is guaranteed to miss the active fighter, but may hit assisting fighters
    Balancing Ball*: Stands on a big ball and rolls it forward. Falls on his butt before too long
    Ballet Spin*: A Tutu magically appears on him and he does a spinning motion with his knee out.
    Basic Throw: Pushes back, opens a portal below the enemy, fall in, then drop out of the sky
    Launcher: Fish eye brings his leg up in an upward sweep
    Hyper Attacks:
    Swim Up Stream*: Throws 10 Dagger Misses. These ones have a chance to hit.

    Enter: A blue circle appears in mid air and Fish Eye dives out.
    Taunt: Blushes, touches his cheeks and quivers with an anime girl laugh
    Victory: Changes into a dress (ack!)

  • Moonlight Knight

    A mysterious fighter who appears to help Sailor Moon during the Makiju Alien Saga. Like Tuxedo Mask, he uses roses as a weapon. However, his roses are white, unlike Mamoru's which are red. He is not Mamoru, because he saves him from a Cardian! He fights with his white roses and with an orante looking scimitar. The Japanese name is the Tsukikage Knight, which simply means Moonlight Knight when translated correctly.

    Strategy: Try to keep a rose stuck in your enemies at all times. To counter slower fighters, simply use Blooming to defeat attacks. The Pale Shadow attack can also defeat most melee attacks. Including his added range from his sword, and you have a powerful mid-ranged fighter.
  • Chain Combo, Pale Flower or Rose Storm
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Desert Night or Sand Storm
    Similar Fighters: Tuxedo Mask, Gambit

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Strength: H Weakness: P Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    White Rose*: Throws a white rose at the enemy. Sticks in the victim (A,downward)(H)
    Desert Night*: Jumps up, then flies forward with a sword attack
    Pale Flower*: A jumping uppercut attack. 2 hits
    Blooming: Only when enemy has a rose in them. Energy flows from the rose, causing damage. 5 hits (H)
    Pale Shadow: A counter attack that counters with the Pale Flower attack
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy away, then does a dashing slice
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump
    Launcher: An upward sword sweep
    Hyper Attacks:
    Rose Storm*: Throws 20 roses in a spread straight ahead. (H)
    Tsukikage: Dashes forward (C) slashes through the enemy. No damage until he sheaths his blade at the end
    Sandstorm: Throws a White Rose. It flies through the enemy and comes around for 10 hits total. Free Movement.

    Enter: Cherry Blossoms fall out a tree and Moonlight Knight fades in
    Taunt: Dramatically sheaths his blade
    Victory: Turns his back, Says "Adieu" and fades away

  • Endymion

    Mamoru's (Darien's) true self. Back in the days of Silver Millennium, his soul was known by the name Endymion. After the Moon Kingdom fell, Queen Serenity reincarnated all of her subjects into the future, our present. When the Dark Kingdom discovered Tuxedo Mask's true identity, they captured him, erased his memory, and transformed him back into his Endymion persona, now as a general of the Dark Kingdom.

    Strategy: Like many Sailor Moon fighters, Endymion is not a good melee fighter. Instead, he relies on his special abilities to see him through his matches. His specials are not very comboable, but each is useful for a single hit if times correctly.
  • Chain Combo, Black Rose or Silence Wave
  • Sweep Combo, Flash Blade (short) or Maw of Freezing
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo (optional), Flash Blade
    Similar Fighters: Tuxedo Mask, Gambit
    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 8 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Special Moves:
    Black Rose*: Throws a black rose straight ahead. Sticks into its victim (D)
    Flash Blade*: Jumps up and dives down at an angle with a sword stab. 2 hits (A)
    Black Crystal*: Tosses a black prism into the air, and it releases energy that transforms his enemy into a helpless little thing
    Silence Wave: Dashes forward with a downward sweeping sword. Can move through projectiles (A)
    Endymion's Blade: Swings his blade (C) and performs a 4 hit slashing combo.(D)
    Basic Throw: A simple sword dash through the enemy, turns and throws a rose into the victim as well. 2 hits (D)
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Jump
    Launcher: An uppercut type punch
    Hyper Attacks:
    Shattering Shards*: Throws a pillar of ice, that shatters, sending forth many small shards. 37 hits (W)
    Death Vine: Only if a rose is stuck in the enemy (C) vines grow around the victim and Endymion does
  • 4 sword dashes through the enemy. Unblockable (D)
    Royal Beheading: Swings his arm upward (T) holding his enemy by the neck, and pumping dark energy into the victim. 8 hits (D)
    Maw of Freezing: A pillar of ice grows under the enemy. 5 hits, but then the ice shatters. 15 hits (W).

    Enter: Tuxedo Mask turns and throws his outfit off, revealing Endymion's armor
    Taunt: Turns back into Tuxedo Mask and laughs
    Victory: Absorbs his victim into the Dark Crystal.
