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Street Fighter 3 & EX 3

The Hyper Combo Finish from Street Fighter EX 3. A giant golden Buddha flies at the screen for some reason. SF3: Sean | Alex | Ibuki | Necro | Urien | Yun | Remy | Chun Li | Makoto | Twelve | Yang | Hugo | Elena | Dudley | Oro | Gill |
EX3: Pullam Puruna |

Sean is a Brazilian boy who always wanted to be a Street Fighter. To accomplish his goal, he enters a martial arts tournament. Unfortunately, his first match is against Ken. After a sound thrashing, Ken offers Sean to train with him in the Shotokan style. However, Sean has had little time to train and is still pretty weak. He hates when other fighters mistake him for Dan.

Strategy: He fights much like Ken; Sean usually fights aggressively. The move to remember is the Seat Crush. If the enemy is blocking low, then use it, followed by sweep kicks.
  • Chain Combo, Tornad or Slam Dunk or ANY HYPER
  • Sweep Combo, Shouryuu Cannon
    Similar Fighters: Ken/Ryu Family

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 1 Defense: 5 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Seat Crush*: Does a forward flip, and lands butt-first on the enemy. Cannot be blocked while ducking
    Tornad*: Not a typo. Moves forward while doing spin kicks. A decent hurricane kick
    Slam Dunk*: Spins into the air, arms stretched over his head. Basic uppercut attack
    His taunt can cause damage
    Bonus: Glass shards from his entrance can be stepped on, stunning either player.
    Launcher: Basic uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Hado Burst*: Sean throws a basic Hadoken fireball. Full screen range, 5 hits. Pretty weak
    Shouryuu Cannon: A limited height Slam Dunk (4 hits), followed by a full one(8 hits). 12 hits total
    Hyper Tornado: Does a Tornad attack that rises as he moves forward. Up to 8 hits

    Enter: Slam dunks a basketball, breaks the hoop
    Taunt: A basketball falls out of the sky, he slap passes it at the other player
    Victory: Does a Slam Dunk attack, lands and raises his arm yelling "Ya da de!" (I did it!)

  • Alex

    A successor of Guile, Alex is a member of the United States Armed Forces with the ability to perform Sonic based attacks. However, unlike the SF2 soldier, Alex is much larger and stronger, like Zangief. Alex is a melee fighter, if not a grappler.

    Strategy: Despite his position of Guile's successor, Alex relies mostly on throws and unblockable moves. In fact, all of his hypers are throw based. Staying close to the enemy is a must, as he has no ranged attacks except the Soaring Eagle, which is ideal for moving across the screen.
  • Chain Combo, Sonic Jab or Rising Knee Jab or Boomerang Raid
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Soaring Eagle
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Stun Gun Bomb or Rising Knee Jab
  • Sweep Combo, GI Stomp
    Similar Fighters: Guile, Zangief

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 3 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Sonic Jab*: Steps forward with a single horizontal sweeping punch, the leaves a sonic trail (B)
    Rising Knee Jab*: Jumps forward with a jumping knee attack. (T) Rides his catch to the ground, knees on the victim's gut.
    GI Stomp*: Jumps high and lands with a stomp. Cannot be blocked while crouching
    Jumping DDT: Jumps forward (T) grabs the enemy around the head and slams the victim in the the ground head-first
    Sonic Elbow: Dashes forward with a rising elbow smash
    Soaring Eagle: Air Only. Dives downward. Grabs enemies in mid-air or a simple blow to grounded enemies.
    Stun Head Butt: Reaches out (T) for a head butt that pushes the enemy away.
    Basic Throw: Trips the enemy for a falling elbow attack
    Launcher: A hopping shoulder ram

    Hyper Attacks:
    Boomerang Raid*: Moves forward with a series of Sonic Jabs, then reaches out of a throw at the end. 12 hits (B)
  • PS: The throw will connect even against blocking enemies, but doesn't do much damage.
    Hyper Bomb: Reaches forward (T) for a jumping suplex. Very powerful
    Stun Gun Bomb: Jumps upward (T) and lands with a suplex on the enemy. Not quite as powerful, more range.

    Enter: Rips off his shirt
    Taunt: Loosens up his shoulder
    Victory: Half turns and raises his arm in victory

  • Ibuki

    A school girl turned ninja. Ibuki may only attend high school, but she is trained in the deadly arts of the Ninja. She seems to have been trained in part by Rolento, since many of her moves are mimics of his.

    Strategy: Ibuki's greatest strength is her unbelievable speed. She can fly around with her double jump ability. Even though Ibuki does not have many abilities that are useable in mid-air, she has enough to be effective. Her melee skills are low, so do not remain toe-to-toe for long.
  • Chain Combo, Wind Kick x 3 or Yoroi Doushii
  • Chain Combo, Wind Kick x 2, Yoroi Doushii or Yumi Shigure
  • Sweep Combo, Yumi Shigure
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Cannon
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Air Cannon or Makong Blow or Kasumi Suzaku
    Similar Fighters: Rolento

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed*: 9 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Makong Blow*: Jumps up and throws a knife downward at a variety of angles. (A,no jump)
    Air Cannon*: A straight up jumping leap with a straight up kick. 2 hits (B)(A)
    Ninja Dance*: Leaps forward (C) and performs a three hit series of kicks on the opponents head
    Throat Ripping: Slides along the ground (C,block low) and cuts the enemy's throat from behind
    Wind Kicks: A horizontal sweeping kick that has wind energy. May be done 3 times, the last one can be low (B)
    Azure Flip: Does a jumping flip forward. Ibuki automatically dodges the first attack during this move.
    Basic Throw: Does a throat rip to the enemy
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump
    Launcher: An upward sweeping kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Yoroi Doushii*: Holds out her hand and emits and large globe of energy. 10 hits (B)
    Kasumi Suzaku: Air Only. Throws 12 daggers down at the enemy
    Yumi Shigure: Throws daggers at the ground (C) and dashes through the enemy for 5 hits.
    Ear to Ear Smile: Slides forward (C) for a throat rip, hops up and repeats throat cuts. 5 rising hits. Block low.

    Enter: Puts her mask on her face
    Taunt: Hops forward and performs a leap frog on contact
    Victory: Vanishes in a swirl of leaves

  • Necro

    As a young boy living in Russia, Necro was taken by his government and experiments were performed on him. Now, years later, he has escaped the labs as a freak of nature with the abilities to conduct electricity and stretch his limbs at will. Accompanied by a girl, he fights his battles in the hopes of finding a cure for his genetic tinkering.

    Strategy: Even though Necro has long reach due to his long limbs, most of his moves only have short range. His specials make him into more of a melee fighter than most stretchy limbed fighters are. Medium range is the best place to be, as it allows him to use his abilities to the most effect.
  • Chain Combo, Fist Hurricane or Electric Snake or Slam Dance
  • Sweep Combo, Magnetic Storm or Shocker
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Magnetic Storm (possible to block Storm, but it is very hard)
    Similar Fighters: Dhalsim, Blanka

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: S Weakness: W Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Power Dunk*: Hops forward, or backward, and punches downward with both of his arms. 2 hits
    Shocker*: Steps forward and conducts electricity, shocking nearby enemies. 4 hits
    Fist Hurricane*: Spins around while attacking with both of his arms. 2 hits
    Leg Throw: Reaches out with his arm (T) grabs his victim by the leg for a throw over his head.
    Basic Throw: Slams the victim into the back wall
    Bonus Abilities: Stretching Limbs
    Launcher: A stretchy basic uppercut

    Hyper Attacks:
    Electric Snake*: Sends several bolt of electricity along the ground. 15 hits (S)
    Magnetic Storm: Does a Shocker attack that slowly pulls in the enemy. 14 hit (S)
    Slam Dance: Reaches out (T) jumps into the air and does a Power Dunk into the ground.

    Enter: Necro and his girl are standing there and she runs off laughing
    Taunt: Ties his limbs into a knot
    Victory: Reaches over his head with a stretched arm and pats himself on the back
    Special Death: When Necro is defeated, the girl runs out and lays next to him.
  • Urien

    A strange man who has the power to change his skin to a brownish-grey color. He wears only a thong to his battles. Urien is the younger brother of the goddish Gill. He desires nothing more than to take his brother's immense power and stature.

    Strategy: Urien's strength is his massive attack power. His weakness, however is extremely low comboing ability. Urien is a medium to long range fighter. In battle, he relies mostly on Exploder Shots and Aerial Exploders to win his battles. The only bad thing is that if he charges these moves, he aims in the chosen direction during the charge, giving away your attack before it even happens. Of course, it is possible to use this to lure your opponent, but Urien has fairly long recover time on most of his moves. He also has some very long legs.
  • Chain Combo, Emperor Crush or Tyrant Slaughter
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 7 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: D Weakness: H Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Emperor Crush*: A dashing forward shoulder tackle
    Exploding Shot*: Fires a bullet straight ahead. May be charged for more damage (D)
    Knee Crush*: Jumps into the air, then dives straight down onto the enemy.
    Quaking Fist: Punches the ground, knocking down nearby enemies. No damage
    Aerial Exploder: Same as Exploding Shot, but fires into the air at a variety of angles. Chargable. (D)
    Basic Throw: Slams the enemy straight down into the ground
    Launcher: Quickly kicks straight up

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tyrant Slaughter*: Dashes forward for a quick series of 6 Emperor Crush attacks
    Temporal Thunder: Throws a large globe of energy ahead. Can drag the enemy all the way back to the corner. Up to 20 hits (D,S)
    Aegis Reflector: Creates a field of energy that does minor damage on contact and reflects all projectiles. Lasts 8 seconds (D)

    Enter: Rips off his suit and his skin turns grey
    Taunt: Punches the ground in anger. This is the same as the Quaking Fist
    Victory: Puts his arm up in victory

  • Yun

    Yun is one of the boys trained by the assassin Gen. The one wearing white is Yun. Of the two brothers, Yun is much less aggressive than Yang. Now they both just fight to test their skills. Also, Yun has less a flair for the dramatic than Yang, meaning his moves are not impressive looking, but they do get the job done. His hobbies include skateboarding.

    Strategy: Yun is less aggressive in personality and in battle style. His moves are designed more for a defensive stance. The Back Thrust and Stun Impact moves are fairly short range moves that are not for charging the enemy. The Silent Strike is a quick, dashing move, but it takes a while to recover, making it poor for a forward assault without timing. Note: Genei Jin is not compatible with other hypers. Using a hyper during the Genei Jin immediately cancels it.
  • Chain Combo, Back Thrust or Silent Strike or Sourai Rengeki
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo (Optional), Hazan Kick
    Similar Fighters: Gen, Yang

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 3 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Hazan Kick*: Jumps forward, kicking multiple times in mid-air. 3 hits (A)
    Back Thrust*: Turns around and thrusts his back towards the enemy. A powerful attack
    Silent Strike*: Jumps forward, low to the ground, with a forward flying punch. Covers the entire screen
    Stun Impact: Leans back and gentle pushes forward with both palms. Extremely slow and powerful.
    Gen's Kick: Air Only. Dives downward with a single kick.
    Basic Throw: Pushes the enemy back for a Back Thrust
    Launcher: An upward sweeping finger stabbing strike

    Hyper Attacks:
    Sourai Rengeki*: Moves forward, perform a variety of kicks and punches. Ends with a quick Stun Impact
    You-Hou: Punches forward (C) for a quick series followed by a punch that sends his victim flying backwards. 5 hits
    Genei Jin: Lasts for 8 seconds. 2 shadows of Yun follow him, meaning any blow deals 3 times the hits and damage.

    Enter: A quick bow to his opponent
    Taunt: Takes off his hat and waves it around
    Victory: Puts his hands behind his back and leans backwards

  • Remy

    A French slacker with powers much like Guile. In fact, Remy IS Guile. They have almost exactly the same moves. There is almost no story to SF3, making bio information very hard to WRITE!! His stances and movements make him look very lazy and unmotivated.

    Strategy: Remy plays almost exactly like Guile with only some minor differences. Remy is weaker in melee combat than Guile, but his special moves deal slightly more damage. Also, Remy takes more damage from attacks, but is faster than Guile. Keep Remy away from your opponent, using Flash Rings and Flash Beams to keep your enemy far away. Also, Remy can throw Flash Rings in the air, making him better at keeping your foe away.
  • Chain Combo Flash Ring or Invader or Flash Beam or Rising Rage Flash
  • Sweep Combo, Flash Kick or Rising Rage Flash or Low Flash Ring
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Flash Kick
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flash Ring or Light of Justice
    Similar Fighters: Guile, Charlie

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Flash Ring*: Throws a small disk straight ahead. Fierce version bobs up and down a bit. (B)(A)
    Flash Kick*: Does a forward moving backflip that leaves a sonic trail. 2 hits (B)
    Invader*: Jumps up, then dives forward with a kick. (A)
    Flash Beam: Punches downward, causing a wave of energy to follow his fist a little ways in front of Remy. 2 hits (B)
    Sonic Sizer: Creates a stationary Flash Ring directly in front of him. Still only one hit
    Low Flash Ring: Like Sagat, Remy can throw his projectiles either high or low.
    Basic Throw: Grabs by the face and slams his victim into the ground
    Launcher: A lazy looking upward sweep of his entire arm

    Hyper Attacks:
    Light of Justice*: Throws forward 6 bobbing Flash Rings. Press buttons to throw more, up to 12 total. (B)(A)
    Rising Rage Flash: 2 short height Flash Kicks, followed by a full height one. 10 hits (B)
    Blue Nocturne: Stands ready. If Remy is hit (Counter) he performs a series of blows, ending with a Flash Kick. 9 hits (B)

    Enter: Moves his arm slightly in the general direction of his opponent
    Taunt: See Enter
    Victory: Unzips his coat and stares at his victim

  • Chun Li

    The same Interpol officer that fought Bison in SF2 is now fighting Gill in SF3. Chun-Li has gone through many changes over the years, but the SF3 Chun-Li is best described as the original SF2 Chun-Li. (The other Chun-Li on the SF2 page is based more on the Marvel vs Capcom incarnation.) The only real difference is the level of "spin" she puts in her moves. She spins around in complete circles with nearly ever punch and kick. Chun-Li also acts more mature than in previous games.

    Strategy: This version of Chun-Li is full of little tricks that can be used to get the best of her enemies. The Head Stomp can be used repeatedly if the enemy keeps chasing you while you are jumping. Also, the Flying Reverse doesn't look much like an attack until Chun-Li actually kicks.
  • Chain Combo, Kikouken or Split Dive or Kikoushou or Houyokugen
  • Sweep Combo, Split Dive
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Tensai Renka
  • Chain Combo, Launcher or Houyokugen, Air Combo, Lightning Kicks
    Similar Fighters: Chun Li

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 8 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Spinning Bird Kick*: Flies forward, while hanging upside down with a spinning kick. Up to 8 hits
    Kikouken*: Throws a ball of energy from her palm. Stronger versions have less range than weaker ones. (B)
    Split Dive*: Does a forward flip, ending in the splits. 3 hits
    Lightning Kicks: Kicks her feet very quickly. Can hit up to 6 times before the enemy is forces back (A)
    Head Stomp: Air Only. Chun-Li can land on her victim's head and bounce back up. Can be done multiple times
    Flying Reverse: Does a flip forward and delivers a drop kick in the direction she came from.
    Basic Throw: Uses one arm to push her enemy to the ground
    Bonus Abilities: Wall Jump
    Launcher: A single high kick

    Hyper Attacks:
    Kikoushou*: Holds out both palms, making a shield-shaped field of energy. 10 hits (B)
    Houyokugen: Steps forward with 5 kicks, steps again with 4, then steps forward with a launcher.
    Tensai Renka: Jumps, spinning in the air, and lands in the splits with a short wave along the ground. 12 hits.(B)
  • Note: Last hit cannot be blocked low.

    Enter: Walks on screen like she has a stick up her ass.
    Taunt: Raises one of her legs and wiggles it
    Victory: Crosses her arms over her chest and bows her head

  • Makoto

    Makoto is a rarity in fighting games. For one, she is fully clothed, which is more than most fighting females can say. Also, her moves are far from flashy or impressive. A student of Karate, Makoto relies on quick and powerful motions then waiting for her opponent to react. A unique fighter indeed. She fights for the honor of her family's dojo.

    Strategy: Makoto's style is to hit with one powerful blow then back off and wait for the next opening. She plays almost completely defensive. If you need to become aggressive, use the E. Buster attack to charge forward. The E. Buster is probably her best move, but one of the weakest. Her hypers have little range, thus doing ungodly amounts of damage.
  • Chain Combo, 1-2-3 Buster or E. Buster or Seichusen Godanzuki
  • Sweep Combo, Low Chop
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Flying Ax Kick, Air Combo
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 8 Energy: 3 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Eimakaseito Buster*: Holds her fist up and then charges forward in a sudden rush for a blow. Charge for more damage.
  • Note: If timed right, this move can go through projectiles without damage.
    Aerial Hammer*: Punches straight up with her back hand. Only hits as anti-air. Very powerful, but little range
    Low Chop: A slow chop from over her head to the ground. Must be blocked high
    1-2-3 Buster*: Steps forward, delivering 3 strong punches, then stepping back again.
    Choke Hold: Reaches forward (T) and starts choking her victim. 3 hits
    Flying Ax Kick: Air Only. Moves up a little with a upward sweeping kick
    Basic Throw: Trips an opponent and punches in the gut twice. 3 hits
    Launcher: A rising kick from a crouching position.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Seichusen Godanzuki: A downward punch (C) a quick series of blows, ending with an Aerial Hammer. 6 hits
    Abure Tosanami*: Jumps into the air, then a diving kick (C) followed by a 5 hit combo, ending with an Aerial Hammer. (A,no jump)
    Tenden Renka: Raises her power by 4 and her energy by 2. Lasts about 10 seconds.

    Enter: Sitting on her knees, then rises and yells "Shobu sa (Challenge)"
    Taunt: Pumps her arm into the air and lets out a yell
    Victory: Bows to her defeated opponent

  • Twelve

    An alien being. Twelve's motives are unknown, but he has the ability to morph his body into a variety of weapons, much like Venom.

    Strategy: Twelve has some very interesting moves, but his morphing body can be as confusing to the player controlling him as to your opponent. His attacks can come from weird angles, providing you are good at controlling Twelve's bizarre attacks.
  • Chain Combo, Ground Spikes or Leg Cutter or XNDL
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Morphing Blade or XFLAT
  • Sweep Combo, Ground Spikes or Leg Cutter
    Similar Fighters: Venom

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Ground Spikes*: Puts his hands in the ground and spikes come out of the ground at a selected distance
    Spindel Attack*: Turns his arms into thin whips and flails about. Fairly short range, but up to 12 hits
    Leg Cutter*: Turns himself into a drill and slides along the ground. 5 hits
    Morphing Blade: Air Only. Turns into a projectile and dives downward.
    Basic Throw: Whips the enemy across the screen with a tendril
    Bonus Abilities: Air Dash x 2, Long Range
    Launcher: Turns his arm into an ax and swings it up

    Hyper Attacks:
    XNDL*: Sends a wave of Ground Spikes out in series. Up to 14 hits
    XFLAT: Does a Morphing Blade (C), cuts through the enemy multiple times, then flies up in a sword shape with the enemy. 20 hits
    XCOPY: Transforms into his opponent! Lasts for 15 seconds. All moves are useable. He copies stats as well.

    Enter: Drops from the ceiling, hanging on by one long arm.
    Taunt: Twelve turns invisible
    Victory: Waves his arms around as dozens of thin strands

  • Yang

    The other half of the brothers taught by Gen. He's the one dressed in red. Yang is far more aggressive than his brother, Yun. Yang is the more flamboyant of the two, but his attacks are generally more effective.

    Strategy: Yang is very aggressive and should be played as such. His Foot Joust attack can be used to roll right under some projectiles for a surprise attack. The Seiei Enbu can be very deadly if comboed with Wing Blades or Foot Jousts. Of course, other hypers are not compatible with Seiei Enbu.
  • Chain Combo, Foot Joust (short) or Wing Blade x 3 or Tenshin Senkyutain or Raishin Mahhaken
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Double Kick or Gen's Kick
  • Sweep Combo, Foot Joust or Tenshin Senkyutain
  • Chain Combo, Wing Blade x 2, Raishin Mahhaken
    Similar Fighters: Gen, Yun

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 5 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Foot Joust*: Rolls forward with a rising kick. Can move under some projectiles. 3 hits
    Wing Blade*: Steps forward with a sweep of a cutting blue line. May be done 3 times in a row
    Double Kick*: Jumps forward with a double overhead kick. Cannot be blocked low (A)
    Stun Impact: Leans back and reaches forward for a double palm blow. Very slow and strong.
    Gen's Kick: Air Only. Dives downward with a single kick.
    Basic Throw: Jumps up with a kick to the face and rides the enemy to the ground
    Bonus Abilities: Shadow Slide
    Launcher: A high kick to the face

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tenshin Senkyutain*: Does 2 short height Foot Jousts then a full one. 12 hits
    Raishin Mahhaken: An upward sweep of his hand (C) 3 cutting lines, then Yang dashes forward with a chop. 10 hits
    Seiei Enbu: 2 shadows of Yang follow him. Any hit he delivers counts as 3 for 3 times the damage.

    Enter: A quick bow to the enemy
    Taunt: Runs his hand through his hair
    Victory: Brushes his hand through his hair and walks away, hands in pockets.

  • Hugo

    A German grappler. Hugo is an ex-member of the Mad Gears group, the criminals who haunted Metro City in Final Fight. Now he just fights for money, with his manager Poison, another ex-Mad Gears member.

    Strategy: Hugo is really big and slow. He has a very difficult time landing blows, but each hit may do three times as much damage as most other fighters. Despite his bulk, the Mad Belly Flop and Giga Driver are very quick to start, making it fairly easy to block an attack, then use the throw immediately. However, all of his throws suffer from long recover time if he misses.
  • Chain Combo, Mad Tackle or The Clapper or Hammer Frenzy
  • Toss About, Mad Leap or Megaton Press (ouch)
    Similar Fighters: Zangief
    Stats: Power*: 9 Energy: 3 Defense: 7 Speed: 2 Ratio: 2 Size: L
    Special Moves:
    Mad Tackle*: Runs forward with a clothesline. Good for swatting enemies out of the air
    Mad Leap*: Jumps into the air (T) and lands with a back breaker.
    The Clapper*: Steps forward and claps his hands together. Very painful
    Mad Belly Flop: Grabs the enemy (T) jumps into the air, and lands on top of his victim with a belly flop
    Toss About: Grabs the enemy (T) and throws the victim into the wall. They bounce off.
    Mad Crush: Charges for a moment, then dashes ahead (T) with a body slam. Fairly weak
    Basic Throw: Holds up the enemy and chokes the victim for 8 hits
    Launcher: Turns around and jumps at the enemy butt first
    Hyper Attacks:
    Hammer Frenzy*: Moves forward with a series of 6 Mad Tackles.
    Megaton Press: Jumps into the air (T) lands with a back breaker than falls back on top of the enemy. 3 hits
    Giga Driver: Reaches out (T) jumps for a back breaker, then does an extra high Belly Flop. 3 hits. Extremely powerful.

    Enter: Poison yells some advice to Hugo and wanders off
    Taunt: Flexes his muscles
    Victory: Raises his arm, saying "I am number one!"

  • Elena

    An African princess. She is a master of Capioera, a South American martial arts style in which nearly every attack is done with the legs. This strange style evolved from dancing, making it a very strange looking style, all of which works to Elena's advantage. She fights to protect her people from the outside world which threatens to take away their ancient traditions.

    Strategy: Elena's main strength is her ability to change between high and low strikes very quickly. A weak button Twister Leap can smack a crouching enemy in very little time. Also, she possesses an overhead attack that is done from a crouching position. Very fast and very cheap.
  • Chain Combo, Twister Leap or Rider Horn or Low Tackel x 2 or Spinning Beat
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, High Impact
    Similar Fighters: Eddy Gordo (Tekken)
    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 3 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Special Moves:
    Twister Leap*: Jumps up and lands quickly with a downward kick. Block high. 3 hits
    Rider Horn*: A spin kick, then launches herself forward with a kick. First hit can be anti-air. 3 hits
    High Impact*: A rising flip kick. 3 hits (A)
    Low Tackle: Stands on her hands for a 3 hit sweep combo. May be done twice
    Spin Sai: A crouching spinning high kick. May be done 3 times in a row for 4 hits.
    Basic Throw: Uses one leg to throw her opponent over her head
    Launcher: A one handed hand stand with both legs straight up
    Hyper Attacks:
    Spinning Beat*: Does 2 low High Impacts, followed by a full height one. 14 hits total
    Brave Dance: Hops forward (C) and performs a series of kicks that ends with a High Impact. 12 hits
    Healing of the Earth: Crouches down and heals herself slowly. Lasts until hit, life is filled, or canceled by Elena.

    Enter: Starts off crouched, then does a High Impact into her standing stance
    Taunt: Does a 2-handed handstand
    Victory: Does a 1-handed handstand and spreads her legs and laughs

  • Dudley

    A British millionaire with something to prove. Dudley is rich beyond belief, but he wants to prove he is more than just money. After years of training with world class boxers, Dudley feels it is the time to prove himself in finally hear. Dudley is big and strong, but is a gentleman and sounds and acts like one.

    Strategy: Dudley is strong and quick, a fairly rare combination. His punches are strong enough to inflict massive injure on his opponents. However, his hypers are very powerful, mostly due to short range. A talented player can do a lot of damage while taking very little in return. Basically, Balrog, except better, with an uppercut.
  • Chain Combo, Power Punches or Power Uppercut or Rocket Punch
  • Sweep Combo, Quick Back Punch
  • Leaving an Opening, Take A Hit and Immediately do Rolling Thunder or Corkscrew Blow
    Similar Fighters: Balrog, Ken/Ryu Family
    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Special Moves:
    Power Punches*: Dashes forward with a quick 4 punch combo.
    Power Uppercut*: A basic, jumping uppercut. Dragon Punch. 3 hits
    Quick Back Punch*: Dodges backwards, then hops forward with a low punch. Block low.
    Leaving an Opening: Drops his arms down. If hit (C) he counters with a dashing punch. Still takes damage.
    Quick Ducking: Air Only. Almost immediately dives to the ground into a crouching position.
    Basic Throw: Holds for 4 punches to the stomach
    Launcher: Basic standing uppercut
    Hyper Attacks:
    Rocket Punch*: 2 low Power Uppercuts, followed by a full height one. 15 hits
    Rolling Thunder: Dashes forward, and starts punch at the enemy. 6 hits. Hit punch buttons to raise it up to 16 hits
    Corkscrew Blow: A single step forward with a punch surrounded by wind. 8 hits (B)

    Enter: Drives up in an expensive car and jumps out
    Taunt: Says "Gutter Trash" and throws a rose over his shoulder. Can hit for minimal damage
    Victory: His coat flies in, he catches it and his butler is air-lifted down with tea.

  • Oro

    A disgusting, one-armed, smelly, 140-some year old man. Oro has lived in the jungles of Brazil for many years, training himself to become the best fight to ever live. Now that he believes he has fulfilled his goal, he travels the world to see if he really is the strongest fighter alive.

    Strategy: Oro's main strength is his bizarre attacks. Two of his hypers are prolonged attacks that allow Oro to perform his attack well after the hyper attack starts. His unpredictability is a large part of Oro's success.
  • Chain Combo, Beetle Gun or Beetle Beam or Yagyou Dama
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Squish Tornado
    Similar Fighters: None
    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 8 Defense: 3 Speed: 5 Strength: P Weakness: E Ratio: 2 Size: M
    Special Moves:
    Squish Tornado*: Leaps into the air with his body spinning around. Works as an uppercut. 3 hits
    Squish Pounce*: Hops up and does a double kick on his opponent's head. Block high (A)
    Beetle Gun*: Fires a small ball straight ahead or up and an angle. (P)
    Metal Energy: Oro glows yellow for about 10 seconds. During this time, the Beetle Gun becomes the Beetle Beam
    Beetle Beam: Fires a beam from his fingertip forward or at an angle. 4 hits (P)
    Basic Throw: Grabs the enemy for a headbutt
    Bonus Abilities: Double Jump
    Launcher: An upward punch
    Hyper Attacks:
    Yagyou Dama*: Throws a beetle gun shot that explodes into a swirling globe of energy. 12 hits (P)
    Tensu Stone: Small pieces of garbage float over Oro's head. When he attacks, a piece flies out to attack. Lasts 10 seconds.
    Kishin Riki: Glows red for 8 seconds. Any punch hit will causes Oro to due a throw that slams the victim back and forth 8 times.

    Enter: Falls out of a sleeping bag hanging from the ceiling
    Taunt: Falls asleep with a bubble coming out of his mouth
    Victory: Jumps up, into his sleeping bag on a hook

  • Gill

    Gill believes that he is the avatar of a fallen god. He has organized a religion (or a cult if you prefer) around the worship of his god. Having been granted the powers of fire and ice, the religion of Gill is now marching forward in its desire of world domination.

    Strategy: Gill's power comes from his ability to resurrect himself at will. As long as you keep at least 3 levels of vigor built up, he is just about invincible. The only way to really stop him is to steal his vigor so he can't revive or to jump and hit him just as he revives, hoping to cancel it so Gill doesn't get much life back. A monster is every sense of the word.
  • Chain Combo, Straight Pyrokinesis or Divine Tackle or Blazing Kick
    Similar Fighters: None
    Stats: Power: 6 Energy*: 8 Defense: 4 Speed: 7 Ratio: 3 Size: M
  • Facing Right: Strength: W Weakness: F
  • Facing Left: Strength: F Weakness: W
    Special Moves:
    Pyrokinesis*: Throws a ball of fire straight ahead or up at an angle. 2 hits (F)
    Kill Drop*: Jumps up and over the enemy, then drops down with a knee drop. Block high. 3 hits
    Divine Tackle*: A quick forward dash and clothesline. Will not hit ducking enemies. Very fast and powerful.
    Blazing Kick: Hops forward with a downward, over the head, kick. Must block high (F)
    Turned Effect: The direction Gill faces matters. The elementals are given for gill facing left. If he is facing right, F becomes W.
    Basic Throw: Piledriver
    Bonus Abilities: Fire Based Normal Attacks
    Launcher: A basic uppercut with fire (F)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Heaven's Above*: Balls of fire and ice rain from the sky. 8 balls of each type, 2 hits per ball. 32 hits (F,W)
    6 Winged Angel: Floats up, grows wings, and sends waves of energy out. There is no safe spot. BLOCK LOW. 20 hits (P)
    God's Resurrection: Costs 3 Levels. When Gill is defeated, he will automatically use this ability to raise himself!
  • He rises into the air, and his life bar starts filling, going to max in about 4 seconds.

    Enter: "My majesty will scar thy DNA" and burns off his religious robes.
    Taunt: Touches in chin in intrigue
    Victory: "I am your god" and throws fire and ice from his hands.

  • Pullam Puruna

    A circus girl. EX3 had no story to speak off, especially with no manual. I have no clue past a circus girl.

    Strategy: Like Cammy, her moves are powerful, but have long recovery times if they are blocked. Use normal attacks, with specials and hypers used to combo.
  • Chain Combo, Drill Purrus or Res Arcana
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Drill Purrus or Kind Mind
  • Sweep Combo, Drill Purrus or Res Arcana
    Similar Fighters: Cammy

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 3 Defense: 4 Speed*: 8 Strength: B Weakness: D Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Drill Purrus*: A forward moving drill kick. Exactly like Cammy's Cannon Drill (A,B)
    Purun Kick*: Does a forward moving backflip. Again, like Cannon Spike (B)
    Ten'el Kick*: Leaving her head in about the same place, traces a half circle in the air with her feet. (B)
    Temina Wind: Air Only. A downward, diving version of the Drill Purrus(B)
    Launcher: From crouching, rolls forward and kicks up into a handstand.
    Hyper Attacks:
    Res Arcana*: Does 5 forward moving flips, each one ending with a downward arcing kick. 10 hits (b)
    Kind Mind: Pushes forward a slow moving tornado. Up to 20 hits (A,B)
    Gradus Par: Blows short ranged musical notes (C) makes the enemy dance with her. Hurts them.
    Meteor Tag: A double team attack. A purun Kick(C) sends the enemy flying.
  • Partner then throws Puruna up and she does an upperward Drill Purrus into the enemy. 10 hits

    Enter: Bounces up and down while beating on a tambourine
    Taunt: Smacks her tambourine a few times
    Victory: A big tambourine dance takes place
