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Characters from Televison

Liono | Side Show Bob | Smithers | Monterey Jack | The Tick | Cartman | Big Guy | Robotic Richard Simmons | Apu | Bob | Tasmanian Devil | Power Puff Girls | Homer Simpson | Mr Hanky | Professor Chaos |


Leader of the Thunder Cats. Liono was a child when they fled their home world, but his chamber malfunctioned and he aged while in stasis. For some reason, he has the mind of an adult? (Why did I put him in, I HATE that show!)

Strategy: Liono is basically a melee fighter. His Poison Gas and Thunder ball projectiles are slow and not very powerful. Use them if you can't get close, but otherwise, move in close and pummel the enemy with normal combos
  • Chain Combo, Sword Crash or Thunder Tank
  • Launcher, Lion Signet

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 5 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Sword Crash*: 3 sword swipes
    Cat Claw*: An upward claw attack. Uppercut
    Poison Gas*: A cloud of gas is released from Liono’s claw (B)
    Space Board: One of the kids fly by on their space boards
    Thunder Ball: Throws a ball of electricity (S)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Lion Signet*: A projection of the Thunder Cats symbol extends from his sword. 16 hits (H)
    Sword of Destiny: Jumps forward (C) to deliver a series of 8 attacks
    Thunder Tank: The tank rolls past, running over the enemy. 8 hits

    Enter: The signal appears and Liono runs onscreen
    Taunt: Lifts his sword and yells “HO!!!”
    Victory: The rest of the thunder cats appear, extremely late.

  • Side Show Bob

    The demented clown's sidekick who is out to kill Bart Simpson. Every comedy needs a psycho mastermind. Bob is an intelligent, well-mannered clown, who goes nuts and tries to frame/kill everyone he comes across. Here, his moves are based his evil plans.

    Strategy: Since SS Bob is only a Ratio 1, he isn't very good. Unlike most of them, his specials are fairly good, but he suffers from a long recovery time. Use the specials intelligently, and he can do quite a bit of damage.
  • Chain Combo, Human Cannonball or Bursting Dam
  • Sweep Combo, Bouncing Ball or Cigar Bomb

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 6 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Cigar Bomb*: Throws a cigar on the ground, and a pillar of flame bursts up. (F)
    Bouncing Ball*: Throws a giant rubber ball at the enemy. It bounces.
    Human Cannon-ball*: Flies forward like his was shot from a cannon
    Pie in the Face: Runs up to the enemy (C) and slams a pie in their face. Yep
    Funny Pistol: Fires a gun at the enemy. All killers need a gun..

    Hyper Attacks:
    Nuclear Clown*: Rolls a nuke forward, explodes in a clown shaped cloud. 10 hits
    Bursting Dam: A wall appears in front of Bob, and spews water. 16 hits (W)
    Cannon Shot: Grabs the enemy (C) stuffs them in a cannon, and fires.

    Enter: Dressed in finery, and his hair explodes from under his hat
    Taunt: Steps on a rake, it slams him in the face, he growls
    Victory: Laughs maniacally in victory, and is then arrested.

  • Smithers

    The assistant to Mr. Burns on the Simpsons. Smithers is a hard worker who loves his boss FAR to much. In the arcade game (which the fighter is more based on) he is a bomb throwing maniac.

    Strategy: A weak fighter. Although his defense is high due to years of radiation, he still sucks at hand-to-hand fighting. Use his bombs almost exclusively, because if the enemy gets close, his only defense is the Nuclear Cape and Bomber Fury, both moves are slow to start.
  • Sweep Combo, Bomb Bowling
  • Chain Combo, Nuclear Cape, Bomber Fury
    Similar Fighters: Stryker

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 4 Defense*: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Bomb Bowling*: Rolls a few bombs along the ground. Explode in a wave (F)
    Bomb Toss*: Arcs a bomb into the air. Explodes on contact (F)
    Nuclear Cape*: Swings his cape with the nuclear plant logo on it.
    Bonus Throw: Shoves a nuclear rod into the enemies pants (or whatever else they are wearing)
    Bonus: Dodge (by falling on his ass)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Bomber Fury*: Opens his cape, and bombs fly a short distance in all directions, explode. Singes Smithers. 8 hits (F)
    Blinky the Fish: 8 Blinky the Four Eyed Fishes drop out of the sky (W)

    Enter: Turns on a computer, Burns says "You are turning me on". Smithers: You probably should ignore that
    Taunt: Takes out a bomb, winds up, bomb blows up in hand, singes
    Victory: Dancing like in the picture

  • Monterey Jack

    The muscle bound rodent of Disney's Rescue Ranger series. Monterey is a mouse that loves cheese beyond all else. With his side-kick, Zipper, Monterey helps Chip and Dale (not the male strippers) save animals and such.

    Strategy: Monty is a hand-to-hand fighter. He may only be a Ratio 1, but his melee skill is fairly decent. If Monty can get close enough, he can pummel stronger characters with constant attacks.
    Battle Plan: The rat can be defeated easily be distance attacks, despite his 2 long-range attacks. His low energy score makes his projectiles very weak and his low defense means even blocked attacks cause a fair amount of damage.
    Combos: None

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 1 Defense: 3 Speed: 3 Ratio: 1 (he's a damn rat)

    Special Moves:
    Cheese Wheel*: Jack rolls a wheel of cheese at the enemy (H)
    Buzzer Attack*: Sends in his fly to attack the enemy.
    Wind-up Punch*: Winds up his arm and punches out

    Hyper Attacks:
    Gouda Delight*: Monterey rolls a huge wheel of cheese at the enemy. 10 hits (H)
    Fly on the Wall: Buzzer turns huge and attacks the enemy. 8 hits

    Enter: Jumps out of the blimp the RR use
    Taunt: Yells out Blimey!
    Victory: Crosses his arms and says "I need me some Cheddar!

    The Tick

    Big, blue and insane. The Tick is a super hero who doesn't seem to have a secret identity. His side kicks include Arthur and a puppet named Little Wooden Boy. Of course, the Ticks battle cry is "SPOON!"

    Strategy: The Tick is good at giving and taking punishment. Get in close and trade blows with the enemy for the best effect. If the enemy is kind of slow, use the Invincibility Hyper so that you can get in big hits for a smaller one in return
  • Sweep Combo, Building Crush or Shingle Bust
  • Little Wooden Boy, Any Hyper
    Similar Fighters: Juggernaut

    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Tick Power*: Raises power by 2. Lasts 5 seconds.
    Building Crush*: Jumps in the air, and pounds down. The ground falls out (E)
    Little Wooden Boy*: Throws his puppet that holds on the enemy. Stuns enemy
    Tick Slam: A throw move. The Tick grabs the enemy and slams them into the ground
    Arthur Wing: Arthur flies by and cuts through the enemy

    Hyper Attacks:
    Shingle Bust*: Does a hyper Building Crush with waves of earth. 12 hits (E)
    SPOON!: Throws a spoon at the enemy (C) followed by a 12 hit combo
    Tick Intelligence: Renders Tick too stupid to be hurt. Super Armor for 10 seconds.
  • When using Tick Intelligence, Drains give Super Armor 2

    Enter: Raises an arm and yells "Spoon!"
    Taunt: Same as enter
    Victory: Spouts some inane super hero victory slogan, most likely about cake batter of evil.

  • Cartman

    He's not fat, he's just big boned. Cartman is the loud, obnoxious, and Jew-hating kid on South Park. He has done some weird stuff over the years, so here they are!

    Strategy: Use his short stature to your advantage. He can walk right under some moves. All in all, he is a projectile user. His Sumo Step move is powerful, but slow as hell.
  • Chain Combo, Nam Shotgun or Barbara Streisand
  • Sweep Combo, Sumo Step
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power*: 6 Energy: 5 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: T

    Special Moves:
    Sumo Step*: Raises a foot like a sumo wrestle and stomps down
    Nam Shotgun*: Fires his authentic, Vietnam squirt shotgun. Fires a slow projectile (W)
    V-Chip*: A chip that gives Cartman an electric shock whenever he swears. Shoots lightning (S)
    Fart of Doom: He farts a green cloud. Any enemy too close is poisoned
    Cheesy Poof: Raises his power by 2 for one hit
    Basic Throw: "That's my potpie"! as he slaps you around
    Bonus Abilities: He is short

    Hyper Attacks:
    Barbara Streisand*: The ultimate swear word. Shots bolts of lightning in all directions. 20 hits (S)
    Trapper Keeper: He turns into a giant blob, absorbing his enemy if touched. 1 hit
    Meecrob: Says the curse word. The enemy's highest stat is halved for 10 seconds if not blocking.
    Sh**ting Disney: Level 5. Turns, pulls down pants, and Disney World comes out of his butt! 100 hits!
  • Note: This cannot be comboed with ANYTHING! Including stun moves!
  • Cannot be done in some grooves. Very Slow to start, but probably the strongest attack in the game.

    Enter: Rides on screen on a big wheel
    Taunt: "Respect my Authortai!"
    Victory: Gets abducted by aliens.

  • Big Guy

    The robotic defender of the world. Big Guy is actually a robotic suit piloted by an army officer. Armed with tons of weaponry, Big Guy's job is to defeat evil robots and mutant creatures.

    Strategy: Big and slow, Big Guy is vulenable to attacks from the air. Also, none of his moves can be performed in the air. His main advantage is his large range of fire with various weapons.
  • Chain Combo, Vulcan or Gigaton or Servo Scrambler
    Similar Fighters: Iron Man, War Machine

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 6 Defense*: 7 Speed: 2 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Vulcan*: Fires a beam weapon from his shoulder. 4 hits
    Gigaton*: Punches forward with a large explosion leaving his fist. 3 hits
    Rocket Crush*: Jumps into the air, then flies straight down. 2 hits
    Basic Throw: Picks up the enemy, flies upward and throws the victim
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Long Range Attacks

    Hyper Attacks:
    Servo Scrambler*: His arms unfold into guns and cannons and fires. 27 hits
    Party Favor: Fires a missile that explodes into a fireworks display. 10 hits(H)
    Titanic: Digs into the ground. Bursts out under the enemy (T) and slams the victim into the ground

    Enter: Lands in a large jet
    Taunt: His arms open in weapons
    Victory: Climbs back in jet, thumbs up

  • Robotic Richard Simmons

    A robot in a cut Simpson's Episode. This bot tries to stop Homer from getting Bart back from Mr. Burns. The robotic Richard Simmons is truly a scary creation.

    Strategy: It's Richard Simmons! Aerobic your way to victory!
  • Chain Combo, Rocket Punch, Simmon's Cannon
  • Sweep Combo, Exploder
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 6 Defense: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: S Weakness: F Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Shake Shake Shake*: Moves his hips back and forth, smashing into the enemy. Short range
    Acid Sweat*: A puddle of acid forms at his feet.
    Rocket Punch*: All robos have this move. Shoots a fist at the enemy
    Basic Throw: Pushes backward and does a jumping jack
    Bonus Abilities: Regeneration

    Hyper Attacks:
    Simmon's Cannon*: Like Proton Cannon, except it shoots aerobics instructors. 10 hits
    Exploder: Robo Simmons explodes! Kills Robo Simmons but does a lot of damage. (F)
    Aerobics: Runs forward (C) makes the victim do aerobics! 10 hits

    Enter: Does Shake Shake Shake
    Taunt: See Enter
    Victory: He explodes!

  • Apu

    The Indian (as in India) Springfielder who runs the local Quickie Mart. Apu is a firm believer in screwing over the customer whenever possible. With his endless supply of deadly Quickie food stuffs, he can mess up anyone (in theory).

    Strategy: Like in the show, Apu needs to play defensively. His moves are far too slow to take the initiative in a battle.
  • (In Corner) Sweep Combo, Sonji w/ Windex
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy: 4 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Ratio: 1 Drain: Healing Squishy

    Special Moves:
    Exploding Squishy*: Drops a fruit flavored ice drink. Explodes after 5 seconds or so. Can hurt any fighter (W)
    Crowd Control*: Apu whips out his mighty shotgun and blows the head off of the enemy. Slow to start
    Tofu Dog*: Using the power of tofu, Apu heals as an assist
    Basic Throw: The god Vishnu rises out of the ground and throws the enemy

    Hyper Attacks:
    Sonji w/ Windex*: Sonji runs onscreen, hands Apu a bottle and they both spray Windex. Short range. 6 hits (W)

    Enter: Yells "Don't feed my god a peanut!"
    Taunt: Crouches down saying "Please do not shoot sir, take the money"
    Victory: Stands on his tip toes and walks away, making buzzing noises

  • Bob

    The star of the show, Reboot. Bob is a guardian, a sprite trained to "Mend and Defend" computer systems. His current assignment is to protect a system called Mainframe from a computer virus called Megabyte. Besides Megabyte, Bob must also defend the city from game cubes, which destroy whatever enters them if the system user wins. Bob is selfless and will gladly throw himself on a null to save his fellow sprites. Glitch is a device on his arm. The Glitch tool lets him cheat like mad in games as well as open portals to other systems.

    Strategy: Bob is versatile, with several catch moves. The Reboot hyper should only be used if the enemy group has only a few different elements. Just because Bob is strong against the current fighter doesn't mean he is strong against one of the others.
  • Basic Throw, Guardian Hold, Chain Combo, Stable Connection
  • Chain Combo, Glitch Saw
  • Sweep Combo, Glitch Line
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Glitch Saw*: Transforms Glitch into a saw and punches forward
    Guardian Hold*: Fires a bubble that can trap the enemy inside it for a hit
    Glitch Line*: Fires a wire upward, and swings forward with a kick
    Tear Grenade: Throws a grenade that forms a tear in the net, damaging the enemy
    Basic Throw: Glitch turns into cord, wraps around the enemy, and throws them back. Catch move.
    Bonus Abilities: Flying

    Hyper Attacks:
    Stable Connection*: Throws a bubble, that expands on contact into a globe. 12 hits
    Game Cube: A purple cube drops out of the sky. Cannot be blocked low. 6 hits
    Reboot: Bob gains an elemental strength to a random elemental move of the enemy
  • Also, gains a weakness to an element the current enemy fighter cannot use.

    Enter: Holds out his arm and glitch scans the enemy, displays data
    Taunt: Touches his badge and turns into a random fighter, does their taunt and turns back
    Victory: Same as taunt, except copies the victory dance

  • Taz

    The Tasmanian Devil that has chased Bugs Bunny around for years. This hyper active marsupial has even got some of his own shows and/or movies.

    Strategy: Taz should be used as if he were the guy in the WB shows, aggressive to a suicidal degree. He should use his special moves almost constantly. They have very little start time, but the recovery time is a little extreme.
  • Chain Combo, Whirlwind or Spit And Thrash or Tasmania Twister
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Tasmania Twister
  • Spit Tongue, Any Combo or Hyper
    Similar Fighters: Jin

    Stats: Power*: 7 Energy: 2 Defense: 5 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Whirlwind*: Moves forward in the classic Taz tornado attack. 4 hits (B)
    Spit And Thrash*: Hops up and down while punching out and thrashing. 3 hits
    Spit Tongue*: Gives the enemy a really big lick. Stuns the enemy
    Basic Throw: Puts the victim in his mouth, chews and spits out of enemy

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tasmania Twister*: A really big, stationary Whirlwind. 14 hits (B)
    Taz Attack: Hops forward with 3 hits, then leaps up for 7 more
    Random WB Cameos: A small army of random Warner Bros. characters run and jump across the screen. 10 hits

    Enter: Does the spin dash onto the screen
    Taunt: Spits and growls
    Victory: A turkey drops out of the sky and Taz pounces.

  • Powerpuff Girls

    In his quest to create the perfect little girl, a nameless professor mixed sugar, spice, and everything nice in a vat. Then, he accidentally dropped in Chemical X. This mixture created the Powerpuff Girls. These three kindergartners have super powers and fight evil. The player can pick any of the three.

    Strategy: The girls are fast and powerful, but they don't take a beating well. Also, their moves just don't combo either. Players need to attack directly, but should attack and move away. Staying in close too long is a bad idea. Another plus is the girl's extreme shortness.
  • Chain Combo, PP Attack or Punch Flight
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Punch Flight
  • Chill Breath, Any Combo
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense: 3 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2 Size: T

    Special Moves:
    Laser Eyes*: A beam of energy is emitted from the PPs eyes. (A,downward)
    Punch Flight*: Dashes forward with a punch. (A)
    Chill Breath*: Breaths out a cloud of ice. Stuns the enemy on contact (W)
    Basic Throw: Punches the enemy up and one of the other girls flies in and hits the victim
    Bonus Abilities: Flying

    Hyper Attacks:
    Power Puff Attack*: All 3 girls gather and all do the Punch Flight straight ahead. 9 hits
    Aren't They Sweet: Launcher attack (C), the enemy is sliced up by patches of light. Ends w/ all 3 girls punching in the face. 15 hits
    Power Puff Bot: Calls the giant robotic Powerpuff to fight. Lasts 10 seconds or until it dies.

    Enter: A little kid play phone rings and the girls fly over head, with the chosen one landing
    Taunt: Starts crying or looks pissed off, depending on the girl
    Victory: Announcer says "Once again, the city is saved" while the Girls go into the picture pose.

  • Homer Simpson

    The overweight, lazy leader of the Simpson clan. Homer is a nuclear safety inspector, even though he causes 90% of the accidents at the plant. Homer is a grade A moron, but damn he's funny. As sad as it is to say, I based the character mostly on the Final Fight-esque Simpsons arcade game.

    Strategy: Homer is actually better when he is in a corner. Since most of his moves rely on people running in from behind him, there is a longer delay the farther he is from the edges of the screen, to almost no delay on an edge.
  • Chain Combo, Nuclear Toxins or Bowling a Big One
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 3 Defense*: 10 Speed: 3 Ratio: 2 Size: M

    Special Moves:
    Bowling Homer*: Throws a bowling ball along the ground.
    Bart Boomerang*: Bart runs to Homer and is throw at the enemy like a boomerang
    Marge Roll*: Marge runs out, the couple forms a ball and rolls forward, like Blanka
    B.Y.O.B.B.: Lisa pushes a grill with a giant roast pig on it. Homer eats and heals, enemy is run over.
    Nuclear Toxins: Homer farts, leaving a cloud of greenish gas. Poisons
    Basic Throw: "Why you little…!!!" and chokes the target

    Hyper Attacks:
    Bowling a Big One*: Throws a giant bowling ball that covers most of the screen. 10 hits
    Mister Sparkle: A Homer-like head flies around, dropping women who turn into sumo wrestlers. 8 are dropped.
    Radioactive Hazard: Homer gets a green aura around him. Any enemy in field takes poison damage. Aura lasts 10 seconds.

    Enter: Homer is running and is almost run over by Marge in the car. Gets up to fight
    Taunt: Yells "Do'h!!" and smacks himself in the head
    Victory: Falls down, and runs around in circles, on the ground

  • Mr Hanky

    Mr. Hanky the Christmas poo. He loves me. I love you. Which means he loves you, even if you’re a Jew. Mr Hanky is a living piece of poop that sings and dances and fights for personal hygiene. He lives in the sewers, and can only come out on Christmas. A great character, even for a fecofiliac on Prozac.

    Strategy: Hanky is really small, but is not a great fighter. His moves are slow and they cannot even be comboed together. Why pick Mr. Hanky? Just to say you kicked your friends ass with a piece of poo.
    Combos: None
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 5 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2 Size: T

    Special Moves:
    Hanky Kiss*: Blows a very wet, very brown kiss at the enemy. (W)
    Exploding Gift*: Drops a present. Either player can pick it up, 50% chance to heal, 50% to explode
    Angry Poop*: Dives at the enemy. (A)
    Basic Throw: Kisses the enemy on the cheek

    Hyper Attacks:
    Santa's Sleight*: Santa and the Reindeer do a hit and run on the enemy. 10 hits
    Mega Hanky: Grows to a huge height and shoots blobs of poop out of his body. 20 hits (W)
    Fecal Twister: Doing his best Fantasia impression, Hanky summons a tornado of poop. 12 hits (W)

    Enter: Santa drops off Mr. Hanky
    Taunt: "Hiddy Ho!" with a hand wave
    Victory: A group of children surround Hanky and start to sing the Mr. Hanky song.

    Professor Chaos

    One day, the South Park child known only as Butters snaps when he is laid off being the friends of Cartman, Kyle, and Stan. He then goes home and his soul becomes twisted, changing him forever into the super villain known as Professor Chaos. The evil scientist then vows to destroy the world of man, which hurt him so. His only companions are one General Disarray and his minions, two gerbils with tin-foil capes super-glued to them.

    Strategy: A theme character only. He works fairly well as an assist character since two of his moves will stun the enemy for free hits, but he deals very little damage, takes a lot in return and is slow. Use Prof Chaos to embarrass your friends.
  • Sweep Combo, Flood the World
    Similar Fighters: None

    Stats: Power: 1 Energy: 4 Defense: 3 Speed: 3 Ratio: 1 Size: S

    Special Moves:
    The Wrong Soup*: Runs forward and pours a bowl of soup on the enemy
    Cowering Dog*: Yells out "Kneel" and unblocking enemies are stunned
    General Disarray*: Sends the General running forward to hold Chaos's enemies
    Basic Throw: Takes soup from the enemy and laughs (Drain)
    Launcher: Shakes a pop can and opens it, causing a force that lifts the enemy

    Hyper Attacks:
    Flood the World*: Uses a hose to send small waves of water forward. 8 hits (W)
    Ozone Destroyer: Holds two cans of aerosol and sprays in either direction. 7 hits each way. (B)

    Enter: Puts on his tin foil super villain outfit
    Taunt: "Go my Minion" and they walk the wrong direction. Chaos looks mad
    Victory: Starts laughing evilly with General Disarray.
