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Cyclops | Wolverine | Gambit | Cable | Jubilee | Psylocke | Storm | Rouge | Ice Man | Bishop | Colossus | Phoenix |

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The field commander of the X-Men team. His real name is Scott Summers. Cyclops has the ability to fire powerful beams of energy out of his eyes. However, if kept out of the light of the sun for long enough, his powers fade until he can "recharge".

Strategy: For the most part, Cyclops is a projectile fighter. Although is practice, he is a better medium range fighter. Use optic blasts a lot, then Rushing Grapples and Gene Splices when they aren't expected.
Battle-plan: If you can get in close, Cyclops has little defense against melee. Just watch for the Grapple and Splice.
  • Chain Combo, Optic Blast or Optic Ray
  • Sweep Combo, Scissor Kicks
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Aiming Laser

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Optic Blast*: The eye laser, can be done crotching (A,H)
    Rushing Grapple*: Dashs forward, grabs the enemy, and slams then into the ground
    Gene Splice*: A 5 hit uppercut attack. Last hit is with a eye fireball (H)
    Scissor Kicks: Jumps forward with a double kick attack
    Optic Blink: A small ball of energy is shot out of Cyclops' eye. (H)
    Optic Sweep: Bounces a beam off the ground works like a sweep kick (H)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Optic Ray*: A giantanic beam of energy is released from the eye. Up to 27 Hits (A,H)
    Aiming Laser: A smaller beam that be shot in 8 directions. Controllable (A,H)
    Atom Smasher: A short dash (C) and Cyclops combos and finishs with Gene Splice. 15 Hits

    Enter: Throws off his pair of sunglasses
    Taunt: Says yes while doing the sunglasses motion
    Victory: The blackbird jet lands in the background

  • Wolverine

    Also known as Logan. Wolverine has acute senses and the ability to heal extremely fast. Due to a scientific experiment, his skeleton was fused with adamantium, the hardest metal on earth. He also gained a pair of claws out of the deal.

    Strategy: Wolverine is an aggressive killing machine. He has no projectile moves, so staying close to the enemy. Do NOT use specials except as combo finishers because most have far too much recovery time.
  • Chain Combo, Drill Claw or Berserk(er Barrage)
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Cutting Claws
  • Sweep Combo, Berserker Barrage
    Stats: Power: 6 Energy: 5 Defense: 5 Speed*: 6 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Berserk*: A fury of claw attacks
    Drill Claw*: Wolverine flies with his claws extended. Can be used in all 8 directions
    Tornado Claw*: A spiraling uppercut attack
    Quick Snap: A quick dash attack. Goes through projectiles
    Hyper Attacks:
    Berserker Barrage*: A stronger version of the Berserk attack. Hits up to 17 times (E)
    Weapon-X: Wolverine flashs forward (C) and hits the enemy 12 times
    Cutting Claws: Wolverine jumps into the air and blades burst out diagonally
    Super Speed: Raises his speed by 4.

    Enter: Jumps in and lets out the claws
    Taunt: Bangs his claws together
    Victory: Pulls off his hood and turns his back

  • Gambit

    Gambit is from the southern US. His power is to excite the molecules within any object to the level where it explodes. His trademark is explosive playing cards. Gambit is very secretive about his past. He usually has a staff with him when he goes into battle.

    Strategy: Although he has some good melee ranged moves, Gambit is best at a distance. Use the card attacks to keep the enemy away, while using the staff attacks if the enemy manages to get in.
  • Chain Combo, Kinetic Card or Royal Flush or Cajun Slash
  • Sweep Combo, Royal Flush or Cajun Slash
  • In corner: Sweep Combo, Cajun Destroyer

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Kinetic Card*: Throws a playing card that explodes on contact. Very quick projectile (F)
    Cajun Slash*: 3 attacks with the staff
    Aerial Assault*: Flips up to the wall and does a dive kick into the enemy
    Trick Card: Throws a card upward at 45 degree angle (F)
    Card Drop: Drops a card on the ground that explodes when stepped on (F)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Royal Flush*: Quickly throws 37 cards at the enemy (F)
    Cajun Destroyer: Leaps to the wall and throws 6 cards that make large explosions (F)
    Kinetic Blast: Gambit charges his staff with explosive energy. All staff attacks are fire based. 15 secs

    Enter: 3 cards lodge themselves in the ground and Gambit jumps in
    Taunt: Snaps his fingers and turns his back
    Victory: Puts his staff on his shoulder.

  • Cable

    A traveler from the future who came to the past to stop Apocalypse. Cable is a big fan in the “shoot first, ask questions later” theory. He never goes anywhere without some very large guns to back him up.

    Strategy: The time traveler is very dependent on the enemy being no where near him. Cable can use the Viper Beam to out-projectile just about anyone. However, if the enemy CAN get close, Cable is pretty much screwed.
  • Chain Combo, (Super) Viper Beam or Massive Fist
  • 6-shooter, (Super) Viper Beam, Scimitar (won't hit), mid-air Super Viper Beam

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 9 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Viper Beam*: A large beam attack. The beam waves like a snake. Can do mid-air (S)
    Scimitar*: An uppercut using a laser blade. After hitting, blade continues upward (S)
    Massive Fist*: Moves forward a short distance for a punch attack.
    ElecTrap: Throws a grenade upward. Stuns enemy on impact (S)
    6-shooter: Fires his pistol weapon using Strong punch. Fires up to 6 times in a row (S)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Super Viper Beam*: A hyper version of the Viper Beam. Can hit 28 times (S)
    Pistol Justice: Starts with 4 pistol shots (C), Cable charges, punches 5 times, finish with Scimitar (S)
    Time Clip: A ghostly Cable charges forward(C). Shadow hits 8 times. Independent Motion

    Enter: Cable fades onscreen
    Taunt: Crosses one arm over his chest, holding his pistol
    Victory: One arm becomes a long, skeleton thing

  • Jubilee

    A Chinese-American with the power to shoot sparks out of her hands. Jubilee is a rookie member of the X-men team. At the age of 16, she still has a hard time accepting her powers and normal humans reactions to them. She accidentally blows up electronics fairly often.

    Strategy: Jubilee is really bad if the enemy can lay a hand on her (or if they can't for that matter). She must rely on her single strong point, her Energy score. Just remember that her energy attacks aren't strong enough to counter projectiles thrown with the fierce buttons.
  • Launcher, Jubilation
  • Chain Combo, Painful Fireworks
    Similar Fighters: Ken/Ryu Family, Magneto

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 6 Defense: 2 Speed: 5 Ratio: 1

    Special Moves:
    Energy Shock*: Fires 3 sparks off her hands, which fly forward, but at different angles (P)
    Jumping Spark*: Does a jumping slap attack, with her hand engulfed in a spark (P)
    Starlight Grenade*: Throws a ball of energy like a grenade. Explodes on contact (P) Bubble-gum: Blows a quite large bubble. If it hits the enemy, they become stuck.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Painful Fireworks*: A hyper version of the shock. Jubilee fires 12 sparks (P)
    Jubilation: Raises her arms, and the sky bursts into fireworks. 10 hits (P)

    Enter: tries to shoot the enemy and burns her hands
    Taunt: Blows a small non-threatening bubble
    Victory: Raises her arms and fireworks fill the sky

  • Psylocke

    A member of the X-men. Psylocke has the power to create psychic blades on her wrists. She call also use all of the basic psychic-like powers.

    Strategy: Despite her special moves, Psylocke is not a close range fighter. Because of her weak attack and defense, coupled with her close range moves, Psylocke needs to be used as a mid-ranged fighter.
    Battle Plan: Try to get close to her. Psylocke is pretty weak in a toe-to-toe slug match. Or else, wait for her to attack and counter while she is unable to react.
  • Chain Combo, Psythrust or Mental Psythrust
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Psychic Storm
  • Launcher, Psyblade or Maelstrom

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense: 4 Speed*: 7 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Psythrust*: Flies in 1 of 8 directions with a psychic blade extending from her hand (P)
    Psythought*: Psylocke emits a projectile from her forehead. Can use in air. (P)
    PsyBlade*: An uppercut attack using a psychic blade. (P)
    Ninjutsu: A teleport. Can do a PsyThrust immediately after
    Bonus: Psylocke's punch attacks emit a psy-blade, extending her attack range.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Mental Thrust*: Performs 2 hyper Psythrusts, back to back. Can change direction. 8 hits (P)
    Psychic Storm: Butterfly-like projectiles fly around, then into the enemy. 18 hits. (P)
    Maelstrom: A hyper Psyblade that travels straight upwards. 12 hits. (P)
    Shadow Illusion: Psylocke splits into 6. The images copy the actions of the real one.

    Enter: Teleports onscreen
    Taunt: Holds one wrist and extends a psychic blade
    Victory: Holds arms out wide and energy sparks from her head.

  • Storm

    A women with the power to control the weather itself. Storm must always be careful to control her emotions, otherwise her feelings can take control of her powers.

    Strategy: Storm excels at staying back and using her weather related attacks on the enemy.
    Battleplan: Getting close to Storm leaves her without her slow to start projectile attacks.

  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Fly, Air combo

    Stats: Power: 2 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Typhoon*: Throws a tornado at the enemy. Moves straight ahead (B)
    Tornado*: A vertical twister appears from under the enemy. (B)
    Lightning Attack*: Flies at the enemy head first, her hair turned to lightning (S)
    Shock Ball: Storm tosses a small ball of lightning. Air only (S)

    Hyper Attacks:
    Thunderstorm*: Spins around and shoots lightning in all directions.24 hits (S)
    Hailstorm: Flies into the air, and hail stones fall out of the sky. 20 hits (W)
    Hurricane: A hyper Typhoon. 12 hits (B)

    Enter: Flies from the screen top and lands.
    Taunt: Spins around
    Victory: Raises her hand and lightning strikes from it

  • Rouge

    Rouge has the power to absorb the vital energy of other creatures. Draining mutants allows her to use their powers. Rouge obtained her powers of flight and strength from Ms. Marvel, a mutant she drained until her entire life force was extinguished.

    Strategy: Rouge is designed as an aggressive fighter. All of her moves have range, but are all punch attacks. Use the Drain Kiss often. The enemy isn't really hurt by it, but it increases Rouge's stats.
    Battleplan: Since she needs to get close for her attacks to work, don't let her. Also don't let her do the Drain kiss into a corner, because she can combo in a Pucker Up.

  • Drain Kiss into corner followed by Pucker Up.
  • Chain Combo, Rushing Fists or Drain Kiss or Threatening Swing

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 4 Defense*: 7 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Rushing Fists*: Flies forward with a series of 5 punches. Can be done in air.
    Sky Fists*: A punch rush flying upward at a 45 degree angle.
    Ground Punch*: Flies into the air, then dive bombs downward
    Drain Kiss: Rouge grabs and kisses the enemy. Drain attack. Use in air. Unblockable
    Enhanced Draining: Rouge gains 3 points on a drain attack instead of 2.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Threatening Swing*: A Hyper Rushing fists. Hits 13 times
    Pucker Up: Rushes forward (C) hits 9 times, tossing into air, then does Drain Kiss
    Shale Crush: Does a very quick Ground Punch (C) and combos for 12 hits. Unblockable.

    Enter: Does a Ground Punch, then dusts off her boots
    Taunt: Blows the other guy a kiss
    Victory: Turns her back to the players and says "Thanks Sugar".

  • Iceman

    A mutant with the power to encase himself in ice as well as freeze things.

    Strategy: Iceman is a projectile user in the extreme. His distance attacks are not only cheap, but fast.

    Battleplan: Even in close, he can still use his projectiles, but it is much harder if you are punching him.
    Combos: Launcher, Air Combo, Ice Beam or Arctic Attack
  • Trip, Arctic Attack
  • Chain Combo, Ice Beam or Arctic Attack or Glacier Blast

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 10 Defense: 4 Speed: 4 Strength: W Weakness: F Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ice Beam*: Fires a thick beam of ice. Ice forms on the enemy. Speed down 1 for 5 secs (W)
    Ice Boulder*: Forms a large ball of ice over the enemies head and drops it (W)
    Frost Grasp*: Moves forward slightly, grabs the enemy, encases them in ice. Stuns (W)
    Ice Blade: Forms a blade of ice on his hand, gives him extra range on normal attacks
    Ice Path: Air only. Glides forward on a path of ice. For Movement purposes.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Arctic Attack*: Shoots small bits of ice from his body. Up to 37 hits (W)
    Glacier Blast: A large ice pillar stabs out of the ground just in front of Iceman. 10 hits (W)
    Boulder Rain: 8 Ice Boulders form and drop. (W)

    Enter: Regular Guy turns into Iceman
    Taunt: "Powers down" and creates a snowman version of himself
    Victory: Same as taunt

  • Bishop

    A mutant from the future. Sent back to the past by Forge, Bishop's mission is to change the timeline so his present will never exist. Bishop has the power to absorb mutant energy and fire it back as a beam attack.

    Strategy: Except for the Time Rift attack, Bishop relies on projectiles. Try to keep the absorbed energy maxed out as much as possible. The Terminal Release hyper is faster to start then the Guilty Break, so the release can be comboed. The biggest problem is grapplers, since they rarely use any sort of projectiles.
  • Chain Combo, Exploder Shell or Terminal Release
  • Launcher, Time Rift
    Similar Fighters: Cable

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 6 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Exploder Shell*: Fires his energy shotgun. Causes the target to explode on a hit (F)
    Energy Release*: Fires a beam made of mutant energy. Size depends on amount of energy (P)
    Roll Block: Assist only. If no energy is absorbed, Bishop rolls out and blocks to gain energy
    Absorb Energy: Block projectiles to build up energy. Hyper must have a full charge to use. A white aura builds up.
    Time Rift*: A jumping uppercut attack.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Guilty Break*: Fires 20 Exploder Shells at the enemy. Aims at the enemy (F)
    Time Clip: A shadowy Bishop charges forward (C) 12 hit combo. Real Bishop is free to move
    Terminal Release: Must be fully charged. Bishop fires a gigantic beam attack. Hits 30 times (P)

    Enter: Does a time jump
    Taunt: Points at the enemy and says "You have no future" again
    Victory: Says "You have no future" while putting his gun on his shoulder.

  • Colossus

    A really big Russian man with the power to turn himself into metal. I don't know much about his story.

    Strategy: Colossus is a grappler. Stay as close to the enemy as possible to the enemy and use Iron Charges and Iron Eagles to get close if they manage to get away.
  • Chain Combo, Iron Charge or Iron Eagle
  • Launcher, Titan Charge
    Similar Fighters: Zangief(SF2), Hulk(Marvel)

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 3 Defense: 9 Speed: 2 Strength: E Weakness: P Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 1

    Special Moves:
    Iron Charge*: A forward dashing shoulder tackle (E)
    Hurricane Throw*: A quick hop forward (C) grabs enemy by the feet and spins them.
    Iron Eagle*: Same as Iron Charge, except it moves upward as well as forward (E)
    Power Up: Gathers his power together. Next attack is Power 10.
    Counter Charge: Counters an attack (C) and does the Iron Charge.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Titan Charge*: Jumps straight up, then comes down at an angle head first. 6 hits (E)
    Adamantine Crush: A quick hop forward (C) followed by 2 backbreakers, a pile driver and a Hurricane Throw.
    Man of Steel: Gives Colossus Super Armor for 10 seconds. Doesn't react to being hit. Still takes damage.

    Enter: Goes from human form to metal form
    Taunt: Raises his arms, shakes, and grunts
    Victory: Flexes his arms and grunts

  • Phoenix

    Phoenix is an entity that lives in space to protect a jewel with the power to destroy the universe. When this jewel and its alien carrier come to Earth, Jean Grey is chosen to become the Phoenix. Note: This story is based on the Fox Animated Series.

    Strategy: Phoenix's big draw is her revival abilities. She can bring back dead fighters as well as keep herself alive. Her other moves are fairly powerful especially against those weak to fire.
  • Chain Combo, Flare
    Similar Fighters: Pyron, Iron Man

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 8 Defense: 4 Speed: 5 Strength: F Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Flare*: Puts her hands together and fires a beam of fire. 6 hits (F)
    Fireball*: Puts her hands together, charges, and then an explosion goes off at the enemy. 2 hits (F)
    Flame Tornado*: Swings her arm and a tornado of fire moves forward. Launcher (F)
    Celestial: Holds her hands over her head and a sphere of energy pulses. 4 hits (F)
    Basic Throw: Gently touches the enemy and they are engulfed in flame (F)
    Bonus Abilities: Flying, Air Dash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Phoenix Rising*: A large flaming bird spreads its wings over Phoenix's head. 10 hits (F)
    Phoenix Strike: Within the flaming bird, Phoenix flies forward. 10 hits (F)
    Everlasting Life: Resurrects a teammate who just died. Must be used within 5 seconds.
    Revival Flame: Phoenix can auto-revive herself. Costs 3 Levels. Only has a sliver of life.

    Enter: The Phoenix erupts around Jean Grey
    Taunt: Her suit turns black and she laughs insanely
    Victory: Same as taunt
