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The Villians of X-Men

Magneto | Sabertooth | Silver Samurai | Juggernaut | Sentinel | Marrow | Apocalypse | Spiral | Omega Red |
Alternate: Master Mold | Lil' Juggernaut |



Magneto was at one time the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Magneto has the power to control magnetism. Wearing a suit of metal allows him to levitate himself

Strategy: The only character with specials that bring the enemy CLOSER. Use Hyper Grabs and Repellings to keep the other fighter right where you want him. Use Hyper grabs before using hypers.
Battle-plan: Magneto is great at manipulation, but his normal moves are slow and cumbersome. It takes a real master to be excellent with Magneto.
  • Sweep Combo, Magnetic Shockwave
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Hyper Grab, Magnetic Tempest

    Stats: Power: 3 Energy*: 8 Defense: 6 Speed: 3 Strength: E Weakness: W(he rusts) Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:

    Hyper Grab*:Fires a ball that pulls and holds the enemy close to the active fighter (P)
    Magnetic Disruptor*: Fires a beam of magnetism. (P)
    Repelling*: Pushs the enemy away from Magneto
    Aero Shock: Air Only. Fires a sonic blast downward (P)
    Hyper Attacks:
    Magnetic Tempest*: Chunks of metal fly out in all directions. 30 chunks. Can use in air (E)
    Magnetic Shockwave: A series of ground to ceiling beams travel forward. Up to 14 hits (P)
    Auto Drop: 8 cars drop out of the sky. Cannot be blocked on the ground

    Enter: Lowers in a globe of magnetism
    Taunt: Raises one hand in the air and it sparks
    Victory: "Play time has ended"
    Special Block: A globe of magnetism surrounds him.
  • Sabertooth

    Wolverine's nemesis. The pair knew each other as youths. Also, they both have the same mutant healing factor and heightened senses. Sabertooth has a strong vendetta against Wolverine and has chased him around the world, looking for his revenge.

    Strategy: Sabertooth is a good fighter. His special and hyper attacks can cover quite a bit of ground quickly. Plus, the Birdie Cannon can be used for a distance attack. Just remember that the Cannon is slow
    Battle Plan: His attacks my cover a lot of area, but his recover times are slow. If blocks or avoided, nearly all of his specials give plenty of time for a counter. The best strategy may be just to blast him. His only ranged attack ST has is the incredibly slow Birdie Cannons.
  • Chain Combo, Claw Dash or Mutated Gash

  • Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 4 Defense*: 6 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2 Size: L

    Special Moves:
    Claw Dash*: Sabertooth runs through the enemy leaving large claw marks in them
    Claw Throw*: Jumps at the enemy (C) grabs them, and throws them.
    Birdie Cannon*: ST's sidekick, Birdie, jumps onscreen and fires 3 shots (S)
    Rapid Clawing: ST claws at the enemy 6 times, quick as lightning
    Regeneration: ST regenerates (See glossary) due to his mutant healing ability.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Mutated Gash*: Sabertooth performs 4 claw dashes, back to back
    Fury of the Animal: A Claw Throw (C), ST does a 12 hit combo in the air
    Hyper Cannon: Birdie fires 37 shots out of her cannon. Fires in all directions (S).

    Enter: Throws his head back and roars
    Taunt: Same as enter
    Victory: Birdie drives a car onscreen, and puts a robe over ST

  • Silver Samurai

    A warrior dressed in silver armor. That's about all I know.

    Strategy: Kinda slow, but his fighting depends on being close to the enemy. The best way to fight is to stay just within sword range so you can hit, but your enemy is out of range.
    Battleplan: Fast characters should charge in, while slower ones should hang back, using projectiles or counters.
  • Chain Comboknocked the enemy back to the ground.
  • Do a Chain Combo to setup for Tri-Star.
  • Half Chain Combo, Launcher, Fire Raid

    Stats: Power: 5 Energy: 5 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Ninja Star*: Samurai throws a large throwing star. Can be thrown in the air. 6 hits.
    Sword Hurricane*: Runs forward waving his sword fanatically.
    Smoke Bomb*: Throws a small bomb that explodes, stunning its target.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tri-Star*: Throws 3 Ninja stars at the enemy. 18 hits
    Ninja Magic: SS gains 5 shadows that mimic his actions. Adds 1 hit to each attack.
    Elemental Blade: Samurai's blade is charged with either W,F or S elemental.
  • Ice: Attacks do water damage, and gain Super Armor 1.
  • Fire: Attacks do fire damage and attack + 2
  • Lightning: Attacks do shock damage and recovery times on sword is reduced.
  • Doing the same element when the first time is still in effect doubles bonus.
  • Also, Drain gives bonus to the enemy while in effect
    Elemental Raid: Depends on which elemental his sword is:
  • Fire: A swirl of flame raises into the sky. Carries the target. 30 hits (F)
  • Lightning: Holds his sword up and shoots lightning in all directions. 10 hits (S)
  • Ice: Stabs down, and spears of ice poke up along the ground (W)
  • Default is Lightning, but last element used is used for attack, even if the effect has worn off.

    Enter: The background gets cut, and falls away like a curtain
    Taunt: Raises his sword and shakes
    Victory: Does the Ninja magic and the shadows bow to the real one

  • Juggernaut

    The brother of Professor X. Discovering a mystic gem, he transforms himself into a massive, insanely strong behemoth that is nearly invulnerable. His only weaknesses is his mind.

    Strategy: By far the slowest and the strongest fighter in CvTW. Playing defensively is about the only option due to his abysmal speed score.
    Battleplan: Stay back and make him come to you. Even fast characters will have a problem getting in 4 hits before his single, bone-shattering swing.
  • Earthquake followed by Juggernaut Crush.
  • Trip before a Belly Flop.

    Stats: Power: 10 Energy: 3 Defense: 8 Speed: 1 Strength: (Normal Attacks) Weakness: P Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Juggernaut Punch*: Winds up and throws a huge punch. Covers about half the screen area
    Earthquake*: Punches the ground, and a shockwave travels along it (E)
    Belly Flop*: Jumps into the air, and attempts to land on the enemy, belly first.
    Power Up: Raises his power and energy by 2 each! Lasts 5 seconds.
    Super Armor 3.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Juggernaut Crush*: Dashes forward. Single hit unless trapping in a corner, then 5 hits
    Rumble Throw: A pile of rocks appear behind Jugs, and he throws them. 14 hits (E)
    Power Quake: A hyper Earthquake. Larger shockwave with 12 hits (E)

    Enter: Bends a large pipe. Drops it
    Taunt: Punches his palm and says "I'm Juggernaut!"
    Victory: Stands up the enemy, then punches them down into the ground, up to the neck.

  • Sentinel

    Sentinels are robot hunters designed to capture and kill mutants. They are developed to protect humans, but before too long they decide that mutants are humans and both need to be exterminated.

    Strategy: Slow, but he has so many weird moves that it really doesn't matter. Anticipation is very important to victory.

    Battleplan: Although Sentinel can hit nearly anywhere on screen, his speed is a hindrance. Plus, being so damn big, his upper body is vulnerable to jumping attack.
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Sentinel Crush
  • Traps in corner, Mouth Laser, Headbutters, Repeat
  • Chain Combo, Shocking Blast or Mouth Laser

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 4 Defense: 8 Speed: 2 Strength: F Weakness: S Ratio: 2 Drain: Super Armor 1 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Mouth Laser*: Opens it's mouth and fires a small laser blast (S)
    Saw Blade*: His leg opens up and a buzzsaw comes out of it
    Mini Sentinels:
  • Mine Droppers*: 2 fly overhead and drop bombs on the enemy (F)
  • Headbutters: 3 Fly directly at the enemy.
    Flash Grenade: Throws a grenade that releases light and stuns the enemy
    Bonus: Rocket Limbs. Sentinels legs and arms extend

    Hyper Attacks:
    Sentinel Waves*: 4 Waves of Headbutters fly through the enemy. 16 hits
    Shocking Blast: A globe of energy is held up in front of Sentinel. Small size. 10 hits (S)
    Sentinel Crush: Air only. Deploys a large saw blade and charges forward. 10 hits

    Enter: Energizes himself
    Taunt: Energizes
    Victory: A tentacle grabs the enemy. Sentinel says "Mission Completed"

  • Marrow

    A member of the Morlocks clan in the X-Men universe. Marrow has the power to create bone-like objects that come out of her skin. Ouch!

    Strategy: Marrow can do quite a bit of damage with her specials, but her normal attacks are uninspired and sort of weak. Only use the normal attacks to herd the enemy into specials and hypers.
  • Bonemarang, Chain Combo into Rang, Compound Fracture
  • Sweep Combo, Transplant
  • Launcher, Air Combo, Bonemarang

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense*: 7 Speed: 4 Strength: E Weakness: B Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Bonemarang*: Throws a bone that soon starts spinning in place. Multi-hit and can be done mid-air (E)
    Red Blood*: Jumps to the wall and does a dive bomb attack
    Towering Spine*: Grows giant spikes out of her back. (E)
    Smart Bone: Fires 2 small homing bone shards (E)
    Bone Crash: Creates an axe-shaped bone and does an uppercut attack

    Hyper Attacks:
    Bone Burst*: 4 huge bone tentacles come out of Marrow's back and shoot forward. 10 hits (E)
    Stinger Bone: 12 spikes fire out of Marrow's back and home in on the enemy (E)
    Quadra-rang: Throws out 4 Bonemarangs. Up to 16 hits (E)

    Enter: Does the Red Blood onto the screen
    Taunt: Makes a sculpture of a random fighter out of bone
    Victory: Makes a huge sculpture of herself.

  • Apocalypse

    An evil mutant of enormous power, although if you ask him, Apocalypse is a god, not a mutant. This guy can change his body in just about any size or shape he wants.

    Strategy: Apocalypse is one of the tallest fighters in the game. His upper body is vulnerable to attack. He's slow, counter and hit.
    Combos: none
    Similar Fighters: Abyss (Solid), Onslaught

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy: 6 Defense*: 10 Speed: 3 Ratio: 3 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Homing Cannon*: His shoulders turn into cannons and fire homing projectiles(B)
    Drill Fist*: Turns his arm into a drill and charges
    Temporary Armor*: Gives an ally Super Armor 2 for 10 seconds
    Apoc Beam: Fires a beam of energy (B)
    Air Drill: Same as Drill Fist except he goes airborne

    Hyper Attacks:
    Armeggedon Drill*: Turns into a huge Apoc and does a giant Drill Fist. 28 hits
    Shoulder Cannon: Fires 14 homing energy blasts from his shoulders. (B)
    Laser Bits: 3 flying satellites have beams shot from Apoc to them, and direct beams at the enemy. 24 hits (S)

    Enter: Falls out of the sky and crushes the ground
    Taunt: Laughs evilly
    Victory: "The Apocalypse is at Hand"


    Mojo's henchwoman. She is charged with bringing new combantants to Mojo's arena fighting.

    Strategy: Hammer the enemy with constant Fierce punches. If she misses, you're in trouble. If they block it though, there is no way they can counter it. Tele-swap can be a great assist if you can change sides on the enemy. Then they'll block the wrong way.
  • Chain Combo, Fierce Punch, Tempest Swords

  • Similar Fighters: Dhalsim, Necro

    Stats: Power: 4 Energy*: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 4 Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Blade Call: Surrounds herself with 6 spinning swords
    Spiral Blade*: Do after Blade Call. Throws her swords either one at a time, or as a circular pattern(*).
    Tele-swap*: Switches position of Spiral or other ally (for assist) with the enemy.
    6 Armed Catch: Anti-air throw. Grabs the enemy out of the air and body slams them (A).
    Fierce Punch: Her normal fierce punch is a long ranged, 6 hit attack!
    Stretchy limbs for long range

    Hyper Attacks:
    Tempest Swords*: Fires 3 waves of blades, 6 blades per wave for 18 hits total
    Doppleganger: Rushes forward, doing a combo where she changes through 26 different X-Men fighters. 1 hit per form
    Delayed Dopple: Spiral glows red. Hit the enemy (C) and do a 13 hit Doppleganger combo.

    Enter: A "spiral" of white appears on the ground, and Spiral rises out
    Taunt: Does the "Spiral Funny Dance" (moves her legs up and down without moving anything else)
    Victory: A illusionary Mojo appears and Spiral bows

  • Omega Red

    A cyborgenic creature built as a weapon of war. Omega Red was equipped with long, metallic tendrils that could come out of his wrists. Due to his construction, he is almost invincible. The only way the X-Men could defeat him was to freeze him.

    Strategy: Be aggressive. Since his normal attacks have such a huge range, the enemy can do very little to stop him once he gets going. Omega Red's main weakness is missing his specials, because the lag is huge if they miss (not if their blocked though).
  • Air Combo, Red Lasher, Red Storm
  • Chain Combo, Omega Destroyer
  • Chain Combo, Omega Strike, Omega Slice
  • Omega Slice, Shock, Throw Straight Up, Omega Slice (Up)
    Similar Fighters: Dhalism

    Stats: Power: Energy: Defense: Speed: Strength: S Weakness: W Ratio: 2

    Special Moves:
    Omega Slice*: Whips out a tentacle (C) once hit, he can shock the enemy and throw them in any direction. (A)(S)
    Omega Strike*: Uses his tentacles to throw himself at the enemy feet first.
    Ground Tentacle*: His tendrils go into the ground, and come out under the enemy
    Red Lasher: His fierce punch attack. Frantically waves his tentacles, doing 6 hits. (A)
    Immunity to poisoning.

    Hyper Attacks:
    Omega Destroyer*: Waves a tentacle in each direction. Covers the entire screen. Up to 14 hits
    Red Storm: Air Only. Red air-dashes forward (C) and hits the enemy with a 10 hit combo, ending with an Omega Slice throw
    Electric Whip: His tentacles deal S damage (stronger normal attacks use them). Lasts 10 seconds.

    Enter: He is kneeling down and a blast of water rises around him. He stands
    Taunt: Ties his tentacles in a knot
    Victory: Whips around the tentacles, and grabs them in both hands.

  • Master Mold

    The leader and builder of all sentinels. Master Mold creates the smaller sentinels inside its own body. Master Mold has real intelligence, unlike the normal sentinels that just follow their orders. The Mold wants to destroy all humans and build its own robotic world.

    Strategy: Slow, but he has so many weird moves that it really doesn't matter. Anticipation is very important to victory. Although Mold can hit nearly anywhere on screen, his speed is a hindrance. Plus, being so damn big, his upper body is vulnerable to jumping attack.
  • Chain Combo, Sentinel Crush, Shocking Blast
  • Chain Combo, Launcher, Air Combo, Sentinel Crush, Shocking Blast (ouch!)
  • Sweep Combo, Sawing Limb, Air Combo, Sentinel Attack, Shocking Laser
  • Oral Laser, Headbutters, repeat (traps enemy in the corner)
    Similar Fighters: Sentinel

    Stats: Power: 7 Energy: 7 Defense: 8 Speed: 3 Ratio: 3 Drain: Super Armor 2 Size: H

    Special Moves:
    Sentinel Crush*: A normal move very similar to Sentinel's hyper. Flys forward encases in energy. 5 hits (A,S)
    Oral Laser*: Opens his mouth and shoots a laser blast straight ahead. (A,S)
    Mini-Sentinels: Calls one of two types.
  • Headbutters*: Fly directly at the enemy and ram into them
  • Bombers: fly overhead and drop bombs on the enemy
    Sawing Limb: Transforms his foot into a large saw and does a sweep like kick. 5 hits. Launcher attack
    Super Armor 3
    Basic Throw: Holds the enemy up in a Shocking Blast like field. Weak (S)
    Bonus: Flying, Air Dash

    Hyper Attacks:
    Sentinel Attack*: Like Sentinel's Wave Hyper, but with full grown sentinels. 16 hits
    Cavity Laser: Opens his mouth and fires a huge laser blast. 27 hits (S)
    Shocking Blast: Creates a huge orb of energy in front of his mouth 10 hits, at the end, fires a 10 bullets in a spread. (A,S)

    Enter: Flies down from the top of the screen
    Taunt: See Victory
    Victory: Faces the "camera" and all of the hatches on it open. Steam comes out.

  • Lil' Juggernaut

    What would happen if someone shrunk Juggernaut? Lil' Juggernaut, that’s what. Other than being the size of Servbot, all of his powers and moves are intact.

    Strategy: By far the slowest and the strongest fighter in CvTW. Playing defensively is about the only option due to his abysmal speed score. The only difference from Lil and regular Juggernaut is the Lil has very little range, but his small size and immense power make up for it.

  • Earthquake followed by Juggernaut Crush.
  • Trip before a Belly Flop.
    Similar Fighters: Juggernaut, Hulk

    Stats: Power*: 10 Energy: 3 Defense: 8 Speed: 1 Strength: Normal Attacks Weakness: P Ratio: 2 Size: T

    Special Moves:
    Juggernaut Punch*: Winds up and throws a huge punch. Covers a small area
    Earthquake*: Punches the ground, and a shockwave travels along it (E)
    Belly Flop*: Jumps into the air, and attempts to land on the enemy, belly first.
    Power Up: Raises his power and energy by 2 each! Lasts 5 seconds.
    Super Armor 3
    Servbot Size
    Basic Throw: Punches the enemy into the ground

    Hyper Attacks:
    Head Crush*: Dashes forward, causing massive damage with his head. 5 hits
    Rumble Throw: A pile of rocks appear behind Jugs, and he throws them. 14 hits (E)
    Power Quake: A hyper Earthquake. Larger shockwave with 12 hits (E)

    Enter: Bends a large pipe. Its much bigger than him anyway
    Taunt: Punches his palm and says "I'm Juggernaut
    Victory: Walks forward and steps on the enemy
