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I used to watch TV every day, 3 or hour hours a day.  That’s 21 hours a
week, almost a whole day.  The problem is, TV goes on without you.
Its non-participatory.  It requires you to not do a single thing, just watch
and stare at the idiot box as your mind turns to slush.  A whole
generation raised by this machine, unable to form a single thought.
We’ve become indoctorinated and complacent by the bright lights and
pretty colors of our television sets.  Try, for a week, to unplug your TV
and instead, pick up a pencil, a camera, a book.  Instead of idly wasting
your time, stand up, go outside and realize what the fuck this whole
movement, this punk rock thing, is all about: life.  Real life.  Not
contrived 2 dimensional people with their petty lives and their stupid
stereotypes.  Real people.
