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the human mold
our voices must be heard above the roaring din of disillusionment that we all wrap ourselves in.  when has it become taboo to speak you mind and illegal to go your own way.  by hiding from yourself in these technological marvels.  We have created a constant need for money to fill the void within ourselves.  afraid to speak our minds. afraid we will be ostracized.  from the very beginning we are brainwashed into this propaganda and we get out of school molded for society.  we suddenly are expected to give up our dreams and act like adults. to be realistic.  to fit in and shut up.  i cannot stand it.  i do not want your american dream.  i want my dream. i want to make mistakes and i want to fuck up. if i am always following the herd so i don't fall of the trail what will i do when i stop to smell the flowers and the herd is gone?  i can wonder, lost, for hours.  then i realize that i do not need them.  they did not care for me.  i do not want to be just another face in the ever growing crowd.  i want to deviate.  you call this freedom? i call this prison.  its so easy to forget who you are.  if you can only think in stereotypes you will never truly know anyone.