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Oh, to be 6 again
All the children
Dancing in the streets
Run away
When cars pass by
The double-yellow line
Running, jumping, fighting,
Dancing, playing, screaming,
Yelling, skipping, falling
They fall on their knees
Run home to mommy
For Neosporin and band-aids
Then run back out
Into the street again
Until the call comes
“Diner’s ready”
They scatter
Like bugs when you
Flip on the light
And go home

The Photographic Process
None of the pictures
I took
of you while we were together
turned out
very good they’re all to dark
I guess
it’s all right if i looked
at your face
I’d go crazy, i guess

I’m Not As Pretty As I Used To Be
“Can I have this dance”
I said
You said, and laughed
We danced for a long time

“We don’t dance much anymore”
I asked
You said, and cried
We were sad for a long time

The Thoughts That Rush Through Your Synapses At A Million Miles Per Second
All those flashing, failing lights
In front of my house startled me
I thought, perhaps, I’d died
And no one cared to tell me!
It turns out my neighbor
The nice one, who baked cookies
And sang real pretty through the walls
Had killed herself
The bullet exited the chamber
Traveled through
The roof of her mouth
Through her brain
Exploding with a brilliant crimson flash
Her head fell to the desk
There was nothing they cold do
Her body was dead
Her soul had died that day too
Nobody knew
They found a letter in her hand
From her lover
They found a lot, about 100
Which told a sad tale of love
Gone wrong
Classic, from the times of Shakespeare
I guess this means
No more cookies
And no more singing
And no one to talk to
When my date canceled
Or my friends forgot
To show up
Or just those lonely
Friday nights we’d talk
Of everything
Like why the Earth
rotates around the Sun
And my theories of evolution
She was a good listener
She told stories too
Of being a little girl
In Paris and walking
The empty streets at night
I was the only one
At her funeral
Except a dog
Who wandered in for the rain
I named him after her
And it took me home
That was 2 years ago
I decided to go
To Paris with the dog
And walk the empty streets
At night