Kevin McDonald

Kevin Quotes:

"Within each of us are several personalities. For example are we the same person talking to our parents as we are when we haggle with a prostitute?"

"Well, you know, it started off innocently enough...flattery. I would complement the jacket I was wearing, or say 'nice cologne' to myself. But soon after that I'd be at the water cooler and, uh, I would start to play with my hair. Oh, I'd try to laugh it off, pretend that nothing was happening, but that semmed only to encourage me."

"No, sweet Jesus, i wish it did. I would, uh, rub against myself on elevators, stare down my top using a mirror, and always, always the suggestive comments. then one day, I was in the washroom and-*to my horror*-I found that I was fondling myself."

"I, however, will answer all your questions. I have lots and lots of time. So, please any questions're the one that can see me? Fucking Kids in the Hall. 'Join the troop. Join the troop'"