
I never know how to refer to myself, as Pagan, As wiccan or simply as a Witch. I'm all three. The more i read into different Pagan beliefs the more i learn. But if you have to be all technical about it, you can just call me a Dianic Witch.

Dianic Tradition:First pinpointed by Margaret Murray in 1921 in "the WitchCult in Western Europe," this term appears to include a mixture of various traditions. However, their prime focus in recent years is on the Goddess, and has been pegged as the "feminist" movement of the Craft. By Silver RavenWolf

Over the course of 2 years i found my path. I wasn't sure at first, and i have been accused of being scared off by Christianity. That might be true though. I didn't feel safe in that atmosphere, but in my solitary practices i feel very comfortable, very very safe.

Witchcraft is all about a love of nature. That is the most important thing. Through the craft you learn how to heal others, speak to plants, Trees, spirits and animals. You learn to divine you dreams and the future. To communicate with The God and Goddess. You learn about yourself, secrets hidden deep inside. It's a beautiful religion. I haven't had the experience of being in a coven, but i hope to some day. There are lots of books out there for Solitary witches, which offer insight into doing it on your own.

Here are some links that you might find helpful:


Grove Keeper's Wicca Page

The Alexandrian Book of Shadows

Good little Witch

A Witch's Cauldron

Farmers' Almanac Astronomy



Gypsy Folk Shoppe

Solitary Wicca for those who practice Earth based religions solo.


Free the West Memphis Three

The Salem Witch Museum - Salem, Massachusetts

~~*~~Intree Cottage Witch~~*~~

~~*~~Pagan Blinkies~~*~~

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