Heterosexuality has been forcibly and subliminally imposed on women. Yet everywhere women have resisted it, often at the cost of physical torture, imprisonment, psychosurgery, social ostracism, and extreme poverty. --Adrienne Rich

phillipino boy: "you american, no?" tourist: "well actually i'm canadian. thats like an american, but without a gun." --from 'the kids in the hall'

those who call the shots are never in the line of fire --ani difranco

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. --David Brinkley

Screw the perfect people.. fuck, they all look the same. --Pennywise

How can any of us possibly live up to the images of life which we see every day on TV? We are bombarded by images that confuse us and create in us unrealistic expectations which we can never attain. The constant media blitz of unreality tears down the fiber of our society.. --R.S. Connett

There is nothing mixed up about a woman who loves women, who wants to have sex with them, or who identifies as a lesbian. It is society that is mixed up because it punishes people for not conforming to its gender stereotypes. --Edward Stein

"Thou shalt not commit adulthood Thou shalt not partake of decaf" -Descendents

"Live nude girls? I get all my live nude girls for free...dead clothed boys is what I'll pay to see."- Tribe 8

"Yes, God did exist. He died. He was very small. Mystery solved! " - Kids in the hall

"What makes us feel good without hurting others IS good" - Bikini Kill

"situations get fucked up and turned around sooner or later and i could be another fool or an exception to the rule you tell me the morning after"--elliott Smith

"saw the one big problem you keep under your hat and its pretty unlikely that anyone else is cool with that"-- elliott Smith

"and so i waited for a shot of white noise i dont wanna hear some stupid screaming, little half-arsed, middle-class, boy because i've got a headache and i'm already full of useless stories"-- elliott Smith

"I'm not a pretty girl, that is not what i do"-- ani difranco

"all over town she cuts you down I want to lift you from that ground but i choke on the sound but the touch of your hand while you were leaving in the doorway stuck around could have knocked me down the way it was lasting"-- third sex

" i will stand tall and i will stand proud 'cause i know that my only crime was to stand up to your years of lies and your absentees I saw who my friends were in my time of need"-- bratmobile

"let pussy manifest and let freedom sing!"- bitch and animal

"no sleep til that man is out of town. no sleep til i can't hear the sound of your voice telling me there is no choice. your voice, THERE IS A CHOICE!" -huggy bear

"I'm going to miss you most of all you grumpy bastard" --newsradio

This is the part of the record when I want everybody to stand up..... throw your hands in the air.... and kiss my ass... cuz your girlfriend STILL loves me! --Jon Spencer

"Why don't you get a pair of white shoes, move down to Miami Beach and get the whole thing over with?" --seinfeld