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Three Musketeers: Athos
The Three Muketeers:
"'Weep,' said Athos; 'weep, heart full of love, and youth, and life. Alas! would that I could weep as you do!' And he led his friend away-affectionately as a father, consolingly as a priest, and firmly as a man who had himself suffered much." Ch. 63: A drop of water (speaking to d'Artagnan)

Athos Character Descriptions

Athos is always silent and a mystery to even his closest friends. His taste for alcohol is heavy, and his hand is made of iron. He does not allow his servant,Grimaud, to speak even if it is to warn of dangers and spys. Still behind this tough exterior is a man who is willing to welcome people like d’Artagnan into his heart as he would a son. Below are examples from the book on Athos' character.
  • “It was said that he had met with great misfortunes of the heart, and that a terrible treachery had for ever poisoned the happiness of this gallant man. What this treachery was, no one knew.” Ch. 7: Domestic Manners of the Musketeers.
  • Perhaps the best example of Athos’ character lies early in the book, when soldiers come to arrest d’Artagnan. When the soldiers confuse Athos for him, Athos does not correct them allowing himself to be arrested. Athos hopes this buys d’Artagnan time, though Athos has no idea for what. Athos remains silent the entire time in prison, till finaly someone says that he is not d’Artagnan.

    Commisary: Your name?

    Athos: Athos!

    Comissary: But that is not the name of a man; it is the name of a mountain!

    Athos: It is my name

    Comissary: But you said your name was d’Artagnan.

    Athos: I said so?

    Comissary: Yes, you!

    Athos: The fact is, that they said to me-you are M. d’Artagnan. I replied-do you think so?My guards said they were sure of it. I did not wish to contradict them; besides, I might be mistaken.

    Comissary: Sir, you mock the majesty of justice.

    Athos: Not at all

    Comissary: You are M. d’Artagnan?

    Athos: You see that you still tell me so.

One should note that the character Athos created by Dumas is almost entirely fictional. Though there are speculations of exactly whom Athos is based on (I've heard of at least three different subjects), Dumas creates his own character. As with D'Artagnan, the character Dumas creates is much more interesting. It is his characters that I, like Robert Louis Stevenson (A gossip on a book of Dumas), consider my friends.

WARNING: This Point On Contains Heavy Spoilers! If you have not finished this book, proceed at your own loss.

Athos Quotes

  • “The fact is, that they said to me-you are M. d’Artagnan. I replied-do you think so? My guards said they were sure of it. I did not wish to contradict them; besides, I might be mistaken.” Ch. 10: A Mousetrap of the Seventeenth Century

  • “You inquired for me? My comrades informed me that you commanded my presence, and I hastened to obey you; here I am, sir; what do you require of me?” Ch.3: The Audience (where Athos has been seriously injured but stillcomes to his captains call.)

  • “I say that love is a lottery, in which he who wins gains death! You are very fortunate to have lost, believe me, my dear d’Artagnan; and if I have anyadvice to give you, it is to lose always!” -Ch. 27: The Wife of Athos (to d’Artagnan)

  • “That has cured me of women-beautiful, poetic, and fascinating women. May God grant as much to you! Let us drink!” -Ch. 27 (To d’Artagnan)

  • “Life is a large chaplet of little miseries, which the philosopher shakes with a laugh. Be philosophers, like me, gentlemen: come around the table and let us drink. Nothing makes the future of so rosy a hue, as to look at it through a glass of chambertin.” -Ch. 48: A family Affair

  • “You are not a woman, you do not belong to the human race: you are a demon, escaped from hell, and to hell we shall send you back.” -Ch. 66 The execution (To Milady)

  • “That is right, I pardon you the evil you have done me. I forgive you for my future crushed, my honour lost, my love tainted, and my salvation for ever perilled, by the despair into which you have thrown me. Die in peace!”- Ch.66 (To Milady)

  • My favorite quote by Athos is the following because it proves true every time my life takes a turn. One day I feel like I will never live with the changes, and the next I am dreaming of living them over again.
  • “You are young, and your bitter recollections have time to change themselves to tender remembrances.” -Ch. 67: A message from the cardinal


  • After Athos is injured, he still reports to M. Treville, then faints.

  • Athos goes to the Bastille for d’Artagnan.

  • Athos warns the man that since he now knows his real name, he must die. Sure enough Athos win's the duel.

  • Athos tells the tale of betting and losing the horses, diamonds, and even hisservant.

  • Athos fights with the men at the inn, and then locks himself in the cellarwhere he drinks over 100 pistoles worth of wine.
  • Athos stops d’Artagnan from stopping the execution: The young man rose, andmade a step towards her. But Athos drew his sword, and placed himself in hispath. “If you take one more step, d’Artagnan,” said he, “we must cross ourswords together.”

  • Athos writes d'Artagnan's name in the lieutenant line

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