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It's saturday morning now.

This morning, you could say, marks the end of an era.

Late last night, the agents of Avron and Sol Ameron, our party, died in our fight to stop the return of G.

Deep within the lava crater in a land further from our homes than I would have considered us going again, in search for the sixth coin. Fought to the last against the coin's guardian, side by side with the party of adventurers who had dogged our steps on the word of Lordon for the last for years. Only Ramko and two of their party remained. Barely, at that.

Now, trapped within the core of the volcano, unknowing how to escape. Waiting, with the burned and broken bodies of their companions they wait. Hoping, praying that the Light might find a way to save them. That some truly powerful cleric could restore them.

But I, Rhet, lost into the volcano itself...

My first character in this world, my longest running character in any game.

And to think, there wasn't even any evil there.

Rhet Ro, more my own soul than any other character I've ever created. Driven, to the point of obsession. Thoughtless of his own safety in the course of his goals, sometimes almost willfully stepping into what will undoubtably maul him with no defense.

I'd come to think of some of them as almost immortal. Reese, raised from the dead. Ramko, having never felt the cold touch of death. Drake, the one who held the power of life within his faith. Rhet, who came back from near death time and time again. Who became the single target for Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, sending him plunging into the lava below...

I'm almost sad from it, though looking at my own arm. Knowing I did that, stepped in front of something I shouldn't. Knowing that Rhet, expecting to die fighting any evil that crossed his path but never seemed to quite take that last step could finally die, reminds me. One day, no matter how distant it would seem, the time does come, for all of us.

Word of recall!