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Yes, I'm aware there's not much here. For the simple reason that I'm assuming at least one of the players is reading this, and in general at this point in the game none of them know too much about each other.
So no, you won't see stats or much extensive info on them.

Domino The beautiful raven haired masked elf. Nice and mystery-like.
Alexand Di'Mere A very tall human man dressed in a fine, dark blue robe. Hazel green eyes, short brown hair and lion's mane beard.
Gohrn A half-elven male with bloodshot green eyes and unruly red hair, of average height and build hidden under a long black cloak. He carries a big mean looking scythe and mumbles about his Master.
Medora The second fullblood elven girl. Bright red haired, tall and stunningly beautiful. She has horrible manners and a fondness for drink matching that of a dwarf.
Kopporu aka; Fuzzy Short, human girl, haphazardly cut orange hair and mismatched brown and blue eyes. Short tempered and not much of a conversationalist. Occasionally smells bad, and wears a length of rusted chain as a belt.
Lady Alexis Valduis Freaky huge half-elven woman of average looks. She has long, almost waist-length wavy auburn hair and blue-grey eyes.
Wielder of the big freaky bow.
Bobo The newly joined gnome who likes to collect things. An apparent near-abject coward and slight idiot

Various other people and things the various PC's have encountered who may or not be noteworthy. Maybe I just feel like listing them, OKAY??

Small fuzzy white cat #1 Encountered by Domino in the home of Sven Newmark. It followed her around and chased a mouse a little.
Amanda Mason The green eyed casting thief sent to wait for Domino in Newmark's house and escort her to the palace. (And Claire said she's hot. Her words. I swear.)
The sage The ancient seer in Coventry that told Alexand's fortune and sent him to seek his Destiny.
The Wanderer's Captain The firey haired and tempered captain of the caravel Destined Wanderer, the ship Alexand took to Harlech from Coventry.
Francesca Jenkins The beautiful, black haired, green eyed woman who met with Alexand on the caravel and accompanied him to Harlech.
Gevarain The ancient, and now dead, priest of Kelemvor that Gorhn was lead to and then sent his soul to his Master.
The Mountain Lion Encountered on the trail to Harlech by Alexis. It followed her for several days, leaving her a dead animal each morning.
Brendon Draun Enigmatic priest from Harlech. Quiet and apparently charming, he was once a member of the same Order as Alexis, he revealled himself to Alexis the morning after a bandit attacked her and the mountain lion stopped appearing. (Rumors abound!!)
Dyona Trilane The tall young auburn haired elven ranger who steps out of the forests in front of Kopporu in time to get impaled on the heavy javelin from a Troglodyte. Koppy saved her life and they flirted extensively on their way to Harlech.
Ryan Curatis The enigmatic force who is gathering these misfits and outcasts. First directly encountered by Medora, outside the tavern after her brief and irritatingly painless (on her part) fight. Tall and powerfully built with striking ice-blue eyes. Avery's director of private matters. The guy who knows everything and gets things done.
Gesin The palace clerk who Medora tormented with her rather uhm.. extensive "naughties" for several days. (Too hard to explain.)
Small fuzzy white cat #2 Remarkably similar to the first one, this one appeared in the office while Kopporu was drawing on the windows. It climbed up and tried to be friendly, but she wasn't. It then fell asleep in the corner.
Rachel Ficher Not encountering -her- so much as her remains, she's relatively important so she's here anyways. Wife of the soon to be found Zalcor Ficher who is accused of her murder and that of another man.
The Necromancer Encountered on the road to Kanth along with the thief. They all thought he was an undead creature. ;) Yeah I mean, be quiet.
The Thief With the mage, the two of them actually did some fair damage to the party. Honest guys, these two really weren't known bandits. They were for something else.
Zalcor Ficher Accused of the murder of his wife Rachel and another man named Andrew Raynar. He's a scrawny git. :)
Montgomery Gentry The sheriff of the town of Kanth. Nice big bear of a man, he's friendly. Honest.
Andrew Raynar The now dead former part owner of the tavern in Kanth. Shot in the back by someone who really places an arrow well.
Creyan Jase Andrew Raynar's cousin, who was a partial owner of the tavern in Kanth. Now sole owner of the tavern in Kanth. Who knows if that's good or not? Not me, I just know he's now missing a whole bunch of money on account of a cute elf.
Rhiannon Ficher Zalcor's beautiful loving sister, killed his wife and her lover to protect Zalcor but then things went horribly awry.
Mage .
Warrior .
. .