Game Start; Febuary 22nd, 852PA. Avery Palace, Harlech City, Harlech. Let's get it oooooooonnnnnnnnn baby ; ) *gives bee a shot of xanax :) * ROFL *xanax ??* *slowly slipping into seducer personality* Okay, all of you are in the very messy room. its a sedative type drug :) ((wait)) since Kopporu threw all the books on the floor (( i have to get all my screens)) *has desc ready, say when hatch* Lady Alexis is tall for a half-elf at about 5'8". She is solidly build and muscular, but not quite thick. She has dark auburn hair that reaches past the middle of her back, usually worn in a long, single braid. She is plain of face, slightly freckled and fair-skinned, with piercing blue-grey eyes. She walks with the graceful, steady gait of a warrior who trusts her abilities. She wears no covering on her head, prefering to leave her hearing and vision uncompromised. She leaves her hands bare as well, but uses a set of heavy chainmail armor, which she keeps impeccably clean. She has a longsword swung over each shoulder, and carries a heavy longbow of fine workmanship. You see a woman with two long black braids trailing down her back. You would think the tight black leather armor that covers her from her feet to high on her neck would be the most striking feature but the white and black cermic looking mask blocking all view of her features is easily more impressive. Even though you cant see the woman underneath the leather armor its tightness reveals easily that its a woman in great shape and possibly considerable beauty under it. She carries a leather bag thrown over one shoulder, and a crossbow of very small size actually in a holster at her hip. Two short swords are in scabbard crossed on her back. You cant make out her race but she might be human or elven. Middle length brown hair, and a "Lion's Mane" beard, (Sideburns, jawline, no mustache), His eyes are usually a leaf green color, but being hazel they change. Tall and slim, he is not heavily muscled, but is usually wearing concealing robes, this would describe the good looking human known as Alexand Di'Mere. He carries several daggers on his dark brown leather belt, and a staff is gripped easily in his hands. The only major finery you can see on him aside from his nice simple dark blue robe and leather boots, is a large heavy metal ring hung from a cord around his neck. You see a short adolescent human(you think) girl, with short blazing orange hair cut in a haphazard way that compliments her dissimilar eyes, one being of the palest blue the other of the deepest brown. Her skin is a light tan, setting off her orange hair quite nicely. She wears leather armor of an uncommon sort, with spikes instead of studs littering the surface, around her waist is something that looks quite out of place, a decidedly rusty chain being used it seems as a belt... with a very peculiar sword tucked in it. She carries with her a fairly large trident... which suprisingly looks as tho' it has had little use(as with the sword). Her hands on the other hand are wrapped in blood stained and rather dirty heavy cloth around the knuckles and palms, and yet her hands seem to feel no pain. Apon her shoulders rests a beautiful white cloak, with the remains of an animal of somesort's head hanging limply behind her... it looks as though it could be pulled over as a cap/headdress/hat, you wonder how the white could remain so pristine next to everything else she wears. ((ROFL!!! Chain! ;-) The CHAIN??? A catching glance during a yawn reveals teeth that look... not quite altogether human, her canines being somewhat more pronounced and sharp looking than they should be. {mwahahah} I can't believe you kept that. :) ((I can. ;-))) (At least she kept the sword too.) I must have missed something. ((Better get my dice ready. ;-) ((ROFL, is that princess monoke ?)) Anyways... (nothing Bob, it's from her intro. One of the kobolds had a chain) About 5 feet, 8 inches tall, Gohrn is very slim, with an athletic build. His hair is red, untamed, and usually, unwashed. He has elvish features. His eyes are green, and usually bloodshot. His cloak is black, and held together at the neck with a simple pin. The cloak is black, travel-stained and hooded, but it's rare to see Gohrn use it. You can see splint mail of a black color peeking out from beneath it. He carries a large scythe that seems to radiate a unearthly power. It has many uses, serving as a backscratcher, a lantern holder, a reaver of souls, and a walking stick. Ohh, you also see a tall human man with black hair and soft brown eyes, dressed in a brillant white cloak and gleaming armor sitting on the arm of a chair in the corner. ((ACK !! it's a Whitecloak !!)) No its not! He's very friendly. {psst.... are we starting? ;)} Yep! Everyone go about your meeting {describe the room again} It's a 12 by 15 foot room. Empty bookshelves line the walls. Books cover the floor. *walks in with confidant step* ((i Wonder why??? ;-))) One shelf still has books on it. There's a few chairs in the room. *sitting and staring at the oragne haired girl* The only doors are the two you came in. ((heheheh cause I got some that's why, and I'll probbaly get more, he's just that cool : D )) **pacing** ((hehe)) ((I said wonder why to the books on the floor. ;-))) (heh) *stares intently at the book case* **starts putting all the books in one pile** *whoho* "So..... does anyone know why we're here?" **procedes to make a book fort** (ROFL!!) *is watching all these women standing around, and not one has noticed me, is disturbed by this* "im supposed to find someone" "thats all i know" "Well, you know more than I do." **ignores everyone in the room** *walks farther over to them, still in a confidant step* "Like I said, you're no help, Brendon." (Because soooome people were too eager to follow the beautiful people!) "hello" {where is Brendon Hatch?} I would guess I probbaly know the least, hello, it seems I've walked into a small paradise (Sitting on the arm of that chair still) "A small paradise?" ((dammit)) (Bob?) ((just lost him)) **throws book at Brendon** "Hey!" *gleaming seducer smile of doomed hearts attack !!* {lost bob} (He said his ethernet card is shot.) User Gohrn Da'ell has left the chat Brendon looks up. "Yes?" "Why are there so many people here?" **I.e. one of those really nice looking smiles* He looks around "...because we're waiting." "So you know nothing?" ".... waiting?" 'i not much up for waiting" Just asked to help, and directed to go to this room, and that was all I was told He looks to Alexis and smiles. "I didn't say that, did I, Lady Alexis?" *nods slightly at domino* I hate waiting .... it's so ........ boring "okay, I'll give you that." "So, what are we waiting for?" "i would more say its less 'productive' then i like to be" "Ryan." *stands up* Although it is hard to be bored in such wonderful company *not a trace of sarcasm* *walks to the book case* *examines the non moving row of books* okeh. They look like books. "oddly enough, this look like books here" **goes back over to the book pile out of boredom** "But the little one couldn't move them. Odd." **begins flipping through books... looking fro pictures** Hmm, do they have Tenser's ultradynamic hydoform formula theory ? Gohrn Da'ell enters the chat **is in engrossed in her picture search... doesnt hear Alex** "Right. Hello."((Sorry.)) "Was that Dwarvish?" 'sure that woudl on the bottem of her fort somewhere" (Flying Disk?) *smiles* I like to read, it comes in handy with what I do "And what do you do?" ((Ummm I basically said formula for fluid water)) {do i find any pictures hatch?} ((You found a, N'Sync coloring book!)) (Some, not many. Demons, skeletons, and dark shadowforms) *snaps fingers* *casts cantrip ..... light music plays* I make stuff happen now and then "Ah, nice." {like what type of pictures hatch... describe one i find} **ears perk** *pleasant tune plays, you find it oddly soothing and nice .... ;)* **looks.... alarmed** "I am Alexis." **looks around the room** *walks to the door tha we entered and tries to open it* *shakes Alexis had* I am Alexand User Gohrn Da'ell has left the chat ((bang)) (You find a rough red-ink sketch of a large demonic darkness. At his feet lay hundreds of dead people) The door is locked now. "Nice to meet you, Alexand." **shakes her head and goes back to pic searching** *squeezes back but not as hard, no change in facial expression at all* "ooooh..." Nice to meet you as well *kneels down and examines the lock* **tears out the demon picture** acK!! "this you can keep me if i dont want to be kept* ... Umm, and who might be the small impulsive one ? "I don't really know." "I sure do wish my Master would stop dragging me away like this." *yells* "thats fuzzy over there" *watches the destruction of the book with a pang of sympath* "SHe hasn't said much." ((ROFL Bob)) Fuzzy huh ? matches her apperance *pets fuzzy* **while ripping out the picture accidentally breaks the book's spine** "bad move magician" "Have you a name?" {pets fuzzy where?} *eyebrow again raises at domino* ((ROFL pan)) ( broke one of my books!!!) "domino" thats what im called *on the top of her fuzzy head* **looks up kinda confused** "eh?" *smiles at fuzzy* Hello "I'm Alexis. I'm lad to meet you." lad=glad **holds up the book** "i think I broke it" {while looking up at Bee} Brendon stands up from the chair, looks around and stretches, then sits back down and yawns. *nods* I think so .... maybe if you didn't pull on it so hard it the others won't break "How mucy longer?" Brendon smiles. "Not too much longer, I should think." "but it made such a nice cracking sound...." "good." *smiles* you like cracking sounds don't you little one ? "Hello." *stands up and walks to the red head slim man that is staring at the wall* "Seems in a trance of come sort." *nods... obviously bored with the conversation and continues looking through books** "what an odd collection of people" "I'll ask again, and hopefully I won't be dragged kicking and screaming into hell again. Are any of you named Ryan?" "That it is. I'm having a hard time figuring out what would bring us together." *walks over to alexis and domino* She doesn't seem so bad ... a little savage, but not bad "I hope we get an answer soon." *ears perk* "shes fuzzy, thats all i know" "Savage?" Acually I think it rather makes sense the group of us "I AM NOT AMUSED!" Im domino "really? How so?" **turns to face Domino Alexis and Alex** (Kelemvor is displeased! ^_^) *jumps back a bit* ((rofl)) "Savage????" I am Alexand **snorts** "I'm sure he meant it as a compliment!" Umm, sorry fuzzy, umm .... uninterested in reading **throws book at Alexis** *ducks* **looks confused** "Fuh-zee?" "Are you in there?" Everyone roll Wis/Int with a -4 Average of Wis/int? (yes) ((made it by 2)) failed by a mile {whoa! i succeeded} (like you can fail, Bee.) {its... a miracle} You forgot to tell us your name, so someone told me your name is fuzzy, little one "yes, please tell us your name." ((with a -4 penalty ?? heck yes I can)) User Gohrn Da'ell has left the chat *alarmedly looks about in a panicy way* (succeeded) *turns to face the door* Gohrn Da'ell enters the chat *looks over* "It's ok. If you don't want us to call you fuzzy or little one, we need to know your name." *turns around to face the oppisiite wall from the door* **isnt hearing Alexis** *listens intently* **gets up and starts... searching** "Is something going on?" Everyone roll Dex/Int :) *hands are raises slightly* Made it {failed} ((Umm rolled a 2)) 9 (( : ) )) {i faaaaaailed.... do i die?} (killed it) ((hehe)) That wall is about to open I think *points* {figures thats when i'd roll a 17} (Lightning burst through the roof and kills.... Kopporu1!!!) *backs away from it* {ack!} **sizzle** **sizzle** *steps back away from the wall The one section of shelving that still has books on it slips backwards slightly, then stops. User Gohrn Da'ell has left the chat It lifts slowly upwards into the ceiling. *draws a sword* A rather short tanned man dressed as one of the palace clerks steps through, bowing to you all, and announcing that they're ready for you. "AHHHHH!" "Nice entrance." **throw book at him** ((throw the book at him!!)) Gohrn Da'ell enters the chat It misses. He steps to the side and becons you into the room. *walks into the room confidantly* **holds hand over chest breathing heavliy** "Excuse m Aside from the hidden one you came in, there is one door on the south wall and two large double doors facing west, and a large window on the east wall behind a large redwood desk that sits facing the door, a large high backed chair stands behind it, bearing the sword-and-sun crest of Harlech and the Avery family. *follows but way back, and very alert* ((mwahahahah I am Alexand)) (Somewhere I actually have a picture, but I can't find it.) A tall dark haired man stands behind the desk with his back to you, looking out the window. *after she catches her breath she follows in* *stares angrily at the crest* ((Is Brendon with us?)) (yes) "Is this him?" **walks up to the desk** *doesnt sheath my sword* "You mean Ryan?" He nods. {whats on his desk?} Nothing, it's empty. {are there drawers?} (nope) When he turns around your gaze is drawn to his ice-blue eyes. His look and stance seem to radiate confidence and power. Meeting the eyes of each of the other people, he nods slightly at Medora, and then is silent, watching you a moment before he finally speaks. (hehe, Medora is passed out, floating along next to you) (honest!) ((ROFL)) User Gohrn Da'ell has left the chat ((Bob won't be back tonight)) (nope) *seems unaffected by mister radiant power, and radiates some of his own stuff back* "My name is Ryan, I have served three generations of the Avery family." "In my station I ensure the stability of this realm from less obvious external threats. There are times, though, when it is needed to seek service from those not of this court." "court?" "where's the jury?" ((like Koppy knows what a jury is! ;-))) "or is this one of those weird forms of governments?" He looks at Kopporu. "The royal court of Harlech, Kopporu." {hey... i can know things!} "Kopporu. Pretty name." "royal? a monarchy?" "Yes, a monarchy." **slits eyes** "i sort of got attached to fuzzy" "a monarchy eh?" **says it like it tastes bad** "You dislike that idea, do you Kopporu?" Me too, it was cute " i may need of your services magician" "and i mean the ones of arcane and not of sexual" "Pardon my interruption, Mr. Ryan, but what does this have to do with us?" ((ROFL Becca)) *smiles* I am happy to help a lady ..... *face takes odd look when she says sexual* *glares at Alexis* "I suppose you support the Monarchy Party" "Of course, Lady Valdius. I was getting to that part." *smiles again* Well I've never had a single complaint *smirk* On anything "I support no one's cause but Helm's." "Thank you, Mr' Ryan." "For many years now, a dark force, aided by people of this land has worked to return to this world. Those of this land who work with these dark forces are, for the time being, beyond even our ability to control due to her position." "you support a peice of armor alexis?" (rofl!!) "Like I've never heard that one before." "so its an old joke, still funny" "This dark force, however, we can work to stop, but to do so directly would be to expose the Archon to his enemies. This is why we have asked you all here." "no one paid me to expose anything" "So... we're supposed to stop this dark force, then?" ((Biting her tongue)) ;-) "No, we wouldn't ask you to do that without understanding what it is." Ryan smiles oddly at Domino. **picks the gunk out of the corner of her left eye** "We would ask of you, not to hunt down and destroy this evil, but to find the one who can. All that we know of him is that his name is Kether." (mmmm, gunk!) *looks slightly bored* "magician, i would ask her to save that for you, gunk is a powerful reagent" "Now wait a minute here." "Kether? I have a half brother named Kether...." "Only legends of Kether exist, and so this is not an easy task in itself. I must ask, will you do this for the preservation of your world?" ((ack ! I can't remember what reagent means)) (Spell component!) (ahh) "You spent all the time and effort to bring me all the way from Coventry, and these others from Helm know where..." My talents are beyond needing such ... crutches "Helm know where?" "...just so we can find someone? Couldn't you do that yourself?" {knows} know=knows "Helm KNOWS where?" "sure find the guy save the world blah blah blah" He shakes his head. "No, we can't. Nor can we really try, for doing so would let those we work against know of our actions." "She has people watching everywhere." And by the way Domino, I would appriciate you not stealing my name "And after all this, you're not even sure he exists." "stealing?" "if i stole anything from you it wouldnt be your name" Only way to take someone's name from them, is to refuse to use it "We know he exists. Or used to, the question is, where does he exist." *blink* "now that you mention it, i do question the existance of helm" "And you need us to answer this question somehow, I guess.:) He nods. As for the rest *pats his thigh* Your welcome to try and take it, it would be worth the price of admission *very big smile* "Okay, fine. But this begs the question: Why me? Why us?" *smirks* ahh, that fits you much more than a scowl, I thank you for the gift *smiles at domino* "Because, someone believes all of you can do it." "Someone?" "Yes... You didn't think I ran this place, did you? " Of course not You wouldn't be so foolish as to meet us in person if you did *waves it off like it was a simple concept* "Far be it from me to dispute, but it does get boring having people do your work for you. There are times when I go out and carry out lesser asignments on my own." "So....." **walks toward the window** ((she's gonna jump!!!)) **looks down** ".. how are we supposed to find this person?" ((eh she would probbaly survive it)) You see the ground, and a large view of the city. (not a chance... {how far up?} ((okay maybe not)) "Even the legends of Kether are lost in time now, so the only direction I can give you would be to seek council with those in the peaks of the Dragon's Tooth mountains northwest of here." (Roll Wis/Int, Pixie) "You ant us to talk to a fragon council?" ant=want {rolled 10... thats my average} "It is a long journey, so you may rest here for a few days, and then I recommend you follow the road north to the village of Kanth, four days from here before you head west along the mountains. That is, if you agree to do this for us." fragon=dragon {a fragon dragon?} He smiles. "Who said anything about dragons?" I'm sure the others are wondering what's in it for them, to make them agree Ryan "i might if you could... talk.. in.. complete sentences" "So this dark force we'll be helping to stop...." (It looks like you're about 25 yards up) "... it threatens innocents?" (He's doing William Shatner impressions!!) ((ACK!) ((ROFL)) ((Well, he's acting to well then)) ;-) **looks confused.... Kopporu doesnt know the metric system** He shakes his head sadly. "No. It threatens everyone." (...that's not metric!!!) ((yards is US not metric !!@!) {it is? {oops{ "fuzzy, jump, you dont know about gravity maybe you will fly" (75 feet!) ((yup 1 yard = 3 feet)) "Well, everyone includes innocents, so you can count on my help." *smirks at domino's comment, but only a little* He looks to you all. "What of you then, what say you?" **climbs up on the windowsil** "I don't speak for the others, though." (There isn't one!) {there isnt???} (It's a full sized window. The entire wall.) (So don't trip.) ((hatch don't want you jumping to your doom I guess)) "we arent a group, you willl have to bargain with each of us" {from the floor to the cealing???} (yep. Wall to wall.) He nods. "Of course, we didn't expect you to do this for free." ((wow big window)) (You noticed the desk, didn't you?) ^_^ **sits down with her feet dangling out over the side** ( " i would hope you arent that naive" (The window doesn't open.) {its not????} ((It's a GLASS window that big??)) {thats freakin heavy} (er.. no. It's big huge heavy thick glas.) You seem to know a bit about us, I wonder how much ((hehe)) Lost Becca **taps on the window** (lost cc) ((B you still here ?)) (Looking at the lower frame of the window, you can see it's at least 2 inches thick) (yes) (okay hatch how do we get them seeing each other again ?) {jeeze!} (Becca and CC, try and pull one another into this chat.) ((Plexiglass!)) **starts making greasy mark pictures on the window** Ryan chuckles softly User Domino has left the chat She seems easily amused, what a admirable trait Saw her for just a sec. User Lady Alexis has left the chat she dropped. {i lost Buffy too} .... {er wait... nevermind... i wasnt paying attention} (sure snif) {pay no attention to the girl behind the curtain!!!} ((hugs b)) User Domino has left the chat User Domino has left the chat (Can you two see each other? Try and pull each other into the chat) n/m Sheesh. She popped in and left again She dropped. Domino enters the chat THere you are! (i hid in shadows ;) )) hehe ((HUGS)) "what will you offer?" "for us to save your world?" He tilts his head. "It depends what you ask. But it's your world too, not just mine." **the pictures start taking an obscene turn** **giggles** **what a ..... odd girl** (Window porn!) ((Bet it's Hentai)) ;-) "its only a world if you have some reason to want it to continue" Kopporu feels something brush against her side. "eh?" ((Your NPC is back Pan!)) ;-) **looks** "No, it's always a world. There's always a reason." {heh heh} There's a small white kitten. "Mew" *blink* ((mmmmm dinner)) (HEy!!) ((Hehehe)) **picks it up by the scruff and looks at its face** "mrrrrl?" It paws at your nose **tosses it away haphazardly... goes back to her pictures** ((HAHAHA)) "ahem, excuse me, hello?" "So, what would you ask, Lady N.. Domino." *eyes grow cold* Ne ? You feel a sharp pain in your back, Kopporu. ((take 8 points!)) ;-) He shrugs appologetically. **slapps at back** **mumbles "damn bugs..."** You feel something crawl on your shoulder ((ROFL)) "MEW!" The cat licks your face ((Hatch and his cats. At least it's not as big as mine was, Pan.)) ;-) **roughly slaps the cat off** (wooo, kitty envy!) well you got goody goody girl for free so you got lots for me right? He laughs shortly. "We have lots anyways." ((Good answer!)) "In case you didn't look around lately." **pulls out the demon picture and starts re-creating it on the window** "maybe i did, maybe i already took stuff" *smilng* (... not likely... it's a detailed sketch...) {she can try} *Is watching this with a amused smile on his face* "What you took from Newmark isn't my concern." (go nuts) **the window is littered with slightly demonic looking stick figures** (hehe) ((ROFL)) ((heeehe)) "some gold for provision, and the promise of a item of power if i return" *that is my price" He nods. "A simple request." He looks to Alexand and then Kopporu. "And what of you two? What would you ask?" The cat walks over and sits by the window Obviously you don't know me very well then .... *smiles* should higher some better people to get information for you He smiles. "We can't see everywhere, can we now, Di'Mere?" I want fun, of course, and by pairing me with such interesting companions, you provided that *smile* "A man easily please, I see." He looks at Kopporu. "You have an interesting sense of fun." Of course the costomary payment of money and perhaps magic is traditional please=pleased He nods. ((oh and i want a spelling book for cc :) )) Hate to break tradition, of course *smiles* ((Bah. How about a typing tutor? ;-))) He smirks. ((sold, *has small price tag on*)) (heh) "Well, how much would you two ask?" *motions to domino, as if to say, you first* "hmm, in gold not much just enough for some provisoin, 25 peices, plus i want a letter that i keep eveyrhting i "find" "Well, Kopporu. You still haven't answered." He nods. "Of course. Anything you should gain of your own venture is yours to keep." "answered?" "My question." ".... question?" "What would it take for you to help us?" *laughs* He sighs ((more books to tear up!)) (there's lots outside!) ((and maybe a spiked collar!)) (rofl!!) **looks HIGHLY confused** "why would i want to help you?" ((Demon porn subscriptoin) (how about a leash?) ((Hehehe)) {you guys are mean! ;)} "Because it would be interesting, and a fine adventure." "It would be fun, little one!" "And you might find things to entertain yourself" "im not little, you're just gargantuan" ((HAHAHA)) Little red happy faces start to pop up on the window {what?????? little red happy faces???} ((ROFL)) *smiles* I am at that, but I'm willing to bet that it means there will be more stuff you can break Kopporu They turn slowly into stickmen who start sliding over the surface of the glass. ((Cantrip!)) (Reeeally?) *smiles* ((Or not)) ;-) **isnt facing the window so she wouldnt know** (Know of anyone who can cast it here?) "So, Kopporu? Would you like to go with these others?" (Would you like a cookie? :D) **looks dizzy** I dont even know who those people are! Who they are.. who YOU are.... hell, I can barely keep MYSELF straight. "You don't? You've spent all that time out there waiting around silently?" He looks amused. and know... you want to ship me off with a bunch looneys?????? "She made a book fort." (hehe, Koppy is straight?) Ryan looks startled. "...a book.. fort?" "yes." **looksa tad agitated** "And.... we could really use that kind of surviva skill on our adventure." "I told you who I am, who these people are is up to you to talk about." "fuzzy, do you want to kill lots of things, and then wear them?" (Yes, each night you shall find a bunch of books to build forts with. ^_^) ((ROFL)) *chuckles at domino's comment* **looks like she's about to cry** "Why am I heeeeeeeeeeere...." **curls up into a little ball on the floor** Ryan looks worried. "Because you followed Dyona, I presume." ** starts talking in some weird language no one can decipher** **whimpers** "my guess would be for comic relief" (Pix, save vs spell.) ((hahaha!) ((OH UH) ((um, it's not a fireball, is it?)) ;-) "We asked you here to see if you would help us, Kopporu." (nope...) {failed} (hehehe) **starts rocking** You float slowly off the floor and hang upside down in front of the window, facing the others. ((starts rolling)) (Disco!) **covers head with arms in fright** ((Poor girl!!)) You float towards the desk and are set down in the big chair ((On his lap???)) (He's not in the chair.) **cowers in the chair** {how close is whats his name? Ryan?} (About 5 feet away) She's rather easily frightened "She's just a girl. Give her a break." "its an act, she is about to kill that man" **looks up at Domino** Ryan looks up and nods towards the far end of the room. *snorts* *8resumes posture in the chair looking bored** Brendon comes forward and sits on the floor in front of the chair and grins. "what do _you_ want?" He grins widely at you. "That's what I want to ask you, Kopporu. Why are you here, and not at home?" "It strikes me that you must have a reason to be elsewhere." "I... I dont know" **looks a little sad** "You have no idea at all? So you were planning on going nowhere?" "...." ((Koppy speaks in morese code! Wow!)) ((er morse)) "Maybe you look for a chance to prove yourself?" "when i have somewhere to go, I know where it is... but once i get there I forget where it was i needed to go" He tilts his head, smiling. "Then you would end up walking forever, going nowhere." "You walk without purpose then." "Until I found where I needed to be without knowing it" "then there would be no point to purpose" He furrows his brow. "Where did you find what you needed?" "purpose would be in the point of me being where I was" "So your purpose is to be here, crying in Phelan's chair?" "what i needed? Im not exactly sure what I needed, but i know what i need" "that is truly an odd purpose... what is it you need then, Kopporu?" "I dont know where you came up with THAT logic...." "what I need? probably something I will need" "So you expect what you need to fall in front of you, when you would need of it?" well... i expect that i will find what I need when I need it "until then everything is what I needed and what I will need" "And so you simply exist in time? You've never wanted for a reason to live?" **puzzled** "I dont see what you're getting at" "I have reasons to live..." "every day they're thrown at me" "And what is that reason, Kopporu?" "Well, we've been thrown at you today, haven't we, little one?" "but i dont see what they have to do with this conversation..." **looks up at Alexis** "you're still here?" "Yes, of course." "...but" Brendon smiles up at Alexis. "Yes. You have been thrown into this. You can now choose to ignore it and hope it goes away, or you can try to work with it and maybe have a little fun, and learn from it." **takes a deep breath in her animal skin cloak** *sighs heavily* "i guess i really have no choice..." "Of course you do." *wakes up* (( : ) )) "for whatever reason Im here, and so I've been forced into this situation" "The question is, what would you do?" "You weren't forced at all. You followed of your own will." "The question is, why?" "forced, asked... whats the difference... im here.... now tell me, where?" Brendon looks confused. "Where?" "WHERE... give me direction" Brendon grins widely. "Ryan said it. You can help us by going north, and then to the mountains, or you could leave, and go... nowhere." "i need a compass" "Why would you need a compass for?" ((Hatch! Watch your grammar! ;-))) **glares** "to find north" (no, that's how it was supposed to be written.) "You could follow the stars." ((maybe in Canada. ;-))) {can I roll to hit whathis face Hatch?} (sure) (Brendon?) {do i get a suprise bonus?} ((I need to go to sleep soon : ( )) ((No you don't Bee!)) ((Yes, yes I do, I have classes : ( )) (ack) (no surprise, Pix.) ((Bah! Sleep is for the weak!)) ;-) {ac 3} ((I don't have to get up till 10 or 11 am, but it's getting late and it's cold here, so if I'm gonna get some decent sleep I need to go soon)) (...heh. You missed.) **swipes at Brendon** "ARE YOU DENSE????" *leans quickly backwards and grins widely at you* "alex?" **turns away in a huff** *she used my name !* *smiles* Yes ? "when are we leaving" "As soon as you're ready." *pulls out a silver beaten ring* "can you tell me if this is ..special?" "I AM ready" *nods* I can do that "would you do so?" *nods* Brendon stands and smiles. "Then if the others agree, you can leave as soon as you'd like." *casts detect magic* *hatch ?* "I'm ready!" "i have to see about this ring and then ready" {is detect magic like... a area of effect spell?} (yep, Pix) "Oh, do you know of a reputable jeweler in the area?" ((acually yes)) "Yes, there are a few in the city." ((HATCH MY RING)) {psst Hatch, is anything glowing?} "I have a few stones I'd like looked at." ((hatch ? I cast detect magic)) (anything where?) ((I'm checking the ring)) (yes, I'm not sure exactly how it works... roll percentile.) ((it just tells me if it's magic or not)) (It's magic) {is anything else in the room magic?} "well, alex?" *casts Identify on the ring* It's special, hold on ..... (Identify takes a while) ((ID takes like 24 hours)) {hmm... guess its a small area"} It will take me some time to find out it's abilities (Lots of stuff does, Pixie.) {lots of stuff does what???} ((No ID WORKS for 12 hours or so I think, you hold it and it tells you)) (Lots of stuff in the room radiates magic.) (nope, ID takes 24 hours to cast) (oop, no, it takes 8 hours to cast.) ((acually 8 hours to prepare, cast, then 24 hours to recover)) ((Yack! ID is a nasty spell! Also lose 8 points of CON after it's done)) ((Sucks)) (Just temporary. :)) ((Of course ;-))) ((hatch said we'd stay here a few days)) (If you need or want to.) (Nice rooms in this place) ((well use the time to ID and recover)) ((I have no objection to stay a day or so)) ((Cause I wanna get these stones checked out. ;-))) **taps foot impatiently** "we need to leave soon...." *considers using a anime dimensional hammer on kopporu* {heh heh} "So let's prepare to leave!" **starts twitching slightly** A small click sounds from the wall to your right, and a section of it slides to the side. A fairly short black haired young man steps through, followed by a slightly taller blond man of about the same age. "can we get a drink for fuzzy" It will take me some time, and the spell is very draining domino But I can determine what the ring does "i will pay you, if you proceed" Probbaly anyways, nothing is certain in magic "... that sounds like its going to... take a while to do magi..." ((ack, I do need to go .... : ( )) (doh...) ((BYE BEE)) ((HUGS)) ((hugs Bee)) ((hugs all)) ((byeeeeee)) (bye!) ((sorry : (, if only we could start eairlier)) *that was moslty technical stuff* User Alexand Di'Mere has left the chat technical? Getting organized. ah yes the beginning takes a while and convincing! *sniff* hehe Yeah Pan! :-p hehehe that was more complicated than it needed to be! :p So if we're staying in town for a day or so, I'm finding a jeweler! ;-) Don't tell that to meeeeee :p who says we're staying in town for a day??? The one with no attention span seems to disagree. :) Dunno ;-) ROFL Kopporu's going to pitch a fit you do relize... hmm? hehee So what's new? ;-) So...... so? *sniff* you guys were meeeeeeeeean when Kopporu started breaking down! we done for the night? done yah, we are. i guess so *grumble* and sleepy Cause I REALLY gotta pee, and then get some sleep. ;-) okay. Thank you! I cn't wait till the next one! shhhh for a minute. :)