Game Start; Febuary 22nd, 852PA. Avery Palace, Harlech City, Harlech. Gohrn Da'ell enters the chat Wheeeeeee!!! *cough* Medora enters the chat Yeehaw! OOOooohkay. Gohrn was left praying, and Medora was semi-conscious on the floor someplace. :) Yes? ((Actually...)) dangit. Where'd you go then? ((It's been so long that I can't recall, I'm probably unconscious though. ;)) *A rift opens in the floor. Flames leap out occasionally. After about thirty seconds, a scythe comes flying through and lands with a clank on the floor.* I think you passed out, Toe ^_^ ((Wouldn't surprise me.)) ...neat. *A hand reaches up, and grabs for purchase.* *Gohrn pulls himseflt out of hell, and grabs his scythe. He uses it to beat something back.* (EvilDM pokes his head through the ceiling, examining the hole in the floor...) "Back into the inferno, vile creature!" *The rift closes, and Gohrn is left standing alone.* *snores peacefully in the corner through all of this* "That's the last time I ask for a good damning." The wall clicks and rumbles again, rising slowly to reveal the legs, and eventually the rest of a tall, dark haired man with cold, ice-blue eyes. "Are you Ryan?" ((Lookee, the devil chased you out of hell!! ;)) He nods. "Yes, I am Ryan." He walks over to Medora, kneeling down and shaking her gently. "Bout da... err... bout time." *blinks* Mrrgh. He picks you up and sets you in a chair. "Why thanks. Good morning is nice too." Then steps back and examines the chaotic mess in the room. "Good morning, both of you. My name is Ryan, and now we must discuss what has brought you here." (You find a book.) "Does this talk include alcohol??" (cheerfully) "My Master brought me here. There's nothing to discuss." He rolls his eyes. *smiles fetchingly at Gohrn, who she doesn't recall meeting* (oh no...) "Hullo." "Yes, but we must discuss where you would go from here, and what you require to agree to help us." *raises her hand* "Can I go back to sleep from here? That's helpful." "Well, to ME at least." "Talk." He smiles. "You can, if you need to. Just not quite yet." "We are talking." *nods and crosses legs in chair* "So get out with it, sleep beckons." *smiles* We have brought you here to ask in your help to find someone, named Kether. It's something we can't do on our own, and need your help. I must ask what you would ask at this time, to as retainer, to do this for us." "I think this is the part where you explain stuff, and we listen." "Kether?" He nods. "Let me check." (woo, you mean somebody actually remembers that name?) *looks vaguely thoughtful, just as much of a feat as Gohrn's seating* (lol!) *is distracted from thinking by Gohrn's muttering, and peers in that direction* "Speak up!! We can't hear you if you mumble!!" ((Should I give my description again?)) (Naw, I have the log from the other one and did actually read it.) (description?) ((Okay, nevermind then.)) (oh, the character description. ^_^ I need one for you, Toe, eventually.) ((Crud... I have it written down somewheres. =P)) (okeh, I don't really need it now.) "Looks like my schedule's clear for now." *makes a second attempt at pondering* Ryan nods. "And what would you two ask, for this?" "Gold. And booze. Can't live without either, no sir." *smiles fetchingly* "Do you know who I am, and what I do?" "How much, Medora?" He nods. "Yes, I know who you are." "Then you know that my position requires much... hard work." *looks confused* "... I don't know. Enough so that I don't run out while we're travelling." "yes." "That is a lot of alcohol." *smiles happily* "Yay!" "Well then, Medora, how much gold?" ((I'm... so... sleeeeeepy....)) "And it's safe to say that though, while stylish, the splint mail I wear is neither comfortable or useful as regular armor." (Sleeping okay?) (hey, yes it is!) He nods. ((Hm? Damn migraine meds make me waaaaaaaaaay tired... i'll be okay awhile longer though =P)) "Field plate. Good stuff too, don't try to knock off that bronze crap on me." (ahh, okay. ^_^ Well with jsut two of you, it doesn't take long.) "You will have it by morning." *ponders* "You know... forgo the gold... I'll do it for just the booze and the company." *grins, partially in Gohrn's direction* ;) "I remember te last guy who tried that. My Master complimented me on such a tasty soul." Ryan nods. "very well, Medora." *quirks eyebrows back at Gohrn and giggles* (Don't get your naughties involved!) ((My naughties aren't getting involved!!! Honest they're not. ;)) "Medora is it?" (yeah sure!) (oh, and maybe you should describe yourself for Bob. ^_^) *nods and sticks her hand out for a shake* "And... what's your name again?" (And don't forget the fact Medora is drop-dead gorgeous!) ((Yeah, yeah, i'm looking for my description!! ;)) (okay) "Gohrn." ((Sorry, found it.)) (okay) (paste away!) *grabs Gohrns hand and shakes it furiously while smiling* You see a very pretty girl dressed in junky studded leather armor, which is possibly a size or two too small and does nothing for her already lacking modest. All though she is nearly 6 feet tall, her pointed ears and pale skin betray her elven heritage to those who would look closely. Her long hair, the color of fresh blood, hangs loose and free, and somehow seems to be lacking any visible tangles. Strands of it periodically fall in front of her violet eyes, which at times appear to be blue or green. All in all: Pretty Elf Girl. Males Stop Thinking Now. ;) See!! No mention of my naughties!! (yeah suuuure!) ((You'd be surprised on how many people count eyes as naugties)) (For reference, Medora's naughties are big and bouncy!) ((Don't provoke me Hatchie!!! ;)) (*^_^*) (well, continue now!) "Sorry. I'm afraid my experiences with people never last more than five mintues." *giggles* "Oh, mine don't tend to either... I'm usually passed out or otherwise in bed by then..." *smiles* "Well, pleased to make your accquainance." "Pleased to meet you too!!" *jumps out of her chair sudden-like* "Are we going then?" *smiles* "Going? Where?" Ryan jumps "To find... Kev... Kar... whoever." *smiles* *is exceedingly bad with names* "Kether." He gestures towards the passage revealed from behind the shelf. "If you would step inside and join the others, you can be going soon." "Could you give me a second?" "Take all you need." "Do either of you know what concoction this is?" "Oooooh!! Is it drinkable??" *looks even more cheerful all of a sudden* ;) "I'm not sure." (what color is it?) ((translucent white)) Ryan focuses on the bottle, staring intently "It looks kinda like milk that's sat out too long... No, I think I'll pass, I have a bottle here somewhere." "I have a wineskin for that kind of drink. Are you of need?" *ponders* "No, I think Ryan here is going to set me up, but thanks!!" ((*snooooooze*)) His eye brighten and he looks uo. "This potion will assist the recovery from afflicition. Now, if you are ready?" "Right." "Ah, thanks." "I think we're all go!!" *smiles and trots up behind Ryan* He waves his arm towards the door. "After you, Medora." "Yup." *walks through the door* (Is we done, is we is we? Hate to pest, but i'm forgetting ho to type due to sleepingess. =P) You walk into a large room, with the others you met before, Brendon, and a white kitten sleeping by the window, which is covered in figures moving around. "Don't be offeneded if I don't trust you completely." (yup) Aside from the hidden one you came in, there is one door on the south wall and two large double doors facing west, and a large window on the east wall behind a large redwood desk that sits facing the door, a large high backed chair stands behind it, bearing the sword-and-sun crest of Harlech and the Avery family. "Awwwwww!!! Cute kitten!!!" "Hello." (okay, we can fade and let the curtains fall for now. Everyone is in the room and agreed to go.) ((Huzzah!!) ((Woo!)) ((With that said and done... I think... I will go... to sleep. *passes out* ;)) (hehe, okay. ^_^) Night. ;) ((*HUUUUUGS* Nightie night guys. =)) Night Toe User Medora has left the chat hugs hehe okay No xp this time, you have to wait until you actually get out of this place. Right.