Game Start; Febuary 22nd, 852PA. Avery Palace, Harlech City, Harlech. Alista enters the chat Lady Alexis enters the chat Kopporu enters the chat Alista! ;-) Becca? You read? didnt read ;P User Alista has left the chat Alexand Di'Mere enters the chat ah, there you are. ^_^ Alista? wasnt she the Fellowship chick in Serpent Isle? chick? :) Hehehehe or was that Alyssand... i cant remember... Chick. As in fluffu baby chicken. doh do-do i bet they were tasty ... heh Domino enters the chat YAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dice are ready! woo! okay, who remembers what we were doing? :) is Bee here? Bee!! wake up! I gots a caffeine free Coke and a Tobler Chocolate Orange, and I'm ready! doh!! Lucky! i dont seeee him sorrywe were um getting ready to visit the city, bee was iding my ring, and um kopporu was looking for a good straight jacket :) Who sees who?? :) i have an apple and potato soup mmmm I see ALL! I dont see Bee!!!! dangit. i have a cheese pizza hut pizza on the way:) and its midnight :) BEEEE!! Wake up! Yum : ) ah, there he is. Ewww cheese pizza, what's the point? ;-) Do you see Pixie? I see me, hatch, cc, and b damn no, he doesnt One of you drop. ^_^ << (I love this part) **whistles** *grins* QUit whistling at me! eep! ha! you wish! :p User Kopporu has left the chat I mean, we all know you can't resist me, but please! sheesh, we're not even playing and you're flirting. ROFL Kopporu enters the chat Crazy grrls okay. Now we go! i dont see Bee I see all! arg! Beeeee!! *bounces around* No pan : ( WOAH Claire!! It was Becca! If you can't keep that to yourself, I'm going to have to restrain it. ;) 0_0 we sail the ocean blue on the frosted ship of beauty, we are soldiers straight and true, and attentive to our duty... thats what im listening to WHere the balls whistle free o'er the bright blue sea..... we stand to our guns all day! Bee, we need you to drop. ^_^ k User Alexand Di'Mere has left the chat hehe WHen at ocean we'll ride o'er the bright blue tide..... ....there's plenty of time for play! Stop with your kinkiy drinking songs! Ahoy, ahoy! The balls whistle free! Ahoy! Ahoy! I am the very model of a modern major general... O'er the bright blue sea! Weeee don't wanna know about yer balls! ;) Different show Pan! ;-)\ i know! so what! ;) Alexand Di'Mere enters the chat ooookhay Where were we? still no pan I've information both vegitable and mineral... When I was a lad, I served a term as office boy to an attourney's firm..... arg *dies* I cleaned the windows and I swept the floor and I polished up the handles of the big brass door! He polished up the handles of the big brass door! Why do I get the feeling you were drunk a lot in college, Claire? uhg.. ok, im sorry.. shoot me now ;) I polished up the handles so carefully, that now I am the ruler of the Queen's navy! Someone drop again!! ^_^ User Kopporu has left the chat He pulished up the handles so carefully, that now he is the ruler of the Queen's Nay-vee! Hehehe What handles? :) GIlbert and Sillivan Rock! The handles of the big brass dor, silly@ Can't you read? ;-) hehehe Just making sure. ;) Kopporu enters the chat Fuzzy! yay ok, i see them all... Yay pan ! Woowoo! *bounces around* woooo! Let's blow this joint! there was licking going on and no one told me :( im not blowing anyone :) 0.0 BECCA!!! blush What'd I say about your tongue?? But it's SO FUN! ;-) CLAIRE!!! Well, it IS! Sue me! :-p one day i want to see pan play a seductress char in dnd :) ROFL!! Bet she'd be a natural. ;-) I'd suck at that! PAN!!! Oh, never mind. ;-) hehee what??? i would! heheehe No you wouldn't. Now can we staaart? but it would so against type you would be good :) Hey, I wanna be licked again ; ) yes entering greedy _itchy mode :D Hatch, lick Bee! You! Pixie! Lick Bee! NO way! He has a stinger! EWUmmm no thanks *RUN* HEY !!!!!!!1 if i still had the kabold, i'd let him lick Bee... Oh wait, that isn't a stinger....... ew *grumbles .....* Hehehe. Sorry Bee. ;-) *bangs his head* Okay, enough silliness from me. ;-) yay :) Lesplay! .... heh Where was we? I mean, let's play. sure ^_^ We were just leaving town! ;-) You're in the office still Oh yeah. :) lezplay? I'd pay to see that! I bet you would. ;-) shush!! lesplay? um is there something i should know about this game cc :) did i get my ring ided oh wonderful gm :D Poor Bee. ;-) wait wait... Nope ^_^ we're in the office right... still... yup soooooo we have yet to decide what we are to do... *nobody wants to play with bee suddenly : P* Yup I don't remember where we are. why not my ring :P Because it takes Bee 8 hours to cast the spell. :) we are in a room, she was writing on glass, but tha was before bob and toe Yup. You haven't moved. im not writing anymore... No, you freaked out and stopped. :) "So...... what now?" "We need to leeeeeeeav!!!" "You seem a bit anxious, Kopporu." "ANy reason?" we do what they ask, so i may get wha ti want "Cause we need to leave. She seems quite andimate about it **taps foot impatiently** *pulls out a red tagged cross bow bolt and loads it* "Obviously." "But I can't think of anything better to do right now." {iz whats iz name still in here?} (uhmm... don't shoot Fuzzy!) (Ryan or Brendon?) {either or} (Yup.) {... both??} (yup) "Are you sure you won't come with us?" **walks up to... uhm.. Brendon and tugs on his sleeve** "Were do I go???" if we dont go soon i want to go to the fletcher and soem other stores. Brendon looks down at Kopporu "Where did ou want to go?" ".." "No, Alexis. I have duties here." "Not where I want to go, where I NEED to go" "Where did you need to go?" ((what we don't get to make some fuzzy dice out of her ? ; ) )) "Well, I for one have some quick business in town, then we can be off." Brendon smiles at Alexis. "ANyone else?" "RARGH!" **turns to... uhm... Ryan** "Where do I go????" *shrugs* as long as it isn't boring and maybe visit amanda. *cocks a eyebrow at domino* who ? Ryan looks at Kopporu. "You mean your quest?" *whispers* do you have a um place for you mental people oh no one alexand "My need" (mental people ? hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm) ((who'd you whisper that too ?)) "Well, you can help us, and these people here by going north. Or you can leave, and go nowhere." {mental people??? I resemble that remark!} "North! ... where is that?" (Everyone who does, type something! :D) ((no!)) ill be back soon, i need to go to town. "Rya (ryan) Ryan looks out the window and points. "That way is north." "As do I. We can meet at the north gate in a couple hours?" "Compass" "Pardon?" "Compass!!!" "You want one?" "... need one!" "Kopporu, can you meet us at the north gate out of town in a cojuple of hours?" do we get paid anything now for provisiions? "I see." Ryan turns to Brendon and nods. "hours? **looks like she's thinking** uhm..." "The clerks will see that you are provided food." Brendon tosses something at Kopporu. and what of weapons? i need what i wasted before on one ofyou men. *thunk* "oww!!!" (Dex, please Pixie.) ((Kill it! Kill it!)) {2} (you catch it. ^_^) {what izit? ((A GRENADE!!)) An old and worn wood and stone compass ^_^ {aaah!} "What weapons would you desire, Domino?" yes? (yes?) "Do you have business in town?" **sniffs compass** i need hand bolts, i wasted one on your man in that house before, i need a few more. "Our man? I don't believe he was.. but there are shops in town." Not really, I just don't want to be bored ill pay you 3 silver peices if you eat it fuzzy.. kopporu (It smells like old wood!) *laughs* "Well, I'm ready to leave whenever you all are. My business can wait and I'm itching to travel." show me a door out of this place..NOW. **isnt paying attention** Ryan points to the door on the west wall. "That will lead you back to the main halls" "Walks to the door." Itching ? I have spells for that *winks* heads back tot he main hall "You coming?" **is fiddling with the compass** *hmm, maybe I should go visit ..Francesca* Arriving in the main hall, you see several men in dull brown cloaks bearing large bags. who? (they're clerks. ^_^) **is still in the office... distracted by the compass** oh no one domino *smiles* brown is so outdated, so old. Brendon looks at Kopporu. "Aren't you leaving?" **looks up** "hmm?" "Are these our provisions?" "... ... ... oh! should we drag kopporu out of there? One hands a small pouch to Domino and then to Alexand. The others set the bags at your feet. **runs out the door.. past whoever is in the hall way** **zoom!** *looks in the pouch* *looks in small pouch* One of them speaks, saying. "This is food and water for two weeks of travel." **past eeeeveryone... or through everyone if the hall is small** (In the pouches are 25 gold.) "Thank you." (It's a bigass hall!) {ok well, i ran past them then!!!} Into the doors? *nods and closes the pouch* {... i open the doors :p} ow! she ran over me. **open open** (people is in the way!) **pushes the people out of the way** ... ((You Canadians talk funny!)) (We does not!) **FORCES the people out of the way... snarling at them all the while** They quickly move away from the snarly girl *is confused by her suddenly very aggressive, less childish behavior* *thinks seriously about spanking a 15 year old barbarian beserker* **pulls on the door** (*gnash gnash*) (( I'll pay to see that ! : D )) {less childish????} (less?) ((ROFL)) okay, you're outside. :) **goes north** "please excuse us." ((Well she was more concerned with drawing pictures than anything before* You fall off the side of the stairs! :D ((ROFL)) "aaaah!!!" hehe kiddding!! ((heheh)) {really?} ((Take 15 points of impact damage!)) ((*THUMP !!* ouch, real funny : )* {ouch! that killed me!" I assume you wouldn't just like, walk off a 10 foot drop. :) ((me too)) Okay, you're in the very big, nice street. :) **jumps in 4 step intervals down the stairs** You notice again how fine the craftmanship on the pillars is. :) "split up?" meet back here? or do we all shop together? "We can split up. Take less time. THat way Kopporu won't blow a vessel or something." Well, any of those sounds like fun *eyes discreetly the adult girls* *ponders if anyone notices us, we are an odd crowd* **takes off** "THere she goes." (Most people don't seem to notice you, or give you a wide berth) **... after getting down the stairs** hehe "Meet at the north city entrance when we're done?" Grab the runt!! *blink* ((are we going to roll play store buying or just get are stuff and magically appear at the entrance?)) ((who said that ?)) hehe, depends what you need. ((I want to get these gems appraised!)) ok ((just need to buy hand bolts for my crossbow if they gave me any money if not i dont need anything* If I had enough time I'd ID that ring They gave you 25 gp. :) woo ;) i can buy 10 bolts and have left overs. Yours and Alexand's initial agreement. :) "Well, I'll meet you all at the norht city gate. Have fun!"\ You notice Kopporu pacing angrilly in front of a building. *heads for the nearest place with a fletcher sign out front. ((these Tobler CHocolate oranges are heaven)) :) ((I had one of those once, it was real good )) You notice Kopporu is starting to freak out. :) ((So what happens Hatch?)) ((I'm finding a jeweler!)) Yes, there's one on this street. um kopporu, why are you pacing? walks over to kopporu, are you ok? She's growling And stomping around. ((She's so CUTE when she growls!)) And yelling... You see a short, middle aged looking man behind a counter, studying a clear crystal **and banging/kicking/pounding on the building...** ((who does?)) You! :) **doesnt notice Domino** ((oh. ;-))) "excuse me." He looks up as you enter. "Greetings, good lady." *slaps kopporu* get ahold of youself young lady "Greetings, kind sir. If you would, could you take a look at these stones and tell me their worth?" "Why of course." He pulls a small lens from his pocket and places it over his eye, carefully examining the stones. Holding the pale blue/white one, he says. "This one is moonstone, not terribly valuable. But this.." picking up the other. "Is topaz." "Well! Helm will appreciate the offering. Do you purchase such stones?" *whistles* "Yes, I deal in such stones." {just a sec!!!} I trust you to be a fair man. I'm sure you will give a fair price for these. Helm will be pleased." ((Hatch is rolling I bet. ;-))) "I can give you (shhh! I am!) ten gold for the Moonstone." "I m sure that is a fair deal." ((hehehe TOld ya!)) ((Sorry I'm boring evberyone else. ;-))) (not pixie. ^_^) (well.. pixie's doing something else!) ((I don't wanna know)) ((hehehehheheeh)) hum hum hum ((Waiting for you Hatch!)) I'm waiting for you to respond to hiiim! ((I did!!)) oh "Ten it is then?" "Ten it is. And the topaz?" He studies the stone again momentarily. "I can give you eighty. In platinum." *does a quick conversion in his head* *hrrrrmmmmmmm* {whoa! platinum!} "Again, I am confident in your trustworthiness. 80 platinum will do fine." (And these are the two lowest value ones I rolled for her. ^_^) {holy!!!! 80 platinum??} ((good lord she's stinking rich)) He nods in agreement and begins counting coins from beneath the counter. ((btw that topaz should be worth around a 100 plat ; ) )) ((I know. But Alexis doesn't. ;-))) I rolled an "exceptional" gem.. below value. :) ((I know, and Alexand wouldn't tell her, so ... *shrug*)) ((whimpers)) ((what's wrong ???) "I thank you sir for your help. This will be money well spent." He nods and smiles. "Thank you kindly." "A fine day to you, sir." You have no idea where one is. :) "Pardon me sir, but would oyu know if there is a nearby temple to Helm?" {yaaaaaaaaawn} ((sorry!!)) He nods. "Head west down the street to the end, and then two streets north." {no you're not!!! ;)} "Thank you again!" Where's Alexand? watching all this He's bored, but semi interested ((Being bored. ;-))) The Jewlers? Yeah I think he's been following Alexis : ) okay. Pixie, we really need to do this in here where I can control it. ^_^ oh ok ok... {you're no fun!} You are both going too quick for each other. ^_^ {really??} Yup. ((What did I miss?)) And I'm still sort of teaching Becca They're fighting.. uhm, kinda. {hmm... ok uh... where do we start?} They can't hit nothing. Okay, you tried to hit her and missed. She tried to spank you. You tried to grab her. Domino's move. {ooh what fun!} ((I'm MISSING IT!!!)) d20, becca. ^_^ ill go for what i tried before :) okay. "petulent girls need to be taught manners." ((Need the sex rules girls? ;-))) quiet you sexpot! {we're in the middle of the street!!!} hold on. fell of my table. ((hehehe)) fell what? 18 ((okay now THIS is interesting : D)) You missed. ^_^ my 20 sided dice fell off. oh. {she missed???} no.. wait. She hit. {no kidding!} Counting in the wrong order. i was going to say im going to run if i miss :) Roll d20 again, Becca 11 You smack her bum hard and she takes 3 damage! :) ROFL ((Death my spanking!)) ow, that more then i thought i would (Dom doesn't spank nice ^_^) ((er by)) "YIPE YIPE YIPE!!!" wow she yipped i hope that we can sto pthis now." ((hehe kinky)) {succeeded tumbling... ha ha, yeah right ;)} ((don't kill each other!)) Okay, both of you roll initiative. (d10) 3 ... 11 11? how did youg et 11? 9 +2 Attacking unarmed is +2. (("This one goes to 11.")) You go on 5, Becca. You're first. ((then i got a 5 then)) ((Name that quote!)) {heehee} (( is there a way i dont have to do damage but just like um not damaging?)) you can pull the hit, yes. Does less. ((does it affect my ablity to hit?)) no. Hitting like this is only temporary damage though. ^_^ Kopporu just has a big red mark on her butt. :) roll ? d20 bah 12 {i cant sit down!!!} you missed. Pixie go. ((but is ther away to stop it finally with out killing each other?)) {succeeeded tumbling} you can stop. :) If you can talk her into it. ((with unarmed attacks, you knock each other out before you can kill each other)) "AUUGH!" **grabs at Domino... and misses...** What'd you get, Pix? {course, im sure the people gawking at us uhm... are wondering/worrying...} {too low} ah ((I bet they are)) New round d10 8 wow um 8 roll off! Both go. ^_^ .. eh?? hm... ok d20! **grab-miss :p** heh B? roll? 17? **is panting** You hit. ^_^ Roll d20 5 Pixie takes 1 damage. *whimper* "we can stop this any time you want" ((Pan's getting schooled!)) *roars!* hehe d10 again. 5 9 Pix goes. **grabs air** What're you rolling? **is getting frustrated** {im rolling CRAP!} ((she's probably rolling a d4!)) hehee Okay, Becca. ((Eww, isn' that messy?)) Smelly fingers! Becca? d20 9 again :( with a bigger dice doh. miss d10 10 "alexand will you not help?" 4 {i dont think they're here} +2 6 He's not there Becca go. 14 *ponders this* *get into a fight in the middle of a street, and spank a fur clad little girl .............* {i hope you guys are having fun spending money!!!} missed. *doh and I was about to say okay : )* Pix? ac 0 You hit. who hit? i got hit :( Yes, you did. (hmm what did she do ?) Pix? **bearhug (rolled a 20) 2 damage.. can be maintained** how do you know? she didnt post her number :P She hit AC0. That's below your AC, so she hit. Plus bonus, Pix? now what (i rolled an 18 +my tumbling bonus which i succeeded this tern... actually, i hit ac -1 with my bonus) No, bonus damage? You take 2 points, Becca. d10. 5 total. 9 okay... uhm, both of you roll strength checks. Tell me how far under your strength you roll. 5 (crap!) Becca? User Alexand Di'Mere has left the chat You rolled 5 under, Pixie? Or rolled 5? 5 under um looking for my char :( sorry ok. if i rolled a 5 i'd be happy! Your strength is 17, Becca. thanks :) what do i roll again sorry :( d20. 7 rolled a 7? wow... okay, you're free of Kopporu's bearhug. {does that take her whole turn?} yes rolled a 7 nope So your turn, Becca. dang small table. hold on. hehe Alexand Di'Mere enters the chat lost bee he's back got a 17 you hit. roll d20 4 dang i hate this dice. why? *uncurses B's dice* i cant get anything in the 10s - 15s. Kopporu takes 2 points. ah. ^_^ **giggles** ((she got 6 points of damage already doesnt that do something :P ) Nope. ^_^ **smiles triumphiently and turns her back on Domino... and gazes with puuuuuure hate at the building** **contimpulates** ponders continuing this hopless battle (can you do stuff thats um complicated?) **has her back turned to Domino** (you've got to have taken her down to half her HP) Yes, you can. (not quite, Bee.) ( i cant see Bee) doh... Pix can't see you Bee! **looks puzzlingly at her compass then at the house then at the compass...** heheh Not going to hit someone from behind thats supposedly my friend but i have rope as a proviision, can i try to subdue her? If you want. *has a confused look on her face... if you could see her face* what do i do? :) Do you have rope use proficiency? {do you have "hold squirmy little girl proficiency"?} no :P who has rope use proficienty :P People who like ropes. :) *wink wink* i got make people squirmy proficiency :D lick ((Wooo!)) eeep! *^_^* I think that is the better proficiency : ) {i hope bee isnt saying anything important} Beeee! Pix can't see you. again! *sigh* Well what am I supposed to do ? Drop pan and let me pull you. That worked last time waaah! *sniff* ok... User Kopporu has left the chat SHeesh. Try again Kopporu enters the chat ah ha! Hello there : ) {yay! ;) yay okay, continue. {ok uhm.. where were we?} quickly You were mooning Domino. Domino is shuffling with a rope.. {wuz not!} ANd there was a big red handprint on your ass. ;-) ((i was wondering if i can be told about modifers to my attempt or if i sjust have to try it:) )) (((looks around))) The rope wraps around Kopporu. uhm.. so do something. :) (Look at what?) rolled a 11 hatch Yup, you caught her. restrains her :) for her on good of course. {psst... how am I "caught"?} The rope is wrapped around you. :) **bolts** **runs** **skiddadles** errr... tries to hold the rope ;p Becca, strength check. {my legs are free!!!} Pixie too. 14 5 You're now being dragged by Kopporu. ^_^ *continues running* ow ow ow ow *... over rocks... and cacti...** It's a street. :) No cacti. ((ROFL!! THis is like a cartoon!)) can i try again to slow her down :) Sure. er, she's not running that quick anyway. **looks around for familiar faces** Where are you running? *uhm... to the left* okay, you're running down the street. You're approaching the end of the street now. *i dont know what direction, i cant look at my compass!!!* North or south? **looking around for people I know** {i have no idea!} Don't see anyoe. pick! You know which way north was. ^_^ {north!} okay. ((Did I ever find the Helm temple, BTW?)) Alexis and Alexand see Kopporu run screaming past, the temple, dragging Domino. (yes) !!! (It's not hard to find. ^_^) *huff* *huff* um help *grabs for the rope* Strength check! Rolled an 11 (i rolled a 9) rolled a 3 (str of 13) Kopporu is jerked to a halt. All 3 of us! ;-) "erk!" hehee "What's this all about?" yah :) *huff* *huff* *huff* **looks miserable** "You two look a bit..... messy. What happened?" **whimpers at Alexis** *eyebrow raises curisouly* she went wild at a building. i tried to calm her, dont let her go, she is wild. **kicks at the ground lightly** "What did oyu calm her with, a club?" {i look battered by the way} ((that's why I said what I just said)) ;-) 'she needs to learn some manners and how to act in a city" Or later we could be in trouble with her {i lost half my htpts!} They grow back :) well, 4 of them do. "Well, we can get going in a minute or two. You two ok?" **eyes widen a bit** **looks around** i will live, but you watch her from now on. "Okay, I can do that!" **seems a bit impatient** "Just got some quick business." **struggles at the bonds** i make that mage talk some its eerie having him just sit there in a trance. *laughs* I find this all VERY amusing I'm glad I took this job : ) wow *thinks about going to the offering box, looks at alexis and thinks differently* ((tithe. I do that with my real life paycheck. ;-))) hehehe tithe? "We ready?" "yes!" ((10% of every penny I make goes to my church)) cool "yes! yes! yes!" **jumps up at each yes** "i will release you now" *unties kopporu and steps back quick! "Let's go!" **rubs at the rope burn marks** Interesting new mark you have there Kopppru **makes a face** *grins* "You all coming of not?" **runs on ahead** *follows* *runs fast, staying away from kopporu ((hehehe)) *stays between domino and kopporu* **doesnt seem to be avoiding anyone in particular** yyaaayy (And there was much rejoicing) {that was relitively painful!} ((no kidding! ;-))) Finally leaving the ancient halls and streets of Harlech, you set out on the trails north that would lead you to the small village of Kanth. A fishing village on the shores of the great Villichi sea, the village consists of only a hundred or so families. (not for me!) (mwahahaa) "North North North!" heh The road there is long and quiet, following along the sea for the first day before edging off into the lower hills of the Ringing Mountains where they reach out to the coast. ((I AM making another bow, BTW. ;-))) okay Count your hours. It's 4 days to Kanth. The lonely trek along the coast is peaceful and serene, leaving ample time for you to get into the hair of the others of this motley group you've been thrown into. ((Well, I just started it. How many work hours per day of traveling is it again?)) *offers to ID the ring during this time* (Pixie, you've recovered the other two damage) *accepts offer* :) (3 work hours while travelling, 5 at night/morning) ((thanks)) (plus another 3, if you want to wait for Alexand to cast that spell one morning.) ((I have no problem with that)) ok ((RING RING RING))) ((Picks up phone. "Hello?")) **during the traveling rest periods, Kopporu uses her sword for practical uses... such as amusing herself by digging up grubs!** ((mmmmmmm.... grubs!)) (this is the weird sword by the way) ((the phone call is from inside the house, GET OUT)) ((Ack!)) (ack! you're using the sword for digging???) {.. well... yeah! :D} ((rofl)) ((OH no! It's a sword of don't-dig-with-me!)) (that's an expensive sword!) {not that'd I'd know!} *walk walk walk skip skip* *run run run pass out run run...* hehe it's got necromantic magic in it necromantic? heehee *whispers* is that um good? or kinky? (kinky?) ((Pan, you're such a necromantic!)) (rofl!!) {I.. I just want to find that special ghoul some day...} That kind of magic deals with life forces, draining or healing them, or using them to create things (It's a ring of Cantrip! :D) {but, all i ever seem to get turn out to be liches...} {the puns! the puns!} (that's Ghastly, Pixie!) ((ACK!!!! )) *grins* dont stand a ghost of a chance with this bunch Auugh! ;-) You're killing me! ;-) Becca, I think you may be wight. ((okay, that was a simple one)) ^_^ ((OUCH Hatch!)) hehe Quit it or feel my wraith! It's undead puns! OOWWWW!! barrowly wight No more licks for you! sheesh.. koay, moving right along now... {barrow wight people!!! Lord of the RIngs... ;)} (duh!) It's now in the early afternoon of the third day. ((Any mountain lions around? ;-))) **is full of piss and vinegar!** *stays away from her in case of an explaosion8 (You wish, Claire. ^_^ They stayed behind.) {heehee} (ew) you begin hearing loud, long screeches from the forest ahead of you. **bounces hyperly around Alexis** **ignores the screaching** "Anyone know what that sound is?" **bounce** **bounce** **bounce** "seems the family is calling you kopporo" ((ROFL ROFL)) **looks sad** "if only..." ((What does it sound like? HUman?)) "ah well" **bounce** **bounce** **bounce** Screeches. Long and drawn. ((how far away? Can we see anything?)) "why are we stopping???" *halts* readys crossbow in one hand and sword in another* *please tell me Kopporu is not bouncy* *bounce* *bounce* {she's hyper right now} You can't tell how far, seems to be more than one. "why are we stopped????" *bounce* (Koppy is only 15! She can't be all that bouncy..) "Don't you hear that?" ((ROFL)) {hey!} It's loud. (hey? Hey what?) "... well... yeah, but so what?" "Know what it is?" {lost Buffy} Same here "Does it matter? Lets keep going!!!" User Domino has left the chat ((I have to go in a minute too)) okay. This is an easy place to leave off. k **bounce** *bounce** waah! Okay! We can play again soon! yah *ties several weights to Koppy( "ooh.. training weights!" ;) *face vaults* When you're done tell me so you can all shush and I can copy this. :) im done *increases the weights till koppy can't move* done kay, shh