Game Start; Febuary 25nd, 852PA. On the road one day south of Kanth Cheese it! The GM! **whistles inconspicuously** Uhm, for future reference, that little X button in the corner is NOT the button to minimize ICQ. WE awarded ourselves 1,000,000 exo each for killing the whole 9th plane of hell while you were gone. ;-) LOL What about 1 through 8??? HMMM? That's for later. ;-) Hey! I live in level 9! Err.... ...well, I will someday. okay, start again. :) *sigh* all i used was a tooth pick too so i get double points. "That's the last time I damn anything, especially myself." "i hope she behaves now" Nothing even close to human. *blinks* "Anyone have any idea what that noise is?" "Hello." WHere were you?" "not i" (I know what it is!) "hello um you look sort of familar" "Hell." "Funny." "I'm serious." **sniffs Gorhn** "You smell of brimstone!!!" "did they throw you back for being to small?" ((ROFL)) "It makes good soap." "I'll forget you said that for now." "you do that" **starts walking on ahead** "hum hum hum" **isnt walking TOWARD the sound... just down the road** The screeching is getting louder. "Are we anywhere's near civilization?" It's clearly coming from close ahead, just off into the trees. "i dont think so, we walked some distance from the town." ((Hw many days have we been traveling?)) **approaches not so slowly** (3 days from Harlech.) "come out come out where ever you are" "Damn. I really should hav gotten rid of this before we left." (The trees are failrly thick.) (nope) "best just to destroy, them before they do it to us" (...) **continues walking down the path oblivious to what CC is doing** (hehe. You all not that Gohrn is wearing gleaming bright white armor) "someone should um get her before she gets her self killed {its blinding meeeee!!!!} "Hmmm." A large brown furred creature charges out back from the direction you threw the rock. WHat's it look like? "I feel like a godda... errr.. I feel like a freakin' fairy." {charges at us???? or away...} A big.. bear sorta thing. AT you. {so i suppose i see it} Yup {how big is it???} About 5.5' {is it being threatening?} When it stops charging, I'll let ya know. :) WHo's it charging at? Me? {"oh"} **steps off the road into the woods** Yup, you. :) {so we see it barrel past us at Alexis????} It came out of the woods, to the side. ((I should declare my spells now, shouldn't I?)) (yup) .. kay {but its going straight at Alexis?} Yes {oh ok} **sits down to watch** It jumps at you, Lex. Roll attack. >:) "psst... Gohrn..." ((Command, Cure light x 2)) DOh is attack yellow or purple??? ;-) "Yeah?" "2 gold says the bear wins" (huh?) ((yellow I think)) Rolled 15 "You're on." (which hits?) ac2 Okay. DAmage? I hit it with the flat of my sword. You tell me. ;-) 1d8 Trying to deflect it. I'll get to that. :) {deflect a bear???} (shhhh!) rolled 4 ok Now roll strenght Rolled 11 You are sent flying back away from the critter. "ooof!" Critter looks dazed Init, everyone. (real close) 10 ;-) 3 7 on init. (modified?) Yep Yup. ((forgot short sword speed)) (3) 8 (is there a bonus on int for high dex?)) nop okay, Kopporu goes. **looks about suprised at the slow reaction time of the people around her ;)** And? **rearranges her backpack** ok Alexis. **cheers!** how far is it? A few feet from you. Can I defer? ;-) Starting to get up. Defer? Wait till it goes. ;-) Oh. Guard. Yes Okay, Domino. Kay. THat's what I'm doing. ;-) *attempts to hide in the trees :)** okay. The creature gets upa and attacks Alexis. **cheers!** ((It's mad at me)) It misses. :) I'll wait till after Gohrn Okay. Gohrn. ((hahaha!)) oookay Alexis. ((fine then)) ;-) Rolling attack "heeeeeeyfighterfighterfighterfighter.... heeeeeeyfighterfighterfighter...... MISS!" Ok hit ac 3 "doh!" Both hands? Damage? just one ok Damage 7 for damage, plus 6 It looks severely angry. Gohrn and Kopporu, roll surprise. ((Come again?)) I haven't done my second attack yet! ;-) {dex?} Surprise. {what is suprise?} Then do! :) ((Exactly,)) Roll a d10. 4 9 uhm. hit ac 12. ;-) hehehe **has a bad feeling aboutthis** Kopporu is hit and is bowled over, taking 2 points. "AP!" Another of the creatures lands next to Gohrn. "Uhmmm...." "Holy mother of... ummm... something!" Initiatives. ((its yogi and boo boo)) Damn it. 14. 11 (i want to fire my crossbow) 12 (okay) (it hasnt an intivitive right?) Nope. Go first. ^_^ *fires at the one alexis hurt * 16 roll attack hits what? (you have to do the hitting i dont know how) okay.. Thac0 is 20.. What's dex? ((19)) thaco is 16 modded. okay, you hit. I have your char sheet. ;-) It dies. (woo) "Blaaaarhrccch!!!" (*sobs*) okay, one attacks Kopporu, and the other attacks Ghrn (how big are these ones?) There's 2? 3 .. bvut one died. "Ap!" ((I thought yo said another landed by me and Kop))) One landed ON Kopp, theo ther landed by you. ((Oh, gotcha.)) Kopporu takes 10 points of damage. WHAT????? 10 points. **bleeds profusely** ((oooooo! grrrr!)) *whimper* Gohrn takes 4 ((hmmm)) ((how big are these ones, and how far away are they from me?)) THe one that hit Kopporu is nearly 7 feet tall. Maybe 15 feet from you. The one next to Gohrn is the same size as the dead one. ((how many attacks would I have left after covering that 15 feet?)) How many attacks do you have this round? ((got 3 this round)) two. ((it's my turn, no?)) ((hey i was supposed to get 2 shots with this thing in one round)) **is soaking in a rapidly expanding pool of blood** Ah, roll initiative, Becca. ((Domine needs to roll init for her second shot! )) Your second shot has initiative. (4 + modifier dont know what its modifier is) +4 So you go now. (8) *shoots at the one near koppy) * ok 14 Hits {you mean the one ON Kopporu!} Damage? And what's on that arrow? **grows frighteningly pale** *twiddles thumbs* **life flashes before her eyes** 3 points for damage and its black widow toxin 2d6 damage okay ((SOME ONE HEAL KOPPY)) Roll damage for the toxin. {i lost buffy} ((doh!)) {was i the only one?} 9 ((I think so.)) 12 total (Becca, Pix lost you. Try pulling her in.) (Pix, don't drop.) Okay, Alexis goes. **resumes bleeding** hehe Rolling first attack ok hit ac 10. DOh! Second ap! hit AC -1 you hit. ((I'm gonna say that hit)) That woulda hit YOU! :) rolled 6+6=12 ((Just barely)) ack. It frumples and dies. frumples? {it falls on Kopporu} hehe Kopporu goes. ((she takes 4 points impact damage)) ((It'sjust not her day)) {uh... *did* it fall on me?} hmmm nope {and there's one left right?} yes... And Gohrn goes. er, no, Kopporu, go! No, I go last. **plays dead** okay. Now Gohrn goes. ^_^ "Hey! WHAT'S THAT?" ((hey, are these things comsidered large? ;-) Rolling attack. (errrr, the two small ones were not. The female one was.) ok Hit ac -1 Dmage? {d'mage boss, d'mage!!!!} 5 rolling fire damage 1 ok Total 6. Alexis sees a somewhat larger one lumber out of the trees behind you. {Gohrn can add!} ((yeesh!)) ((Hatch, I hate you.)) (What's 5+1? Nearly 6. With a chance of 7 in the low-lying areas.) (mwahahaha) ((ROFL)) (HEY, like THIS was hard!0 {hahahahha} is it init time? yup DOH! 15 :-( ow 6 8 ((worst I could get)) (abandons crossbow and goes with 7) (modified) ok Kopporu. **simultaniously tries to hold her guts in and not drown in her own blood** my turn? hey! you CAN do stuff with 1hp. :) Yah, Becca. {dont tell them how many htpts I have you snitch!} *attacks the nearest thing with both swords* ((if i can reach them)) Yup. That would be the smaller one near Gohrn ((roll right?) 20 yup. And the other one? 8 ok, one hit. Roll d6 damage. 3 kay.. you have +1 damage, right? ((and a crit!)) (I know) yeap for str +1 4 total. Okay. 4 damage. Roll 1d6 again., 4 two 4s. okay You gore through it's neck, and it falls spurting. yum yum Gohrn. brb ((im just a thief =D )) (A messy thief.) ((Where is the other one? Behind me?)) **the owlbear spurts on Kopporu, further coating her** Behind you. It's big. (You need a bath!) {i need a medic!} (You're not dying!) ((Damn close)) (Nowhere near.. ^_^) "that tingles!!!!" (tingly!) *^_^* ((Really? I could have sworn we were right next to each other)) {i think he meant in regards to me dieing} I mean, she's nowhere near dead. ((Oh, okay.)) (9Still, I do that anyways.)) {pbbth, says evildm!) rolled a 6 ok The big one continues lumbering forward. **feels much pepper than before** And swats at Gohrn's back. Hey! I walked backwards! I'm facing it, dammit. ((smart man!)) ;-) Then you'd have fallen over Koppy. :) But he still way hit. You just get to see his bigassed claws ^_^ ((pepper? did the bear seaon her?)) (She's a seasoned fighter!) {har har} Gohrn takes 3 points ((groans)) "Ow. ..... Fuck!" **looks at Gohrn like he's a complete wuss ;)** "ow my ears" "My my, and in the presence of ladies....." rofl!! Ah, Alexis go. {WonderAlexis Activate!!!} (Lightning strikes Kopporu) (A voice cries out from the sky) OOo natural 20. ;-) (JUPITER THUNDER SMASH!) (Excuse me while I say; This is gonna be messy.) Roll damage ((is it large? ;-))) {hahahahhhah!} Large Quite... large rolled 7+6=13 And roll d6 add str? Or no? rolled 4 Yes, add str.. wow 4+6=10 No.. uhm. Nevermind. :) hehe ((what??)) The beast keels over backwards, dragging you over on top of it. (hehe, the d6 is not for added damage...) ((What happens to me? I'm in the middle)) {LOL!} "Kinky!" (You're in a big owlbear sandwich!) ((ROFL!! A Gohrn sandwich! ;-))) (And you're VERY messy) "Oof!" "So, you come here often?" "Pardon me." "S'okay/" Your sword doesn't move. (I hope you guys fathom how much xp CC just got for you right there!) "Hmmm. Darn thing is stuck!" "We coud cut it out." (You only killed it by 8 points though. ^_^) "Sounds good to me." "i want to cut them up anyways. might find something useful. **scratches at the places where blood has dried (everywhere) itchy!** (ew) ((does Koppy still look hurt>)) *goes to koppy* {she looks battered} 'you ok?" {and fried!} ((Mmm mmm mmm. Kentucky Fried Koppy)) (She got healed some.) ((how does healing skill work again Hatch? ;-)))\ *toothy grin* (roll 1d3, right now.) "Pain makes you stronger!" ((don't I roll for proficiency first?)) (It actually says you have to use it the -next- round, but I think that's a bit too short) (er, that too!) ((ack, rolled 19. Nevermind, ;-))) ack *itch* *itch* *itch* {... in front of everyone???? gasp! ;)} *takes a small knife the bears stomach, searches for stuff* Which bear? rolled 4 hmm? Hmmm? **looks at self** Okay. *biggest one* Roll strength **starts peeling off sticky bloodclot clothes** You're looking in the stomach? (STRIPPER!) ((invents camera, and sells photos in barbarians r us)) (dance for us!) (who rolls str?))) You do. To get the sword out. :) rolled 5. Okay. You got it. :) **gets head stuck in trying to take off shirt** "mzzzhpgl!" *well... gets stuck in general* "ghroljk hgakkd!!!!!" Becca, you're searching the big one's stomach? yeps :) "FHGKLY GHRTY FUBARDHF!!!!!!!!" "Need some help Kopporu?" *whistles along with gohrn* You fight like a true champion. **stamps about angrily** YOu find a mangled hand. (FUBARD?) (Be nice to Bards!) {mwahhaah ;)} ((woo a hand)) **looks in the direction of Alexis's voice** ((Check for jewelry! ;-))) "mmpghal" "jkhly?" ;-) *gives mangled hand to gohrn* ew "What would I do with this?" "can always use a spare!: ((so do I free Kpooy? ;-)) "looked like you need a hand" (GROAN) ((er Koppy? ;-))) (For when someone asks you do give them a hand!) {kapooey?} {heehee} (Why, was she charging for something?) brb {bad Hatchie!!!!} (*looks innocently* Whaaat? You have SUCH a dirty mind!) (You're playing with my plot device!) {she's trying to help me peel off my sticky blood clot shirt!} If these poor monsters have no money whe should continue on are way (Well I think she's strong enough to get it off. :)) {.... my sticky bloodclot armor I mean... I think... whatever Im wearing!} **it peels off with a sickening sucking sound** (hehe) ((Just lost B)) (mmmmmm) ap Becca? User Domino has left the chat yup ((that's the one)) Lost her too. She crashed. So what happened to the hand? ((It's on top of my scythe)) **there is now a topless Kopporu running around!** ((let's cut oper th erest! ;-) "too itchy!" *^_^* Get dressed you nymph! "no extra clothes!" ((How old is Koppy?)) 15!! ((So, she's developed, right?)) .... uhm ROFL UHM {yes! somewhat} Hey Pan, you developed yet? ;-) {be nice!} UHMMMM hey anyone mind if Vyk watches? {snap out of it Hatchie!!!} {no prob here} ((Don't mind)) If they stop talking about 15 year old.. stuff, I will! **wonders what Gorhn's blinking at** {well... i cant help that Hatchie! ;)} I'm going to smite peopel! Domino enters the chat **walks up to Gohrn** ((ARG I MISSSED A BLUSH MOMENT)) **looks quizical** Did I find anything in the other big one's tummy? Nope... nothing recognizable. **shrugs** Looks like they've all eaten recently. Hmm. **bounces over to where Alexis is digging** "Forgive me. I've not... seen... that.... those... before." **bounce** **bounce** **bounce** "Hello. Feeling better, I see." Someone pull Vky? ( o ) ( o ) *jiggle* *cough* {LOL!!!!} ((ROFL)) Dr.Vyk enters the chat {im not jiggling! ) (Are too!) ((Can I use tracking to see if I can find their lair? ;-))) (Gohrn has the hand, right?) (Roll proficiency) **pokes at Alexis while she's trying to do stuff** *loads my crossbow* any chance i could find my other 2 bolts hatch? ((Yes, it's on my scythe already!)) (checking) ((Hey GOhrn? Cut off your hand and see if that one will attack itself to the stump! ;-))) **poke** **poke** ((er attach itself)) ;-) {dont do it Gohrny!!!!} (found them both, Becca.) ((rolled 6 on my tracking prof check Hatch)) (What's your base for it?) "feel... dizzy..." **trying to get Alexis' attyention** "Having fun poking me?" "... uhm... would you..." "yes?" "Know how to..." ((base is 16, I think.)) "know how to what?" "to..." "to make my armor not itchy???" "Hmmm...... we can find some baby powder in a town, maybe..." {i think Gohrns blood is in places other than his brain!!!} (You can track the Owlbears.) takes gohrns arm, where do you need to go? ((PAN!!)) {what??? ;)} "Hey, do we want to try to find their lair?" (You're more excitable than ME!) "uhm... **looks confused** its just.. the... the blood...." "it itches when it dries" what is in the lair of stupid dead animals?" (She wants to know if you are aware of the phenomenom of washing clothing) {heehee} looks like i will be the ignored one again "You can always take a bath." "I have no idea. But we can check!" "... the clothes itch... not my person" "Well then make your clothes take a bath too!" **looks about** "....and some bread...." "where?" let us leave here, do what you want, i will follow. Next stream we find, we can get you cleaned up, ok?" **shivers** "...." "Domine, want to wake up Gohrn?" "...ok" "It'll be fun, don't worry." ill wake him up alright "Be gentle, Domino!" **wraps her armor up in her cloak... which oddly enough never got dirty in the first place!** **... to carry easier that is** ... why not wear the cloak? :) {so Kopporu can carry her nasty armor without getting everything else nasty... that isnt already} *pokes a few holes in the owl bear that gohrn tripped over, right next to him* hehe **looks about** ".....warm... so.... warm..." "...." "Hey Gohrn! Wake up!" *yawns* "Is it time for ballet already mom?" "Wait." "Oh yeah. I'm here now." 'And what's that gnarly thing doing on your scythe? Eww!" "Help me up?" **closes eyes (while standing up)** "Or, I could just lie here, you know, whatever works." "Why is everyone sleeping? "Thank you." **slightly rocks to and fro** *goes back to the woods* **prr** **prr** You fight like a demon posessed. I must say, I'm impressed. {that rymes!} {sorta} "Thank you." **eyes slit open** "I try to protect those who heed it. While Kopporu is quite capale on her own...." *ya-awn* {how forceful!} ".... she was pretty injured." *blink* *blink* "where did..." "Domino?" **looks around** *nod* im itting in the woods. waiting for you all to do something sitting? maybe. "Domino, where are you?" There aren't many words that end in itting. :) **pulls out a blood stained worn stone and wooden compass** ((the hand)) yup *points* ((can we see her?)) "North!" "are we going to the lair of the beasts are we going to sit here waiting for them to stink worse then they do" ((heh)) "...North" "let's go!" "...NORTH!!!" (road) "Let's find the lair first like Domino said." "..." ,"Hmmm. Is that wise?" follows alexis quielty "Why not?" "north......" **points enthusiastically** "Oh, I don't know... owlbears in the forrest... go to their lair... hey, why don't we fight a demon or two, then we can go straight to hell with their blood all over us! That would be a BRILLIANT idea." "demons?" "hmmm." **rummages through her backpack** (*sniff* *sniff* What's that smell?) "You;'re probably right." (*sniff* ah! Sarcasm!) **pulls out piece of paper** **shows piece of paper to gohrn** (*sniff* ... and dead flesh) ((Can I tell the gender of the owlbears present?)) there just stupid beasts, they didnt get close to killing anyone but the fuzzy girl and she is fine, so dont be so worried. ((sniffs under his arms... oops, sorry. applies deoderant** (Do you wanna take a look, Bob?) ((I am.)) {*smack! no comments from the peanut gallery! ;)*} (Which ones?) ((The larger two.)) "What the heck, let's check it out." {he's looking at my paper!} {well... he was!} ((I also looked at Kop's paper)) (The one with goo for a head and no stomach is male. The other is female.) "Hmmm." "You know... now that I think about it..." "It could be possible that this was an entire family unit." mating couple? maybe we can find kids? "And offspring." ((we killed two kids. ;-))) "So the lair could be abandoned. Let's find it!" ((What's Kop's paper say, anyways?)) "Alright, but if my master calls all of us, it ain't my fault." "deal." "let's get out of here." **lets Gohrn know she wants her paper back** The road, or th trail? ((What was on the paper?)) (You talking to me?) (ok.) ((Whoever knows what's on the paper)) **looks at the paper fascinatingly** After two hours of following the trail, you arrive at a small creek. You can see the tracks on the other side. (ap! You tore out the page!) "A creek." "It's very nice, Kop." {you're so stuborn Hatchie!!!! the piece of paper had a detailed picture of a demon on it} {wait... Im following them??} (It was more than a month agooooo!!!) ((That's what I wanted to know!)) "Yes, Kop, a demon. They're not nice." "Anyone want to stop and get cleaned up, or should we keep going?" "Oh, look! Mud!" ( o ) ( o ) hey, naked girl! ((LOL)) "Kopporu itches ENOUGH already!!!" "If you itch so bad, wash up!" "Clean.... armor needs to clean!" "Domino, want to stop?" (someone drown her please. ^_^) (Well, now you're safe from predators! :D) hehee "no need for me to stop" **tugs at Alexis** "Armor ITCH!!!" "well, wash it!" "But let's find that lair first." 'tis starting to get dark. *snorts LOUDLY* "Or, maybe we camp here. THis looks like a decent sopt!" ((hehehe got dark FAST)) "Are we camping?" It was late afternoon when the fight started. :) "It's getting dark, might be a good idea....." *shiver* "Great. Dibs on my tent!" {how cold does it get around this area?" (not very cold.) *wonders a little up stream* **follows Alexis curiously** "Be careful!" *strips off my leather and jumps into a deep area* "Hello." **looks sorta confused and hesitant** "You want your armor to quit itching or not?" "...." "...yes" "Well then, bring it in the water and start washing!" **descends into the water** "brr!" "You get used to it." "Watch what I do." **splash** **splash** "See?" **looks at Alexis' armor... looks at her armor.... looks at Alexis' armor... looks at her armor...** "Just don't use the sand on yourself. Just your armor." *lets the current pull me down stream sticking to the darker deeper parts. * "hello alexis, kopporu" "hi Domino! Nice of you to join us!" "but... yours is metal..." "Um....." "everything ok up there?" **suddenly looks highly frustrated** **walks back onto dry land** "You ok?" **starts chipping away at the blood still dried** "...leave.... me...." "Are you sure?" "...yes.... please" "He's an odd one...." **looks at armor triumphantly** *whispers, um yes i agree with you* "But I like him. Not sure why...." "could you hand me my pack" **starts assembling her armor** "of course" "thank you" "snug snug!" ((There are 3 naked women around and Gohrn doesn't care. ;-))) *walks out of the stream, nude and searches through the pack* *giggles* {Kopporu not naked!} "you're welcome" "Damn it, I'm bleeding again." (Trying to get a rise out of him?) 9(EWW)) ((heh)) **settles into a piles of leaves** ((that explains it)) **prrrr..... prrrrr** (So cute when she purrs) "Do you have a tent?" **prrrrr..... prrrrzzzzzzzzzzz** (Makes you wanna find some warm leaves to sleep on) "no i didnt pack a tent" "zzz" "When do we start tomorrow?" "well you can share mine if you like?' "that would be ....very good, thank you" "No idea. When we all wake up, I guess. "Alright. I will see you then." "good night!" "zzzzz" **twitches** **growls slightly in her sleep** "It'll be a little crowded, but there's room." *helps set up the tent, um dresses in a short shirt first *^_^* :) hehe ((hehe)) ((Are we anywhere's near a stopping point?)) **rolls over onto her back.. arched back like** (aawwwwwww) ((koppy's blanket, that is)) {my fuzzy blanket!} ((yep!)) (DONE) {... jeeze... Im like the cute factor!} ((Anyone want to field that one?)) ((hehe)) (Watch a girl sleep some time, Pix. It's cute.) *^_^* "I'll make room, Domino." ((hehehe)) {i can imagine!} ((quiet:wooooo)) **mumbles** " north..." (im done bob i think we are done) ((yup)) except i get in the too crowed tent ((Okay, I have to get up for work in three hours. Night! ;) Thanks for the game, Hatch.)) YUp. Just quiet a moment so I can copy n' paste. :) {stack'em like sardines!!!}