Game Start; Febuary 26th, 852PA. On a trail off the road one day south of Kanth uhm okay uhm.. you were all camping next to a stream we were ? Following the trail to the Owlbear's lair. And Bob has a free hand. Well, everyone who didn't walk off into the woods. I am drawing a complete blank about what happened last time. "i want that hand back please" hehe You guys fought the owl bear. That's plural, Hatch. *doesn't remember that ......* *looks around* yeah yeah Owlbears You weren't here Bee. :) They fought an owlbear clan. ^_^ And found a severed hand inside one. doh Yeah, and if I could have rolled something higher than a two, I probably would have killed one of em. ew Wow, last one was 15th of December. We need to play more. *cough* So BOB! *nudge* Huh? Nothing. ;) "Is it my line already?" Well anyways, it's morning now. :) You can hear the birds chirping in the trees "hello?" I seriously don't remember what heppened.... :-/ *chirp chirp* Really? uhm.. skim the log? oh my you seem a bit out of sorts there Gohrn, care to freshen up ? "Thanks." ((we came upon bad sounds, owlsbears attacked and you killed one i killed on , bob killed one. bee wasnt here, pan got hurt, i found a hand,bob has it now, you said that youwnted to go to the lair of the bear and was tracking it)) *looks back innocently* your welcome ((quession?)) (So am I still finding the lair?) ((Yes.)) Oh right, Bee, you're next to a stream. ((what view are you all using split or irc?)) (Yup. It's off past the stream somewhere. (SO who is where) ((irc ... why)) (Are we all togethre?) (I use IRC. Habit forming. Easier for me to follow.) (All together.) (Hm. Okay thanks.) (hm?) (Just don't remember it at all, that's all) ;-) (we need to play more often. ^_^) ((I'd agree.)) (OH! I remember now!) (hehe okay, so begin your playing.) ((Domino and I slept together!)) ;-) (Yup!) *faints* *yawns* *sigh* ((WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!)) ((same tent)) (in an entirely sisterly manner!) ((oh ....... okay)) (an entirely non-lesbian incestious sisterly manner!) "Morning." "good morning" *looks out side the tent* ((hatch, you continue any more and I'm going to go back to my "WHAT" reaction)) (an entirely non-lesbia.... oh, okay.) ((Just roll with it Alex...)) "um was it good for you" *dies* ((kidding!! ) *blink blink* *watches Alexis* ((Why is she always naked when I'm praying?)) (suddenly glad he's dm and doesn't have to react to that. ^_^) *crawls out of the tent, collapses on the ground* "are we EVER going to get to a decent town?" ((hehehe)) "Hope so. I need a bed!" "back is killing me" "everyone hurry up" ((Okay, I'm declaring my spells. Command, animal befried [or whatever] and cure light)) You need any help with your back, lady alexis ? (Why are you always praying when she's naked??) (okay) "Um.... no thanks." *hehehehehehe* *okay maybe being the mage gigallo isn't so bad ; )* *stands up* "who cooks?" ((rofl)) "I do, some." (Where's Bren when you need him? ^_^) ((ROFL)) I can some, all thought I'm better at spicing things than not burning them ((where is amanda when i need um never mind...)) ((Well, you'd know that, Hatch.)) ((where is that girl from the boat when I need to relax and ..... ummmmmm NEVER MIND)) (I always know. ANd don't fantasize about my friends, naughty!) *cough* wow, that leather is ... quite fitting m'lady *stares at the least talkitive cleric* "do you not kill a chicken for you god?" "No. He requires a bit more personal sacrifice." *groans and covers his face* ((Ack! WHere are my dice??)) You keep doing that and your personal colors are going to be red and black lady alexis ((dice isle 12 with lingerie)) (( ((Ah there they are!)) ((Is DOmino still in the tent? ;-))) *is standingby the nonexistant fire* ((I'm building a fire)) ((should I roll Hatch or just assume it gets built in a timely manner? ;-) ((is domino clothed ?)) You have proficiency. It's built. :) ((I forget what season it is!)) ((wearing notmy armor but silk underlayments)) *stares at domino, but subtly* (late February) ((BTW Bee, my armor is polished silver and my leather trim is brown. No black. ;-))) *I'm a seducer, I have to : )* ((brown and red then ; D )) (Bob's armor is bright, gleaming white. :D) ((Mucyh to his dismay, 'm sure)) ((Gee thanks, like I don't need to bereminded of that EVERY five minutes. ;) )) (Well, he got Guardian armor. It's all that way.) *starts to dress* "can we please continue on? i hate camping" (hhehe) "Food 's ready. Help yourself." "let me help you with that" "Thanks." "What are we having?" "breakfast!" (dead animal) "Ugh. Animal." "we have dead animal every breakfast" "There are some bushes over there if you'd rather have that!" (It dries and cakes off eventually. ^_^) ((Damn you.)) ((:Hey Gorhn I took the liberty of polishing your armor while you slept. Hope you don't mind!")) ;-) *fully dressed and helping break down the tent* ((Th(Didn't reall ysay that. ;-) ((Egads. I just want to be the walking epitomy of death. Is that so wrong?)) (I'm walking death dangit!) "WOULD YOU PEOPLE HURRY UP!" "Kelemvor sustain me." ((Walking deatjh CAN'T be a vegetarian!)) *does what ever and goes* "We ready?" "Yeah. This place is dead anyways." "Wonder where that den is....." *nicely* "can i see that hand mr. cleric?" ((Can I still find that trail, Hatch?)) (yup, you can still see iton the far side of the stream) "Sure, knock yourself out." *smiles* "thanks" "Yup." *looks at the hand* ((The den? We can see it?)) (It's a hand, slightly chewed... hold) (You see the trail.) (It's obviously femail, with long tapered nails, now chipped and broken.) ((any rings? )) (nope) ((Thief : D)) (hey Becca, where's that silver ring you found in the house?) ((hey greed is good)) ((Hand of Vecna!! ;-))) ((in my pocket)) ((Did you ever hear of the 'urban legend' of the Head of Vecna?)) (oh.. okay) ((Yes. ;-))) (So you're not wearing it?) (you follow the trail for another two hours.) ((i have to pee, are we there yet, stop touching me)) ((HAHAHAHAHA)) (hehe) ((touches Becca)) ((Alex, leave Domino alone, or Kelemvor help me, I'll turn this thing around!)) ((ack)) ((ROFL)) ((hahhaha)) ((HEY !!!!!!!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING : P)) ((Gorhn! Alex is LOOKING at me!!)) ((Hey, you wanted to be the gigilo.)) ((okay fine then *gropes both girls*)) ((ACK)) ((Slap :D )) ((ah ha ! you smiled ! you liked that )) ((Is going to have them all eventually, mwa ha ha ha ha)) ((Anything interesting here?)) *looks around* (You've reached a point where the trail fades into a larger clearing.) "On the right, the lair of the owlbears that Lady Alexis killed yesterday...." "...if we're lucky, one of their relatives will come charging out, seeking revenge for their slain bretheren." Boy you just look on the sunny side of things don't you Gohrn ? (it's a big, worn clearing with several fallen trees) *hangs back a bit* "Sorry, optimism isn't my strong point." ((how have the trees fallen? What do the stumps look like?)) Just fallen. They look non-stumpy, as there are no stumps. ;) "Okay, we're here. Now what?" The roots went with the trees. "No idea." "Wonder why these trees are down?" There's scratched claw marks on the trees in several places. You see many large bear-like prints. Some are quite.. large Me thinks the bears took the trees "hey, do owlbears live in holes or on the surface?" "im pretty sure they live in dens" "Sorry ma'am, I know not of these nifty owlbear things." "Well, something big liked these trees....." nifty ??? "Yes, nifty." *blinks* Your a frightening man Gohrn *looks around for a hidden hole on the ground or under the trees* *wishes his still had soda left* You find a rather large, gaping entrance slightly under one of the jumbles of roots. ((who found it me ? or alexis)) Dom "found something" "What?" "um a hole?" "A hole? WHere?" "and alex please dont try to stick anything in it ok?" Oh please ((ROFL)) ((I have infravision!)) ;-) You see a long looming passageway. It's big. "Wow. Deep hole." (ooh ooh i have that too)) a deep hole ? *ducks* User Lady Alexis has left the chat *ponders breaking the mage in two* ((Umm... lost CC...)) doh *ponders adding 5 more wholes to the thief* ((Should I drop?)) No I just lost cc She dropped ((Okie. It's gonna be one of those nights.)) When is it not? ((When it's one of those days?)) Okay. Point to Bob Lady Alexis enters the chat ((gives himself the horns)) ((How odd)) ((Did I drop out or did everyone?)) (you did.) ((Weird.)) (but return to game) ((I don't see Becca)) doh SHall I drop? Yes. Have her pull you. User Lady Alexis has left the chat *shivering* hello ? ((hi.)) ((whew)) Hi! hello Oh, there you are what happned? Lady Alexis enters the chat There we go. Hi everyone. ;-) hehe *shivering* "Hello again. I do think we're past this point though." ((shivering)) ((?)) ((are the walls smooth or rough?)) *pokes a branch down in the hole* (The floor is worn fairly smooth, the walls are rough) *pulls out silk rope* "If I'm not back in an hour, sell my possessions to the nearest church of Kelemvor." *coils and coils of it* "Shall we go spelunking?" "wait up!" "seems that alex has lots and lots of rope" *face vaults* "I don't need to know that!" ((Can Gorhn see? ;-))) Dirty minded people !!! *thought it was a hole as in downwards : P* ((He said passageway!)) ;-) Gorhn can see. ((How far does it go?)) "Hey, I can see!" "I have my eyes open!" About 40 yards down to a turn in the tunnel. He's half-elven. :) "Wow, his is a big tunnel down here!" So uhm, actually, Gorhn can see 30 feet and then nothing! *^_^* *can't see a damn thing* "Umm...." *holding alex by the arm* " i can lead you" "I have a lantern." Walks slowly down the turn. (Where did the hand go?) "need me to light it, Alex?" it could attract thingws ((Domino has it.)) You see light from further down the tunnel (Dom? Where's the hand?) ((in my back pack)) "Gorhn? Anything there?" ((What kind? sunlight? torch light? god-type glow?)) (ew. okay0 "Well, there's light." "Light???" (Looks like faintly yellow light) "Yes, at the end of the tunnel." "Hmm. I know I've heard that somewhere before." "Hope that isn't foreshadowing..." (It's a briiiiiight white light at the end of the dark tunnel!! mwahaha) "Alex, Domino, there's light down here." *listens* (You hear soft shuffling noises and crunching) "Stop a sec." ((is it flickering light or steady?)) *points at the noise, makes a bad face* *nods* LOst Hatch I.. crap ((Dang it.)) ((looks like he lost you too)) Lemme drop. Have him pull me. User Lady Alexis has left the chat Hatch, pull Lady Alexis. Lady Alexis enters the chat Alex, use the downtime to get some soda. Everyone here. Okay as aI was about to say... Out of soda : ( ((Sorry.)) It sounds like what noises Koppy makes when she was eating. If she weighed about a ton and a half. ((Did you answer my flickering question?)) What question? ((Does the light flicker or is it steady?)) "Lady Alexis," "I'm going to try something." Oh, I didn't get that. It's steady light. "It's not torchlight...." *shivering* "Try something?" (Why is bee shivering?) *stands away from the light* "Yeah." (bee why shivering?)) "Does it involve getting any of us killed?" "Well, if there's more than one of them, possibly." cccccooldd okay ((Am I peeking around a corner?)) Sort of. ((At the light source?)) ((Can I see anything yet?)) Just past the corner you were at the passage opens upp into a larger area. *wishes he could telekinetically type from under about 8 covers* ((rock tunnel or dirt tunnel)) Why cold? Dirt. *picks up large piles of dirt and rubbs them all over* *myself* Rubs them on wha? oh.. kay ((good idea!!)) *looks at domino oddly* Yup You see the back of a laaaarge critter ((What kind?)) *points at dirt then points at alex* It looks similar to the ones you saw the other day, but much larger. ((Big daddy owlbear)) *rubs it on himself slowly* "Kelemvor, watch your servant." *makes face* A few feet. *back peddals and draws my crossbow* (Black widow poison?) *aims his hands* ((yes) (okay) Can we all see it or just Bob? Only Bob is looking. The bear is crunching loudly on something. ((Is the bear doing anything?)) ((Oh, thanks.)) (eating) (I'm psychic) ;) ((How far away is it?)) You're right there. :) ((Can I cast befriend animal on it?)) ((THe BEAR!)) ;-) Ohhh.. about 30 feet. You can TRY *does no one in this house believe in heating ??* ((Okay, I'll do that.)) ((believes in heating)) ((Do I need to roll?)) *hugs the walls and gets to the edge of the light UNLESS the light is closer then the other two people ((I think atch rolls for it to save)) (I do, but I can't find the saving throws for creatures) ((lemme look)) ((Doh, it won't work on an Owlbear. INTis too high)) ((OMG we forgot to ask jd to play)) ((Ah well. It was an idea.)) ((INT must be 1-4. Owlbear is 5-7.)) ((um hatch didnt you say you were going to let him play?)) (I need to bring him in.) (New peopel can't just appear.) (Exactly.) ((ok :) )) (ahhh there's saving throws. ^_^) okay. We can continue now. ((Did you see my last messages Hatch? (which?) ((Owlbear's INT is too high for Animal Friendship.)) Oh, yeah I know. :) ((unless you say it works. ;-))) You can TRY. ((oops, I'll keep my mouth shut. Sorry. ;-))) hehe The owlbear stops. ((hatch did yous ee me get closer?)) A low rumble starts to vibrate from the bear. (You can get to about 15 feet from it, Becca.) ((If it starts to charge, I'm shooting. ;-))) It stands up slowly, growling And turns back in the direction of you. *tries to get that close* ((Does what?)) It turns to face you.:) ((Oh. ;-))) (you're now 15 feet from the bear) ((yeah)) hehe ((What's it doing?)) ((someone do somethign)) It rears up on it's hind legs and roars. The sound bounces and reverberates from the walls vibrating down to your bones. ((Yeah, I'd like to know.)) ^_^ ((ow my bones)) "Ah well. I tried." ((hehe)) (hey, I can only type at 50wpm!) ((im still in the dark right hatch?)) You're in the dark Roll! Erk. MIssed. ;-) okay. ((questoin)) *casts magic missle* (ok) Damage? *rolls .... 4* (4+1?) ((there 30 feet away and im 15, does it have to go by me to get to them)) (Yup) *wow yup : )* ((Pan is on!)) *hides* (Do hide in shadows check) Easy success (hehe) Kopporu enters the chat (You're late!) ((So where's fuzzy During all this? ;-))) *whines* where am I???? (Being uncharracteristically quiet. :)) (In a cave!) Bob! {how'd i get there???} ((Uh oh.)) What are you doing? ((Just started a fight with a big daddy owlbear!)) You followed the others. :) ((Well, I tried casting that spell.)) {you did?????} Oh yeah. {....} Okay, roll init! ((Apparently, it didn't work, and if it did, well, it's over now.)) 7! Woo! (I gave you a modifier from it's standard saving throw of 10.) (Modified?) Yep! ((um speed of a short sword?)) ((Well, did it?)) (3) (Read the description of your spell. :)) ((Cause I dropped my bow and drew swords. ;-))) (8) ((You failed, Bob. ;-))) ((I'll take that as a no.)) Rolled a 9, by the way. Bee? Pix? {takes +2 to inciative for confuse} "Wh-wh-whats going on?????" (Oh, note, Pixie, this one is bigger than the others.) (What's your init?) ((It's BIG! Don't hug it, it'll hug back. )) ;-) {i got an 8} ((in a whole trying to kill a owl bear, your i guess right with us) *7* Okay, Bee and CC go. ((can you wait like defer untill somethign else happens?) I'll defer. ;-) Till it makes a move. ;-) (yup. Guard or just Delay) (Claire.. you're not planning to not kill this are you?) *casts magic missle gain* ((She can do something else?)) damage? ((no! It's just 30 feet away and I'm using swords. ;-) (( ;) )) *rolled 3* *so 4* Becca and Pix go. :) *delays till it goes* ok ;-) (( do i have to red hide? since id dint move?) No, you're still hidden. *backs the hell away from this mess!!!* oookay Bob, go. ((Bob is right next to me, right?)) ((Against my good judgement, I'll cast command on it.)) "SIT!" ((HAHAHAHA)) Ooookay The bear drops back onto all fours and thunders towards you Who's in front? >:) Bob and I are next to each other. "Goddammit, I can't get a break today." (Note for Bob; Owlbears do NOT speak Common.) ((im closest but hidden and not smellly)) Domino is to the side, Alex is behind me and to the side. ((I wasn't speaking common. I was speaking... umm... this isn't going to work, is it?)) {im in back) Claire your AC is 1? (hehe go Bob! :D) Yes. okay If it goes for me I'm parrying. The Owlbear hits you for 3. Parry. :) Weapon speed 6. Rolled 18, hit ac -1 doh You parried. It roars in pain. :) ((WAIT it ran 30 feet in 1 move and attacked?)) Okay, Becca and Claire. Yup. It has 3 attacks. Moving used 2. ;-) Full round a creature with a movement of 12 can run 240 yards. It was 30 feet away. Or, 10 yards. *ahem* :) ((can i get to it and attack from where i am?)) I'll use my second attack to slash at it's face. You're behind it. okay ((To distract!)) Roll. ((thats where theives want to be :)) And stop distracting 11 foot tall bears! Hit ac 4 It's... rude 17 You hit. POh and it's large! ;-) (Becca, are you doing a normal attack?) (i was trying to back stab but i dont know how :( )) Rolled 4. 4+6=10. (You tell me you're backstabbing. ^_^) ((back stabbing :) )) {they're thinking about giving Castle in the Sky a theatrical run!!!!!.... ok I'll play now) Okay, you rolled a 17, with a +4 to hit. :) I think that would hit. ;) So roll damage. (what is that 1-6?)) ((are you using both swords Becca?)) Short sword is 1d6. ((Can she do that?)) (Backstab with one weapon only, sorry.) (5) ((Doh! ;-))) Take your total damage and go x2. ((so her second attack is normal.)) (10) You have a +1 strength damage. :) ((no, 12. You get +1 damage for STR)) (11) ;) 12, Becca. thanks :p ( :) )) And your second attack roll? :) 15 Thac0? ((Sheesh! ;-))) {29 you goober!) {er... 19} oh duh. *^_^* ((her thaco is 18 with swords)) You hit ac... 4. Which hits. :) 18?? {she gets +2???} dangit Elf! hehe ((Yep!)) ;-) You hit AC3. Which also hits. :) Damage? 3 so 4? right :) Okay. :) Add it in pleeeease I get confuzzled New round Init 7, modified. ((did Koppy go?)) She backed up. :) Wooo! MOdded 6! Rolled 1. ;-) bah {4} ((Dang it. I thought I might get a cut at it. Ah well.)) (6) bee? (ack 5 Pix, go {ok, uhm... where is the bear in refrence to me?} Right up at Alexis and Gorhn {... ok, where are they} In front of you. {is there anyway I could get past both parties?} Yup Walk. {:p} :) **runs deeper into the cave past owlbear&co** Okay Anything else? {uhmmmmm..... no} Okay. Wanna look around? :) ((BETTER NOT LOOT!)) {ok ok, I look around} ((Just like in AC! We fight the monster, she runs poast and loots the chests!!)) ;-) ROFL!! {i dont play AC} You see what the owlbear was eating. ^_^ ((I HATE that!)) ;-) {what is it?} (hahahahahah Koppy's hungry !)) ((EWWWW)) {you read my mind ;)} It used to be a woman. ^_^ ((IT had a sex change?)) {is there anything left on her body?} Please do not eat the dead people. :) ((Altogether now. Ewwwww.)) Bits of skin, bones. Things like that. (ooh ooh i have its dead hand)) {or do Owlbears strip their food :p} ((Ewww Domino!)) It ate that part. :) *cough* {hmmm....} *wink wink* *is tempted to take a bite* Not enough time. :) hehe Bee go WHew ^_^ Magic missile! :D ((if i hit it for 16 cc then i get loot rights )) :D ((ROFL)) 16? ((AC joke)) Ahhh BEE! BEE! He casts magic missile. ;-) *ack Okay. :D (Again.) *sorry oh THERE You are *magic missile is correct* Your turn. :) ((he made a soda run!)) ;-) ahhh ((We could have saved a lot of time...)) ;) ((Kidding, Bee.)) Roll damage. :) *,.... whoho 5 total again !* Or take what I roll. :) dangit! that's what I rolled too hehe Becca and Claire go. Rooooooll Hit AC 9 :-/ Next one? Hit AC -2. ;-) woo Damage? Ow! 11+6=17! @.@ Becca? And I'm delaying my last attack *please miss please miss please miss* oh no 12 and 14 Thac0 18? THat miss. THat doesnt Damage? : ( 2 +1 = 3 wheh BOB! *snort* ((ROFL)) ((I missed.)) *cough* Is it just me, or is having a party of level 1 characters killing a 12HD bear in 2 rounds just wrong? WOO! Bear goes! ((HEY! we work well together :P)) ((12 HD??????)) hehe ((Cripes!)) It's a big bear. User Domino has left the chat The bear pic grrr Lost domino As did the rest of us, I'd imagine. yup *hits pause button* Domino enters the chat WHos it hit whos it hit? YOU PARRY! Miss 35 points of damage That's why I saved it! ;-) {the big girl, thats been kiciking the crap out of it!} Roll to hit. 37. ;-) Speed 6. hehe Failed. Doh! Rolled 4 Just wait. Pull Becca. She's in. ((im here)) And I haven't rolled yet. oh *^_^* okay Rolled a 4. NOW parry. okay you missed. :-/ The bear sweeps you up in it's arms Ah CRAP! {bear hug, bear hug!!!} ((KILL IT KILL IT!)) *sigh* This is just NOT my night ((why not?)) You take 8 points! {Hatch... you can always fudge the rolls you know!!!! :D} Ow! I rolled 6 points for the claw damage, but TWO points on 2d8 for the hug. ((can I make a BB/LG roll to escape to begin next round? Yup. {that sucks hatch!} ((I was fearing that 2d8!!) hehe Erm..... New round Do you heal hitpoints when you sleep? Crap. Yeah, You heal 1 point per night. {3} (7) And if anyone has Healing. proficiency WHew. I had 8 at the end of last session. 13. Does Bob or CC have Healing? Ph no I didn't. That was Domino. ;-) (how many did you have total cause he hit you for 3 in the beginning) ((I have herbalism)) ((he didn't hit me at the beginning, I parried it. ;-))) Nobodty has healing? (Never mind, I was a max. I was looking at Becca's sheet. ;-)) ((and I have healing.)) ;-) Okay With healing you heal 2 points. per night. 11 on init. Bee? ((8)) ((Kill it Koppy!!)) Pix go. *sigh* ((Can I try to escape yet?)) {so have I gone as far as the cave goes?} Yup. You're standing around. Looking at the dead woman. {hmmm... and what do i see if I turn around to the direction i came from} The back of a bear? ((he engaged in a passionate embrace with a big bloody owlbear.)) ew kinky. :) {hmmmmm....} So Pix? Hmmmm?? **relizes she doesnt have a weapon ready** ((twiddle)) You don't have one! ((Throw a rock at it!)) ((I'm on borrowed time here.)) er, except that trident. And Bob's on borrowed time. :) {yeah, but its not ready} Ready it! ((these sessions are too slow!)) ;-) {I didnt roll inciative for it} It doesn't take a whole round to draw it. ((kill the bear so dan can leave :) )) What did you roll Pix? {i rolled a 1} Well what's your weapon speeeeed? 7 Attack unarmed then.:) **Kopporu paces about looking uncertain of what to do** {next person go} Pix? okay Becca. Or Bee *sigh* *Magic missile away .....* doh doh ? ((save it Bee)) uhm Okay doh! ((let Becca hit it)) ((so you don't waste a spell. It's likely alsmot dead.)) Beep! Beep! Lost Becca. Grrr. ^_^ (Throw a dagger at it then) doh doh I hate ICQ sometimes yeah User Domino has left the chat hugs Becca B here? Well, she never dropped on my end... Ack Can you see everytone hun? I see her back online, but it hasn't dropped her form chat yet Becca? Weird. there we go {i dont see her period} okay try again I'll second that Kop. Domino enters the chat Oookay. {thar she be!} there : ) Bee or Domino go. :) Yay! *throws dagger at it* (can i back stab it again? :) )) Nope. :) It knows you're there. Roll Bee. *roll ..... 16* ((GRRRRR i hate being attacked)) Thac0? (20 : P I'm first level)) Modified for dex? ((oh wait yeah, 18 then) Okay. You hit. Daaamage? *roll .. 3* hehehe! Becca go. :) 15 Hit. 4 total :) *PLAAAAARRRGGHHHHHHH!* It roars and falls *gets dagger back* ((whats a plaaaarrrgghhh)) ((Now I gotta roll to get away!)) A noise? ^_^ ((that was it's death roar domino)) It's dead... {an onimanapeia} ((WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I KILLED IT :) )) ((oh yeah)) heeh ((I helped !)) Okay. It's dead. *helps lady alexis* hehe It had 4 hp left at the start of the round. Rolled a 6. I get 6 points back? *rests* "looks menaicinlgly at gohrn and koppy Well, that's what I rolled... {not anywhere near me Domino} *Note to self; bug Bob about learning his spells* *cuts open the big owl bear* ((Okay, I missed something.)) ew :) How much damage does Cure Light do, Bob? You find parts of the woman on the floor, inside the bear. ((1d8?)) Yay! Bob, guess what you've won? {they know a woman's on the floor?} ((A toaster?)) (We're in the same room as you Pan. ;-))) They saw it eating. :) A brand new COAT! (It's a canadian game show.) "Heh." oh I didnt know that} **is munching on something suspeciously** "Thank you." "you welcome, i m sure you can find a way to tahnk me ;)" {heehee} My such a pretty blush *munch* *munch* Hug yourself? "I don't like those things." *hugs alexis with a very mild grope, well concealed* oh wait... *is greatly confused as to what all this hugging business is about** Iiiiin the cavern you find; "Well, if anyone will be needing me, I'll be topside." Dirt! "Be careful Gohrn!" A large collection of bones and well eaten bodies of various animals and a few people. *searchs the people* Including the mostly eaten form of a woman with many missing parts *munch* mucnh* (those people don't have places to search...) And ((A puzzle! Put her back together!)) 800 cp, 320 sp, 200 gp, 100 pp :) ((Woohoo!)) MINE MINE ALL MINE :) hehehe *mumbles greedy little ....* Well .. I want my share of the ... booty ; ) *looks at the coins* Groan:) ((oh god I can't believe I said that)) loL!! "those look like the ones I found..." ((me either)) "We can split it." ((I can't believe it either.)) ((GROAN!!)) ((well I'M TRYING TO GET INTO MY ROLE !!!!!)) ((Well, you started it. =_)) (( 1 cp for you 1 pp for me 1 cp for you 1 pp for me) ((ROFL)) "So...... everyone gets 20 of these (pp), 40 of these (gp), 54 of these (sp) and 160 of these (cp). You're giving money to Koppy? >:) ROFL (grumble grumble) "i killed it" {arrrrrre you giving me money?} "That should be 64 (sp)." "Hey Koppy, do you need money?" lol! ((HAHAHA!!)) "Do I.... *need* money?" Turn that clairvoyance off Bob. :) 'Do you know what it's for?" Burying! ((ROFL)) "Kopporu isnt stupid" **is turning hostile** ((Since when did she talk 3rd person??)) ;-) "Of course not!" Frequently she does. :) ((Urk?)) Urk have gun! ((Hehehe)) Sooooo **glares at the big one** *snifs lightly* "well, I'm taking some for me. Everyone else do what you want with it." :) *cough* Takes 20 of each coin type> hm *spits on the coins and stomps out* heh "cheap score just takes some of the pp and gp* hheehehee ((I turned my clairvoyance off.)) *blinks* What's everyone doing? "ok we killed big monster and found dead woman, can we go to town now?" Taking the money and running apperently {im outside} *takes what ever is left* All of it? heeh "Give Gorhn his share, ok?" Well nobody else seemed to want it *bats his big innocent eyelashes* k ......... *grin* :) ((How much did Domino take?)) Ask her. :) *searches the hole one more time very carefully, paying attention to rocks and such* You find many pretty rocks. "oooooooh" "all i took was 20 platimum crowns and 40 gold crowns "Thank you again." *gives gohrn half of what he picked up* So 60pp and 160gp left. And all the silv and copper. :) *smiles back* "the group wouldnt have been as good without you" And oodles of Silver and Copper. "Coming?" *hugs* Soooo *cough* Alexand is going to carry 32 pounds of copper? *follows* "yeah" **almost vomits** hehe (Ohhh that reminds me.) "are you ok?" (Pixie roll Con, -3.) No I give half of it to gohrn : P "I'll be fine." "Thanks again, Gohrn. I needed that." *gohrn gets 400 copper, 160 silver, 80 gold, and 30 platinum* Your Con is? Here gorhn, take dammit. "Umm... thanks." *pouts* ^_^ ((I took 20 copper and 20 silver)) *shrug* half of what was left {yeah... I know what that was going to be about ;)} nobody else seemed to want it "Don't sweat it." ((so you each get 390 copper and 150 silver)) {hahahah} ((Unless Koppy wants some! ;-))) {she makes no move for it... sorry} "Shall we go?"