Game Start; Febuary 26th, 852PA. On a trail off the road one day south of Kanth Oohh Claire Yeeees? Favor to ask. Can you send me the Priests' handbook again? Mine got corrupted somehow. Sure, sec. ;-) HUG Thankee Okayah my name is wrong I forget where we were. :) where is bob are we playing with out pix? Can't see bob? Playing without again will i stop asking questions. Oh yes okay, you were all jsut leaving the cave. WAlking back to the road takes about 4 hours. *sits on the ground* Looks at alexis and domino* *looks at gohrn* *blinks* "Hi." Hello Care for a bisquit ? "That was quite the bow you had back there." *stares at her hands* *looks at domino looking at her hands* "Very funny." "Well, it was well made." "thank you. Too bad I can't hit anything with it!" "So you missed. If I remember right, I missed as well." "gohrn, my i ask you a questoin?" "Doesn't mean I'm going to stop using this thing." Well that's the nice thing about never missing, less to worry about "Yes, but at least you didn't get a large, hairy, smelly hug!" "Sure." "What I was getting at was I was wondering where you got such a fine bow." "sometimes i feel like a young girl in a strange place with a foul disease, i dont know why, other times i feel like myself" *looks at Gohrn oddly* A foul disease ?? "That's not a question." "does your god have an explaination?" "Would you like me to ask him in your stead?" (grrr hasn't gotten any in a while, considers going on the prowl ...... ; D heheheh ) "it isnt that important, just an odd feeling" "Well, I can't know the mindset of my Master, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind me asking." "Egads, it's lonely here. It's like everyone just wandered off..." "my name is differnt too, alpha something :)" *ROFL* "I'm just interested in what your god has to say about Domino's question." (*checks the setting on his era-o-meter*) (it's a WORLD JUMPER ! quick catch her !) "Fine. I'll be right back." hehe "okay, here's what's up." "It's you in a future life. You know, reincarnation and all that jazz." "cool" :) "About that bow..." "yes?" *stands up and starts doing exercises* "Can I ask where you acquired such a fine weapon?" "well, truth be told...." *mmmmm toased onion and chedder potato chips ...* "I made it myself." "Really?" "Would you make one for me? I can pay you." WHere are you guys? ((I have no idea.)) "As it happens, I've already started another one, just for practice. I haven't worked on it in a few days...." ((At the road)) ohh okay ((Sure, at the road.)) "i am here, doing jumping jacks :P" "...but you're welcome to it when I'm done. And I don't need payment, the practice is valuable." Well uhm, continue along the road. It's late afternoon and you're about 9 hours from Kanth. "You're too kind." "i belive that mr di'mere is having some food" ((Oh Hatch, I'm working on that bow again. ;-))) (yup. Count your hours. ^_^) ((How long have we been traveling?)) "I lost my first bow. Actually, it broke." This is you're fourth day out of Harlech. "on, the road again......" ((and I didn't work on it at all yesterday. THat means how many hours?"" ((hehehe Becca)) "I guess they're just not made to be used on the heads of your advesaries." (three hours less th Not at -all-? *following the 2 females from behind, ..... umm apraising thier ..... assests .. yeah* ass ets? ((Well, I forgot to tell you I was, right? ;-))) (I was assuming you were, actually.) "you may look mage, but you will pull back a numb if you touch me with out my wishes." ((Well then, okay! ;-) hehe *blinks* a numb ? It's getting close to sunset. a numb nub Oh *goes back to looking* if I did do anything, you'd want me to *grin* trust me "So, do I need to make the obvious observation that it's startingto get dark?" "Anyone object to stopping soon to camp?" (the sky is right where you expect it to be) "I'ld suggest we go for another hour or two, or at least as long as the light holds." nope hmm ok "i dont want to camp....i hate camping" "i agree" "to town and a bath" "Fine with me. I want to get back to civilization soon." I don't care, I just don't want to be bored *head tilts ......* (It's another 7 hours to Kanth) "This road goes on forever, doesn't it?" (four days! And you sidetracked a day.) practically "blast the gods conspire agaisnst us we will never make it before it becomes to dangerous" "Well, I really don't think we're more than half a day from Kanth. Not sure, though. "I still think it's a good idea to camp soon. THen we can be rested when we arrive tomorrow." Okay "Sure. Give me a chance to renew myself again." "Okay." *throws down her pack* I like camping *smiles*, sitting around a warm and bright campfire ..... scantilly clap for bed ........ *looks off daydreaming* "you have the clap?" You quickly find a suitable spot. :) the clap ?? "this looks good! gonhorea? "Great find, Alexis!" :D "need help alexis?" i still have no tent "Umm.. someone give me a hand?" "Sure. f you finish this, I can start a fire!" *sighs, helps Gohrn* "Thanks." *pitches the tent* any one else need help with thier armor ? *eyes gleaming* "No thanks, Alex." "mine is positively stuck to me" *blink* *moves over to domino* "if you could just get the back clasp please" *smiles* sure *helps domino ..... slowly* *happy grin* "thank you, i can handle it from here" all right *enters the tent* "Who's taking first watch?" (tease ^_^) *pulls out his spellbook and studies* "I've been curious what these mean..." "Alexis?" *watches siloute in the tent .... ; )* "you're in my circle. My Master *really* doesn't like that." *pulls off the leather armor* *head tils slightly* "Apologies to your master.." *grin* "Thanks. Don't want getting you getting fried. I mean, who else would kill all the owlbears?" *from inside the tent* "does anyone need me for the next 4 hours?" "Don't sweat it." "fried?" well ... that's a bit short in time, but I could manage it if you want to hurry ....... *Smirk* "Umm... Do you really want to know?" "Go get some rest, Domino. You deserve it." "If it's no trouble, I am a bit curoius, yes." "for right now mr di'mere keep you magic wand in you pants ok?" ((ROFL)) *smile* sure, what ever you wish Just remember it works wonders *smirks again* ((Wand of Wonder?)) ;-) "Well, let's just say my prayers are a solo affair." "Umm... interlopers are usually.. disposed of. usually messy-like." *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* "I'll be sure not to interrupt you, believe me." "My thanks." *turns his attention to the other female* "I can take first watch if you two want some rest." *shrug* I'm always watching if I'm awake *smile* "no.....dont....keep ....away...pleaaaase....nooooooooooo!" *looks at tent* *moves over to it* *sleeping* alex.......come to me. zzzzzzzz ((HAHAHAHA)) *BLINK* *goes over to domino* *grin* alexis...... "Um, I think she's having a nightmare!" *whispers back ....* "not anymore I think" *winks* *BIG grin* Must be a happy dream don't you think Alexis ? ; ) "Where the hell did everyone go?" "Let's just leave her alone." *turns over and goes back to a deeper sleep* My such a pretty color, I'm a conisuor of blushes, each shade a nice distinction *grin* All right *leaves the tent reluctently* "Here Gohrn. Domino was having a....... nightmare." (Alexis is blushing !) "Poor woman." "Well, I'll be back come morning." Maybe one of my magicks can easy her sleep *looks into his spell book* "Are you leaving?" "Yeah, I try not to sleep." "Okay, um, be careful." *looks at Gohrn* that's a ..... interesting trick "Well, I'm not saying I get away with it, but I try to put it off as much as possible." Ah "Be alert out there. We like having you around." (dammit I found my d10!) "Thanks." ((is hatch dead?)) ((he speaks)) (IT's SPREADING !!!!!! the VIRAL BLINK !!!!!! AHHH)) (hehe I was looking for my red percentile d10.) ((hheehhehe)) (Because I was rolling something) ((uh oh)) ((DM was rolling)) So ..... Alexis, what are your intrests ? ((This is never a good thing.)) "Interests?" Yes, what do you like to do, what makes your face break out into that pretty smile ? "Well....." "I never really thought about it, I guess." Ahh there you go again, I'd say that is ..... 3 shades from a pale rose It's a wondeful color on your skin *smiles* "and what's YOUR motivation? What do you like to do, besides flirt with all the girls you see?" I get bored, I'm good at magick, this gets me in all sorts of trouble which I usually like, might as well spend my time with my favorite of all things, women *big grin* "well, if you enjoy something, stick to it, right>" *smiles* exactly *grin* I like to have fun, and not be bored, what's so wrong with that ? "good policy. Now all I need to do is figure out what I like to do." Well your pretty good with making those bows, I over heard you talking to Gohrn You'd make a great Bowyer "It's just a hobby, really." Do you like doing it ? "It passes the time. I guess you could say I enjoy it." *grin* well there ya go, nothing more you can ask for than being happy, it's better than money *steps out of the tent* *looks at domino* *covered in a fine sweat* "Hi Domino." "You ok?" ((brb)) "ok some one else sleep a while, im done." All right, here come sit by the fire and talk, it's fun (how long did you sleep?) ((how long has it been?)) (you tell me ^_^) *walks to the fire* ((4 hours)( (okay) *whoho, I've been chatting CC up for a while ; )* (Anyone who needs to memorize might wanna like, sleep soon.) ((I think that's a rather obvious hint)) ((yeah : P, grr, spoiling all my fun : D)) "so what is it that you do" ((brb)) Who me ? (Well unless you don't want to memorize....) ((I will!)) (And casters tell me what you have memorized for the next day) ((hmmm RP with the women, or sleep and get spells ......)) ((i need to look in my book! ;-))) ((in the name of my character, I say "I must make my stand here ! I will talk to them !")) ((Grrrr! Brb, folks. Sorry)) (hehe_ (brb) ((so my guy likes to eat, have fun, and chase women, is that so wrong ??? : D)) Do you mean me, miss domino ? *whimpers pathetically* *looks at fuzzy oddly* ((Okay... Invisibility to animals, cure light, detect magic)) (okay) ((QUESTION, irc format for everyone or split? ((irc)) (IRC) (Y) ((IRC, way easier)) ((easier for games)) (Y?) (split unless everyone else is in irc) (ah) Im in IRC So what is it you do, domino ? (She robs the houses of dead people) "isnt it rather obvious what i do?" (er, I mean, people who are out of town) Yes, but do you like to do anything else ? {WHAT???} (what?) (When?) {robs the house of dead people??} (nothing) {hmm...} "kill anything that even resembles a orc, and have lots of sex" (Ignore me, I don't know anything.) ((what ?? ed : two burgers .... : joe: what ???")) *blink, well I share that last intrest quite a bit (I was distracted by my dice rolling) Sex is definatly good "sex? "eh?" "well hello little one, where have you been?" ((Hi kpooy!!!) "...dunno, Kopporu blacked out for a while..." ((have you noticed i havent seen koppy and toe's char to gether, i think one is a secret identiy)) {heehee} ((I haven't seen toe at all)) (I sent her on a secret mission) ((darn)) "kopporu, can you come sit down by me please, i promise nothing bad will happen" *looks at domino oddly* (You memorizing people!) *plops down beside Domino* ((I already declared my spells. =P )) *eats a small snack* (I know. I was telling Bee to go to bed. ^_^) {not me, Im forgetting!} *looks at the back of your head* "no bumps or bruises, ok, i dont like unexplained blackouts" (And tell me what his spells are) ((GRRr no, Want to flirt, want in a skirt ; D )) (not these ones. ^_^) (hehehe_ ((Ack : P)) ((hands alexand a size 10 leather skirt)) ((Hatch, I'm memorizing Cure light, Bless and Entangle)) (okay) ((puts it on, hmm nice fit ; D )) (hey, isn't that mine?) "Kopporu does it fairly often..." (HHHEHEH) "Well, I'm going to sleep now." ((Hey, did you gimme someone elses ???)) ((Well, you learn something new everyday... I think I oculd have done without that though.)) "Good night everyone." Okay, good night lady alexis "Once, Kopporu woke up in Geela's tent... I'll never live that one down..." "night alexis" "i'll be right there if anyone needs anything." "geela?" *smirks* *smiles back* *grimaces* "Geela" *looks around* "ok, you good, thanks for trusting me" "Bed??? I just woke up..." *jumps up* "Trust? Who, what where? (stop screaming bob!) "where is gorhn? ((Hush, Rping. =P )) He is having fun in the woods (Is sleeping) "gorhn!!!" I'm sure he is okay, he is a priest of death and all...... "woods... "hmmm...." Want some food, koppy ? "what was it, before it was food?" ((Hey Hatch?)) (yes? (*grins* NOW I'm done.) ((can I change Bless to Sanctuary)?? Umm, *looks down at it* probbaly a animal and milk (Sure.) (It's not morning yet, so it doesn't matter.) ((KJay. Cure Light, Entangle, and Sanctuary)) *goes in the direction fo the screaming* "Milk??????" ((I'm still keeping mine the way they are.)) *leaves some food for koppy* and follows domino ((is still sleeping)) "kopporu can you watch alexis?" **shivers a little** "Milk..." *looks at koppy oddly* "eh? Alexis? oh... ok" "thanks" **looks over at Alexis, how is she sleeping?** (On her back, in bed) (Presumably) ((In my tent. You can't see me from outside)) (or that) (Let me know when it's morning) *yawn* ((HAHAHAHA!!)) Well shall we go miss domino ? ((MIKE is that you, answer me, i dont want to die out here, im so scared)) **walks over to the tent** {can I see where the entrance is?} ((don't mention that movie *shiver*)) ((It faces the fire)) (movie?) ((hatch has been living in a Y2K bunker too long .......)) {does that mean I can see it?} "i dont think we can find the noise or gohrn" (Wat movie?) ((blair witch)) True, then we can just wait for him here at the campfire (oh. ^_^) ((I love you mom and dad)) ((yes, Koppy)) So tell me about this lots of sex thing, domino *smirk* **walks over to the tent and pokes her head in** ((heheh gohrn)) "sex works alot of anger out of you, especially ..." especially ? ((OOOO sex talk! And Alexis is missing it!)) *eyebrow is fully raised* ((hehehe wait till we have the "domino ((Alexis is sleeping on her side, mostly covered with a blanket)) ((Her armor is next to her)) {what does it smell like in the tent?} ((domino's dream adventure :D, or worse Alexand's : D)) ((Like a tent in the forest)) (smells like elf.) {uhm... I just lost Buffy and Bee} arg ((elf ?)) ((Oh, no, it's turning into a big porn movie. I can't believe I'm paying 7 bucks to watch this...)) (Half elf!) (( ROFL ROFL ROFL)) ((Hey Koppy, you look like you need a massage!)) ((lost kopporu)) ((ROFL Alexis)) ((pulls out the bottles of oil)) (Pixie lost Becca and Bee) {i'll drop} okay.. morning must be approaching Is Alexand ever going to sleep? **notices its nicer in the tent as opposed to the dirt** ((grr fine, I'll sleep)) heheh "gorhn if you ok, scream in horrible depressing pain, like normal" ((darn just when the conversation was getting really good ......)) hahaha Well you -are- a mage. :) Sleep is a requirement *walks back to the fire* ((Uh oh, Koppy is gonna sleep with Alexis!)) ((god i wished they would make diet grapico)) **curls up in a corner and goes to sleep** ((is everyone gone or asleep)) yup ((Remember it's a pretty small tent, Koppy! ;-))) {uh oh! Domino rules the night!!!} {well, aslong as you dont roll completely over, I think I'll be ok} *chuckles* "they let the thief stand watch" *reapplys to crossbow bolts* ((wow, the game is passing in real time ;) )) hehe ((ROFL)) Welll in the moooooorning.... "COCKADOOODLE DOOO" You all wake up. :) "zzzz" ))hehe)) **stirs a little** (hehe) ((I think when Hatch said "You all wake up" I'm pretty sure he meant you actually wake up. ;) )) ((I'm waking up!)) ;-) People start waking up! you're fondling fuzzy! I'm sleeping! *IM AWAKE* Sleep-fondling! *cough* ((Freud would have a hay-day here.)) *Grrrrrr if only I had 900 bucks ......* (he would blame it on alexis's mother) Wake them up Dom. :) ((hehe)) *bangs a pan around, the camp fire, BREAKFAST!* **I am seeing a deal on a set of items, selling for 900, that I know is worth at LEAST 15 k** "zzz" *goes to the tent, picks up kopporu and sets her down by the fire* hehe **latches on to Domino** "zzz" walks out of the tent without her armor> *ACK*! (arG! damnable Coke spray!) ((LOL!)) help me someone with um this *wakes up in time to watch, but pretends to be asleep* "Looks like you made a new friend, Domino!" *rubs her head against Domino mumbling slightly* "Good morning" **Grr this deal is killing me** "morning, breakfast is done, today we having cooked rabbit" "Rabbit! Smells good!" (O_O) *eye's Alexis's curves* *Eyes Lex* (Treant sex!) "kopporu, its um breakfast" ((ROFL)) "gorhn, are you ok?" *ARRRRGH* *sigh* ((bee what is it?)) ((ignore that)) *sniffs the air a bit* "zzz" ((I am seeing the equivlent of the rarest baseball cards in existance being given away for 900 bucks, when they are worth 30 thousand)) ((whats 58 divided by 68)) .85 .852 .8529411 :) .852941176470588 LOL!!! (Twiggy!) "Morning Gohrn." ".....uuuhh....." "Did you wrestle the ground or something?" (ponders that we have yet to move forward in my plot) ((PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT)) (also ponders that he is out of cornpops) {ahh! you're making me hungry!} ((POPS POPS POPS)) ((hehehehe)) "You ok Gohrn? *wakes up to eat breakfast, openly looking at all female forms* "kopporu, if you are awake um do want some rabbit?" **actually wakes up** **blinks a bit** "Morning sunshine." {is Domino sitting down?} ((yes)) "Morning all." **turns around and continues sitting in Domino's lap** ((Awwww!)) "But... you were just....." {domino's legs are probably starting to fall asleep} "um koppy could you move around a bit, makes it more interesting" ((HAHAHA)) **turns her head to Domino** *watches intently* "my legs are asleep "Move...? er... food?" we have rabbit" "Let..... go!" **looks at Domino expectantly** "food?" eat *grumbles* *gets some food* I think she wants you to feed her domino *hands kopporu a rabbit leg* "Gohrn?" **snarfs it** ((THundercats!)) "Yeah?" {heehee} snarf :) *jerks back my hand and counts my fingers, 1, 2,3,4,56,) whew ((6 ???)) "Um, what;'s going on?" 6 :) yes well :) we are eatting *eats quietly* "Don't ask." "okay." "Ummm... I could use a hand?" **wishes he could shoot this salesman** "you sort of look exhasperated" (give him the hand!) With what?" ((Hehehe)) "Getting up in field plate is a bit tricky when you're lying down." "Please?" ,Smiles, taking his hand> "i would but im indispoded gorhn" "Thanks." "kopporu, i cant feel my feet" "You're welcome." **touches Domino's feet** "Still there" (hehe) ((saw that coming a mil away!)) ;-) "dont make me kiss you to get you up koppy" *smiles* I think she might like that "hmm?" This rabbit is good, who cooked it ? "I hope this town we're going to has a shop of some sort. I got some crap to unload." "i did" "Don't take that the wrong way." Your a good cook *smileS* "do you want me to carry you to the town kopporu?" "Ooh, rabbit." *thinks* "not really" *stands up* {uh... I dont tumble into the fire do I?} ((NO :P)) (roll dex. >:)) ((Hatch, I just realized I can't learn Entangl, so change it to Bless. ;-) So .... domino ... you were saying about Lots of sex ? (hehehehee okay) {I rolled a 17... my dex is 16} ah! "im sorry kopporu, i thought you were holding on better" ((Ack!)) { (uh oh) } Koppy takes 3 damage and is now burning slightly :) ow, that looks painful *pulls koppy out of the fire* (Ponders the previous damage...) "ahh!!!! *pours water on her* ((ROFL ROFL)) ((Chia Koppy ?)) (Who has damage from before? Accounting for healing 1 point during the night) {chia koppy??????} (not me) **is now drenched** **and slightly crispy** I have 1 damage left. ok (i think im totally healed maybe 1 point) And I'm using my healing skoill on Koppy *mmmm roasted koppy, yummy : D* I have 5 ht pts owww Wait. "Kopporu, please come here." *whimpers* "no eating koppy" Pixie when you level up, you gain hitpoints. Not just your total goes up. {oh} I think she'd enjoy it personally, but I didn't say anything about it ^_^ {uhhhhhm....} {I have 18 then} (okay) ((Yeah, but shouldn't it be proportionate to the ration of her hit points and her max?)) ((Ratio, sorry.)) "im so sorry kopporu, i thought you were holding on" *sniffs* ((I just healed 2 of her hit points)) (yes. She got 13 hp when she leveled up. ^_^ "there you go!" And now she has 20. hehe "i did sort of drag you out of the fire " ack. Lex has Healing! "that i dumped you in" <:) You all gain 2 hp at night. ((But was she already injured?)) NO they don't **shrugs** THey gain 2 for a FULL DAY of rest. ;-) They do if you want them to. :) ((I didn't. ;) )) Healing prof allows 2 points from a night of rest. Healing lets them gain 2 for a full day of rest or 1 for a day of traveling. {I look injured, but then again I always look injured} "are you ok kopporu" {ok, I lost CC} But you gain 1hp normally. :) (you always look scruffy)) I just read it. ;-) It's in addition to the normal hp recovery. :) Apparently you only gain one if you get a full day of rest.;-) **looks at Domino confusedly** But you're the DM, so..... ;-) "Kopporu's ok" "Lady Alexis?" (Pixie lost Claire.) "good im sorry about that" *runs off to pack* {should I drop again? I think I will} "Yes Gohrn?" yah "How are you feeling? You took a good one from that beast you all killed yesterday." "I feel just fine, Gohrn. Thank you." **beams** "Kopporu didnt kill it" "Alright." ((Koppy dodn't do SQUAT! ;-))) *looks at kopporu oddly* ((Hey, why did she get exp for it? ;-))) "Let's get out of here. This place is dead anyways." ((I'M KIDDING)) (Because she was theoretically "in danger" :D) "Let's get to town!" *packed and dressed* ((hehehe)) *ready* **is always packed and dressed** *watches her dress( *you notice that domino is masked* ((no)) ((Oh, okay.)) "I like your mask." *follows domino* *and following Alexis ; D* "thank you, its serves its function well" "really hard to kiss in it though" "Well, I still know you're you." {while you're walking CC?????} *grins* well with practice I'd imagine it would work (yup. while walking) ((Yep. I can do that, but it takes a LONG time to make it this way)) ;-) **looks back and forth between Domino and Alexis confuzzledly** The path beings to rise and fall along the low slopes at the edges of the mountains. {how low do they fall?} ((i like whistling)) er... about a half mile to the east is the ocean. "Hey!" {i mean when they go up and down....} (why?) "yes" {because Kopporu likes to roll down} "An ocean." {she likes to tumble} (oh, it's enough to uhm, roll, but not far.) ((WHen do we get to town?)) ;-) (just after midday.) :) *koppy is ........ strange* {mwahhahaha ;)} *runs runs runs* (shouldnt have eaten that ugh) :D ewww ((rofl)) ((EWWWW)) At the top of a small rise in the hills, you can see the town of Kanth in the distance, an hour or two away. Looking out into the sea you see a dozen or so small boat and sail boats. {small rise!} "Umm... maybe I should stay here." "Almost there! Nice view." The village looks pretty quiet from this distance, you can see a few farms and fields north into the plains past the village itself. **tumbles head over heels down** "Why would you stay?" "I'm not big on towns." (It's a small town. ^_^ You don't have to be big) "Towns are nice. Inns, especially, because of beds. Beds are nice." **squeels with laughter** "Oooh, good point. Let's go." "1 pp that she breaks something" hehe "sometimes I wish I had her frame of mind." I'll take that bet (DEX!) (Pixie) ((HAHAHA)) {rolled a 7} dang. ;) "Yeah, I wish I did too." {mwahahah} *looks at domino* ((I wanted to carry her! ;-))) "Sometimes I wish I was dead." You reach the bottom of the hill and lose sight of the town again. *hands alex a pp* Thank you : ) "Why? Life can be pretty nice." "Well, it can." {ooh... conflicting mythos!!!} "Yeah. Not to me though." "Well, look at you now." With that, a cloaked figure steps out into the road a few yards in front of Kopporu. "Sorry, I talk of such dreadful things when we're about to get to town. Forgive me." "Traveling with 3 young ladies can't be ALL bad, can it?" Of course not *loudly* ! **waves** "Alexis?" "Yes?" **when she's not noticed waves harder** Pulling back his cloak reveals a rotting and decayed face "Do you pray?" "I will right now." (Where are you all in relation to him?) "Good idea." *tumbles toward kopporu* Hmm, must be one of your friends Gohrn {im on my butt in front of him} *raises staff* Shall we say hello ? (I think Koppy is in front, and The rest of us are in a bunch a little behind her) *behind domino completely staring at her* (okay) ((no i tumbled toward her)) (ok) ((do i have t make a dex roll? or something?)) ((What 's it doing?)) Suddenly, something strikes Alexis in the back) (Tumbling is a dex roll, with no modifier.) "Ooof!" (but since it's not in combat, you don't have to.) ((How hard?)) 10 points, Claire. Yipe! ((OUCH)) Behind Alexis is now a figure clad in black studded leather. :) You seem to have quite a FEW friends Gohrn "Shut up. I know not of these." hehe ((What's the figure look like? Same as the other?)) ((I just got nailed and you all are chatting? ;-))) Oh, sorry, thought you might know them, since they are dead and all, or soon to be *grins* ((And how far is the second figure from me)) *fires crossbow bolt at the one that hit alexis* (No, this one is quite obviously half elven male.) ap! Flee now you varlets, or prepare to be killed ((Hehehe)) uhm, roll attack 15 Thac0 is? 19? was 18 at level 1 with my modifiers I mean base. ((no idea :( )) Missile weapon has differentmodifiers. She was 16 at level 1. with her crossbow ((probbaly 19 base hatch)) 19 base, with +3 for missle weapons, and +1 from the crossbow. :) ((so 15 now!)) remember that Buffy. :) You hit him. Damage? (( i will ;) ANd what poison was it? 4 plus black widow poison Okay. :) Initiative everyone. {3} 8 ((What's the speed on turning?)) ((did you roll for the damage? did you know what it was/)) (turning? 3. (I roll for poison. ) (4) 2 6 Okay, Bee go. Okay I'll cast chill touch on the rotting face guy Okay roll for damage, or is it fleeing ? Roll to hit him. oh right, hold on .... You have to hit first. *rolling ..... WHOHO ! 19 !* Okay. You hit. Damage? 3 points okay Pixie go. Okay, it's not undead !! ^_^ ((oh yeah he does lose -1 str)) (I know.) **gets up... starts to go toward the rot... thinks better of it and goes after the elf-thing** Chill touch doesn't hurt undead, but forces them to flee fpr 1d4+1 rounds (Unless they save.) ((Unless they save, Alex. ;-))) (And I'm just being clever and asked for damage) ((Umm.... can I change my mind?)) (to confuse you.) YOu're a level 1 priest, right? ((DOH !!!!!!)) ((Yeah.)) {missed both attacks} ((Wait... hang on, let me get all chaotic neutral...)) ah ((nice try Koppy!)) ;-) ((Nevermind.)) Bob go! {shaddap!} You're sure you missed Pix? Tell me what AC you hit, even when you think you miss. {uh.. AC 9??} Ah, nope. What about the other attack? {AC 8?} nope. ((Hehehe)) Bob go! "KELEMVOR!" Okay Roll! d20, right? yup 4. also bob remind me to talk to you about granted powers. :) ((Oh, like that fear thing I've got?)) The thing does not turn and run. :) Yeah. Because I don't remember. ;) The thief now goes. ((im just a thief to you sniffs) ap! I mean my thief. ^_^ ((your theif ?)) *fires the second bolt at the elf again* same poison ((the studded leath guy)) {you're weird Hatch!} The one who backstabbed Alexis. Not yet Becca. ^_^ The thief throws his dagger at Kopporu. And it does 10 points damage. ((What the hell kind of dagger was THAT?)) Lost Koppy A dagger. ((Dagger of death, apparently.)) And the cloaked man casts... ((Hehehe)) magic missle! ((WHAT ????)) Bob takes 5 points damage (What?) NOW Becca goes. :) BOB! I lost Koppy! Ow. Umm.... *fires my second bolt at the same person with black widow venom* Okay. Okay. Roll attack. ((hold on my dice fell of the table)) Ack! {erm.. i dont see Buffy} ack She's under the table. ;-) ok, to i take the wobbly dice or reroll? Woo! Reroll if you drop it.:) {?} 17 Okay Damaeg? ... 2+1 {dont see her} 3 total plus rol for poinson Okay Claire attacks. ok.. {erm... did I get hit?} nope How far are they both from me? I know I'm between them, right? Yes sh did, for 10. Yes {When Claires attack} Oh yes she did!! ((hehe)) You got hit by a thrown dagger for 10 points How far are they? {backstab!!!} The thief is next to you. The other one isnt'. okay roll Hit AC.... {4!} 2 ((rolled 14)) {doh! so close...} You hit. 1+6=7 damage okay (doh) Other one? {the thief truns into a greasy stain on the floor} Nope. :) Slashes at his side with offhand okay hi ac 0. ;-) Damage? Ah! 8+6=14! ((made up for it)) (The thief backstabbed Claire for 10 points, and then threw a dagger at you, Pixie for another 10 points.) Heee died ((yep)) {he hit me?} Yes. For 10 points. (YES) He threw a dagger. {but you said he didnt!} "die without honor, just as you lived." Initiative again. {bleh, you're confusing} (7) 12 960 (6) You got hit. :) hehe (7) (wow bob your slow 960) 5 Becca go. ((last again. ;-))) ((I just don't know how to work the shift key.)) *attacks the rotting guy* ((how far away is he?)) 10 feet. Or so. {you like automatics huh Gohrn ;)} ((Huh?)) *charges him and attacks with a short sword* Okay. Roll attack Both swords? 13 both swords ((do i roll again for the secon one? Yes, seperate attack rolls. 13 hits AC 4. 8 8 hits.. ac9. miss. Roll damage for one hit. 4+1 = 5 :) okay BOb go. :) ((and i just messed up any spells :) yah)) ap! arg ((WOOO!!)) ((Nice job!)) "Alright, bitch, let's go!" {hahahah} A small ball of light bursts and fizzles off in front of the man. ((Woohoo!)) Okay. Rooool (Zuuuuuul) Hit AC 0. ;) ack! Damage?? (Yay!) Fire = 1 hehe Normal = 4 + 3 = 7 +3? (Scythe, strength, two handed weapon prof) ack! He died grrr BARELY!!! hehehehe Alexis and Gohrn killed this time ! : ) "I hate that." damned wussy mages The rotting face vanishes and the face of a middle aged elf appears. "Tingly" tingly? *^_^* Koppy gets 7 HP back. ;-) "is everyone ok" *as i walk over to the elf and rifle thrugh his possesoins* hehe "Bitch!" Onnn the elf you find *that dagger did LOTS of damage ...... I want to look at it .......* 8 platinum And a set of bracers And I get 2 from my healing skill. ;-) **notices she still has the dagger in her** The dagger is embedded in Kopporu. Ask her for it. "Hey, come here." *snatches up the bracers* "mine: Hey koppy, you've got something stuck in you ...... Searches the thief *gently touches the dagger* "Nevermind." **fingers the dagger** On the thief you find 6 platinum and a deep red potion The mage has been searched. :) ((still have a ring, two potions, and some powder i have no clue what does, add to it bracers)) ANd some otherthings too. **wiggles the dagger a little** "Domino, could you come here?" *gently pulls the dagger out* "hey hey hey! "yes" *walks to gorhn* Shush, you'll hurt yourself wiggling it Someone bandage this please ? *holding the exit wound* On what, Bob? I already healed Koppy for 7 points. ;-) Domino's stuff. {wait.. where is my wound????} *where ever the heck I pulled the dagger OUT of* {psst... Hatch} Upper chest, near the shoulder. The magical items on Domino are A set of bracers. Domino gets 3 hp back A hand crossbow 2 deep red potions and one crimson potion **starts looking annoyed** *woah* A silver dagger A silver ring ((Besides, if I read the spell right, I can turn and see other magic stuff.)) Doh! Falied heal skill on Gohrn A bag of powder What's wrong koppy ? Are you hurt, Bee? And a statue of a dragon "Er, Alex?" *sigh* and on other people there are... **looks down at Bee's hand** No I'm fine as usualy, I seem to have a "don't hit me" sign on ((sigh)) ((Hehehehe.)) A magic dagger now in Alexand's hand *whoho !* A bright red potion on Alexis Alexis would you please help with koppy's dagger wound ? ack no, a bright red one on Gohrn I picked up a red one too. ((I don't have a bright red one.)) ((I have a translucent white one. ;) )) I already cast Cure Light on her, Alex. and a translucent red one on uhm oh, On Gorhn :) **slaps Alex's hand away... resulting with a gush of blood from the wound** And so Alexis has a bright red one. What about THAT ALEXIS *galoop galoop galoop* "Hmmm. *sigh* No one listens to the flirty mage ((Can I use heal skill after casting cure light on the same person?)) Yup And Alexis also has a deep red poiotn "Bandages Koppy's wound Who's keeping the dagger? And Kopp gets 3 more HP back ((Where did I get 2 potions?)) "Alexis." "Yes?" "Are you alright?" I want it "if i do not or can not use my magics i will allow one of you to use it if you return it upon your disposal of it" "I'll live." "Come here." And Domino is keeping the bracers? {i dont think its her head that hurts} *unless someone wants to try to take them from me >:)* And so Alexand has the dagger now? Healed 6. {what do the bracers look like?} Yeah, I pulled it out and didn't let go "Thank you." Very nice hard leather bracers laced with gold. *wipes blood off dagger* "My pleasure." "does anyone want to test out some bracers? " *smiles* "Are yo ok?" "Sorry. I feel a bit odd." "Worry not, however." "are you hurt, Domino?" "Bitch." "i am a thief by trade and try my best not to become injured" Does Alexand examine the dagger? That's quite a ..... gory item there Gohrn "I'm glad to hear it. I appear to be a walking punching bag by trade, however." "gorhn, if you want them you may have the bracers and a trophy, i dont want a head hanging from the scyth *sure* ;-) (looks at the dagger_ You notice the dagger is wonderfully balanced and feels quite light. Ohh : ) **looks at Gorhn** "What are you doing?" This is mine : ) ((It's a dagger of Wonderful Balance and Lightness!)) hehe "What are you doing?" *adds dagger to his quickly growing belt of now 6 ! throwing daggers* hehe *snarls at Gorhn* ((Hey. I get exp for casting! ;-))) ))Cool!)) *stands up and growls* "Hey hey!" alex do you want to try on some very nifty bracers *spits on the ground* "What are you two doing?" *pops shoulder* ((ROFL)) Ummm .... maybe after what ever this is ..... *pops it again* "Okay, you win." *beams and sits back down* *pops neck .... gets 4 pops out of one twist* *puts on the silver ring* ((Just kidding!)) ew! {hahhahhahaa} (ew) ((hehehehehehehe)) ((What do I see?)) Not much. :) Two dead people. "Bitch." *looks at the silver dagger i got so long ago* "gohrn, didyou know him? "No." **pokes the dead thief with a stick** You seem ..... more than usually annoyed Gohrn, anyhing wrong ? "then how do you know his name is bithc, it might have been fred or something" "Well, I feel a lot better. Let's get to town." "I'm for that!" "I'll ask around when we get there." ((Hey Hatch, where did I get 2 potions?)) Okay. **looks sadly at the fallen thief before continuing on** duh! "alexis, my hand tingles, when i wear this ring" uhm, 1 potion :) The deep red one from the thief just now. "Tingles?" ((I've got a translucent white!)) Then maybe it goes somewhere else ? *smirks* ((That's what I thought, thanks. ;-))) The other potion is Bee's :) Bright red one. "i know its magic, but not what type" "Can you take it off?" I can identify it ...... ( I thought I did already ??) *walk walk* *takes off the ring* It comes off. You haven't identified anything yet. "you said it was death magic" Necromantic yes. ((I remember he cast an identify spell back when everyone was negotiating)) Which deals with both life and death That's right. :) I forgot. ((I wasn't even there.)) ((Are we there yet mommee? ;-))) ((hrm would have thought I'd get more off the ring than that)) Not really. :) "i have no knowledge of this, how do i make it work" (( NO ! spank !, now don't complain !)) I do not know {wow... you're a braaaave man Alex...} ^_^ ((mwa ha ha ha, I am fearless)) Entering the town now, ((Everyone should be scared of me. I eminate fear. FEAR ME!)) YOu see that There's not that much to the town itself, a small church, a market, a tavern with a few rooms for rent, the sheriff and guardsmans barracks, a single building housing the blacksmith and armorer, a small temple of the Star, and a few other smaller shops. The remainder of the town is the few farms, and the fishing boats and docks. (yawn* *heads for the tavern* *heads for tavern as well* {what type of farms?} ah ha okay ((I need to go in a minute. Work tomorrow.)) In the center of the town square is a gallows being worked on, near it's base is a wooden pillory. (okay) ((Me two.)) *going to the tavern with 2 women ..... who ho ! ; ) )) "should we get 5 beds or only 4?" We should stop now then. :) ((Give me my expiernce, let me level, and let me sleep! ;) )) ((Now is good! ;-) Well I have no problem sharing mine *smirk* ((Yeah! Gohrn will get a level! ;-))) yes yes. Bob what did you cast today? Detect magic and cure light. ok ((do you getanything for turning a old elf :) )) hehe nope ((ROFL ROFL)) ((No, he didn't turn.)) Unsucessful use of granted powers isn't worth xp.:) i really have to go hug ((But I kicked his ass. Bitch.)) HUGS oaky hugs! {give her her exps first!} ((what about successful use of nonweapon proficiencies? ;-))) Everyone gets 214 xp for the enemies and 200 for roleplaying Woo! +10% if you get it., So, 414... 207 each... 227.7 then? yes, but don't write it yet 414 + 41 is ..... 455 Okay. wait... ((I think me and Alex both leveled.)) Okay, Pix gets another 70 if mages and clerics get exps for spells, do fighters get exps for killing blows? Not me ... I leveled last time Bee gets +50 i get another 70? yes WHO HO ! why? Becca gets +50 Bob gets +140 ((I htought you were short last time....)) And Claire gets +80 Someone... give me the horns. ((Is that my Cure light? ;-))) wait, what are these for??? ((I got the last few I needed from the spell xp)) For stuff> :) what stuff??? I'm ...... now 2000 xp away from level 3 ! : ) So... 297.7 then? Something. :) You add it. hehe ? ((Hey, I'm not arguing.)) TICKLES EVERYONE AND LEAVES!!!! ((If he wants to give me lots of experience, I'm not goint to question it. ;) )) KISSES Becca! ;-) *blush* :) 304.7, Bob. How do you figure? 140+200+214 x1.1 Well I'm going to go too Ah, right. ;) Night all *kisses CC* ; ) night night Woooo! *hugs the rest* Night Bee! *blush* User Alexand Di'Mere has left the chat Level! Roll hitpoints? LOL d8/2, right? Yup Roll hiigh! ;-) Did your fighter level too? 2, +1 for the CON bonus. No, not for another 300 exp. Kay. Just remember you only get the con bonus once. :) Oh. That's no fair. You don't do half the Con bonus. Bob now has 12hp! Yeah but his CON is only +1, so he gets .5 hitpoints. Oh, I get it. I thought it was +2 for some reason. So, 12.5? ... just give him the one Hatch! :) hehe no, you'll get your CON when the cleric goes up a level, but not the fighter. Just remember. :) Okay, so I got it this time. You have 12. 9+2+1 I had 10 to start with. doh stupid me again. :) 13. ;) So you have 13. ;-) Yes. 13 total, how much do I have now? Like, 6? 6 what? hp ah What did you get hit for? You add your new hp to your current, too. Oh, okay. 8 then. ;) 9 You rolled 3 hitpoitns I need to go! Thanks for a fun time everyone! ;-) Night! night night night! Someone stay! so I can copy this ;-) i will! I'll stay. User Lady Alexis has left the chat ok shhh!