Game Start; Febuary 26th, 852PA. On a trail off the road just south of Kanth Wow, a game where we all start at the same time. Okay Bob can't stay forever so let's go quick. :) Looks like Bob will get no sleep tonight. ;-) WellAgain. Okay, who wants to blow up my ISP? Um, wouldn't that disconnect you? Ah well. ;) The price I pay for quality roleplaying. ;) *looks forlornly at her bed* brb I know Pan, I'll join you later, it won't be enpty forever. I'll get a new one. BOOM! Bee isnt in here is he? CLAIRE!! ROFL NOW who wants to do her??? HMMMMM?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OKay last time we just entered the town so we'll start right over. There's not that much to the town itself, a small church, a market, a tavern with a few rooms for rent, the sheriff and guardsmans barracks, a single building housing the blacksmith and armorer, a small temple of the Star, and a few other smaller shops. The remainder of the town is the few farms, and the fishing boats and docks. In the center of the town square is a gallows being worked on, near it's base is a wooden pillory. Locked into it is a tall, lanky man with brown hair. well pookie seems like a third of the chat wants you in bed :D {the star? I'd ask what that is but i dont think Kopporu would care} A third? oh wait.. there six. So who besides Claire? :) ((Me???? It's YOU!)) YOU "Nice town." (The Order of the Star is uh.. a religious thing) *looks at the bag that holds a head* You look around. ;) Bah? bag? ((Bob hacked off the mages head and has it in a bag)) ((i thought of gorhn but a head in a bag)) Oohhh yeah *cough* You find a blacksmith. Sorta. ;) *again following the women, head slightly tilted* "Hello?" "Charming little village." *goes to the pillory* A man in a leather apron with dark tanned skin looks up from the bellows "Eh, it's a town." "Hello there good sir." ack *caught, between following the sexy warrior and the sexy thief* The man looks up to you, his soft brown eyes looking into you. His hair and face are dirty, his cheeks hollowed a little. It looks like he's been there for a while. "Good morrow my good man. I have some inquiries, and you look to be the man to ask them too." ((OF! ask them OF!)) ;-) "Anything you could ask, I can give yee an answer" ((Whatever.)) (yeah, get yer damn grammar right!) "First off, would you be interested in a slighty used set of splint mail?" {Domino is at the pillory} "Well now, that's something we don't get too often in here. Lemme take a looksee" (She knows. :) )) Domino: The man looks up to you, his soft brown eyes looking into you. His hair and face are dirty, his cheeks hollowed a little. It looks like he's been there for a while. *follows the warrior woman, to the thief girl .... still watching with head titlted* ((i was just waitting so you wouldnt have to run two :) )) ((knows what?)) ;-) (ah okay HUGS) (what Claire?) ((Oh, I was thinking something else. Nevermind.)) "It's seen some better days, I'll admit, but it's saved my life on more than one occasion." The smith takes the armor and eyes it carefully. "Well now it's seen a bit of wear, the most I kin give ye is thirty gold." ((I can't play too long, I do have classes tomorrow *sigh*, but for a while)) "Sold! I need to drop the weight." He places the armor on a rack and counts out thirty gold coins. (okay) **has wandered off to the docks** ^_^ **occasionally can be seen playing in the fish, and then shooed away by grumpy seamen** Little girls and seamen don't mix. :) "And one more thing, and you can go back to work..." Want me to paste that thing again? ((Groan.)) "Yes?" ((rofl)) "Do you dye armor?" "Dye?" ((No, sorry, I missed it)) Okay The man looks up to you, his soft brown eyes looking into you. His hair and face are dirty, his cheeks hollowed a little. It looks like he's been there for a while. :) "Change the color." Last time! "hello sir, can you hear me?" *looks at domino* "Ah, I see. No, that be a bit out of my experience. Could burn it black but that might worsen it's quality." The man croaks "please" "please can you help me?" "Ah, luck isn't with me today. Thanks for your time." "im not sure if i can or not" The smith nods and turns back to his work. "What have you done to be in there?" "Get me out of this. I did nothing wrong." "Kopporu?" "then why are youthere?" "who put you there?" "Koppy?" "The sherrif. They say I murdered my wife and another man." "And you didn't? "and im supposed to just blieve you?" "No, I would never kill my wife. I loved her so.." "Koooooooppyyyyyyyy....." "whre can i find the sheriff?" He wanly nudges his head to the left.  {hellooooooooo sailor!} "alexis do you want to stay or talk to the sherff,or just go to the inn?" ((Helloooooooooooooosailor Moon!)) A tall, heavily built man in a heavy black cloak and wide brimmed hat stands looking out a window across the street. The building has a metal 6 pointed star emblazoned on it. ((I saw that for the first time the other day.)) "We can see what the sheriff says...." "im afraid somehting might happen to him before we find out whats happening" Entering the office you see he has a light brown goatee and piercing black eyes. Though you see no obvious weapons, he still carries a calmly threatening presence with him. "Hello, sheriff..." *stands in the doorway* He nods and smiles. "Hello there lady, Sherrif Gentry at your service." *stops following, and walks away from the sherrif office* "My name is Alexis. We are just traveling through your fine town..." *looks at alexand oddly* "Yes, I saw you talkin' to old Zalcor there." "...but I have an inquiry about the man in the pillory. His name is Zalcor?" *constantly looks around* "Zalcor, yes. Zalcor Ficher." "And I understand he is accused of killing his wife and another man?" *goes back to the pillory* "He is. A man at least, his wife hasn't been found yet." *begins to follow domino again* "A good reason to lock someone in a pillory, it is." "But he entreated us for help, claiming his innocence, and seems rather sincere...." to zalcor "why do they think you did this?"" "At the moment you can see that the gallows is still being built. Never had need of one until now." "I noticed that." "Did he catch this man and his wife in.... inappropriate circumstances?" "Well he says he ain't done it, but one of my deputies found the body of Andrew Raynar inside Zalcor's home with an arrow in his back." 'And the wife has not been found?" "Is there a reason Zalcor would do such a thing?" "are you alive?" "did you not here me?" "No, we still have people looking for her and Zalcor's sister." (ack! going to fast) ((sorry!)) "Zalcor's a hunter y'see, gone into the mountains for a week or more at a time a lot. His wife, Rachel, was rumored around town that she'd been having someone else in the house when he was gone." "Ah." Zalcor looks up and moans quietly, slumping back down again. "And what of Zalcor's sister?" *examines the locks on the pillory* "She ain't been seen for three days, said she was heading off into the mountains southwest for a few days." :) *is somewhere else obviously, doing who knows what* The lock looks rather shody ((didn't we come from the southwest)) (Came from due south) ((I think so.)) ((Oh)) ((My bad.)) "It is an unfortunate situation...." "Another piece of business, if you have a minute?" "It is. We'll keep looking for Rachel, but it's been two days she's missing and in another two or threedays the gallows will be done and won't be much point left." "Of course." "My companions and I were attacked just south of town by a pair of bandits, a magic user and a roguish type. We dispatched them..." "...but I was wondering if they were in the area long." "Causing problems." "I see. Rare but not unheard of, bandits on the roads." "Well, thank you for your time, sheriff." "Sheriff..." "Yes?" (The gallows looks big and wooden) "Perhaps you can use some help in your search for the missing women?" (So's the pillory) *whistpers to alexand* -- law hasnt ever done anything good ever "I am an experienced tracker." *looks at domino* *looks like he is thinking* {level 2.... real experienced ;)} ((ROFL)) "If you should see them I would be much obliged. Seein' as the only evidence I have either way is a dead body, and nobody even knew where Zalcor was at the time." ((What IS Koppy up to??)) "well, I cannot speak for all of us, but I am willing to help. If Zalcor is innocent, it would be a sin to see him hang. Besides, they may need help." "i say, i come back here later tonight and let him go" *whispers* "I would be grateful. Even his sister would help a little." *whispers back, maybe he's innocent, maybe he isn't, how are we supposed to know ?* ((What time of day is it? LAte afternoon?)) just after midday. "because the more laws we have the worse the tryants are that enforce them" "Okay. I will speaki to my companions about it." ((sounds familiar, Becca. ;-))) "Thank you, miss Alexis." *so how many laws are in this town ?* "The sheriff would be appreciative if we would help him find Zalcor 's missing wife and sister." "We may e able to find out if he is innocent or guilty if we find sign of them!" *shrug* okay, ... maybe they will be pretty ((ROFL)) "Zalcor?" Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges. "You've got my help." The more corrupt the state is, the more numerous are the laws. *winks at alexand* "Big guy is against more coming from this town." Big guy. ;) *smiles* Very good miss domino "Zalcor? Do you know what happened?" It looks like he's passed out. "What can we do? ((How far away is that owlbear den?)) "SHeriff said his sister went off to the Southwest 2 days ago." About 9 hours down the road and 4 hours along the trail you followed. ((ewwww, there was a woman in that owlbear den ....)) ((Yep. ;-))) "And his wife is still missing.)) ((AND KOPPY ATE HER !!!!)) ((Okay, that's funny on so many levels.)) {just nibbled!!!} ((ROFL)) ((i have her hand)) "The woman in the owlbear den..." *cough* "Sheriff?" "alexis, do you want this hand?" He looks up from his desk. "Again, miss Alexis?" *stays away* "About half a day south of here, we found the body of a woman in a den of owl bears." "So, Alex, what do you think?" "Owlbears? Haven't seen one of those around here in years." *walks over* Don't know, this doesn't effect me one way or the other, but it at least might be fun "There was a mated pair and several cubs in a large den not too far away." I'm sure anyone about to die will say anything to avoid it, so I can't know if he is innocent or not "They attacked us, and we ended up finding their lair. THere was a woman there." ((Lost hatch)) "I hope the measure of fun isn't the only way you measure things in life." Becca lost you Hatch Well how it effects me acually Lost him too. Doh! I know I'm a selfish bastard but at least I'm honest about it *shrugs* {hatchie go bye bye} Everyone shush a sec. I'm gonna save this in case he can't get back. yay whoho ! : ) Where were we? uhm "Owlbears? Haven't seen one of those around here in years." "There was a mated pair and some cubs not far from here. We foiund a dead woman in their lair." *slams the hand down on his desk* "A woman, you say? What did she look like?" He jumps "Yeah, missy?" ((Ooooh DOmino! Nice touch!!)) ((It was the DISEMBODIED hand she slammed down! ;-))) He looks down. "Oh my." "what did that/?" "You better tell me what this is about." "i found that in the owlbears that arent around here" "And the rest of the body was in their lair." "What I'm getting at Alex, is do we really need to be here?" "So you say." He carefully picks up the hand and examines it. "Does it look... um.... familiar?" Not as far as I can tell, but it seems the women are interested in it, and well I'm interested in them "We were hired by Ryan and the others to find this Kether character. This is just a setback in those plans." "well i didnt chew on it" "Chewed off. Hard to say who it's from. A woman for sure.... Owlbears you say?" "Or digest it, for that matter." "Yes, owlbears. THey're dead. "And the body you saw, what did it look like?" "The body is still there.... well, what's left of it." ((hehehe)) ((We're boring the boys. ;-))) He looks confused at your vague and rambling description. "Didn't look at it too closely didja?" ((And Koppy is off playing with seamen.)) ;-) EW! ((I bet that's a first.)) "I tried not to, really." ((BOB!!)) ((ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL)) It better be! semen and pan dont mix *^_^* BECCA!!! See Claire?! Game over man, game over. ((is dying laughing)) ooh look, dorito bits! {....} ((HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)) :D she's speechless. {*goes back to brushing her teeth*} ((Well, if we were serious once, we'll never get that back...)) HAHAHAHAHA (( I DON'T Want to know WHY she's cleaning out her mouth ......)) O.O BEEEE! ((HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA)) ((ROFL)) ((sorry that was evil .......... hehehhe)) ((ow ow ow ROFL)) EW! BIG dorito bits! ((well I was laughing, thought I'd share the pain)) ((dries eyes)) "I wish I could describe her better, but it wasn't something I wanted to spend any time staring at..." ((where were we again)) (Well SOMEONE got a really close look( ((We need Koppy!)) {*whistles*} *yells out the door, would you find fuzzy please "I think Kopporu can describe her better. We just need to find her." "Kopporu? ...." "You think we should lead the search party to the home of the owlbears?" *sigh* why do I have to deal with the little wild munchkin ?? "One of our companions." "I see." "She's a little.... free-spirited." *goes looking for kopporu and drags he back to the others* "mm hmmm" heheehe ack "Want some?" ((Where is Koppy?)) ;-) Zalcor is still unconscious. ((Didn't Ale drag her back?)) (Ponders the koppiness) (Well -I- know where she is. Find her) *sighs* *not going to put up with a stubborn koppy* here little koppy koppy "We'll be right back. Need to find our lost person." ,goes to the waterfront by the docks> He nods and looks back down to his desk ((Um, she isn't skinnydipping, is she)) ask her. **Kopporu is seen watching (in fascination) a sailor cleaning fish on the docks** "Hi there." *waves Alexis away* *continues watching* õ.0 (why didn't he find koppy *grumbles* *goes back to the pillory thing* "Give me my money." "Hey, remember that girl we saw the owlbear eating?" *holds the same rope i used on her from before* *has plenty of silk rope* *suddenly starts hacking* O.O *hack hack hack* *thumps chest* ((Hairball?)) "patooie!!!" **spits out... what appears to be a lump of... uh.. some sort of "meat"* *she is gonna spit up the woman* ewww *told ya* {heehee} ((OH YUCK!)) "Um, yeah, her." HAHAHAHA *koppy is easy to predict* ((;-))) (ack, Tammy just told me to shut up. ^_^) "What did she look like?" ((Tammy?)) *looks up* "uhm..." (Stepsis) ((go be mean to your sister)) (Mean?) ((The one with the friend who wants you?)) HEY! ((she said to shut up :) be mean, pinch her)) "Do you remember?" (pinch her???) "Hey, Domino." (She's trying to sleep.) **looks like she's thinking... sorta... seems to be continually distracted by the fish cleaning* "gohrn, what are we doinghere?" ((purple nurple!)) "yes?" (O.O She sleeps the same way I do!!) "I have no idea. You still have those bracers from the mage I killed?" ((With her hand down her pants?)) (uhmm...) ((Game?)) "yes" ((sorry)) (('scool.)) "Koppy, can you tell someone what she looked like?" "May I have them?" "It'll get us on the road faster." "have?" "why do you want them?" (giggles) "Call it curiousity." "If you want them back later, I'll return them." **cant keep her eyes from the fish** "hmm.. what?" *wonders why she's so entraced by the fish* *reaches in and gets the bracers* "Can you tell someone what that woman looked like?" "She looked dead" "Can you be more specific?" *hands them to gohrn, if they do good stuff tell me, but if you turn into a cockatrice dont yell at me" ((ROFL)) **... chewed" "I won't." **doesnt really look like she's paying attention** *looks carefully at gohrn, wating for him to turn into a big bird* **is completely oblivious** (Gohrn's arms fall off) ((DOh!)) (no wait... nothing happens.) ((ROFL)) *stunned silence* "Suppose I could buy that fish from you?" *combination of yelps, howls, screams, and curses* The sailor looks up. "Suppose you could, then what?" "Would you sell it to me?" **SNARLS* The sherriff looks up. Then stands and towers over Kopporu. "Koppy, if you tell the nice man what she looked like you can go back and watch the guy gut fish all day." **hisses** "Suppose'n you can tell me what you saw?" The sailor looks up. "Why you wantin' fish?" *cocks eyebrow* "saw?" "My traveling companion was rather interested in it." "Yes. What did that dead woman look like?" "I figure it will keep her complacent this way if she had a fish." "You got a much closer look than I did.:" His deep black eyes drill into Koppy. "The woman." **looks extremely annoyed** "Red hair" "The fish? She was watching the fish?" The sailor looks dejected. "Yup." "Fish or no?" "Good, Koppy. Anything else?" "somewhat taller than Kopporu" "Ifn' you want fish, you could go to the market." "Blue eyes..... and she tasted good too" Gentry looks stunned "Tasted good?!" "She was looking at that fish, though." "It's a figure of speech." **picks at her teeth** "I'd like that fish, right there, that you're holding." "Does that sound anything like his wife or sister?" Sailor. "I don't think it was the fish." "Rachel." (ack, wait.)( ((ooh inspire fear!)) ((Okay. ;) )) *digs out his percentile dice* ((I need to go sleep)) *casts lucky roll* **looks boredly around the office (?) her suddent violent fit seemingly over for the moment** "Koppy, you can go watch the fish now, ok?" ((HUGS BEE)) The sailor looks up at you, drops the fish and his knife and runs screaming down the dock, jumping into the water and swims out of sight. ((HAHAHAHA)) ((hugs)) "Thanks." *snorts at Alexis and pointedly crosses her arms and remains in teh chair** *cough* I don't think it was that particular fish, Bob. :) {night Bee-kins!} ((well .... maybe I can stay a put longer)) ((BEE-KINS ?!?!?!?!?!)) ((Don't they make boxes?)) {well... I coulda said Bee-kun! or Bee-chan.... ;)} ((fake leave to get hugs, how dare you)) heheeh Bad Bee "So, the woman in the lair was his wife?" ((HEY NOW, you don't know me that well Pan ! : D)) The sheriff nods solemly. "Where did you say this place was?" Half a day south. "Along t **the office(?) is ripe with the smell of fish** "South along the road, the a few hours along a treal that goes (East or west)" "Kopporu, I've got something for ya." "Thank you miss Alexis. I'll send someone out to recover her though Andrew is still dead." {Kopporu is in the chair} (The trail can only go west. ^_^) "but you have no proof it was anyone" "Under what circumstances did his sister leave?" **blinks at the fish** "We have proof that Andrew is dead, and was found inside Zalcor's house." "She just vanished about two days before Zalcor got back into town from his last trip." **gingerly takes the fish** "How'd he die?" "and if they found you in the inn would the inn keeper be guilty?" "He was shot in the back with a heavy arrow. Deep wound." **takes out a knife from.. uhm.. somewhere on her person...** "Ifn' he was found at the Inn I would have had to shut down the town." "Sounds pretty foolish for killing someone in your home." "Maybe his sister knows something. Does she disappear like this often?" "Knife or sword would be preferable. A bow is a bit clumsy for killing someone inside a building." "Well Zalcor ain't the brightest guy around, quiet and moody a lot." **starts to amateurishly gut said fish, spraying guts and goo all over, and making a general mess... giggling all the while** ((ROFL)) "His sister is a fair woodsman, she goes out from time to time but mainly stays in town." (ACK!) "And you say she went Southwest?" The sheriff glares at Kopporu *Still GLADLY outside the office* "Yes, three days ago." **big smile for Mr. Sherrif** "well, she should probably be found then." "Anyone want to come with me?" **drops the fish on the floor and starts eyeing the stuff on his desk eagerly** "Well she's not due back for another three or four days. Too late for her brother." **she's possessed !* oh no "Due back?" **extends her hand out to touch something on the desk....** "I was under the impression that she disappeared and you didn't know what happened." "When she left she said she was heading out for a few days at least after stopping at her brother's for the night." He gingerly swats Kopporu's hand away. *blink* **recoils with a slight yelp** *leans head in* Umm excuse me ...... "No we know where she's gone, just not where she headed or when she's back." "Wait." "She left how long ago?" "Three days ago this morning." "3 days?" "And when did you find Andrew's body?" {Andrew huh? I guess a disgruntled villager musta done it... ;)} ((ROFL)) Nevermind *goes back outside* "Two days ago, on the night Zalcor returned from his last trip." "And the body was freshly dead?" "And you never considered his sister as a suspect? She had access to his house." "Not whenI got out to see it, but when my deputy found it he said it wasn't more than a day." *audible sigh from outside* "She'd been gone for a day already, and no reason to kill Andrew." "So, it was found the same night he got back from his trip, but could have been dead a whole day??" Oh miss domino could you come outside ? "You think she had no reason, you mean." "Quite true yes." "Think about it. She's at his house the day before the body is found, and then, ironically, leaves town for just the amount of time needed to build gallows and hang her brother." "She had no reason I can come up with. Zalcor on the other hand did, seein the rumors and all and the body being in his house. "You don't find that odd?" "I think we need to find her." "Obviously you ain't real familiar with her." "I've likely never met her." "Well, no, I'm not. I don't know her, I'm just giving you my perspective." "But what you say makes little sense." ((Lost Becca.)) "If the body was found the SAME NIGHT Zalcor returned from his trip, but your deputy said he could have been dead a whole day..." " could he have done it?" hold a sec. *need to get her out of chat so I can pull her back ......* "She isn't the kind of person to frame her brother. Much as she didn't like Rachel, she wouldn't have crossed Zalcor without cause." "But that doesn't explain the time discrepency." "Yeah, what she said." "With the timing you mentioned, it's much more likely that she did it instead of him." "There isn't much of one, he could have been dead an hour, or it could have been twelve. No real way to tell." ((yawn .... I really can't stay much longer)) ok "But how can you hang a man for killing someone when you can't even be sure if he was around when the person actually died?" ((we need MAtlock!)) ((I can do matlock .....)) ((Ew!!)) "Zalcor stopped in town when he got back before he went home. Went into Andrew's bar. Have people there who say Andrew left not long after that, and put Creyan in charge of the bar. Zalcor apparently left about half an hour after Andrew. ((EWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT LIKE THAT !!!!!!)) ((I'm an old man, I hate everything but Matlock... oh, it's on right now...)) ((QWERTY)) "Do you know if anyone saw the two talking at the bar?" "That's the last time anyone saw Andrew alive before I brought Zalcor in." "Yes, Creyan did, along with most poeple there that night." "What was Zalcor's story?" **On closer inspection, Kopporu has actually nodded offf during this discussion** "He says e was just got home and found Andrew dead on the floor when the deputy walked in." ((okay I really need to go now *HUGS* goodnight all)) (hehee) okay! ((night!)) ((night!)) {noight!} Voight! *kisses the women of the chat, and hugs the men* acK! *waves goodbye* "We need to find her." "I think a talk with this Creyan character is in order before we go a hunting." ((BYE HUGS) "You can if you like, the tavern is straight up the way." "Okay. Sheriff, we'll try to find his sister. Please don't hang him until we get back?" "Good, I need to refill this skin of mine as it is." "I'll try and keep it off but mainly it's not my doing, the people here want it done." *whispers* "alexis, i can get him out, so they cant hang him" "So it's a lynch mob, then?" "No, it's the town. They want justice done." "But you're the sheriff. Surely you have some control over whether or not they kill him." (*nudge* Might be a good idea to remember what's in the town before you go breaking locks in the middle of the town square.) "Wakey wakey. We got some walking to do." "I am the sheriff, but if'n it was up to me I'd have put him to the sword by now. Hanging isn't a way to do it." *stirs a little* *grumbles a bit and bats the scythe away* "Even though there's no real proof he didn't do anything? That doesn't sound anything like the justice I know." ((i have class tomrowo, how much longer?)) '((er typo in that. No real proof he did anything)) "I'll get you a fish." ((Bribery! ;-))) "This town isn't under the prince's law, it's town law. Which is why I'm needed here. They'd have killed him the minute the found the body if I wasn't here to slow them down." **one eye cracks** (we can end whenever Becca.) "You want a fish?" **stands and stretches** "Well, just try to slow them down more. I really don't think he had anything to do with it. Please." "Blue fish" "Red fish" "Two fish" "One fish" "Dead fish" ((It's Dr. Suess, in reverse)) Demon Suess?