Game Start; Febuary 26th, 852PA. In Kanth. ((you touched the sky of the great bee spirit : D, so you pull back a nub)) {saaaaave us!!!" "Me personall, I love to sleep under the stars. Get in touch with nature and god and all that." {LOL!!!} He mumbles something. "Nature god?" ((Sorry I'm late. Been trying to get on for about 20 minutes.)) ((WHat I miss?)) ((lol ?)) {yes lol!!!} ((owoowowoooowowo) "What's that?" *dances round* HI CLAIRE! *Bangs into a table* ((poor b *looks forlorn*)) ((Uh, hi.)) ;-) Gorhn is in the bar talking to Creyan, and the others have gone somewhere. ((Jumps alexis......)) ((Hehehe)) ((I think my mind has gone, do you have it ?)) ((so, uhm.... where were we?)) You missed only a fewminutes. {relatively" ((I mean before that. I don't remember the end of last time)) ((talking to sherrif))) Zalcor's sister's name is Rhiannon, and ah, Creyan is the only person who could remotely actually profit from Andrew dying. ((Who'sCreyan?)) Relative of Andrew,he worked for andrew in the bar. ((depending on the andrew woudlnt mind punching him) Didn't I tell you who he was? ((I don't remember)) "You said something about a nature god? "No... you did." (ah) "Ah, yes, I did. Strange of me. You ever been out on the road?" "Nope, been here all my life mostly." "Ah, okay." "Thanks, friend." he nods and moves off again. "It'd be easier if I could just lay waste until I got the answers I wanted." "...uh... you okay?" *looks dejected* "I'm fine. Just this whole situation...... the sheriff mentioned something that bothers me, and didn't realize it until now." "onllly traker we have and she stays in town" ((Where are the others?)) They left somewhere. "What's that?" "Well, I'd need to see the body to be sure.... but it had to do with the type of wound." ((off to search for rhiannoah) ((off to help)) Gentry looks up as you enter. "Again, miss Alexis?" "Yes, again. I hope I'm not being a pest, but something's troubling me." "Would it be possible for us to see the body?" "Yes... if you think it would help." "Thank you." (The pillory has not moved.) He gets up and gestures yu to follow him into the back. He pulls back a heavy sheet and you see the body of Andrew Ficher laying on his side. *looks to alexand to tired to go hunting im going to the inn for a few* "Shit!" The arrow is still sticking out of his back. meh? "That was odd." Gentry looks up at you. "He does that a lot?" The arrow is pretty deep. hahahahahahaha "He's an odd one, but generally doesn't do stuff like that." "ahh..." ((ack sorry, went to make some TANG)) *still following domino* You can't really tell by looking at the back. You're not sure how long it is. ((in inn, cant play for righnotw)) "Any idea how deep this is embedded?" (It's still there) "Gaaahhhh...." ((at least you didn't leave it on the roof of your car!)) Gentry nods and with remarkable deftness for his size, sits the body up and gestures. "Look at the front." **wonders about the town aimlessly after the disbanding of the search party* Just below the surface of the skin right over his heart, you can see a red blotch of blood between layers of flesh, and the dark ponit of the arrow {wanders that is} "Egads, that can't feel good at all." "Is Zalcor a particularly strong man?" Gentry shakes his head. "No, not really at all." "He knows how to use a bow, correct?" "He does. He hunts for a living." "Right. Can he perform miraculous shots with a bow, or does he just use a bow?" "I've never seen him do anything particularly noteworthy. He was a fair shot, but not what I'd call great." "So, he had no special skill, then." uhmmm ((hehehe)) (Roll. ;) ) ROlled 16 okay. :) Roll again. ((That's an ac 10, right?)) {defacing a corpse, how shameful!!! ;)} (maybe. ;) ) Rolled 15 Okay. You see the arrow sink in almost to the feathers. Gentry looks down from Gohrn, looking at his arm. "He's dead, dammit." He turns to look at you in surprise, slightly paled. ((my arm?)) (HIS arm) ((dead jim))? ((Did I hit him?)) You can't see. :) ^_^ "You okay?" ((dark yet?)) You see the sheriff's arm, holding the body upright, with the shaft of the arrow protruding 6 or 7 inches out of his arm. ((oops)) {poor guy} He looks up and blinks. "I'll take that as a no." With his other hand he reaches forward and snaps the head of the arrow off. ((OUCH)) ((Wait a sec..... just so I'm clear...)) Then slides his arm slowly off of the shaft. ((Went through the corpse, and his arm on the other side)) ((you shoot the arrow straight through the body and into the guys arm on the other side)) ((Oh, okay.)) ;-) (Whay he said.) ((hatch, daark yest)) Through the body, through Gentry's arm, and sticks out about 7 inches. ((Too bad I already cast my cure light.)) (Getting on to about 6pm now) ((So did I)) "please sir, let me help..." Gentry looks down at his arm and flexes his hand. "That was quite... unique Alexis." "My deep apologies..." *leaves inn and goest to the tavern buliding* (ok) hehe {what kind of roofing do these buildings have?} (It varies) *loooks for other entry other then front door* (hehe, maybe Claire. ) *randomly picks a building* {what kinda roofing} "Again, my apologies. I thought your arm was lower...." The Tavern has a door at the side, towards the back. ((gosh this chair is hard to assemble)) He nods. "That was apretty good shot." (What building? Big one? House?) "Only if I was trying to hit you too, which I wasn't...: {uh... house} Gentry stares at Gohrn. *goes to the side door* "Ah, crap, I've gone and done it again." The house has an angled, thatched roof. Looks like straw. You're at the side door. "Are you ok, sheriff?" **do i see any place that has a stronger looking roof?} "Yes, it was minor." (You can find one if you want.) "I'm so sorry. If you'd like to take me into custody, I won't resist." **looks for one** "Did you find out what you wanted?" (You find one.) {whats the roofing like?} (It's got a flat roof, you can't see it but you think it's probably stronger.) **tries to climb up onto the roof** "Uh.... well..." "This whole thing does have a point....." (hoold a sec) {Gohrn reminds me of a turtle} ((he's in field plate. He IS a turtel. ;-))) ((Exactly.)) Pix, roll dex. {19... I accidentally killed myself ;)} hehe You fall backwards and land in a rain barrel. >:) ((HAHAHA)) {uhm... how far am I in?} ((You get stuck and drown! Roll a new character.)) Not terribly far, since you sort of fell butt first. {hey, I have some ideas... dont tempt me!!!} {im not stuck am I???} ((WHOHOOOOOOOO !!!!!!, my pneumatic chair WORKS !!!!)) heheeh Try and get out. :) Oh, and you notice a distinctly cold, wet feeling. *whimpers* ((WHich differs greatly from a warm, wet feeling)) ewwwww **tries to squirm out** ohh ....... ohh ......... this is SOO nice I love this chair hehe, I have one of those Bee. ;) "Nuts." You can't get out. *starts to panic* Gentry laughs at the wriggling Gorhn. It's SO much nicer than my solid wood chair *with straight back killing back* ((Koppy stuck in a rainbarrel, Gohrn's stuck on his back, and...)) ((sings.... "IIII shot the sheriff!")) *checks the side door for looks* ((Wow where's the deputy! ;-))) (Big lock above the handle.) *fails her arms about and violently swings her weight back and forth... basically spazzing** *checks the door to make sure the lock is locked* It's locked. "So, uhm... the point to this whole thing was...." hehe, you think that there's probably too much water in the barrel for you to tip it over. "That, well, I've been known as being unusually strong all my life." {can i touch the wall of the building with my hands?} "Apparently." "Can you draw this?" (yup) He picks up your bow. "Borrow an arrow?" ((mwa ha ha ha ha, I am comfy chair man !!!!! fear my cushy softness !!)) He hefts the bow, knocks the arrow and slowly draws it back. ((Does the blade sink into the ground?)) ((bee never gets up, from the comfy chair of doom)) "Uh.. you don't want me to do that miss Alexis." **tries to use the wall as leverage to push herself and the barrel over** (It's wood, Bob) ((So he drew it?)) ((So, does it?)) The barrel tips over, spilling out onto the ground. You tumble out followed by a surge of water that soaks you. (just wiat! I'm writing) "BRRRR!!!!} ((sorry. ;-))) **shakes** He draws the arrow back and looses it. If flies into the wall and sinks in. "I wasn't sure if you could draw it." He smiles. "Neither was I." He hands you your bow back. **looks inside the tipped over barrel** *grins* "thank you. Anyway, to the point." You see a small, blackish grey thing in the bottom. "There was a point to this?" "ooh..." **grabs it** EW! "Note the, uhm, penetration of my shot as opposed to the actual killing shot." "Yes?" *when you get a chance, tried to pick lock* Kopporu, roll uhm.. for nausea. ;) (okay, one sec.) {how do i roll that?} Kopporu is now holding a -very- waterlogged dead rat. "The amount of strength needed to produce a killing shot this deep would be approaching our own." (I was kidding Pix. ;) ) ((DON'T EAT IT!)) (roll for open locks, Becca.) "hmmm" **looks at rat quizically** Becca? "I would say the strength you have would be quite too much." "But enough skill from a weaker person could place a similar shot." "hum hum" **begins to walk toward the tavern, twirling teh dead rat by its tail as she walks** ack "Well, yes. But does Zalcor have the right combination of strength and skill?" "He's not strong, but I really don't know if he's skilled enough. ((yes?)) Becca, roll open locks, +15%. ((roll open locks)) "How about we test him?" loading my dice :P okay ((Where is the other arrowhead almost protrucind from on his chest?)) "You know, give him a shot at walking away from all this?" ((succeed by 4)) Woul What do you mean specifically, Claire? "He could easily fail such a test purposefully." Okay, it opens. :) "True, unless faking it meant his death." How will you know if he faked it then ? ((I'm just wondering specifically where the head would emerge from had it made it through)) If he is skilled, faking being bad would not be so difficult (You mean like exactly specifically where on his body?) I could easily fake being a poor mage "Hi Alex." *peeks in the open door* "GAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Hello .... nice shot there Alexis ((exactly. Would it have come through his sternum? ;-))) Oh close your mouth Gohrn, I'm not a ghost : ) Don't sneak up on me like that! No, hold a sec I'll tell you where. You see a darkened storage room, Becca. Hmm *sigh* this would be so much easier if a spell had killed him If it had gone forward another inch or so, it'd have come out on the left side of his chest between the fourth and fifth ribs. ((Wow, total instant-killing shot)) ((that's right through his heart isn't it ?)) ((Takes some talent to get that, severed the aorta)) **comes apon the tavern** "ah!" With near perfection. "Hmm... maybe, if we told him a good shot would save him, and a poor one would mean his death..." Becca "Now that is an interesting idea, Gohrn." If he made the shot himself he'd see it as a lie instantly *searches the store room for anything interesting* If I made such a shot, and was told later, I would fail on purpose .... if you are this good with a bow, you know it "So? If he killed him, he'll either damn himself one way or the other." **walks into the tavern rat still a'whirl** "This shot was just about perfectly placed for killing a human. Depending on the range, it would take great skill to make such a shot." You find barrels and barrels of various ale, a few dozen bottles of wine, a small banded wood case and some crates of various foods. **stops and scans the place, still twirrling the rat** If he is damned either way, what is the point of the test, it proves nothing if he is guilty both ways "Do you know enough about Zalcor's skill to know whether or not he could make such a shot?" *whipsers* "i could make a mint selling this to gohrn People stop and stare at the short girl swinging a rat. "Is there anyone else you know of who has such extraordinary talent with a bow?" **at some point the tail and the rat disengage from each other, and the rat shoots across the room** ((HAHAHAHA)) **Dear god ........** "I'm not sure who could really make that shot." @.@ **pan .... you have mental problems ...... rofl** oh my *searches for a other door, secret or other wise, staying quiet* "Ah, but the purpose is to see just how good of a shot he is. If we give him a reason to make his best shot, i.e. his life, he'll make the best shot possible." *cough* The rat shoots off about five meters and to the left a bit, landing squarely on a table. The two men there look down and balk. But if he IS the shooter, he will know that he already made a good shot, so making a good shot on the test would prove him GUILTY, and fail You see one door that you assume goes to the front of the bar. So if he makes a bad shot, he is either faking or innocent, if he makes a good one, he is maybe the killing "Ah, but we wouldn't be doing this if we thought he was guilty, now wouldn't we?" "We'd just continue on our way to whereever we're going..." just using my thurmaturgical logic 101 classes ... The test still doesn't help unless we change it some way "I guess what we're getting at here, sheriff, is that we really don't think Zalcor did this." Some way he can't fake it *whispers -- that door wont help me -- searches the floor and ceiling* **inconspicuously uh... hides the rat tail and tries to unconvincingly blend in** "I can see that's what you're thinking." ROFL!! The entire bar is staring at you. **smiles sheepishly** Maybe, if we gave him a bow, and I shot an arrow at him. I'm pretty sure he'd be shooting as best he could under those conditions." "I figured it was a bit obvious." *checks the case and the barrels* "Is there ANYONE else you can think of who would benefit from this death?" "I'm really not that aware of the skills of the people here." Gohrn ... that test tends to be fatal, doesn't it ? The case is about 12"x10"x6", banded with brass and locked. "To whom?" *rubs hands together* -- oooh finally hehe {I think i have a -10 reaction adjustment wit heveryone in that bar now} To either one of you (Like Gorhn could hit?) ((I can use a bow. =P)) (hehehe) "Well, I'd intentionally snuff it. He'd be fine." *examines the case, the floor around it, and the lock for traps* Again the test is kind of pointless, if we save the sheriff the trouble of hanging the fellow, or should he get lucky and smack you in the head with a arrow It's too random and dangerous Detect traps, Becca. Becca. "Well, if you've got a better idea, I'd like to hear it." *((any modifiers i can know of?)) (nope) "Sheriff, is there anyone else you can think of who would benefit from this death?" We already know he doesn't have the strength to do this right ?, check his bow ? (failed but only by 9 )) "Dang. That's a good idea." "Just Creyan, mostly. Andrew didn't really have many friends here." *Smiles* Becca, you find no traps. "And how would he benefit?" "Sheriff, could we see Zalcor's bow?" If it's a low power say half man bow to string, then he probbaly didn't make that shot ((how much does it weight)) "Well since it was Andrew's bar, and Creyan was the only other one with any claim to it, it's likely now his bar." "Ah." Becca, picking it up? How strong is Creyan ? Creyan? "He's a big guy." "That was my question." "But I doubt he's got skill with a bow, he doesn't get out much." "And, how good is he with a bow?" *thinks* *lifts it slightly to measure its weight* Becca, weighs about 20 pounds. "Sheriff?" "Yes?" "Can we see Zalcor's bow?" *whispers -- to noticeable to take with me -- tries to open the case* ((Becca's being sneaky!)) "Sure, it's probably at his house." Becca, roll open locks. "Would we get in trouble if we went poking around?" **eventually uncomfortably leaves the tavern with ears somewhat pink and heads toward... oh... i dunno... the office!!!** I thought this was his house .... "No, there isn't anyone there now who'd mind." ((We're at the sheriff office)) "Alright, where can I find his house? I like this town as much as the next one." *woo succeeded!!* "Follow the road north, take the first turn out of town." "Okay." "This was your idea. Want to go with?" "Can one of you go look at it? I have quite the headache and need a drink." Sure, Alexis, want to walk ..... ahead ? {is the door to the office closed or open?} Oh Darn, oh well, just the guys I guess *sad sigh* ((succeeded, give me give me give me)) (door is open) (PAUSE! "Here." **peeks in the doorway** "Hullo!" *sigh* hehe ((brb need food)) Becca, I'll give you a list of whats in it tomorrow first thing. :) Just grab something to dump it in. *dumps everyting of value in a sack, closes the lid and walks back tot he open outside door* (And note; when anyone needs to go soon, let me know) hehe **cocks head quizzically** "Hullo?" (( I dont' think I have to work tomorrow... so....)) Go sexy little thief. :) "In the back, Koppy." **walks on in.... stopping at the desk** MLK DAY! The sheriff lowers the body back down and covers it back up. {im guessing the desk is near the front...} Milk day? (yes, desk is in the front.) martin luther king jr day ((Martin Luther King Day)) ahhh Holiday? {whats on the desk?} nods! ahh scattered papers **picks one up** **looks at it** "Sheriff, thank you again. And, uhm, sorry about... well..." ((nothing in the way of a signed confession hatch? :) )) It's got semi-legible scrawl and a few doodles. (Not that she noticed. ;) ) The sheriff nods and moves the table back towards the wall. "No thank you, Gohrn." **picks up the whole stack and looks for one that is destinct** "You just said you needed a drink." Distinct in what way? "I need a drink at a bar." "Thank you though." "More for me, I guess." "You ready Alex?" {one that looks different than the others... a unique one, if there is such a thing} *looks out to make sure no one is out side - if no one is leaves* {she passes me rifling through his papers} They're all rough paper with black ink. :) Becca, it's clear to go. {how thick a stack?} there's maybe 20 pages scattered on the desk. "Alex? Trell to Alex..." *leaves* :) **walks out the door with'em** sure *acts innocent * "Let's hit it." *whistles* pause please okay. No! ;-) **waits outside the office looking at the papers** *hits pause button* meh :) I have to go to bathroom. *needs to pick up his room some* Hmmm... we told you to go before we started!!!! Don't forget a magazine! ;-) I DID! That was more than an hour ago. ((Is there a whorehouse in town? Alexis really needs to relax. ;-))) {bad bad bad...} ((I wanna know about all this stuff Domino and Koppy found. ;-))) A WHAT?? **rolls up the paper into a tube** "Let's go." Sooooo Gohrn and Alex are leaving? **skips in the direction Alexis went, absentmindedly hitting things with the tube along the way** ((I think so, I'm waiting on him...))  heh Let's go gorhn ((A WHOREHOUSE ?!?!??!?!?!??! I'm OFFENDED !!!!! deeply deeply offended !!!) A tall, dark haired man with a moustache and beard brings you over a large mug of ale. (Okay.) (hehe, why? "Thank you." ((We leave town to get there, right?)) ((Cause I didn't think of him first. ;-))) (( a perfectly good horny charming mage is around and you don't think of me ....)) ((blah)) (Well maybe you were thinking of a ... not guy. ;) ) (9A centaur?)) (Yes Bob, you leave town.) **steps into the tavern dramatically with her rolled up paper- tube** *cough* I CAN'T resist this; "Alex, a word before we contine?" {as does everyone else in tha bar i imagine!} I wish I were lesbian and that I wasn't straight. It shouldn't have to matter how somebody is hung all that should matter is how you use your tongue!" ))HAHAHAHAHA)) sure Louden Wainright III. :) Wierd englishman singer. ((Of course, if a guy isn't hung, but CAN use his tongue, I could give a rat's ass about the former. ;-))) ROFL! .... hey wait. ((what if he's both ; D)) Yes Gohrn ? ((then I'd have to flip a coin)) {too much info!!!} Acoin? If he's got both? :) heheh ((hmm .. I don't know if I'd leave you that physically coordinated afterwards ... you'd need time to recover)) hahahahaha*coughcough*hahaha*sputter*hahaha*dies* **pointedly walks toward Alexis and bopps her on the head** "Hey!" **bops her again** ((!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)) ((OH NO!!!!!)) ((OMG)) ((Do I get surprise on that?)) {LOL!!!!} ((HAHAHAHA)) *already fainted on the ground* *anime eye's spinning unconcious look* ((Probably get surprise on the next 4 or 5 rounds)) ;-) << ... doesn 't like where this is going .. >> OOps *blink blink* .... WHAT WAS THAT FOR ?!?!?!?!? *sputters* {i lost the Hatch!} Me too ((we all did)) ((As did I.)) the hatch? like the fonz? ((For a minute I was gonna break out the sex rules)) ;-) {hahahahah} ((NO WAY IN HELL !) ((NO WAY IN HELL!)) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jinx ((It'll start to look like a bad prison movie at that point)) ((ROFL)) {bah, and you said your character was horny Bee!!!! ;)} ((ROFLMAO)) ((ROFL!!!!)) ((How did oyu two do that?????)) ((FOR GIRLS !!!!!!! I LIKE GIRLS !!!!!!!)) ((For someone who keeps complaining about being bored, you sure are picky, ALex.)) ((guy reaction, basically the same in most guys)) ((that's a little TOO much entertainment gohrn, you big hunk o burning man)) ((ROFL)) ((but, exact same words, capitalization and punctuation. Uncanny. ;-))) ((KIDDING !!!!) Everyone quiet a sec. Need to save. ((Well... ;) )) ((Well I did train bob as a scribe *shrug*)) hatch :) What happened? you fell What happened right before that? Look at the log. ;-) gohrn kissed alexand And we've determined that Bee and Bob share a brain. ;-)) ((hey bob, think we can get CC to join us ? ; D )) ((Then went to punch him, but he fainted, so I slapped him til he woke up.)) ((NO WAY IN HELL!)) ((hehehe)) ((ROFL !!!!!)) ((awww come on CC, you know you want too ; D )) ((NO WAY IN... err.... heh...)) ((forbidden scribe love is the best, hehehe)) hmmm ((hey you live in SF, you have to be able to joke about this subject : D)) ((Anyways, where were we?)) Somewhere. :) ((Koppy bopped me twice)) Yup *walk into the front door of the place i just robbed* **bops Alexis playfully yet again** hehheehe :) "Hey, what is that, Koppy? Can I see it?" *SPUTTERS* WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT GOHRN !!!!!!!!!! "Well, that was so you wouldn't see this coming." ((hehehe)) < HEY !, why you trying to kill me : P> ((16, hits ac 3)) ((pulling punch)) *And a odd looking man named Curly comes in and smacks Gohrn with a pie* ((but but but .... I thought you loved me ..... betrayal ... hurts)) **holds it out for Alexis to take, and then pulls it out of her reach at the last second** ((rofl)) ((HAHAHA)) ((BAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!)) Yo hit, Bob. :) ((and chat disengrates into anarch)) :) "Hey, look at that guy gutting a fish!" "Huh?" **turns to look** "If you EVER associate me with the undead again, I'll make you one and turn you myself." "Are we clear?" *blinks* undead? **snorts at Alexis, but doesnt seem to really care that much** Couldn't you have said that like .... eairlier ?, it sort of loses the point a day afterwards *sits down in the tavern* hehe "Well, it's funnier for me this way. Let's go." Wow everyone is in one place. :) almost "Hi Domino." "what is it?" *puts the bag on the counter* "Hi" {quite a brazen one arnt we! ;)} *looks at gohrn in a look that convays ....... "your beyond odd"* "You two tired?" , **scratches chin** *whimper ... I'm stuck with the crazy priest* "erm... yes" "well i have had a Rewarding day yes" If your gonna hit me again, don't kiss me first, please "but uhm... what are those" **indicating the papers** "well, I for one am ready to get a room and call it a day." "we'll get to these." ((what's it decipher too ?)) ((Doh. supposed to be undecipherable...)) *yawns on cue* ((heheh)) ((dammable english skills)) "Where can we find a nice place to stay?" "ill miss sharing a tent" Creyan comes over. "Just up the street a ways, you can't miss it." "thanks. How much do I owe you?" "three coppers" "thank you." He nods and sweeps the coin away. "you to care to join me?" ((er you two. ;-))) (It's now long past dark, Gohrn and Alex) **looks confused for a moment, and then nods hesitantly** "heh. Good thing I didn't pay for a room." "ok, ill join but i get to be on top... *faints* *twitching* bunk if there are two beds **doesnt catch the joke** "lets go." "*walks to inn* **follows** Okay. A tall red haired woman stands behind the front desk. ((Are we at the house?)) (Well nobody thought to ask how FAR it was) "Hullo" *waves* ((Oh.)) (Details is important Bob!) :D "Helllo and good evening to you all." *starts counting the money in the bag* "Hi there! We need a room." "Erm, or rooms." A few hours past dark you reach a smallish house with a garden. "How many would you care for?" "Think this is the place?" "How big are they and how many beds?" "I can show you up if you'd like." *pinches koppy* "sure, thank you." "Yipe!" "whats wrong??" "Something bit me!!!!" The woman looks at Domino and blinks then leads you up the stairs. The door is locked. ^ Bob. **rubs... uhm... wherever she was pinched** ((don't rub there for too long, Koppy)) ;-) *ROFL* "iwouldnt rub you buttlike that" You find windows and no other doors. {ack! bad CC!!! ;)} ((giggle)) The woman walks a short distance down the hall and opens a door for you. "... but it hurt" @.@ ((yawn ... tired)) Inside are two fairly large beds and a folding divider you can't see behind. how much? The windows don't seem to open. "Do you mind if we all share this?" "This room is two gold for the night." **thinks** "no" *pays* You find numerous rocks. The woman smiles and thanks you and shuts the door behind her on her way out. **sits down on teh floor** "Okay, hat's in the bag?" There is now a rock on the opposite side of the window from whence it started. ((Can I climb through?)) Dex? illl share, koppy take that bed roll it? Yup. *twitchtwitch* dex17, rolled 12 okay and we can take this one "have fun trying to fit" **laughs** Behind the divider is a small bath. **flops on the bed** You're inside, Bob. hmmhmm hmmmm... You find a bow leaning up against the wall in the kitchen. ((the rest of this chat is rated NC17, pan please leave)) ((Is it strung?)) ROFL! ((ROFL)) {LOL!!!} Yes, it's strung. {but im in the room!!!!} Plug your ears. ;) ((What are the papers, Hatch?)) Kay. :) The papers? ((the ones Koppy got off the desk?)) Semi-legible scrawling and a few scattered doodles. ((I think that's where she got them)) Okay. You draw the bow. ((Can I see anything interesting at all, any writing?)) {i grabbed the whole stack} Lots of writing, nothing seemingly interesting. ((Seemingly?? ;-))) You used a lot of bows? ((Me?)) Yeah Seeeeeeeemingly. :) *looks at kopporu, if you look behind the divider your eyes fall out ok?" ((I have a prof in it... so, I'd think so...)) Do you have a bow? ((Not at the moment, no.)) okay. **touches eyes** Well it seems fairly easy to draw. "they dont feel loose" "just dont look ok?" "Hmmm." *cocks head* "why?" (behind the divider? At the bath?) It's now unlocked. "Save some hot water for me." You see a large pool of blood just off to your right. "well we might be playing a game or two" "Game? Kopporu's good at physical games!" "Game?" "you are eh? maybe you can play then" O_O ((ROFL ..... the lesbian olympics ......)) ((HAHAHAHA)) ((HAHAHAH)) "How does it play?" ((shakes head)) acK! ((uh-oh!)) ((SHow her!)) ;-) ((hey I can be worse than CC if I try ; D )) @_@ CLAIRE! ((HAHAHAHHAHAH)) Yeah, so can I, but I'm not. :) The blood stops and looks at you. "What's in the bag, Domino?" "new stuff i found" "Mind if I have a look? Anything interesting?" ((Are there any blood trails leading to the pool? Any footprints?)) *holds up a large gold cross that weighs about a half pound* You can see a short smear where it looks like someone mostly picked up the body and carried it outside. "wow." :) Wow. "Hmmm." ((Gohrn Da'ell, private eye...)) ack! *teleports and collaspes on the bunk bed* "Mind if I check the bag out?" "i never understand why people leave stuff like this just lying around" dammit bob you just made my spit my drink. {you drink your spit?} "hands the bag to alexis* "i know whats in there" hehe ((Sorry.)) hehe *snores in the bed loudly.......... not )) **telekinetically bops gohrn** You could sleep in Zal's house. :) Nah, I'm sure it's more comfy with the girls ; ) You ca'nt tp for another few hundred thousand xp. ;) "didnt want to look?" Darn *snaps fingers* "Where did you, uhm, find it?" No fair .... I want to be nestled between the soft skin of girls right now dang it, not in a few hundred thousand xp !!! ((hehe)) hehe **arches her back in a stretch** *yawn* "I feel the same way, Koppy." I think the only one who's not taken is the one who's friend gets zapped when they touch. :) ((Is domino in the bath yet?)) *scrubb scrubb* ((kay. ;-))) oro ? **looks at Alexis** "Are you playing the game too?" "I'm not sure what the game is." ((Okay, I didn't expect THAT response...)) **thinks for a moment** "I dont either..." *walks in wearing a towel* "wow both of you dont know how to play?" "Depends on the game." "If i knew which game..." 9(you know Domino, you look pretty stressed out. Bet you could use a back rub...)) ;-) "well its a fun game" ack "How is it played?" **looks intently at Domino** *shudder* damn ((I don't want to watch, but I can't look away...)) ((Do you censor logs, Hatch> ;-))) Not game stuff. Sometimes I take out chatter. :) "2 to as many as you can find players, and then you all get to gether, and well its like touching carades *ROFL* "Touching charades?" "Charades?" ohmuy *touch's alexis on the tummy* ooh tummy ((might have to pull out those sex rules ..... hehehehe *snicker*)) ((ROFL)) ((3 would be complicated! ;-))) Hey, Bee do you have them? "I've never... heard of this game..." ((somewhere ya)) "Uhm.... how do you win this game?" Send them to me if you find them? I lost mine when I transfered drives. ((BLUSHES AND DIES)) ((ROFL)) {LOL} ((Here it comes...)) " who ever sees the most colors wins" hehehee @.@ "Colors?" **looks confused** *blushes 20 shades of sunsets and faints* "who ever has the most fun" "Oh...." **looks at Alexis** "Are you ok?" Where's Alex? "Um.... fine. Fine." ((wonders what gohrn is doing)) *alex is tired and his knees hurt* knees? So where are you? "are you fevered?" *yes .... they ache* "Yes. Fevered." **puts a hand on Alexis' forehead** Umm heading back to town since Gohrn is on a animal killing spree okay "I once had a girlfriend... but then she dumped me..." ((FAINTS)) *blinks* "...and everywhere I go, everyone would ask me where she was, I don't want to talk about her, someone always asks about her, so I tell them all, my girlfriend's dead!" ((hehehe)) "kopporu, you got the right idea, now touch something elsee" "...I don't wanna talk about her, someone always talks about her, so I tell them all, my girlfirend's dead..." "uhm... ok" **puts her hand on Alexis' neck** "...I guess it's a part of me, I like the sympathy, all the looks of the faces when I tell how she passed away..." ((HAHAHA)) *sits down* "you got the right idea, *waits 1900 years for the camera to be invented* "...I don't wanna talk about her, someone always talks about her, so I tell them all, my girlfirend's dead..." ((ROFL)) "...My girfriends dead, it's a total lie you see, but it's easier on me, then having to admit that she likes someone else..." **looks awkward** "uhm.. what now" "are you having any fun?" *squeezes Alexis' neck slightly* "Possibly" ((ACK)) "dont choke her " "Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a wanted man, with no time to talk..." (and the chat goes silent) ((It's woman's man!)) "Stayin alive.. stayin alive..." "Uhm...." ((Whatever. It doesn't fit Gohrn that way though.)) "Ooof." {Alexis has scratch marks on her neck now} "Ah, ah, ah, ah, Stayin Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivee............." *goes to sleep* smiling :) < {where are you sleeping?} "Um, you two can... go ahead and play.... I need a bath" **proclaims loudly** "That gamed SUCKED" in the chair in front of the door to the bath Rolled a 19, hit ac 0. ((SLEEPY)) Actually, -3, with my dex bonus. **HMPHS! and then grabs her blanket and curls up in a corner** Is Hatch still here? yes Kay. ;-) ((I'm going to go sleep, goodnight all)) ((Night Alex.)) night ((NIGHT)) ((NGHT) {noight!} ((Hatch? Should I wait til they're all done?)) *whimpers in my sleep* You can go now. Roll damage. 3 heh The deer bolts. I'll take another shot. Roll. -3 Bleh. Missed. okay. It's gone. **is in a corner, on the floor** (9Can I follow the blood trail?)) "Koppy, there's a nice comfy bed there." *wakes um and climbs into any bed and falls asleep ((Wonder how big the beds are? ;-))) It's too dark to see it. **looks up** "hmmm?" "You don't have to sleep on the floor." (70"x60") "Damn it. Ah well. At least I can catch some sleep tonight..." ((Which bed, Becca? ;-))) "... where else do i sleep? "On a bed! THey're really quite comfortable." On the dirt. :) The one that was warm already ((The one I'm already in? ;-))) *hogs the blanket* **shakes head and curls tighter in the corner** heehehe Pick her up and drop her on the bed. ;) Whimpers "Okay, up to you. Night Koppy." {!} (9Do I get back?)) Yup, you're back. **is still in the corner** Alexand has left. ;-) ((Koppy hehe 's still dressed, right?)) ;-) You find a bbed easily. **eyes are open during the whole ordeal** {yes im dressed!} The girls are sleeping and Alexand is walking back. :) Good ending. ((Maybe I should help her get undressed! ;-))) ((hehehe)) ack! Claire! {no comment} ((ROFL)) *tosses and turns, rolls over. spoons **^_^** {oiye!} spoon mm SPOON! ((WOO!)) wow ((Oh, sorry, I'm not the Tick.)) Heyyy Bob, how much do you need for the Cleric to level up? ((And Alexis is asleep, so she doesn't notice. ;))) ((you look like the tick bob:) )) ((How much exp do I get for shooting Gentry? ;-))) 1231.9 ahhh hmmm okay, pause! ((Did you see I cast invis to animals on myself?)) wha? oh yess I saw. ((Okay. Shoulda saved it, but, ah well.)) Why save? You're sleeping. Dangit I can't remember what my other memorized spells are! how much exp do i get for opening up the world of lesbian love to a barbarian and a priest warrior? LOL ((ROFL ROFL ROFL)) HAHAHAHAHA ((Well, I could have used it when approaching the deer...)) Everyone write their spells they're memorizing for next time. You did, Bob. : ) ((BLess, locate animals or plants, animal friendship and cure light.)) kay Cure Light, Bless, Sanctuary ^_^ IMperil VI :) ROFL ack pause again