Game Start; Febuary 26th, 852PA. In and around Kanth. Can you get Bob too? It's not being nice to me. *there is hatch ....* you dont ee pan? I see Pix. ee? ;) Sex thing. shhh eh? I need to drop and be pulled, brb sex thing??? uh, I mean sexy thing still no pix there she is Need Bob offline ack! *whimper* Doh We have to wait for Bob agian JD ? *stares* hey look! That IS JD! :) woof woof! drat... he's back And he's away.. His ISP is being funny. It must have an odd sense of humor. here ears ringing, wrist hurting *HUGS* *hug hug* Just relax and go slow Becca Okay ((6?)) Dom and Koppy are asleep in the Inn. Yup Gohrn is in Zalcor's house. Bee is walking back to town. Yes? ((Also asleep.)) okay ((taking hammer to cast)) oww /EEEK that will hurt like crazy, and it's a bit eairly {*pulls self from character creation*} {ok, im ready} hehe for some reason, my ICQ is glitched - if you send me a private msg, it covers the WHOLE screen, so if replies are delayed, that may be why heh neat. :) Okay, Dom, Koppy and Gohrn, commence sleeping. "Zzzzz......" Bee, wake up. ^_^ zzzzzzzzzzz yawn *snort* "Zzzzzzz......." *wakes up* You're walking. :) *rolls of bed {sleep walking!} okay (nope we've already established Alex's great stamina ; D) ((everyone useing irc mode?)) Yup Yes hw come? ((Yup.)) {mmhmm} ((dont want people see typing errors)) ah hugs Grin - as the typomeister, I got used to it... Be riiiight with you all I have to clear something. {you know... i would get the ball rolling, but that would be OOC;)} *wakes, checks loot underr pillow* hehe Bee you hear some voices just off into the woods, seemingly yelling and taunting. At someone. *looks for kopporu* "here koppy" **kopporu's in bed** **curled up in the center** Hmm *ponders ignoring the obvious plot hook* hehe *pokes kopporu with stick* (an invisible force violently shoves Alexand into the woods. ^_^) *sigh, it's in char to both ignore that, and to investiate hoping it's something interesting to watch* *gently* *goes close to the sounds, slowly* **moves a bit, and then settles** You hear somewhat louder now at least two people yelling at someone, and throwing rocks. One of the rocks slings quite close past your head *grabs the courners of th e sheet a pul;ls * {the sheet she's sleeping on, or the sheet that covers her? ;)} *Sigh* *foolish mortals ....* There's a quiet whimpering from up in a tree somewhere *gets closer still to see what's going on* *cover sheet* **cover sheet slides off easy... Kopporu doesnt seem to be aware of the change** You see several shadows around a tree, jumping, throwing rocks and yelling at a small figure up in the tree* *looks closer at the small figure* "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" It's a bit too dark for you to make it out. "..................." *grumble* *moves closer still* "Oh, it was all just a horrible dream." One of the figures stops and whispers. *snaps fingers at koppy* ((how koppy dress?)) Out of the darkness a rock flies towards you, missing you narrowly. STOP THAT RIGHT NOW ! Several more rocks come at you. You hear high voices yelling. "Come get your smacks man!" **no response to the snap** {Kopporu is dressed in her normal attire... the bed will need cleaning sometime soon} "Come get us scaredy cat!" ack heh one of the rocks actually hit you. ^_^ {sugar smacks? where????} You take 1 point. I am only warning you this one more time, Who the heck are you, and what the HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING ! *burst through the woods at the figures* ((I've got armor on remember)() Yup The 1 point was *cough* double damage ((can hear it now "Crazed combat mage kills punk kids in woods on accident")) ((cleaning eh)) dips so waater ot of the bathroom and splash koppy from afar, so she doesn know it was me* The figures all begin to scream and run haphazardly around. {uh... how much water?} ((Magic missle! Magic missle!)) ((cup full)) ((I think the townspoeple might be mad if I kill one of the stupid tikes)) {uhm.. roll to hit? ;)} ((your sleeping koppy, you can't move out of the way)) ((no bonuses for dex)) ((cant be that bad shot)) {oh ok ok... } (Sure, Becca roll to hit. +1 surprise, +4 prone, +2 aiming.) ((ROFL)) (14 :) )) (Hit AC 10. ^_^) hmm... you could roll a 2 and hit. ;) One of the small figures runs up and boots Alex in the knee. Then they all scramble off. *soaks koppy* **WTF ???* *goes closer to the small one in the tree* Are you okay ? ((They like you Alex, don't you remember the third grade?)) You see branches and pinecones being hurled out of the tree at the fleeing people. *sniffle* (ow my sides hurt ^_^) Don't hurt Bobo! *as the water hits, Kopporu's eyes snap open and sh sits up immediatly... looking around confusedly, while Dom hides behind the screen snickering undoubtably** *hiding but i dont like snickers* {*groan* ;)} **tastes the liquid** **sputters and gags like she just tasted trogladyte brains and rancid rain barrel water coupled with drown rat** I'm not gonna hurt you bobo *sniffle* That IS what you tasted. ^_^ *whimper* {i know! ;)} (Bathe more!) bad boys want to hurt Bobo! I'm not a bad boy, I'm a wizard ... why were the bad boys trying to hurt you bobo ? *sniffle* bad village boys ALEWAYS hurt bobo... bobo spilled glass of ale. Bobo not mean to spill... Well it's okay now, I chased the bad boys away ... come down bobo ((bobo made bad intelligence roll)) ;) you sure bad boys gone?? Yup **gets out of bed... "shakes" and then goes to the dry bad and procedes to snuggle up in it...** *ok* chased em away {dry bed.. dry bed!} (ack! Koppy is a dog!) {she's not THAT bad looking!} *depending on your degree of night vision, a small dirty gnome materializes beside you lookijg up with big brown eyes... ((hehehe neat)) (hehe) It's okay bobo, I'm not gonna hurt you *holds out his hand* ((Actually, I think she's kinda cute in that, insane farm- girl type of way)) *takes teh hand (I thought so too. ^_^) *anything on it? rings? jewqelry?* {im so flattered, i should be a pancake ;) uh oh *sighs* *jumps up and down on the dry bed, singing a bad drinking song* ((ACK ! bad bobo !)) ((nope : D)) protect bobo? **pushes Domino off the bed** *I hate when dm's go "uh oh" Oh no, drunken nymphs drinking? Sure ((you weren't supposed to check if you could rob me bobo ; D)) *ayyyyyeeee* **fluffs pillow** Bobo knows drunks. HTey sometimes kick bobo **tries to sleep** ((alex and bobo are not near the weird people yet*)) hehe Note for JD, the others are all in town still. :) *bobo loves jewelry and worhtless trinkets, Alex. No intent to steal in the evil sense ((heheh, is bobo a gnome kid, or adult ?)) lookig closer you see he has gaudy rings, gimcracks and costime jewelry all over... {are you familiar with what gnomes look like? ;)} hehe ((woah)) *gets food, and starts eating next to koppy* (Talking to alex - does it matter if they will all see eventually?) **sits up** bobo is an adult gnome - basically WAS the village idiot. They'll all see pretty soon. :) **glares at Domino** "NO CRUMBS IN BED" "go nice place now?" ((well alex is fairly spartan, if well equiped, but no trinkets .....Middle length brown hair, and a "Lion's Mane" beard, (Sideburns, jawline, no mustache), His eyes are usually a leaf green color, but being hazel they change. Tall and slim, he is not heavily muscled, but is usually wearing concealing robes, this would describe the good looking human known as Alexand Di'Mere. He carries several daggers on his dark brown leather belt, and a staff is gripped easily in his hands. The only major finery you can see on him aside from his nice simple dark blue robe and leather boots, is a large heavy metal ring hung from a cord around his neck. His personal sign is that of a Lion in a circle of stars, and his family sign is a lion with a rose in it's mouth. "bobo not want to go back to village - can't stay, bad boys hurt bobo "why not kopporu,, crumbs fun" {scary!!!} woah Well I travel around a lot bobo, you could come with me, but it can be dangerous .... fun tho [depends where the crumbs are...hehehe] "oooh! Travel! Bobo go! bobo go! {what kind of food are you eating Domino? ;)} ((weird gnomeboy heheh)) biscuits and honey Okay bobo, you can come with me {what are you wearing?} bobo got stuff - get stuff with bobo? stuf in village - then leave? ((alexis and gorhn, koppy and me, alex and bob)) Sure bobo, you go get your stuff, I'll come with you to keep bad boys away ((BUFFY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)) What Becca? {atleast i got the good looking one!} ((Wooooo! Umm.. I think.)) ((B A D PAN !)) hehe {mwahahaha} (didnt mean it like that :P, i was more think good rp people, dirty minded people)) ((ROFL)) hehe {ah.. good interaction peoples... i see..} {so anyway, what are you wearing?} ((no I think it's how the party is split up right now)) {er.. what is Domino wearing?} Okay bobo, lets go get your stuff ((No, I'm all alone.)) ((ROFL Pan's trying to peek at domino ; D)) ack *tugs Alex's hand* ((Domino is wearing silk underlayments, stuff leather goes over asnot chaf)) *follows bobo* We go get stuff now? *heads to violage Yes bobo *follows* **picks up a biscuit gingerly...** [assuming this is the same place most of the party genarally is] "wants some honey?" **holds it in her hand ala' Hamlet and the skull** ack ((rofl rofl)) Well I suppose it's better than John Cleese. "Crumbs..." ((typpings much better in chat, dont have to use mouse)) ((What's better than John Cleese?)) **looks at Domino..** (Shakespear) **looks at the biscuit** **looks at Domino...* **looks waryily at koppy** **brings it closer as if to take a bite....** bobo takes you to his filthy little sleeping area behind the inn where he works, and starts collecting a hodgepodge collection of miscellaneous junk obvioulsy picked up from the trach pile - old weaps, etc. Looks like the well dressed adventurer - who died last year... *grins at yo foolishy* lets go! ((ROFL__ (Takes about an hour to get back to town from where you both were ^_^)) [um, don't mind hte parts ands stuff that fall off...] **puts the biscuit in her backpack in stead** ((takes bobo to the others)) [gulp] LOTSA people!!! "saving some for later?" "or is that your new pet?" [hides behind Alex] Friends of mine bobo "friends? **looks puzzled** "its a biscuit..." Not hurt bobo? **opens mouth pointedly to Domino** **expectantly** (Pet biscuit! It's amazing! It's fantastic! Makes a great pet for in the office!) *waves at alexand* "um who is your smallf riend" *nods* They won't hurt you, but watch the to girls, the one in rags is wild, and the other is just ....... a collector This is bobo everyone *closes koppys mouth** **isnt paying attention.. but has her moth open to Domino still** ((ROFL)) **purrs** ack! No purring *grins foolishly and makes a noise similar to Domino when waking] {LOL} ((what sound is that ......)) {kinda like a grunt and a DUH} ((ohhhhh kay)) kay ((don't you start hatch)) *points out that it's still only about 3am* I didn't starT! :D (kind of a stupinf "he he" sound...) **blinks at Bobo** Well it's time to rest bobo *goes over to domino, I figured koppy could use a playmate ; D* *blinks at Kop* You see a woman with two long black braids trailing down her back. You would think the tight black leather armor that covers her from her feet to high on her neck would be the most striking feature but the white and black cermic looking mask blocking all view of her features is easily more impressive. Even though you cant see the woman underneath the leather armor its tightness reveals easily that its a woman in great shape and possibly considerable beauty under it. She carries a leather bag thrown over one shoulder, and a crossbow of very small size actually in a holster at her hip. Two short swords are in scabbard crossed on her back. You cant make out a race but she might be human or half-elf. nice ladies? **ignores Bobo and looks expectantly at Domino again** {thats CC!} hehehe No it's not. :) CC's not masked. {its not?} And CC has long swords. Were you feeding fuzzy again Domino ?, you should know better than to feed the wild ones : ) {**peers**} {i guess you're right} ((And auburn hair, if I remember correctly.)) FOOD?? bobo hungry! **opens mouth hesitantly and extends tounge** *covers face in a "oh no" look* O.O oh no ((ROFL)) {what???} *bobo looks quizically at extended tongue* **wiggles tounge** I just enjoy saying that around you, Pix. ;) **awwwwwwww aren't they cute ?** *laughs in delight* "good i hope they dont breed" Laughs, that would be rather scary **looks confused*** "What???" **looks real confused - I.E., normal...* *ponders what a half gnome would look like* {oh god... "dont play touching charades with bobo, koppy" **glares at Domino** **looks at domino REAL hard* Touching charades ??? **glares back** "forget aboout it alex" hehe no food? *hands bobo some food* **glares harder, and gets her face closer** "remember what happened last time you got this close" food disappears. big smoile. Bobo eyes the honey covered biscuit "you can have them bobo, im done" **snaps teeth at Domino, then returns to her normal distance** ((wear gohrn)) Gohrn's at Zalcor's still. He didn't return with Alexand. ((he hasnt said in long time)) ((yes domino in her stylish Gohrn fur coat strides down the walk way .....)) ((Sorry. ;) )) Yup ^_^ ((LOL Alex)) {hmm... am i supposed to put in my description?} hehe *ugh* Ifn't you want. *tired, and class at 7 am {then i will!} ((couldnt hurt)) ack Kopporu is short, which in turn makes her very light despite the freakish strength she seems to possess. Her hair is a distractingly bright orange, cut in a short haphazard way which only adds to the demented aura about her. Her eyes add more chaos to the mix, one being of the palest blue, the other of the deepest brown. If one can get past the bizzarity of her most prominent features, her face is one if gentility, despite the saturation of insanity all too apparent when coming within close proximity to her. they disappear. (biscuits) "Those are GOOD!" ((it's princess MONOKE !!! {hey! ;)} hehe that's whatyou said last time. :) ((you are animal girl : P )) {*sniff* animal cracker girl....} *giggles* Just crackers. {shaddap!} ((rofl)) ((backs away from pan)) [fun party - a whacko and a moron...] heh {bob isnt exactly all there either!} Wait til Alexis and Gohrn get back. ;) ((i have to be associated with this group?)) (a gigalo, a moron, wacko, nun and gorhn)) Nun? Who's Kop? ((I'm my own stereotype.)) ((cc)) {im the wacko} ((Cool.)) hehe Not exactly a nun. :) ah, ok. Alex I know, Domino, I know...Gohm? You are all getting verry sleepyyyyy {we are? but Kopporu just woke up!} It's the middle of the night. :) ((BtS, at your service, my liege. :) )) You were asleep like 4 hours. {it is? oh...} duh. :) ((time for me and my char to sleep)) hehe okay curls up by the fire and dozes contentedly, the faint sound of falling parts of eweapons, armor and costume the only sound you hear... **points to the other bed** "You can have that one" ((good god it's a tinker gnome, we are SOOO dead)) (Ah, hi, Bob!) I think we should probably break until later in the week when everyone can be back longer. ^_^ ((sleepy? i want to prowl :) )) (('allo. ;) )) [nah, its just that all his stuff was picked up off the garbage pile - its all pretty rotted... ((night all)) Byyyeeeee ((BYE BEE HUG)) {noight!} [[nght Alex]] ((Stopping for the night?)) ((Night, Alex.)) {hmmm... i wonder if Alex took the bed...} {voight!} ((missing 2 now)) I am good for another hur or so - others? (btw, thanks for bringing me in...:-) {im ok, i guess... for an hour or less} heh ((I'm okay... it's all relative though.)) How long until class Becca and Bob? [[you guys are related, bob?]] ((alex takes the bed and sets it next to dominos : D)) ((Hey, we're all one big happy family, aren't we?)) Booooob How long until class? {what Alex doesn know, is that there are only 2 beds} ((You mean work? 5 hours til rise, 6.75 until I have to be there.)) ack We should break then. ^_^ {and one bed is soaked, and smells of trogladyte brains, among other things} you hear the faint music from "jaws" as a small figure slowlu crawls up beteweent he sheets between the two beds...then a head pops out from under the covers ((Well, okay.)) comences snoring. Loudly. kay pause a second. [[trog brains??]] Don't ask. :) {hmm.. I guess CC is in the bed im in currently} pause! ((break, hand hurting)) k.