Game Start; Febuary 27th, 852PA. In and around Kanth. ((Yep JD, we're on our way to Zalcor's place)) "gohrn, i will be right back i need to use the little girl um i guess they have something here" "Alright. I'll be here." *walks toward a building* trudge trudge trudge Anything happen to stop us from geting to Zalcor's place? WHO IS WITH US? ((no one)) ((Hello?)) ((just you and me, JD)) (Hello!) ((Doesn anything happen as Bobo and I walk to Zalcors?)) < ((Uh, sorry JD)) *just hanging around ......, I've been hanging around this old town for WAYY to long ..... way way way tooooooo long ...........* < ((but technicall accruate jd)) ((Not really.)) ((if we all left, the zalcor could die)) ,,ok, well, in the middle of twon, do we need more than ONE person there? (Why do you need people there?) ((Too late. Go with it, unless you want to go back with them and I do it alone)) ((We might, if we need to hold off the mobs of angry villagers.)) (The gallows isn't finished yet why are you so worried they're going to off him now?) ((sigh))\ ((Well, we don't know how long ALexis and Bobo will be gone.)) (You guys forget everything I tell you) (It took Gohrn and Alex 3 hours to walk there.) ((makes it more interesting :P)) ((uhm, I'm NOT going to his house to go to his house....)) wha? ((I'm going to pick up the trail to TRACK HIS SISTER)) (Well obviously.) ((Who knows how long that will take. Not me.)) ((But whatever. Are we playing or not?)) ((I AM)) {ok, im here now ;)} (( I'm hanging around the town, following domino, and hitting on women ofcourse : D)) i went into the womens bathroom )) < **is currently sitting on the ground near the pillory** last I knew ((A time stop? You mean we've been playing?)) everyone was at the sherriffs office Then we split into two groups - LA and Gohm I think everyone was hovering outside the office, close to the pillory WHO IS IN WHICH ((bobo and alexis went to zalcors, the rest stayed in town)) ((what she said)) **looks about absentmindedly** OK, **koppy should fear alexand now mwa hahahahahah : D** Now, if its three hours to his house, thats six round trip. do we NEED to go there? {or want to rip his head off ;)} ((sigh)) ((only evidence we have is that the sister was there, need to find her)) ((I thought I was pretty clear as to why I was going there about 20 lines up.)) ok - is it important enoughto spend that much time, LA? ((we need to find his sister. Her trail starts at the house. It's kinda hard to track someon unless you go to where the trail starts)) ((oinly course of action presently available)) ((Well, there's not a whole lot of options right now.)) OK, now bobo unnerstan' (well... or we could just continue on or way....} hehe {our way that is} Shhhh Pix! ((Hehehe, Koppy is Chaotic Neutral0) ;-) ((But this is a lot of exp. I could level my priest side, dang it. I want level 2 spells!)) {Koppy doesnt care ;)} ((yeah that makes sense : D)) ((ROFL)) ((Okay, so is Bobo coming with ALexis or not?)) ;-) "they arent going to kill zalcor, not right now, im to wound up to stay in town, im sure someone can get him out, im going to zalcors *starts RUNNING to catch up* *shrugs* *follows domino mostly because it's a great view : D** tags along with LA, as usual. **goes up to the pillory** "Bobo, you know this area ok?:" **sorry but my char is a total lech, harmless tho** **leans against it casually** "Well kid, looks like it's you and me." < ((my char is wondering why gorhn hasnt said anything about me leaving)) **nod nod** yes ,,was the yes to bobos area knowledge, hatch? yes, that OK, bobo knows the area. ((am i catching up?)) < (yes, they weren't far ahead of you Becca) ((Becca, only domino here)) "That reminds me. You owe me some gold." (RUN RUN RUN :) )) ((hehe)) **thinks** "I do? (catches up ?)) (yes B) "Yes, you bet on the owlbear and lost." "oh..." "How much I owe you?" "alexis, wait up" "Just two." "two?" < "Oh, hi Domino!" "Two." **pulls out two platinum** "i couldnt stay in town" ((hehehe)) "Like the outdoors?" "Gold. The yellow stuff." < "not realy but its daylight and i cant find much to do then" **looks at the platinum** "Nothing wrong with it..." *snuff* < **pulls out two gold** *watching the two ...... long .... lithe ..... gorgous ..... * "So come out to spend some quality time with Bobo and me! Good!" ((No, she's very spartan.)) ((Rrrowl.)) OK, safe then... {heh heh} "well i was hoping for some fun,something to do" ((bobo, only wearing one ring)) "well, I'm not sure about fun...." "eh?" "Think we'll have fun out here, Bobo?" FUN ? *perks up* "Oh, mighty Kelemvor, watch over this child today. Keep her far from you." like finding stuff alex, not your kind of fun *smiles* Darn : ) I think my kind of fun is the best kind after all "Oh hi Alex. Didn't hear you sneak up.: **rubbs forehead** "couldnt you feel his eyes all over you?" **looks at the guy in the pillory** (He's still unconscious) Hey ! I'll have you know my eyeballing is very stealthy and QUITE pleasant ! **pokes his nose** ((ROFL)) *follows from behind, and what he is looking at should be bvious .....* Early afternoon you all reach Zalcor's home. ((Put his hand in warm water!)) You have successfully poked his nose. "does anyone know where the foot prints are?" "Gohrn said they're around the back." {how long is his hair?} sculltes off to explore around - looks likda like a dog poking into everything at "random" ((Doh! Forgot to take the one person who knows where the tracks are... hehehehe)) (Fairly short, Pix) ((yeah gohrn :) )) You find the tracks around the rear of the house, vaguely resembling what Gohrn described. {whats he wearing?} < ((veguely? ROFL)) ((I got tracking. ;-))) They circle the house, in and out of the forest, into the shed to the tree by the rear and up to the slightly open rear door. "i can track" (Normal thieves can't track) I'm only good at following people *smiles* ((I KNOW :) )) {hu hu hu Hatch?} noses up tot hje rear door (NOT messing up the tracks, by chance, seemingly (He's wearing light brown tanned leather) {what... pants and a shirt?} ((KOPPY is going to undress him EEK)) gah! slow1~ (Roll perception, Lex) (Yes Pix, pants and shirt!) < ((what is slow?)) ((rolled a 1. ;-))) (I mean, go slow!) < (It rained two nights ago.) ((That sounds oddly familiar...)) < (You believe the person to be fairly light, only 120 or so pounds with fairly small feet) I am about 100 lbs and small - footprints comparable? (Bigger than Bobo) {is he wearing any shoes?} (Yes, he's wearing shoes Pix!) (The ground is rather muddy. You don't know what it was before) BIGGER than a gnome? Like a male human? (BIgger feet) ((i want to try to just in case she cant)) {nice shoes?} ((I rolled a 1 on my check, Hatch)) < (Why would he have nice shoes?) (I answered your question, Claire) ((oops, missed it. ;-)) (You believe the person to be fairly light, only 120 or so pounds with fairly small feet) (Not really, they're only 3 and a half feet tall.) (They'd have rather small feet) {i dont know, im just askin!} < *follows alexis hangging back some* < You see gah.. stuff. Farm tools and materials to build arrows **looks up at Gorhn** "whatta we do now?" "I think what we do is a lot of waiting." "We just make sure that if they don't get back in time, that he doesn't get strung up." <> *throws pebbles at Velcor's face* "why?" You can just grab them. :) They're scattered around the shed. Velcro? ((are there any finished arrows?)) "Cause some people think he's innocent." <> {whatever his name is} No, no finished arrows. *following alexis and domino, looking for something to do* "do you think he's innocent?" LA, are you here or at the house? (*giggles madly that Gohrn didn't go with you*) ((just going to the house0) k Into the house? >:) {lost buffy} "It doesn't matter if he is or not." ((Yep)) "I can't let him die." No becca HolD!! <> *puzzled* "why?" Pull her back HOLD! ((I already found them, JD)) The tracks come out of the forrest. Go all over, and then go back. "Let's just say it looks bad on a resume." Okay, Alexis went into the house? :) *follows the tracks in to the forrest* "eh?" < ((yep. ;-))) "but..." "Yes?" Okay. *stands up* Alexis is now standing just inside the rear door. "this is a complete waiste!!!!" The front door is about 20 feet in front of you. < About 10 feet away you can go left or right. "Waste of what?" "we could be where we're supposed to by now..." "time... waste of time" "time of waste..." "If its time, its waste, if its waste its time..." "Variety is the spice of life, Kop." < ((hehe)) (hum hum hum) Okay. Lex where do you go? Bobo where are you? Dom where are you? Uh, I'm in the house lookig for arrows. You're standing just inside the back door, Lex. Where to? The tracks come out of the forrest. Go all over, and then go back. < ((Sure, we'll save his life, but we'll take his livelihood as payment.)) <> You're in the forest and can no longer see the tracks on the ground. ((Around the front room, first.)) < *follows the tracks* hoping i can see something bobo couldnt *grumbles* You're in there, basically. You can go left into the hall, or right. ((just want to do a quick search of the whole house to find an arrow. Left.)) (Tracking, Domino) (Okay, Lex... ((HOW?)) "Just relax, Kop. Think of this as the calm before the storm.: < (d20, roll under wisdom) (No, everyone whos' in the forest is staying there.) **looks at Gohrn pointedly** ((As far unser wisdom as you can. ;-))) [[k]] "Why would i be calm before a storm?" ((There are penalties involved)) "Why is there a storm in the first place?" [[is it dark - do I need light to continue??]] Lex, you see a tall strawberry blond woman standing about 15 feet in front of you. She raises her bow and trains it on you. "What are you doing here?" (Its early afternoon) "there's ALWAYS a storm...." [[chance I can hear that?]] "Is there one right now?" (you're in the forest. About 200 feet away) (( 7 6 under my wisdom)) **furrows brow** "Looking for Zalcor's sister." [[crap]] "what're you getting at?" (You can follow the tracks, Dom) She narrows her eyes. "You found her." "I dunno, I kinda forgot what we were talking about." "You're his sister?" She nods slowly. ((since i dont know whats going on, i follow them)) [[if I see Dom]] "Wheres Lady?? **points finger angrily at Zalcor** "HIM" "He's in trouble." "So, what's this got to do with storms?" (okay Dom, you can follow them up about 500 yards until they reach a rocky rise) ((Can I get a descrip?)) [[Dom is following the OTHER set of tracks?? crap}} (Fairly tall, about 5'10, well defined arms. Strawberry blond hair, brown eyes.) **grumbles** (The two sets of tracks go to the same place) [[chance I'd get tired of waiting and go back?]] "you're the one that mentioned storms..." (About 2 minutes has gone by, you're not tired yet.) ((so i just run into a rise and there isnt nothing else there?)) [[well, if she is 500 and I was 200 - she met me]] ((well defined arms ? like ones that can draw a heavy bow ?)) "Hmmm." (She past you, Bobo, you can follow her) [[DM said that for a reason...}} "He's in trouble." "He's set to be killed tomorrow." She nods. "I know. He came back too soon. There isn't any stopping it now." {{Dom, I would have asked "Where's Lady?" as you came up...]] *snarls angrily* "Why dont we just kill him now, when he's unconscious" (( would have said dont know, and continued tracking)) "He came back to soon?" "Because it's wrong if he dies." " "Whats so wrong???" She looks angry. "He was supposed to be gone still!" (just hatch-- did i just hit a rise and see nothing? if so i go back to the house, if not what?) "He'll die dreaming..." "So, he stumbled across the body and he wasn't supposed to. Poor fella." {Hatch, if Dom said "I don't know" then I would go look for her - she is the one nicest to me...]] (Where the hills rise is mostly rocks, the tracks pretty much end) "There's no celebration in death. People don't _deserve_ to die. Sometimes, it's just necessary. Not in this case, however." *goes back(* (You've still barely been gone. It will take you longer to go there and back than time has gone by so far.) [[if its ok, I am returning to the house to look for her hatch]] **glares at Gohrn** "He wasn't supposed to be back... it was supposed to be over before he got here" *sitting around being useless, and bored, but happy at the return of domino* "Don't give me that." ((i was letting you deal with the time. i was just telling you i was heading that way)) (Okay, you're heading back from the forest) (kay, Dom) "So he didn't have anything to do with it." (You're both walking back, it takes a bit.) She shakes her head [[trudge...hmm..something seems amiss with my miss...]] "I knew it." **makes a face at Gorhn** "What happened?" ((WALK WALK WALK* [[if close enought o hear voices, hatch, going to a window to eavesdrop "If you keep doing that, it'll freeze like that." She looks to the floor just behind you. "It was very simple. I took her away, and when lover boy came calling, I was waiting." "And now Zalcor has to die." *follows domino, and stares at he, politely* "You can't stop it. Nobody can." "will not!" **snuggles in her polar bear skin cloak** "see, see!" "You can." "Oh, right. Want something to drink?" (You guys are back at the house now, but you can't hear anytinhg) "ALEXIS!!!" "hmm?" (yelling) **sniffs at Gohrns drink** "You know, a drink. Are you thirsty?" She shakes her head. "No, I can't." She narrows her eyes and her arms stiffen. "And neither can you." ((what's the cover look like?)) (cover?) ((I'm just in a hall, right?)) "uhm... a little..." (Oh yes, you're in like, the doorway to the main room.) ((okay)) "she should have heard me" "any one see where she went? **grabs it** **sniffs at the top again** {wuz it smell like? ;)} "DOMMINO, She's here!" ((Wine. Hatch would know exactly what kind.)) (Hold a second I have to find something) (HOLDING) {wuz it smell like hatch?} ((what's her name again? ANyone remember?)) (It smells like warm piss, Pixie) ((Rhiannon)) **cringes** "did you 'make' this yourself?" "No, why?" ((Rachel I think .. oh wait that was his wife)) (Ahhh THERE it is) *runs to the door of where i heard her yell from, but waits till your ready* **takes a long swig of... whatever it is Gohrn has in his wineskin** Lex, AC? 1 ok. **shudders violently after drinking it, and looks like she's about to throw up** An arrow burts through the wall just to your side. **pounds the ground in pain** (okay, now you can go again,) "Rhiannon, don't do this...." "AUUUUUUGH!!" (at the door to the shed, house, building, tent whatever) ((Take her down! Just don't kill her!)) **breathes heavily** "Well, you shouldn't drink that much in one sitting." "LADY! YOU OK???" (House, Becca) **looks up at Gohrn...** "Hit me again!!!" "She's armed, tried to shoot me!" *look inside, carefulllly* *follows* You hear a second arrow let loose moments befoer you feel a sharp burst of pain in your side. **takes a deep breath** **goes inside .... heheheh charm person to the rescue !!* ((How'd she do that??)) ((Two arrow shots a round?)) "alexand can you do something, like blow her up" (Firing blind.) *casts armor spell* ((But she'd have to shoot throug 2 walls!)) I can do better if I can get to where I can see her <> (One wall, Claire) 9(How so?)) <> (You're in the hall, on the other side of the wall is the room she's in) **takes a deep drink... some of it over flows down her mouth and onto her clothes..** *follows alex into the house, obviously behind him* :) ((Oh, I guess she's not in the hall any more. ;-))) **hatch ! I want to cast charm person on her, I move so I can do that** She wasn't in the hall, you are. :) It's jsut one wall. ((can I see alex and DOmino? Where's bobo?" <> (Bee, step out into the open so you can see her. ^_^) **squirms in hideous pain....** **and then takes another drink** And Claire take ah.. 16 -4.. 12 points damage. *steps out into the open .... after he casts SHIELD** ((Don't kill her, we'll need her alive to prove Zalcor innocent.)) ((Was just gonna ask taht. ;-)) ((Doh, Gohrn. ;-))) AC, Bee? **attempts to cast charm person on her as soon as I can* ((WAIT alex Hatch as to answer my question first! ;-))) {too bad you dont have the unarmed combat master with you!} **3 vs small missles like arrows** ((sheesh!)) ;-) (okay. ((oooh dnd archers are like ac archers)) (Clare I have no idea what your question was, I'm getting lost) **drinking continues until Gohrn's wineskin is emptied** ((I was asking if I could see Bee and Domino yet.)) ((And if I could I was gonna stop them from doing anything for a minute)) (They both just came in.) **or until Gohrn stops her ;)** Bee, your spell goes off just before you're hit with an arrow. ((Whoah wait a sec!!!)) ((I'd see them when they came in, and I'd sto[p them from doing anything!)) {would drinking all of Gohrns hootch make me tipsy Hatch? I dont think it would... ;)} (GAH ((I think Alex's screwed.)) ((That's why I asked before they did anything. ;-))) This has gone right to chaos ((it's charm person, it's a good thing if it hits)) ((dear god how much damage is she doing .....)) You didn't stop them, because they didn't stop for me. ((She just hit me for 12. THrough a wall.)) ((doh)) ((I stopped? :P)) 9(Pay attention. ;-))) ((I think I may be unconcious .....)) **looks up at Gorhn waving the empty wineskin at him** "Anymore?" Bee, take 4 points damage. ((Okay, exactly where is everyone??????)) "Today must be your lucky day." **eyes light up** (JD, roll to hit AC 8) "oooooh..." "It's my last one though." ((behind alex RIGHT inside the front door)) **begins suckling on it** ((whoho I lived !)) ((did charm person work ?)) (JD, roll to hit AC 8) "Do you have anything that can knock her out?" Wait a sec, Bee. {{NO DICE hatch - can someone or the DM roll ploease? ((DM should roll. ;-))) (woah... JD rolled good. ^_^ ((good. ;-))) I'll try to get a dice roller opened asap. Sorry ((No worries, JD. We have plenty of dice. ;))) Thang GOD! **finishes the wineskin off** An arrow sticks into her back and Alex sees her arms go limp as she looks around seemingly vaguely confused. **notices Gohrn disappeared** ((WHAT ???)) ((who shot her ?)) ((How much to refil the wineskin, Hatch?)) ((Bobo got her. ;-))) (Your spell worked. She's trying to figure out what she's doing) **blinks repetedly** Okay EVERYONE STOP SHOOTING !! (In the tavern? 3 silver) *limps over to her* ((Thanks.)) **relizes exactly how tired she is...** "What's going on?" "no idea" **finds a comfortable piece of dirt and lays down** "I can't go see." "i could be back in town for all the good i know here" **Gohrns other wineskin is laying around somewhere** "Alex seems to have things under control. Can you go check?" "And while you're in that room...." *peeks around the corner* *carefully leads what's her name back to the others, asking politely for her bow* (Rhiannon) She hands you her bow. "...can you break the fletching off the arrow that's sticking out of the wall?" Thank you my dear *smiles* *helps alexis* **from where she's laying down... sleepily** "So what do you think the others are doing right now?" *carefully unstrings the bow ..... if he can* "WHat's going on, Alex?" "Well, I'll bet they've reached the house by now." "I probably should have gone with them, as I was the last one there, and could determine if anything was different." Rhiannon here is now my friend *smiles* (Alex roll Bend Bars check to unstring it) *shows alexis and hand of wiggling fingers* "I was wondering how you got girls to pay attention to you. Now I know." ((no way in heck I made it)) ((Did Domino break the fletching off the arrow?)) "Ah well, whaddya do?" Hey, I'll have you know I never use this spell for that purpose *grins* (Oh, yes, Alexis you have an arrow in your back.) ((yes)) (or, an arrow wound actually) "Oh............ .... .... zzzzzz" (ick. ^_^ you did remember) ((Why do you think I had her break the fletching in the other room? ;-))) ,,snagging her quiver, Hatch...lightfingering it, actually...:-) *looks mildly dissapointed* "Nice shot." (I'm trying to follow 6 people, I'm losing myself) "Can I see the bow, Alex?" She giggles and nods *hands the bow to alexis* (aww dangit) ((what? ;-))) *grins* see the true test of my abilities is that I can usually get this reaction without magic [[clumsily tryingto bandage Lady A's boo-boo...]]] **purr** **purr** ((I saw Alex struggling with it. ;-))) (You don't need to check if you can do it. ^_^) **I think I just short circuted hatch 's big combat scene : D** (Actuall that's what I was expecting to happen. ^_^) (You should have seen my face when Rhia made that second hit) ((ahh that's what all those questions about my spells was for)) (Yup ((I was gonna get DOmino to shoot her with something that woul knock her out.)) ((Didn't know you had charm memorized. ;-))) Umm, now could someone please take this arrow out of me ?, it's rather annoying ((hatch suggested I vary spells)) (She'd have kept firing through the walls. ) [[althoug seemingly clumsy, Hatch, please roll for the effectiveness of the non-magical bandaging?]] (Yay! your DM inadvertently saved your ass) ((had somethign too)) Bobo has stopped the bleeding on Lex. ((yay!)) OUCH ((Did he pull out the arrow?)) my is that painful "Sorry." I assume he would. Hmm...well, Alex was nice to me too..I'll bandage him up as well Unless he bandaged it in. No problem, didn't expect it to feel nice <((Using my heal skill on Alex)) ok Roll [[I would ASSUME SO, lady A...:-) ((5 on the check, did it. ;-) Healed 3 points. hehe **mwa ha ha ha ha Alexand "the machine gun" Di'Mere saves the day !** Alex takes back 3. *looks around the house, for anything she might have had* ((Casts Cure Light on myself)) **whoho !** hehe You don't find anything of value in the house. ((Cure light is 1d8 right?)) Yes. course not [right] ((Rolled a 6)) (She doesn't live here, Dom.) (ok) Now Rhiannon is still herself, remember that, but now she's much more friendly to us, aren't you dear *smiles at her* Hmm.."in the house...} "Let's go back to town, shall we?" Sure, I'd love too ((How long does CHarm last?)) [[hatch, searching the premises as much as I can - I am sorta superfluous at this point Now, t'will be just getting dark when you return. ((I think they need to roll every month or so to throw it off, should be plenty of time)) Charm last varying on intelligence of victim. **snooze snooze snooze** 9(Can I use my Healing skill on myself if I've already had a Cure Light on it?)) ((We already discussed this.)) (You'd have had to use it first.) ((Oh well. ;-)) ((Really? YOu let it slide for Kop when we got jumped before town.)) **well let's head back to town** Healing prof has a limited effective timespan :) "Lets' get back." ((Yep. ;-))) Okay, it's close to dusk as you walk back into town. {she just doesnt love me} *smile* It's such a shame, I could have gotten to know her without the magic (I was nice the first time, Bob. ^_^) ((Okay, point taken.)) Rhiannon giggles ((hehehe)) brb "zzz" "zzzz" {heh heh} **HEheheheheheheheh ......** "zzzz.... mmph... zzzzz" *sigh .. such a impressive feat and STILL no respect from the non ensourced ladies .....* "Gorhn?" "mmmph... eh?" "Nice job, Alex." Thank you *bows* "I didn't." "I'd kiss you, but I think she'd get jealous." "We found her." "I did." "Great. Help me up?" ;-) "want to wake Koppy, Gohrn?" "Thanks. That's what I get for gettin' all shnookered with Koppy." "zzz" *finally leaves zalchors* *to Rhiannon* you wouldn't be jealous would you ? "zzz" "I think she'd rather be aslepp right now." **sorry the lech reaches for the kiss : D** She smiles widely "Why would I?" *heheheheheh* ((Domino didn't come back with us? ((I'd assume she did)) ass u me hm? "Should we let her sleep or carry her? We need to talk to the sheriff." She never said she was. "zzz" ((hehe Becca)) "I'll carry her. It's my fault, I did this." ((I thought she did. Hmmm)) [[I am good for 20-30 more]] walking slowly back "So.. let's solve this groovy mystery, gang!" (How long after they left did you leave, Dom?) ((groan. ;-))) "zzz" 3 hours ((And it'd have worked too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!)) (gah, okay) {rur row!} ((Dammit, i'd have noticed that she wasn't with us for 3 whole hours.)) (And their dog too!) [[Bobo's not there either, lady A. ((Starts a chase scene to "Louie Louie")) {puppiiiiiiieeeeeee power!!!} ((sigh)) le woof, mademoiselle ((good lord)) ((Sure, ruin my fun.)) (Yes now that flow is interrupted, everyone who isn't going with the party when they're going somewhere, please tell us, since people notice things like that?) [[standing by...]] ((Definitely)) *yelling into the woods* ((time speeds up and everyone catches up together ?)) ((i mean, we'd have definitely noticed that the other 2 weren't with us.)) ((especially after 3 hours.)) [[well, you will soon learn anyway - Bobo ends to disapear on occasion...:-)]] ((maybe if you saw my rp, wouldnt have known?)) ((All I saw is you lookjing around the house while we were still there.)) [[yelling into woods, Dom?]] (You haven't spoken since just after the fight, Becca) ((back in town)) ok Now you're all standing around with three wounded people. "So... what's up?" ((except Bobo. ;-))) "This is the sister, eh?" ((Of course, we noticed his absence a while ago and have ben discussing it for much of the trip. ;-))) "Yep. ANd she has some interesting things to say." Rhiannon slides up to Alex "Who's the wierd looking guy?" "Great." This is Gohrn, he's a friend "Well, I'll be at the tavern if you need me." "mmmm" "zzz" [[you notice Bobo calmly munching a bite of something standing behind you as if nothing happened]] "z... zzz" (hehe) ((resists the urge to lech the charmed woman ..... yes he acually has like .... 2 morals)) "Bobo...... where were you?" (Really? Two morals? damn I thought it was just the one. ^_^) 'We were worried sick!" ((hehehe)) ((well ..... don't go around randomly killing, and no leching the charmed women ... mostly cause it's just not the same .....)) ((did Domino come with us or did she stay behind and arrive later?)) (She arrived later, but she's with you now) "house, woods, here, there..." offers what he is eating.."waht some?" "Hi Domino." "No thanks, Bobo. You look hungry." *followed* heh *grins and eas* eats "zzz" "hi" "So, I guess it's about time to talk to Gentry?" *still staring at the 2 uncharmed women* sure, lets "Yeah, about that thing... with the people..." [[Kopi got anything interseting? Food? Booze?]] "zzz" "dont hurt you shoulder" {what... like, on me?} "Alexis, are you alright?" "Lead on, Alex. You're the one who she likes so much." {on or near that I could pilfer} "I notice you've been bandaged." "Oh, I'm just fine. The wall took most of the power." {are you looking through my stuff?} Hah, if only you meant that lady *smiles* *leads on to Gentry* (give him the rat tail) "You sure? I've got a health spell that's not doing much." {shh Hatch!} ((hahahaha!!)) [nah - just seeing if there is anything undrunk or uneaten at the table} "well..... if you insist." {table?} {we were drinking out side near the pillory} "Here, take her, I need a free hand." "zz" [OK, OK, details details - is it important?} ((It's RP, JD.)) **she smells of noxious booze** ((We do a lot of it. It's what makes the game fun)) ((Just where is the wound?)) ((back)) (RP is a lot more in-depth in online games) "are we going to get the guy out of the stocks, or let him languiush" ((Upper, middle, lower?)) (( ask Hatch. ;-)) (Lower) Let's go [[pokes Kopi's comatose form a few times then loses interest]] ((whought we already did! ;-) "zz... zz... zzz" "Ummm.. please don't take offense, Alexis..." "Offense? What for?" (gah.. scrolling too fasrt) "That." [[FREEZE!!}} "Offense for you helping me? Of course not!" ((Healed 7.)) {freeze?} [[DM can't read all these side msgs - scrolling too fast]] *sits on the ground, near the pillory* Where is everyone? ((I thought we were walking back to the Sheriff?)) **there's a lingering smell of noxious booze -Domino** ((I'm carrying Koppy0) [[if I can, spotting Dom and going to her]] Are you walking forever, or are you going to go there? ((I think that's where I am too..)) ((Well, does anything happen on the way there? ;-))) ((Oh no, a 27 HD owl bear. It's Grampy Bear!)) Well, one of you could trip on the wooden sidewalk? It's about 70 feet away. :) {LOL!!!} ((EEK)) ((ROFL)) []joining Dom at the pilory[] "bobo, what do you want" humhum hum **it smells like noxious booze there** "Are we there yet?" ]["you ok??"][ "sure, jolly good" ]["don't look jolly...][ 'its an illusion" ][holds out whatever he was munching]["want some?" Gentry is slowly sharpening his heavy sword as you walk in. He drops it as he sees Rhiannon with you. "Hi Sheriff." "no thanks, hugs bobo" "You dropped your sword." "zzz" ][k][ munches. hugs, "I can't believe you found her." He looks at Rhia a second. "What the hell did you do to her?" **HUGS BOBO !!!?? lucky gnome !** Shush "Uh, well AFTER she decided to put an arrow into my back....." Just a little spell to make her calm and friendly, it was nessary to avoid being cored like a apple by her arrows ][sits quietely next to you - hopefully in a dry spot][ "Alex here Charmed her." Oh sure, give away ALL my secrets Alexis ..... "so what do you do bobo?" "Well yes to all that but she's bleeding on my floor." 9(ROFL)) "here, let me get that for you..." [[What does he do? Don't understand...]] *blink, did no one patch her wounds ? DOH !!!!!!!* "SHe's wounded?" "goes and tries to stop the bleeding> (Duh, she got shot in the back) ((Alexis didn't see it)) :-p <> ((And didn't notice on that three hour walk back?)) (Especially to the one who shot her) (I told you she got hit) ((Maybe I was walking in front of her. ;-))) [[sigh]] ((well she's not dead... it's patched, may we continue?)) [[I wasn't there]] 9(You told ME, but no one told Alexis. SHe was in another room, remember? ;-))) ((thump, lets go on with it)) (hey, if she was naked and running naked and nobody said they dressed her, she'd be naked for days) 9(Kay)) ((Ah, never assume anything. Good policy, Hatch.)) ^_^ "So, they found the sister..." ((So we don't notice we're missing two people, but we assume we notice someone's wounded? ;-))) "...of the guy..." Anyways .... would you like to tell the Sheriff about all the things that have been happening, dear ? *to rhiannon* "Dom, Bobo serve ale, usually not spill too much "so as not get hit Rhia tilts her head. Gentry takes her arm and leads her into the rear room. "Bobo carry platters sometiomes "Live in back of inn.. He gently closes the door. "so you serve people, noble cause"' 'Okay..." *sigh* *puts his feet up on the desk when they leave* ahh "Zzzz" "try to stay quiet so as not get hit ot kicked... A few minutes later the sheriff comes back out with his face looking rather drawn. "you should hit them back" "You still have her bow?" "sometimes patron give Bobo food or ale... ((Erases Gentry's face)) (hehe) ((HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA)) ((hehe)) "or wine...ah...[[licks lips]]]"wine... He takes it and looks down at it, then sets it on his desk. "I can't thank you enough for finding her." [looks sad] Maybe not so much wine now...or warm bed... He steps outside and waves you to follow *follows* "ill get yo wine bobo, ill get you wine" [brightens] but advneture FUN! Bobo get to be REAL adventurer! ((How tall is Bobo? ;-))) "Wine? You give Bobo WINE?? And not hit Bobo? He leads you to the pillory. "I'll see to it that justice is done right this time. Zalcor won't have to worry anymore." "yes, never hit unless you steal from me" "then hit hard" "Didn't I say it was the sister when we first got here? And did anyone listen to me? Noooooooooooo...." He reaches down and unbolts the pillory, lifting Zalcor out of it gently. "zzz' "Not take from FRIENDS, Domm! (looks hurt) "that wrong!"\ "good, its good policy, never hurt your friends" [40" tall, LA] **good lord the bugger is cute, glad I saved him** (3'4") ^_^ ((40"? How cute! ;-))) "bobo never have friends before..." "Whar happens now, Sheriff?" *waves hi to bobo* "Nice Zalcor got to hang now?? "no they saved zalcor, bobo" [[hi to Alex]] He carries Zalcor back to his office and deposits him on the table in the back, then locking him in with his sister. "I'll leave them to talk for a while, but he'll go free." "It doesn't look like it, Bobo." {GRIN} Thats good! "What about her?" "I'm glad we came through town when we did." "Bobo gotta PEE!" He shakes his head. "I don't know. I will have to wait to see how all this settles." "Me too, Lady!" "Alright. I'm sure my Master knows what's best." <> "How do you think the people will react?" (Conversation?) Zalcor and his sister thru the window>> "It depends on whether they're willing to hear what she's going to say." Gotta go REAL soon folks (There's no windows to there) OK< OK< any way I can listen?? (No, not really) "Great." "How 'bout we catch a night's sleep and head out in the morning?" *sstands up* "can we get out of this place now" ((Hehe)) <> Sure "Good idea, Gohrn. I'm sure tired myself." [[bobo returns adjusting his tunic]] "Excellent. Two nights of restful sleep in a row." *sighs* "another day here, im not getting the wet bed" "we'll get more rooms so were not so crowded." [[bobo looks nervous]] "stay HERE tonight? Bad boys here.." "we'll be ok, Bobo." "I must be blessed.. err.. somethin..." "ok" "I'm tired. Back to the room?" "sure" *quizical look* *walk* You enter the Inn [[returns to inn - whatever]] "You boys can get your own room this time!" [[hatch, I gotta get going]] "Hi." (koay) ((BYE JD! )) The woman nods. "Hello again." ((Bye JD!)) [[outahere - love to all]] (bye lyd) "Hello again? We've never met." ly,d. sleep well - rl and game! :-) "Your friends wre here the other night" You too! "How do you know if we're together?" "I could just be some guy who enetered the same time as they did." "There aint too many people here, if you ain't noticed." "Whatever. I want a room. To myself." "Two silver a night." "and we'd like one as well." "Where is it?" "You can take the second one on the first floor up" "To the left" "Sorry. Good night everyone." "Good night!" "We'd like a room, too." "night" night "of course. Two silver." "a good one" *pulls out a piece of platiunum I also can do some magic good for a bed warmer you know ;) ".... ffirst door right down the hall" She points "Thank you." "lets go alexis" "zzz" ((hehehehe)) ((Is there a bath in my room?)) (yes, a small one) *falls down on the bed in my room* *goes to his room and gets some sleep* "You alseep Domino?" *goes straight to sleeping* (ew0 "zzz" {Im good at RPing sleep!} ((ROFL)) hehe ((Maybe I should give Koppy a bath! ;-))) ewwwwww "Goodnight, Hank." ((ROFL)) ((EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) ((Glad I did NOT want a bath)) ((Gets her underthings and washes them in the bathwater>> ((Seperate rooms, Alex.)) ((still)) "alexis?" "Yes?" "is the room spinnning?" "Not that I can tell. WHy?" "Zzzzzzzzzzzz." "feels like it" "would someone wake up koppy, i sort of miss her" "zz.. zz... zz...." ((She's still asleep? Boy, she doesn't handle wine very well...)) "Are you feeling ok?" "yeah, im ok, today was just one of those days, im sure when we leave this down or you take of that towel, the day will get better" ((Stopping point soon?)) yes any time you'r ready "zzz" "I thought you did great today. And I never said thank you for helping with that arrow..... so, thank you." {kodak moment!} ((hehehe)) "you could wake up koppy, your welcome"