Game Start; Febuary 28th, 852PA. Leaving Kanth. "so are we ready to leave this god forsaken town?" Uh okay! ((are we awake yet? ;-))) "zzz" Everyone wakes up and eats and is done! {LOL} Sure, we did our good deed, had our fun .... oh wait we didn't get paid ... darn ((andyone remember where we're going>)) {but but...} ((ROFL)) "Sure, but I got a question for the Sherrif before we go." Back on the road again ..... *whistles* i can't wait to be on the road again ..... ((gets a quiche to go happy meal for kopporu)) {LOL!!!!} ((ROFL OH NO !!!!!)) {do i get a little toy with it? ;)} The sheriff looks up as you walk through the door ((and that chef is NOT worth ANYTHING if he couldn't make a Quiche from my perfect elegant directions)) "Howdy." ((with rat tail in every box)) ((yup you get a ball of catnip !)) He nods "Morning again." **scampers after Gohrn** **little animal : )** **peeks in** "Wonder what he's up to...." No idea "Well, I decided to say goodbye, yadda yadda yadda..." "Do you know who this is?" Quoppi's Quiche? O.O But this town is starting to get boring again, I mean ... we took all the mystery out .... litterally ((hahahaha!!)) He stares "Should I?" ((ROFL)) "I dunno, he made te mistake of crossing me in the forest. YOu don't recognize him?" He shakes his head. "No, I don't recognize him. People meet people while travelling. You should take guard." *standing in the middle of the road* "I recognize him!!!" tags along brb *standing behind domino and alexis ..... doing his usual favorite thing .... watching thier assets* "I'm ready to leave myself. DO you remember where we're going?" "good morning alexis" "Oh." "Well," "You study real hard and tell me who he is the next time I come through, okay?" "He's that guy that attacked us in the road..." "Good morning!" What wrong, Domi, dom, dini...uh... ((HAHAHAHA!!)) ((GOORODLMNAKRHDSFOHFDSALJF *spits out laughter that won't come out)) DOMINO! *beams "im ready to go!" "i hate little towns" Me too, they are so ,........... booring "Let's go. This place is dead anyways." *blinks at gohrn's choice of words* "Okay. SO who remembers where we're going?" MEE TOO! Want to be a REAL adventurer! Gold! JEWELRY!! *eyes gliter "Council!" *points at koppy* I'm sure she can sniff the trail out "North!!!" "um was it um west?" "im not sure" "North, or something like that...." **points north** wanders generally southerly Do you need a articule of clothing or something to get the scent fuzzy ? "scent? clothing? .... are you making fun of Kopporu???" "hey, back off mage guy" I don't know .... am I ? *looks serious* "bobo, um where are you going?" *smiles* *ruffles koppy's hair in a friendly way* just kidding "Yes you are!!!!" **points at mage** [[hang on one]] But please no more Quiches ! *hmph!* "We were going, right? Like, walking and stuff?" [[no more Quoppi Quiche?}} ((NO MAS !)) "lets just go a direction regardless of whether its right or not" "I don't think that Sherrif's going to sit in his office forever, and I'd like to get out of her before he leaves." "no no... north!!!" *nods* I'm sure we'll find SOMETHING to pass the time Okay, north it is ! **pulls out compass** "North!!!" "lets go north then, got to be better" "North is right." "North!" Oh wait north is back towards ......... nevermind ((Musical number begins... "North! north! north!")) (hatch?) *follows behind alexis and domino* *hey my char's a lech, can't help it ; D* yes? "Wait, we need to go this way. To the mountains." my icq is lagging a lot. ((is there a road going west?)) [[Small villages like this typically only have one main road - which way did you COME from?]] (Yes, there is a road going west) ((reboot and get out of NA mode hatch)) I rebooted already. "West." ((clicks his icon ... REBOOT !)) ((come on .... no one got that ?)) **looks dumbfounded** ((I did, I'm justmaking no statement.)) "But we're supposed to go north..." [[ignoring you ((Reboot is a COOL show)) ((Again, no statement.)) "We're supposed to go West from Kanth. This is Kanth, isn't it?" .... err .... okie "west, i like west: "WAIT FER BO-BO!!! sigh I am going to reboot. **following domino and alexis* "yes, ugly ugly kanth" *motions to bobo* comeon bobo : ) running to cath up to Alex **looks frustratingly at the compass** "you're just trying to cause trouble arnt you!!!" You too fuzzy "Then we need to go west. Up to those mountains." [[This is confusing - two "alex's" **puts compass away** ((alex and alexis)) "Remember what Ryan said?" *grudgingly follows* "Ryan? "Go north to Kanth, then west through the mountains." [[Rhiannon? [[ah. ((ryan is the npc that sent us out)) "Lady SMARt "Yes Bobo, Ryan." "K ((call alexand mage guy :) )) I remember what Franchesca said but that's not good to repeat in polite company "I know you want what's on my mind..." *smirks* heading west hatch okay shush a moment. Everyone. ;) I need someone to log what happened so far. I can. [[NOTHIG happened to gorhn : .... not particuarly unless it's a rather interesting image .... And send it. to me. Well, everything that's been said. So sush! *walk* ((we just started following the road west ok "if its a (14?) Go. :) We were walking West toward the mountains according to Ryans ijfo info And do you know where you're going? :) Or how far it is? {no idea! *ears perk up..yeah, where ARE we going? ((JD, my hands are occipied right now. Bobo's have a hard time grabbing one. ;-))) {eeeeww!!! while you're WALKING CC??? ;)} [[Oh, thats not a hand?? SORRY! ((ROFL)) ((I'm MAKING A BOW!!!)) ;-) ((When you just can't wait....)) {{I was going to ask how you can work on a bow while walking... {so THATS what they call it these days... ;)} ((Ask TSR. THey made the rules. ;-))) "Umm, Alexis?" "yes?" Ask Hatch, he messed with those rules. ;) ((But they still said you could do it while traveling. ;-))) "alexand? ask you a question?" "Don't walk into that tree. That would hurt." [[HOW FAR are we having to go?? {i think they meant by ship ;)} {or carriage} Sure domino, what is it ? "HUNGRY! HOW FAR?? *grabbing my own bow and watching LA carefully.... "um well, i have tons of stuff that are supposedly magical, but i havent A CLUE what they do" I can Identify it "We're really not sure how far, Bobo." "you did that once, didnt really help" *IMMEDIATELY drops back (or forward) to eavesdrop on Dom and Al ((THWAPS HATCH)) (ROFL) "Too far!!!!" That was a special item, let me try again (Hey, level 1 mages casting ID don't learn much) [[HELLO??? DO WE HAVE FOOD AND ETC FOR THIS TRIP...Sheesh. ((NO :) )) ((oro ? ... what about lvl3 then ?)) "If we run out of food, we can just eat Bobo" (10% per level to learn specific functions) "Exactly, Kop." *Looks at Kopi and puts as many party mewmbers between us as possible and Ghron muttering... *clacks teeth at Bobo* "could you try it on the road alexand?" [[Who's close enouth to hear muttering? {like that guy in Hellraiser...} Sure ((right hatch ?)) ((Uh, depends on where you are, Bobo)) (Yup. At night there's quite a bit of time. Just have to spend a bit more) [[near Al and Dom. ((okie)) Sure, domino, I'll give it a try when we next stop to rest ((are you close enough to use for us to hear you? ;-))) "what should you try, i can pay" ((I think I can ID everything in one sitting)) [[but they are talking...observation roll or just hear "Everyone want to hurt Bobo...nobody like bobo... "Bobo never hurt nobody Nah, I'll do it for a smile or so *smirks* I am fairly sure I can do everything in one night, if not I can do the rest the next *muter mutter... "Of course not, Bobo."\ "bobo HUNGRY! [[Sigh... do I have to hit them with a two by four to get them to consdier SUPPLIES??? ((We haven't been worrying about them, really)) [[little things like FOOD AND WATER for travelling?? Well about half the party knows how to find it. {well...we have 6 sure we could do fine with 5 ;)} ((Yep.)) [[Well, Hatch was hinting "How far is it?" I'm here *Walk walk walk walk* *walk trip fall* "ow! *smiles at alexand, and picks up koppy "oof!" [[Aw, Kopi hurt he'sef? Uh, sorry " "oh... you carry Kopporu now?" "you need to be more careful" *grins* That'll do for payment for now domino : ) "not for the whole trip no" "oh..." **looks disapointed* "you think i could do that?" "Anyone estimate how far it is to that mountain?" "Anythinf "err" *Everyone looks up and sees a high spire off on the horizon* "A long ways, I'd reckon." "Thanks, Gohrn." {{Oh, LOOK! A high spire off on the horizon! "Da'ell." "Da'ell? Is that what you prefer to be called?" "Well, no. Gohrn's fine. But it's a nice bit of information, should the need arise." "Okay, thanks." *smacks the giant pause button* Resume again.:) "Umm... Alexis... I don't think you understand..." "Understand what?" **rests in Domino's arms** ;) "No one knows that." "are you going to carry me part of the way?" "Knows what?" i will : ) "Kopporu too delicate to do that" "Nevermind, it's not important." "mage guy, you couldnt carry me 20 feet" *smiles* "I need a horse." **sneezes** ((Str 13 mage guy would beg to differ : D)) "Do you ride?" "No, but it's about time I learned." "koppy do you know how to train animals?" "Kopporu can train them not to bother Kopporu" hehehe "Why do yo usay that? We need to stay together, not chasing after your fleeting form into the distance." "how so?" ((With HUGS!)) "Rocks work nice" ((LOL!!)) "No, I wouldn't run off!" (note, when you want tell me and I'll FF days. ;) ) FF? "Just wouldn't have to walk. And I could put most of our gear on it." FAST FORWARD "I want a horse." *sneezes* ((why not now, Hatch> ;-))) ok :) zzooooooooooom "Well, if you're a good little Alexis, I'll buy you one at the next town." Ah late afternoon on your second day of travelling... **still being carried** ;) ((I IDed Domino ''s STUFF !!!!)) ((HAHAHAHA)) You hear soft skitterings from up in the rocks ((while I'm at it, my stuff too ...)) ((dying of fatigue :) )) *puts koppy down* **points up** "There's something skittering up there** ((ROFL)) "Thank you Koppy." "what does a skietter sound like?" "Like that." *dm whats the area we are at look like?* skitter.. uhm like mice on sheet metal. :) {like rats on sheet metal?} Light forests on both sides, to the south rises the low mountains (Mice, rats, squirrels, pebbles) ((And where are the rocks? How far?)) *fades backwards awayfrom the sound into forest* Off to the south. They vary. But it sounds semi-close "I'd say they're kinda close... but not too close... sorta in between... ya'know?" "Who wants to go see what it is?" "Yeah, that. I vote Alex goes and looks at it." "ooh ooh!!" **waves hand** "bobo is small and fast" **waves** "You want to go see? "Sure!" Why you picking on me Gohrn ? "Well, you're the one who's always complinging about being bored." "Why not, Koppy. Jut be careful." *laughs* Dying is not fun, and VERY boring **goes toward the lig- er... sound** "Who said you'll die?" *Grabs bow and imitates LA's stance... ((How cute!)) **walks right to the sound casually** *concentrating furiously... Slow "hmm hmm" "That does it." "Who's responsible for him?" A large scorpion skitters out of a crevace about 40 yards west of Kopporu "alex" "I shoulda known." ((Do we all see it?)) "Its just a bug people!" "No cause for alarm..." *ready with magic missle* Koppy stay back ((ANd HOW large?)) ((large = 2 inches or 20 feet)) ((It's a MEGA RADSCORP, RUN !!!!!!)) **rolls eyes at Alex** Large, 4' It could be poisonous fuzzy, I don't want to listen to you die if it stings you "oh please... its not even as tall as me!" POISONIOUS !! "The biggerbthe scorpions, the less poisonous they are" ((Damn then this one will HEAL you if you get stung! ;-)) {heehee ;)} Heal can't fix poison. ;) Large scorpion 40 yards west of Koppy, and about 100 yards from the rest of yuu. "I've got an idea!" "Any more up there, Koppy?" **walks 10 yards closer** "uhm... dont see any... yet" The scorpion runs up and claws at you. ((EEK)) "ow!" (AC?) ((should I zap ?)) {4} One claw, one tail hit you. ((ONE TAIL?)) (er, THE tail) ((doh .... I WARNED FUZZY !!) Pixie save vs poison. And take 8 damage {rolled a 3} Under is bad. ((oops) Okay anyone do anything else? {guess im sick now ;)} cast bless ((Casts animal friendship?)) Okay. You bless. "Bless you!" Go nuts, Bob. :) ((Everyone gets +1 to attack rolls)) Wait... ((I cast .... err .... I was gonna kill it, but bob's gonna make it nice)) I'm nowhere near the effective range. Nevermind. **moans as the poison is pumped into her** Aaanyone else? ((that thing is FAST)) ((It's pumping Koppy!!)) {uhm... can i attack?} (That thing can move as fast as you guys...) Yes you can attack {or am i incapacitated?} Attack! [[does that work on INSECTS bob?? ((It could.)) {ok, ok... I will!!!} So do it? Everyone who wants to, please do? ((I cast, so I can't attck, right?)) (9Aren't we all far away?)) Nope. No attack Lex. *moves closer* You're quite far. ((We're about 60 yards)) 70 yards. ((okay which does more, acid arrow or magic missile ?)) uh.. ac 5, ac -4 One hit, Pix. ((Pan doesn't get +1. :-( [[Range of a short bow? is it even doable? Depends if the AciD Arrow hits, Bee. : P Fine 2 magic missle hits to the scorp then Short bow is at -2 to hit from the range, JD. ok Roll {6 damage} Pixie, Roll damage ok [[LA, still here? ((Yep)) 8 damage total ok End of round, Kopporu takes 20 points damage ((ouch, keep it away from me)) ((Yipe!)) **waves at everyone** "Im oka- ERK!" ((how close did i get?)) (You can move 240 yards in 1 round, Dom. As close as you want to be) *joining group if they approach the taret target ((how long is a round again????)) (dang how long is a round? :) (1 minute) ((One minute)) ((I thought it was only 6 seconds)) (Nope. ^_^) WOW 240 yard dash in one minute {holy!} hehehe ((Hell I could do better than that in my wheelchair! :-)) Actually it's possible to do 12x50 yards in 1 round. ((I can drive faster than that!)) 600 yards. Initiative time? So uhm yes Initiative. {3} 6 (no intintive, firing crossbow) ((Can I reach them in one round, hatch?)) [[following along with everyone else. (Yes, Bob) (Roll initiative, JD) 10 can you roll for me please? ok I rolled a 4 for him What is the speedof your action? unless hatch wants to roll ok, 4 it is. What are you doing, JD? ((5__ later if necessary to stay with LA staying with LA nad copying her attack mode, hatch ((hehehe)) er, so do you know what she's doing? You'd find it hard to if you don't. ((Well, I rolled a 1. ;-)) Domino, attack please. *fires crossbow* I've been at her side most of the hike - was standing next to her wwith bow drawn imitating her... 16 (I don't think she's using her bow) ((nope)) (Thac0, Domino?) 16 I think ((does this count as round 1 of combat or round 2?)) ((and she's blessed)) You hit, Becca. This is round 2. (and +1 for cross bow and +1 for elf) Damage? Well, last I knew it was a bow in her hands..if she changed to swords, I would have copied and drawn my old rusty looking sword too. ((I'm planning on drawing my swords as I run up to it. ;-))) 4 (plus the dumb black widow poison, like it will affect it) (It does. ;) Scorps aren't immune to poison) ((Not even their own. ;-))) ((WOO)) [[beasts are NOT immune to their ownpspecies poisons - scprps can even kill THEMSELVEs with their own stings Some are, just not scorps. HIGH FIVE! ((And boy, is it embarrassing,)) ((Hahaha)) The scorpion rears up and colapses to the ground. *blink* All gone? "Nice shot!" {i attack it anyway Hatch} *looks disbelieving at my crossbow* hehehe **YELLING AT KOPPY** FUZZY DID I NOT TELL YOU TO KEEP AWAY FROM IT !!!!!!! *goes to help her with his herbalist skill* {do i need to roll?} (healing skill) Roll? No. Go healing. ((herbalist affects poiuson .....)) ((healed 1.)) And you hear more skittering behind you now. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" **pushes them away and starts throwing up blood** Not that kind of poison, Pix. :) {i dont care ;)} There's another scorp charging you ((Hahahaha!)) Stop throwing up, please. Draws sword..well, obviously I can't copy HER style...:-) **finishes throwing up** ok roll? **whines** *hold sword outthrust against charging scorp and closes eyes in fear (Blind fighting first round if necessary, hatch...) hit ac 7. ((sigh)) Missed, Bob. ((sigh))? Dang it.... see if I can get ti to impale itself in a charge... JD, roll with -2 to hit. **curls up on the ground** "oooh..." ((you would not be throwing up blood one minute after being stung, period)) someone roll please?Hatch do you want to or shall I just ask someone? {ok, ok... i was wrong, sorry!!!! ;)} Whoever. Claire, do yo mind? ((should I roll?)) ((Someone else roll for him.)) (It's not an illness effect Pix, really. Doesn't effect you in that way. ^_^) ((rolled a 13 Claire, please. You missed. ((sorry!)) Who next. ? Me roll ((hey i still can fire this round :) only fired one time )) (New round Domino) Okay roll at -3 to hit. ((Hey., can I try to sever the tail?)) [[Smile. Luck of the dice... ((Hit him baby, one more time. ;) )) (you probably will regardless, Claire. ^_^) ((hit AC1 -3 penalty, +1 for Bless)) {the poison only effected me one round?} Okay hit. Damage? 3+6=9 (Yes Pixie. AD&D doesn't exactly have dynamic poisons okay?) Okay the tail is hanging rather loosely. {how weird!} (They never changed it okay? So stop acting sick. ^_^) er... to hit -4. Way missed {well, i dont feel good!!! im probably all swollen} Domino? Alexand? Gohrn? I'll attack again. ;) ahk no, not you. Dom or Alex. *shoots* =P Roll. :) [[Puffy, Kop? **acid arrow I guess ....** [[efg {and damnit!!! I lost over 80% of my htpts!!!} (who goes first alex or i?) (you) ((well stop being such a nasty person and let me help you : P)) {so i can act sick if i want!!! ;)} 20 (YES you can!) ((woo)) (Woo!) Roll damage, Becca. *rubs leg* "AUUUGH!!! IT ITCHES!!!!!" 3 And roll d6? [Kopi is rubbing her legs together - chipr like a cricket? 4 ' (plus poinson) Poisoned? ok Alexand? The creature looks extreeeemely weak ((rolled a 18 to hit)) ok Hit. ((don't know acid arrow damage)) *when I can - running up and chopping at it..take that, and that and that damage is 2d4 for 2 rounds. (( ... 6 damage)) ((Probably just wasted a spell.)) It melts. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOO) (((nooo ?)) What melts? The scorpion. {waiwont be getting that bolt back} "Ah, her bolt was still in the beast." (sniffs) "Nice effect, Alex. WHen did you learn that?" running up and chopping at it..take that, and that and that Its' head just gooed. ((one of them anyways)) AH! ACID!!! Hehehe just a little trick I know It's arms and tail tiwtch violently STAY BACK FROM IT ! Healed 7 jumps back Nobody go near it till it completely stops movie err moving casts cure light again I don't want to have to heal people from scorp stings anymore that was cinematic... healed 4 "now... just think.... if that scorpion was as big as my hand, I would have died!" **scratches leg** *goes to the longer dead scorpion and starts removing the tail.* *Wants to KILLL KOPPY RIGHT NOW** that was NOT A NORMAL SCORPION Grrr You find nothing else. :) *mutters "have to save the damn little kids hide ....."* *blinks* "It looked like a normal scorpion.." "just really big" DUH! :-) Normal scorpions CAN'T get that big okehh, moving along again? :) *waits for the other one to stop thrashing and takes its tail to "It was similar, just not congruent" **scratches leg** (((oooh, DOmino's collecting poison! ;-))) OOOH! A scorpion that big was made by magic, and has DEADLY poison, EVEN THO IT'S VERY BIG Moving along? :) moving along "You ok Koppy?" *uses herbalism to make sure koppy recovers from the poison* [[any chance of a LAIR? **itches leg** Okay will Koppy be healled tomorrow? "Kopporu feel ok" afk - bb-2 "Kopporu just ITCH LIKE CRAZY!!!" ((I've healed her for a total of 12)) out of 28. **scratches leg** Gohrn heals her at all? {i have 34 htpts!!!} Night falls {ow} ((Ow!)) Don't scrath that fuzzy ((Jynx!)) (everyone takes 90 points damage) ^_^ ((Poor night.)) ((THAT's MY JOKE : P)) *scratch* *scratch* "But it ITCH" ((Okay, can I go now?)) You've been poisoned, if you scratch it will get worse *thinks* **rub** Anyone else wanna heal someone? :) **rub** **rub** ((heal her Gohrn!)) ;-) ((I am not helping koppy anymore : P)) ((You need the exp! ;-)) *rub rub rub* "oooh" "oh sorry koppy" "Nice camping spot, Gohrn!" "Thanks." "You can rub Kopporu's back!!!" "Too bad I probably won't use it tonight." "does your back itch?" After a night of rest Anyone wounded gains 2 hitpoints. "It aches" ((I ID domino's stuff .....)) **rub** **rub** **scr-rub** (okay. Which?) ((I memorize the same spells, Hatch)) ok ((Hang on..)) *watches Kopi in fascination ((all of it)) k "scratch scratch* have to look **purr** **purr** ((and my magic dagger while I'm at it too)) "hmm?" **takes red potion** "Here. Take a small taste of this. I think it has healing properties." Wheres the food? *hands bobo a rope, go get us some* **gulps it down** "Thanks! Kopporu was thirsty" ((she drank the whole thing! ;-)) You gain 7 hitpoints **grimaces** "Must have been a bad year" Okay nothing eventful the third dayyyyy ((hatch is moving us along!)) Domino, I can tell you what these do *applies substances to bolt tips* Kopporu is down by 5 hitpoints at the end of the day. Cure light. ;-) "what do they do mage guy" "ooh... Kopporu feel weak" Healed 6. ;-) *hands her the ring* this has some sort of strong healing magic, but it's inactive, don't know how to turn it on *hands her the dust* This will dry things out .... very fast "Is salt!" Bobo got lotsa rings! Lemme see! *hands her the bracers* These have protective magic on them ((HEY! I have those bracers!)) ((Koppy's at full health!)) (You gave them back, Bob) ((gorhn has bracers) {no im not} ((No I didn't!)) (ok okay) ((I just cast a cure light on you)) ((healed 6. ;-))) {it only gave me 6} ((It IS the next day, right?)) {i lost 5 by the end of the day} {i gained 1 htpt} Yes You're at full again, Koppy. got back 2 + the CL 6 And it's day 3. {oh} "alex you did me so much but i have to ask you another favor" ((He meant you down 5 from your max. ;-))) {{NOT touching THAT line AT ALL< daughter! What is it domino ? ROFL! ((It's a nice thing you do for someone, but that's not important!)) Goes over to alexis .... ummmm "Hi Alex!" I just identified one of those red potions as a death potion .... I could be wrong ..... buuut .. watch koppy carefully *puts my hand on alex's.... dagger* "Can I see it?" (note; Bee, INSTANT death. ^_^) Show me how you use that *looks at domino with a raised eyebrow* (Not THAT dagger Alex!!!) ((HAHAHAHAHA)) Sure, *smirks* the usual payment ? **that's not a dagger, it's a two handed SWORD !** (you wish ^_^) ((Domino: No, I'll have to double my fee this time.)) (groan) ((MusTo a pixie, yeah...)) ((ROFL) *shows domino how to use a dagger* hehe uhm, Alex can teach Domino to use one properly in about 10 days. Now, day 3 over. :) (So on day 12, she knows how to use it) **laughs at the fact that someone's bothering to learn to use a dagger of all things ;)* ))Dagger of venom is handy for a thief if found. ;-))) **teases Domino mercilessly while she learns** *koppy just might get a 15 point dagger between the eyes* [[with her little penchat for add ons, a dagger can be pretty useful... As you're finishing breakfast on the fourth day... FOOD! **she nearly got killed by a thrown one last time, and that was a no critical hit !* *Ominous music plays* "Urp. Great stuff." (Kopporu suddenly remembers getting hit for 10 points by a dagger in the last week...) {no she doesnt ;)} (You still have the scar in your back you git. ;) ) {i cant see it on my back, can I??? ;)} ((She can't see it though.)) ((ROFL)) doh *practice practice* Confounded by human necks! *laugh* *laugh* ((koppy is a ..... difficult char !)) YOu all hear grunting and...uh... snarls from all around you.. "Uh oh." ((uh oh)) *stares at kopporu, turns suddlenly* "Bout time." **ROARS challengingly** ((why do the nasty creatures always find us ?, did we forget our "monster-b-gone" repellant ?)) Grunting and snarls ! Good god, can't yo at least keep QUIET??? ((Lots of mileage out of these spells recently)) ((Lots of exp for you!)) Several large, light brown furred humanoids charge from the trees throwing things at you. ((Woo!!)) WEB !!!!!!! RIGHT NOW ((I already cast a bless! ;-))) From all around you. Not togetherr. :) ((things?)) Doh nm DARN (hammers, maces and stuff. Hold a sec.) Climbing the nearest tree **starts snarling, and acting exceptionally bestial** **WHY did we have to bring fuzzy .....*** When out of reach range, wedging myself into a crotch and drawing bow ((when your back, I'm attacking the nearest one)) ((you mean you're licking your... OH MY GOD!!!!!) Oh, go ahead and get it over with...sigh {Alexis' crotch? ;)} ((HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)) Okay, Alexis, Alex, Koppy and Gorhn all get hit by thrown objects. "Ow!" "Umm, ow?" "GRAGAHGA!" Lex takes 6 Alex takes 4 ((woo not hit!) Koppy takes 2 Gohrn takes 3 And one of the creatures stumbles and trips. Becausehe's a git. {haha} And you may roll init now. When one is PAST ME so I am shooting him in the BACK...TWANG, when I can. ((owww)) Wooo! 6. ;-) 7 {5} ((Rolling for Bobo)) ((HOW many of them are there ??)) (0) (god i love my xbow) ((2)) wait a sec okay? ((7+whatever he's doing)) Okay Domino roll init please for your second shot? If you're taking two? (what is the mod for xbow to add?) 4 +4 6 OKay, you see 6 of the large bearish creatures. Roughly circular formation (minus mr. south-east) is closing around you. Domino, shoot. :) large bearish ? I thought they were small and fuzzy (I didn't say small. :) Just fuzzy) ahh ((Is Mr. SE the git?)) (yes, mr SE is on the ground) 13 +1 +1 (did i get the bless +1?) (yes you're blessed. ^_^) Hatch> Several large, light brown furred humanoids charge from the trees throwing things at you. We all got the bless Your Thac0 modified is 15. ((oops. ;-))) You hit, Becca. 2 (plus bwp) okay SIE? Oh, Southeast Pick a number, 1 to 6. {3} Er, Becca pick number. (pi!) 5 Okay, #5 takes 7 points. (You remembered to add the magic bonus to the arrow?) Did I ever get to twang one in the back yet? (to hit yes, damage?) None are past you. To damage too, Becca! :) (ok then 8 points) ok {she has magic arrows?} Alex, attack {er... bolts} (Magic bow adds damage too.) {duz nut!} (magic bow + magic arrows is bad) ((does too!!)) (Does) {well... i dont think it should ;)} Magic missile to bearish 1 !!! ok damage? **WHOHO !!! max damage, 10 points !** He looks stunned. Koppy? **runs at... uhm... one at random** ok number? :) And roll to attack whatever. {4} attack roll? -6, -4 Both hit. Damage? 8 Total is 8? ok yup Lex? {sorreee!!!} {i have to look at a table and roll a bunch} ((It's okay. ;) )) I'll charge the nearest one okay #2. And hack at it with my sword. ;-) Roll. :) >:) And I hit AC 1 Damage? Large critter. ((are they Large?)) Yup 7' tall hatch if I read this right, looking down on a clock face, my tree is at 3 oclock and ther should be one at three or four oclock... Your tree is somewhere, and they haven't passed you yet because they haven't actually closed in. Lex? Ooo large! 7+6=13 Okay it's up but dazed. Offhand thrust to the gut! Hatch, when I can, hit ac5 for I think 4 points 9d6 - or is it d8 arrows/large?) Domino attacks again in a sec, Becca. d6, JD> And that hits. hit ac 1 again. I love bless. ;-) Damage? 9d6? I WISH (d6) :-) 8+6=14 It is ... severed. :) Then I hit AC5 for 4 Domino go? 2 is dead, 3 is still on the ground :) ((I rolled a d6 for your damage. Short bows only shoot flight arrows. ;-))) Hatch, 1 or 2 arrows per round from a tree perch? 2 a round, JD> (thanks LA) Then can you please roll the second arrow, LA? Becca? rolled a 12, your thac0 is 18 with bless is 17, hit ac 5 same ac - damage? ((damage if hits is 3 Becca attack? *shoot number 4* ok roll and damage? 14 hits Damage? Hatch, same one if still breathing, 3 damage (hit ac5 from behind) (okay, you attack a weak looking one, JD?) (4 plus BWP) ok Gohrn? (Number 4 is dead) Yes hatch ok ((total .. 2 dead, 1 stunned, 1 on the ground)) hehehe ((SE ? )) ((Kick him while he's down! ;-)) gah! uhm roll with +5 to hit *whimper* ((WOO!)) ((whimper ??)) 16, hits AC 2. Damage? ((jeez, my Thac0 is 14 when I'm blessed. ;-))) KATANA! (Kick Ass and TAke NAmes! ((That was considering my roll ;) )) Fire: 4 Normal: 7+3 = 10 Okay, as one charges forward, Bobo fires two arrows out of the tree and both hit in the creatures' back And it falls over dead... HEHE! The git gets up and bashes at gohrn And is still a git.. It's the GIT THINGY [[Hatch, are we kinda close - I am lae late Yeah we can quit at the ened of this. Crap, not again. One with a scimitar runs up and slashes Alexis for 10 points damage And roll initiative again. 7 oops, wait Rolled a d8 ;-) Doh! 10 8 {8} Dom? (7) {we all rolled crappy ;)} (look up i said 7 :P )) yup (my turn? bobo and gorhn arent in) eh? I'm here. Yes, shoot Becca. Rolling attack and damages WILL NOT! (no more bolts, attack ing with both swords) Oaky. 3, 5 and 6 are up. 5 is vaguely stunned. 3 is wounded. attacking 5 12 rolled 14 total, (dont know thaco with swords sorry) holdI look On #3, hit ac7 from behind and second shot missed...damage from first shot is... Both hit, Becca 1d8 for damage 3 3 for one 1d8+1 for damage actually. 8 next so 4 and 9? B? yes :) ok #5 has died. Bee and Koppy go? **Kopporu starts to froth at the mouth** "H'EHYE - N'GRKDL'LH!!!" Attack something? :) "Eh-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-yahh!!!" **koppy is useless : P** *attacks closest* Bob roll init? :) Roll to hit? (9What did I miss? Anything?)) Pix *Acid arrow !!!* (Not much, roll init Bob?) (6) ((fighting)) ok ac 3 ((See above.)) Roll to hit Pixie! ok Hit, damage? ac negative something big And Alex roll to hit? Damage for both, Pixie? 9 and... 16 9 18 Damage, Bee? 18 damage!! wooo 18 damage Pixie?? wow... it died. 8 And so did that one. OK, LA, please roll two arrows and damage each round - arrow supply should be no problem - Sorry, but I have to go "N'gah-Kthun!!!!!" You now all stand around a field of dead things. "Okay, who killed the git?" **breathes heavily and growls intermidantly** ah, ok... *collapses* *runs about the perimeter* climbing dow, runnng up and pummeling a dead one with my sword... hack hack hack *tries to retrieve my 2 bolts* **Looks about wildly** You recover one, but the second one is broken, Becca. **Kopporu's body seems to snap to attention, and then she collapses*8 "You alright?" Healing skill on myself, healed 3 "just tired, im ok, thank you for asking" Lex finds 9 gold and a long sword "Yup." "Alex, are you alright?" *searches one im close to* git has 7 gold and a mace HEaled 6 seaarches That one has 16 gold and a bardiche. ^_^ **lies motionless on the ground** #3 *walks to koppy" #3 has been searched. ^_^ That was git. taking the cgold "youok fuzzy?" "Is anyone injured?" "..." "Are you?" [[anyone need a bardiche? "kopporu!" *slaps koppy* ((what is a bardiche?)) [[oh, god. **looks up sleepily** [[bardiche = big, I think (big pole axe thingy) "hu-wha?" ((It's a type of pole arm)) "are you ok?" *blinks* Gohrn finds 25 gold, a bastard sword,a morning star and a scimitar. **pops shoulder** seaching - but have to go. sorry. okay ((BYE!!)) BYE HUGS :) ((the sword didnt have parents?)) **looks about at the carnage... and smiles** see you Sunday if not sooner. LTA. ((HUGS)) The sword only had one parent, Becca. ;) {night!} "See!!!!!! Kopporu usefull!!!" Is anyone close to levelling up? ((It had two, but it was born out of wedlock!)) I am. ((I kinda am.)) "Are you hurt, Gohrn?" {sorta ;)} (4000 exp :D)) **stands up triumphantly** ((Cure light, sorry)) hm, no nobody is THAT close.. hehehe ((Bah. Healed 1.)) **looks about and wonders why no one is basking in her glory** ((Is she injured?)) {yes ;)} I'm WAY close. ;-) *basks* *basks* {i got hit in the head with something} "It's nothing I can't sleep off." **beams** "How about yourself?" Wooo! Healed 8. "I'll be fine with a good night's sleep." "where are you hiding alexand? never can find a mage when you want one" "Ah." No magic weapons (( no one notices the unconcious alexand amoung the pile of bodies )) ((was the longsword in range?)) Why is he unconscious? *searches for alexand* ((cause he fell asleep ; D)) hehe It's morning. :) ((ROFL)) Longsword in range? ((Wow, he doens't last too long, does he?)) oh yes. Not magic, Alexis. ((BAH ! I want to RP being found)) ((Hatch, was the longsword in range of Bob's detect magic?)) ((Doh! ;-))) ((he was bored)) "Gah!" *since he was bumped, now covered in a little gore* Is Domino wounded? :) "Stupid git, watch where you're sleeping!" **not moving** ((never been wounded yet EVERY KNOCK ON WOOD)) ((I've cast 5 cure lights and 2 blesses this session, Hatch. ;-))) {are we getting exps tonight? cause if we're not, i need to go to bed} doh Yup ((well he's got some blood and bits of gore on him)) No no xp tonight. ^_^ Nobody is close enough ((Cured 8.)) I'm not??? {well, im off then! night!} I might be close as well, depending on how much we got... Nope. I'm like nudging the edge of it right now! :-p Not really. ^_^ I added Doh! Even with all that casting? ;-) Close. Anyway you won't need it the next time. How far off were you? I'm still down 5 hit points. Will another Cure Light do it? ;-) gah actually you might... Cast anyways. :) I'm only like 260 short. ;-) Okay, casts. ;-) Healed 4. ;-) hehe In the morning I'll look Hehehehe ok. ;-) Cast 6 cure lights and 2 blesses. ;-) ((WANT TOWN BADLY))\ hehe **people just leave alex there .....** Why town? ((I cast cure light on you, hush up.)) **msumble* Fine day, isn't it? (i like towns, people leave stuff out all over the place :) *soft .. oof* ROFL "It is. Did the log just make a noise?" "Nah." "Ah. Maybe I was imagining thiungs, then." "Ummm.. this log seems to have grown a branch that's now poking my in the leg...." ((WHAT ?????????????)) ((HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)) "Maybe it's just a grub. THey like ligs." "GOOD LORD!" "Oh, hi Alex!" "I found Alex." **has the little Xed out eyes of a cartoon** "Oh, he's dead." "well, doesn't that just suck?" Anyone taking any of those weapons? "Well, whaddya gonna do?" Oh duh, and each one of them also has a dagger. ((Nope.)) 6 in all. "I'll take his stuff." ((damn you guys are just like regular people, incredable cruel and ignoring : P )) "He's comfortable though, for sure." I'm leaving the longsword ok ((the stuff is sorta .... under me in my pack)) "um your sitting on our mage" "he might get ideas about you doing that" There's a ring on his neck but it seems to resist your efforts to remove it *mumbles ..... domiiiiino ..... alexis .... let me sleep .... I can do it again ....tommorrow ... *muble* *rolls over slightly* *oof* *oof* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW "You awake yet?" *gets up* "What was that for?" "It got him up, didn't it?" Hey, you know shaking is a LESS painful way to do that "Funny, it didn't hurt me at all." *grrr reverses and casts enlarge on Gohrn, now 30% less calories** ((I'm dozing off here. ;-) HAHAHHA Everyone gota bed. :) Except one of you. ((Hehehhehehehe)) ((good night everyone!!)) **Gohrn shrinks, and it don't affect his stuff !)) ((night cc)) ((Don't I get to resist?)) yes save vs spell ((oh wait it does ... I think)) Hmm... 18. +4 = 22. ROFL no wait. ((Hey I know I can roll to resist that : P )) Ah you don't get bonusess ((I'm kidding anyways! ;-))) Okay, 18 then. hehe you passed.