Game Start; March 1st, 852PA. Heading inexorably west. I thought it was the morning of day 3. So, who's still wounded? k : ) Not me ! : ) Well, nothing else happened on day 3. :) Playtime? Oh, okay. I'm down 1 hit point. ;-) yay I'm down 2. I should be dead from poison, but im not OOoh, I have to decide which spells I have memorized! ;-) heh Doh... me aw well.... Oh yes Claire. :) Generally you should all have a standard spell list. :) For simplicity. Ack : ) hehe Okay. Day 4. You're all healed. *GRIN* zoing! ((I have a feeling we will need it)) Should I ICQ them, Hatch? get it right, Pan! its zoink! (hope my luck holds out) zoite! If you want Claire. :) Narf! Daaayy 5! I'll do it here. Cure light x2, Bless x2 *whistles bored* "la la la la la la la la la la la" *sings*' ((my list is a bit long, and not done .....)) Hold Person x2, Silence 15' radius x1 "Wow, time sure does fly..." O.o You have a nice voice domino *smiles* silence... Yep. ;-) "thank you" *blushes* uhm oh yes. Day 5. walk walk walk. And a very pretty blush as well Walk walk walk walk trudge trudge trudge skip skip skip hehe cartwheel cartwheel cartwheel pace pace pace O.o skipping.. my feet hurt *looks at gorhn* *smiles* Are we THAT high in the montains? Its THAT cold? "koppy your turn to carry me around" **looks at Domino blankly** I'll do it if she won't *grins* "Achoo!" "Bless you!" "'Dank you." "may your god bless you and save you from the horrible plague fixing to kill you" "just something we used to say" "Ahh. Okay." ((where is day 6?:))) Who has the biggest muscles here? Not here yet. ;) "Cause I'm pretty sure that I'm going some other way than the plague." ((not me)) (I.E., highest ST) Err, I think Lady Alexis is the most physically talented HOw far could she throw 84 lbs? How far could I throw 84 pounds, Hatch? {far enough to kill you if you weighed 84 lbs} About 6 feet. far if I had a harness and could be swung a few rounds? uh 6 feet without severe harm. 6 feet. ((what the ???) {*splat*} uhm okay it's day 5, just before noon. You may comence rp for a bit. ((How far is the mountain now?)) *fiddles with my ring* ((heheheh)) *turns it upside down* watches domino INTENTLY "Oh Domino..." *whispers my name to it* "yes gohrn?" Copying her actions with my own junk rings...muttering in concentration... "Would you like the bracers back? I was never able to figure them out." are you sure, i was hoping to tradethem to you for soemthing you might find later, im sure ther worth somehting ((I IDED those ! grrrrrrr)) ((No you didn't, she didn't have them. =P)) ((grumble : P)) (protective magic is not very specific bracers ac 8 or what :P)) "So, does anyone remember what we're going to in these mountains?" "Well, if you want them back, let me know." ((Hard to tell at lvl 3 !, but it's better than nothing, and probbaly better than any armor you have on NOW)) "ok, fiddle with them some" I'll take them if you don't want them i want a trade item *winks* ((grumbles .... bracers of protect, are one of the few good armors for a mage ......)) "What do you mean by that?" *well i dont need bracers, but say you find something interesting that you arent going to use, gladly trade themforthat item "Oh, I get it now." (That, and she found them first, so they're technically hers...) and you can even use them to that point *smirk* "Umm.. I do have this white potion I found...." If you will let me have a look at them domino, I think I might be interested in trading for them ... ((that point ??)) **stares deadly at this transaction** {uh... dead deadly that is... not... deadly er...} {like as in dead} *looks up* "potions are transitory, bracers are for ever" *shakes head* *ponders if he is going to have to shout* "i would give them to you alex but right now im negotaiting with gohrn" all right *walks off* whatever *takes out one of his small spellbooks and begins to read over it while he walks* (uhm.. is everyone aware the party is scattering?) (On a day which I didn't quickly bypass?) (Which is obviously a sign?) ((eh ... it's rp)) ((we're scattering?)) (But you're still walking off) whose scattering? THis can all happen withn a celearing at lunch speaking of which, I'm hungry ((I thought we stopped for lunch?)) (Nobody stopped to eat. And Alex has left) {i am too} ((hehehehe)) running afer someone doing something interesting - magic stuff. herding him back as he abesntmindedly reads ;-) **is paying more attention to the book and is hearded* "So, how's the bow coming along?" "Hmmm?" bobo will just sorta do that with everyone - keeping them together, hatch **stands awkwardly in the middle of the road** "The bow you're working on. How's it coming along?" Hey, Kopi! Want some jerky?? **snarls at Bobo** Over here in the clearing...come on Kopi "Oh, right. It's just fine. It shouldn't take too much longer, I'll need to to test pull before I finish." good girl **ignores Bobo** "It's not like Zalcor's bow, is it?" "Anyone remember why we're going to this mountain?" *sits down at the edge of the clearing* **shrugs and goes back to munching his lunch** "Nope. But it's not like mine either." "nope" **waits sadly in the middle of the road** 'bobo ferget' 'sighs' "Good, cause I'm pretty sure I'd never pull that bow." goes toward kopi... [[reaction?]] "This one should be a fine bow for you." **stares straight ahead** ((had to go afk back now)) **sits next to kopi. [[still snarly?]] ((HUGS Becca)) **doesnt seem to notice** ((HUG)) *looks around* [[job - bbs]] "Hey... I remember..." "remember what?" "Aren't we to meet some council in the mountains?" "god i hate beuracracy" "Ha. We share a common end, then, thief." "Council? Hmmm." *smiles* "i dont think anyone does" dips my ring in water "Maybe te buerecrats. Without buerocacy, they'd be out of work." that probbaly won't work domino *from behind the book, as he wanders to the edge of the clearing and sits down* "so true" "I hate hate hate this ring"! (and i mean it too) "what would there be... if there wasnt buerocracy?" "Maybe we can find someone who can tell us what all these shiny things do." "No offense, Alex." if you would only listen, *sighs and rolls his eyes* "i listened" "you didnt tell me how to turn it on" It's got POWERFUL magic, or very specific magic *blinks blankly and turns back to the road* That is very hard to decipher, I may not be the world's most powerful mage but at least I'm helping you for FREE I already told you it's made with healing magic "Hmmm. SOMEONE'S panties are in a twist." Probbaly something related to healing turns it on **head lolls slightly** I wasn't aware grown men wore panties Gohrn, I guess I'm not familair with your customs *pulls out my dagger, and cuts a small gash in my palm* "You know... we've been waiting here for a while..." Mtries to suppress a grin> *eyebrow raises at domino* *drips blood on the ring* O.o "We ready to continue on?" .... "i will find out what it does if it kills me" (runs off) That's a big drastic, but a much better try to turning it on hm ok But don't hurt yourself to badly, no need to kill yourself over a ring What're you all doin' now? **turns her head** "Why did you make the ring all bloody?" ((walking??)) Sitting with Alexis. ((reading ... and I know there is stuff that makes Identify more specific and useful . : P)) **standing in the middle of the road** "cause i hate it" *sighs loudly* "If you hate it, why do you keep it?" "Can you test this pull?" ((Gonna roll for it now, Hatch)) "cause its a secret, and i have to know what it knows. (ok roll and tell me priv) **sighs loudly and turns back to the road** **looks at Gohrn** "Is that bow for you?" "Looks like." "can we get going soon?" "Yep. I'm ready." "Why do you intend to use it when your God has provided you with a much more holy weapon?" (The bow feels nearly perfectly weighted to you, and has a great quickness of pull, Gohrn) ((Woo!)) "Ah, a fine bow. My thanks, Alexis> "No problem. Now I need to make another one!" You all notice a sudden stillness in the forest. "That was odd." "i just notice a sudden stillness" "Why's that?" **lip twitches** (( :D )) "Practice. Something to do." "someone realy needs to see whats going on" "YOu have a funny feeling too?" "yes" "What happened to the forest noises? I hear no animals or birds....." *casts shield* ((thanks for reminding me, Bee, ;-))) (casts, wait thats right i dont do that) *sheild is one of the few ways I can get decent AC, but it doesn't last that long* **rubbs her left eye** ((another not so subtle hint about the bracers. ;-))) *picks up a small rock, and tosses it into the trees* hehe A small humanoid dives from the tree ((can't see anything?)) ((Ap!)) He looks up and stares at you. ((what's it look like?)) ((is it yelling kamakazi?)) ((at who?)) hold a sec looking at you, all of you. He's about a foot tall and dressed in baggy brownish clothing. **waves** (roll, Bob) ((Umm.. okay.)) *sigh* Great more death and killing "Hello" (in common and elven) It jumps and dives igahhhh ((Same as before, aiming the same place as before.)) Bob, rolling?? ((Igahhhh is Beholder for "I need Visene.")) (ACK!! uhm okay) ((Umm.. uh oh.)) The arrow zings just over Alexand's head and the little creature dives behind the tree again. ((did I get a good look at it?)) Yep. "Be careful Gohrn!" Please be more careful with those gohrn, they are sharp, you could put out someone's eye *still reading calmly* Short 1' tall humanid in brown baggy clothes. "Missed." ((So give me a description then! ;-))) *walks near where it went* *calming voice* "hello?" ((Did it have odd facial feaTURES?)) Most creatures that tiny, are magical in nature, and not always hostile *sigh* *continues reading* **charges into the bush where it lept** *squeak chitter CHIRP* "Great. I don't speak chipmunk." Dozens of tiny darts come flying from the trees around you all {excuse me?} ((HAHAHA)) "does any one speak chipmunk?" "ARG!" just second... I speak dwarven, but it's not quite the same still busy - speak burrowing mammal gone again okay. Koppy takes 3 points damage Domino takes 1 Alexis takes 2 Bobo takes 2 ((ARG MY STREAK! : _______ ( **makes horrible bestial noises in response** and Alex takes 9. *whoho uninjured* **WAHT ??* And now looks like a porcupine frmo 7 darts in him. ((uh, spoke too sooin. ;-))) ((GRUMBLE I PUT UP A PROTECTIVE SPELL AND I TAKE THE MOST DAMAGE ? ack : P)) ((can we see anything in the trees?)) You now all see dozens of tiny humanoids surrounding the area "Ah nuts." (hehe sorry Bee I rolled two 20's and a 19 on you.) And roll initiative please. :) ((: P)) ROFL "Damn it, we were never in Kansas in the first place!" 3 ((4)) 13 (0) 0 and what? :) ((Speed on bow?)) 7 (7) ((isn't it 8?)) ((12)) yup 8 sorry. Wrong kind. :) ((13 then)) JD? ((You rolled a 5 just like me. ;-))) ((That I did.)) {JD's busy Hatch} ((I think he's afk. He's at work)) gah Okay Becca shoot. :) 15 ((Hey Hatch, am I gonna need to roll damage on these guys? ;-))) hits ac of -1 Targetted at which one? :) (how many? and which is blocking the road?) None on the road. They're behind trees and underbrush. here but no clue what is happening... (any of them different? bigger? ) waht are they? ((We just got attacked by a bunch of little homanoids.)) They all look the same. :) ((Foot high humanoids.) Pick a number between 1 and uhm.. something high ((I can't figger out what they are. Maybe Brownie types)) the closest to me) Okay. You hit. Damage? ((And you took a couple mpoints of damage, JD)) little humanoids - kobolds are pretty common fodder, and I am a little humanoind too - are they kobolds? I DID? I'm pissed 4 plus BWP ((Too small to be kobolds)) 1point, JD> {they're chirping, not barking... not kobolds} It died. Pixie? ((And they chittered, not barking)) ((roll init, JD. ;-))) language similarity to anythign I know hatch? {how many are visiable?} Nothing you know. what die? Lots, Pix. ((d10)) {I cant get a rough estimate?} 8 on d10 ((add weapon speed to that)) dunno what to even use at this point - do I even have a TARGET?? Dozens, Pix. ((there are a couple dozen little things throwing darts at us)) waitasec - they may have attacked us but did they do DAMAGE? Leeeettle tiny darts. (YES) Are we maybe intruding in their territory?? Yes.You took 1 point. ((Bee got hammered)) ((Yeah, Alex took it up the... umm... he got hurt.)) **charge through and attack 2 seperate ones** sigh. (and i already killed one, so probably no point in negotionaions) Okay Go! Hatch, does it look like they are just rying to defend their territory? aw, crap. ok. ac 4 ac -3 uhm well they jumped out of the bushes and mauled you all. Hit, hit. ((Cept me.)) mindless slaughter of D&D. Friggin love it ok, I'll shut up. ((You haven't been playing in this game much. ;-))) ((We only started reall ykilling stuff when you showed up.)) yeah - its called hack and slash, CC. (("Hey, look, an owlbear! Let's kill it!")) Aka if it moves, kill it. ((it attacked first))) ((Nope. We've never attacked anything wityhout being attacked first. ;-))) ok, ok, i get the point. ((Not once)) {did i hit???} Yes, bot hit Pix. ((both hits)) ((Twice, Koppy)) ok, ok, just frustrated because of my boss {oh... missed that} daaamage? :) someone tell me a size so I can decide an attack mode? 6, 6 Dead Dead ((THey're real small)) They're a foot tall. ((smaller than Kobolds)) sprites, brownies, pixies? Two darts zing out from the trees, and poke into the ground. No wings. ((We dunno. ;-))) **roars triumphantly and smiles cruely at the remaining ones** Alexand, goes. :) {moral failure! moral failure !!} ((Koppy's morals are failing again!)) I think you ment MORALE ((Lock up your children!)) {hey!} ((cant cast this round can he?)) BEEEE ((I think it {i dont think so} 's a different round, isn't it?)) I'm here He can, the first attacks weren't part of this round. Attack, Bee. Are they standing together ? Nope. Big ring. Doh, so web wouldn't affect more than one or two, *sigh* Umm, okay, magic missle, 2 seperate targets, whoever's closest to me How big is Web? I forget Or MM, whichever. 8000 cubis feet. ;-) Anyways, I auto hit and .... hehee So, 20x20x20 ((5 points of damage .. and 4 points)) Or 20x10x80 okay *poof!* *plah!* ((that's 16,000. ;-))) Or 40X10X20 Two more fall doh.. hatch can add, really! *yawns and goes back to reading* *laughs manically as the teeny ones are turned to crispy toast* Gohrn gets hit by a dart that sinks in extremely deep. 6 points. ((who next?)) ((Anything that hits Gohrn is a critical. ;-))) (just wait, doing hits.) ((Nothing but the best for me.)) ((hehehehe)) ((how far away are they ?)) Bobo is hit for 1 point. {not very far from me!} ((they're twice as likely to hit me as they are you. ;-))) [I think thats total two pts? ((everyone remember, we all get +1 to hit because of Bless. ;-))) Yes. ((Mmm. Bless.)) Ahh, Domino go. *fires at the one closests to us* ok 13 15 total hit ac 1 ( i think) Hit 2 plus BWP Dies. Bobo Go **smiles knowlingly at the remaining maggots** you knoew my action and when I can do it...IF I can do it... *looks very dissapointed at the futile loss of life* Can't cast after damage. <> sure, domino, in the heat of combat we can see that as well as know why you look disappointed! hehehe (btw, domino, cf "sigh" up, I agree) All because Gohrn is a premature ..... archer ((hey if koppy can smile knowling, i can look dissapointed)) *sighs* Bobo is hit for 4 points. Lexis is hit for 1 point. And Alexis and Gohrn go. okay. :) {lexis, alexis, what?} Hit -3. ;-) {was i hit?} No, Lex was. {or was the character alexis hit?} ((Do I need to bother with damage?)) You hit. {.... so i was hit?} Hit ac 7. ((Lowest I can do is 6)) OWWW!!! bobo staggers um no, Lex. IT's dead. Gohrn damage? {????} 9 ((NO Koppy!)) Okay, it's dead Gohrn. Hit AC 1 {ok... sheesh... someone coulda just said that} what senseless slaughter ...... RUN AWAY why don't you little people ? I diiiid :) OOps, 0. Forgot bless. Pretty sure that missed. AC 10. Roll both of you. nocks :-) yep you missed Gohrn ((roll for what?)) second shot, sorry I was distracted a second. ((I did roll, hit AC 0.)) yep I saw. ((What if I knocked on wood, JD?)) Okay Init again. (BRB) ((How far is the closest one?)) (9) ((9)) Closest? about 50 feet. I refuse to attack them anymore *ducks down behind a rock, and covers up* ((15. Ugh)) 8 The remaining little people charge ((How many did we down last round?)) Lots ((How many are left?)) **roars threateningly** ((Hey, if they're chargin, I drop my bow and draw swords!)) heh Lots still. arows, whenever, two shots, ac 6 and 7 respectively, 2 and 1 point of damage, respectively. oh, joy. ((Just declaring it, already figured it into init.)) ((Should I update my init of just use Bow init?)) Bow. *sighs* such silly little people, you'll just all die *looks very sad* ((kay. 15 stands)) The three near Koppy jump on her legs and poke her with little spears. Doing 3 damage. ((ROFL)) Alexand is charged and pounced by two, doing 4 points. (BACK) bobo doesn't feel good... ((Niiice picture in my head)) ((Umm, ewww.)) Bobo is charged by four but one is cut down by his arrows. One little critter hits for 3 points. Annnddd.... Koppy goes. *is gonna blast the two on him with magic missile* Too late. Took damage, Bee. Koppyyyyyy!! **I know, I mean on my next action : P* ((Like yelling in chat's gonna get her attention.)) Backhanding, slapping, etc the ones on me. Stomping...whatever, hatch.hat init should I roll? You did already, the two arrows. what init...:-) {sorry!!! there was a fly in my room} ROFL!! next round go Pix. ((Roll d10, JD)) Roll init for next round, when next round is here. Actually these things are HOW tall? A foot! {oh far up m\on my legs are they?} {how} theay are almostt o my WAIST... your call hatch - barehanded or sword... (( 1)) one's got your foot, one just poked your thigh and the other is clinging to your belt. ((hey i lost my turn?)) {can i pin one with my foot and pummel the one poking my thigh?} ((Koppy goes before you Becca)) ((Kop had better init)) ((wow slow round)) {there was a fly in my room!!!!} You could pick up one in each hand and throw them? better tha in your soup! ((hehehe)) {but can i pin one?} Not really. Well, I am only about a meter tall - don't think so {ok... uhm.... I'll roll to grapple} Okay. -4 {hum hum ;)} Damage? ((zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)) ;-) 4 You're now grappling with a dead tiny guy. Gohrn and Domino. ((Just what she wanted!)) ;-) Go. **he explodes in my hands, like so many blood sausages** **ew** ((Ah, the FO demo.)) .... next round yet? {i, and the other two are now covered with blood and gore} No, Jd. ((Well, just one.)) Attack, Gohrn. And Domino. {damnit!!! those doesnt faze them at all????} {er... this} ((First one missed.)) (Faze? It's the middle of round 2) What'd you roll? (fires twice at two seperate thingys) -- 12 and 14 (with bonuses 15 and 17) (hit both i belive) nothing added ((A five.)) Damage on both of those, Dom? Ah. Okay roll the other one Gohrn ((she is hoping for a morale loss and a surrender by squishing them hatch)) {hmm... point there hatchie ;)} heheehe Okay, now that hit. hit ac 0. Damage? Domino? 4 and 3 (NOthing on them) Okay. Gohrn? 5 Alexis? You're up. ((do I get 2 attacks or 3 with swords)) ((2, right?)) 2 this round. Okay. :) There's two really clse. Hit AC 6, hit ac 4 Damage? >:) I need to roll???? ;-) Yep. ;) ((DId I kill the one that I hit?)) Yup. I think its hit/dead, claire Wow! Oh yes, thos three all died. Rooooolll damage. :) (how many left?) Damage 13 and 9. okay. One set of legs, one torso, and one red mist. Initiative? ((and the other's still up?)) No ((120) One is severed. ((er 12)) And one is... misty. ;) ok 7 ((Hehehe)) ((1)) ((I keep going laaaast!)) ;-) Dom? Koppy? 10 (using swords now) ok 5 [[ok, heads up - I HAVE to leave after no mor than 30 more. Okay, Alex. {sorry... but i killed the fly!} (ROFL!!) ((EA IT)) (You're a lot like Koppy, you know.) ((ER Eat. ;-) (heelllllp me heeeeeeelllp me , squish) ((2 on me ?)) ((HAHAHAHA)) ((Just one.)) One, Gohrn killed one. ((Oooh, just what Alex has been after this whole game. A two on one! ;-))) There's about 10 around still. ((okay I zap it with MM, total damge is ALEAST 4)) And yo call ME an animal?? rofl!! One steaming misty cloud... And bright flare comes from over by the road. And three fall down. Koppy go? uhm.. miss ((I think something backfired.)) One on your leg, one on your thigh. i missed! oh a rolled a 3 Really? oh... i rolled that is yes, i rolled a three! What AC does that hit? :) 12 no... 11 bless? uhm, that hit. k it did? ROFL! hmmm Yes. ((HAHAHAHAHA)) Not normally, but at this moment, yes it hit. ((Got a AC penalty because they're hanging on you)) 4 points damage.... ((Now that's gotta suck.)) Dead. Gohrn? **shreds him like cheese** OH! Gotcha ((How many are left standing?)) A half dozen or so. ((Koppy's gonna need a bath after this!)) That's a miss... and... hit ac 4 Damage? 5 Dead. Domino? ((Is it implaed on my sickle?)) As you take aim several of them begin turning to run. (YAH) ((Finally!)) Still shoot? Attacks non running ones Okay. ^_^ Roll There's two running towards Gohrn and Alex. hit ac 4 and 5 Damage? 2 with WS and 1 with WS Dead, Dead. Most of them are in full retreat now. Alexis? Defer. ;-) Defer? Guard. ah. Yeah. Guard. ;-) just sec. You feel something light land on your back. And poke you. 2 points. Lex? {does this hurt???? *poke* *poke*} ((It's on my back?)) Poke you with metal stuff!! Yes it's on your back., (stop drop roll and squish) ((I'll reach around and try to grab it)) {or impale!} roll to hit, uhm, +4. What's my THAC0 to grab? Base, + strength. ((rolled a 13)) You're now holding it. :) ((awwwww! ;-)) ROFL! What do you do with it? *twitter SQUEAK* It swings it's tiny spear at you. And flails it's legs. Wanna try to take it's spear. Grab it. ^_^ ((rolled an 11)) {are there any other attacking besides the one on my belt?} (Does everyone still se Domino?) {no} ((No.)) It let go and ran, Pix. ((she fell)) Pull her in again? {why didnt you tell me?} got her You've grabbed it, Lex. They all jumped off. You can go after it. Pulling Dom? Just tried (ok go) Okay you have the spear. you see bobo in the middle of the road hacking on some very dead whatever they are's. do I need to worry about time here? The few remaining ones are running off. **chases after** Nope, combat's ended pretty much initiative-wise. hehe You catch it, Pix. "Whooooooooooooooooop!" k *grabs* ((didn't toss it away, typo)) Roll Pix. for what? grappling? Yup -3 You got it. " i have been SLAIN" {wuz it look like?} "Why would they do something like that?" "Hmmm." "Domino, you ok?" searching whatever I can reach, hatch. I gotta get a move on soon. Maybe because we SHOT at them ? "i actually got hit" "Actually, I was shooting at you. I just missed." It looks like a tiny human dressed in baggy brown clothing, and it's quite dirty. Well then you need to work on your aim a lot more Gohrn, and I'm not volentering brownie? "Awwww.... and just think i was tearing you apart not 2 minutes ago..." "I won't bother to ask." Good, next time don't miss, if you shoot well I won't even notice, I'll just be suddenly dead ((Not acting like brownies. Maybe brownies are different on Trell. ;-))) **attempts to bind it leashlike with my chain belt** {i knew it'd come in handy!!!! ;)} uhm... how exactly, Koppy? "Hmmm. This may work, it may not." [[um, whos the cleric? {welll... how big are the links?} bobo need yor services' ((Gohrn and I can both cast riest spells)) Not that big, Pix. **alexis is busy, right? {then I could loop it around the little bugger and make a knot} ((She's holding a little person. ;-))) {maybe? ;)} Loop it how? :) ghorn can see that bobo is bleeding... ((Hatch, Gohrn cast a Charm on it. ;-))) Yup. He did. {how do i put it on as a belt hatch???} ((Did it work?)) Put on WHAT? Dunno, try and find out. {the chain!} Uhm you wrapped it around your waist. ((Aren't you supposed to roll a save?)) {yessssss....} ((Maybe he did. ;-))) Yes, I did Bob. Yes Pix? The thing is rather smaller than you. ((Oh.)) [[player short on time - characeer down 6-7 points. "Got you a bit then, didn't they?" {you said the links were small} can I interrupt and time shoift a bit? Healed 7 Small for you, but the critter could almost put his hand through a link. bobo feel aw better! :-) ((I put it down, Gohrn)) {hmmmm...} looky! bobo done good! points to remains in the middle of the road - theree of them I think ((that's why I said "was holding")) 3 "very good, Bobo." **carries... whatever it is, back to the rest of the party** ((I just lost JD...)) *not moving* (And anything they might hav had is MINE hatch - going off in search of possible lair... "Look! I got o-.... oh" Healed 6 ouch Okay. "You ok?" You have Tracking Bobo? no *still bleeding* "Those little things didn't like you too much." NOT straying too far from the party ((Lost JD...?)) You don't find anything then. apprently, and I was the only one trying not to kill them I still see him, Bob. "searches for tracks" "Admirable, Alex." ((Apparently, as I see half of the conversation between him and Hatch. ;) )) no trcking, buth there were 20 of them... ((I'll drop.)) ((and yes i have tracking :) ) I mean you don't find a lair. **waves the little guy at Alex** "Well, you have your chance now magician, extract your revenge!!!" thanks, but I seem to find being nice is getting me no where with anyone, maybe I shouldn't bother le's go, dom! ok, hatch ((What did the little guy I put down do?)) It's standing around picking up darts. (did i track anything? do i roll for track?) You have to roll, and tell me what you're tracking. Hatch can yuou pull Bob? (roll what and against what ? :) "Im following the fleeing ones* Woo! The fleeing ones are gone now. *look for tracks from anyone of them* **gets the feeling Alex is going to extract his revenge** **maybe ..... maybe on kopporu** Roll d20 against your WIZ, DOmino *sighs heavily and looks.... questionably on the thing** Healed 7, back to full. Set it down koppy Wisdom -8, Domino. **looks up at Alex** "Why?" Cause I don't need a pet, I've already got you for that, THAT'S why Just do it *grumbles and tries to bandage himself up ...* "Gohrn, do you have any more healing spells?" "Yes I do... why?" "Alex is still leaking a bit." "Oh." **glares at Alex... and slowly squeezes her fist until you hear bones snap and tiny screams from the wee one** **nearly died* 8 (wis is 13) *POP* **GLARES AT KOPPY** It's head flops over "Koppy!" *jaw drops* "Why did you do that?? Domino doesn't find any tracks. *blinks at Alexis* *feels invigorated*' gotta run! bye! LTA! ((bye!)) ((Bye!)) ((BYE HUGS)) **semi standing** {nigt!} "Did you pull out the darts yet?" "what happened, staring at alexis" (Stares and Koppy in utter belief) (er, at Koppy) "That'll be ten gold. Up front, please." defenseless? *pokes at dart wound on alex, how defesneless is that? **squeezes her hand again causing gore to squirt out the sides... looking at Alexis like she's confused* oh .... yeah *pulls out the darts, wincing slightly* Koppy killed one of the defenlessly little things she captured, when I refused to torture it **looks confused at the reactions she's getting** forget it, I do magic free, I'm not going to pay for it gohrn *The little tiny one on the ground stares at Koppy and leaps at her* *walks after alexis" *walks away angry* "Alright." **stares at it blankly** Koppy is hit for 1 ponit and has the critter beating on her upper leg "alexis?" "What?" **cocks her head at it** The critter is using his spear like a climbing spike to move up Koppy. "dont be mad at fuzzy, she like nature, she doesnt really understand" It's rather painful... 3 more daamage. **watching in fascination** It's almost at your shoulders now. Another 3 points. "What a waste." **looks at it curiously** ((Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!!)) It hops up on your shoulder and kicks you in the nose **hahahhahahaha** 6 points. :) ((HAHAHAHAHA)) "ow!" Your nose starts to bleed quite hard. It winds up and hits you in the back of the head with the side of it's spear. 4 points. *shakes his head8 ((rolled a 15. ;-))) Roll,... *klunk* "oiyk!!!" uh you got him. You took it away. :) ((Rolled a 15 again. ;-))) "I think it still likes you." *CHIRP!* It smiles and gestures rudely at Koppy. ((HAHAHAHAHAHA)) "Yeah, I know. But, whaddya do?" *chirp chirp skitter!* *doesnt comprehend the gestures** "Alright, little guy, you better get out of here..." It looks at you. It bounces off into the underbrush and vanishes **flicks blood clots** (hehe, you ARE a blood clot, Pix) (And you're bleeding heavily) Healed 2. **looks dumfoundedly at her many wounds** ((okay, only 5 hp left to heal then__ ((we sure are a fun group!)) 'i have a feeling, i know what this ring is' What is it ? well, im no longer wounded You aren't ?? no, im not Hmm, probbaly a ring of regeneration, it's turned on by a serious injury "Handy." **bleeds quietly** "This is pointless. Let's continue on our way." "would someonehelp fuzzy before we go" "I can't do anything for her right now." **cocks her head curiously at Alexis' statement** "Well, this won't cure injury, but you'll feel better." "Ladies first." 'If you can wait until tomorrow can help you then." **makes a puzzled look** ((Heh. Rolled a 1.)) ((ROFL)) {uhm... what does that mean? ;)} ((You get one "bonus" hp.)) Effectively nothing. :) Which wears off in like 4 minutes. ((Oh, really?)) Yeah. :) ((No it doesn't)) {my bleeding stopped!!!! ........ oh wait, there it goes again} ((they only go away if they exceeded their natural max.)) (Something like that. Itdoesn'tlastl long) The hp only lasts the duration of the spell. ((It does. But, I still cast it.)) ((I guess I misread the descrip.)) {uhm.. .are we stopping anytime soon? cause i havnt slept since 3PM yesterday} {an i have to go to school....} yes Pix you can go. :) ((Yipe!)) (yes stop) {yay} {do i get any exps for being myself? ;)} Not yet. ah poo... ... hehe Night Kop! wait, that means I DO get point fro rping?? ((Night! HUGS)) It's really really not worth the xp tonight. Of course. :) heck! I should rolling in it... erm... not that all of you shouldnt be either ;) anyway, night! Sleep well! It's day 7 out of Kanth. March 2nd. :) And Koppy is still wounded. *whines* **serves the horrifying munchkin right** ((and Alexis can't do anything about it)) No, it's the next day now. So, Everyone who's wounded gains 2hp from sleeping the night. {so we all gain 2 htpts?} Which is why it's day 7. Yes. :) ((are we waking up now?)) **grumble......hungry : (**\ *yawn* Yes, you woke up, done all your stuff. **yawwwwwwwwwwwwwn** err yawn I'll sleep in your tent ; ) ((where is everyone sleeping? I'm in my tent.)) ((Wait, 2 nights now?)) ((hungry really? EAT!)) One night! The fight was on day 6. ((I was gonna Cure Light Koppy after the first night)) {on the ground with a blanket} ((no food ..... back to one meal a day life again )) This is the day -after- the fight. ((k)) ((i cast 2 cure lights on Koppy on day 6. Healed 4 and 5. ((lets get some where today, lets get moving)) Wakes everyone up but koppy, we all go marching on to where we were going Okay ((But you just said it was 2 nights.)) ((I'm confused)) {mewtwo} Morning of day 8. All wounded have another 2 hp. ((who cares what night it is)) ((isnt tha a pokemon? mewtwo?)) ((yes it is, very good b : D)) Have to track healing. :) ((It's important for how healed we get and whether or not I cast healing spells on Koppy)) ((hehehhehe)) {erm... i mean, me too ;)} {heehee, someone got it ;)} ((Mewtwo is the ....... *stops before people realize he knows pokemon*)) uhm.. I'm having server problems.. ((not hurt :) )) hehe ((all healed)) ((I healed Koppy for 4 and 5 the day after the fight. ;-))) Okay, day 8? Casting spells? {still hurtin} ((Nope)) ;-) Nope? ((Unless someone's still hurt. ;-))) Koppy is severely hurt. :) She's 11 higher than she was before... {im all blood gunky} 13 higher. She should be 13 higher. ((let her sit, might teach her something)) ((sighs. Okay, I'll cast another one. Didn't know she was THAT hurt. ;-))) She was poisoned for 20 alone. :) ((healed 6)) ((she ignored being stabbed near to death for some reason)) Those gremlins hurted. okay End of day 8.... JERMILAINES : D Jermlaines are a class of gremlins. :) ((scorp)) {the scorpion} Morning of day 9! Two more hitpoints. I TOLD you not to touch it fuzzy ((who poisoned her???)) ((Bob and I each cast 2 cure lights on her after that fight.)) (are we walking or sitting???)) ((walking I would think)) Ah, well the gremlins stabbed her repeatedly. :) Walking? {and kicked me in the nose (ow!)} And hit you in the head, and stabbed you three times ((going toward are destination or are we just sitting healing)) walk walk walk? ((we're going)) You're walking, not sitting in the same place. ^_^ {we've been walking} Over a week along the small road to Callison, and three days into the lower hills you see a short human girl with blond hair in a dark blue cloak sitting on a large branch that reaches across the road. **my sword is so beautiful ... wow//// **oops** *stops* **continues walking oblivious** She slips backwards, rolling off the branch, heading head first at the ground. Her arms spread like she dove from a cliff, she hits the ground and sinks in as if it weren't even there. *steps back a few feet from the others* **whoho ! someone that might be interested ! (rushes in to help)** woah *stops* *blinks* *looks very skeptacal* "Hmm." darn ..... she might have been cute *be careful" It slides into nothing. Just dirt. **walks over to the 'spot'** *throws alexis one end of my rope* {how hard is the dirt?} "That was odd." very It's road dirt. :) {that doesnt help} Hard packed "i could do that trick with a few mirrors" I'd like to see that sometime, I could do that with a spell, but not one I have "You think it was a trick? A trap, maybe?" **looks at the tree** {how high up was the branch?} About 15 feet up. "alex, can you feel magic?" "yes, a trick" *casts detect magic* **goes to the trunk of the tree and attempts to climb up** You see a small shimmer off in the trees, but it's faint. You climb up easily. ((WOO alex got it)) ((oro ?)) ((Who sees it, me?)) ((who sees the shimmer ?)) Everyone roll surprise? **looks around in the tree** The person who can detect magic. ;) ((how do you do that?)) 1d10 *points toward shimmer* Rolled a 1. Good or bad? What's your dex? **7** {7} Claire? dex? 3 {great... and im in the tree ;)} 17 Okay. {my dex is 16} You are the only one who is somewhat surprised that someone appears behind you and punches you wildly.. doing... ah, no damage. ^_^ But you feel weaker. ((Hey!)) ((heheheheh)) ((big dumb head!)) (What's your strength?) ((You don't know what it is? :-))) **peers down from the branch** "eh?" 98? ((nods)) ((dont elves get a bonus on suprise?)) {you werent suprised ;)} Yes. You wren't surprised. ((oh good!)) ((just lil old me ;-))) Alexis was mildly surprised. ^_^ {ok, so what exactly is happening?} And there's now a blond girl standing behind Alexis. ((I just thought of a insane secondary char, incase alex gets boring/dead)) ((okay, she hit my friends .... not cute)) {its just a little girl!!! ;)} *runs to where alex pointed in the woods* ((Uhm, does she react at all?)) ;-) ((yeah right, and koppy is the most intellegent well spoken and kind being in the universe)) {hmph... you dont have to insult my character} Domino sees a man who has just hurled several objects into the clearing. {:p} ((just your char, not you pan : ) )) I'm working as fast as I can. :) {not fast enough!!!!} {;)} shh I need initiative. 8 11 {crap!!!} (0) ((3)) ((Bu tyou need to tell me how she reacted to my sticking the sword point towards her throat?? ;-) She jumped backwards and her form blurs slightly. Okay Domino can shoott. ((kay thanks)) ;-) ((Grr, nasty girl hit cute warrior woman ..... Alexand hurt !)) ((hehehe)) Dom? ((im going to play annie oakley and shoot first ask questins next tuesday)) Fires at the man Roll ((rofl)) (16) Thac0? with modifers? or straight? Modified. 13 im thinking maybe 14 :( sorry ah.. (only with crossbow though) kay You hit. Damage? 4 :) wooo (BWP) 4+1 or 4? oops 5 sorry k Okay, he throws three darts into the clearing. ((i sure hope he is a bad guy :) )) One misses Alexand, but Koppy and Alexis are hit. ((oh wait .... grr nevermind 2nd char : P)) ((bad guy)) {im in the treeeeeeee!!!!} WHOHO ! I got missed ! {dont i get a cover bonus or something?} You did., {humph!} Koppy takes 6 points, Alexis takes 5. And save vs poison please. penalties? If no penalties, I saved. none.ok ack it's a male dart version of domino ! run ! **ooc : )** {1} ((DANG, how does a dart do 1d6 and a quarrel does 1d4??? Has bonuses. Does 1d3. Koppy, you failed. ^_^ ((strength bonuses sadly)) ((And hand quarrels suck. ;-))) {i know!} ((venoms dont :) )) They do same damage as darts almost. ((exactly. ;-))) ((very true : D)) {AHEM!} Okay. Alexis you go at the same time as the girl. ((They're really only good as a medium to deliver poisons. ;-))) ((koppy explodes like so much blood sausage as the poison races through her system and explodes her heart and other organs .....................)) ((little bitch. ;-))) Okay. Roll. {you wouldnt want that Alex.... I have a worse backup character i assure you} Hit AC 4, Hit AC 1 ((depends on what I consider worse pan ; D)) Miss, Miss. ((and yes I changed my str mods. ;-))) ((doh!)) ((when do I go ?)) So... oer... Alex goes! ((hatch do i have to roll intiv for my second shot?)) *^_^* (Yes, Becca) ((ROFL)) ((Yeah, you skipped alex! :-)) MM both shots, right at the girl Okay. auto hit, roll damage ? Sure. ((cant you tell people that your fighting an illusion or a displaced person???)) ((..... whoho ! 10 points)) ((She's obviously displaced. ;-))) They're not displaced. ((Or she just cast blur)) ((But she's NOT an illusion)) Okay, Alexis save vs spell? ((MM still hits displaced, blurred or otherwise, if she's there, it hits)) Saved. ;-) ((who cast it??)) The girl After getting damaged by Alex?)) {she could have a wand or something} Yes, ((Good point. Welol, saved anyways. ;_)) Alexis takes 21 points as two bolts of fire hit her. ((grumble)) {holy schnikies!!!!} ((yipe. ;-))) Koppy go. ((Jump on her head!)) (Becca, init for second shot?) {could i land on her? (good idea CC ;)} Yep, jump. Roll to hit. ((hey i still get to fire again :P)) (9 for second shot) Ah okay you shoot. {any bonuses to hit?} Dex. :) ((Koppy has Specialization in dropping on people's heads! ;-))) {so with a 16 dex i get +1 right?} yes {i rolled 15, ac 3} DANG so close 19 Koppy, you miss. Becca, you hit. DOh Hatch? yes? ((grumbles)) ((That second sword shot of mine hit AC0, not AC 1. Oh well. ;-))) "oiye... my back..." hehe, still miss. :) (2 +1 = 3 plus bwp) okay To who? The man? man okay Init again. ((she's not hittable for some reason, no matter what you roll)) yes she is. ((how close am i to the man?)) ((wow ... 2 ! : D)) 7! {5} Close. **starts breathing heavily** (short sword speed?) 3 {4 maybe?} {er... nevermind ;)} (6) okay aAh, Alexand. ((HIT HER!) {she must have bracers of defense ac 2 and a bigass dex bonus or something} hehe Aaaaalex? ((well if I get to go this turn, I have 3 tries to crack that shell of hers. ;-))) I cast web and center it so koppy and alexis are JUST outside of it, but the woman is ! Roll intelligence. Ahhh... Koppy is behind her **howls and screeches in a bestial manner** Alexis is in front. *sigh* *rolls .. 12 under int* oh lord. {*whimper* } Well, they're on opposite sides of the girl. That's a GOOD roll Still wnt to cast? Hrm .... sure : ) Okay. Who do you want webbed, Koppy or Alexis? {we're a chick sandwhich you relize} ((Hehehe)) she shouldn't be able to move in the web koppy, alexis could hit the girl with her bow and not koppy Okay. The area is now Webbed. ((Uhm, I can't draw my bow)) ((I'm not strong enough. ;-))) *giggles* *GRUMBLE* *then STAB her, I STILL want to immobilize her** ((kay. ;-))) Koppy? dear god he giggled **look of complete shock crosses her face.... and then one of rage** {uhm... can i move?} ((Too bad Koppy's in there or we could light it on fire. ;-))) You can move at 1 foot per round. You're 5 feet from the edge, and about 2 from the girl. ((cut koppy out, leave girl, BONFIRE)) **moves one foot closer to the girl howling and screaching and looking extremely pissed** ((technically I should have been able to form a TALL web that wouldn't have gotten koppy)) Oka Domino? (Nope, 10foot x 10foot x20 squares) *attacks with both swords vs the dart guy* (er, x8 quares) Okay roll attack. ((That's the only form it can do ?)) Yes. 4 and 16 Minimum is 10foot x 10foot x8 Ah, one hit. Damage? ((10 x 10 x 80, you mean. ;-))) miss and i hit ac 1 i think yes yes (No, x8. you make 8 10 x 10 squares) ((I can form a web minimum 10 feet across)) 4 +1 okay. ((which would make it 10 x 10 x 80. ;-)) ((It has to be a minimum of 10 feet on EVERY side, Bee) ((doh nevermind Alexis and the girl go again. ((How far into the web is she?)) A few feet. ((Like how many> :_))) 3 feet. ((if she has LESS than 13 str, she is stuck)) (hit her) ((I cant get to her yet.)) Silence? ((wait.)) (she might have a wand, not a spell caster) No, hold person. Not silence okay ((IS she holding a wand?)) no, she's not. {magical jewlery is a possiblity} ((necklace of missiles)) (Not those missles. They were arrows) ((But if she uses something that shoots fire, you two go up like a pyre)) (but is a missle firey?) So what did you cast Claire? Hold Person Okay. Three magic missles fire out of the webs. Alexis takes 6 Alexand takes 2 The man draws a heavy sword and attacks Domino. {like a two handed sword?} he hits ((GRR !!! she's 2 levels higher than me !)) "OW" doh, Domino takes 6 points. ((initivtive?) yes Ha! 6! {5} ((9)) (6) Okay. Alexand and Alexis. Dex checks. 11 under dex Okay. (( 7 under dex)) ((grr magician girl ... how did she get so hard to hit)) The ground has become very slippery and you're hving trouble balancing. {grease!!!!} Hehehehe (does it extend to me?) ((grease, great : P)) ((LOVE that spell!)) No, Becca. Ah, Koppy go. {Go grease lightening, go grease lightening!} You can hit the girl this round. {uhm.. can i move and attack?} {oh ok} No, but you don't have to be touching her to attack. :) **moves up a foot and tries to grab the girl** Roll. ((WHAT is koppy doing ??)) (she is grappling) ac 1 Got her. Damage? ((That damn web. ;-))) 4 damage, and i have her in a head lock ((grrr, you weren which can be maintained 't doing much better cc)) "GRAAAAAARGH!!!" okay ((I coulda pounded on her last round, I had 3 attacks! :-))) Domino and Alexis. ((I take it she fizzled my spell?)) **snorts and snarls in a very unbecoming manner** The grease? Nope. Not fizzled. ((is there an advantage in saving an attack to parry or can i do that??)) ((well then, what happened to my hold?)) You can save one to parry. Apparently nothing. :) ((Did she save)) yes ((Guess she did.)) ((hear me hathc?)) Yes. You can save an attack to parry. ((is there a bonus to dodge if dont take both attack?)) No hit ac 1 hit Damage? 3 + 1 okay um 3 +1 okay The man attacks Domino again. okay?? ((parrying)) You did 4 points. yes. Okay, roll to hit. 14 Okay, you block his sword. Alexand. my thaco with sword is like 16 yes/ Big sword. Slow. Alexand? I'll cast acid arrow on the girl Okay. Roll. 15 {WHAT????} ((what ?)) You roll to hit with acid arrows. :) ((Koppy's hugging her. ;-))) {...} What AC would that hit? ((well with like a normal weapon, that would hit ac 5 : P, guess I'm a bad shot even with spells)) {i hope it doesnt splash} ((well magic missle had no effect, and a fire spell would roast you koppy)) Dex bonuses count too, but it misses and vanishes. Okay, end of round. Koppy takes 2 points damage **sigh** Alexis takes 2 points damage. {uhm... i rather you cast something at the big man!} ((how can she have a dex bonus in a web??)) Initiative? {ack!!!} No, Alexand has one to hit her. :) ((5)) **rages incohereintly** (7 with crossbow, 2 shots) ((well then it hits ac3 then)) Still miss. ((WHAT the heck is this girls AC and how'd she get it)) AC is currently ah. 2. {uhm... i rolled a 6, and im in a hold...} 7. ;-) Okay, Alexand. Umm, I'll try magic missle again ((How do you know magic missiles have no effect?)) okay ((hey, can I hear Koppy raging Incoherently? ;-))) hehe Everyone can. :) 7 damage {yes you can ;)} any effect ? You cant see her in the web well enough to tell. Koppy? ((???)) **maintains headlock** yes? Damage? 5 damage Domino and Alexis go. "N'gah y'ha-nthlei eh-ya-ya-ya-yahaah!!!!!!" ((So I guess my Silence spell had no effect either???)) She hasnt' cast anything. *fires both bolts* ((But I can hear Koppy.)) ((it's a level 5 or 6 god mage !)) ((None of us could hear her if it had worked)) ack. No you CAN'T hear her ((so there! :-p)) I forgot it was radius. sorry. ((HA!!!)) Roll to hit Domino? {but you can see her mouth movin ;)} ((How far is the fight between domino and the guy from me?)) About 50 feet. Just into the trees. (13 and 19) BWP (last one) and scorp) ahhh... 13 hits ac 2? or 1? hits 2 Okay, the second one hit. damage? 3+1 (scorp) He falls to the ground. **mouths obscenities that would make you and all your pets catch on fire** ((HAHAHA)) *doesnt hear* ((NO WAY!)) Koppy, you take 1 point damage and the girl breaks away. Initiative again. :) {i have a 17 for holding you relize} {17 str} {riiiiight?} (*sigh* Becca killed a 6th level fighter on her OWN you know!) (Yes, I know Pix) ((Becca ROCKS!)) Initiative. :) {4} 8 ((WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! )) wow, and we are having SO much trouble with the lvl 6 mage girl, GRR (8) alexand? (sword) ((If she's 3 feet into the web, can I stick her? ;-))) Yes. ((With my sword? :-))) But she's facing you. :) 6 Yes, with the sword. {uhm... who's going?} ((ask Hatch. ;-))) Okay Koppy go. (I was adding initiatives) **attempts to punch her punk-ass out** ((Bitch slap her!)) Roll. :) ac 1 You hit. Damage? ac 6 Miss. 6 damage okay Alexand? {wow, i missed even though her back is to me, and she's stuck in a web} ((u suk)) err, she's got a lot of HP for a mage {must be that 19 con ;)} ((HAHAHAHA)) :) ((WOuld be a waste on a mage. ;-))) ((is there a wand of missle turning?)) {not on a fighter/mage ;)} Alexand does something? ((good point. ;-))) Try Acid arrow again Okay Rol roll 18 to hit AC? did .... got 18 And that hits what AC? umm, ac 0 Okay, damage? don't know acid arrow damage 2d4 6 okay The girl stabs at Koppy with a short sword and hits. ((WHY won't she DIE ! grr)) 7 points damage. You haven't done much to her. :) ((She has her back to me now!)) **clicks her teeth at the pain** Domino and Alexis? *YELLS* " do i have to kill EVERYBODY?" ((stabs at her twice Roll, both of you. If you're attacking, Dom.:) Hit ac -4, hit ac 0. ;-) ((Ha!)) doh Both hit. {poor girl} ((im guarding)) Okay Becca {she's going to splatter all over me} Damage 4+3, 5+3 okay Initiative. :) {owtch! 15 damage} 11 ((woulda been 19 but she hit me with a weakness spell)) {she doesnt fall backwards into me?} Init? No, she doesn't. {this is some monster woman!} Init 11 {10} (8) ((this is impossible for even a warrior/mage at this point, kind of rediculous)) No, it's not. ((we've done like 40 damage or more)) You guys haven't done much damage. The magic missles didn't do anything. (( you think)) {ring of regeneration maybe ;)} {maybe she swallowed one} Not enough time has passed for that. ((TOLD you, grrr)) Initiative, Alexand. We've done 36 damage to her yep {she only has a little more htpts than i do... and she's like 3 levels higher than me ;)} You have better Con. Initiative? ((even at double my hp, and I'm near max, she should be dead or almost)) ((7)) She's more than double. Then she is more than level 6 {maybe she's something weird like... a villichi or something} Okay, the girl slices her way out of the web and then attacks Alexis with a trident. (Or she's multiclassed. ;-) And misses. Alexand? {a trident???} {woo!} where the heck did she get the trident ??? **look of suprise** umm grrr, acid arrow again She had it all the time, just wasn't holding it. Roll hits .... ac 4 **mouths** 'you use a trident too??????' You miss. Ah, Domino? ((HAHAHA)) yes? Doing anything? ((i wanna splatter this bitch! :-))) (can i attack her with swords?< i was right at the edge of the web) Yes, you can Roll. ;) {short swords? i doubt it} {short swords????} Her form is slightly blurred still. ^_^ ((she hacked her way out)) 15 and 15 And she's moving very fast. AC 0? 1? 1 i think Missed her Ah... Koppy? {uhm... can i follow where she hacked out?} yup ((DON"T HUG HER!)) {oooh... does so!} {why not?} Roll then. :) ((Cause I have 3 attacks and I don't wanna hit you!! :-p)) **grabs her anyway** hehe roll :) >:) ((Hope I don't accidentally kill ya, Koppy. ;-))) ac -1 doh! uhm you hit {yeah baby!} damage? 3 **Kopporu trips her** ok Claire? (so the bitch is on the ground right in front of me?) yep. ((too perfect. ;-)) Wellll? Roll? ((DOH!)) O_o (Uhm, let's try that again. ;-)) heheheh {if you rolled a one, you stabbed your foot ;)} (Mucyh better. ROlled 19. Forst roll was a 3. ;-)) shoot AC less than 0? {forst heehee} 7+3 damage She died. ^_^ dammit... WAY less. -4 she crackles briefly with energy and a field around her fades. **looks startled at Alexis' act** *runs over to the fighter* *puts foot up on his chest and says MINE!" hheheeehehheheh Um okay we have to finish next time cause I'm WAY tired now. {did you take out your sword?} (CAN I PLEASE loot my fighter? it will kill me to wait) ((Not yet)) hehe okay just sec < gah! **walks up to the body and lifts up the sword** no, really we have to wait I can't do it now. Okay. ;-) **looks disgustedly at Alexis' search** night hatch night Night! ;-) pause a sec night! *Searches ((just for good measure)) the fighter* uhm... shouldnt someone save??? Shhhh!