Alpha enters the chat ((hugs)) hugs Frightened you should not be, m'lady. i get scared :( So do I. This isn't something to be scared about. I can be scared, because I have to react to what you do. i m still getting rid of people ;) okay. ready anytime. okay loading my stuff now. ooh loading :) hehe should have done it a minute ago, The darkness of the night is close around you, you can feel the chill of the cool early spring air. Your gaze drifts over the still night, watching a few trails of smoke drift upwards into the clear night sky. You fix your eyes on your target for your night's journey. Your sharp vision cuts through the darkness, staring into the dark windows. The house is empty, you're sure because you've spent the last two weeks listening to rumors and quietly speaking with staff of the house and political friends of Newmark's. Ripe for your talented hands, the darkened house awaits you. Wary for watchers, you check the street one last time before dropping down from your perch on the low roof across the street. (ok) *slowly skulks across the street staying in shadows* (wow, it's funny, i've never seen you n/a before) ((dont want to be bothered)) (yep.. doh, loading one more thing) Make a move silent check *sneak sneak sneak* B? ((making it trying to be fast about it)) (okay) (do you know how to do it?) (yes) (ok) (passed) (okay) ((sorry it took so long i will be faster :) )) You're standing in the alley on the west side of the house. You can go to the front, rear, or up. :) (s'ok) Up is always better *whispers* Goes up climb walls then. :) (easily passes) heh, okay. You're on the roof now. Carefully looks for a opening, also looking for traps No obvious traps, there's a door set into the roof on the far side of you. attempts to get to the door avoiding light sources It's dark, except for the moons, and there's no lights up here. You get there easily. ((yeah)) *checks the door carefully, and after that i will see if it is locked* Check for what? traps, alarm bells anything that i can check for. trip lines roll to find trapps then. (( my char is roll heavy )) :) You're breaking in. :) failed :( how much? needed a 5 % and rolled like a 24 You found no traps (oh, when you roll for thief skills, can you tell me how much you pass or fail by?) sure sorry :) (np) *checks to see if the door is locked* It opens when you pull onit. *loosens a short sword in its scabbard on my back and peers throught the open door, if it is dark will use elf infravision * It looks like a storage space. You see a lotta boxes and stuff. "loot" *whispers* Too much to carry. :) Drop down? Want to look what it is first might not want some of it It's a room full of stuff. You can look around, but you have to go in first. *jams the door open, and goes inside* Okay. *looks around* It's darker in here, and it smells musty, the air is still and dry. You see countless boxes and cases. *checks for any openings or doors other then the one i entered in* There's a door on the east wall. And two windows on the north and west wall. *checks just a few boxes* ((anythign in a box?)) You find a lot of paintings, small sculptures, and various knicknacks. "junk and too large to carry, much better stuff awaits" In one box, you find stacks of writing. *scans over the writing* It appears to be a family tree and history. *can i read what family?* The Newmark family. "my marks for the evening, might be something of intrest here" *how many papers?* Hundreds, thousands. It's a very old collected work. Further to the bottom, the papers get older and more yellowed. "these people are very anal, leaves the junk nd goes to the door" (lol) okay, you're at the door. *attempts to listen at the door* detect noise? ((rolling)) 25 detect noise rolled a 16 You hear silence. ((rolling for traps)) (failed by 30 points) You notice no traps. *tries the door* The knob turns easily. "very sloppy" whispers *peers out into the room beyond* It's a hallway. *do i see anything moving?* Nope, nothing moves. enteres the hallway, stays pressed against the walls* ((what is the lightening conditions?)) Pretty much pitch darkness. ((WOO)) (heh) *looks at the hall* You see two doors on one side, one not far from you, the other down near the end. On the otherside is a single door about halfway down, and an open passage at the far end. "descions descions" *whispers* *goes to the door not far from me and checks it for traps* (failed by only 12 that time)) No traps. Door isn't locked. listens *succesful by like 20 points* Silence inside. Opens the door You see a giant closet. "great im stuck in storage" "how do i find the bank" *Whispers* (hehe) *checks the closet for any valuables* You see a lot of really nice linens and towels. In the very back are various cleaning things. "this people REALLY need to get more stuff" *whispers* *closes the door and heads down to the far end of the hallway* okay You passed a door. (oops) The one on the other side of the hall, halfway down. "now do i want to go into every door?" *whispers* "probably the royal bathroom" *goes back to the missed door* k *traps - failed by 22 listens - passes by like 40* you find no traps, no noise. Opens the door You seeeeee... "just watch, its going to be the bathroom" A giant bedroom with a dividing wall about two thirds the way down, a simple archway in the middle of it. "YES" *quietly* *enteres the bedroom* *looks carefully for any furinture or chests* Lotsa really nice furniture, paintings (fairly cheesy), and a small wooden chest in front of a desk. *checks behind all the paintings close to me* You see walls that are slightly whiter than the rest of the wall. ;) *checks the door every once in awhile, maybe every minute just to make sure no one gets me by suprise* okay *rifles through the any of the furniture that might hold valuables* You find 2 gp in a velvet chair. "finally" heh Checks the chest for traps Good goobley Passed :) How much did you pass by? ((pan watch?)) (yep,it's okay) (( by 2 points)) Kopporu enters the chat hehe, okay, you find a small metal wire between the lid and the base of the chest. "tricky, very tricky" *tries to disarm the wire* It's built inside the chest, you can open the lid about half an inch before it would pull on the wire. *failed but only by 8 points)) Make intelligence check., {hope you're a smart girl! ;)} Passed easy (by like 5 points) You think cutting the wire carefully would work to disarm *uses my handed thieves tools to cut the wire* (arg! I've never rolled so many 20's on this die before!!!!) okay, you cut the wire. ((is that good or bad the 20s?)) *opens the chest* (I'm rolling treasure tables, and 20 always means "DM's Choice" I hate that.) {depends on who's point of view you look at it from ;)} You find an odd assortment of things. ((like assortment)) *looks at whats in the chest* There's a silver knife, three small bottles, a leather pouch, a small velvet pouch and a scroll. *takes it all* "come to mama" okay {heehee} *opens to the pouch* *the pouch* (which one?) (velvet) {bluuuuuuuuuuuue velvet....} Inside is a fine powdery substance. *closes it up tight* {*raises eyebrow*} *opens the second pouch* It has a handful of coins inside. "ill count you later" *closes the pouch" *makes one last look at the bed room* *checks for hidden doors* Nope. You notice the archway behind the desk. ((um what is that like a opening?)) yeah, like a doorway with no door in it. (ahh) {a big hole in the wall ;)} *looks carefully through the arch way* It's a big bathing room. :) "did i tell you tis woudl be the bath room" *whispers to know one* you were half right. ;) well, 2/3rds right, actually. *makes a quick check for valuables * {gasp! she's talking to herself... first sign of madness ;)} The fireplace and the desk catch your eye. ((in a bathroom?)) {LOL} In the other room. *^_^* THere's a big mirror in the bathing room, that's about all that's interesting. {unless she wants to take a shower ;)} A bath. *Checks the fireplace* *sifts through the ashes and checks the vent* " Your hands get dirty. :) "im just to through" *checks the desk for traps and fail by 15* No traps. (hey, why not look above the fire place?) *opens the drawers or what not on the desk* The drawers are now open. (( i looked in the vent above it , or do you mean like a hearth?)) uhm, that little shelfy thing above fireplaces. :) {is she leaving hand prints all over the place???? ;)} Big dirty ashy ones now. {LOL} ((you never told me about any hearth :P)) ((hearth = shelf thing)) I thought that was normal for a fire place. *^_^* *checks the hearth* er, actually, mine doesn't have one. {I didnt know thats what a hearth WAS ;)} You see a small statue of a dragon carved from a dark stone of some sort. It's eyes catch the light from the windows, reflecting faint red specks around the room. "i like nicknacks, thismight look good above MY fireplace" *pockets the statute* {she's talkin to herself!!!! ;)} ((yes she is :P)) {teehee} (Sooooo????? what's wrong with that?) {nothing, im just being a goober! ;)} (gooober!) {thats me!} (you're a goober scooper!) ((can i pick up the statue or is it to big?)) It's about 1 foot tall. Nice and stealable. er, "portable" *steals it* :) (make a uhm.. thieving skill check... ;) ) ((What??)) hheeh jk! ((hehehehh)) (oh, question about your bolts!) ((sure)) (Do you have any poisoned right now? and are they separate from unpoisoned ones?) i have poisonsed ones 1/4 are poisoned with black widow venom, 1/4 are poisoned with um giant toad venom i think. rest are not poisoned) (okay) {owtch!} (wolf spider or catfish? Yuo don't have giant toad stuff.) (well, not on the one I have. ^_^) ((sorry :) )) ((let me look) (okay,np) Giant Centipede poison Paralyze, 1d6 rounds (okay) 5 bolts with that (okay.) ((5 bolts with Black Widow toxin)) (ya, okay, we can continue now) *checks the desk again* okay You find a lot of desky things, papers, a nice quill and some ink and a small book. ((anything to find)) :) {ooooh book} *looks at the book* {Herbert's Hairraising Adventures? ;)} You also find a plain beaten silver ring in one corner of the drawer. It's title is a language you don't recognize. *pockets the ring* "waste not want not" *grabs the book too* "its small" *exits the way i came in, careful to check the hall first* ok ((anyone lurknig about?)) (nope) {not including yourself ;)} *sneaks to the last door in the hall* ok ((check my litnay of rolls, traps failed by 19, listens passes by whoa 30)) hehe, you hear a faint scratching inside the room, down on the floor. no traps "no way i could shut a dog or pet up with out killing it" *opens the door anyways :) * {heehee} Something small and grey chirps and scurries across the room. It dissappears under a bed. {noooooooo... not more animals!!! ;)} "they REALLy should have this place checked for rodents" *whispers* lol From under the bed there's a growl, and the grey critter scurries back out. And past your feet, into the hall. *Pulls both short swords* {better hope its not a familiar ;)} A little fuzzy white cat bolts out from under the bed, skittering to a stop at your feet. *steps back away from the cat* *looks around the room some, not letting the cat get to close* The little cat looks up at you, then rubs against your legs. (fast cat)) (all cats are) {except the overly fat ones!} (this is a small fuzzy one.) "i probably regret this" pets the kitty, but Also look around :P* {heehee} You see a dresser, a closet and a bed. The kitty purrs and rubs against you. It mewls softly. ((kopporu gets a hot elf and i get a cat)) (rofl!!!) (Claire got a giant pussy!) {LOL} (heheh) {well.. er... Im sorry! ;)} Checks the the dresser Lotsa clothes. Mens clothes... and some leather stuff. "so this guys into bondage eh" And in a bottom drawer, some womens clothes {on the bottem???? the PIG! ;)} The clothes are from a wide array of styles and fashions. {gotta keep the woman down eh? ;)} All look like they'd fit a fairly slim human male Even the womens' clothes. "tsk tsk" (But let's not get into Sven's private life.) *checks the cloths for any spare change :) * Nope... * checks the closet* {pocket lint! ;)} (Are you looking just in the drawers?) More clothes. And shoes. More shoes than any guy would evr have. "clothes horse" *check inside the shoes* (( very sexist there evil DM)) :P {LOL} (hey, there's a -lot- of shoes!) ((hehehh)) {oooh... good call, looking in the shoes ;)} *looks for the kitty* (two of the shoes each have 1 pp inside them.) The kitty is still following you where ever you go, rubbing your legs. When you bend down, it tries to jump into your lap. (my cat was being a pest when i was writing) ^_^ *leaves the closet, pulls the dresser awway from the wall. checks for anythign out of the ordianry* {it shows!} When you pull on the desk, a small wooden case falls to the floor. ((you cat is nice :) )) It was sitting on top of the dresser. (my cat is a fuzzy pain in the thigh) *checks the case* Traps and just a description oh, sorry, it broke open. *^_^* *looks to the spille dout contents then There's a lot of silver and gold earrings and a few necklaces. "i woudl look so much better then sven in these" *pockets the jewerly* *looks for secret doors* nope *grabs the cat and goes back to the hall, looking carefully for people in the hall* The kitty purrs and butts it's head against your chin. No people *goes down the hall, sticking to shadows* You're at the end of the hall In front of the archway ((im confused? where havent i gone?)) Through the arch. looks through it carefully You see stairs. ((down?)) Yep *goes down them* The cat jumps out of your arms and onto your shoulder. Halfway down the stairs, you hear a soft *squee!* (( the uv guy? :) )) {LOL} (lol. nope) *stops* listens for the squee and tries to find which direction You hear someone swear softly, then muffled footsteps Down past the bottom of the stairs. Pulls one sword. attempst to get closer What about the cat? *drops teh cat off up the stairs* okay The cat mewls. ((that cat is going to get me killed)) {mwahahah ;)} (comic relief!) *stands very still, hopes no one heard the cat, waits for a few seconds* Nothing happens. *then sneaks up on the location from where the swearing came from* okay. ((lightning here?)) You reach the bottom of the stairs. You see a kitchen and pantry, a soft glow comes from a single lantern. *looks for movement, listens* You hear soft footsteps to the left of you, around the corner ((nothing valuable in kitchens, lets go left)) goes left QUIETLY ((roll anything?)) Rounding the corner you see a tall armed man's back, about a dozen feet away. Move Silently. (Crushed it rolled a 3 )) (ow) ow? The man seems intent on rubbing his one foot on the rug. (n/m( {weird! ;)} ((only live once)) *tries to get behind him, closer* Roll perception check {heehee} ((which is that?)) (wisdom/intelligence, averaged.) (13 for you) (well, 13.5) (14! round up ;)) (my cat is staring at me. ^_^ he wants my chicken that I so intently munch upon) (roll a 20 right?) (yep) ((7)) You see a small, grey thing on the floor. It looks a lot flatter than it should be. {squish} (*squee!*) {LOL} ((ugh, i hate small grey mysterious things)) *where is the thing? On the floor A few feet from you. Something brushes past your legs. *freezes* ... *attempts to get back to the corner* You do. You see the cat walk up to the thiing and sniff it. *did the guy turn around?* (nope) (no noise.. yet) The cat paws at it gently. *waits* It picks up the thing and darts between the man's legs and out of sight. *what did the guy do?* He stopped and watched the cat go. "lets try this again" *attempts to get with in strinking distance of the tall man* oky ((did i?)) He looks down at his shoe and mumbles to himself. (you're close) ((how close? could i hit him with a sword?)) (yep) *puts the sword to his back and says "dont say a word" He bolts up straight and freezes "who are you?" *whispering* "I would ask the same as you." He speaks in a normal volume and tone. "im the woman with the sword,ill ask the question, and you die if anyone comes, so be quieter" "Nobody else is here." "Except the guy behind you." {LOL} "you cant con a thief" "Really? You didn't think it odd that all the doors were unlocked?" {but you can thieve from a con! ;)} (lol!) "yeah, i did. but even if there is some one back there, i get one free shot at you" He tenses. "Maybe. Unless he strikes first." "I dont have anything to lose really, you have alot to lose." "Do I?" "you got this house, the money that i have taken, and some i probably missed, and that weird habit of collecting womens clothes" {oooh... kick'em when he's down ;)} "Sorry to upset you, but this isn't my house." (You can tell that this man is a much too big to wear any of those clothes) "thief?" "No. If I were, would you be standing behind me now?"" (Kisses Becca) (^ from Claire) {heehee} "maybe im that good" (WOO ) "what are you doing here then??" {heh ;)} "Maybe, but probably not." "I'm waiting. And standing around with a sword at my back. What are you doing?" "trying to figure out how to get all your stuff without your imaginary friend sticking me with soemthing sharp" "My stuff you're wanting now? I'm sorry, but my stuff is in my home." "you came here with nothing?" "not a smart move" "so say i just leave?" "Well, obviously not. I -do- come to work armed, you know." Lady Alexis enters the chat well why dont you just toss those away from you. over into the corner" "ill leave and everyone will be happy,unless you have a nother idea, that coudl be beneficial to me" He reaches down and grabs his sword. "Careful" *pushes a little bit* "ah!" He draws it slowly and tosses it to the right. It clangs loudly off the counter and hits some dishes. "that was stupid." "i might have let you live" He turns his head and looks at you from the corner of his eye. "Not from where I'm standing." "still counting imaginary friends on yur side elmer?" *listens* "They're not imaginary." "Isn't that right, Cathall?" {UH OH!!!} {that darn cat ;)} (not the cat!) ((hehe)) (Neko is off eating his mouse, leave him alone. ;) ) {Nuku Nuku?} (Neko!!) Starts to circle around the man sword very close to him, away from where i was. okay *looking out of the corner of my eyes fro an exit* *and with my free hand pulls my crossbow* : ((might not be able to fire it more then twice )) You see none, but there is an archway into another room in the other direction (What was to your back before you turned around) *do i see anyone?, what is my back facing now? ?)) (need two hands to reload it.) (nope. nobody there) "Hiya mr. cathall, your looking good today" *grins sort of crazily* {i toldya she was crazy ;0} The man smiles [;)} *poke* "walk forward a little" (towards you? Are you in front of him?) (( behind, im trying to get him to walk toward the arch way a little* so i can look in (oh, doh, the archway is behind you still.) (I thought you moved in front of him) ((not want you said before, ok)) no i tried to circle around him. put him between me and where i was before. oh, so then you'd be in front of him. ((i guess)) you'd have to be. ((ok)) (So you'r facing each other, and the arch is behind him) ((right)) ((what is behind me now?)) (the rest of the kitchen) "you still havent told me your name, or what your doing here" "I work here." are you the upstairs or downstairs maid?" "I'm his courtesan. What does it look like?" "where is he?" "why were the doors unlocked?" "answering questions gain years " "He's gone somewhere for a few weeks." "better for me" "and the doors?" "are you just trying to support your local thieves guild?" He looks slightly confused. "Well, the roof entrance is supposed to be locked..." "The doors inside never are." "well i guess it was my lucky day" "your arent so bad" "maybe you get to live" "how do i get out of here?" He nods his head behind him. "both doors are through the common room." *points the cross bow at the guys knee* "why dont you call to your buddy?" He smiles. "an insane man smiles, when the odds are against him, or when he is about to do somethign really stupid" "which isnt it?" He smiles at you, saying nothing. "turn around" "go into the common room" "SLOWLY" He turns around. He keeps turning. "stop" You see a glimmer of metal and something against your leg *looks down slightly* er, you feel something against your leg (he's still moving) *moves closer to him, tries to hit him with the sword handle* roll attack. Thac0 is 20, +1 to hit for str, rolled a 16 And +1 for elf bonus. ((oh yeah)) So that would hit AC 2? *right* Yoouuuu hit him. Roll 1d4 damage. +1 ((what is damage for a sword hilt :) )) 4 okay He falls back and you feel a sharp sting along your side. 2 damage *looks for my attacker, dodging away from where i was * (have a tumbling proficency and a 19 dex)) (it was the guy you just punched) {tumbling... good nwp! ;)} He's now laying on the floor (what is his condition? awake, attacking? unconcsicou?) Awake. He looks stunned, but not hurt badly. ((can you some how fight not to kill but subdue?)) (yep. -4 to hit them though) {what about unarmed combat?} (it doesn't kill) {thats the point! ;)} (( heck with that, attempts to fire crossbow, 1st bolt covered with cenipede venom 2nd bold in the thing is unvenomed owie Roll attack. *it doesnt hurt it just paralysizes * yep {well... the BOLT does!!! ;)} (lol) (1d3+1) ((does elf bonus go to crossbow?) (nope) (uh, i have a problem?) what? (what about dex?) yep. Your Thac0 with that crossbow is 16. i rolled a 19 unmodified 20, -1 from magical, -3 from dex. You hit AC -3? yeps :) you hit. roll damage 3 okay. You shooting again? No ((can i say something to him)) (Sure.) "just stop, i dont want to hurt you anymore, i dont want to be hurt, just let me go" He doesn't answer. ((can i tell if the poison worked in anyway?)) He's clutching the bolt in his chest. His breathing is shallow. Other than that, he's not really moving. {ya'killed him Jim! ;)} (he's breathing!) "im going to leave now." "dont follow me." *with my back up agaist the wall i try to skirt my way to the arch way* okay heeee doesn't move. ((make it?)) yep *looks into the common room* any people? Walking into the common room on the main floor, you see a shadow shift in one of the large chairs. A small flame bursts to life in a lamp on the table, casting more light than it should be able to, and lighting the face of the person sitting there. She's staring directly at you, the light from the lamp, casting a glow over the strikingly beautiful face of a young human girl cloaked in black. The light from the flame reflects from her eyes, making the faint green iris' seem to burn with life. . ((more like it hatch)) {ooh la la} (wha?) {;)} (You reached the next scripted part. ;) ) (but i finaly got someone tht looks good in my story:) )) (She looks good?) (strikingly beautiful?) {i would think so!} (As compared to the medeocre, rather uninventive guard?) (hehe, she has high charisma. ;) ) "and now i have to go through you to get out is that it." Sigh wont you people just leave me be" Looking into your eyes, she nods. "It honors me to meet you at last, Domino." She smiles, looking as though some great secret has just passed between you, then stands slowly from the chair. {says she who broke in ;)} Her cloak falls open revealing a full length white body suit, interrupted only by the dark skirt wrapping her waist, and the soft leather boots laced to her knee. "My name is Amanda Mason. And I have a proposition for you." ((woowoo!)) (LOL Pixie) domino... how did you.. ((she's HOT!)) (ROFL!!) {**O_O**} (Gonna tell her you said so.) ((who??)) ;-) "sorry lady, go buy yourself some cheap trollop i dont realy do humans (Nobody) {LOL} She laughs almost musically. "I did not mean that kind of proposition." {my, arnt we picky! LOL ;)} ((enough half elfs in the world already)) (Hardly any. :) ) {not like you'd have to worry about that Buffy!!! ;)} (rofl!!) "ok, what type of propostion, like over and through, no those are prepositions." ((hehehehe)) "What we ask, simply, is to find someone. In exchange, we would offer you nearly anything you could ask." "vague, but im listening. I keep what i got from here ?" {heehee} "Yes, I really don't care what happens to Sven's bizarre possessions." {oooh... she knows what she wants! ;)} "your just scored a point" "who is the someone?" "That, I can't really tell you, as I don't actually know. I'm just a messenger for you." "and a darn good one too." {oh ho!} ((woowoo)) (lol!) "well, messenge away miss mason" "that means tell me stuff, are you a natural blond?" {maussage? ;)} {LOL} "I'm asked to offer you to find this person, if you are interested, a room for the night until my employer returns and he can explain further." (note; Amanda has red hair. ^_^) "so you want me to go with you, wait in a room, and trust you, how about i just hand you all my weapons too?" "I'd rather you not give those to me, actually." ((thats why i asked NATURAL :) )) "well here is the only way we work this, little deal, you come with me, you stay in my room," {!} ((woooooo)) ((GUTTER MINDS)) {exactly ;)} She looks at you, slightly shocked, but covers it quickly. "Me? In -your- room? I should think not. They expect me back with you tonight." "they value you, they dont value me much at all, i got to have insurance. Thats you." "You'd be surprised." "so untill i see your boss, me and you are joined at the hip if not closer" {LOL} ((if not closer!)) {closer.... closer....} (What's closer than the hip???) {you'd be suprised! ;)} (( you dont want to know)) :) (not what she meant!) (Isn't it hard to walk when you're joined there?) ((depends on how you define "work")) ((its a figure of speech hatchetman :) )) (lol!!) {if they're joined, why are they walking period???} "I'm afraid I must insist, it's quite safe where we're going. Safer than your room." (Change of venue, Pix?) {erk, flat joke ;)} "i didnt say "MY" room i mean any where i go. You go. if you have a room, we can go there "Oh, well then, we'll end up in the same place." {how bout you... "go upstairs" ;)} (5th floor, Pixie. ;) ) "yes we will and thats how i like it, safe" {its also a figure of speech! LOL} She grins faintly. "Very safe. Shall we leave then?" We shall, you go first. {very faintly ;)} She nods, walking through the common room to the rear door, which sits off kilter in it's hinges, hanging open. "hey amanda, great ass" {*GASP*} ((!!!)) Her step skips a little and she almost trips on the door. {no kidding!!!! ;)} She looks back over her shoulder at you. (Hey, I always thought so too.) "Follow me, Domino." Grins Leading you down dark streets and alleys at an easy run, she leads you along through some of the richest parts of town. *follows* {tryin to brush it off eh ;)} The roads here are smooth and well cared for, the buildings clean and bright with new coatings of wash. "robbed it, want to robbe it. (quiet you!) {heehee} ((hehe)) Turning down one last corner, the street you stand on now is large, small gardens divide the street down the center and tall leafy trees cast shade down, sheltering the streets from the noon sun. The shops here all look clean and remarkably well-built, virtually all of them having actual glass windows. ((hold please)) ((need a glass of water)) (k) ah. I'm just going to paste a few more lines... Along the shadows in the front of the buildings she leads you, down to the end of the street, skirting around a large and remarkably huge building. It's polished white walls bright under the glow of the moons. She stops at the corner and backtracks, counting off 30 feet where she stops again and examines the wall, tracing her finger along the faint seam of a white marble brick. Amanda smiles, seemingly having found what she was looking for, placing her palm on the wall and pushing. *back* A heavy rumbling vibration moves through you as a small section of the wall withdraws and swings to one side. k Just tall and wide enough to step through, she steps in and becons you follow her. The stone wall grinds closed again and the girl leads you down the dim passage, coming out in what looks like a large storage closet. "Coming out of the closet amanda?" {heehee} ((rofl) {you are BAD! ;)} She looks back at you. "Looks like I'm not the only one." {poor Amanda ;)} ((touche!)) {corma' tavvy vue?} "nah i just need A man da Kiss" She opens the door and steps out into a hall, looking back at you, then leading you down a winding hallway. {LOOOL} ((hahahahahahaha)) She doesn't look back, you hear her faintly mumble. {**falls outta chair**} {teehee} Amanda rounds one last corner, a dozen meters down the hall she stops and opens a door, gesturing you inside. Pointing in various places about the room. "This is one of the nicer rooms here. There is a bath off to that side, and the bed, there. Closets off over there too, everything, anything you'd need. Anything else and you can simply ask of me." "anything" "thats just too easy" {dont say that AMANDA!!! ;)} {she shoulda rolled a wisdom check before saying that... ;)} (If I could reach through the line, I'd snap your bra, Pixie!) ((snicker)) {LOL} This will be fine, where is your bed? She points to a door on the opposite wall as the arch to the bathing room. "In there." "to far" "i meant what i said" "you stay in here" "" She looks at you and frowns. "Where then?" ((on my lap, baby)) {haahhahaaaa} "ill "sleep" on the floor, you can have my bed" "You obviously noticed the large number of beds." "because i wont do much sleeping anyways" She quirks an arched eybrow at you. "Neither do I." {...} {!!!!!!} ((swoon-thump)) "well we can sit here and stare at each other then" {*restrains herself*} (ROFL!!) "whats your alightment amanda >:) " { (C/G. Neutral tendencies) (9that's not what she meant)) ;-) (d&d version of whats your sign :) )) {you told?????} She looks at you. "Riiiiight... sounds fun. You stay, I'm taking a bath then." (So?) {whats Diyona's alignment? ;)} (L/N) {yyou're kidding me!} ((Brendon>)) She walks off and through the arch to the bathing room. (hehe, I ain't telling his!!) {you;re such a tease Hatch!} ((hey!)) (Why am I kidding you?) "hold it" {I'll TAKE A BATH NOW... jeeze ;)} *checks the bathroom for doors or windows" "What? I suppose you want to watch? You wish, miss "I don't do humans."" One window, much too small to get through. Amazingly artful stained glass. "i dont know what you talking aobut *innocent look* im just asking sure you don't leave" "I'm not going anywhere." "good, and you like you got some elf in you some where." She looks down at herself, then turns and steps into the bathroom. {ack! the pick up lines!!!!! ;)} *sits on the bed, rests* *doesnt sleep* *watches the door* Amanda comes out of the bath more than an hour later wrapped in a beavy towel. "Your turn, if you want." "theres only one problem with that." ((an hour?? THat thing got a detachable showerhead??)) {LOL} **^_^** {im going to die laughing over here!!!!} "Problem?" "you cant be out of my sight, so if i go in there, so do you" She sighs. "Sure." "Just don't expect me to help." {poor Amanda..... ;)} "your just all full of yourself arent you" *bathes* *finishes* Amanda sits next to the bath and stares at the door. ((No dang showerhead in that bad room :P )) ((hahahaha)) (ack!!) (What are you evil girls doingwith your showers????) {you dont wanna know!} (yep!) Ok, i guess your on the level, but you still stay with me. gets out of the bath, and walks into the bed room She follows {naked??} ((im an elf we are not shy :P )) {naked it is! ;)} She walks behind you. i dont like you back there amanda. {amanda likes the view ;)} {heehee} She goes and sits down on the bed. *sits up against a solid wall* "now we wait" Amanda gets up and lowers the flame on the lamps in the room, then returns to the bed. She tosses the towel and climbs under the blankets. "You wait, I sleep. Have fun." {heh ;)} "i will, dont dream about me to much, human" She rolls over and doesn't answer. {owtch ;)} *waits till morning or someother event* That'd be morning. :) *dresses* (All night you were naked??) ((woowoo!)) (show off. ;) ) {brrrr!} (POINTY!!!!) ((its how i sleep in real life so :P )) {roll for frost bite ;)} ((ACK)) (didn't need that image!) ((I so!)) ((ER I do!)) ;-) *deletes image for hatch and pan* Too late. :) Amanda eventually starts to wake up. She sits up and looks at you, then flops back down in bed. (nice and graceful-like) {LOL} "your such a morning person" She mumbles something unintelligible "sorry i dont do that on the first date" {someone is snippy!!! ;)} She mumbles something else, significantly shorter. ;) (heheheh) "lets go meet this boss of yours, im bored now" {good luck getting her outta bed ;)} Eventually she gets up, walks over to the wall and pulls on a long velvet cord. {doh! no fun Hatch ;)} "Not yet. Eat first, work later. " "yoru going to fix me breakfast?" She laughs. "Yeah right." "I think what's on your bolts would be better for us." "sarcasm makes you wrinkle you know that dont you" She wrinkles her nose at you. A few minutes later there's a quiet knock on the door, and Amanda yells out orders for breakfast. ((oops)) She wanders back into the bathroom and slips into the big tub. User Alpha has left the chat am i the only one to lose Buffy? ((so did I)) did Hatch??? yep She's doing AWESOME extremely. yeah... she is ;) I'm so glad. ;-) ack, someone try and grab her. i would, but she might bite me! I will! ;-) Cause Claire wants her to! Hehehe SHe's crashed. yep So, Hatch? SO? SOOOO??? so what? Pan and I decided you have really cool NPCs. ;-) lol. You just want in their pants!! heehee Nooo!!! Well.... ;-) Or in Pixie's case, under her shirt again! We like the way you RP them! he heh *^_^* arigato So would Brendon let Alexis seduce him> ;-) Does he have a choice? she's back. Alpha enters the chat woo! ((smooch!)) What's the last thing you read, Becca? :) *you wrote about breakfast orders* ok She wanders back into the bathroom and slips into the big tub. Yells through the open door, "for someone so hostile you get nude alot" "Look who's talking!" ((rofl)) "but im not the hostile one, i just wanted to be your friend :) " "Mine and half the other people you've met!" {LOL} "so im a friendly girl is there a law against taht?" "Well you weren't too friendly last night, were you?" {in 39 states ;)} (lol!!) ((heheh)) "you started it" "Did not." There's another knock at the door. "get that will you" *loosens one sword* ((hello?)) You hear her say something, then she walks into the room dripping wet. She opens the door and yanks in a rolling tray, then slams the door. (typiiiing! ^_^) ((ah)) {LOL} "what are you so mad about" "We don't keep boogey men in the halls here anymore." {what a character! ;)} "but you keep them in the bathroom, but some time she comes out and slams doors" {ooooh} She reddens and turns away from you. "im sorry" "whats to eat" "Don't be, yes, please eat. We have to be ready in a few hours." "im gong to have to ask you to do something for me." She gathers some food on a plate and sinks down onto the bed, munching slowly. "What something?" "never mind" *takes from exaclty the same food she took and eats* (9rofl)) She grunts softly, eating and watching you. "hire an artist, paint my picture, it will last longer" "Unlikely." {rowr! ;)} (rofl!!) ((fffffft! fffffft!)) "are we ready yet?" "No, not yet." She finishes eating and wanders back into the bathroom. walks into the bathroom and looks around Amanda's in the bath again. Her eyes are closed. Sneaks up real close and whispers in her ear "what so great abut this bathroom :) " {heh heh ;)} She smiles, but doesn't open her eyes. "I just like the hot water." (quiet yOU!) "well just tell me when it gets cold, maybe i can warm it up again" {...... ;)} *CHOKE* ((!!)) {OIIIIIIYE!} "You're welcome to try." ((!!!!!!)) "i might just do that, but later, come on we cant just sit inthe bath room all day" "Well, that is what I was planning on doing. I don't feel like having a staring contest with you for the next four hours." "lets go then" "hop to it" She doesn't move. "dont make me come in there" She sinks further in. *sigh* Walks out in to the room, appears back seconds later with normal clothes on, steps into the bath tub* (dressed?) ((hatch is wanting nudity)) ((rofl)) (*^_^*!!!) ((well, amanda's naked)) ;-) "ok now what?" (But Domino is now in the tub, fully clothed?) (yeps) She looks up at you and laughs. "what are you laughing for ?" She slows a little, still giggling. "Never seen anyone do that before." hum? *sits down* "well you wont get ready" "Neither did you." " WHA. i was ready." "Well, I -was- too. Now you're about as ready as I am now." Leans over, "then i will go get ready again, please try to hurry" *quick peck* ((woooo!)) She stares at you. *walks out soaking wet* *dries off, and changes back into the leather armor, sits on the bed eyes clotsed* Amanda walks out of the bath about 40 minutes later, and goes into the closet. You hear her shuffling around for a while before she comes out again, dressed in a short white dress and cape. "Ready?" *sits quietly* "yes" She sighs. "Lets go then." *stands up* "lead on" She walks to the door and leads you out. *follows* She leads you again through the wandering halls, heading south, and eventually up a long flight of stairs. A long hall of indentical doors line the long hallway at the top. Turning left and walking nearly to the end, he stops at a set of double doors. Outside the doors wait a tall man in a light robe, and a elven girl leaning against the wall. "oh now i have to share" The elf looks at Amanda, who simply waves her hand and says "Don't ask." Amanda opens the door for you and waves you inside. "if this is a trap, your bum wont look as good as it did last night" "I'm sure." *walks in* She closes the door. *looks around* Inside you see a haphazard group of people. **zzz** **purr purr zzzz** Including a orange haired girl who has a happy, silly grin on her face. ;) Go spell! {uh UH} hehe {im sleepin!} {Im curled up on the floor} lol! "hiya sleeping girl" And the others too!! rofl!! show off. (hehehe)) "nice bow" **zzz** "Thank you." (B, I'll have to write up a list of what you stole, and your xp, and give it to you tomorrow.) **twitches** "Are to to be another companion?" WOOO :) "if you mean, suckered into a room by a horny person, yeps" {heh heh} (my NPC's are NOT horny!!!) "I suppose that could be what I mean." (uhm, except for one of them!) **rolls over onto her back** He looks away. ((come to hatches hot and horny npcs)) **zzz** {LOL} *^_^* "My name is Alexis." "domino, um nice to meet you" "nice to meet you as well." Brendon frowns at the orange haired girl, kneels down next to her and places a hand on her forehead. **zzz** "whos is that?" He then gets up and settles back, perched on the arm of the chair. "I really don't know. SHe dozed off before she really said anything." He tilts his head and watches you all intently. "well is she house broken?" **blink** **blink** "I'm not checking." **gets up** *YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN* "hi, fuzzy" ((rofl)) "eh?" (oowwww!! becca hurted my ribs!!) ((hheeh, how so?)) (is she house broken?) ((hehehe)) "well, i dont kow your name, so wht is it and i want have to call you fuzzy" "fu-zee?" (keep talking, I'll brb) (and don't talk to Brendon. He's quietly watching) **scratches her ribs** "Did you have a nice nap?" ".... yes" "You looked comfortable." "come on name, your N.A.M.E. what they call you" **snuggles up in her cloak** "oh i am" "eh? why do you want to know that?" so i dont have to call you fuzzy. "why would you have to do that?" i know hers, thats alexis, im domino "and im here, so what?" "well you got 3 choices, your name, hey girl, or fuzzy" "what are you smiling about?" "Well, may I call you fuzzy too, then?" "We need to address each other somehow." {showing teeth Alexis? ;)} "whyzzat?" ((She never shows teeth!)) {oh ok ;)} "Because it makes it easier to communicate." **gets bored of the conversation and starts looking around the room** Brendon laughs softly. *points at the myself* me domino, *points at the fuzzy girl* You ? **scrunches her brow in an angry manner** (Koppy feeeeels haaaaappy!!) **gives Domino a cold look** *to alexis* "well maybe one of us can keep her as a pet" *kidding :) {not after that remark!} (*poke* think happy!) (Sorry, it's magial happiness) **lightens up** "hum hum hum" {thats a MEAN spell Hatch!!! ;)} "Do you sing?" Brendon sighs. "im sorry, fuzzy girl" (Yeah well, Brendon's a pain in the ass when he wants to be.) ((:-p)) "who me? sing?" **ignores Domino** *sigh* "No. Um.... fuzzy girl. She was humming a nice tune." "hum hum hum" "Yes, that one." {are there any books in this area? or shelves? or anything??} *sits down* ((there are books)) (The room is filled with books and stuff) *starts pulling books off shelves** (All of them?) *like... racking them off* "Do you have any idea what this is about?" *er... raking...* (You find that the books on one shelf don't move) "all i know is its got to be big." "oh?" *pulls on the shelf* "whats the stry with fuzzy, she seems to dislike me" "they seem to have gone through a good bit of trouble to get us here. I was escorted all the way from Coventry, three weeks journey." Brendon smiles. "You can't get them to move. And you can't tear down the walll." {there's a big mess now, the books are thrown everywhere} "I really don't know, she hasn't spoken much." **glances at whatshis face** "why not?" "Because you can't." "I am glad I'm not the hired help in this place" He grins widely. "maybe it will go away, you know i didnt mean anything right" "why?" "I don't think she was offended, Domino." "they lost or almost lost a man bringing me here." *stamps foot* "what about it? eh eh eh eh???" {in refrence to whatsis face} Brendon laughs. "Because they're attached." "attached?????" "My escord was more fortunate." "why would someone do THAT??" *sighs in disgust* *begins pacing* Brendon looks at Alexis and blushes. "Well, the man in the Newmark estate didn't work for us." "Brendon?" "Yes, Alexis?" *and kicking about the books* "There are now four of us here. Are there many more?" "four?" "There should be three more, yes." (there is a quiet elf. She looks drunk." ((three??)) _ ) *paces in front of the big double doors* {passed out you mean} (that too) {she's also HUGE for an elf... in height} (And huge, in weight and size.) ((Three, hatch?)) *keeps glancing back at the pacing girl* "what is she doing?" {that too} (That's what he said!) ((hmm)) *stops* ((oh, our NPC. ;-))) *stares at Domino* (Trust the evil Dic... DM) {how is Domino sitting?} (Actually no.) ((rofl)) In a chair.)) *walks up to Domino...* at a table i guess)) *watches* "yes?" *and puts her face about an inch away from hers, on an even level...* *and just STARES* "hi" *stares* (can you guy pause for a minute? I need to save this so I can go.) "Goodness..." *eyes slit a bit* k okay. :) *kisses Kopporu* You guys can keep ging if you want, but save anything that happens. {uh... liek how?} (hey, I thought Dom was straight) Domino is domino :D {psst Buffy... like HOW?} :P (ah.... uhm, okay) *right on the mouth* {like a quick peck or?} sure ((quick peck)) *continues staring like she didnt notice the kiss* *and then suddenly makes a quick bite motion and gets up* *continues pacing* "interesting" *pace pace pace* {i hate being freakin happy!!!} Be nice and so will Brendon. {why cant i be aaaaaaaangry! ;)} ((i need to go to sleep)) **this is happy?** ((me too)) {well... not angry ;)} ok, but can i make a log first? no one say anything!