Bee enters the chat woooo! Hehehe, woo : ) hold a moment, just have to save what I'm working on. :) I'm already about 2 months ahead of you. okay oooooohkay. ack, hehe, have to open your file! B enters the chat *^_^* good to know what I'm supposed to be saying... Hehehe all right Well I'm all ready k Oh wait, I should have my name changed .... : P Invite me right back heh okay User Bee has left the chat Alexand Di'Mere enters the chat There : ) okey The starkness of your mundane life in Northwind behind you, you look into the future as you walk along the caravan road bordering the Villichi river. Walking along on this trek, for the first time in your life, you feel free. And cold. You decide it probably would have been better if you'd waited until it was warmer out. After nearly ten days of tedious and seemingly endless road, the road meets the Villichi lake. You stop and look out at the clear green waters, reflecting on what truthes lay ahead as you look into a place of a legend so old that few people even remember what it was. *sagely hmm and nod* just like, yell something short if you want to interrupt. like ! or something, so I know to stop. You find yourself getting lost in the view when realize the light is starting to fade on yet another day. Somehow, you'd have expected more adventure. And less walking. Even the schools in Northwind were less tedious than this. Well, maybe. Early into the next day you see a group of people charging down the road at you, expressions of start terror on their faces. They look like a mix of merchants and other caravan travellers. Well terror means trouble, I'll prepare for a fight They seem to be screaming about a giant gooey square that's eaten three of their friends and all of their equipment. You look down the road as they tear past you. You watch for long minutes, seeing nothing. Hmm *recalls monsters 101* probbaly some sort of slime or such That's curious, hmm Where too now? :) I guess they are gone, so I can't ask where the thing is, darn My first big adventure in a while, and I'm stuck bored, how mundane *sigh* You can hear them screaming off into the distance, back in the way you just came from. Oh my, Adventure ho ! *goes to the sound* ((okay that was just TOO cheesy)) No, I mean, they're still running. :) Oh, darn The thing they're running from is still apparently in front of you. I'll look back in front, and I'll be careful to check the ground for things being moved (i.e. assuming it's invisible) You see a worn road, and a lot of trees, and the lake off to your right. :) Hmm, darn Well try the road, maybe the monster will be semi smart and attack me, but not to smart and not attack You're going to walk down the road? Yup okay Coming out of the trees, slowly, about a hundred feet down the road is a cube of pale greenish-grey goo about 5 feet tall. Ah ha, there you are (woo!) *tries to remember training* now these things are immune to some magic, which one to use ... Perhaps I'll zap it with a magic missile, that's a good bet, and it's got the range I believe Lots of range. Yup, so magic missile away .... : ) okay Damage? whoho ! 5 : ) woo! The thing jiggles and continues slowly, inexorably towards you. ((when the GM cheers you on, either be reassured, or worried)) Any effect from the missile ? You watch it jiggle along. Damn it's slow.. Yep. It jiggled and faint wisps of steam came from it. Yeah but I am damn sure I don't want it to touch me, so I'll be cautious ((its evil lemon jellow)) Well more missiles away, ZAP how many? ((ROFL b )) Umm 2 more, that's half my spells Damage? 4 each missile (neat rolls) coooool It makes a loud sizzling hisss.. it seems a bit smaller, and there's a big dent in it's side, steaming profusely. Okay cool, so it's hurt, maybe I'll get to kill it Yep (ack, Hatch can add REALLY good... hehe) *ponders* wonder why it gave the others so much trouble, perhaps magic is it's only major weakness (what happened hatch ?) heh, nothing, I just can't add 8+5. Rofl ((13)) *^_^* yep Okay, it's still a bit away, another missile away It's still coming at you... Whoho ! 5 more points It's like, 60 feet away.. and it bursts into a big cloud of steam, bits of jelly flying around. WHOHO ! : ) (I am assuming I killed it) Better avoid the bits to be sure tho ((gets some peanut butter)) Little bits of jelly wiggle around, they don't look very threatening. You see a bunch of stuff that was within the creature spilled over the road. Yeah, but then I step in one and it grows real big feeding off my foot : P LOOT !!! Don't step on them. :) lute! Okay avoiding the bits, I'm gonna go check on the stuff :D okay You fiiiiind; ROFL, hey I'm not a bard : ) dagger x2, short sword, 9 copper, 15 silver, 5 gold, 5 electrum, 2 platinum, and one bright red potion. And several bits of clothing and bone. Tthey don't look very valuable.. Well take the first group of stuff, and leave the clothing, I have much better stuff on anyways : ) hehe More daggers, mmm : ) Okay, wonder if I should check the stuff for magic okay. Well detect magic then ... okay And ? checking k roll percentile. k ... 73 okay, the potion glows with magic. Figured it might : ) Anything else ? hehe nope oh well, I'll find out about the potion later, save my last spell for trouble, I'll stash the stuff and go back on my trek okay. Oh wait, try and tell the caravan it's dead too Write down what color it is. :) Got it written down, bright red They're gone... Oh well, thier loss, back to walking heh The rest of the days to Coventry are quiet and thankfully, uneventful. This time, you're almost glad for the rest. *Sigh* and it was interesting for a moment, how do these people live with such boredom Though you crossed the border into Harlech only a few days after leaving Northwind, this is the first of it's true cities you have seen. The towers looming over the halls of the Ordo Custodia Vitae, the giant fortress that is the ancient Drakken War Academy. The sheer number of people who likely don't even know someone who can summon magic... it's all too alien for you. (wooo, that always looks shorter in wordpad.) Yup, such .... simple people, no magic ... The city is big. :) Huge, and it looks like more than half the people are here as part of one military school or another. Uniforms abound. Oh my, more military, and I just got out of being in a stupid uniform .. *sigh* (*giggle*) ((like my char so far ? ; ) )) Yep. many magics. :) yup You can wander the city if you want. Walking uzi boy Just wait until you get more than one missle per spell. ;) Heheh, all right, I'll look around, should probbaly find a place to stay, etc .. okay Oh yeah : ), and that's when the 2nd level magic opens up too ack! :D It's like a male, magic, version of jane in a weird, odd way : ) ((enough qualifers on that one ya think ?)) hehe. :) Jane was more buff! Yeah, but I get more attacks as I level : ) yep So you going to wander around Coventry? Yes Whatcha going to do? Looking for a place to stay, and any magic shops, etc, anything interesting Have to fight off the dreadful boredom, of mundane life you know okay, it's a large city, you can find pretty much anything. Hmm, like a "all spells 1 copper, everything goes" sale ?? Heheheh Not quite. :) I thought so Can you buy things like that? Well, hmm, didn't have a good idea of where to go when I left, now I'm paying for it Oh well, I'll look for something interesting to do then, since I assume I found a place to stay by now yep. okay. What sort of place are you looking for? Job or stay ? wha? Nevermind, someplace without a lot of bugs is a plus Ahh, I don't mind roughing it ; ) You can find anythingg from hovels on up to a room in a grand hotel across from the Drakken fortress. Well, I'm not stupid, I can't expect to much money from the family if I ran away sort of, so something modest, but not a hole in the wall okay, you find a nice place on the edge of the open market called the Grand Oaks. *nod* sounds good, I like the name heh Inside is a rather rotund looking bald man attending the front desk. I'll get a room, and then look for something to do so I'm not bored Off to the left is a large bar and common room. How much for a room, my good man ? He looks up and belches, "4 silver a night, including dinner." *eww, stinky breath* Done, *hands him 4 silver*, I might rent it for longer, but tonight will do for now When is dinner ? He smiles wanly at you, sweeping the money into his hand. "Dinner is at 7." He h Your room is the third one on the right on the second floor." *belch* *oh god, what a barbarian, so uncultured, and he really stinks : P* thanks, *moves away slightly fast* hehe What time is it ? Mid afternoon. Ahh Okay, well time to look for something to do *yawn* this town already is boring me Ho hum *off we go ...* okay, where to? Anything interesting going on ? Looking for anything interesting, strange jobs, fairs, performances, anything fun or interesting There's a fight in the street, looks like some drunk soldiers. There's a big market, and a group of 20 or so monks wandering in a line, chanting. Oh my, such selection There's all sorts of other things going on. Well the fight is interesting, but I'm afraid I might kill them to easy I'll go check out the monks for a second, maybe the market later You could go watch people train, wander over and look at signs on walls. The monks are chanting as they walk. They don't make much sense. (they do not smack their heads with boards.) Hmm, interesting, but only for a moment *sigh* Well let's look at the market The market encompases nearly a full square kilometer of the city. Hmm, now this might be entertaining I'll look around some, keep a eye out for anything magical or just plain odd or interesting Most of the things in the booths and tables look pretty mundane. Some of it smells good... some of it, you wonder what it was they tore the things out of it. Pe Yuck, perhaps something that smells good, I could just have a little before dinner maybe ... okay. Your nose leads you to a stall on the edge of the market, it something smells truly good. Mmmm : ) A short lanky man works over a small fire. Hanging at the back of the booth is a flag of Harlech. What is it your selling, it smells good He looks up, smiling widely. "It's an ancient recipe from my family. Would you like some?" Well it smells nice, I'll try a little He works quickly over the flame, tossing bits around, piling them into a wooden bowl. He places it on the counter in front of you. "Two copper, if it pleases you." *hands him 2 copper* *eats some* What is this made from ? It tastes wonderful, even better than it smells. mmmm : ) He looks up. "Eat first." yum *eats it* Well ? He smiles as you eat, "Ever been out to the coast?" ((have I ?)) (nope) (Northwind is inland, on the Golden lake) No, I haven't (This riverver is the Villichi river, flows all the way out to the sea) "You should go, see the capital. It's an amazing city." Maybe one day I will, but I don't understand what that has to do with the food "Nothing, really. I learned to cook in the service. I trained here, and settled after I got discharged." "The Guards learn to make great food out of nearly anything." Ahh, your amazingly good for a military cook, most aren't so great And what's this made out of ? He looks at you, grinning. "Giant toad." *smiles* how exotic, may I have more ? He smile even wider, "Of course, all you'd like." Why thank you *hands 2 more copper over* He hands you another bowl, holding even more than the first one did. *eats it* Ahh, something for even the jaded of palate, *smiles* If I pass by here again, I'll be sure to stop by for some more, but I have things to see, first day in this city after all He nods and waves. "Good travels to you, then." Thank you *smiles* excellent food *moves on* okay *mm, I'll have to go there again, I better remember the way* hehe ((hey, he's probbaly eatten weirder as a delicacsy* hehe. ((ugh spelling : P)) (maybe, but a wild giant toad?) ^_^ ((Hey I like sushi, it can't be that bad, besides people eat frogs legs)) (But a 4' frog? hehehe) ((yeah then you get some damn big legs ; ) )) lol!! ((more for your money then ; ) )) Off to explore the city some more .. hmm ... * I do want to be back for dinner* Anything you feel like looking for now? Wandaaaaa Not sure, I guess I'll look for stuff to expand my magic knowledge *^_^* hehe, ignore tht. (wandaa ??) okay Okay, there's not very many magic stores in the city. You find one, it has no sign, but a few people you asked directeed you to it. All right I'll go in You see an ancient looking man sitting on a stool, studying an ancient book. How ... ancient *looks around* yellowing books and loose paper are scattered all over the place. Hmm, *begins to look through some of the stuff* Candles drip wax down and onto books, thin smoke rises from an incense burner. The old man looks up as you start to look around. Hello he coughs roughly. "Hello, young one." Nice to meet you old on *smiles* I thought I'd look around, this is one of my ... intrests, magic that is His face wrinkes even more, squinting his eyes. "What.. can I help you.. with?" ((doh, lost b, oh well)) (she did? I still read her...) ((this is what happens when you leave the house and don't know what you want to do, ugh)) heh Well, do you have anything a young mage might be interested in ? ((I lost her)) (okay) He looks around his shop, standing and stepping over to a stack of things behind the counter, shuffling through it. Carrying a small silvered object in his hand, he returns to his stool. *eyebrow raises* He stares into it, pulling a small stone bowl in front of him. A small fire bursts to life inside it. User B has left the chat He holds his hand over the bowl and drops the object into it. *watches intently* A burst of blue smoke pours forth, he stares into the fire for long moments. hmm He looks up at you, tilting his head. "Your future... is clouded... I see distant lands, far to the east and then across a great ocean." Sounds like a interesting journey *what a strange old man ...* "I see a great family, guardians of life, and land." *uh oh, hope I'm not in trouble ...* "These people seek you, even now... I see them happy to have found you." Already ? *sigh* He looks up, staring into your eyes. Well I kind of don't want my family to find me just yet, it is MY family right ? He smiles, his face looking about to crack. "No... a family older than yours." Oh my They must be old then, could be interesting, well I hope they contact me soon then Where could I find them ? "You shall meet them soon, one of their messengers seeks you... I see her.. to the east, on the water" *nods* Facinating Should be a lot of fun, anything else ? "Trust not the sister." Cryptic, but probbaly useful His eyes glow faintly white for a moment, then fade to brown again. "There is nothing more I can tell you now." Well thank you, that was certainly very interesting He nods at you, and the fire in the stone bowl fades and dies. I think I'll head east, towards the water than Seek and ye shall find ... ME : ) He nods, and looks down again at the ancient book. *heads off in the above stated direction* okay... Hey it should be fun, and after all what's life for ? Walking? Where to? Nah, to boring okay. I'll umm ... well be bored for a bit and walk east, towards the water Durn strange old guy wasn't very specific ... Walking east through the city, you find yourself in a dirtier part of town, approaching the harbor. Well this looks like the place for strangers to certainly try and approach you *tries to be on guard a bit* You wander further into the harbor (suddenly, you realize you're standing in the river! ^_^), you see dozens of small trading ships loading and unloading cargo. *hmm* *ack I walk on water now, what a boost to my already large ego ; )* Anyone just standing around ? (I waskidding) (I know : ) ) Hundreds of people are around. Most look like ships crew or dock men. Hrm, well I guess all I can do is wander around and hope this girl sees me (he did say she didn't he ?) You also see numerous women of questionable morals... (he did say she.) Wandering, a flicker of light catches your eye. Oh my ..., *sigh* no time to be polite ... wait *looks at the flicker of light* You see a large caravel. The light came from the sun reflecting off the polished metal of it's nameplate. It reads 'Destined Wanderer' Hmm, fate perhaps ?, I'll go towards it okay. Approaching the ship, you see it bustling with activity, they're loading crates into the hold. (I don't see anyone else who's playing online) Hmm, okay not unusual for a ship ... (nobody else is on...) (yup, oh well) It looks like they're setting to leave in a day or so. I'll ask them where they are headed Ask who? :) I don't know, one of the people around okay. One of the crew stops and tells you they're setting sail downriver to Harlech at first light, with the tides. Harlech, that's the capital isn't it ?, would that be to the east ? He looks at you like he's staring at a man with no head. "Of course it's the capital. Everybody knows that." I'm from .... a bit away Is it to the east ? He nods. "Well, yeah. It's our capital, east, down river on the shores of the Villichi sea." Hmm, okay *ponders, maybe that's where this messenger is* I'll ask if they take passengers "You'll have to see the captain, she's ondecks." She ? *grins* *goes and looks for the captain* You hear her long before you can see her. You find her yelling at two dock workers. The fury you hear in her voice seems to fit her firey red hair. Red head : D *smiles* *walks calmly up to the captain* She angrily dismisses the two men and turns to you, anger still in her voice. "What'dya want?" Well I was wondering if your willing to take any passengers, on your trip to Harlech She looks you over a moment, anger fading from her eyes. "Yes, we take passengers." *smiles* I'm glad, it would be a shame to miss out on your company on my trip there She barks out a loud laugh. *continues to smile* She turns and leans over the side of the ship, yelling at the workers to hurry. Turning back to you. "Two gold for a private room, or three silver to stay in the crew quarters." Two gold it is, *smiles* perhaps we could talk more, when your less ... busy ? She smiles. "Sure." *smiles back* well then lovely captain, may I have your permision to go aboard ? She nods. *goes onboard* okey. You look blankly around the ship. Hrm ..., I wonder which way it is ... People move quickly across the decks, carrying various barrels and crates. I guess I'll head to the inside of the ship, my quarters aren't going to be on deck .. okay. You head for the heavy doors on the cabin at the back of the ship. ((acually I know what that is, but my char might not so I'll go ahead)) okeh. heh The doors open onto a short hall, doors leading left and right. In front of you is stairs going up. At the far end of the hall are steps leading downwards. Hmm, I'll try going up You see the upper decks, chart tables, the ship's wheel, and the captain. She's yelling at yet more crew. She likes to yell : ) *grin* Yeps. Hmm, well I guess I'll look around a bit for what might be my room Well, it's not up here. ;) Good thing too... hehehehe Well then I guess it's downstairs to look .... *stealing a quick stare at the captain* okay. ... she glares at you. Sorry, captured by beauty for a moment *smiles* Taking the stairs belowdecks, it opens to a large common room, two large doors lead forward, and a single door leads toward the rear of the ship. Hmm, maybe the rear of the ship then .. You open the door and see a hall. Leading left, right, and a short distance straight, there's a door every 15 feet or so. Probbaly cabins ... hmm did anyone mention to me which one was mine ? Nope :) Oh well, guess I'll just have to check them then ; ) erk.. okay. Heheheh Which way? I'm a curious fellow, and the captain seemed busy I don't know, first door near me I guess okay. The closest door has a brass plate on the door. 'Harlan' Hmm, okay not mine, I'll check the next one There's nothing marking this door. I'll open it It appears to be locked. Hmm, okay this is rapidly becoming pointless, I guess I'll ask the captain which one it is oaky. You head back up to the bridge deck. The captain looks up at you. Well, I'm not really familair with your ship, where exactly would my cabin be ? She looks at you and smiles slightly. "Downstairs, behind the crew's... nevermind, I'll show you." *smiles* I'd like that She leads you down, through the crew quarters and turns left in the hall, stopping at the second door there. She opens the door and steps in. *goes in and closes the door* She looks at the door. *looks at her* Should I lock it for some reason ? "Lock the door? Why, are you expecting trouble?" "People after you, perhaps?" No, quite the oppisite, although I can handle trouble too *smiles* I just thought you would be more comfortable with to door closed, the locking depends on how comfortable you'd like to get Talking and all *smiles* She looks at the door again. "This is your room for the voyage. I have work to do, if we're to sail in the morning." Well then, all you have to do is walk out the door, I sort of got the impression you wanted a break from having to look over your sailors (err sailors "They're idiots, if nobody watches them, they start dropping things into the bay." Well surely even idiots can remember your orders, if just for a little while She looks around the room, and back at the door. "Do you need something? I have things to take care of before morning." No, it's all right, perhaps we could talk some other time then *shrugs and sits down* She looks at you and then quickly leaves. Boy she was nervious Oh well *relaxes* In the morning, the ship casts off and sets sail down river for Harlech. *yawn* Well a little boat ride is good to relax on I guess It'll take a bit under two weeks to reach Harlech. Aside from the trader and her crew, there's probably another dozen or so passengers on the boat, to be dropped at varying points along the trip in one village or another. Eleven days into your trip where you should be nearing the deltas at the last stretch of the river, you wake to loud screams coming from up decks. Oh my, I'll head to the screaming You see crowds of people running, screaming towards the rear of the ship, a large, spiney bipedal fish with a spear standing near the bow, fighting with one of the crew. The crewman looks panicked and is retreating backwards, there's already two crew down on the deck. They look very still. Oh darn, interupt my trip will you ? *zAP* Magic missile away damage? Ohh 5 again (I like this dice) okay The creature hisses and jams the spear into the crewman. Darn would have thought it'd be distracted, "Run away" *zaps again* damage? 3 this time okay, the big critter starts running towards you. he's about 50 feet from you now. Okay, I'll start throwing all my missiles as fast as I can You can get off two more before he's in range to hit you. Okay *rolls* okay 3 and 5 16 dam total so far oookay... he looks -really- pissed. Shoot, why won't you die you darn thing Roll init. (I may be outmatched, hmm) d10 right ? yep 6 ouch.. uhm, you go WAY first. Okay another zap, and I back up some, ready to dodge okeh. 5 dam again ! whoo ! (soooo close) Fish fry time ; ) He swings his spear at you with his last strength. Ack Hope he misses *tries not to get hit* He hits you hard, his spear digging into your shoulder for uhm, dangit. 2 damage. Ouch, that still hurts (dangit? you trying to kill me?) Okay is he dead or do I need to hit him again ? I was hoping for a BIT more. ^_^ One more hit. He's reeeeeally down there. Okay, last blast then magic missile away ... *FWOMP!* His head bursts And he falls back hehehehe yayyyyy Well, it's dead. Anyone want some fish for dinner ? *smiles* Heheheh You notice the deck is abandoned. *alex the blob and fish slayer* Oh shoot, it wasn't that dangerous .... hehe *goes to tell them he killed it* right it wasn't! That was a 4+2 monster Walking down to the rear of the ship, a tall slim woman approaches you and begins walking next to you. Dressed in a long, flowing silk dress and nearly as tall as you, with raven black hair making her fair skin and pale green eyes appear even lighter. She walks with an easy, regal step, her eyes darting out in front of her, catching everything. "You did well against the creature." *ohhh pretty* Why thank you, it was tough for a moment, but it wasn't the end of the world "It did manage to take down three of the crew. Seamen are generally accomplished bar fighters." Well I'm a bit more accomplished than a bar fighter *smiles* "So it seems. You're wounded, are you alright?" Well he got off a jab at me, his spear wasn't something to laugh at "May I help you?" I make it a point not to refuse help from such a beautiful lady, usually anyways please do She stops and places her hand on your chest, over the tear the spear left in you. *waits for it* Her eyes close, looking down you see a faint glow surround her arm and a etheral warmth fills you. You get both hp back. :) Hmm *healing spell* Thank you, I am Alexand, what shall I call you ? She looks up, smiling, and shakes her head. "My name is Francesca Jenkins. I've been sent ... to ask you something." I thought you might be looking for me *smiles* What is the question you have come to ask "There are ..people, in Harlech who require your help. I've been sent by them to find you." Sounds interesting *smiles* and I was headed there anyways Would you like to join me in my room to discuss it ? She looks off down river, then smiles at you, taking your hand. "I would love to, Alexand." *smiles* *leads her to his room* My pleasure She smiles at you as you walk. *smiles back* She smiles, looking around your room. *offers her a seat* She sits down, looking up at you. *closes the door, and locks it* So we won't be troubled, *sits down* now you were saying ? "Saying...? About what?" *smiles* About going to Harlech ?, or we could talk about other things if you would like "Yes, Harlech. What would you like to know?" What do the ... people need me to do ? She smiles, looking at you. "They need your help, to find someone that they can not." Ahh, well my skills run to the more ... combative nature, but It sounds like something worthwhile to do "Do not worry, it is not a short, nor an easy task." Good, if it was it would be rather boring, I hate to be bored "You seemed the adventuring sort." Although boredom is a concept far away, in your wonderful company *smiles* She smiles widely at you, reddening slightly. Oh don't blush yet, there are much better compliments I could give *grin* She looks down at her feet Are you embarassed or something *walks over and gently tilts her head up* because it's a shame not to be able to look into your eyes *darn out of spells, or the seduction music cantrip would be going...* (lol!!) "I'm sorry, I didn't expect..." *bow wa bombow* Didn't expect what my dear ? Surely it can't be complimented on your beauty, someone as pretty as you must have heard such compliments before "Ryan.. he said that you were.. but I didn't truly expect... you to be so charming." It's only because I've been privleged to witness the wonder of nature before me right now *smiles* She reddens quite profusely. "Please, you're too kind Alexand." *smiles* not at all, how could someone ever be too kind to someone like you I would ask you to stop blushing so, and relax, if that shade of red didn't become you so (you're just making it woooorse!) She smiles up at you, looknig into your eyes. (oro ?) (oro??) Please stay a while, grant a simple mortal the miricle of your company ((oro - as in "surprised huh sound" in japanese)) "All of us are mortal, Alexand, but yes, I would like to stay." (ahhh... okay) *smiles* Then I am glad *is it fade to black time with her walking out the next morning all flustered, and hair mussed ?*) (ROFL!! I need Claire if you want to get like, technical with it. hehe, she has all of this worked out, I don't understand it that well.) (hey... you're the first one to get sex!!) (heheheh well, I'm just that damn good ; ) )) (hehe.) ((nah I don't need the technical details, it's just a game)) (CC has this bizarre obsession with knowing who lasts longest) *fade to black* ((needless to say with my con and dex scores, she had a good time, and I'm stronger than average)) Whoho ! : ) hehe *gets cantrip back and plays music late, bow bow chica bow bow, bom bow* (hehe, and you would have done even better, cause of her charisma) ((ROFL, Okay : ) )) *light fades back in* *happy smile* (I told Pixie you were doing your npc, she wants to watch now. ^_^) ROFL !!!!! She's jsut mad because she didn't get to sleep with Dyona. Bring her in Cacti enters the chat Hahahah (Cacti???) (SO like, short and pokey?) ROFL {hey! ;p} Well, I'm LONG and pokey, so it's not my name ; ) Francesca spends the final two days of the journey with you. When the caravel arrives in the harbor in Harlech, Francesca leads you through the docks and climbs into a waiting wagon. She calls to the driver and you set off through the streets, heading into the wealthier sections of the city. (I could say something, but enough people know as it is.) ((O ((err, okay)) The wagon stops in front of a truly remarkable structure. Sitting high at the top of a set of wide stairs, it's walls gleam brightly. A heavy archway in front of the giant doors supported by pillars carved of bright marble in the finest workmanship. You can see the detail that must have been spent working the form of the two great dragons into the stone. (don't ask.) Francesca steps out, looking up to the building and smiling. "This is the House of Avery. The building is more than seven hundred years old. The Star's cathedral here is yet older still, though. This building has been the home of the Avery family, and the seat of our government since the founding of this city. Of course, it wasn't always quite this big." Impressive (Kopporu didn't find it as interesting) She looks at you and grins, pulling at your arm. "Come on, we're already a bit behind. You're to meet with Ryan and the others he's gathered at once, they'll be waiting already." (yeah but she isn't still seducing someone) All right *smiles happily* {heh heh ;)} Entering through the main doors, the entrance hall of this building is massive, easily large enough to house a large family. Seeming quite at home in the mammoth building, she strides confidently through the halls, leading you down the south hall, around a corner and up a long flight of stairs. A long hall of indentical doors line the long hallway at the top. Turning left and walking nearly to the end, she stops at a set of double doors. (yep, she failed to get into Dyona's leather skirt. ;) ) ((well dresses are easier, if you know how ; D )) I assume they are through these doors ? (not easier than short leather skirts) {*sniff* Kopporu's not that kinda character! ;)} Francesca turns and looks at you, brushing your cheek softly with her hand and bows to you. "This is where I must leave you. The others inside are also waiting for Ryan, who will explain in greater detail why you're all here. It was an honor and a great pleasure meeting you, I hope I shall get to see you again, Alexand." (yeahhhh right, miss *poke poke* does this hurt?) I hope so as well, I have rarely been so happy (*poke opke* ) ((ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!))) {....} (hehe) {that was innocent! ;)} "You are too kind, Alexand." *opens the doors and walks in, with a slightly cocky strut, but not too much* (If you didn't have your hand inside her shirt, I might believe that.) ((I wouldn't, I know better ; ) )) Okay, we have to fade and pause here, so we can wait until more of the others are here. This is where you meet most of them all. Okay, well that was a neat intro we're a rowdy we are er.. bunch that is Hopefully most of the others will be on before long. Mwahahahahahahah, and my background as a flirt and playboy is well established ; D Hehe. woooo... hold on, adding xp. 420 for the jello, 370 for the 4+2 HD Sahaugin... So how am I at being a silver tounged seducer, and monster slice-o-matic ? hehe : ) You kill stuff that's slow way to easy. :) jello? 860 XP, plus your bonus. mmm.. lime? So 790 total ? whoa! thatsa lot He fought a gelatious cube. Do I get the 10% for high int ? ... a cube?? like... in a hall way? eeeeeeew He also needs more xp, and didn't get much stuff. :) Yep, one of those. Yep, +10% 860 PLUS my bonus ? yep. 946. woah. That jello was worth a lot. ^_^ That's 860 + 86, or .... 946 xp, .... cool : ) You'll need it. ^_^ I was trying to get Toe more too, but it's hard. I blew it away : ) You gooed it. hehe Yup Alexand, the walking machine gun ah well... Toe got lotsa cash! heh. Toe got lotsa cash. :) I gotta go off for a while, have to eat dinner. so sush for a sec, so I can save this. Okay