BtS enters the chat Should I change my name? Nah, it doesn't matter. Alright. One thing though... yep? Claire reminded me of the needs f stuff like food, tents, and other stuff. So, I juggled my equipment again. hehe. Food, mostly. okay. Nothing big. ALthough, I think I should have sat down and figured out ecumberance. heh, it's okay. Cool. Most of your time is just walking anyways. and it's not sending it... It's not? Probably becuase it cut out on my side. Let me try that again. okay Weeks and months passed, seemingly only days, following Kelemvor's direction. His visions lead you west through the northern forests and into the lower heights of the Villichi mountains of Northwind. (oh, just like, press Enter to get my attention if you want to do something) South through the Crysanden forests, following your master's word, preaching of his glory and dispatching his orders when those he wants in his presence when he has brought you to their path. ((right-o.)) (hehe, your intros have a lot of text I wrote. ^_^) Through the dark swamps in the south, then following your visions east along a river of liquid sliver and down into the strange agafari forests. Your master leads you north now, he seems now to have direction for you. ((I'm not complaining)) (It's a bit less once the game starts.) Through the high steepes of the Stormgarde range and into the Ringing mountains. The cold in the dead of winter pulls at the edges of your life, but Kelemvor leads you to another soul he desires, your resolve again strengthened. Along a wide river running to the west, his word guides you to the edges of a great city. He leads you to another soul, yet one he bids you not send him. A dark priest, cast down from the heights of the city in a broken home in the sparse forests and plains surrounding the city you see spreading out beneath you. The man, clouded in darkness, tells you of your master. His master. That you have been guided to him to do two things in service of Kelemvor. The darkened man, looking ancient now that you see him. His name is Gevarain, tells you of a place in the city you would go, a man you must see. You walk into the trees and call to your master. ((Okay, am I still listening?)) (yep) (I'm not sure how you talk to Kelemvor) ((right. I'll handle this.)) (okay) I sink the blade of my scythe into a neatby tree and fall to my knees. (k..) "Kelemvor! You're servant needs your guidance! I have long followed your ways, and long followed your commands. Now, a man, claiming service for another has bid me to do your will by doing his... Tell me, oh great Kelemvor, what is your will for me?" Kelemvor shows you a vision of the one Gevarain spoke of, and a vision the second thing you must do. Kelemvor tells you this shall be a test of your faith, as a great challenge lays ahead of you. Gevarain must be sent to your master, his work done on this world, and his strength needed to fight along side those above while you would work to help them from this world. "Thank you, oh Master. Your will is mine." But Gevarain believes it is not yet his time, and will resist you. ((That, I saw coming.)) (oh, did I tell you about Priest spell casting time?) (lol!!) ((No.)) (Like mages, casting time for most spells is equal to spell level.) ((Alright, so I won't have to worry about much, as al my spells are level one for now.)) (lots of level 1 spells have SLOW times.) ((Okay, this is all coming back to me.)) (okay.) ((Okay, is the game back on? Can I kill the old guy now?)) (Well, now what? yep, you can go on.) "Gevarain. You're time has come. My Master sends for you." He stands and glares at you. "No. I have further work here." "Master has revealed to me that your work here is finished. Join him in the next life, and serve his need there." "No, I will not." "Very well. Give him my regards when you see him then." He walks over and picks up an old, worn scythe from a corner. I'll take a good hack at him with my own. okay. Roll tohit. 16. Thac0? oooh. Give me a sec. Modified for strenght and everything. +1 from strength, +1 from the weapon. ((I think that's everything.)) Base 20? so 16 hits AC2? Yes. That is correct. okay, you hit. Rolla damage, and fire damage. 8 total. (What weapon is the scythe? I forget.) What is it seperately? Damage and fire? (Fuachard. Piercing, slashing.) 6,2 So you rolled a 4, right? (Just checking you added all your mods) ((No. I rolled a six... +1 for 17 STR... 7, then.)) And +1 from the magic weapon! :D ((rock on!)) hehe okay, he turns around and looks at you. ((I have this odd feeling this isn't good.)) His hand glows and he hits you. (AC 1, right?) ((correct)) He hits, and you feel your strength drained. 4 hitpoints. ((Dang.)) heh Roll init, now. "Cranky old bastard. You'll get an extra day in pergatory for that." 7. okay.. is that modified for your action? ((Err.. how so?)) Decide what you're doing this round, and then add the speed of that to your initiative. ((Oh. I thought you said to hit.)) ((Nevermind.)) (oh. no, Initiative.) (Becca wants to watch, is that okay?) (What'd you get for initiative?) ((Sure, but I never though of her... oh, nevermind.)) 7 again. okay. A magical glow surrounds him. Okay, you can go. ((Should I declare the spells I have now, or should I just try to get through on my own?)) (uhm, declare your spells! you kinda need them.) B enters the chat ((Right-o. Give me a minute or so.)) (You should have like, a semi-standard list of spells, just for a quick base to go from.) ((Right.)) (especially once you get to high levels and have like, 20 or so spells.) ((Cure light x 2, animal befriend, command, and bless)) (5?) ((dont want to know what you do with befriend anamials bob)) (rofl!!!) ((Yup. 1 +4 from 18 WIS)) (+4? you should have +2 first level spells) ((Hmm....)) You have +4 to magical saving throws. ((Oops, you're right. my bad.)) ((drop animal and bless)) hehe, you know how that wierd chart works now? :) okay ((Yup. dang chart. Confuse me, will it?)) (hehe, okay, it's your action now.) I'll aim for the head this time. ...really? You'll miss. it's a -4 to hit. ((That's my fancy way of saying, I'll try to hit him again. =P)) ah, okay. Bleh. Rolled a 7. Yooouu missed. Next round. Init again. I figured as much. What's with these 7s? lol!! What is your adjusted speed? ((Not using a weapon this time.)) (So you go on 8? You're first then) I'll cast one of my cure light wounds. Roll d8. Well, I didn't get a 7. hehe I got an 8. =P ROFL!! gee, good thing you can't use it all either. Yeah, I know. Stupid non cooperative dice. hehe Gevarain lifts his hand and a burst of fire forms there. "Oh, bloody hell." It's a small fire. But Save vs. Spell. ((Yay for +4!)) I roll a...? save vs. spell. sorry.. d10, d20? d20. Right. 16. Your base is 15, so d10 would kinda suck. :) 16 +4? Yes. I really should keep track of that. you take 1 point of damage, you freaky wisdom ..person! ((Alright.)) Init again 5 for init. Modified? Yes. you first. "Please dont' struggle. It's so frustrating when they struggle." I'll take another swing at him. Woo! 20! Dodge that! ouch... uhm, roll fire damage first. 2 And now roll your damage. Also 2. So 4? 4 total, yes. And now roll 1d6. 1 okay. :) hehe Heeee... touches himself!! (hehe, not like that) ((Ewww.)) ((said doctor mingala)) :) Initi again. hehe ((eww is righ)) 7, modified. ack.. go. I'll try casting Command on him. ok d20, right? No, you tell me the Command, and I have to roll. "Surrender." He stops. I'll kill him. The fire in his other palm vanishes. How? Scythe. Roll to hit. 13. Hits what AC? Wait... that's unmodified. 15, total. Hits 3, I think. You.. damn. hit. Roll damage, normal and fire. 5, 2 okay. Initiative. Ack. 10. okay His hand glows and he touches himself. You go. ((a very nasty npc)) (Cleric. They can heal themselve. ^_^) I'll hit him again. okay 10. Hits 10. Missed. Initiative agin. (wow, cleric fights take a while!) uhm, you go first. Are you sure? I got an 11. Yep Okay. I'll hit him again. okay. I missed. ack heee... Don't say that. roll save vs. spell, with Wisdom mod. 19.... 23, total. uhm, okay. Nothing happens. Init again. "Your power is weak, old man." 9. Save vs spell! Wisdom mod. 18. ((total)) rrr.. nothing happens again. 11 for init. You go, it's the same round still. Really? yep. Oh. RIght. I knew that. I'll..... hit him again! ehehe. he cast a spell, you resisted. :) okay! 14, modified. Hits 6. ack... you missed... wait, H ave to count rounds.. okay. Initiative! 7. okay, he casts a spell. A faint glow surrounds him a moment, then fades. I missed my attack. oky What'd you roll? 6. ah. okay, INitiative. 9 He casts something else, and then the light fades. So go. "Damn you and your not recognizable spells!" Woo! 20! ack!! roll fire damage. 4 roll damage. 2 +2? Roll 1d6. ((Actually, I just rememberd that I have the two handed technique.)) hehe, weapon speed goes down, and +1 damage? Keep remembering that! So +3? Roll d6 Right. I remembered the speed part, but not the damaage. Yes. And, 5. okay, he colapses to the floor. he looks unconscious. ((the witch is dead the witch is dead)) heeeee's dead. WOW! CLeric fights take forever!!! How long was that? Well, 9 rounds. His Barkskin just ran out. :) Aha. He had 3 spells left. Cure Light, Augury, and Dispel. "Spell using bastard." okay. He's dead. You remember the other part of what your god said? Anything of value? Nope, the whole place looks like it's falling apart. Hunt around? Yes. okay. *hunt hunt hunt* ((Well, theres' the chalenge of faith, and to send the onld guy on. That's about it.)) ((Do I roll anything?)) (He gave you a vision of the city nearby, and where to go.) (nope, I'm looking.) ((You didn't say that! =p)) (I did, but nott much detail on it. ^_^) (It was like, a side-note_ (Oh. Right.) ((Anyways...)) (hang a moment.) You find 13 gp,7 sp, 18 cp and a potion. ((Dang it, where'd ,y notepad go?)) Right-o. The potion is a translucent white. okay oh, duh. Here it is, Gevarain told you who to go in the city. ^_^ silly me. "Oh, Kelemvor, I thank thee for the aid which you have given me in this deed. Protect your servant as he does your will." You feel warmth. "Right. Off I go." oaky The city? I'll head for the city that Gevarain mentioned. okay, it's about 2 hours down the low hills from here. Okay. Into the sprawling city you walk, the guards at the gate you enter moving to stop you before something holds them back from you, allowing you to pass. The light of your master's word brings you to a dark part of this city. The roads are uneven and worn. Kelemvor can guide you to someone, right? ((Buildings? condition of?)) (Yep, old, run down.) Yeah, but it's more like I receive a vision of a face, and then get signs as I get closer to the person. Your master leads you to a what looks like a man, buried under old and dirty rags. Stopping in front of him, looking down. His pleading gaze lifts to you, his look of desperation turning briefly to fear "Hello." You can sense that Kelemvor requests his soul. People like him. A few, not many. Asleep, passed out, maybe dead. "Don't be troubled. My Master will care for you better in the next life than you recieved here." He looks extremely scared, and is struggling to rise. his face takes an expression of joy as he feels the release of Kelemvor's touch in your sweeping blade. You sense now that there are no other souls in this city, and that you may now continue to the building Gesarain told you of. One man is watching you, but he doesn't seem concerned. "Right. As you were." He looks at you and then cowers under his rags. You head west through the city, through the market, then past. The crowds eventually thin, the streets widen and no longer are there dejected souls sheltering themselves in the shade of worn buildings. The road here is smooth and well cared for, the buildings clean and bright with new coatings of wash. The people here are well dressed and happy, though a few of them seem to darken slightly as they see the you, and hurry past. Turning down one last corner, the street you stand on now is large, small gardens divide the street down the center and tall leafy trees cast shade down, sheltering the streets from the noon sun. The shops here all look clean and remarkably well-built, virtually all of them having actual glass windows. Down at the far end of the street is a truly remarkable structure. The building Gesarain described to you. Sitting high at the top of a set of wide stairs, it's walls gleam brightly. A heavy archway in front of the giant doors supported by pillars carved of bright marble in the finest workmanship. Getting closer you can see the detail that must have been spent working the form of the two great dragons into the stone. "Posh." (hehe, walk up to it?) (yup) Passing a white-clad priest of the Star, linked in hands with a fair skinned elf-kin girl with long auburn hair, you enter through the main doors of the building, the entrance hall of this building is massive, easily large enough to house a large family. heh A robed clerk approaches you, requesting to be of service. "You there." (Note, Gesarain told you you were to ask for Ryan.) "Yes, good master?" "Ryan. I look for a man called Ryan." "Be a good chap and find him for me?" A flash of surprise, then fear flashes in the man's eyes. "What Ryan?" "Ryan... ummm..." "I was told by an old man to meet a man with the name of Ryan here." The clerk looks nervous, edging from foot to foot. He doesn't answer. He looks like he wants to leave. "I don't have all day. My Master waits for no one." "...uhmmm...." hehe "Is there someone I can talk to who would know where I can find Ryan?" He tries to push you out the door. "I am sorry, I can show you no Ryan here." He sounds anxious. ((Am I taller than he?)) Yep User B has left the chat "While my Master does not call for you, I'm not above sending you to him out of pure fustration. Ryan. Now." He looks up at you, cowering slightly. Then nods and becons you to follow. He sets off through a archway to your left. He scurries through the halls, leading you, glancing back repeatedly as if fearing your presence behind you, leading you down the south hall, around a corner and up a long flight of stairs. A long hall of indentical doors line the long hallway at the top. Turning left and walking nearly to the end, he stops at a set of double doors. He turns to look at you, looking at you warily, then he knocks once no the heavy doors before swinging them open and ushering you in, closing the doors quickly behind you, you hear his footsteps carry him rapidly down the halls. Inside this room are a group of people. The walls are covered in shelves, all empty, their books thrown to the floor except for one shelf. In the room is a short, feral lookin girl who's grinning at an auburn haired girl with a bow. There's an elven girl, seemingly passed out on the floor. ((yep...) ((My guess is that's Toe's character.)) (yep) There's a tall elf in a black and white mask in a chair. "Master Kelemvar, your servant is in the hands of strange people. Do you require any of them?" A very tall, bearded human with brown hair... And a strange looking man perched on the arm of a chair, sitting like a giacat would... You feel nothing... Kelemvar has no answer. "Right. Hello." (hehe, I need the others for this. This is everyone.) ((I figured as much. ;) )) hehe. lemme add your xp. Woo! heh 650, plus any bonusses you get. You have +10%, right? Is that for both classes, or to be divided among the two? Yes, in both. You have two classes? fighter/priest? Yup. Well, fighter/cleric is what they called it in the help file. okay. That's total xp, so... 715 total, 357.5 for each class. Round up? Down? Keep fractions. :) Oh, okay. Cool. That rocked. Aaaaaaaanndd.. hopefully three or four of the others will all show up tonight. If not, we get to schedule our first real adventure.