CC enters the chat Should I bother to change my name since it's just me? nah, it's okay. Woo! heh You have my new char right? Yeep. ;-) one less AC, and some other minor stuff. Yeah. Kopporu enters the chat *runs off to open files...* Hi Koppy! *pokes Koppy* Don't be rude young lady! ;-) hey! hehe i was biiiiiiiseeey! Hey Piiiiix... you get to watch me do Claire again! woooo~ woowoo! heh oooookeh go! ;-) reviewing your info. :) why are we doing this over again? Cause I like to do Claire. :) rofl figures! cause we want a log and hatch wanted to try some stuff Yep. Kinky stuff. ROFL Okay, leaving Coventry, you catch a ride with a caravan boat to the other side of the river, ((kay)) (9which side?)) {rollin down the rii-vah...} and then you follow the footpath east, staying close to the river as you head for Harlech. North side of the river. ;-) Yes, for Coventry, the "other side" isn't that specific. {do you have the tools to make a bow!} how many hours is it to make that 178? She does. : :) ((Yep, 178 if I want to succeed on a 19.)) okay 22.25 days? ((hold on)) 5 hours at night, and an effective 3 hours while walking? ((176 hours)) ((yep)) pkay 22 days. wow... ONE day short. :) (9hehehe)) {boy, Alexis doesnt get out much does she} oaky, the first few days of your travel are quiet, uneventful. (huh?) {spent the whole trip makin a bow.... she coulda been boozin and crusin!!! ;)} ((hehehe)) (heh.. she IS a Protector...) Early in the morning on your fourth day, shortly after leaving your camp for the night, you hear a soft rustling in the trees. It's stopped. "hmmm...." ((where is it in relation to me?)) Above. You hear it again. {dont open your mouth!!!!! ;)} moments later you hear a rather shocked sounding growl and a heavy weight falls on you, bowling you over. "ooof" You feel a heavy furred creature pressing down on you before it rolls slowly off you. {boy, we didnt see THIS coming ;)} You see a big, brownish cat with a white throat staring at you with it's tongue lolling out slightly. It's big. "Hello, cat..." It bares it's teeth at you and then yawns. ((how far is it from me?)) It looks at you for a moment and lets out a low, soft purring sound. 5, maybe 6 feet. It tilts it's head at you. It moves towards you slowly. It sniffs at you, poking it's head around your back. "Are you hungry?" You feel it's nose brush against your side. It lets out a soft, plaintive whine It sniffs at your hands. "Want some jerky, cat?" It sniffs you and growls very softly. It sniffs and growls, licking your hand. It seems reluctant. It sits down. {noooooo!!!! IM the animal in the parteeeeeeeeee!!! ;)} It raises it's chin and puffs uhm.. purrs. "So why are you so friendly, hmm?" {its a were beast ;)} He sniffs at your hand where the foods was ((Ack!!) ((did it eat the jerky?)) Not yet. Is it still in your hand? ((yep.)) He hasn't eaten it. It sniffs and licks your hand. "You can have this. it's good." Growling softly. "Hmm....." "Mrrrl?" "So are you hungry or not?" It licks at the jerky and shuffles the ground with it's paws. It inhales the food {whoa... crack cat ;)} CRAP!!! (hehe) Spilled my drink! brb ack! your comp sticky? { i guess not from my witty comment ;)} (heh. you wish.) The cat moves towards you and licks madly at the hand where the jerky was. ((at least it's just water)) (hehe. could be much worse) "You still hungry, cat?" It purrs, snuffling at your pack. It looks at you and then takes it from your hand. "I won't hurt you, just take it." {*snooooooooore* zzzz} (shaddup!) {;)} ((do I see any injuries on the cat?)) (nope. Just a big cat) ((wonder why it's being like this>> {a big ol'puddy tat!} The cat sits. "So, cat..." It twitches it's ear. "I need to go down the trail. I'm traveling." It purrs and lays down. "I need to go, cat!" {bushes out back CC ;)} er feet It rolls over and paws at the air. "mrrrrr..." "Oh, you want to play, then?" It hops up and sniffs at it. It's back leg twitches and it sits down. ((guess i'll play with it for a bit)) ((poor lonely cat)) It eats the food you left. "Get the stick!" {just leave the damn cat!!! ;)} It sits and watches you, it's head tilted. ((Shush!!)) "Hmm..... you're a puzzle." It looks at you and twitches it's ear. {like cats play fetch ;)} It closes it's eyes and starts to lick it's paws. "I need to walk, cat, you're welcome to come if you' re bored." {just GO ;)} It watches you for a moment and walks slowly into the trees. It walks a bit strange. "hmmm..... ((can I see it?)) Nope. ((I'll track it. ;-))) Roll. :) 9 what's your number to get? Wisdom so., 16. which is? okay. You can see it's trail. ((poor pan is bored!)) It stops about 14 feet from a large tree. (yep) {zzzz} (She wants you to kill stuff) {KILL KILL KILL} {;)} You see the big creature laying up on a high branch. "Hey cat!" It looks down at you and twitches it's ear. "Do you want some food?" It lays there looking at you. ((How high up is it?)) 20 feet. ((can I see why it was walking funny?)) {throw a rock at it ;)} ((noooo!!)) Not really, it's laying on the branch with one paw dangling off. It's tail twitches slowly. I'll put a piece of jerky at my feet and sit against the tree. wokr on my bow for a bit. ;-) See if it comes down heh It watches you. how long? Till lunch. ;-) okay. 3 hours. ((he still up there?)) It looks like it's asleep. {maybe its a polymorphed druid ;)} ROFL "I'm leaving now." It's tail twitches. I'll head back to the trail and continue on. It paws gently at the air. Looks like it's dreaming. oaky You keepa walking? Yep. Dumb cat. ;-) okay. Neeeeext morning, you wake up and see a dead rabbit. "hmmm....." Any cat tracks? (ow, my ribs are starting to hurt.) Lots of them. (why?) More than one cat? Because he's asleep a few feet away. So, can I see why it was walking funny before? Nope. It's sleeping on it's back. It has one leg up in the air, kicking a little bit. It's tongue is lolling out. I'll make a fire and cook breakfast It wakes up at the smell. good. ;-) It starts washing itself. It eeeats. I'll break camp. It watches. "Coming or not?" It purrs and follows you. Continue down the trail. It follows. kay. ;-) I'll go on.... It follows you all day. hehehehe So, I'll keep going, share my meals and play with it periodically during the day and hope it keeps bringing rabbits. ;-) It follows you for five days. Each morning there is a different animal for you. Cool. {polymorphed druid!!! ;)} What happens after 5 days? After about 5 hours, it heads off into the trees. I'll track it again. ;-) Rolled 12 You see it leaping through trees. Leaping up in trees?? yep Wow! Its a cat! They do that. :) Mountain lions can jump 18 feet straight up. How far can I follow it? You lose it after about 15 minutes {GROAN} (ROFL!!) And I imagine I can't find a trail, right? ;-) Nope. {not even a real NPC to interact with!!!!! WAAAAAH ;)} ((sure it is!)) (shush you!) (cat's is smart!) I'll go back to the trail and continue on. lonely. ;-) (this one could out-wit Koppy!) hehehe {:P} {damned polymorphed druid!!! ;)} An hour later, you see (how oddly familiar) a dirty and illkempt man standing in the middle of the path. "Greetings." He stares at you, his ripped and filth cloak falling open. "Your monkey. Now." ROFL money!! dangit ROFL DEscribe him to me (oh yes, didn't I mention that monkey that's been on your shoulder for the last week?) ((ROFL)) He's dirty. He looks at you coldly. {i gotta go for a sec! beback sooooooon} Do I see any footprints or any sign on anyone else? User Kopporu has left the chat (okay!) Roll perception. wis/int 11. wis/int is 14 Yep. tracks. What kind? How many? Doggies, and human prints. quite a few. Right by your feet, there's one from a large cat. "please sir, I don't want to harm you. Just let me pass." ((where to tracks lead?)) The man laughs softly. "You can pass once you give me your money." (they're too chaotic to follow) "why would you risk your life for a few coins? I have little." He looks at you coldly, drawing a sword. "This is your last warning, let me pass." He whistles loudly. You hear a sharp bark and yip behind you. okay. attack? Yep. Ack. 6. Miss. k When can I use my other attack? So I do it last? go now. same time Hit ac 7. he parries. *cling clang!* See if I can carry my rush past him, whirling to face him roll strength. 1, ;-) yep. Cool. You see a dirty dog running up, now on the opposite side of the man. yep from behind where you were before. No, I back down the trail. ;-) oh okay okay "I will defend myself to the death." "well, to your death, anyway." He whistles again, looking back. The dog rushes and lunges at you. parry attack? yes, attack if I can roll hit ac 5 hits 5+6=11 ... the head of the dog hits you. The body doesn't... He looks a bit nervous, glancing behind him and whistling. "please don't make me kill you." He raises his arm, flicking it outward. (the empty one) ((oops. ;-))) (oops?) ((he throw something at me?)) (no, out to the side.) Oh. Something small and black slips out of his sleeve, he catches it in his hand. How far is he? 20 feet Hmm..... how far are the trees? 3 feet or so. I'll duck into the trees he throws something at you. ack It brushes past you, creasing your shirt and hitting into a tree with a solid thunk. what is it? dagger? you can't tell. wanna go look? Nope. heh Where do you go? Rolls back out into the trail, okay He's gone. Go see what he threw. ;-) A big dart. Okay. Anything distinguishing about it? It's sticking in a tree... It has something on it's tip. Something wet? yep Won't touch the dart. ;-) Your AC is 4? or 3? 1. woo. hehe Hehehehe Something hits you in the back. So someone's backstabbing me? ;-) Whirl around Thee's something sticking in your back. it hurts... 2 points. ow! save vs poison. 12. whew, not by much okay. hold a sec. Can I see him? kay you can now. Rush him, attacking okay. roll. hit ac 6 The thing in your back starts to burn a little. 4 damage. you hit him. 4+6=10 ok he looks hurt... How long will it take to yank that thing out of my back? not long. Do it then. ;-) ok Even if I need to use my second attack to do so. okay. he lunges at you. hits. was gonna parry parry then. rolled 15. hit ac 2 you parried. :) woo! is this second round? is now. init? roll init for this one. 6+5=11 he attacks you. Can I parry fo i don't have init? Yep. parry. ;-) ok woo! hit ac -2 roll crushing blow check. How? d20 18 ok Your sword vibrates from the parry. It tingles. ;) you can go now. "I'm sorry...." I'll try to impale him with my offhand sword roll hit ac 1 damage? he dies. ;) heh You see the cat. Anything odd about it? It's chewing on a dog. hehe. "Hi again, cat." Didn't you wonder why there was only one? Yep. ;-) It looks up and you think it smiles at you. :) Thank you, cat." Is it injured> Oh, I'll check the body in front of me. (wow, you know someone with poison is +2 on the experience tables in the dmg?) Nope, looks fine. Woowoo! ;-) hehe You find on the body; 15cp 2 gp and 2 rocks. one is a pale bluish-white the other is golden yellow ok Walk over to scratch the cat's ears it purrs and looks up from the dog. it has blood all over it's face. There's a big hole in the dog. "Good dinner?" The cat loooks really happy. He seems to be a bit healthier than before. I'll wait a bit to see if it needs to eat... Can i tell the cat's sex, BTW? It is eating. :) wanna look? Sure. ;-) heh.. okay uhm.. hold a sec. kay it's male. I'll wait until he's done eating the poor dog. ;-) hehe you wait a while. Then it starts washing itself. Wait a bit more, resting. Want it to be clean. ;-) okay it stops when it's done. "let's go!" it tilts it's head at you and stands. Go to the trail and continue on. oaky. ((trying to think of a name!)) heh You don't need to. :) Okay. ;-) why do you wanna name it? Kopporu enters the chat ((you missed me fighting!)) Dunno. ;-0 ehee {damn you!} hehehee. {;)} You missed the only violence!!! oh, uhm, your back still burns a litt.e {sizzle sizzle} 1 more point. (poison) "I hate poison. Cowardly bastard." {ow! yikes... poison huh} (yep) So, I'll continue down the trail. What time is it? {time to get a watch! ;)} ((my it was so quiet here before! What happened?? ;-))) (huh?) {... hey!} (oh... hehe) It's about 2 in the ..uh, it's shortly after mid-day. Okay, we'll walk. ;-) okay The pussy stays on your tail. and ignore the beheaded dog. ;-) {LOL{ The cat stops to sniff that dog. Then keeps followng you. "want to eat that one, too?" "good." {nooooo!!!!! oh wait... you were talking to the cat} {;)} (ROFL!!) ((HAHAHA)) (Yep, she needs a big pussy. ;) ) I'm the first char to get pussy! {hey hey now.... ;)} hehe! you are! {baaaad ;)} And it's a big pretty one too. So, I'm walking with my cat. ;-) Biiiiiig okay. nothing much happens. Figgers. No owl bears? ;-) nope. {oh I SEE wait till Pab comes to get boriiiiiiing!!!!! ;)} {er.. Pan} (pab? I'll keep going until something happens or it's time to set up camp.;-) okay. Light starts to fade. Find a good place t camp! ;-) okay I'll look alon the river. ;-) hehe No, I dind't change this part. :) {dont camp along the river!} You find a good spot. So, when I find a place, i'll build a fire and make dinner for me and the big pussy. *^_^* hehe okay. The cat slips quietly into the forest. Takes me 12 minutes to build it. ;-) heeh sloooooow! WITHOUT a flint and steel! :-p It returns a short while later with a... {why bother with a fire???? ; )} {just sleep in the trees} ))Because I'm civilized!)) {thats what I'd do!!!} a possum.. heh. Yeah, but she meets people with fire. :) "Oh, a possum! Thank you." Shy, quiet, cute people. I'll cook it. And share it. ;-) heh okay. uhm, brb. {eww! you'd eat a possum???? yuck} {possums smell} {:p} ((only if you eat them raw! :-p)) {tree rats is what they is!} ew! Possum isn't bad. {well.. Kopporu wouldnt eat it!!! ;)} ((Not if it was cooked, anyways)) (Kopporu would eat a drowned sewer rat!) {would nooooooot!!!! ;)} anyway, you eat. Your back hurts still. After we eat, I'll clean up, bury the refuse, and hang my food from a tree. okay And then pitch my tent and sleep! ;-) okay NAKED!! ;-) j/k hey!!! {you have a tent to pitch????} Yep, she does. ((yep!)) ;-) {LOL so THATS how you are... ;)} ))yep! ;-))) (Like all d&d parties, there is ALWAYS one who thinks to bring a tent.) (that's how she is?) ((it only sleeps 2 though)) ;-) {**Pans joke falls flat** ;)} (Small tent. sleeps 2 people.) ((AHAHAHA!!!)) {i bet you could fit more in there} ((Now I get it)) ;-) {;)} (SHE could.) (I don't get the joke....) (("pitched a tent")) {tent pitchin.... think about it ;)} (I am...) So, I'm sleeping now! Okay. Iiiiin the morning... You wake slowly, stiff from the night on the ground and the attack from the night before. You smell the scent of cooking bacon, accompanied by the faint crackle of your fire, though it should have been out long ago. You see a vaguely familiar young human male sitting next to your fire, he's tall, easily six feet. He has short black hair and soft brown eyes. His cloak is a brilliant white, and seemingly spotless. Light from the fire reflects off his armor, obviously extremely well cared-for, it nearly gleams in the faint light. He's slowly turning food inside a pan resting just over the flame. Hearing your movement, he looks up from the fire. ((there's food inside Pan!!!)) {inside a PAN?} (MMmmm) {waaah! ;)} (Pixie food...) "Hello...." "Good morning. I trust you are feeling better, Lady Valdius." "Good morning......" {lady my ass!!!! ;)} (shaddup!) "How do you know my name? do i know you? He looks away a moment. "Sorry, my lady. Of course, you wouldn't know me. My name is Brendon Draun, I was asked to follow you once you left Coventry and ensure you arrive safely in Harlech. I had been asked to avoid directly encountering you, but it seems the trouble last night was almost too much for you. I thought it prudent to ensure you'd not die during the night." uhm... I have to eat dinner. "Well.... thank you....." {he's a werepuma!!!!} Doh! ;-) I'll still be here (I'll be back! don't close the chat. ;) ) okay! {yawn} Everyone shush, Im gonna save it so far "take off your clothes" 'thanks for the sex, it was great as usual' ;) ((ehhehehe)) He looks away a moment. "Sorry, my lady. Of course, you wouldn't know me. My name is Brendon Draun, I was asked to follow you once you left Coventry and ensure you arrive safely in Harlech. I had been asked to avoid directly encountering you, but it seems the trouble last night was almost too much for you. I thought it prudent to ensure you'd not die during the night." {get the ref. toe????? ;)} "You were asked...... by whom?" {Yep... sniff... those who hunt elves ;)} (whaaaat???) "By... people who wish to protect this land." {that one chick's so coy.... i wonder if she's the token lesbian ;)} {I'm going to go girls and guys... headache and goofiness calls for sleep ;)} User screaming to live. has left the chat "But what would such people want with me?" He looks at you and tilts his head. "Well. They need your help." (mmm...tilty) "MY help? I find that rather ironic, to be honest." {he looks at her WHAT???} He furrows his brow. "Ironic?" {ooh... he tilts his head ;)} "Did you heal my wound?" He reddens slightly. "Well, yes. I did." "well, I am in your debt. Thank you." ((cat here?)) He looks back down into the fire. No cat. "Have you seen a rather large mountain lion in the area?" Looking down into the fire, he shakes his head. He looks up. "Would you like some breakfast?" "Hmm....." "So, tell me of these people who think they need my help." "They are.. important people. I serve them. They work to protect this land." "Yes, breakfast would be fine, thank you." "So...." "They work to protect the land. Are the an Order?" {boy, you're the straight lace of the party arntcha CC ;)} He holds out a plate to you. ((shush!)) "Thank you." "No... not as such, though they work indirectly with.. some." He smiles (She's just the only one who's not easy, Pixie!) "Work indirectly?" "Indirectly. Their influence, if known widely, wouldn't sit well with other governments." "So, they are a power in the land then, and you serve this power." "All of my life." "All of your life. And now, this power thinks I can help them?" "They have reached... a point that they need outside help. They believe you can do that." "This seems far-fetched to me." He chuckles "But I already serve a power. My life belings to Helm..." "... even though I have been cast out by his order." "Still, I serve him, and him alone." "Yes, I know. This would not interfere with your service to him. It would even fall in line with his wishes." {manipulative lil bastard ;)} fucfuckfuck! I'll be back in like 8 minutes!! oops! I'll hurry. you better. ;-) ... hum hum your character is a goooooober CC!!!! ;) No she isn't! :-p yeah she is ;) She's just not an insane fruitcake like everyone else! we'll drive you crazy im sure ;) No doubt. ;-) She likes people though. ;-) I tried VERY hard not to kill the guy with the poison. ;-) But it pissed me off when he stick a dart in my back. ;-) like people... LIKES people... Yep oh does she ;) bad Pan! i know i know lessee.. She does though. ;-) Toe - crazy Pan - crazy No, Toe - drunk Bob - Crazy Pan - crazy Bob - totally insane Toe - Drunk/Crazy Me - stick in the mud LOL Bee - who the hell knows ;) Becca - not sure ;-) Buffy - hoity toity i imagine ;) Maybe. ;-) hmmm Whaaaaat? drunk, crazy, insane, stick in the mud, who knows, and hoity toity And a big pussy! Maybe, anyways. ;-) poor poor Alexis.... ;) Bet it's brendon though ;-) what alignment is she? Lawful neutral. ;-) I could kick your ass though! ;-) And i said KICK! :-p Why do you call her a hoity toity? Hi hatch! hi :) 4.5 minutes, round trip. Not bad! Whare'd you go? Get my brotjher from school Hehehe So, where were we? No teachers in the parking lot. I made quite the entrance. And exit. talking to Brendon. "Yes, I know. This would not interfere with your service to him. It would even fall in line with his wishes." "so, this power you speak of serves Helm?" Beep! Beep! {damn... didnt work ;)} "In a manner of speaking. We serve to protect... life by destroying evil." Beep! Beep! Becca's on Alpha enters the chat woah.. quick work. "So, your motives are in line with mine." ((hugs Becca)) "Yes, quite." "Well then..." "Thank you for breakfast......" "How would you prefer I adressed you?" He smiles, "It was nothing. Really." "uhm.. my name is Brendon Draun. You may call me as you wish, Lady Valdius." {CC WAKE UP} "I will call you Brendon." (huh?) {wait... is she saying stuff??} {i cant see her responses... ah well ;)} "But please do not call me Lady, I am no longer of the Order..." He grins. "Of course, Lady Valdius." (Drop, Pix.) "Wait, you are familiar to me...." User Kopporu has left the chat He looks confused. "Well, I can't just call you Valdius... and Lady is your proper title." "Familar?" "Are you certain we haven't met?" Kopporu enters the chat He smiles sheepishly. "Quite sure... why?" "Nothing. There is just a familiarity about you." "Call me Alexis." "Really? How so?" "Of course, Lady Alexis." {..... *sniff* Alexis...) (hehe, hey, an Alexis who isn't a sexpot!) "Your use of the title is a little painful to me, Brendon. Please call me Alexis." " you request... aAlexis." "Thank you. My circumstances for.....leaving the Order are nothing I wish t thnk about, and the title just serves to remind me." "Appologies, Alexis.. I know." "You know? How do you know?" "The ones I work for. In their relations with other.. groups, they learn many things unknown." "So the ones who are seeking my help know of my ejection from the Order...." "This seems convenient." "They do." "It is one of the reasons they chose you, I am told." "What have yo been told of me, Brendon?" he reddens a little. "...Enough for my assignment, that's all." {sneaky lil bastards!!!} "And how much is 'enough for your assignment'?" "uhm... I know about you and your training." "And you know that I am not responsble for the circumstances that lead to my dismissal?" "yes. I know." "All right." "YOu don't like that?" "So, where to we go from here?" "East." "Another coincidence." "Not really." "Not really?" "You'd have ended up there anyways, I was just here to get you there in a timely, and surviving manner." "And where is 'there'?" (102.1 fever) (ack1 you okay??) ((hugs becca)) "Harlech, of course." "Coincidences abound." "And I assume you are to be my traveling companion?" "They do. Sort of. I'm from Harlech, I was going there. It seems only natural I'd travel with you." He looks away. "Is something bothering you?" "Yyou are.." he blushes. "No, nothing." He stands. "We should get moving." "well, let's do so then." {hey hey you two.... break it up ;)} ((:-p) (quiet you!!) "Brendon...." He helps you pack the camp. "Yes, Alexis?" "You haven't seen a large mountain cat in the area?" He looks confused, then looks away from you. "No, why?" "He was a companion." "Yes. I see." He looks deep into your eyes, you feel a tug in your mind. {GROAN ;)} ((rofl)) ((tug on her skirt brendon)) (shaddup smarty pants!) "You coming?" (Brendon wouldn't do that B!) ((hehehehe)) He looks at you and shakes his head a little. "Yes.. I'm coming." "Then move your feet." {oh i bet he IS!!!!} ((yep. ;-))) (*poke*) "Of course." He follows you. ((he better!)) heh You feel a quiet pulling inside your mind again, then it stops and you don't feel it again. ((what the hell is that???)) Brendon hurries a bit, catching up. (spell) ((:-p)) heh So we continue traveling! ;-) And I'm working of course! yep {oh nooooooo a psionisist!!!} You spend the rest of the journey with Brendon, each morning you wake to the smell of breakfast. (NO HE ain't! Priest spell.) ((I miss my kitty!)) {yeah yeah whatever ;)} (Claire wants pussy, Pix!) ((ROFL!!!!!)) ((MEAN!!!)) *^_^* {she's not the only one ;)} (I don't need too heeeear that.) ((PAN!!!)) {what? ;)} Brendon cooks for me! ;-) Yep. Every morning. What a sweetie! mmhmm So, anything else happen on our journey? ;-)\ After a little over another week, you start to see the high spires of a great city in the distance. {what a lap dog ;)} (Is not!) (not yet anyways) What kinda "anything"? (hey!) ((anything exciting?)) ;-) (You mean, mad, freaky animalistic sex?) (Or maybe, Brendons eyes turning golden?) {not likely ;)} ((anything. ;-))) (nope, nothing special.) (Where do you sleep?) {yaaaaaaaaawn} {zzzz ;)} (In my tent! ;-) (okay.) As you approach the city, Brendon starts telling you various historical facts about it. nothing particularly interesting. {blah blah.... yeah right CC!!! ;)} ((hehehe)) "So..." He looks at you "Do you know how this power thinks I can help the,?" "Well, he told me." "And can you tell me?" "Tell you why he thinks you can?" "Yes. That." "Because, who you are. What you believe." "And what is so special about myself and my beliefs that made this power pick me over others?" "Because... of your history." "You are no help, brendon." {yeah... and why'd he pick me??!???!? Im volatile and dangerous! ;)} He looks vaguely confused. (Theyhave their reasons.) (And yes, everyone DOES have a reason.) "So.... take me to this power that is so interested so I can get a straight answer." {cool!! i wanna know whhhhhy!!!! ;)} "Of course." (You never will, Pix.) Brendon takes your hand in his as you approach the gates, telling you softly, "Don't stray too far from me now, Harlech can be a dangerous place to the unwary, especially in the outer parts of the city." {i wont???} (well, you could ask him, but he likely wont answer just yet.) (poo!) It's big. Actually, it's fragging huge. The two men at arms guarding the gate greet Brendon warmly, it would seem they know his well. Down long, busy streets he leads you, the bricks look old and uneven, many having sank slightly into the ground a little. The crowds through the marketplace are nearly overwhelming, but Brendon seems to part them with ease, pulling you after him. "This place is amazing." The crowds eventually thin, the streets widen and no longer are there dejected souls sheltering themselves in the shade of worn buildings. He looks at you and squeezes your hand. "Yes, I like it. It's home."" The road here is smooth and well cared for, the buildings clean and bright with new coatings of wash. The people here are well dressed and happy, though a few of them seem to darken slightly as they see the two of you, and hurry past. Turning down one last corner, the street you stand on now is large, small gardens divide the street down the center and tall leafy trees cast shade down, sheltering the streets from the noon sun. The shops here all look clean and remarkably well-built, virtually all of them having actual glass windows. Down at the far end of the street is a truly remarkable structure. Sitting high at the top of a set of wide stairs, it's walls gleam brightly. A heavy archway in front of the giant doors supported by pillars carved of bright marble in the finest workmanship. Getting closer you can see the detail that must have been spent working the form of the two great dragons into the stone. Brendon stops, looking up to the building and smiling. "This is the House of Avery. The building is more than seven hundred years old. The Star's cathedral here is yet older still, though. This building has been the home of the Avery family, and the seat of our government since the founding of this city. Of course, it wasn't always quite this big." "It is... breathtaking." "Yes, I know. You would love the Star's cathedral here." {LOL i love your reaction as opposed to mine CC ;)} (heh.) "You must take me to see it." (you didn't even loooook!!) ((Hehehehe)) {it was freakin me out!!!! ;)} "We can, but not just yet." He looks at you and grins, pulling at your arm. "Come on, we're already a bit behind. You're to meet with Ryan and the others he's gathered at once, they'll be waiting already." "Ryan?" "Well... yes. Ryan. He works directly with the one who you will be helping." "And there are others...." "Othes who work for them? Yes. Many." {too freakin many! ;)} (heh)) "You said I would meet the others." "Can you tell me of these 'others?'" "Oh, those others. Yes, well, we would not ask you to do this alone." "No, but you'll be meeting them soon enough." {psst does anyone care if Red watches the last few seconds? ;)} "You are still no help, Brendon." ((okay)) (go nuts!) He blushes. Entering through the main doors, the entrance hall of this building is massive, easily large enough to house a large family. Seeming quite at home in the mammoth building, he strides confidently through the halls, leading you down the south hall, around a corner and up a long flight of stairs. A long hall of indentical doors line the long hallway at the top. Turning left and walking nearly to the end, he stops at a set of double doors. Red enters the chat (booga booga) He turns to look at you, squeezing your hand, he then bows deeply to you. "Lady Alexis, it was a great pleasure to meet you, and my greatest honor to have served you." Then he knocks once no the heavy doors before swinging them open and ushering you in, closing the doors quickly behind you. "The Order halls are magnificent, but they pale to this place..." ((SMOOOCH ALLIE!!!)) ((giggle)) (Hey, not in front of the innocent eyes!) ((who is innocent?)) The room is empty. It's lined with bookshelves and has a few large chairs. ((Hatch is!)) (uhm... Me?) ((yeah right)) (Quiet you! :D) (You have'nt been talking to Deanna, have you Red?) ((ROFL no, i know of what i speak >8^)) "Brendon?" (evil girly.) He falls through, knocking you over. {finish the damn game!!! ;p} "Oof!" He rolls off you and gently picks you up. He's bright red. "I'm sorry, my lady. I did not mean to..." "You seem to do that a lot." He looks around. "I ... I do?" "Yes. You do." "I ..haven't before." He looks away. "No no, your cheeks flush." He looks uneasy. He reddens a bit more. "Yes, just like that." He makes a quiet, embarrassed noise. "Do I embarass you, Brendon?" ((CZI calls you all nerds)) (Tellhim I said thanks.) {like he's any better! ;)} ((CZI can kiss my ass! ;-))) He stammers a moment. "Nn no, you don't." "Are you sure?: ((we played last saturday 8^P)) (ROFL!!) "Yyes. Alexis." He wanders slowly around the room. "Well, you must be running a fever then." You think you see his ears redden slightly. He's facing away from you. He settles perched on one of the big chairs. "Brendon?" "yes?" {enter: Kopporu ;)} (you have already!!) "Will you be accompanying us on..... well, whatever it is we are going to do?" (We're doing to tehe end of hers." "No, Alexis. I will remain here, probably for another week, and then be sent on another assignment." "pity..." "A good companion is hard to find these days..." ((ROFL)) "you'll soon have more than enough people with you." He shifts around on the chair. "I saidaid a good companion...." He eventually settles sitting up on the arm of it. {MORE than enuff...} He flushes. "yyes, I heard you..." He trails off. The picture fades as the gallery lights come up. The curtain slowly falls. Hey Dick Master.. I mean DM? {thank GOD} ((POKE PAN!!!)) WHAAAAT??? {Im just kidding!!!! ;)} ARe you talking to her???? Hehehehehee **^_^** this game sounds fun........ How long d I have left on my bow? {it is ;)} **HINT HINT** About 9 hours work. *poke HAtch* *AHEM* i think she wants to play So, I can roll right now and succeed on an 18? ;-) but she doesnt know what time we are playing at. I SAID......THIS GAME SOUND FUN!! 8^D (Looks vaguely around the room) {LOL} ROFL ALLIE!!! ;-) Heh. Aren't you too tired to play? This isn't our normal time. when is your normal time? Normal start is around when Becca's dad pisses off. when is that?] ROFL around 10:30 or so, my time. what nights? Week nights, not set yet though. what time zone are you in? Pacific Like me. ;-) Yes, we do. 1130 central? so that would make it what time Central? 8^D sometime. :) When does your dad start leaving you alone, becca? if you don't want anymore people to play that is fine I'm already 2 more people than I actually wanted. :) any time from 1130 to 12 but if i have something to do i can lock him out. lol how about you kick him out? 8^D yell at him!!! i cant do it that often :P i mean out of the house! 8^D ooh, xp!! YEAH!!! hold on And i wanna roll on my bow. ;-) maybe soon red :) good for you B! Woohoo Becca! 455, Claire. Base, roll on a bow? Cool! ;-) is that like roll on deorderant? LL heeh LOL So 455 plus my stat bonus? She's building a bigassed bow. yeah, 455 plus any bonuses. Hi Tink!!! hey Tink Tink enters the chat DO I get any bonus besides stat? waaaa size matters not, or somethign that muppet says this is degrading from a D&D chat!!! ;) why is Pan crying? oh poo Pan hold on, everyone quiet a minuute :p I have to copy this. k copy what?