Kopporu enters the chat Claire is gonna watch. :) woah... icq is annoying. :) why?? which part? i didnt get to watch herrrrrrrs! :p You didn't ask CC enters the chat You should have if you wanted to well, she can go sit in the sun! ow If you don't want me to, I won't! ;_0 for a very short moment. ;p oookay. ya? Toe's dad isn't mad. woo! hm? I know! hey, maybe she should watch? who what where? heh, talk to Toe once in a while, Pixie. I do! :p Ask her then. ask her what? school. oh, she's a tellin me that ;p hehe okay hum hum does toe want to watch? ask her It'd be good for her. (The gallery lights fade, the curtain beginning to rise) im askin im askin! {oooh... da movie's startin! better turn on mah BEEPER} heh toe's tired enters the chat okay! lets start! ;) uhm yeah You spend weeks wandering in random directions, moving generally southwest from the last town you stayed in. *shot of Kopporu wandering aimlessly* Wandering down a trail bordered by dense trees on either side, bending and weaving around trees and rises in the low hills. From around a bend in the trail ahead of you, you hear the sounds of what seems to be numerous small dogs barking, punctuated by metal meeting metal and occasionally, flesh. *continue walking on the trail in that direction* "hum hum" Running towards it, you hear a sickening crack and a muffled cry. Rounding the bend you catch a last glimpse of a man falling under a mass of kobolds. heh {i was running?} i slipped. :) walk, run, you get around the corner.:) *^_^* {how many koboldssesses?} There are at least 7 already dead on the ground, strewn about. The remaining ones swarm over the fallen man, barking and yipping loudly. {like... a horde of kobolds????} well, 7 of them are already dead. How many could be left? {i can count ya know! I think i might have an idea} At least 4, that you can see, but not many. They're all over the guy. {what are the yarmed with} You can't tell. {are they wearin armor???} Kobolds??? {its possible} One of them, standing just off from the group, is holding a big sword. They could wear like, padded or rags. {a BIG sword huh} Big compared to a 3' kobold. {so they dont see me right } nope. They're occupied. {could i just walk on by and not be noticed?} (you hear lots of knashing and tearing) They're in teh middle of the trail it's about 8 feet wide. "HEY! Yeah you!!!! Get the hell outta the road!" The kobolds all stop and look up at you. "Yeah, you heard me!" Two of them jump up and run at you, followed by a third one. *snort* yep *barks* **obtains fighting stance** roll init then. 5 +? thats with a +2 ok you go first. mwahahah {can i do a tumbling check?} yeah. you can always do it. And being kobolds, I suggest you punch, not wrestle. {pass..... so if i get two attacks does that mean i get +2 for both punches? ;)} yep mwahahah heh {ok... uhm... I attack the closest one} okay roll to hit. ac 3 it died. roll damage! :D 4 damage It dies in a messy way. :) {ewww... i did a haymaker and killed it} (EW!) Your hand is very bloody **turns to a second one and gives it a crazily toothy smile** {so i can attack again right? ;)} yep **skips the one she smiled at and goes for a third** okay ac -2 you hit. ((no kidding. ;-))) ROFL quiet miss "I have the cd" :) 4 damage {hook} roll KO 99 i failed ;) He stumbles, clutching is face. The closest kobold swings a chain at you. it missed {it sucks ;)} The kobold you punched leaps at you with his black dagger, and missed The other two kobolds run at you, one attacking with a knife He falls.. {oops} hurting himself.. The last one raises the big sword and swings at you. He swings offbalance and skitters past you. wooo... new round! 11 :p 11?? 9 +2 okay. inciative right? yup the kobold with the knife, and the one with the black dagger leap at you. uhm, the one with the knife falls and dies.. damned critters. *laughs* goooo {my turn?} yep the other two are after **makes biting motions at the one she made the face at earlier** *cries. my kobold killed itself* it barks at you {succeeds tumbling} okay ((It fell on it's knife!)) yep 1d3 damage TWICE punches at one OTHER than the one that barked at me ac 8 okay damage? er, it dies. :) hehe 3 kidney punch yep. {oww!!!} *squish* You now have one with a black dagger in frontof you. and the one with the big sword somewhere behind you. {where's the one that barked at me?} in front of you {uh oh, i rolled a natural 1 ;)} you fell. roll 1d2. "owtch!" 1d2! even uhm, is that one, or two? *shrug* roll 1d6 2 You take 1 point of damage **cries** lol "waahh!!!" ((u suk!!)) You hear the one with the sword struggle to his feet, and run at you again woo! you take two damage 2 and he stumbles past again. "RAGHG!" it stumbles around, trying to gain balance. init! :) 6 go **launches herself at the one with the sword.... forgetting to do her gymnastics ;)** roll to hit. ac9 damage? no wait ac 8 daaaamage? 4 {uppercut} it dies. :) one more. *patooie!* **looks at the last one** it jumps and growls {he's still agressive???} yep {stoopid ;)} duuhhh! well he could run, but you're faster... pooh! i missed wooo he pokes at you that does nothing. "awww... how cute!!!!!!" he looks at you and panics. init! {how big are kobolds? ;)} 3 feet crap! 11 shite.. uhm, you go first {succeed tumbling chk} ap I rolled a 1 ;) woooo {psst! i rolled a natural one....} to attack? roll 1d6 ack, roll dex check first. 2 dex? i rolled 4 and my dex is 16 okay. the kobold now starts to run away. ((is it muddy or something? ;-))) no, why? "hey!" ((cause everyone keeps falling!;-))) **runs after him** Everyone likes to roll 1's! YOu catch up after about 10 steps. **tackles the lil' guy** {however i do that ;)} roll to hit. wrestling. { i failed... i fell on my face ;)} hehe it barks and tries to stab at thee! you take 2 damage **giggles** shush! Init1 ! 10 you go at the same time. {failed my attack ;)} so does he. ack Init! 7 you go. ac 0 damage? (gee, you only hit him by 10...) elbow smash but i pull my punch... er... move so i only do 1 damage ;) ack? he stumbles and attacks you're cruel! what's your AC? 4 he hits. 1 damage. *moans* {is the kobold terrified? ;)} (how bad are you?) {not very... it wasnt that kinda moan ;)} He's beyond terrified. (ROFL) He's panicking initiative? ;) yep {Hug him, hug hiiiiiiiiiiim!!!!!! ;)} (messy) (im tryin! ;)) EW!! ((prolly kill him;-))) (you sick bugger!) 11 He runs! :D **runs after him** he is now 12 yards away... You catch up. {new initiative?} nope. your turn still. ac 1 damage? (Kopporu's no fun, she can't do enough damage to gore people.) gouge 2 damage (pulled) ;) it DIES! mwahaahaha *scratches head* ((told you!!! ;-))) *nudges the kobold with her foot* (this Kobold was strong, too) "damn!" hehe deal with it, cutie. *sniff* okay, now what? {how hard is the dirt around here?} on the road, it's hard. Off in the trees it's pretty soft. **drags the one kobold off into the woods and procedes to dgi a grave for it** just one? {You're so sweet. ;)} {just the one i played with} uhm, are you going to look for stuff on them? ((well, she loved it! It died in her arms! ;-))) lol {not on the one im burying} ooohkay. why? {Kopporu didnt think about it ;)} kay. go bury it. **buries the widdle kobold** ((roll to-hit on the ground!)) ;-) *pokes gently* **preforms barbarian funeral rituals {pokes gently???} don't ask hmm hmm hmm okay, su bury it already. **after several hours of work Kopporu goes to check the rotting kobold corpsesese** okay. {I hope you washed your hands afterwards!! =P} you find; a dagger, a short chain, a knife, a bastard sword, and a buncha coins **sniffs hands** **shrugs** (wash them before, you dont' know where your hands have been) {LOL ;)} what of that stuff do you wanna keep from the kobolds? {anything special about any of the items?} nope, they're dirty. that's about all. the coins are shiney. {whats the chain like?} chain. it' about 5 feet long. slightly rusty. "oooh!" **loops the chain around her waiste** "insta-belt!" okay anything else you keep? {Shiny shiny shiny!! ;)} hehe {how many coins? ;)} On the kobolds you find; 87 copper and 79 silver but there coulda been more! **scratches head** *waits* **gets idea** {Dig up the deaaad one!! ;)} (grave robber!) **takes 80 of the copper coins and 70 of the silver coins....** okay.. write it down. {It's not really stealing if she dug the grave!!!} (Koppy is nuts...) **and goes off in the woods to arrange them on the dead kobolds grave** "grave markers!" (extremely nuts) sooo, you have one buried kobold, and uh, 11 deads ones in the road. And a bloody man. **the 7 copper and the 9 silver she puts in her bag ;)** okay hum hum now what? **notices man** yep he's about 50 feet from where you are now. **tip toes up to him** he doesn't notice. {give me a description of him ;)} The man, or elf, rather, now that you can see him closely, wears torn and bloody leather armor, gleaming with metal studs. Even though ruined and stained, you can see that his clothing is of quite fine craftsmanship, and was once probably quite valuable. In his limp hand is a odd looking blade, long and curve, though not as much as a simictar, and the blade widens and leafs out near it's end. It's hilt is a bit longer than a normal sword, though the weapon feels light, and it rests easily in the hand. {is that it? ;)} A neat sword. :) You've never seen one like it. *slaps the guy* "you alive?" He looks like he was a fairly well-off elf. His eyes roll back in his head, and a spurt of blood flows from his mouth. "oh." There's numerous gaping chest wounds. "hmmmm...." On his belt are two pouches, one plain leather one, and a dark silk pouch, tied shut with a braided gold cord. Inside it is a small amount of an extremely fine, fainly yellow powder. "geeze, what a pansy... to be taken by a buncha kobolds" He killed SEVEN! "pansy" ;) He only had 1 attack per round. :) {Like that's an excuse!! ;)} **carefully takes the leather pouch off his belt** Inside the plain leather pouch is a few coins. **looks inside** coins! {how many!!! i can count damn yee! ;)} 14 gold and 2 platinum How about the other pouch? **pokets the cash ;)** **yanks the fancy shmancy pouch off the belt haphazardly** okay **peeks inside** Inside it is a small amount of an extremely fine, fainly yellow powder. "hmmm **licks the tip of her finger and puts it in the puch** It's warm to the touch, even through the pouch. It spreads warmth through your body as you touch it. **does it stick to my finger?** yep **licks finger** it's warm {what does it taste like????} it has no taste "eww! it tastes like KOBOLD!!!" {Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!! And afte ry ou touched those kobolds!!!} ew! *patooie patooie!* **ties up the puch and throws it in her backpack** {i mean pouch ;)} note; you feel slightly better. how about that sword? {oh do I ;)} you do.. 2 hp **glances at the sword** {i gained 2 hp???} yep {from licking a fingers amount???? ;)} yep "whoa" {The dead kobolds made her feel better!! ;)} There's not much more in there. **cocks head at sword** okay hmmm It looks very nice. **scratches chin** you see your reflection *gingerly picks it up* yep {is it well balanced???? ;p} very. {ha! like i'd know... i dont use swords ;)} you can tell. :) It's fairly light **continues wondering down the road with the sword in her hand, leaving the mess for someone else to clean up** hum hum you buried th kobold? you kept the sword? {just the one ;)} okay {and he has a nice traditional barbarian grave ;)} okay {wit hcopper and silver place markers!!! ;)} okayyyy... {Koppuru is a loooooooooooooooooooooooon-eeeeeeeee ;)} get your cute but walking. butt {im walkin! Im walkin!!! ;)} **walks** (don't give her any money, guys) okay {heehee ;)} *a day goes by* *yawn* *another day goes by* {Like i'd give her my money. I need it for booze!!! ;)} "Im tired" {heehee ;)} you sleep at night, you git! {i do???? ;)} It's warm to the touch, even through the pouch. It spreads warmth through your body as you touch it. eep.. ignore that. :) rofl DUH! {i think i will ;)} (I'm GREAT at doing that, aren't I Claire?) rofl heck yeah hehe Still womdering what that was. ;-) my ctrl keys are screwy. It was an ENTIRE emal someone sent me. email It's warm to the touch, even through the pouch. It spreads warmth through your body as you touch it. arg!! It was steamy. ;-) hehe, I know, it was forwarded from a friend of hers. I have NO idea why she gave it to me. {helllo!!!!!!!!!} You walk!! *walk walk walk* {i thought we were playing D&D ;)} *sleep sleep sleep* Daaaays later.... *crazy crazy crazy* A tall young elven girl steps out of the trees in front of you. Clad in a leather skirt and short sleeved tunic with soft tanned-leather boots laced up to her knees. Long auburn hair flows down her shoulders and hangs forward over her pale green eyes. She holds a well-worn bow in her hand, a small sword hanging from her belt. THERE!! finally it worked. *blink* .. **walks around her** She yells at you to stop {K begins drooling ;)} lol *stops* *turns around* She looks at you. Her eyes narrow and she raises the bow, staring directly at you as she knocks an arrow. Holding her aim almost directly in line with your head, she whispers, barely loud enough to hear, "don't move a muscle." {im assuming i got around her ;)} (actually, no, you couldn't really) {oh ok} She holds her line for the barest moment before loosing the arrow. You feel it part the air as it flies past you, missing your neck by inches. A sickening tearing sound, followed by a loud fleshy thud comes from behind you. Turning, you catch the last shudders of life of a large grey-brown lizard clutching a heavy javelin in one hand, the other grasping at the arrow embedded deeply in the creature's throat. **looks at thge arrow** {oops, ignore that ;)} heh **scratches head in a confused manner** The girl slings her bow over he shoulder and eyes you warily for a moment, then breaks into a small smile. "You are Kopporu? hmph.. Ryan was right." *snorts* **looks at... whoever quizically** (not very talkative, are you?) {hey hey, im roleplayin ok ;)} (how about the 6 foot lizard on te ground behind you?) **cocks head in a questioning manner** She looks at you **raises eyebrow** She has a wry grin {Beat her up and steal her bow! ;)} {is she showing her teeth? ;)} (bad idea...) nope {oh ok ;)} **waddles over to the big green thing behind her** It's behind you, not her. She shot PAST you {i know! ;p} { i meant behind Kopporu} uh huh... oh heh You hear her finally speak from behind you. "You don't talk much. He said that about you." **turns her head around and looks at HER like she just said something extremely corny** {;)} She smiles at you "Boy, he was right." **continues over to the dead thing** It's dead. *poke* *poke* "why did you kill it?" It twitches She looks confused. "Because it was about to kill you." "I'm not allowed to let that happen." "Are you sure?" "Quite, yes." "why not?" She looks puzzled... "Because I'm not allowed to." **scratches chin** "and whyizzat?" "...because Ryan said so." **blows up** "AND WHO THE HELL IS RYAN???????" She laughs. "The one who sent me to get you." {Cut back on the salted meat K, it's getting to your blood pressure!!! ;)} (LOL) {oh hush you ;)} {Make me. ;)} **looks extremely agitated** (Which way are you facing?) (oh, and you're at full hp again) {uhm at her} (okay) **turns around and starts stomping off in the other direction** A second lizard steps out in front of you, and hurls it's javelin {Kopporu is grouchy ;)} ((it's her time of the month)) "Aiiieeeey!" {I was going to say taht!!!!!!! ;)} {how big are the lizards?} 6 feet or so. {ack! big'uns ;)} The heavy javelin skims past you, catching the other girl in the shoulder, , spinning her around and dropping her to the ground. **points her finger at the lizard** "hey hey now...." "none of that stuff arouns 'ere!!" It hisses and draws another javelin "hey! stop that!" **grrrrrrr** It hefts it in his claw and raises it over it's head. **charges ;)** heh Init 6 you go {succeded tumbling check} okay *grin* ac -2 damage? 4 damage (hook) no ko it hisses at you, and rakes one of it's claws at you (i have another attack!!!! ;) use it then! do them at the same time. :) oh ok Especially when it's a big critter ac 6 miss It now rakes it's claw at you and tries to bite you doh! ;) It bites your shoulder for 5 damage {oww! dont biiiiite meee!} {crap!} (what?) {i got bit ;)} yep you did init? 5 you go {succeeded tumbling check... uhm... im putting it on my AC, i now have ac 0 ;)} okay User toe's tired has left the chat eep! attack! miss Ac 1 hit ac 1? yes! you hit damage? 4 damag no ko other hand? i missed okay it claws you again hitting for 2 damage {it hit ac 0??? :p} It raises it's head and hisses loudly Yep. :) wooo! Init 10 You hear a deep moan behind you You go toe's tired enters the chat {failed tumbling} wooo rolled natural 1 Hi Toe! and miss You fall forward onto the lizard, knocking it over. {LOL} "oops! im sorry!" It growls and claws at you it misses Iiiiiinit {said with sincerity no less!} Hiiii Toe! 3 ack, go. {suc. tumbling add to ac} {Hi again. I hate icq =P} Pick your spikey self up off the lizard. Hi Toe :) {oops!} duh! **picks self up off the thing** You fell down It growls **growls back at it** {can i attack or not? ;p} yep ac 1 hit ac 2 hit 8 damage eep okay. It lashes it's tail at you damn! came close to a KO :p And I must go take the trash out. Back shortly ;) You take 3 damage and fall down and take 1 more damage *whimper* IniTt! 9 okay It swings it's tail at you again it misses go *starts going berserk round 1** ack {suc. tumbling adding to attack} *quickly EvilDMr runs off to check Berserk rules* Hehehehehehe {im not berserk yet!} okay ooooooh... {it takes 5 rounds} heh You should have started earlier... ac 2 ac -2 Hit, hit {ya ya, i know :p} Damage? It dies It makes a sickening crunch 4 ;D (combination blow) and? {i did a finishing move!} wooo {and?} You hit twice. kidney punch 3 damage okay It's really dead **kicks it in the head** you hear moaning and shuffling behind you. **kicks IN its head** You now have yyour foot stuck in it's head. roll strength check ((rofl)) 15.... I hit my strength You manage to get it out of it's skull. Most of your leg is covered in goo **stops going berserk** **wipes leg off on beast** {tries to anyway} You're now covered with semi-smelly slime *sigh* You manage to actually smell worse :) {heehee} now what? **lopes over to whatser face** She looks pretty bad. She looks up at you with glazed eyes, one hand clutching the javelin **looms over her... and bleeds on her by accident** She's barely breathing "are you ok?" **continues to bleed on her** She moans "hmm... guess not" There's a 6 foot steel javelin in her chest. She's hanging on, but barely. "owtch... that looks painful" "do you want me to take that out?" She looks at you pleadingly "i guess so.... either that or you want me to kill you" "Kkopp..oru..." "yes?" she coughs "hhelp.." **scratches head.... looks at the javelin** **takes hold of it and...* **braces herself for the pull :p** She closes her eyes and grits her teeth *yank* She -screams- {does it come out?} yep {or do i have to wriggle it out? ;)} it's out. {ah ok} "uhm..." She looks like she's passed out. You don't feel that hot, yourself. **opens up her backpack** .. **takes out the fancy bag...** **and dumps all of its contents in her gaping wound ;)** ALL of it? {yup ;)} okay She lurches and her chest starts to glow {K doesn't do things in moderation. She'd need sanity for that. ;)} {teehee ;)} (apparently) (That was enough to bring a 5hd creature back from the dead) **relizes something** She starts to spasm yes? **lays down on whatserface to get some of the healing effect and to keep her still ;)** lol ((they're gonna DO IT!!)) {AAaaaaaaaaaap!!! *covers her virgin eyes* ;)} you get 5 hp. ew! {LOL} She stops convulsing and lays still {course... im covered with crap so... ;)} {so is she!!!! ;)} **is tired** {The elf chick says: "Go ahead, have your way with meeeeeeee!!!!!" ;)} **starts drifting off to sleep** {LOL ;)} ... *snore* koay {Kopporu is exhausted!!! ;)} You wake in the morning curled up in a ball in the soft grass beside the road. You smell food. {and that stuff is like taking a hot shower...} {You're just trying to stretch your intro oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooout!! ;)} {LOL} {am not!!! ;0} [;)} (She's doing it pretty quick) **makes smacking sounds** **follows her nose to the food ;)** You see the girl crouched over a fire, cooking what appears to be a large rabbit It looks like she's tried to repair the large tear in her tunic with bits of leather cord. **crawls on all fours over to her** ;) it didn't work that well. :) {uh oh... she's falling out????? LOL ;)} playing puppy? ((woohooo)) no! sheesh.. why do I always get stuck in chat with horny girls? {LOL} ((ROFLROFL))) {am i coming up behind her??? ;)} nope. She looks up and smiles. "Good morning, Kopporu." "Feeling better?" **stretches** eh She watches you carefully. "eh" {i mean ;)} She grunts softly **sniff** **sniff** "food done?" She reaches in and pulls of a leg of the rabbit, tossing it to you. "Eat." She pulls of another piece of rabbit and starts to eat. **munch** **munch** **leans over to her...** **and pokes at where the gaping hole used to be** ((touched her boobie!!)) She stops eating and stares at you {shhhh!!! ;)} "strange" "you'd think that's leave a scar...." She looks down at your hand. "I thought they were pretty normal." "What would leave a scar?" "the javeline...." **continues poking** she gasps "What are you doing?" " does it hurt when i do this?" **poke** **poke** She looks down at your hand She turns bright red. "No..." "are you feeling ok? you look fevered" She stutters "I ii I'm fine. Wwe should go" **looks at whatserface like she's a loone** {Bah, what a wuss elf, if K grabbed my chest I'd slap her ;)} "eh, if'n ya says so" She's still staring at your hand **offers her hand** (She doesn't get out much) She looks up and takes your hand {i wasnt expecting that ;)} (Why not?) **uhm... helps her up (??) ;)** (What were you expecting?) {i dunno! I thought she'd have smacked me around by now ;)} (or did you mean you "offered" her your hand) ((she likes you!)) {LOL} (yeah welll... you should read what she looks like again.) {what does she look like? i dont remember} She's wearing a leather mini! ;-) She's clad in a a leather skirt and short sleeved tunic with soft tanned-leather boots laced up to her knees. Long auburn hair flows down her shoulders and hangs forward over her pale green eyes. {a tall young elven girl eh?} er... yeah. Yes {aww...aint she cute ;) har har. And yes, she is. {well anyway" "lets go then... if you're ready "Yyes, let's go." **is oblivious to the sexual tension in the air ;)** (lol) She stands up She picks up her bow and kicks the fire out. "you need to put sand on that" She looks at the fire and kicks it once more "only you can prevent forest fires ya'know" {First spackle and now sand??? Goodness snook ;)} {hey! ;)} "er... where are we going?" She looks at you, confused. ".. to Harlech, of course." "uhm... Harlech?" "where's that?" "Yes. It's where you'd have ended up anyways. I'm just here to get you there in time." "It's to the east along the river." "how do you know thats where I was going?" **looks perturbed** {Need to goooooooo.. back soon probably =/} "You weren't actually -going- to Harlech, but you were going to end up there." User toe's tired has left the chat brb! {sure hatch" {er ] } :-p {i like this NPC ;)} ((I can tell!)) ((Mine was way cool too.)) ((He liked me)) ;-) { ishoulda grabbed her boob... just to see her reaction ;)} ((Yeah!!! And you shoulda done what i said!!)) (hey!) {what??? ;)} ((eep)) (lol, she said eep!) (anyway, back to the story) "why wouldi end up in Harlech?????" **angry tone** "Because, you're supposed to. It's your destiny.' " *loud angry snort* She grins She fiddles with her shirt again **glares** She looks at you and smiles "Are you coming, Kopporu? You were going that way anyways." *cant keep up her glare... damn you!* She beams at you *light sniff* "fine FINE... argh..." She takes your hand "hm?" She tugs at you gently and starts to walk. **gets a confused look... and begrudgingly goes along** She begins to sing in a soft voice, a drifting elven song *winces* lol There's just no pleasing you. :) {heehee ;)} "uhm...." She looks at you and stops singing. "What?" **pleading look** "Yes Kopporu?" "erm... what is your.... birth name...." She stops walking and blushes. She bows to you slightly, saying, "My name is Dyona Trilane, servant of the House of Avery." Avery? where they have birds?" She giggles. "Nooo... the Avery family are the rulers of this land" "rulers?" "Guardians. They protect the people and the land." "strange... i've never heard of them" She looks at you. "I know. You're not from around here." She brushes a hand through your hair. ((Woooo!!)) (*pokes* shush you) **cocks an eyebrow** (Or I'll bring out my tongue) {is her hand IN my hair???? ;)} (It was, now it's not) **crazy grin** She giggles and starts to go, pulling on your arm {damn! ah well... ;)} **goes along with it** hehe She begins to sing softly again **slightly rolls her eyes** (lol) (she spends a lot of time alone, singing passes time) {yadda yadda yadda ;)} When it starts to grow dark, Dyona starts to walk into the forest a short distance stopping in a small clearing **looks about** "nice clearing" She looks up into the trees, drawing her bow... "mmmhmmm..." **looks in the direction she's looking....** She knocks an arrow and lets it fly in one smooth motion, a few seconds later, a large bird falls from the air {what type of bird?} bird-ish... {is it or is it not a bird?} It's a bird It's a big assed pheasant {oh ok ok ;)} {LOL} {wait... what was a pheasent doing in the woods?/?? ;)} {up in the trees???? ;)} Duh They live in the woods They just don't fly.. {but it was up in the trees!! ;)} Yep. :) It wasn't a pheasant when she killed it. {oh nevermind... lets continue} Dyona walks over to it and start ripping out feathers. {;)} **walks over and watches her work (mwahaha ;)** "Kopporu, can you build us a fire?" She starts hacking off parts of the bird ".... er... i can try" {i'll pray for lightening ;)} She smiles at you She tosses a flint and steel at you **fumbles with it... clearly not knowing what she's doing** "erm..." She giggles "Okay, just find some wood" "i can do that" **wanders off looking for dry wood** She keeps ripping of feathers and stuff *rip rip rip* **look look look** She hacks the head off And stabs a iron skewer into the bird **returns later dirty and with dry wood** ;) She smiles at you And starts a forest fire LOL :) She cooks the bird-like-thing and you both eat *wimper* "I skinned my knee out there...." She looks at your knee And smiles, pulling a white cloth from her pack She pours water over your knee and cleans it gently, tying the cloth around it. **makes little animal noises** what??? ((rofl)) {she's getting a kick out of this ;)} {not loudly!!! ;)} Dyona smiles and kisses your knee, going back to eating the dead bird When she's finished, she piles more wood onto the fire {is it dark?} Yep long dark by now. {how is she sitting? ;)} sitting. {like how? indian style???} She's holding her knees up against her chest (Claire is lauging at meeee!) (Damned Dyona...) {is she across from me? the fire between us? am i sitting next to her? what??? ;)} Not across, a few feet from her. **walks over to her...** She stares intently into the flames **and curls up dead centipede like next to her** LOL {anti climax! ;)} She looks down and smiles. {up against her ;)} did you? {up against her yes... curled up... im touching her ;)} oh my {what??? ;)} nothing **purr** **purr** ;) She lays down on the ground next to you, closing her eyes zzzzz ;) ((awwww man!)) {mwahah ;)} hehe **rolls over in her sleep ;)** Do you want me to roleplay the next 3 weeks? rolls over what/ ? **rolls... OVER... ;) ;) ;)** over what? {i guess over the elf girl ;)} ON her?? *^_^* {hey... im asleep ;)} ack... {people move around in their sleep!!! ;)} (CLAIRE, she's even horny in her sleep!!!) {LOL} ((She's 15, what do you expect??)) (ack..) {hey! no comments from the peanut gallery ;)} (oh nuts) {sorry Hatchie ;)} Stop roleplayin so good! {heehee} Can I make you two wake up now? I don't want to rp three weeks.. {uhm... i guess ;)} {your call evilDM ;)} ((just do some sims, count the orgasms, and get to Harlech)0 ((;-))) {hey! LOL stop bein mean! ;)} sheesh I don't want her to sleep with Dyona yet!!! {who says i am???? ;)} CC says you're hitting on her majorly {im just alseep... i dont relize whats happening ;)} {well, CC needs to shutup!!! ;)} ((rofl)) You wake up in the morning, feeling significantly better {where do i wake up? ;)} On the ground {Dyona didnt like.. rob me and leave me did she? ;)} er, no. {oh ok ;)} She'd get in trouble. **stretches** *yawn* Dyona is still asleep {heehee ;)} **leans over to Dyona....** what are you doing to her? **near her face/neck, and smells her** ?? {does she smell like peaches? ;)} not that part WHY would she smell like that?? {curiosity.... ;)} {hey wait} what? {Im chaotic neutral.... why shouldi explain anything???? ;)} okay Cause I don't know what you're doing. She smells like soft pine and sweet earth {Im being weirdly erotic... lemme alone ;)} okay I've done the same "mmmm" **withdraws ;)** **lightly shakes her** She moans slightly and shifts onto her back {LOL ;)} She opens her eyes slowly and looks up She smiles at you and sits up **cocks her head in an animal like manner** She giggles at your expression. "what, Kopporu?" **looks about** "is it time to go?" *clicks Help* {LOL} "uhm, yes.. we should go." {you're silly Hatch!!!} She stands up and grabs her pack and bow, reaching down and offering her hand. *Alt+f4! Alt+f4!* **takes her hand but pulls too hard.... ;)** "Wooah" She falls over "oof!" **looks up shamefully** She looks down at you "sorry" She flushes and stumbles to her feet **scratches the back of her head a bit embarrassedly** Dyona gives you her hand again "brave girl" ;) **doesnt pull up so hard this time ;)** "Come on, Koppy, we need to get going" "point the direction" She leads you off in an eastern direction, slightly south. *Someone leans on the FF button for the next 19 days* {LOL} {heehee ;)} *trudge* *trudge* *trudge* For nearly another three weeks, you and Dyona continue generally east, through forests and eventually following the Villichi river until you began to see the spires of the city Dyona said was Harlech. Seat of the Avery family, and capital of this part of the continent. Dyona takes your hand in hers as you approach the gates, telling you softly, "Don't stray too far from me now, Harlech can be a dangerous place to the unwary, especially in the outer parts of the city." **looks skeptical** ^_^ "ah well... your hand is warm anyway." ;) She blushes The two men at arms guarding the gate greet Dyona warmly, it would seem they know her well. Down long, busy streets she leads you, the bricks look old and uneven, many having sank slightly into the ground a little. The crowds through the marketplace are nearly overwhelming, but Dyona seems to part them with ease, pulling you after her. ((Bye!!)) {bye ;)} hurry! :D User CC has left the chat heeh The crowds eventually thin, the streets widen and no longer are there dejected souls sheltering themselves in the shade of worn buildings. (mmm, I love her goodbyes) **starts looking fidgity** The road here is smooth and well cared for, the buildings clean and bright with new coatings of wash. The people here are well dressed and happy, though a few of them seem to darken slightly as they see the two of you, and hurry past. Turning down one last corner, the street you stand on now is large, small gardens divide the street down the center and tall leafy trees cast shade down, sheltering the streets from the noon sun. The shops here all look clean and remarkably well-built, virtually all of them having actual glass windows. **and a bit paranoid** hehe almost done, actually {as if any of these means a hoot to Kopporu ;)} Yeah, but yo notice. Down at the far end of the street is a truly remarkable structure. Set high at the top of a set of wide stairs, it's walls gleam brightly. A heavy archway in front of the giant doors supported by pillars carved of bright marble in the finest workmanship. Getting closer you can see the detail that must have been spent working the form of the two great dragons into the stone. Dyona stops, looking up to the building and smiling. "This is the House of Avery. The building is more than seven hundred years old. The Star's cathedral here is yet older still, though. This building has been the home of the Avery family, and the seat of our government since the founding of this city. Of course, it wasn't always quite this big." {i know, i was just bein goofy ;)} heh "ermm... ok" **glances behind her** She giggles at you. "I just like this place." She looks at you and grins, pulling at your arm. "Come on, we're already a bit behind. You're to meet with Ryan and the others he's gathered at once, they'll be waiting already." Entering through the main doors, the entrance hall of this building is massive, easily large enough to house a large family. **looks about non-plussed** *tho nervously* (hehe) Seeming quite at home in the mammoth building, she strides confidently through the halls, leading you down the south hall, around a corner and up a long flight of stairs. A long hall of indentical doors line the long hallway at the top. Turning left and walking nearly to the end, she stops at a set of double doors. She turns to look at you, squeezing your hand she lifts it to her chest, placing it over the tear in her tunic. She looks at you for a long moment before leaning forward and kissing your cheek. "Thank you, Kopporu." (ack, copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste!) **grins crazily** **and leans in and kisses her full on the mouth** ;) (woahHH!) {oh you knew it was comin ;)} She kisses you hard, holding you against her (yeah, I guess.) "mmm" (You do this WAY to good for a 15 year old) {really? ;)} (yes! ask CC. She thinks so too) **pulls away and touched her cheek with her hand** {in a cupped manner i suppose} She blushes and smiles at you hehe She lets go of you and steps back "You need to go in." **looks a bit sad** *grins* She looks at you, and smiles. I'll be out here waiting. ack.. that was in quotes.. "I'll be out here waiting." **nods and opens the door** You step inside, and Dyona closes the door behind you. woooosh... {hmm.... i thought i wasnt going to see her again... ahwell, thats what i get for assuming i supppose ;)} heh. That's what CC thought too, and the guy she met is now in the room with her. :) {LOL} {goodness ;)} She opened the door to look and he fell through and landed on her. :) We have to end here, I need CC for this part. {squish ;)} {oh ok =)} This is like, the end of your intro. You meet Alexis. And you geeeettt... {woo! ;)} 301 xp {thats it???? pookins! ;)} You didn't kill much. :) And 160 is for ONE lizard. yeah, but i roleplayed up the ass!!! ;) 71 is for the kobolds. And .. doh. :) I forgot THAT one. 401. Didn't scroll down that far. *^_^* And 70 is for not letting Dyona die. {how sweet ;)} heh shush But you willl get to see her again in a few weeks or months. {oooooh boy ;)} heh. {now... could you do something for me?} That's what CC said about Brendon... Sure? {dont say anything... so i can save this ;)} ok? okay ditto