ok ok.. sheesh ;) If i sound like i'm not listening ofr a min or two.. You already seduced one tonight! Just rush me and i'll come back to earth, i'm braiding my hair and all and it gets distracting =P like she wasnt asking for it!!! ;) She wasn't! okay Toe. sheeeeee wanted it ;) {ok, Pan be good now ;)} You're corrupting her! Don't be good, just be quiet. ;) {pbbbth! ;)} *giggles* *whaps both of you* {owtch! ;)} ack!!! twice in one night! okay, ready? Yep. After a long night in the tavern, breaking up a few fights, the bartender slowly starts kicking people out. *nods approvingly at said bartender* Because of your longstanding relationship with the bar, he allows you to stay later, until he's ready to lock the doors and go home. You stumble out of the tavern shortly before dawn, feeling the cool morning air against your face, quickly washing away the cloud of dank air that followed you out of the doors. The predawn twilight filled the streets dark shadows. The cold and uneven stones of the road seeming to melt into one dark mass. The streetlights in this area long dead and broken. *hiccups, and looks around, to get her bearing* A sharp wind blows past your face, followed quickly by a heavy thud as a bolt embeds itself into the door of the tavern. *turns and looks* "Meh. That just cannot be good." *hiccup* heh {heehee} A muffled curse sounds from the shadows of the alley in front of you moments before you hear the rush of footsteps coming from left and right. The vague shadows of five men surround you, the gleam of metal in their hands. {jeeze! poor Medora} *rolls her eyes, and then rolls her sleeves up* "Got a problem, boys?" You look down at them, watching them, knowing you have an advantage on the elevated steps of the bar. A sixth man steps out of the shadows directly in front of you, holding a large crossbow, mumbling softly to himself. He looks up at you, you see his eyes gleam in the darkness. "It's YOU who has the problem, Sorcha." *glares at the man, and grabs her wineskin from her belt, takes a sip, and thens pits on the ground* (hehe... niice and casual...) He gestures to the men, calling out a few words in a language you don't understand. The men being to shift slowly, two of them advancing towards you. *shakes her head in disgust* "It's one thing to attack someone face to face... "But bringing your goons with you... what kinda honour is that?" *moves a hand down to her blade* He smiles, setting his foot in the stirrup on his crossbow and levering the crank. "The honor is in my payment in gold." *smirks* "'sat the way it is?" The first two men close on you, stopping just outside striking distance. "Who says I owe you gold?" He shakes his head. "Not your gold. Gold paid to me for your head." *appears to ponder for a second* "Goodness me. If I don't have my head... {he wants head Medora ;)} "How am I supposed to keep drinking??" (ACK!!) *looks kind of worried* {im sorry ;)} *brushes this off* {PAN! *whap*} (put away your knife... get the axe.. there's 6 of them) (ha ha! You got hit Pixie!) {:p} *squints around (poor eyesight) and tries to take a count of the guys, but realizes her mind is too clouded for drink, and grabs her axe, regardless of the number of men* heh The first two men edge closer, looking for an opportunity to strike at you. "You know..." *takes to drunken logicking* *backs away slightly* "Um... how much *hic* you getting paid for me?" *shakes her coin purse fetchingly* They look unwilling to move onto the steps {heehee} "More than you have, Sorcha." "You'd uh... You'd be surprised." "And um... i'm pretty useful." "If you keep me around..." *bats eyelashes as seductively as a drunk can* {LOL} "I'm pretty... .... .... talented" *winks* He looks at you and laughs loudly and roughly. "Sorry, we have enough wenches to serve us." He yells at the two men. "Get her, you cowards!" *drunk logick dies and anger rises* The two men turn back to look at him for a moment. "All right, but it's your funeral, bastards... kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaie!" You hitting one? (No, I'm screaming to see if it scares them off. It's worked before!) It doesn't... They're getting paid a lot. *nods in satisfaction, and leaps towards the first one* {greed over comes fear yet again ;)} (this is waht they do. ^_^) Roll attack, Toe. d20 16. you have two targets; one has a club, the other has a hammer. Um... which is like, a more powerful weapon? {hammer ;)} (That's the one I want to go after first.) You hit him. easily... {he could build a house with that thing!!! ;)} roll damage. (lol) *spits, and swigs from the skin* Er.. What am i roooooooolling? =) It's your weapon! :) 1d8, +3. {owtch!} She's strong. 9. {a big'un ;)} Your swing cleaves into him, splitting him from shoulder to waist. You made a mess. "Disgusting on the inside as he was out. Next?" nope, now roll init. 1d10 +weapon speed Um... 4.... +.... and add 7 (weapon speed of an axe) 11 then. 11 two more of them start to move up. You attack. {B's going to come watch now too.} yep Er... 1d20 again? yep 12. {with your plus?} Alpha enters the chat okay.. thac0 is 20, you have a +2 from str. and +1 from your position. Er... k... AC5, Pixie? I added right? {yup} okay, you hit. Roll damage d8 +3 5... plus 3... 8 {are you catching on Toe? ;)} He dies too... "This is such a pain in my arse." heh Init again "Don't you guys have something better to do?" 6 +7? 13 (duh Hatch ;) 13. The two closest men leap and attack, one with a sword, the other with a chain {There's six of these buggers, yes?} they both suck... {not six anymore ;)} There's 4, left. {Well ya. but 6 to start.} heh *ponders verbally taunting the two losers, but is too drunk and lazy* your turn. :) Er... 1d10 first, right? 4... plus um... however much uh, no. {now you can attack} *cries* Okay, i'm confuzzled ;) Roll attack, unless you want to do something else. {inciative is only done once per round... in the begingin} Oh... right.. okay, when I say "your turn Toe" you get to decide what you're doing. Um... rolled a 7. So 10. ac 10 Roll d20 first. doh. nevermind. Ap, that was d8 {yes... nevermind Hatch ;)} no.... roll a d20. you have to hit first. You guys are confuuuuuuuuuuzing me... Rolled 7 again. First you roll a d20, to see if you hit. {ok, to roll to hit, you use a d20, damage is d8) So that hits AC10. which does hit these fools. :) {you roll to hit FIRST =)} {LOL} the one with the short sword, or the one with the chain? {Meheh... little bastards.} Short sword. they're all 1hd, Pixie! 7. (rolled 4, plus 3, right right?) okay Yep. He dies. {looser ;)} The man with the crossbow looks unconcerned, but the last man standing back looks frightened. *whispers to the man* "You can get out of here now." *winks* The one in front of you with the chain is looks completely enraged. Wait, is there one or two left? Roll init. {you killed his lover Toe ;)} three left. 9 okay. "My name is Inigo Montoya... YOu kilt my faaaaather!!" {LOL} hah is that 9, or 9+weapon speed? Uh... that's 9. 16 w/speed. okay The man with the chain attacks youu and by miracle, manages to hit. (woah) "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!" "As I was saying... My name is Inigo Montaya! 3 damage I am very drunk, and you probably kilt my father so.. Prepare to dieeeeee!" {heehee} (hey,Toe catches on quick!) (is it my turn..?) {yup ;)} yep. (You started with 8 hp, right? ) (yep.) (okay) Rolled a 10. roll d20 That hits him. roll damage Woo hoo... 3. =P +3 arg... he dies. so 6. :) You couldn't NOT kill this guy with a hit. {wimpy lil buggers} 1hd!!! (You actually could have killed them with the dirk) *smirks grimly and wonders if she has any booze yet, cuz she's getting sober* The last man aside from their leader rears back, hurling two daggers at you. "Hey!! That's not nice!!" One flies past, sinking into the door. *makes a rude gesture at the man* The second one hits the fallen Kevar in the back. (er, of course, you don't know his name is Kevar) {kevar?} hehe (Poor kevvy.) "Nice shot!" The man swears loudly. *makes the rude gesture again* And starts to charge Init again. *lifts her axe up menacingly* 5. 12 ;) okay, the man with the daggers charges at you, holding one last weapon in his hand. and he sucks. (damned average level 1 enemies) *is getting cranky without her booze and spits on the man* (my turn, my turn?) The crossbowman smiles and hoists his weapon, aiming at you and firing. (not quite) "Eeep! Hey! Bastard." (Can i like, kick this one in the gut, and rush the other one, or is he too far away? =) Nope... He rolls a 20! Um.. am I dead now? =P And hits the other man in the back of the head. {holy schnikes!} {HA!} {what a mess ;)} (No, he fired an arrow at a person in melee combat, so he had a chance to hit either one.) (He got the wrong one) "Ugh... YUCK!" (Of course, heavy crossbows only do 2-5 damage. *sidesteps the corpse and gazes at it with morbid fascination for the splattered skull* NOW it's your turn. (Is it me, or is this going WAY easier than I planned it?) *ambles up to the man and hefts up her axe* {no comment ;)} The man looks at you in fright, scrambling to reload his weapon. *feels a pang of remorse, being a mostly good type person, and puts her hands on her hips* "Last chance... scram, or die." He clicks the string back into place, and reaches for a bolt *sighs and shakes her head* Looking up at you in panic He raises the heavy bow above his head, screaming at you. *politely covers her ears* (lol) want him to hit, or are you going to try and stop him with your forehead? (Is he attacking me? Or like um, going insane with fear?) With my forehead? {LOL} {he's arming his crossbow} he's going to hit you with it, but it's slower than hell. {er... armed his crossbow} He's using it as a 14lb club. "Look boy... I gave you a chance... meh. Screw this. You're between mee and my beer." *punches him in the gut.* lol roll to attack. Um... d20 first? yep Right. 11. hits. {**gets out the players handbook unarmed combat section that she knows so well**} woo.. Roll another d20, Toe. Okie. 17. {kidney punch} 1 damage + str bonus you hit him for 4 damage. 5% ko he folds over your fist and drops to the ground, throwing up on your boots. {ewwww} {Can I kick him upside the head as reflex?} sure. {That's what i'd do if someone puked on my shoes!} "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!" *kicks at his head* roll d20, with a +4 to hit 11. you hit... roll 1d3. 2. he falls to the ground, blood trailing from his mouth and ear. *nudges at him with her toe more gently this time" "Hey down there... you dead yet? EH? Cuz i really need a drink." "Has been fun and all, but the booze calls!" he's not quite technically dead. {heh heh} As the last of the man falls, a giant form steps out of the shadows where the crossbowman came from. He carries a massive double sided sword in one hand, easily a dozen feet in length, it tops him by only a few feet. He says in a deep, rasping voice. "You aren't going anywhere." {that'll sober you up!!!!} *widens eyes greatly for a moment and grabs for her almost empty wineskin guzzling what's left of it in one gulp* He strides out into the middle of the street and begins twirling the giant weapon in one hand. He looks at the dead men and growls at you. "You should not have done that, killing them only makes it worse for you." "Why do these things always happen when I nbeeeed a drink?" "Well, "Because you're unlucky." He draws the great sword back behind him, tensing his arm. He glares at you, then his eyes widen as his gaze rises above you. A flicker of light washes over him and he bursts into fire, wreathed in a brilliant white fire. You suggest letting them kill me, eh? That would ruin YOUR fun." *grins* (oooh, plot based death!) "Whooooooooooa... pyrotechnics!!!!" *peeks around and ducks a little He writhes in agony as the fire consumes him, screaming until cut short by a burst of flame from his mouth and eyes. Silent now except for a faint sizzling crackle, he colapses to the ground. case the light display isn't done* "Err.." *shouting out a bit* "Thank you?" You glance behing you, and you see a tall man framed in a flowing white cloak floats gently to the ground next to you. He speaks to you in a calm but powerful voice, "I am sorry for that, lady Sorcha. It would seem you've run afoul of people here, and now they have taken the time to find you." (dum da da dum!) {Er... is this someone I know? =P} (It's stupor man!) {LOL} (You don't know him.) {Uh... is he the guy i see when i'm drunk?} "Wow. Pink elephants are one thing. (Of course, everyone is getting stufflike this.) Pyrotechnics are waaaaaaay different!!" (Eeeeeverybody knows them...) {im glad i got a cute elf girl} (lol!) (And CC got a quiet knight) He looks at you, tilting his head. "Pink elephants?" "Yeah... see, this is how i know you're a figgerment of my imagination You've obviously never been drunk of your arse." He looks amused. "Speaking of which... do figments of my imagination have coins? And if not, you mind if i search these scuzzes for some?" *gestures at the corpses* He shakes his head slightly. "Go ahead." *grabs at her necklace* (C'i use my detect coin thingie, so i don't have to bother touching their smelly dirty bodies for no important reason?) It grows very faintly cold *mutters* "Dammit." "Figures they send the BROKE henches after me." (cold means stuff. but there's not much) (oooh... i thought hot meant stuff.) Nope. Colder is better. *rummages through their clothes anyways, to get what she can* You find; 4 gold, 13 silver, and 2 copper. *raises a bloodied hand, triumphantly clutching the measly coins* *talks over to the stranger* "Not really worth it, but eh. I'll live." He chuckles softly. "Don't worry about it." "Now, Lady Sorcha, my name is Ryan, I serve the Avery house." He reaches out a hand to you, "If you would accompany me, there are some things we should discuss." (HEY PIXIE!! It's Ryan!) *squints* {*gasp*} "Questions first." "I don't move without questions or booze." *sits down on the messy ground* *crosses her arms* (Raised by dorfs!!! They're distrustful!!!! =) He lifts his hand, palm facing upward, and mutters softly. A decanter of wine appears in his hand. "What questions would you ask?" {dorfs... LOL ;)} *glares distrustfully* "Make that a pint of ale, we'll talk." {she's a dorf girl alright!!! ;)} He frowns and throws the wine high into the air, whispering, and catching it as it falls. He hands you the small bottle of ale. (goooo magic!) *peers at it cautiously, common sense telling her to distrust magic, but thirst and alcoholism telling her to drink it* *gulps it down in like three swigs* *giggles* "Mmm. Good as the real thing." *hiccup* "Anyways... "What's a house Avery, and why do you want to talk to me?" "And please... don't call me by my last name." He looks at you, shocked. "Why, the Avery family has been the ruling family of this nation for more than 700 years." "It's kind of taboo in these parts." "Oh. THOSE Averys. I thought you might be talking about Those damn Avery boys who're always bothering the girls at the bordello. I ain't goin to their house." {LOL} He laughs softly. "They're better behaved at home, I assure you." "A'ite. But the first one to pinch my ass is getting his face rearranged severely." "You didn't answer my other question though... "No hand shall touch you, Medora." "Of course." What these royal folks want with lil ol me?" "Dora. D O R A. It's not hard." "As I said, ...Dora, it seems there are some people here who do not like you. We would offer a solution to that, if you agree to assist us." "What's in it for me, really? And what kind of solution is this?" *looks distrustful* "I'm not all that unused to people disliking me and all, if you catch my drift." "These men tonight were just the first, the next they send are sure to not fail." "Meh. Great. So... what's this solution again?" *glares annoyedly at the drained bottle* "Can i get another round, by the way?" "Quite simply, you agree to help us, and your problems will be solved in the time that you are away." "Away? Help you? How?" *shakes bottle impatiently* "Certainly, if you would return with me, the clerks will bring you all you desire." *rolls her eyes* "But if I don't return with you, the innkeeper'll give me all I desire." "Of course, you can't be useful here in a bar, you must venture briefly abroad." "In fact, he'll try and gimme more than I desire, but I'm not one of his whores, thanks." "You need not stay in a foul inn tonight. A stay in the palace, while you think it over?" "Are you sure this isn't a trap?" {LOL} "I dunno, mighty suspicious how easily you killed that guy." "Almost as if it were staged." "You appeared at the exactly right time..." "I think i might need more ale to ease my paranoia." *shakes her bottle* He laughs softly. "I give you my word on my family's honor. Besides, if I'd staged the death of that demon, why would I not have killed you now?" "Of course, I have been having you watched for days now." "Because you want to keep me alive so you can give me more to drink? Is that it, is it, is it?" *shakes the bottle* He frowns. "No, Dora. I am married." User Alpha has left the chat He sighs, waving his hand. The bottle's weight suddenly increases. *looks confused* You having a wife has nothing to do with me having ale. I'm sure she'd approve of it." *beams happily and sips* {heehee} "So... whas this you want help with?" "You keep avoiding that." "To be perfectly honest, if not a little dramatic..." *dramatic pause* "We need you to find someone." *slurps loudly during pause, and then ponders* "Yeah... I can probably do thish. How much ya *hic* paying again?" "More than you could ever use, Medora." "And more than just weath in coin." *ponders being a barfly for the rest of her existence, and then ponders having more gold than she knows how to spend* "That'd be an awful lot of money." He smiles. "I know." "And an awful lot of booze too. "I don't think this place has that much of either." His smile widens. "Who said anything about this place?" "Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm not relocating." *crosses her arms further* "This scuzzy dump is my home, and I intend to try and stick to it." "Well then, we'll have to have more brought here for you, won't we?" "No bloody extra dimensions or far off lands for me. No no no." {heehee} *stops mid rant and thinks, which is getting difficult due to alcohol intake* *hiccups* heh "Well... This Avery place, eh, they got like, nice blankets? Warm ones, y'know, clean and stuff? And more booze? Cuz if so... hell... I'll go just for the ride." "Saves me money in the long run." "Blankets, a bath, anything you would desire, the clerks can arrange for you." "A'ite... but if any of em touch me, I'm killing them, okay?" *hiccups like she means it!* "I wouldn't put it past them to try." He offers you his hand again. "I you would, Dora?" "And I wouldn't put it past me to kill them." *looks at his hand, and then her own, and wipes em off on one of the dead bodies' clothes* "That's really okay. Don't have to hold my hand, i'm not going to slip away." "Actually, you might." "Free booze beats sneaking out of something dutiful any day." "I might but... you'd just have to risk that, eh?" *hiccup* He extends his hand to you again. "You really must." *backs away, looking kinda feral* "It's... rea.lly... o.... kay." "If you don't, well, it's a decidedly long walk." "How's it getting any shorter by holding your hand, eh? "You'll see, won't you?" "No. I won't see unless you tell me first." *crosses arms again* "Of course, Dora. We'll be moved there. It's faster." "Moved as in how?" *peers suspiciously* "Think of it like jumping." *glares* "I don't like jumping. I think i need more ale before we do thish." *shakes bottle* He rolls his eyes, whispering. The bottle slowly fills again. *smiles happily and swishes the bottle around, just to hear the sound, and then swigs* "Alright... I'll hold the bottle's neck... and you can hold the bottom... and then it's like holding my hand, He extends his hand again, waiting. Only i don't actually have to touch you." *extends bottle to hand* He frowns. "You don't want to touch me?" He grasps the bottle. "You are quite strange, Medora." *glares* *spits* *mutters something under her breath* {you aint seen nothin yet Ryan ;)} "Brace yourself, please." (nah, he's seen you before.) {he has???} (It's his job.) He takes your hand and looks up, tracing a circle in the air above you. Light fills your vision and you feel a great pull inward. Your body convulses suddenly, dropping to your knees. Your sight clears and you see the smiling blue eyes of Ryan looking down at you. He pulls you gently to your feet and helps you into a chair in what you now see is a rather finely ordained office. "I'm sorry about that, it often is dissorienting for someone who hasn't experienced that before." "You want me to do WHAT???? First tryin to grab my hand and then..." "Wow." "That was a rush." "C'we do it again??" "Are you alright? More to drink?" {LOL;)} "but after I have a drink." *swigs from the bottle.* "No thanks. I'm not done this one yet." "Something to eat though... something really greasy and disgusting and bad for me, Yet surprisingly tasty... would be nice." He walks over to a bookshelf, pushing book in and a section rises. He shuffles inside for a moment, then turns back to you. He sweeps his arm grandly around, gesturing to the room. "I present to you my little-used office, deep inside the Avery palace. Usually my work takes me away from it, but I'm not much for sitting behind a desk." *peeks around* "Nope, I don't smell any food here." "Push another book, maybe it's behind another one." "Well get to that in a moment. The men you killed, are members of a minor guild here. Their heads all had rewards on them, which you of course will be paid." "Meh... minor gild... you didn't tell me that, GilberT!" "Had me worried for a sec that someone big was after me." "I could take out a single guild by myself... meh. You mentioned money??" {heehee} "I was getting to it. But minor compared to the Alliance, yes. But still powerful in it's own right." "Right. Anyways Alfred. Money?" *sticks her hand out* "There is a clerk outside, Gesin. He has arranged for your bounties on those men, he'll show you to your room, and make sure someone is available at your service at any time you should need it." "Quite nice. Thank you Robert." *heads towards the door without any formal goodbye* "Why are you calling me Robert?" "I didn't call you Rober, David!" *keeps walking* Gesin immediately opens the door and steps in. Ryan instructs him to take you to the room they set for you, and to ensure that there is always someone to assist you. {ROFL!!!!} He shakes his head. Gesin bows to you, and becons you to follow him. *ponders refusing, but realizes this is the path to more alcohol* *follows* "Just so you know... In the hall, he leads you down a veritable maze of lefts and rights, constantly telling you details about this thing or that, pointing out ancient tapestries and works on the walls, the artistry of the stained glass windows. Eventually he turns his ramblings to the men you killed, mentioning the rewards, and finally catching your interest. If you try anything funny... Fredrick or whoever says I get to kill you." *perks up* "What's that you just said?" He stops in his tracks, looking at you before continuing on. *glares annoyedly* "Money, I said." "Ooh. Gimme." *sticks her hand out* "Of course, of course, Lady." He mumbles softly to himself. "...Rowain.." "Pardon me?" "Rowain, I said. Rowain and his men. Ryan has been wanting them for some time. Quite some time, if I do say so. Privy to a lot of things, I am. I am. And Shane. Heard stories of him, I have. Rowain was the worst, to be certain. 20 pieces just for him. Quite a lot. Quite, for someone who isn't higher up in that guild." Ack! (ack) ? "Oh... sorry... thought you said something else." He turns, pulling a pouch from under his cloak, handing it to you, it's weight rather surprising. *blushes and gestures* "Oooh." gestures? (for him to continue. =P) He rounds one last corner, pointing to a small desk and chair where a similarly dressed person sits, working at copying a small scroll, saying that one clerk or another would always be here if needed. A dozen meters down the hall he stops and opens a door, gesturing you inside. Pointing in various places about the room. "This is one of our nicest guest rooms in the palace. There is a bath off to the side, and the bed, there. Closets off over there too, everything, anything you need. Anything else and you can ask whoever is outside, or if there is anything you need now, I am at your service as well." "Mm. Nice and warm." "Food. I'm starved. And more ale." *pointedly avoids saying please* "Of course. Course. Anything you prefer?" "Something greasy and bad for me, yet surprisingly tasty." "Like fried kitten, only not cute." He furrows his brow a moment, and then nods. "Of course, directly I shall return." {LOL!!! ;)} *smiles at the man's confusion, and then looks aroun dthe room* He turns to go, moving quickly down the halls. You see a bigassed luxurious room. "Hey! Knock before you come back, okay??" "Going to get me some of these fancy rags here." *starts looking around for things to pocket* You need more pockets. I have a backpack! How abouts looking in that heavy bag o money? *mutters* *opens up the pouch* *peers in cautiously* It's got lots in it. you'd have to take it out to count. *takes a coin out and bites it* "Wow. Real. These people have got to be nuts." It tastes metalic. (hehhe, she's talking to herself...) *looks around the room disinterestedly, deciding she doesn't really need to pilfer it, and flops down on the floor with her bottle* *starts singing a bawdy dwarven tavern song* hehe.. you still didn't count the money... And i'm not going to! rolf rofl She doesn't care how much is there... she's like a little kid ack.. If it's heavy and it's shiny, It's good enough for her. I'll remember that next time and give you a giant sack of coppers. {LOL} (giggle) {or just a sack of doorknobs ;)} ow! *finishes her song and dumps out the purse* hehe wooo *begins playing witht he coins* *stacks them up and counts them along the way* Mmm.... coiny... You count; 18 silver 55 gold and... ... 8 platinum. {whoa!} And a small ball of lint. *drools visibly* Rowain was a major bad guy. :) *glances around, making sure no one's in the room* {consolation prize!!!} "They musta put them in there by mistake." hehe "I'll just uh, hide them, for uh, safekeeping." *stashes the platinums in her shoe* you also get 260 xp. *returns to drinking and loud singing, and playing with the remaining coins* + any % bonuses you get. {she divides that between classes right} yep. {she has an 18 dex... does she get a percent bonus?} Oh... kie... sooo...yep each class gets 143 xp then. Um... what's i get a plus on? Oh, swell. You get 10% for your stat bonus. {how much of a bonus does she get?} 10% standard. ahh.... 14 exps! ;) so, 150 each class Okie. A short while later, a faint knock is heard at your door. *keeps singing, ignoring the knock* hehe "Oi love my bread.... I love meee butter... *waits* "But most of all... i hate that mudder fuc--" *stops* "Meh? Who is it?" {LOL!!!!!!!!} "It's Gesin, my lady." {*falls out of her chair*} "Whose lady? Hunh? You got my grub? Get in here." *is half dressed by the way, and has forgotten this* He opens the door, wheeling in a small cart ack (She was pondering decent clothes, but couldn't get em all fastened up right) He turns his back to you, trying to push the cart backwards. *oblivious to this, hops up and grabs food off the cart, bouncing merrily* EEP! {Nyah nyah Pan, I'm cuter than your elf girl ;)} {boingy boingy ;)} {pbbth! ;)} You see a wide assortment of greassssy food, and a keg of ale on the bottom of the cart. "Great!" Yeah, but Toe doesn't get any cute npc's to hit on! "Hey, Greg, or whatever your anme is.. "You think you could button up this frilly thingie i grabbed out the closet? "I can't figure out this pinchy thing with laces either." (Yeah, but I can torment the ugly stupid ones. ;) He doesn't turn around. "I could call for a maid to assist you." {you're eeevil ;)} {oooh... a chick ;)} (bite meee!) *walks up in front of him* "No trouble really, I mean, you're here already and all." {*CHOMP* ;)} (ack! no THERE!) *mildly notices his discomfort* "Oh... I'm sorry... (OWWW!) "You're thirsty, aren't you?" *fetches him a glass of ale hurridly, hating to see someine in such obvious distress* ;) The back of his head looks flustered. "Nno, ma'am, I am fine." "You sure? You sound like you're... eh... sober or something." *shudders* He chuckles uncomfortably. "Anyways... back to the dress.. Um... Hell, i'm not even sure I've got this thing on front wards or back" **decides it's backwards, and pulls it off to turn it around* He reluctantly turns to look at you. And quickly turns around again. *glares semi-nekkidly at whatever his name is* (she's got undies on!! goodness... does this guy have heart problems? ;) (He's just a clerk!! this is abnormal for him.) "Are you going to like not help me? cuz if so, you can just, you know, get out of here or something." {how old is he???? ;)} *mutters* (mid 30's) "I'll just stay in this thingie" "Fits well enough." "If my lady requests, I have to help." *tries to lace up the corset on her own* "I can not leave until dismissed." "I mean... what's the point of wearing two dresses, right?" "I'll be damned ifn I'm figuring out these strings though." *toddles up to the poor clerk and smiles cutely at him* "Maybe you could do it for me? Eh?" "If you request it of me." {as cute as a drunk can be ;)} He avoids looking directly at you "That would be a request, ya. Wow, if you're this stupid sober I would hate to see you drunk!" (some girls is cuter while drunk) *takes a swig of the glass which is still in her hand* (Dora is just naturally cuuuuuuuute!! ;) He looks down and glances at the laces. (Eyeful! Eeeeeeeyyyeeeeeful!!) *takes a deep breath* {LOL} "Wow! This room smells really nice. Must be flowers in here or something." Frowning, he unties them, cinching them properly, and (hey! stop sticking your cleavage out!!!!) tying the laces behind you. *notices one of her coins is on the floor and bends down to get it* (you're worse than Pixie...) He stares incredulously at you "You'e doing a great job back there! Thanks." *stands back up* {LOOOOOOL} "Meh? What's that look for?" *faces him and takes another deep breath* "It really does smell great in here... there's gotta be flowers somewhere! He stutters and stammers at you, not making any sense. *peers at him, leaning very close, to smell his breath* "Are you sure you're not naturally drunk?" His breath smells faintly of oranges "No, my lady, I'm not drunk." {screw drivers!!!} (lol) "Ooooh hey!!" *sort of jumps in excitement* "You've got oranges!!! Hand them over!!! I LOVE squeezed orange juice!!" "It's great for a hangover!!" "Not that I ever get them, of course, but it could happen!" He jumps "Of course, my lady!!" He runs to the door (*dies of hysterical laughter*) "Hey!!!! Julian or whatever!!! You didnt' finish dressing me!!" *storms out of the room, into the hall after him, only wearing a corset and some sorta u nderskirt thingie* He comes back in a {LOL} what?? He scrammed before she was clothed!! She has no patience. You catch him in the hall. *wheezes* "You said you didnt' leave unless I told you to!!" "yyou you, you requested oranges!" "Well... I assumed you had some already!!!" "I mean, don't you have any pockets??" "no, They're in teh kitchen." *slowly looks the man up and down* oh, he's wearing a light grey robe. "Ah well. Point me in the right direction, I'll get them myself, and you can pick out a dress for me while I"m gone. If that's what those things are." {mwahahah!!!! ;)} "No, my lady. You must return to your room and dress!" "They look kinda like implements of torture really but... if that's the fashion." "I will assist you." he sighs *looks at her garments* "What's wrong with what i'm wearing?" "i thought you did an excellent job thus far!!" "You're in undergarments!" "Meh? I dunno, it's kind of nice. Light and breezy." "easy to move around in." "oh my.." *prances about the hall to demonstrate...b ounce bounce bounce" {*dies* ;)} "You must find more... uhm,.. clothing..." *pouts* "But I like this." "it's covering my naughties!" He tries to pull you back into your room. {!!!!!!} *looHEY! *smacks him* "Not the tits, hon, you grab for the waist!!!" "Conduct around this place is horrible." He bows his head and appologizes. "people running out on me before I'm dressed... not getting me my juice... refusing to let me wear what I like... "Please, you must get dressed. i insist. Or just return to your room." *mutters and hskaes her head in disgust* "No, I'm headed to the kitchen." "I want my juice." *pouts very cutely and convincingly* You ca "You can't dressed like that. I'll fetch it for you." {youca? youcatan? ;)} "Dressed like waht??? My naughties are covered!!" *jumps up and down in front of him so that he sees this.* "But only barely, my lady!" His eyes bounce up and down *snorts and pushes him into the room, accidentally knocking him over* (she's strong ;) *leans down, giving him quite a view.* "You're going to stay here He looks up at you as you walk over And find me a dress, and I'm going to the kitchen for juice." "You don't know where the kitchen is!" "Meh. There's bound to be someone along the way who'll direct me." He sighs *pulls the poor man up to his feet by wrapping her arms around him and lifting* *releases him and brushes the dirt off of his robe* he gasps "Good boy." "Now stay." "Stay?" *smiles and winks, and then wanders out of the room, disregarding him further You eventually find your way to the kitchen. People stare at you. {suprise suprise ;)} *smiles and waves to all the people she meets along the way* {It's *my* character. Why would they not be staring at meee? ;)} Because you bounce. :) *bellows into the kitchen* "HEY! C'I get some orange juice? O R A N G E?* The entire staff of the kitchen freezes. *puts her hands on her hips* "That's a yes, right?" Orange juice is spillled everywhere as people rush to bring you some. *smiles happily* Eventually, a small handmaid lugs you over a large decanter of juice. "Thank you! Much better than that Greg fellow." She doesn't spill it. {awww... a small handmaid} heh *lifts the jug up, guzzling out of it, her chest making some interesting motions as she does so* she stares at you too. *pats the girl on the head with her free hand* Several of the cooks pass out *looks at passed out cooks and hesitates, lowering the bottle and peering into it cautiously* "there isn't some sort of disease going around here, eh?" The handmaid looks dumbfounded *glares at the chick* "Got a problem, girl?" (See Pixie? Another chat, at yet more horny girls!!) She stares blankly up at your... corset {you're cursed Hatch.... or is it blessed? ;)} (cursed) *leans down to get a better look at the girl... also giving her a... better look* {whoa! she's checkin' you out!} The girl stares {how old is she? ;)} (16, at the most) "You need a drink hun? Got some great ale back in my room." "Might ease that awful stare of yours." {boy... what a pick up line!!!!} She stares at you *ponders* Well, not at -you- as such... {you're scarin the poor girl ;)} "Um... mebbe you just want a nice shirt like mine?" She doesn't speak "I don't really need it.." *starts unlacing the corset* The remaining cooks pass out *removes corset and hands it to girl.* "There there. Someday you may have naughties like mine." *finishes her juice and goes to leave the kitchen.* She girl stares with her mouth wide {naughties.... LOL} "What... you never seen breasts before??" *shakes her head* "People here are so weird." *Moves towards the door* (You going back to your room?) (Are you done injuring people?) (Yeah.) (okay) (nah. Gary or whoever is still in my room.) (;) Er ;) You find Gesin standing in the same spot you put him. He gapes at you. *smiles happily and waves in greeting* "I gave my top to some poor little girl in the kitchen." "She hasn't any naughties of her own." He loks loks like a soft breeze would knock him over. *sniffs sadly, and swigs from her bottle, which she'd left behind* {*gasp*! ;)} "So... did you find me a dress?? Didja, didja?" "N nn no, my lady, I stayed here." He hasn't moved from where you stood him up. *pouts cutely and convincingly again* "Well. This can't be helped I spose." "I may as well take a bath while you find me something decent." "Would you mind dragging out the tub?" *bats eyelashes and hiccups* He sighs, nodding. He points into your room. *strips down the rest of the way for her bath* "No no no... you have to drag the tub out here, in front of the fire!" "tThhe tub is in the next rrrRoom." {that poor guy....} (acK!!!!) (you're gonna kill him) *pouts, but shrugs* {your butt shrugs???? ;)} "Okay." *walks into the next room, noticeably wiggling while she does so* *yells out* "But do find me something nice, okay?? Like that nice top I had on!" He folllows your swaying hips into the room. You see a -big- tub in a finely ordained bathing room. It's already full and steaming. "Great! Wow!" He stumbles back into the other room. *cautiously sticks a toe in first, though most of her paranoia is gone with drunkeness* "Hmm... dont' seem like magic water..." You hear a soft thump, and then Gesin mumbling. *ponders* *gets up out of the tub and goes into the other room nekkid and dripping wet, with her hands on her hips* "You okay?" Eventually he comes stumbling out of the closets He stares at you, his mouth trying to work for a moment. "Fiffine! I have ccclothes for you." *claps her hands together happily* "Oh good! Put them on for me, please?" "On me I mean, not on you." *smiles and nods confusedly to herself* "Yyou need to dry yourself first, maddame." *rolls her eyes* "No. I want my clothes on now. I'm cold!" "i'll dry in these... dresses, if they really are that." He runs into the bathing room quickly, shuffling around. Hurrying back with a giant towel He holds it open for you *rolls her eyes and snatches the towel from him Trying not to look. using it to dry herself off piece by piece* He fails. "You know... youre really not being much of a help Geoffrey." "Maybe you should go lie down for awhile, ther'es a bed in there and all, and you look terribly ill." *hiccup* "Mm m I'm sorry, my lady." "Wh what may I do to serve you?" "Go, rest, have a nap. I'll figue these... things, out for myself." *wanders into the closet* you hear a muffled thump {Whats his face gets a reprieve. ;)} (Thank goooood!) {you're evil ;)} "Hm..." *grabs a simple enough looking dress off one of the racks* *and slips it over her head, putting it on backwards and not noticing.* "I'll wait til Gomez is done his nap to ask about those darn undergarmenty things." {its backless!!!! ;)} {*whap* Shush you ;)} (It IS!!) *disregards nonetheless* "Wow!" "This must be like a whorehouse." (must be chill...) "Dresses that show your naughties." {LOL} (chilly) *shakes her head* (She doooes know how to wear a dress, doesn't she?) (Yeah... dorf dresses. Dorf dresses are simple. They're sacks. You can't put em on backwards.) ah {LOL} *finds another dress, and puts that one on overtop* *the combination makes it a little less indecent.* "There we go. no more chilly and no more naughties. Works out." {oh goodness... ;)} *saunters back into the first room, eats some of the food from the tray, drinks the rest of the keg of ale (ya, whole thing) *and passes out on the floor* Woo, two passed out people. Moondancer enters the chat {two???} And all the cooks too. Gesin fainted and almost caught the bed. {LOL} (*flex*) (CLAIRE!!! Toe is walking around the palace naked!!!) ((Woohooo)) {almost naked ;)} (Make the bad girl stoooooop!) (You guys started it with your DnD sex rules pamphlet!!!) (I woulda been well behaved if it werent for that!!!) {suuuuuuure ;) You spend another 2 days generally tormenting Gesin, before he returns late in the afternoon, informing you that Ryan has gathered the others. (YEAH RIGHT!) (It's truuuuuuuuuuuue!! ;) {"the others" what are we??? chopped liver????? ;)} (She doesn't know you yet) (Phew... we done soon? My tiredness is going up and concentration going down ;) Allllmost. 10 minutes, at most. (k. =) Gesin leads you again through the wandering halls, heading south, and eventually up a long flight of stairs. A long hall of indentical doors line the long hallway at the top. Turning left and walking nearly to the end, he stops at a set of double doors. You see a tall elven girl standing near the doors. {tall being relative for an elf ;)} yeah. He turns to look at you and bows deeply to you. "Lady Sorcha, it has been a pleasure meeting you, and I hope I shall see you again when you return." Then he knocks once no the heavy doors before swinging them open and ushering you in, closing the doors quickly behind you. Directly in front of you is a short, orange haired girl. (It's Paaaaaaaaaaaaan!! ;) Sitting on the floor is a half elven girl working dillgently on a heavy bow. **looks about aimlessly** And a tall, dark haired man leans quietly on a chair. *notices Medora* (go nuts, people!) *dismisses Medora ;)* ((can I change my name quick?)) yep User Moondancer has left the chat *looks at K* *sniffs* "Sweet Brahmin.. WHAT IS THAT SMELL???" (ROFL!!!) (It's Troglodyte!) *scratches head* *quickly takes a big sip from her bottle of ale to cure the onslaught of nausea* {oooh... if i knew what you were thinking.... ;)} (meeeee?) {troglodyte brain} {no, toe ;)} (ah) The man looks up as the two of you enter, bowing deeply. **looks at th e double doors** **like she'd rather be out there** "Bren.... oh!" *offers the bottle to K* "There isn't a tavern within miles," **looks out of place** So no use trying to get out.* **sniffs bottle** *makes a face* ((er medora)) (*Grins*) "So, are you two wondering why you're here?" "Nah. I don't wonder when free booze and board is involved." *plops down on the floor, very unladylikely, and bad to do in a dress* ;) "Are these the others you were speaking of?" *sways on her heals* Brendon looks up, he nods at Kopporu, and tilts his head. "These are indeed two of them, Lady Alexis." "Ah." He stares at Medora, apparently dismayed by her attire. *hiccups* *stares back* "you got a problem?" **isnt paying attention** "I'm having a difficult time determining what we have in common..." "...besides being in this room, I mean." "No, Lady Sorcha, I have no problem." *cocks eyebrow at Alexis* "Then glare at someone else. Meh." "We all have two legs." He looks back to Alexis, smiling. "All of you who will be here are unique in some way." "And two arms too. Or at least, from what I can see." {are you showing teeth?} ((nope)) {oh ok ;)} "I can see that we are unique." **moves over the Medora** "But there must be some thing that binds us together..." **sits down in front of her** "...and I fail to see it." **looks at her bottle of booze** *smiles friendly-like at K and passes her the bottle* "Soon, of course, my lady, it will make more sense." *takes the bottle* "Drink up... there's lenty around here!" "Blah." *sniffs the bottle again* "Somehow I'm not so sure." "Anyone got details about this thing?" "They tell me... We need your help." He grins and reddens slightly. "Well, a little more sense, at least." "And drag me here for a century, and now you guys come in the mix." "Ah, that's what I thought." **pours the booze on her skinned knee (after taking the bandage off** "RAAARRAHG!!!!" **shakes with pain** Brendon walks over to Kopporu, looking down at her. "Are you injured?" "Hello there." **doesnt notice him** *looks very angry* *yelling* "Dirty little runt!! You just wasted Beer!!!" **doesnt notice Medora either** He kneels in front of Kopporu. "eh?" *pauses to look back over at the lady with the bow." "Hi! You're not one of those kitchen staffers, right?" "They have no naughties, you know." {LOL} *nods wisely* "Unfortunately, no. If I were, I might have some idea what's going on." **peers at whatsihis face** Brendon examines Kopporu's knee. "Are you injured, my lady?" "nah. You wouldn't want to be one of them.. They pass out at the sight of a human body." "Well, elven." **looks behind her** "uh... lady? *scratches head* "Hello......" "no, im not injured" Brendon smiles. "Yes, you. Your knee." *glares at the big half elf* ".... its skinned" ((no teeth!)) "I can heal it for you." "no.. er.. im fine..." "Are you sure?" *blows up* "YES IM FREAKIN SURE!!!!" *SNORT* He grins at you, standing up. "what are you grinning at???" "you think this is funny????" He stops and tilts his head. *smiles at K with mild respect. Magic is bad.* "why the hell am i here????" "why are THEY here?????" *pats K on the back* "why are you offering to heal me????" "Calm down. Have some booze." "am i reeeeeeeelly that sickly looking????" "ARGGGGGH" "You were in pain." "PAIN????" "I'LL SHOW YOU PAIN!!!" **lunges at whatshis face** {;)} Brendon murmurs softly. *glares* "Don't you dare break that bottle if you get in a scuffle." "I'll never speak to you again." ((rofl)) Kopporu feels wonderfully happy. {eh?} (hehehehehehehee... Brendon is uhm... casting) {oh ok ;)} **looks about uhm... suprisedly** (No save on this spell.) *blink* *blink* He looks up sharply as someone knocks on the door. (The picture fades as the gallery lights come up, the curtain falling slowly) (that would be the next person arriving.) (Who isn't here yet) *feels so happy, she curls up in her polar bear skin cloak* hehe *and goes to BED* Who's gonna be next, Hatch? ;-) Good spell. Pretty good odds it's Becca. Wooooo! zzz okay, shh for a moment. *purr* *purr*