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Yes, I'm aware there's not much here. For the simple reason that I'm assuming at least one of the players is reading this, and in general at this point in the game none of them know too much about each other.
So no, you won't see stats or much extensive info on them.

Tshaya Romanyi Hey hey, gypsy wooooman... what? ^_^ The only one who's not six feet tall, little and way young looking. She plays with a little bit of magic.
Lyla Rastin Tall, white haired and lithe. She's got a big black panther. Panther dislikes Kun.
Kun Big and wierd. o_< She picked up Leaf like he was a child. She was overly interested in Wynne. She's declared she will find Zara without doubt.
Cayle A cleric and slight wiseass... he throws things. What? He does.
Leaf Big, loud, big, and drunk. And rude... he wants money. He has a horse. Named Binky. The horse is smarter, and it doesn't like Kun.

Various other people and things the various PC's have encountered who may or not be noteworthy. Maybe I just feel like listing them, OKAY??

Bartender The bartender of the Fiddler's Roost. He's very tolerant of idiocy.
Kali One of the two women who have had their daughters go missing, and asked the group to recover them. Kali's slightly distant, but obviously worried about something. She wears the uniform of Northwind's Home Guard.
Wynne Cair The other of the two, Wynne's a small woman who is apparently rather emotive, and prone to crying on the shoulders of strange women. She's also terrified of panthers. Or just one panther.
Cassandra Kali's daughter
Zara Cair Wynne's daughter
Adam One of the four people met camped on the road to Northwind, big burly black guy, half the party flocked to him for sooome reason. He was Lawful Evil. ^_^
Sarah The second, and much less experienced fighter, she was sleeping with her head on the shoulder of the cleric.
Leahanne The mage who was controlling the fire, making it jump and flare atLeaf's strange comments.
Cleric of Kossuth The guy who spoke barely at all, spending his time staring into the fire. Not a good conversationalist. o_<