Game Start; Febuary 19th, 852PA. Fiddler's Roost, Denbar, Northwind. **twiddles thumbs** *picks teeth with shortsword* hm.. okay... yeah *cough* *pays attention* we're not gonna need to roll tonight are we? oh yeah... Probably not You're all sitting in a small quiet bar named Fiddler's Roost near the center of town, as the night lengthens the already sparse crowd fades to only a handful of people, eight including the barkeep are scattered through the room. thank god. cleaning off desk would require me getting up hehe I'm going to bed the second we finish Leaf want more mead! The bartender, old and wry looking with deep brown eyes, a tall, white haired woman, a large looking brown hair and eyed man, a tall fairly young looking black haired man with light eyes, a tall almost waiflike young woman with dark, deep red hair, and two women sitting next to each other at the bar. One in uniform with long red hair, and a smaller woman with bright white hair held in a tail. *flails arm towards the waitress* She gone home ;) *mutters something under his breath* *urrrrrrrp* **leans against the wall quietly** As the bartender begins going around the bar, closing shutters for the night, the two women stand up, giving you a better look at the both of them, and ththe one with red hair addresses those in the bar. *starts mumbling a conversation with the pink elephant sitting on the other side of his table* She's a tall woman of about thirty with a mane of fiercely red hair and brown eyes, she wears the uniform of the Northwind Home Guard half- hidden under a black cape tied with a woven gold cord. Delicate looking soft leather gloves cover slender hands. She has a look of deep worry on her face. Her eyes look strained, as if she is excersizing incredible restraint. **tips head back slightly** "Good people... good, slightly drunk people. I must ask for you to listen to me, as I and this woman are in great need of help." voman? " I'm not slightly drunk! I'mr eally drunk!" *pays attention* Leaf starts paying attention at the mention of Vimen!* **looks unintrested yet attentive** *rolls her eyes* "Nearly a month ago, our daughters were being sent to a city in Lyons to attend a school there. They've since gone missing, and I must fear the worst." " Oh well you made a little mistake. Forgive and forget, eh? I always help those in need. Especially the ladies. *smiles* * you can tell he's pretty buzzed*" "you sent your daughters away to be taught elsewhere?" "Well cities tend to have better schools... makes sense to me..." She nods "In Lyons is one of the best, and most capable schools for handling my daughter." **gazes out a window absently** "family is to important to ship them away, you brought the harm on them yourself" She gestures to the other woman. "Miss Cair's daughter, while different, is also best suited to the school there." **turns suddenly to the speaker** "Different?" waaait... How yougn are zee's daughters? " well without the good education they were recieving they might not get anywhere in life. Then it'd be their fault for giving their daughters miserable lives. " *high pitched giggle* "Different... not quite like my daughter." " Think before you shay stuff girly." "Maybe sending them away was wrong, but we truly did think it would be best for them." "Different in.... what way?" "why are the schools so suited for your offspring?" "They are seven, and ten years old." oh. *looks crestfallen* "So young." "They are just different..." She looks away, then at the floor for a moment. "Cassandra is... very different." " I like different...... I also like brandy. Barkeep?" **gives a slight dismissve snort and turns back to gazing out the window** She turns again and nods to the second woman. *moves closer to the women* she's a small, slight woman with stark white hair held back in a tail. Her pale blue eyes are rimmed with red and she looks incredibly distraught, near the verge of panic. Her blue silk dress is wrinkled and worn, it looks like she hasn't slept in a while. "no one can help you unless you tell us something" She is beink correct! *mutters under hsi breath* "..... where the hell's my brandy...*grumble grumble*" She steps forward and raises her hands, the image of two small girls forms between them, they're laughing at something you can't see, and one makes a little burst of fire spring to life. "what is it you wish to know?" " ooooh " "what makes the school so suited for them" "What makes them so different, and why do you hide it from us?" The smaller woman lowers her hands and the images fade away... " Oh I get it...... they're maggokal...err....cassser....wizards!" not at that age " Heh. You'd be surprised at what I've seen..." " When you start early you can get a lot done....... " "In Lyons there is a city named Skye, where some of the most capable wizards and scholars gather, it is them who we sent them to. We believed they would know best how to teach them and protect them." " Vissards? but vimen can't beink vissards! " ((Can I cast Spook on Leaf?)) ;-) The redhead snorts slighty "You would be surprised" **mumbles** "Skye hmm..." "when was the last time you saw or had correspondce with them?" " sure they can. Don't need a strong body to have a strong mind....* realizes the alcohol caused him to say something taht could get him in trouble and shuts up*" " Sh'gainst der rules! " (Go nuts) ((I am doing so)) *turns towards Leaf and leans slightly towards him, making a face* *urp* "They left here last month, on the 22nd. One of the guards with them was supposed to turn back after a week and send word, and another a week beyond that. We've had no word at all and nearly a full month has passed." (it's the 19th) (bunnie, roll... save vs spell) " well that's not good is it? I guess I'll hvae to find out what happened. I'm off...*walks out the door*" ( 11 ) (faaaail) ((snicker)) ( uh oh ) *walks back in a few minutes later* " Wait.... where am I going again?" "you waited a month?!?" (Tshaya's face flickers to that of a horrid demon, you feel incredibly compelled to run away for hours.) ((LOL)) (hours? oiye) "Baaaaheruple!" *tips over backward in chair, arms flailing wildly in the air* *giggles, hand over her mouth* Both women look shocked, and the smaller one speaks. "But but we only expected a messenger but ten days ago... we had hoped that he was late.. for a few days..." She looks out to the door and seems to begin to cry *whispers* "city women, just throwing babies to the wolves" *notices women crying* ".... I miss someting?" **glances toward the smaller woman** "Do you want people to help find your' children?" " Well duh..." *lays on the floor and squeezes eyes shut, wishing the demon-woman would go away* The redhead, looking down at the other woman, nods. "Yes, that is why we've come here this night, and the night before last. Looking for anyone who would help, go and find our daughters." **walks toward the smaller woman** *shrugs* "I'll go. Sounds like it could be an adventure!" She looks up with red-rimmed eyes " I'll find your daughters!" * walks ou tthe door again* "I guess i will go save the babies as well" *opens eye* " Vould der beink gold in this? " **speaking as if the crying woman were the only one in the room** "You cry... because you have lost your daughter?" "when can we leave?" *walks back in* " Wait... you're not gonna trick me this time! You have to tell me where they are first..." "Yyes... Zara... she's all that I have" The redhead nods again, "Yes, there is gold in this." " How did you know that girls name? Are you psychicicics?" Redhead blinks "They're our daughters you drunk." *sits up, and tries not to look at Tshaya* " Den Leaf shall beink finding your Daughters! " "i dont want your gold, but i want a promise" **looks to the side as if in thought** "Promise?" " Hey I'll have you know, I'm a very capable priest..... this is just my off night...." " And I siad I'd Help didn't I? I just need to know where to find your lost daughters..." *looks a little annoyed* "no thro sending your family away again, maybe next time people are too late and your babies arent found" " And Leaf beink great varrior! " *giggles* "great warrior afraid of a little girl!" Redhead nods. "We've seen that.. now, the best place for them was here." **returns gaze to the smaller woman** "I will find your daughter.... your daughter." **lightly carresses the womans cheek with back of her hand** " or you could just go with the daughters and they can still go to a good school..." *doesn't look at Tshaya* " you not beink girl! you somethink else! " "..... I don't feel so good..." *looks oddly at the touching women* Smaller woman shivers slightly and throws her arms around you and tussling your cloak "Oh spirits thank theee good woman!" *giggles again" "Yes, so better be careful around me!" * leer's drunkenly at the touching women " "So, when do we leave again?" " And most importnatly, where are your daughters?" Redhead "As soon as you can, please. In the morning, if you will." **looks startled and starts fiddling with her cloak** "where are we to look?" "They, were following the road east, from Northwind and into Coventry and Harlech beyond that." I've never been to Coventry." " well that's not a very good description. can't you tell us where they are?" Smaller woman, seems intent on clinging to Kun, rambling insensibly her thanks and crying on her chest **clears her throat lightly** "What is your daughter's name." **continues struggling with her cloak** Redhead "We don't know where they are... just that they were lost in their path." " Well how are we supposed to find them if you don't know where they are?" "Well, we COULD follow their footsteps, you know..." **sighs LOUDLY** * Think about how smart that priest is* Smaller woman "Thank you please good lady.. Zara is her name" " oh....* realizes* OH..... wow I think you guys are gonna like me a lot better in the morning...." *looks at Cayle* "Maybe." "you seem to be adept at magic, is there no way you can help give us a start ?" Locate wayward helpless innocent child spell maybe? "Then it is Zara that I shall find" *lifts an eyebrown at him slightly* "I'll find them too. We'll bring them back. The redhead nods and pulls a small wooden thing from inside her cloak " nuh uh... morning after drinking is vhen spirits enter head and start pounding on skull! " (almost forgot! eek) " 9 glasses of brandy will kind of...... well let's just say that right now I'm kind of..... umm.... you know.... not clear" *looks at the wooden thing* " Wow..... I'm drunk off my bum and even I'm not that stupid......" She holds it up, it looks like a small compass, somewhat. An arrow points vaguely east. "We've tried... to scry for them but something has masked them. But this, this is linked to something my daughter, Cassandra carries "Wow!" "It will lead you to her, through that." "My matron would love to see that!" "How does it work?" *eye brows go up* "matron?" *scratches himself absently while admiring the wooden thing * " You know, I have never heard of that word beofre......" She looks puzzled.. "It's a simple Location spell, made permanent" "Yes, matron. Mother Romanyi, she likes interesting things." "oh, just a spell?" "ah, i understand" "Never mind then. "Just a spell" "But it'll be nice to have if it helps us find them!" "And... Zara would be with... Cassandra?" Redhead, nods "They are both together, they're nearly inseperable." *walks up to the redhead* "....why do you not mourn for your daughter" **directed at the redhead** "May I see it?" "do you have something of thiers? something personal from them?" She hands it to you *looks at it, turning her body* "I do mourn, just not in front of you." **nods** The arrow stays pointing east "This will be very helpful." "Personal? What is it you want?" ((So I take it we don't know each other yet?)) (nope!) "a bauble, a piece of cloth" ((NEat!)) blinks "Why is it you'd want... that?" "are you asking for my help?" "Yes.. I am." *sticks the "compass" down the front of her shirt* "I'll keep it safe." O_O *walks up to the woman* " Trust me...... I'm really not as dumb as I sound.... or look for that matter.... but I am sooooo drunk. So I'm just gonna go to bed. ladies, I'll see you tomorrow. so I can... "then why qustion such a simple request, I need to be connected to the ones i hunt" Help you find your daughters..... g'night * winks at them and pats one of the women on the butt*" *walks out of the bar* Redhead, nods "I'll bring you something" (uuuhhh... which woman?) * I dunno. one of hte two women. heh* *watches all this with wide eyes* (oh ok, heh heh) *calls after Cayle* "Hey, what's your name?" " I'll tell you in the morning..... I seem to have forgotten..." ^_^ "Oh, okay." "have a goodnight, and blessed dreams" "Night, drunk!" * walks back into the bar for a second* " Hey..... while I can still blame this on the booze..... do I have a shot with any of you? * points to the three women*" *falls with crash to lie spread eagle on the floor* *looks a bit speechless* *SNOOOOORE* "I would put a great deal of doubt upon it" The redhead looks out the door, and holds up a small scroll sealed in red wax, holds it out. "Across the street, the inn. Stay there the night, give them this. In the morning I will have something of theirs for you." "I thikn that's fancy talk for no." *SNOOOOORE* "Quite." " Well wortha shot I guess.. Night all" * walks out of the bar again* "why does the large one make like a moose?" *nudges the snoring person "He kind of looks like one...." *giggles* *turns to the women* The redhead is still holding out the scroll "well, I'm ready to leave whenever everyone else is." "give me the scroll" *SNOOOORE* She gives it to you "i must ask you one thing more" "Yes?" "are you prepared for every eventuality?" The small woman looks up, and prys herself away from Kun "Every eventuality?" **whooosh!** small woman looks sheepish, and tries to straighten Kun's clothes "there is a chance that both of your daughters are with their gods" *SNOOO-muffins_OOOORE* Redhead "..... No, we're not.." **bats woman's hands away** "erm... quite alright..." "prepare yourselfs, please" Small woman, looks even more sheepish Redhead "I'm afraid, we don't have that luxury." "You neednt look that way, i blame you not" ((Shouldn't we post our physical descrips?)) (sure!) hatch did it already. hehe *SNOOOORE* (vaguely ^_^) heh. "nature doesnt give quarters for age or gender, it takes anything" (i was lucky... i got 4 adjectives!!!!) "Nature, would not have been capable, of that I am sure." She shakes her head. "Not with Cassandra." ( heh. my char was 5'11, with black hair slicked back, but shaved around the sides. Blue eyes, but not regular blue. Sky blue. they were a bit glazed over when ou met him" "Not with the guards." "How many guards?" *SNOOOOOOORE* "Not enough apparently." "Fourteen, in all." "Unless they were in on it or something."\ "Fourteen??" She simply shakes her head. "Yes, fourteen." "timba, come" A very large black panther appears from the shadows, "that is nature" The small woman yelps and clambers up onto the bar "Wow." **stiffins slightly** "OOOOOohmyspirits!!" *SNOOOO-Kitties?-OOOORE* "Is he yours?" *to Lyla* "she is mine from a kitten, yes" ( she gets a panther???) "She, sorry. I can't tell from this angle. I bet the moose guy can though." ( hee hee... TImba!) "She's beautiful." ( I reitirate. She gets a panther? lol) "thank you" (she asked ^_^) ((Tshaya is a petite woman, not tall, with a slender, almost girlish build. Her complexion is tanned olive, with a mirthful face framed by long, luxuriously wavy, raven-black hair. Her eyes are a piercing ice blue, twinkling with a playful wit. She is wearing a colorful, loose shirt and a colored wrap)) **trying not to make eye contact with the big beasty** "May I inquire as to your name" **directed to the woman on the counter** ((shard worry about your class, my class gets panther ;) )) ( Well I want a scythe of withering +5...) ((She looks to be about 5 inches over 5 feet, if that)) (i want a vorpal hammer!!!!!) ( vorpal hammer! hahahahahhahaha!) (it knocks limbs off) *SNOOOOOORT* (( i want a displace beast then: P )) eek ((I want a mind flayer!)) heh. Gregalus had a ring of X-Ray vision at level 3. he had a lot of fun with that ;p (poke poke Becca, pix asked somfing!) ( I want my gold bacK! *pokes pan* ) *timbra seems to fidget away looking oddly at kun* (noooo... im asking the little woman) (oh really? eek) "Can I pet her?" Small woman, cowers on the bar "Wynne... Wynne Cair" "yes, but she seems odd right now" *looks slightly nervous suddenly* "Oh. I think I'll wait til later." **nods** "I think the beast is tame.... well, at the moment" *timbra bears fangs at kun, roars, and runs into the shadows again* *SNOOOORE* "... or perhaps not" ((HAHAHAHA)) **pulls at her coller** "is it hot in here?" *you can hear the heavy panting in the shadows* **glances at Lyla** *turns to the redhead again* "I guess we're leaving in the morning, then." "sorry i dont understand, she isnt like this ever" Redhead nods "wait, who is helping?" "I'll meet you again, in the morning outside the inn." "Great. Maybe I'll find what I'm looking for too!" "I'm going, for sure." "You havnt told us your name" **says this almost accusingly at the redhead** "I have the finder thing." ((Totally like awesome cc)) :) ((LOL)) *SNNNNNOOOOORRREEEE* Redhead looks surprised. "My name is Kali." (ROFL!) **nods dismissively** "my name is Lyla rastin and i will help find your babies" Redhead nods. Wynne looks like she's colapsed on top of the bar she nods frantically *mumbles in his sleep* "I have already stated my intentions" *looks at kun* " i am not totallly sure that timba will act like she did before" "We'll be a team. I'm Tshaya, from the Romanyi kith to the west." "As long as I am not *mauled*, I believe I will be fine" "timba hasnt mauled anyone in weeks" "well a week" "well a few days" *coughs slightly* *SNOOORE* *smacks the snoring moose* "wake up your going to wake the dead and i have no power over them!" The bartender, finished with the windows, leans on the bar and looks down at Leaf, a vaguely impatient look on his face. It's like...... the fuzing of chlorine and the cotton of the shirt created some kind of nipple irritant. *SNOO-ORT!* " vha? * a lightning fast blur from the shadows runs into kun and out the door* "OOF" *runs over to Kun* "Hey, you ok?" " Leaf beink getting Gold for rescue of daughters? " **shakes head vigorously**... **looks up at Tshaya** "Yes." "I am so sorry, i havent a clue whats gotten in to timba, are you carrying large uncooked cuts of meat on you?" Kali pulls Wynne from the bar and sets her carefully on her feet again Kali "Yes you're getting gold." "No, i dont" "that is so odd" " Den Leaf vill get your daughters back... goodnight " heh. becca, is it Timbra or Timba? You've said each like 50/50 *Thud* ((wants to just roleplay timba ;) )) SNOOOORE* timba ;p "So, who else is going? We should at least know who we're traveling with, right?" *you here a very loud growl from outside* "please dont call her, your spooking her"! Kali "I think the two drunkards agreed to accompany you." "Which 2 drunkards?" Kali "The one who wandered out, and the one on the floor..." *stares at kun* "Oh, moose man and the guy who can't remember his name?" ( I didn't wander! I knew exactly where I was giong. Bed) Kali nods "I'm trilled." **doesnt seem to notice Lyla's staring** "I'm so happy for you." *SNOOORE* ( lol. You really don't have high opinions of me do you?) "Well, I hope they don't slow me down." (.... scratch out seem, she really doesnt notice it) "are you going to help" *directed at kun* **relizing she is being addressed** "I stated my intentions previously" "THat's fancy talk for yes, I think." "Quite." Pan seems frigid ;p "could you keep distance from timba please?" (just stretching my RPing possibilities!) "Gladly." Nah. You're frigid ;p "So, 3 of us girls, a moose, and some guy with amnesia." *hides* an eclectic group "Should be fun!" ( I don't have amnesia! I'm drunk off my ass!) *to Kun* "What's your name?" ((its webster, as in the wordy dictionary :) )) Kali "It's getting late, please rest. Give the scroll to the innkeep across the street." "My given name is Kun" 'Your "given name"? Do you have a taken name too?" (lol!) "i had a cat named kun once "I believe i do actually" "really?" lol. I just realized something. Why aren't you women drunk? "and the cat died yes? hmm, how appropriate" ((Tshaya doesn't drink)) "yes." ( then what exactly is she doing in a bar?) "she was sacrificed to a lesser god" (People watching!) ((All will become clear in time, young skywalker)) (i dont have enough money to get myself drunk) "Even more appropriate" "i was here to find someone to make me fertile with child or just to spend time with" "Hey, no pissing matches, ok?" ( wow. How romantic.) "It'll drive me nuts on the trail." "THat's fancy talk for "I was looking to get laid" I think." " meh? " *snaps awake at the conversation of Lyla * "Quite." "This is going to be fun!" ( hey! I was here earlier! I offered! lol) *low voice* "how much fun will this be if both girls are dead" ( and unlike me, my character is quite handsome ;p ) "Hey, threatening isn't nice." threatening? *since nothing interesting is being said anymore, Leaf goes back to sleep* "Oh, never mind. I thought you said something else." heh. I'm leaving in five minutes. it's not like I need to be here, my character is asleep after all "I think we'll find them." "It I know we'll find one of them." (minus the it) "i hope so as well" *SNOOOORE* "How do you know, Kun?" "Wait, this finder thing is still working." "... well, I shall find one atleast" "Wouldn't it wuit if they were dead?" ((wuit=quit) Kali shakes her head *looks disappointed* they would point to corpses? "Oh. Never mind then." *to Kun* "You're so sure of yourself. How are you so sure?" "did we find out the name of the snoreing moose?" DO we even need one? I bet he'll answer to moose." *SNOOORE* "Why shouldnt I be? If I wasnt, I would be defeating myself before I even began to try" i hope he doesnt make that noise in the forests around here or he will find himself mated with a large moose ( heh. he might like that) "I like that, Kun." (*grins*) *whimper* *giggles* *SNOOOORE* "THAT I wouldn't want to see...." ( hey, that was unkind! ) *nudges Leaf's leg with her foot* but woudlnt that be somthing unusall? *shudders* "I don't need something THAT unusual." **speaking to the barkeeper** "Do you request the removal of the moose-like individual?" The barkeep nods sleepily ((looks for the kun to english dictionary)) *SNOOOORE* "Then it shall be done" (oh lord) ^_^ ((Bwahaha!)) **walks toward Leaf's massive form** *looses a massive fart* *watches, grinning* ( eww....) **stretches for a moment** "..." "Um, we should leave him behind tomorrow, maybe..." "who will carry all are stuff and tend the fire while we sleep then?" **attempts to swing Leaf over her shoulder** "Hmmmmmm. Good point, we need a pack animal." *The body of Leaf slings easily onto Kun's shoulder* "Hey, you're pretty strong." "I suppose..." **walks outside and places Leaf against the wall outside** * the motion however, causes a large amount of vomit to pour from his mouth, down Kun's lower back and buttocks* ((pan saving throw vs disgustingness)) **makes a perfect "oh shit" face** *looks away* "Remind me to skip breakfast tomorrow." "..." *SNOOOORE-BURP* "The inn provides a bath, correct?" Kali nods "Good." "Bath?" "Bath." There is a stream nearby "A bath will do" "I pefer the bath, thanks. UNless the stream is hot and has soap." a hot stream would kill the fish so would soap "oh." "Soap is mearly animal fat" "Well, the bath is good then." lol. becca's unwashed...... ((it's also lye, which is poisonous. ;-))) (its not all made with lye) ((thats a lie about lye)) ((groan becca ;-))) ((heheh :))) "Well, I need my beauty sleep if we're leaving in the morning." oh, so you laugh at a groan but you ignore my unwitty remark. Hmph! "That scroll get us a free room?" well i nee (cant delete ignmore) "I believe so, yes" "Well, any objections to heading over there? I'm tired." "no objections" *SNOOOORE* "He can stay here." "bar keep, one water please, to go" (would you like fries with that?) *to Kun* "You coming?" ((onion rings)) ( heh. My character likes brandy.) **nods** (mmm... onion rings... damn im hungry) The barkeep snaps his head up, then shuffles back and hands you some water *goes next to Kun* *SNOOOORE* *wrinkles her nose at the vomit smell* heh. mmm water... that reminds me I'm really really thirsty... "If we're sharing a room, you can have first bath." *splashes the water on Leaf!* "we are going to the inn now, wake up!" "I am aware of the smell." *SNOOO-GLUB* "You are too kind" " eh? vhat's happing!? " "Believe me, I don't mind." *groan* " Leaf think he beink sick soon " "lets go to the inn sleepy" " Vhere is Binky?! " "Walks across the road to the Inn." *blinks* "Pardon?" well iI'm gonna go to bed. "binky, inky, pinky and clyde?" lol can't believe I stayed up as late as I did " Binky! vhere is Binky! " ((NIGHT OOC SHARD :))) (niiiiiight shaaaard) love ya all. Cept bun bun. You suck ;p ( bah ) " BINKY! " * A large white warhorse trots up to the Tavern door* ((It's really really bad)) **stifins slightly** "wow, it's a zoo around here!" " Binky! " *hugs the horse around the neck * *Binky takes a look a Kun and starts rolling his eyes in panic* Oh well. Night all ((night!)) **backs away from Binky... quickly** *is waiting at the inn* **trots over to the inn... away from Binky** "So, how'd you get so strong?" "Some people are intelligent, others are strong." (Whereas Kun is both) "So those big words you use are just a front?" (oh shush ;) "I don't buy that." ((kun sounds like my fortune cookie)) 'But at least your theory explains why I'm not that strong..." *grins* "Or atleast you dont appear to be... but then again, I dont particularily look strong either" "Well, you hoisted moose over there up pretty easy." there are alot more then just strong and smart "I could probably lift his leg, but that's about it." there is loyalty, love, wisdom, speed, everything else "I didnt mean to imply there wasnt." "Speed. That's the best!" "grins again* *looks at the other two women* **looks at Tshaya** "You two don't hate each other, do you?" but without wisdom to know what is needed then you are lost "That thinking could be applied to most anything" "wisdom is good, but instinct is good too." "I dont know her, how can i hate her." "hate? who hates?" "well, you seem pretty tense with each other. What's that about?" "she scares timba, few do "Its not of my own volition" may I ask you a question kun? "Yes, but that does not mean i will answer" are you human completely? "Yes." odd and more odd "remind me not to stand between you two when we're traveling." "i dont hate or even dislike kun" "You percieve something that does not exist... Tshaya" "Okay okay, never mind." "I didnt." "tshaya, t*sh*aya? how is that prounced?" "you didn't what?" "I didnt mind... i never did" "That's close enough. Lyla, right?" right :) "Well, aren't we a happy trio. THis should be interesting. Especially with moose and that other guy along." "... quite." "i am sure everything will grow very cozy sooon enough " *smiles* "so what do you two do, anyways?" "What was my occupation?" "I guess." "i travel the world" "I took part in the construction of walls and the like" "what do you do?" "I have done other things, but that is the only one i can consider myself an employee" I don't do anything yet. I'm on a quest." (only one WHERE... argh...) "quests are very dangerous, beware of them" "Everything is dangerous. At least quests can be fun and adventurous." i have quested for years "WHat are you looking for?" my sister "Wow. Your quest is more important then mine is." probably you will succeed at yours, i am doomed to fail "If you're doomed to fail, then why bother?" *glances at Kun* **notices Tshaya's glance** "Hmm? You wish to converse with me?" "she is family" "She just reminded me of something you said earlier, Kun." "what is your quest?" "I'm looking for something too." "not family if its not importatn" "Not family." "It is important though." "Some things are more important than family" **said with a twinge of bitterness** "to Kun* "Like what? My Kith is over everything for me." "without them, what you do doesnt matter" "Not everyone thinks the way your... "Kith" does." "In fact, I would hazard to guess that most people do not" "And that's why most people lead sad lives." Family is most important **looks at Tshaya** "Quite." "Is your life sad?" i would give all the gold in the capital for my mother and sister (oops, i guess i never gave a description....) ((Typical. THe guys are passed out, and the girls are up gossiping)) ;-) (lol!) (lyla is always the center of attention. She is very dark, tanned from many hours outside but her waist length hair is white, making a brillant contrast. Her violet eyes burn with a intensity that seems to bore through you. Her features are striking, with regal cheekbones, expressive eyes and red lips. She is trim with great tone showing through her green and black leather hide patch work armor. At her hip, she carries small shrunken pieces of what looks like hair and hide. "If I could compare it with someone else's, i would tell you" (A noticiably tall woman stands before you strapped up banded mail and wearing a large, dark blue, hooded cloak. Her form under the armor seems especially gaunt and the skin on her face is tight, making her cheekbones very pronounced and the cheeks themselves seem hollow. (If you were an Italian mother you'd never leave her alone) Despite her slim form, or maybe BECAUSE of her slight form, her shoulders appear to be exceptionally broad, and smooth muscle is visably apparent under her almost too thin skin. Her pigtailed hair is black unless under the most direct of light, at which point its true red coloration appears. Eyes are of a light brown with specks of gold scattered randomly about. Apon her hard face, below her right eye, extends a long gash of a scar formed from the mid point of the right side of her right nostril to the right side of her face. When she speaks or eats, if one were to look at her mouth, or more specifically IN her mouth, one would notice a most intresting round mark of different color on her tounge. Despite all these "odd" attributes, the most bizzare, and unsettling, feature of her is one that is not noticiable unless one is close up, at which point, one is hit with a sense of... something not quite right about her, something horribly wrong that cannot be explained nor denied. (mwahahah ;) you acutally slowed down my computer! LOL (soorreeee!) "WHat are you looking for, Kun?" "A little girl named Zara" "What about the other one?" "What about her?" "aren't you looking for her too?" "bar keep do you know of this area?" "... in all honesty?" "Not in particular" He looks semi-conscious leaning on the bar "Why not?" "I have doubts about... Kali's sincerity" (Heyyy you're not in the bar ^_^) "hmph." (i never left :P) (but is there anyone other then us here?) (I think everyone else did ^_^) "So her daughter should suffer for your doubts?" "No, her daughter should suffer for the mistakes of her parent" ((hatch is there an innkeeper? I need to ask a question) (yep) "Okay. we'll just go look for Kali.... and if we just happen to stumble across the other little girl, I guess I'll trouble myself with bring her back to her mother. If that's okay with you." **looks at Tshaya** "Didnt you say you would find both girls?" "inn keep do you know the area? "Of course I did." The innkeeper stares, looking like he's trying to focus "Yeeeah..." two questions, is slavery legal or illegal ? and... **looks at Tshaya a moment longer then turns away** "Your choice" "Slaves?" yes, is it legal in the area to hold slaves? "It's not... against the law but it hasn't been common for decades" (ok... am i the only one wondering why Lyla's asking about slaves? ;) thank you, reports of small humunoids infesting the area aroudn the city? *stares at Kuns back for a moment* "There are some... halfings and gnomes further north." your a great help, kind sir *sits down and pulls out the findy0thing, studying it* It points east... the arrow is a bright red (seems simple enough ;) (maybe it'll start beeping when we get REALLY close!!!) ((LOL)) *puts it back* *stands* "So, we going to bed or what?" "I think I might take a bath before hand" "I don't blame you." "I just want to get going. THe sooner I go to sleep, the faster time flys before we leave." "I wonder how it was that he... could afford to get himself drunk" "I wonder if he's such a Lout when he's sober." "Hey Lyla!" Hi! "we going to bed now?" "You have the scroll, remember?" "... and we need the scroll in order to recieve our room(s)..."