Game Start; Febuary 19th, 852PA. Denbar, Northwind. Shard? ah there.ok role call Someone poured paste in my eyes. everyone has 6? yeppers I do I do! paste? Elmer's paste? :) Paste! I see everyone, even through the paste. who and why? *pffffffffffffttttt!* Dunno and dunno. ;-) Well son of a bitch. I just spent the last 2 hours playing megaman X on my SNES rom and it won't lgive me enough time to copy the damn password There's a porno version of flash Gordon on! Flesh gordon? groan ewwwwwww yeah I think so I've never seen it honestly people ;) was just a guess its not a porno its a parody lol Pixie knows ;) its true! I know it is ^_^ let pixie try it she'll like it pixie likes anything LOL lol She won't eat..... erm, nevermind. ;-) try what??? lol Claire!! ehrm oh hush miss pixie ?? ooohhkay You guys are so dirty. I'm ashamed to be seen with you ;p lol hrm we left off with.. ah, Cayle wandered away and everyone else outside the Inn Oh, and I'd just like to say this one thing. Guys are pigs. are not! And so're you :P and they from mars so there martian pigs Are too. At least the ones at the pool are! Can martain pigs fly? ;-) lol I didn't wander away! I went to the hotel and went into hibernation hehee hehe guilty as charged ladies the martian manhunter can fly... I'm not a pig martian pigs can burrow :) hehee oink I'm not a pig and neither is my char. He's drunk. BIG difference *my* character is drunk AND a pig! I noticed ;) Very Good thing he passed out and threw up on Pan hey cc there is a mall in kuwait that wont allow men to shop there :) SO are we waking up now? ;-) You haven't gone to bed :) you're in the street still Men don't shop in malls anyways, not voluntarily. ;-) *runs to the inn* I shop in malls.... I like malls.... can i hold up the game by roleplaying breakfast for 2 hours? *goes into the inn and goes to sleep.* you COULD... LOL *ahem* and a 1 and a 2 and a... *snooooorrrreeee* you will die eee~ sorry um i was channeling kathrine the great there .... I shopin malls.... is that bad? Yes, it means you're a girl. Oh. cool. lol ..... damn um Hey, at least you have a chance with Pan now. ;-) rofl HAHAHAHA hey! Into the Inn do something with that scroll. everyone has a chance with pan ;) woooO! Hey Pixie! no I don't ;) Girl or guy, I got no chance. lol. :p *shows the scroll to the teller she's she wants you already :D *is with Lyla* * is iwith his blanky* *is passed out in the commen room* We left you in the street, LEaf. ;-) "me and my young ward would like a room for the night" He takes it from you and opens it, then hands you a pair of small iron keys. "Through the first hallway, to the left" He bows slightly "And a good night to ye" *casts a glance at Lyla* "yes?" *takes the keys* "Nothing." He goes back to counting wood grain in his counter "where is everyone do you know?" *looks around* *rolls over and crushes a table* lol you're not that fat ;) ((You're in the road, Leaf.)) *is with Tshaya and Lyla :p* ((Kun dropped you on the side of the road. ;-))) (well, against the wall of the bar) (outside) *walks to the rooms and looks in to each of theM* *shrugs* "Who cares about the two slobs." ( doh. being asleep sucks. hehe) (rooms?) They're generally identical, each has a pair of beds *walks into the first room and tosses her pack on the nearest bed* throws my stuff on the second bed in the first room* *hands kun the second key* *wakes up with a snort* "Why thank you" "you may sleep alone but it might be nice to find one of the others" *stumbles into the inn feeling like something small and furry has nested in his mouth* ((refuses to comment* "If the others are serious, they'll make themselves present when we leave" "Yep. I'm not holding my breath." **walks to the other room** " belhrg, Leaf not feelink so good... " *sits on my bed* "i forsee alot of adventures ahead" The innkeeper stares *gets ready for bed* "Hope so." **locks herself in her room** (lol!) (what???) ((woo!)) (nooothing) (:P) "may i call you tshaya? or what is your preffered address? " leaf be needink room, was wif das vimen dat were beink here earlier... " (Tshaya,"Actually, i have a PO box...") *shrugs* "That's fine with me. It's my name after all. You gonna use the tub?" "later, i need time now for other things" "Great." Innkeeper shrugs, hands you a key and points to a hallway on the left. *jumps up and gets ready for a bath* "Who knows when the next time I see one of these will be." *stumbles down to his room and falls asleep before he makes it halfway through the door " (uuuh.... which room?) *sits cross legged on the my bed, eyes closed* ( the room he gave me the key for ) ( I had my own seperate room by the way) ( heh. I guess that's why only 4 beds) *is done with her bath, gets out, dries off, and gets ready for bed* (what room was the key for hacth?) (runs into the bathroom and helps tshaya with hard to reach areas ;) )) hehehe (Not yours Pix ^_^) ((LOL)) *stares at Lyla for a moment* *shrugs, and pulls the blankets over her head* *from under the blanket* "Nothing personal, but I'm going to sleep now. Sooner I sleep, faster tomorow comes." hehe (Ok, spells, pick them if you have them) (working n it :P)) ( does morning breath count as a breath weapon in my case? ) oh crap. hold on let me get my book ;p ((Leaf, save vs' Listerine or your face will dissolve.)) lol I forgot about spells ;) You all wake in the morning to the sounds of seven bells from the water clock. 7 bells? Hmmm that must mean it's 10 oclock! ;) that wasn't in character :) "grumble grumble" **is up and walking about when the bells toll** *practically jumps out of bed and starts getting dressed and armored* *throws a pillow at tshaya* "... my head...." *dodges it unconsciously* "Hey! What was that for?" " Damn that bell...." " groan... leaf need breakfast... " *trumps into the common room and calls to the innkeeper* " Leaf wantink ale! " "morning is not for bright and cheery" "Who's bright and cheery? I just wanna get out of here." **is quietly eating breakfast in the common room... reading a newspaper ;)** *straps her big sword to her back and her little sword to her belt* "the faster you move toward something, that something might be your own death *shrugs* "Gonna go eat. You coming?" *hopes out of bed* *gets dressed* "yes of course" *turns and practically runs out the door down towards the common room* "you know i was in a town once south of here and there was a fight about a breakfast item it lasted for hours" ((HAHAHAHAHA)) ((Quiche! QUICHE!!!)) may I ask what the hell a common room is? hehe (GAhhh nooooo!) ((heheh :) )) (leave Kopporu out of this! ;) It's like the restaurant in a hotel lobby ((A room that isn't uncommon. ;-))) (? what's everyone talking about? ) (Don't ask!) ( we doing this or waht? ) *arrives in the common room, sees Kun at a table, and noisily pulls out a chair and plunks herself down in it* *arrives *looks at Kun for a sec* * walks in qiuetely and slumps in a chair* "where is everyone" *looks around for leaf and cayle* A waitress comes out and puts a large mug of ale in front of Leaf (Leaf's there) **doesnt seem to relize she's being gawked at** "You're the only person I've ever seen that looks the same when they wake up as they did before they went to bed." " heh, aren't you beink a pretty von! " * leers at the waitress* "we need to start quickly and soon, if those babies are to be found alive" The waitress backs aways slowly *slurps back his ale noisily* "yeah. Too bad the slobs showed up." " Oh hardy har har" (LOL) "Oh well." *signals the waitress* (Hey do you remember your name yet? ^_^) "... i did try to remove the stain, you neednt point it out to me" The waitress comes over ( I do but they haven't asked yet ;p ) *over her should,er to Cayle* "Hey, you remember your name yet?" ((hehe)) *orders a quick breakfast* " what do you mean yet? * doesn't remember what happened* ... My names Cayle. I wish I could say it was nice to meet you, but you hurt my feelings * fakes being hurt*" "does anyone ever feel like your just a character in a play being maniupulated by others ?" never mind "Cayle?" In a few minutes the waitress comes back leaving a large plate of semi-identifiable food in front of each of you. " yes Cayle. Why? What's wrong with Cayle?" *signals the waitress* " Can I just get some quick eggs with a little toasted bread?" **begins eating everything... even the really yucky looking parts that taste horrible** *mutters, just loud enough for him to hear* "Now I know why he wanted to forget it." "tshaya, let me see that compass thing you got yesterday" " Tshaya? Tshaya? *scoffs* and you think MY name is odd?" *reaches down the front of her shirt, pulls it out, and flicks it to Lyla, eating all the while* *catches* "ill be right back" *leaves* *calls for another ale* "Least no one will mistake me for the opposite sex." The waitress brings another ale **Kun's plate looks clean** ((Geez, Tshaya's mean this morning!)) *leers at the waitress again, along with a halfhearted paw at her bottom* *finishes eating* " *chuckles* If you're hoping to offend my sense of pride with silly insults, you're gonna have to try a little harder" *sticks his tounge out at Tshaya* She squeaks and quickly vanishes into the kitchen *reenters the room* "ok, well that was necessary if not tiring" *can't help iggling just a little, but tries to hide it* ((iggling = giggling)) *laughs uproarusly* ( at the waitress I mean ) **funs nothing funny about the situation at all** (er, finds) "kun may i ask you a question?" *slams down the empty tankard* Are we goink? "You may" *stands and goes quickly over to where Cayle is sitting, pulls up a chair, and sits in it.... resting her chin in her hands, looks at him for a moment, saying nothing* " Calm down my bestial friend. Soon enough we'll attach your harness and bags and you can lead the way" "i am trying to assess are strengths as a group, you fight? know of the arcane anything?" (*ponders the statement "bestial friend"*) "none." * gives tshaya a quizzical look and then smiles* " eh? Leaf beink riding Binky out of town! " ((LOL)) "kun, you dont fight?" ( wait... that just made Shard's comment worse... ) (*blinks* .... *stops pondering*) "i am familiar with the use of certain weapons" ... doh? "ranged, melee?" "but i would not say i fight" eek did everyone else just lose CC? ouchs :( ((i see her she doesnt see anyone else)) tell her to drop No shard. NO shard Shard, pull her ( heh I'm starting to regret playing a priest. Priests are ok but wizards are my thing) No shard. Gladly! ;p shard can you drop? Shard, pull Claire :) r something ? why me? why not her I still see everyone cept her she has dropped like 7 times already ok..... try pulling her No Shard. wait waiit! ITHere he is. ;-) ok got everyone see ;) (yay) Hey claire, hatch told me to pull on you. I think you should smack him ((did I miss anything?)) lol nope "so i repeat after techincal difficulties, kun do you use ranged weapons or not?" * has left the room* ".... what an odd girl. Heh. I like her." ((tshaya has left the building or is that elvis?)) ((hehe)) "... I have the potential to use weapons of the ranged variety" "thank you for you honest if not very vague answers, i hope it doesnt kill us in the long run" ((who is still in the room?)) *gets up tiptoes up to the kitchen door and sticks his head through the door* " oooh vaaaaiiiitreesss! vhere are you beink? " " Well aren't you a ray of sunshine" ( I'm in the room) "Your insinuation that I intend to kill the party is not agreeable with me" ((everyone but me, I think)) (all but Tshaya) ( waiting for my damn eggs!!! :) ) she brought food :) ((sucks to your ass-mar!)) (Lord of the Flies) ((Pan gets the prize!)) ".... the eggs are good........ the toast......well there are no words to describe this toast..." "i didnt say you intended to kill anyone, i am collecting informatin to best suit us in a fight and your obstifuciatin is unecessary" *hunts around for the waitress* " The best term I can think of is gritty death..." "calye, how do you fight" "I was not aware that you were leading this party" You find a large, fat, greasy man in the kitchen " Bravely! *snickers, knowing that's going to irritate her*" ((That reminded me of a line from a text-only CRPG, Hatch. ;-) lol ( 8o must be some sort of evil polymorph spell! ) "what we have here is a failure to communicate" " Oh do tell *smiles and stares into Lyla's eyes*" "I dont see how i have failed in the communication process" (oops, im guessing that was directed at me ;) *makes it a point to sing loudly enough that the people inside can hear her.* *tromps back into the room* "i didnt make leadership plans i just dont want to die because i dont know what is backing me up" " Ve must be goink! " "yes, we must be goink, going" *SIGHS* ((hehehe)) "I am ready" " It's going to take me several weeks to forget the taste of that toast..." "TSHAYA!" "where is that girl?" "She is waiting outside for us to depart" " Beats me oh fearless leader * snickers again*" *goes outside* "continue on your present course, and beating you might be fun" It's very dim outside, heavily overcast and drizzling slightly (i lost CC :p) " *laughs while walking out the door* Problem is, I might enjoy it" *walks out side* Damn it. do I have to drop again? Kali stands silently in the rain, covered by her cloak she fell off icq no that was her... " So, what's with the grim and gritty routine? " "routine?" " You're almost as gritty as that toast of death I choked down" (uhm... who are you talking to) " Oh come off it. Noone can be that emotionless and cold. Why the tough act?" ( was talking to lyla. hehe) " Binky! " * Binky the horse trots up* "do i know you?" " well not yet no. But if you expect me to cover your back, maybe I should GET to konw you" It's very dim outside, heavily overcast and drizzling slightly Kali stands silently in the rain, covered by her cloak "you can earn that respect once you proved to me that you deserve it, right now in my eyes your a drunk, hot head, not the best image" No SHard doh No SHard SHould I drop? yeah you just came in " I don't ask for your respect. I just try not take life too seriously. Anyone who takes it too seriously can end up like you. What's life without joy, ya know?" damn it. I have to drop again don't I? no shard I know, My DSL burped for abou 2 minutes. bunnie doesnt see shard nonon I see shard do you see dead people? I 'm saying he doesn't have to drop them too I see pies/ well? Nope arrrg I say we just move this damn thing to IRC it's your gonnection to Shard. We need to use IRC. ;-) you don't lose people on IRC. Netsplits .... ohhhkay anyway my computer has been on since this morning I have to restart anyway. I'll brb My point exactly. ;-) grab pix? Pix is in. I can't see her me either Of course you can't. THis is ICQ> ;-) IRC splits ;) Pan and I will drop. See if shard can pull me in. ;-) Rarely, Hatch. ;-) Yeah, drop Pan. ;-) I get a split at least once a night in IRC doh what is a split? [00:56] *** Now talking in #uvdd [00:56] *** Lyla_Rastin sets mode: +o Hatch [00:56] Yay [00:57] " it's hatchink! " *stumbles out of the brothel trying to belt up his trousers* [00:57] **looks extremely agitated at the fact that she's been sitting out in the rain for about 15-30 min** [00:57] LOL [00:58] Hatch, say something [00:58] something [00:58] good enough [00:58] THanks. ;-) [00:58] * Lyla_Rastin knows for a fact that this will be overly used and abused [00:58] we starting? [00:58] * Tshaya agrees. [00:59] Lesgo. Where is everyone? [00:59] I'm out side with my horse [00:59] I had just walked out the door. eheh [00:59] AH. better. [00:59] ack. not better [00:59] I need to find a good color [00:59] i am standing in the door way out of the rain like i have some sense ;) [00:59] *is waiting for Kali to say something [01:00] ((who's Kali?)) [01:00] testing [01:00] ( what she said ) [01:00] ((the women that hired us)) [01:00] Testing [01:00] ((Oh yeah)) [01:00] ((THOMAS?)) [01:00] testing [01:00] ack. the colors are all too bright [01:00] * Tshaya is absently doing a small dance in the road. [01:00] change your background [01:00] It's very dim outside, heavily overcast and drizzling slightly. Kali stands silently in the rain, covered by her cloak [01:00] uhm... that might help [01:01] how? all I can see is the option to change text colors [01:01] hit alt k [01:01] "kali, are you coming with us?" [01:01] * Tshaya is humming. [01:01] I did hit alt k. there's a bazillion options to change text color but I don't seea change background color [01:01] Kali "Of course not, I've brought what you wanted." [01:01] * Lyla_Rastin is beating cc for using the actions ;) [01:01] (its at the top) [01:01] At the bottom, slider window [01:02] * Leaf Groom's Binky's mane [01:02] "... what is it that we wanted?" [01:02] I still don't see it [01:02] *watches tshaya dance* [01:02] (...) [01:02] ok nevermind. [01:02] ((open the drop-down menu at the bottom and scroll up to the top)) [01:02] ( heh, looks like Kun had more to drink then she thought ) [01:03] (hmm?) [01:03] Kali gestures at Lyla "She wanted something personal of Cassandra's" [01:03] crap... is there any chance you guys can change your chat color to something not black? [01:03] ((you can do it yourself SHard)) [01:03] you change all of the colors you see [01:03] (change the normal text) [01:03] The white background was hurting my eyes... [01:03] ((change normal text to turquoise or something. [01:04] can we play i am sure that we arent going to be playing long enough to hurt anything or anyone [01:04] I changed the Other Text to white, but it's still all appearing black [01:04] i am over curfew as it is [01:04] (... change NORMAL text) [01:04] And Own text [01:04] ok I just did. [01:05] someone say something so I can see if it worked. hehe [01:05] (blah) [01:05] . [01:05] ok good [01:05] thanks guys [01:05] I can stay up all night if need be [01:05] NOt me [01:05] * Tshaya is still dancing absently in the rain. [01:06] * Kun waits for something to happen [01:06] "you dance well" [01:06] *** Retrieving #uvdd info... [01:06] *stops and looks up* "Hmm?" [01:06] "you were dancing, you do it well" [01:06] * Leaf polymorphes into a respectible english gentleman, then back to normal before anyone notices [01:07] * Cayle throws a dagger into the air, and catches it. Repeats. [01:07] "Kai, did you bring my requested object?" [01:08] She nods "I did" [01:08] "may i have it" [01:08] "Oh, Thanks." [01:09] ((no way of knowing who is in and out is one bad thing about IRC)) [01:09] She hands you a very old, worn doll. It's threadbare and patched in several spots, there's singe marks on it's wool hair and on it's dress [01:09] (yep) [01:09] ((What do you mean?)) [01:09] (( what do you mean who's in and who's out?) [01:09] " are we goink yet? " [01:09] "i will return this when you find your daughter" [01:09] 9you cnat tell when someone's away in IRC) [01:09] (icq has the away thing for the names) [01:09] Kali nods [01:10] * Tshaya stands in the rain, waiting impatiently. [01:10] "lets go" [01:10] * Kun looks intrested in the doll [01:10] *points east* [01:10] " well off we go then. " [01:11] * Tshaya gtrots to the road leading east out of town [01:11] "oh, you probably want this" *hands tshaya the compass thing* [01:11] "Thanks." *stuffs it down her shirt* [01:11] "you do know they will grow without stuffing your shirt dont you" [01:11] * Cayle jogs a bit to work up some energy [01:12] * Cayle snickers by accident, then silences himself... [01:12] * Tshaya doesn't reply. [01:12] * Kun tries to touch the doll [01:12] "do you want to see this?" [01:12] *holds the doll out to kun* [01:12] You walk most of the day away from the town of Denbar, the rain stops and turns again to a light drizzle in the afternoon. [01:12] "... yes, i would like to see it for a moment" [01:12] ( be RIGHT back. hehe gotta get a can of soda.) [01:12] *Jumps up into his sadle, Slings his shield on his arm, and rests the butt of a 16 foot tall spear in the arch of his foot* [01:12] *hands the doll to kun* [01:13] ( er, I meant 6 foot ) [01:13] ( my bad ) [01:13] ((today will have a 40% chance of rain, and a 20% chance of kobolds later in the evening)) [01:13] ((hehe)) [01:13] * Kun holds the doll gently, and looks at it silently [01:14] * Lyla_Rastin walks [01:14] In the late afternoon cresting a small rise, you see a uniformed man in banded mail armor, flanked by two others identically dressed stand squarely in the center of the road. The man in the center holds a saber drawn. [01:14] ((wonders where they dress, look alikes r us?)) [01:14] " May leaf beink runnink dem down? " [01:14] "we dont know there intentions leaf" [01:14] They're about a hundred yards away. [01:15] *pouts* [01:15] wonders if they have seen us* [01:15] ((they looking at us?)) [01:15] (yep) [01:15] * Tshaya waves at them. [01:15] * Leaf waves * [01:15] They're watching. They don't respond. [01:15] "Well, they see us." [01:15] * Kun walks towards them [01:15] * Tshaya follows a little behind Kun. [01:16] * Lyla_Rastin stays back a far bit about 25 feet behind the group [01:16] *Binky trots forward* [01:16] (back) [01:16] (k) [01:16] ((SHARD)) [01:16] "Good sirs, why do you block the road with weapons drawn" [01:16] (( what?)) [01:16] "kids and odd vikings go where demi gods fear to tread" [01:17] ((just saying your back)) [01:17] " Ahhh the ignorance of youth........ and the ignorance of ignorance" [01:17] * Tshaya smiles at them widely. [01:17] As you close with them you see that their uniforms resemble the one Kali was wearing. The center man speaks, calmly and firmly. "I have been ordered to not allow you to pass. You will turn back, or die." [01:18] * Tshaya stops smiling. [01:18] "ordered by whom?" [01:18] WHat she said. [01:18] * leaf hears this and breaks out into a wide smile! * [01:18] "You don't need to know." [01:18] * Cayle keeps his hands in his pockets [01:18] "Yeah, but it'd be really nice of you to tell us!" [01:18] "Im afraid that I will die unless I continue" [01:18] *trots forward a bit, and adresses the men* [01:19] "i just wanted to know so i could return your bodies to them, but i guess we dont really need to, your bodies can nourish the plants here" [01:19] "This isn't some strange ballad, you don't get to hear all the answers explained. Now turn back." [01:19] " Vhat are you fools doink! " [01:19] The two men flanking him draw sabers [01:20] "I have a saber too. THey're nice weapons." [01:20] * Kun prepares for battle [01:20] * Tshaya looks at Kun. [01:20] "your are outmatched and out numbered, leave and bother us no more" [01:20] * Tshaya shrugs, and draws her bastard sword, backing up a bit. [01:21] He looks unconcerned, idly drawing the tip of his saber in a line before his feet [01:21] "no... let them fight, they were orderd to. It is not right of you to ask them to do otherwise" [01:21] "Yeah, and my sword is bigger then yours." [01:21] " *chuckles* Kids and their toys..." [01:21] *scratches himself, then cracks his neck loudly* [01:21] "i offer their lives, its customary" [01:22] * Kun attacks the three men [01:22] * Lyla_Rastin draws her bow [01:22] " may Leaf be killink dem now? " [01:22] "yes" [01:22] "guess so." [01:22] (All three?) [01:22] (in general silly ;p) [01:22] " HURR DER RIKIRAKI! " *attack* [01:22] (Pick one) [01:22] (the leader) [01:22] (okay roll) [01:22] ( one on the right ) [01:22] (wait bunnie) [01:23] * Tshaya gracefully slides over to Kun's right, and forward to the fella there. [01:23] ac 2 [01:23] What are you using? :) [01:23] ( hey, *I* had the guy on the right! ) [01:23] * Cayle pulls his hands out of his pockets, a dart in each hand [01:23] warhammer [01:23] * Lyla_Rastin applauds the graceful )) ;) [01:23] (okay. damage?) [01:23] 12 [01:23] ow [01:24] ( oh shit. lol I gotta clear off my desk) [01:24] okay initiatives everyone [01:24] 8 [01:24] ( and that is? the number of I mean ) [01:24] 7 [01:24] d10 + weapon speed [01:24] a d10 + weapon speed [01:24] 1 [01:25] er wait didn't add weapon speed yet [01:25] modified? everony [01:25] I only give modded. ;-) [01:25] (Claire, speed of saber?) [01:25] what is mod ? [01:25] ((I drew my bastard, one handed speed 6)) [01:25] mod is weapon speed [01:25] hey question. I know this sounds stupid ( I should know this I"ve played D&D for over 5 years....) um lol, dex gives an initiative bonus right? or not? I suddenly can't remember. [01:26] 9 [01:26] Nope shard. [01:26] really? Jesus. I must be tired [01:26] was confusing the reaction bonus for initiative bonus. [01:26] heh. I usually have the rules memorized. which is why I feel really odd for not konwing that. hehe [01:26] ok then. 3 [01:27] Bunnie, initiative? [01:27] ( I can't find the bloody weapon speed! ) [01:27] what is it? [01:27] ((weapon?)) [01:27] spear [01:27] 6 [01:27] ( grumble, I'm no friggin good at this [01:27] ) [01:28] ask hatch or cc, they nkow it all [01:28] speed 6 bunnie [01:28] ((No, I just have the file open. ;-))) [01:28] (damn know it alls ;) [01:28] (hehe I knew that one. Which is wierd cause I hate spears) [01:28] i think she sings ok [01:28] So roll 1d10 and add 6 [01:28] hey! don't forget me becca.... I usually know it all... lol I may know nothing about SR but I know a damn lot about D&D [01:28] 9 [01:28] One little fact just slipped my mind ;p [01:29] okay [01:29] Cayle attack [01:29] ok describe the layout again? was clearwing off my desk [01:29] There's three men in the road [01:29] does one appear to be the leader? [01:30] Kun jumped on the middle guy and managed to draw lots of blood with a blunt weapon [01:30] ((You CAN scroll back, you know ;-))) [01:30] lol [01:30] quiet you ;p [01:30] Ok I'll just attack random opponent number one. hehe [01:30] okay roll [01:30] ((And no one fudge their rolls! It's more fiun that way! ;-))) [01:31] ((fudge rolls?)) [01:31] oh my god you won't believ ethis :) 20 and 20 :) well I guess that's 20 and 19 with the -1penalty to second throw [01:31] ( cheat ) [01:31] ( I'm not cheating I swaer! :)) [01:31] (oh why would anyone do that in a game???)) [01:31] ((Shard didn't read my last line. ;-))) [01:31] ( This ist he first time I've ever rolled two twenties in a row)) [01:31] ( nono, I was answering becca ) [01:31] (-2 and that's irregardless with a 20.. you -2 from thac0 not the roll) [01:32] so do damage [01:32] ((irregardless isn't a word. ;-))) [01:32] It's -1 because of the missile attack bonus [01:32] (look it up. ;)) [01:32] ah ok [01:32] 3 and 2. [01:32] so that would be 6 and 4. hehe [01:33] no you roll twice, [01:33] Huh? are you sure? [01:33] ((Adv, non-standard. THat means it's not correct sage, but still widely used that way. ;-))) [01:33] ((er sage=usage ;-))) [01:33] ((the ir- is superfluous. ;-)) [01:33] ( I'm reading the combat and tactics book and they said without using the special criticals rule it's double damage.) [01:33] (so it's in there. ^_^) [01:33] (Double as in roll twice, not x2) [01:34] ((if anyone needs me ill be in the cursed with a high intiative section)) [01:34] ((Yeah, it's in there saying it's not really a word. ;-))) [01:34] (LOL) [01:34] well I rolled a 3 and a 2 again so it's still 6 nad 4 [01:34] (BLAH BLAH BLAH) [01:34] (And don't tell me what's in C&T or I'll come over there and set it on fire) [01:34] lol. Screw you hatch ;p [01:34] ((C&T is cheating. ;-))) [01:34] ( waits there on the road( [01:34] okay the guy on the right goes and swings his saber at Leaf [01:35] ((C&T))? [01:35] Lol. jeez I happen to like some of the optional rules and people are giving me a hard time [01:35] I love the critical hit system in C&T [01:35] He misses... [01:35] ((Combat and Tactics. They should rename it to the Munchkin's Handbook.)) [01:35] Kun you go [01:35] ? [01:35] ( munchkins handbook? what??) [01:35] ac 1 [01:35] (It's munchy) [01:35] ((Nevermind. ;-))) [01:36] Okay.. [01:36] 10 damage [01:36] you killed him [01:36] The guy on the left swings his saber at you. He looks pissed off. [01:36] You taaaake... 4 points [01:36] ( wow darts suck without a high strength damage bonus) [01:37] ^ Pix [01:37] 4 points [01:37] (hee... Kun smashed that guys helmet in) [01:37] (i took it) [01:37] okie [01:37] Tshaya goes [01:38] * Tshaya sidesteps quickly and slashes at the midsection of the guy on the right. [01:38] rooolll [01:38] AC 2 [01:38] Damage? [01:38] 8 [01:39] okay, Lyla and Leaf [01:39] *fires an arrow at the unhurt guard* [01:39] rolling [01:39] Roll? [01:39] (( um, remember how you said I coul use my spear and have Binky lash with hoof's at the same time if I made a riding check? ) [01:39] rolled a 16 [01:39] That's what you said [01:40] +1 for dex so its a 17 i think :) [01:40] ( you did too ) [01:40] i dont know my thaco [01:40] 18 dex [01:40] 16 dex [01:41] I rolled a 19 on a d20, did I do that right? [01:41] yes bunnie [01:41] alright, now should I roll for binky? [01:42] Okay Becca your thac0 is 20, -1. you rolled a 16 which is 3 under. You hit AC3. [01:42] You rolled 19 on your riding check? [01:42] and did i hit ? :) [01:42] Becca roll damage? [01:42] yes [01:42] yes [01:42] drat 1 :) i did one hahah :P [01:42] You fell off Binky [01:42] eek [01:42] ((HAHAHAHA)) [01:42] ( damn [01:43] ( i suck atthis ) [01:43] (lol) [01:43] ohhh if yee were only 2 points wiser! [01:43] (i hope he didnt fall on anyone) [01:43] A fourth man charges out of the trees to the right, swinging a saber at Tshaya. [01:44] (( i at least maybe kept the one guy from casting maybe :) )) [01:44] (AC2 or 0?) [01:45] claire? [01:45] *** Jayna_ has joined #uvdd [01:45] *** Tshaya has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:45] oh man [01:45] claire? [01:46] claire? [01:46] *dies* [01:46] Oh yes, irc is perfect. ;) [01:46] * Kun slaps Jayna_ around a bit with a large trout [01:46] LOL [01:46] but we can hit people with fish with just two clicks of the mouse... [01:46] which two clicks? [01:47] *** Hatch sets mode: +o Jayna_ [01:47] THANK YOU. Geez. ;-) [01:47] dammit why is this room moderated? [01:47] ( well yeah she pinged out once, but when she comes back she won't be invisible to us and we won't have to spend 20 minutes to get her back into chat so that we can all see each other) [01:47] (AC2 or 0 Claire? [01:47] *** Retrieving #uvdd info... [01:47] *** Hatch sets mode: +l-m 6 [01:47] ((I already told oyu. :-P)) [01:47] change your name [01:47] *** Jayna_ is now known as Tshaya [01:47] Okay he misses [01:47] A fifth charges from the right, going after the downed Leaf [01:47] ((Damn straight he misses)) [01:47] (musta been 0) [01:48] And hits Leaf takes 5 damage [01:48] A pair of bolts fires from within the treeline [01:48] ((Oooh, there's LOTS of them!)) [01:48] ( hey guys I don't feel like looking it up... do any of you have hte AC of splintmail readily available?) [01:48] (at who?) [01:49] (AC 4 I think)) [01:49] Both strike the ground ... rather far away from everyone, but in the general direction of Lyla. [01:49] Or is it 5? [01:49] think it's 5 [01:49] (yeah, 4... same as banded) [01:49] Splint? [01:49] yeah splint [01:49] better than chain [01:49] (its 4) [01:49] ah ok. 4 then [01:49] Lyla shoots again? [01:49] *yes* [01:49] lol [01:50] ((can i see the ones in the trees? can i shoot at them if i can?)) [01:50] (You can't see them) [01:50] But there are now four guys in the roadway [01:50] And 1 corpse. ;-) [01:50] *fires at the one i fired at before* [01:50] one skull-crushed corpse [01:50] 14 +1 = 15 [01:51] okay 4 under thac0? [01:51] 5? [01:51] AC 5 [01:52] missed [01:52] initiative again? [01:52] wait I have more darts to throw don't I? hehe [01:52] ( if I attack with 2 weapons do I need to add both speeds? [01:52] oh yeah [01:52] 12 [01:52] sorrryyyyy [01:52] no you attack at two different times [01:53] 4 [01:54] ? [01:54] (*cough*) [01:55] puts away my bow 6 [01:56] um my rolls are 6 and 12 [01:56] ok [01:57] Ok last dart ( sorry was discussing something with hatch) [01:57] *** Tshaya has quit IRC (Write Error: Connection reset by peer) [01:57] 7. ack [01:57] *** Jayna_ has joined #uvdd [01:57] *** Jayna_ is now known as Tshaya [01:57] *** Hatch sets mode: +o Tshaya [01:57] *** Kun sets mode: +o Tshaya [01:57] ((this is pissing me off. [01:57] (:p) [01:57] (hehe) [01:57] ((MY DSL keeps timing out)) [01:57] (why?) [01:57] Tshaya go [01:57] ((No idea.)) [01:58] * Tshaya sweeps a hand in the direction of the treeline where the bolts came from. [01:58] (FIREBALL!) [01:58] lol [01:58] (... oh wait...) [01:59] I missed, so we can start the next round ( unless someone else has last attacks to finish up. ehhe) [01:59] it's starting [01:59] A line of fog billows in the trees [01:59] Lyla, and Leaf's first attack [02:00] ( what roll now? god I can't believe I've forgoten all this ) [02:00] d20 [02:00] i only get one,i put up my bow [02:00] okay [02:00] 10 [02:00] bad leaf! [02:00] i want to run as far as i can into the trees from where the bolts were from [02:00] wha? [02:01] you missed [02:01] I see [02:01] You run into the fog and see.... fog! [02:01] Skill rolls you want low bunnie, attack rolls you want high [02:01] :-) [02:02] I call what I roll, not my fault [02:02] Of course not. Poor rolls make things more fun. ;-) [02:02] not on my end [02:02] (like that time i fell in the rain barrel...) [02:02] ((HAHAHAHA)) [02:02] ( god I hate references to campaigns I was never in) [02:03] (that set off an intresting chain of events) [02:03] (er, sorry ;) [02:03] ((remember when I... oh sorry, nevermind. ;-))) [02:03] ((can i attack hatch?)) [02:03] Yep [02:03] go [02:04] ((Don't attack Hatch, he's nice!)) [02:04] :P [02:04] *groan* [02:04] 18 [02:04] Don't make me bite [02:04] eek [02:04] becca bit me tonight. she didn't tell me why either ;p [02:04] you hit easy [02:04] damage? [02:04] (what is she attacking?) [02:04] Guys in the trees [02:04] ((Hatch. His AC is like 9. ;-) [02:05] hehee [02:05] 10 :) [02:05] added your bonus? [02:05] (oO what is she attacking with?) [02:05] yes of course i use short swords ;P [02:05] okay ;) [02:05] just one sword/ [02:05] I forget [02:05] (Oo) [02:06] (how does the hit person look?)) [02:06] Surprised. In a much more wounded version of surprise than the other guy. [02:06] :) [02:06] um Cayle go [02:07] * Tshaya strikes up a conversation with the guy next to her. ;-) [02:08] * Kun weaps openly [02:09] * Tshaya goes out to dinner with Kun. [02:09] shall we just skip shard if he's not here? [02:09] * Lyla_Rastin balances her check book [02:09] * Kun buys something really expensive and then doesnt eat it [02:09] I'm here [02:09] Pay attention! ;-) [02:09] then roll! [02:09] I'm already finished [02:09] (The four men break into a Hamlet scene) [02:09] Roll what? [02:09] your action for this round? [02:09] you haven't done anything [02:10] I didn't realize we had started a new round I thought everyone was finishign last round [02:10] He said it was a new round. That's why we all rolled initiative again. ;-) [02:10] We finished.. you rolled initiative for this round [02:10] * Kun tries to empale herself on her warhammer [02:10] lol [02:10] Idid? when? [02:10] When you rolled a 7 [02:10] I never rolled initiative... [02:10] that was my attack roll [02:10] for the final dart [02:10] hehe [02:10] ( come on shard, I roll like an old lady, and I still knew it was a new round ) [02:11] Well, you missed. ;-) [02:11] no shit :) [02:11] LOL [02:11] well whatever. [02:11] * Kun throttles Cayle [02:11] sheesh [02:11] ok let me just roll for these four lovely daggers. hehe [02:11] 2,5, 14, 20 [02:11] ((Damn, I wish I could swing a bastard sword and cast a spell in the same round. ;-) [02:11] 20 hits ^_^ [02:12] ( come on, i could have healed my wounds by now! ) [02:12] ((nono, he fell off Bunnie's horse! ;-)) [02:12] ((i wished i could cast fireball :) )) [02:12] 5 damage [02:12] okie [02:12] to who? [02:12] the same guy I threw at last time. hehe [02:12] didn'tyou kill him? [02:13] hatch didn't say I killed him... [02:13] (there's only one dead guy) [02:13] okay [02:13] I think I killed him now, but I"m not sure. hehe [02:13] now... guy attacks Tshaya [02:13] ((eep)) [02:13] misses... [02:13] ((Sucka!)) [02:13] Two guys attack Kun [02:13] * Hatch grumbles [02:14] Kun goes [02:14] (what me worry?) [02:14] ((LOL)) [02:14] ((THese guys suck, Hatch! ;-))) [02:14] They're level 2 and 3! [02:14] * Kun swings at one of the guys that attacked her [02:14] okie [02:14] miss [02:14] really? [02:14] wow [02:14] yes [02:14] okay.. [02:15] Leaf [02:15] 16 [02:15] Hit him [02:15] Which one? :) [02:16] the bugger who hit ME@ [02:16] lol [02:16] okay [02:16] Damage? [02:16] including mods [02:16] the mods are? [02:16] um just roll ;) [02:17] ((I'm so used to seeing Alexis' ludicrous Strength mods that Tshaya's damage seems too low. ;-))) [02:17] (its easier that way) [02:17] 5 [02:17] (what was her strength?)_ [02:17] okay [02:17] He winds back and swings his saber at you.... [02:17] ((18/98)) [02:17] (she aint that strong ;) [02:17] huh? that wasn't modded you realize? [02:18] ((She's way stronger then Tshaya is. ;-))) [02:18] Yeah I know [02:18] You get hit for 6 points, Leaf [02:18] These guys aren't going down with one hit, from anyone. [02:18] fine [02:18] Initiative [02:18] 4 [02:18] 6 [02:19] 9 [02:19] 6 [02:19] 4 and 8 [02:19] ((I so slow!)) [02:19] okie [02:19] Cayle [02:19] ((Wait a sec, do I roll 2 initiatives if I'm using 2 different type of weapon?)) [02:20] no, one inititative and separate mods [02:20] Oh, okay. 7 and 9 then. ;-) [02:20] ok [02:20] * Tshaya draws her sabre and spins it once in her left hand. [02:20] 6 and 18 [02:20] ((Such a showoff. ;-)) [02:21] One hit, damage? [02:21] 4 [02:21] He looks reeeally faint [02:21] Lyla [02:21] *attacks the wounded xbower* [02:21] okay [02:22] huh? I rolled a 4! [02:22] 16 + 2 = 18 hit AC 2 [02:22] I just noticed sorry [02:22] roll now Leaf [02:22] damage becca? [02:22] 8 [02:22] okie he goes down [02:22] 16 [02:22] That hit, damage? [02:23] 5 [02:23] He diiiiied [02:23] Kun! [02:23] missed [02:23] ( hey, what did I tell you about descriptive death scenes! ) [02:23] gah... [02:23] ((Who's up and who's down?)) [02:23] You barely killed him... infact he's actually not dead, he's unconscious and bleeding to death now. [02:24] ( also rolled an 8... just to remind you ) [02:24] Ah the first guy on the right is barely up. The guy from the left is up and unhurt, same with the guy who came in from the left side. [02:24] Tshaya [02:25] * Tshaya takes a hack at the guy fighting her with her sabre. [02:25] okie [02:25] missed, unless his AC is 7. ;-) [02:25] um nope [02:25] One guy attacks Kun [02:25] missss.... [02:25] Leaf, again [02:26] *grin* hot dang! 20! [02:26] Guy who is barely standing attacks Tshaya. Misses. [02:26] hehe [02:26] Which guy you hit? [02:27] um... one the unhurt one [02:27] okie [02:27] roll damage, twice [02:27] 6,5 [02:27] ow [02:27] he looks really pale. [02:27] how much did I hur thim?! [02:27] 8 gallons of blood are pooling at his feet. ;) [02:28] I meant in points [02:28] You have +5 damage, so 16. [02:28] *pfffffft* [02:28] Another of them misses Kun again [02:28] Tshaya goes [02:28] +5????? [02:28] yeah [02:28] +5 [02:28] hoy... [02:29] * Tshaya takes a running slash at they guy attacking her, hoping to carry past to Kun's guy. [02:29] hehe okay [02:29] AC 2 [02:29] yep [02:29] ow. 10 ;-) [02:29] ick [02:29] you hit him hard and... [02:30] manage to nick the second guy [02:30] ((I have one more attack)) ;-) [02:30] lol. 5:30 in the morning [02:30] okay yep but not yet [02:30] Becca? [02:30] yes? [02:30] The second xbowman fires at you [02:30] ((Kay!)) [02:31] and this dice keeps rolling fives!! [02:31] ((Change dice! ;-))) [02:31] um okay Tshaya attacks one last time. [02:31] ...and misses. ;-) [02:31] well um did i get skewered? [02:31] no, 5 is bad. unless you were tied up, and blindfolded. And then, he would have just skimmed you ;) [02:31] okay initiative [02:31] ok, so time to unload the rest of my daggers now right? hehe [02:32] 9 [02:32] damn it hatch you keep forgetting about my daggers ;p [02:32] gah [02:32] 8 [02:32] yes! [02:32] daggers [02:32] 7 [02:32] you have two guys in the road still. [02:32] 6.13 [02:32] 5, 20 [02:32] one hit, double damage [02:32] ((Leaf, don't roll 2 dice. ROll one and apply the different mods to that roll.)) [02:32] 5 [02:32] he has none ;) [02:32] to which? [02:33] to the human pincushion [02:33] He died ;) [02:33] ( wha? ) [02:33] He did? oh poo. [02:33] Then the guy that looks most injured [02:33] (how many freakin 20s have people rolled?????) [02:33] okay ^_^ [02:33] ((Are you rolling twice for initiative, Leaf?)) [02:33] That guy had 3 people hitting him :) [02:33] well yes, I have two weapons [02:33] I have always had good luck with dice ;) cept in axis and allies. that's like the one game I have HORRIBLE luck in [02:33] i havent rolled 1 20 i havent rolled higher then 16)) [02:34] Cayle initiative [02:34] 10 [02:34] okie [02:34] Leaf [02:34] 17 [02:34] damage? [02:35] 8 [02:35] *splort* [02:35] he dies [02:35] ^ woo descriptive noises [02:35] Lyla? [02:35] ( well, I *did* ask for descriptive deaths ) [02:36] ((Leaf, you don't roll twice. You roll once and, if your weapons have different mods, you apply the different mods.)) [02:36] Lyla? [02:36] attacks the health xbow man, (question?) [02:36] okay as [02:36] k [02:37] is it possible to attack a weapon ? [02:37] ( I'm starting to believe I'm as dumb as some people say, cause I'm losing you somewhere in those instructions CC ) [02:37] Yep it is, +4 to hit [02:37] i want to hit his xbow! :) [02:37] okay [02:37] He's trying to load it. [02:37] 14 (do i do str bonus?) [02:37] *** Kun changes topic to 'The D&D game that wouldnt die' [02:37] yeps, +2 [02:37] 16 [02:38] you hit it [02:38] damage? [02:38] do you know what'sf unny? if this owuld have been real life this whole battle would have been wrapped up in 15 minutes [02:38] 7 [02:38] 4 minutes so far ;) [02:38] ick um [02:38] ew... [02:38] what>> [02:38] his crossbow is very broken [02:38] and so is one hand [02:38] yeah! :) [02:38] 4 minutes? lol more like 2 hours [02:38] no wait.. his hand is fine. Look at it serene and quiet on the ground. ^_^ [02:38] (heehee) [02:39] Tshaya? One guy left in the road [02:39] (EWWW) [02:39] ((Don't let it grab you and climb up your pantleg!)) [02:39] jesus christ it's almost 6 AM. lol. [02:39] One guy.... okay! [02:40] AC 3 with bastard sword [02:40] its 437 am and both ribs are still broken [02:40] damage 7 [02:40] okay [02:40] Kun? [02:40] miss! [02:40] ehrm [02:40] okay Cayle [02:41] I heal leafy greens for 8 [02:41] okay [02:41] Oops, I forgot to separate my other weapon in my init roll. LOL [02:41] lol [02:41] eh? [02:41] Leaf you get 8hp back [02:41] well he only lost 6 I think... [02:41] so he'd only get 6 back. hehe [02:41] The last barely standing guy steps up.. [02:41] okay back [02:42] and hits Cayle [02:42] for 5 points [02:42] And Leaf, go [02:42] ..... that bastard! [02:42] He actually hit??? Wow! ;-) [02:42] my yellow d20! [02:42] who's standing [02:42] One guy in the road [02:42] are you even rolling attack's hatch or are you just saying he hits or doesn't hit? hehe [02:42] condition? [02:42] LOL, I use my yellow d20 for attack rolls too. ;-) [02:42] Hes' barely standing [02:43] I always roll. [02:43] any more in the woods? [02:43] ((And my purple for skill rolls. ;-))) [02:43] heh. I have AC 0. what did he roll like 20? hehe [02:43] You can't see in the woods. Big fog cloud [02:43] They're not level 0 or level 1 [02:43] ( gee thanks CC:P ) [02:43] they have 18-17 thacos [02:43] well yeah I know but still ;p [02:43] ((Kept them from shooting at us. ;-))) [02:43] Fine, I behead the last man standing [02:43] rolllll [02:44] 17 [02:44] (BBZZZZZZZZZZ) [02:44] rolled a 2 [02:44] okay [02:44] he died. [02:44] Lyla? [02:45] ((Bunnie, I thin someone painted 17's on every side of your die. ;-))) [02:45] ( hey! I called a beheading dagnabit! ) [02:45] just watch, I'm gonna fail some massive saving throw, I just know it [02:45] (BBZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) [02:45] Leaf, save vs' death ray at -5 [02:45] zactly [02:45] lyla? [02:46] yes? [02:46] attack the xbow? [02:46] i went once laready [02:46] I know [02:46] i go again? [02:46] Right now [02:46] I didn't eat dinner tonight... I just noticed that [02:46] atack the hand, i hate hands! kidding [02:46] hehee :) [02:47] ((No, TALK TO THE HAND!!)) [02:47] ((Don't attack it!)) [02:47] i attack the handless sad xbower (heheh) [02:47] 14 +2 16 hit ac 4? [02:47] I watched deep blue sea today. It was craptastic [02:47] yep [02:47] damage [02:47] 5 [02:47] ? isn't there a =4 penalty for a called shot? [02:48] she's not calling a shot [02:48] (BBZZZZZZZZ) [02:48] she said she's gonna attack the hand didn't she? [02:48] ( oh I dunno, the part where S. JAckson gotta body slammed by a shark 3 or 4 times in the middle of his speach was pretty cool ) [02:48] oh she said kidding [02:48] no she didn't ;) [02:48] hehe my bad [02:48] ((Bunnie's was called tho. ;-))) [02:48] true [02:49] okay, the last man turns and runs into the forest [02:49] Samuel jackson wasn't in tha tmovie..... I think that was morgan freeman [02:49] (Jackson was in Deep Blue Sea) [02:49] (it was samule l jackson) [02:49] Oooh, can I shoot him? [02:49] really? must not have been paying attention [02:49] Fog in the way :) [02:49] Oh well I wasn't paying much attention to the movie..... how did he die? hehe [02:49] we need to catch one alive for information! [02:49] ((that fog just keeps getting cc in trouble ;) )) [02:49] Darn. ;-) [02:50] heh don't worry about that leafy I already had that covered. [02:50] * I chase after him! ) [02:50] As soon as the battle's over I'm gonna heal one of em and then tie him up [02:50] You can't see him run :) [02:50] run in the same direction he did into the fog then, and follow the trail of swirling mist he left behind him! [02:50] see jack run Nope cant becauseof the fog, see jill run? see spot run? [02:51] :) [02:51] Fog r0x0rs j00! [02:51] * Kun frisks the dead and nearly dead bodies for anything that might give away who sent them [02:51] I'm so tired.... [02:51] You never saw him, the xbowmen were never within sight of anyone but Lyla [02:51] bugger [02:51] heh. I heal myself and then heal one of the still alive guys and tie him up. [02:51] Just one more heal Shard [02:52] ((can i chase him?)) [02:52] oh. dman. then I heal the guy [02:52] Kun, you find weapons and a few gold. [02:52] (do you have rope?) [02:52] Yep you can Lyla [02:52] (what kinda weapons?) [02:52] damn it I should have memorized three heals. hehe [02:52] All have a saber and dagger [02:52] "Let me tie him up." [02:52] ((is he obscured, can i fire bow ?)) [02:52] um the dead people? [02:52] I have a bola. hehe that can do [02:52] Can fire bow [02:52] ((I have the Rope Use proficiency. ;-))) [02:52] (... how much gold?) [02:52] *attack with the bow* [02:53] roll :) [02:53] ( I have the bola using profieciency) [02:53] do i get a bonus for firing at a scaredy cat? :) [02:53] Behind, +1 [02:53] 15 +1 behind + 1 dex [02:53] * Tshaya looks at the sabres. [02:53] um +2 behind [02:53] * Tshaya inspects each one closely. [02:53] You hit [02:53] 18 [02:53] god guys can I go? lol it's 6 AM I want sleep [02:53] damge? [02:53] You can go [02:53] 4 [02:53] NO Shard! :-) [02:54] he screams, stumbles into a tree, and falls somewhere out of sight [02:54] wench! [02:54] teach you to fire at me ! [02:54] ((DO I notice anythin special about the sabres?)) [02:54] They're metal! bright shiney metal [02:54] (how much damn gold is there?????) [02:54] haha [02:55] dunno pix [02:55] ((Any weight or balance differences between them and mine? ;-) [02:55] nope [02:55] **do i notice anythinga bout the severed hand? is it trying to climb up my leg???** [02:55] ((LOL)) [02:55] (I DONT KNOW????) [02:55] ((It's trying to get in your pants, Lyla!!)) [02:55] (BBZZZZZZZ) [02:55] ((LOL)) [02:55] It's not moving :P [02:56] * leaf decides to lay down and bleed for a while * [02:56] checks the one xbowers body [02:56] leaf I healed you up you fool. you ain't bleeding anymore ;p [02:56] it's a body:) [02:56] * Tshaya wipes the blade of her bastard sword on the clothing of one of the bodies. [02:56] "Well, that was fun!" [02:56] ( you healed SOME, I was almost dead ) [02:56] * Kun obviously not having the INTELLIGENCE to count some freakin coins, leaves them in a pile and picks at her wound [02:56] lol [02:56] HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA [02:56] you were? I thought you were only hit for 6? [02:57] I haven't rolled it Pix [02:57] (BBZZZZZZ) [02:57] ((HAHAHAHA)) [02:57] I was at 1 hp left [02:57] "hmmm, a body, gives the body milk [02:57] does a body good ;) [02:57] exaaclty ;) [02:57] Unless it's been cleaved twice [02:57] All I know is right now I'm the most injured one here. hehe [02:58] checks the area around me [02:58] "THat sure is a big mean hammer you have there." *looks at the caved-in head of the guy* [02:58] There's no more people around [02:58] ok sleepy time [02:58] I get up and search the fog for that last body [02:58] night! [02:58] "HELLO?" "WOULD SOME ONE TURN OFF THE FOG!" [02:58] "Its not the hammer itself that's horribly destructive" [02:58] night [02:58] bye shard! [02:59] night [02:59] *** Cayle has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [02:59] "THe fog'll go away in a couple minutes." [02:59] "Well, yeah. It's not like the hammer is jumping up and bashing heads all on it's own..." [02:59] ( odd how spell ment to last a few rounds has been going for over an hour ) [03:00] * Tshaya pokes at the guys caved-in head with her boot. [03:00] "But that looks like it kinda hurt." [03:00] *pics up the hand and walks back the group* [03:00] "I imagine the first blow hurt more" [03:00] * Tshaya sees Lyla. [03:00] "Poor guy." [03:01] "Hey Lyla, need a hand?" [03:01] * Tshaya giggles. [03:01] (groan) [03:01] "no thanks i have 3 now " *smiling* [03:01] (GROAN) [03:01] * Tshaya giggles more. [03:01] "What was their problem anyways?" [03:02] "It was there duty to do what they did." [03:02] "theirmothers didnt love them enough" [03:02] * Tshaya puts her sabre away. [03:02] *gets up, grabs Binky by the ears and stares him in the eyes while saying* " Dat is not how tinks should be workink Binky! bad horse! " [03:02] * Tshaya looks over at Leaf. [03:03] "let the corpses rest, and feed the plants here" [03:03] "I think we should move the bodies" [03:03] "You sure know how to ride that horse, there. I bet it took you weeks to learn how to fall off like that." [03:03] "Away from the road" [03:03] Move them to ? [03:03] *snarl* [03:03] well yes, into the treeline [03:03] "Okay." [03:04] Leaf is not seeink the bodies your handinkwork has strewn about! " [03:05] "THe dirt was probably blocking your view." [03:05] stopping? 2 days of exp for hatch to do and is 5 am [03:05] * Hatch nods [03:05] * Kun grabs a buncha corpses and starts moving them [03:05] * Tshaya starts moving bodies. [03:05] explain log files? I found them but I can't open it cause it's being accessed by the program [03:06] *wanders up to Tshaya* [03:07] * Tshaya is humming while she works. [03:07] " You be knowink... vone might vonder why *childven are beink on dis misson... " [03:07] "You need to lay off the drink, I can barely understand you." [03:09] "I believe that is his regional dialect" [03:09] *scowl* " vhat you beink needing is a Husvand to put you in your place! I vill be remedying dat at de next town. " [03:09] *** Tshaya has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:09] " Since you are beink vell past marrink age alveady " [03:09] *** Tshaya has joined #uvdd [03:09] "So you are a matchmaker, Horseman?" [03:09] *** Hatch sets mode: +o Tshaya [03:09] *** Kun sets mode: +o Tshaya [03:10] "If he's cute and has money, I'll love you forever." [03:10] " In my homevand, yes. " [03:10] "In this country only women are matchmakers" [03:10] "You are quite an oddity" [03:10] " HA, vhat I beink findink for you is a man vith CHARACTER " [03:11] (Player character, or non player character?) [03:11] "Great. Every time my matron tells me someone has character, it just means they look like that horse of yours." [03:11] " In any country, vimen are zub-zerviant " [03:11] *snickers* " you vould be so lucky... " [03:12] "Then why are you not married?" [03:12] * Tshaya laughs out loud. [03:12] "Where is your woman-slave to wash your feet?" [03:12] * Kun looks around [03:13] "Ido believe she is absent from our party" [03:14] *sigh* " voolish voman, it is ze elder male sibbling who choozes ze man to beink betrothed to his sister or daughter. I have beink abroad for some time, thus, no von has been able to pick me " [03:14] * Tshaya snickers to herself. [03:14] "sure. THat's the reason." [03:14] * Tshaya slaps Leaf on the shoulder. [03:14] "What gives you the honor to choose the man of foreign women?" [03:14] "You'll find someone. Some day. [03:15] "Maybe." [03:15] "Or not." [03:15] "Wanderers and outcasts are not high in station." [03:15] " Considering I am the only von you knows ze true customns of ze world, it is beink my duty! " [03:15] "Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanderers. I don't see you in your home right now." [03:16] "I never claimed to be one of rank" [03:17] " Besides, Leaf's Wyrd is not beink includink a voman in his life at prezent, I havink a great task to vinnish first " [03:17] "If you ever speak my father and get his consent, Leaf, I will marry anyone of your choosing. [03:17] (speak to... to damnit!!!) [03:17] " zen vhere is your fader? " [03:18] "If you speak to my matron and tell her who I'm marrying, I'll help them carry you away in pieces." [03:18] * Tshaya grins. [03:18] "I do not know of his current location" [03:18] ((Claire needs sleep, badly. ;-))) [03:18] " are you beink aware of even who your fader is? " [03:19] ((Bed time for me)) [03:19] byebye! [03:19] bye [03:19] "I have.... some knowledge yes" [03:19] "Im sure he'll come for me" [03:19] (night!) [03:19] ((night!)) [03:19] *snort* " vhat you know is he is beink male " [03:20] "I do know that, yes" [03:20] lol [03:20] ((LOL)) [03:20] * Kun finishes moving the bodies [03:20] *** Tshaya has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [03:20] ( I don't think I can carry this, I'm do damn dumb to be witty ) [03:21] (its ok... im about to go to bed anyway) Session Close: Sun Aug 06 03:21:28 2000