Game Start; Febuary 20th, 852PA. On the road between Denbar and Northwind. ((so are we still at the last battlefield?)) hellos? (yep you're still there) (sorry_ ((Yay)) now which ways "So, we going or what?" " leaf needs bandages... " "I think it would be... favorable if we leave soon." the viking is about to die, needs food badly ((hehe)) "Can he walk?" "Looks like I can't help you, Leaf. Sorry." "You can walk, right?" i can help you leaf Cayle casts his last cure on Leaf ((neet)) ;) leaf gets 4 hp (i thought Cayle cast his last cure on one of the soldiers) if you promise me something i will heal you as well leaf (He was planning to.) " Leaf thinks so... " * Tshaya fidgets. you must buy a tree and plant it during our journey * Kun waits patiently ((LOL)) ((It's NOT Arbor day!! ;-))) " erm... leaf no need healink anymore though... " then you can walk and we can go * Tshaya starts walking. *Leaf bops Binky on the head, then gets in his saddle* * Tshaya calls over her shoulder, "Be careful on that horse, Leaf." *grumble* ((DO NOT MOCK THE DRUID))! * Tshaya is walking east. ( hehe ) ((hehehe)) * Lyla_Rastin is walking behind tshaya looking at her oddly * Tshaya is humming, and moving her feet oddly has she walks, occasionally spinning in place absently. (hehe) It's getting dark as evening draws near, you see the flickering light of a fire just off to the side of the road, not far ahead of you. *whispers* wait *clop clop clop* (put those coconuts away!) "hmm. A camp fire." * Tshaya stops. "What?" we do not know from which side that fire burns " Leaf thinks hot food would be nice... " * Tshaya looks at Lyla oddly. "What?" the fire may be from an enemy "Oh." " then why not just say that? " "You could have just said that you know." we dont know if one of the men escaped *shakes head* "I imagine he did" " Vimon... " * Tshaya squints at the fire. and one can communicate with course grunts but we choose not to " Vhats wrong vith gruntink? " "Oh, so you're a "we" now? You a nut or something?" *looks baffled* ((How far away's that fire?)) (about a hundred yards) ( I think buff meant women in general CC ) ((thx)) ((I said the same thing you did. ;-))) "Well, they have a fire. A fire sounds nice, w should make one too." "not this close" " Lyla... vhere is your big cat? " nearby * Tshaya snickers. "... Im going to go see whose fire burns over yonder" * Kun walks toward the fire "Wait!" " vaybe it could scout whoever is beink near dat fire? " * Kun stops she walks where angels fear * Tshaya runs up behind her. "Hmm?" "I want to go too." * Kun laughs a little at Lyla's words walks into the woods "..." "Then lets go" " leaf *is* hungery... " *starts towards the fire * * Tshaya goes. * Kun walks toward the fire As you begin to close, you can see three or maybe four around the fire. A rather large person is leaning against a tree, obviously watching up and down the road. (do they notice us?) (Doesn't seem so yet) (hmmmm) " leaf kill them ja? " * Kun calls out to the people "HAIL!" * Tshaya waves. *Leaf groans and smacks his forehead* " vimen... " The large person stands up straight and looks down at you, points, and one of the others turns to look at you all for a moment, then turns back to the fire. * Tshaya whispers to Leaf. "We don't kill everything that moves." "Uh, hi over there." "Just wanted to let you know we're here so you don't get all jumpy or anything..." * dey are obiously minions of darkness! see how zey only set camp vhen de sun falls? " * Tshaya rolls her eyes at Leaf. The large one walks towards you a few yards. "Eve, travellers." "Good sirs! May we join you at your camp?" He turns and looks back at the fire again, and makes several gestures. (what kinda gestures) ((Whatch it, they're gonna steal second!)) (middle finger, hand pumping up and down rapidly..) ^_^ (oO) ((LOL)) (if they're making rude gestures at me... you can tell me) (lol no he's facing the other way, you can't really see) * Kun walks up toward the camp * Tshaya looks around and whispers, "Where's Lyla?" " she vent into ze voods " The large man watches you warily * Tshaya shrugs and follows Kun. "May we share your fire?" *urges Binky forward* *clopity-clop clopity-clop* "Yes, you may share the fire." * Tshaya grins at him. "Thanks!" In the small camp you see a hulking black man in heavy plate armor who was off leaning against the tree, he looks like he must be at least 6'4" and over 300 pounds, long dark hair goes past his shoulders and hangs over his eyes. A small, slight and unassuming raven-haired girl with pale skin and blue cloak over dull steel plate mail sits with her head resting on the shoulder of a rail thin and bright eyed man, cheeks hollowed and sallow, this tall man's eyes are locked in the light of the fire. A small and rather young looking blond girl sitting only a few feet from the fire moves her fingers in the air around it, the flames following her gestures to lick briefly around several steaming iron pots laid out along the edge of the fire. " Vould you be havink an extra food? " (that came ok?) *still stretching* "I'm gonna be a little sore tomorrow, I bet." ((fine. ;-))) * Kun looks around slightly "Where is the druid" (spoken as a statement, not a question) * Tshaya sits up. "Hmmm." "She's probably out with that cat somewhere." "hmm" * Tshaya looks a little uncomfortable. addressing the large black man,"May I be so bold as to enquire your destination?" * Tshaya looks at him. "East. THat's all I know." * Tshaya shrugs. ((oops, ignore that)) He eyes you carefully. "We're heading through the town of Denbar, on our way to Sarna." ((Thought the big guy was asking)) (no kidding Claire ;) " Any spare vood? " glancing at Tshaya "Did we just come from Denbar? My mind escapes me at the moment" "Sarna! I live near there!" "Yeah, I think that was Denbar." The blond girl looks at Leaf. "Shhh, I'm cooking" she wiggles her fingers and the fire flares * Kun sits silently in thought for a moment " food! " *leaps out of the saddle and lands with a thump next to the blonde girl* * Tshaya stands and walks over to the blond girl, then squats next to her and watches the fire. * Lyla_Rastin walks from the woods The girl's hands move quickly, the fire pulling out to match the movements of her fingers "That's neat." * Lyla_Rastin approaches the thin man but not really close ((Hatch, can I tell if she's casting a spell? :-))) addressing the large black man,"Is there something following you?" (Can't tell for sure Clare0 ((I have the SPellcraft prof. ;-))) He looks around "Not that I've seen..." he looks down at you "....why?" (roll it?) * Kun taps chin not once, not twice, but thrice ((rolled 11)) ((It's INT -2, INT is 16)) *points* at the thin man, are you a worshipper? *walks up to the Large man in plate and strikes a conversation* (okay. it looks like she's sustaining an effect fire spell) ((Can I identify it specifically?)) The thin man nods slightly, careful to not disturb the girl resting against him. ((I get +3 to my roll if it's an invocation/evocation)) The large man blinks repeatedly (okay Claire) *whispers* may i inquire as to that girls name? thin man "which girl?" Large man backs away slowly from Leaf, shaking his head, and takes his position back by the tree. ((Poor Leaf)) ;-) The large man continues shaking his head, now obviously focusing on the road and trees surrounding the camp The large man whispers something to Leaf * Tshaya stands again, and walks over to the large man. * Tshaya stands on her tiptoes and whispers into his shoulder, "Are you waiting for someone?" He shakes his head. "I have first watch tonight." "Oh. Want some company? I'm not tired, and 4 eyes are better then 2, right?" "Alright, if you wish." He sticks out his hand "I am Adam of Lyons." *Nudges the man with his elbow and waggles his eyebrows expresively* " Vhat did I tell you eh? " * Tshaya takes his hand and shakes it. "I'm Tshaya Romanyi. Nice to meet you." He shakes his head at Leaf * Tshaya turns and glares at Leaf. the girl leaning on you " You two have fun " to no one in particular "The fire is a beacon" The thin man whispers "Her name is Sarah" * Tshaya aims a kick at the back of Leaf's knee. Tshaya, what was the names of the girls we were looking for? * Tshaya thinks a moment, then pulls the finder thingy out of her shirt, looking at it. ((Is it pointing at either of them?)) "Cassandra and Kali" (the closest it points to is the blond who is controlling the fire, but it's not directly at her) (*EEEEEP!* half right Pix ^_^) "It's not them. THey're too old anyways." *turns to Tshaya* " Yes, are you vantink somethink? " "..." * Tshaya put the finder thingy back down her shirt. "Cassandra and Zara" lots of strange things happen in th eworld, i knew a witch that was 104 years old but looked like a 4 year old (*Dingdingding*) * Tshaya shrugs. "No Leaf. Just wanted to kick you." * Tshaya turns to Adam. "Are you adventuring?" are we stalled here for the night? (it seems that way) he nods slowly "You may say. We're looking for a relic said to be lost near Sarna." * Tshaya furrows her brow. "I know the area pretty well. What kind of relic is it?" he shrugs "I don't really know" "Why are you looking for it" * Lyla_Rastin elbows tshaya softly * Tshaya giggles. "Sounds like my adventure." (a statement, not a question!) "Ow. What?" *whispers* you just met these people, you dont know them from the demigod of tarsus but you wish to help them with there possible nefarious schemse? * Tshaya shrugs. "We're looking for it.. because.. Sarah wanted it..." "Are you a hireling?" "She's my friend." "hmm." *back to Lyla, whispering* "THey were nice enough to share their fire without knowing us, weren't they?" better to stab you while you sleep then to face you in battle "I don't think they're any more likely to do it then you are." then you are a poor judge of char *muches on food* * Tshaya shrugs. "I'm hanging around with you, aren't I?" * Lyla_Rastin points See that one he wears the symbol of Kossuth, a chaotic god, did you know that? * Kun 's ears perk slightly "What's wrong with that?" "What type of chaos god... Lyla" how many travelers are sacrificed to lawful gods? i only know little of Kossuth "What do you know. " * Kun turns slightly to Lyla "Hmm Lyla?" he is a true neutral god with chatoic tendencys, an affilation with fire, and buring *Leaf examines the blonde* he is an elemenal god, a destructive god a feared god * Kun stands The blond girl looks up, and flicks her fingers toward Leaf. The fire jumps and flares for a brief moment in his direction. thus young tshaya wants to adventure with a elemental desctructive fire god worshiper * Kun bows slightly to all at the camp " How is it zat you do zat? " the blond whispers "magic" "Thank you for having u-.... me, but i must be leaving now. Thank you" * Kun walks away "I don't make snap judgements about people for what they're wearing. I guess I', nuts that way." *laughs* I make no snap judgment, but i also dont ingore facts, you woke very annoyed today with me ((seriously)) * Kun walks away further down the road... in the direction we were going The thin man and the girl leaning on him lay down and draw a blanket over themselves, already having seemed asleep as they sat. The blond wriggles her fingers to the ground and the fire shrinks slightly, then she lays back on the dirt, her cloak pulled around her. " But zats impossible! vimen can't do magic! " *beams a smile at the blonde* * Tshaya turns to Leaf. "Remember what happened ast time oyu said that?" The blond blinks and snaps her hand up. The fire roars into the sky for the barest moment. *unfazed* " zat must have been zee beans I had " * Tshaya goes up to Adam again. "I'll be back in a little but." She mumbles something in a language you don't understand, and covers her eyes with her cloak. (heehee) * Tshaya hurries to follow Kun, calling after her. * Kun has set up camp by herself about 250 feet away * Tshaya gets to her camp. "Hey. Why'd you leave?" (camp meaning, she put her stuff down) "I felt... uncomfortable" "Was it because of what Lyla said?" "I wouldnt say it was her words that caused me to leave" * Tshaya looks lost for a minute. "Oh, okay." "Im sleeping here. Do what you like." "Well, I told Adam I'd help him with first watch, so I need to go back. Uh, have fun." * Tshaya looks at her for a bit, and then turns, running back to the other camp. *Hunkers down and drifts to sleep* * Tshaya gets back to Adam. "Sorry. I'll keep you company for the first watch." Adam is sitting down with his back to a tree, facing east along the road. He smiles slightly. * Tshaya leans against the same tree, facing rather westerly. ((hehehe)) *to adam, rather quietly* "How long have you all been adventuring together?" * Kun sleeps He whispers "I, with Sarah and Leahanne for three years." "Wow." "I've known these guys for about 24 hours now." (heehee) He smiles and chuckles "You seem to have hit it off." "They're all crazy. They seem ok, thought. BUt they're still crazy." he nods. "seems so" he looks over at Leaf *snooore* * Tshaya follows his gaze. "Ah, him. He's a big oaf. He has some strange ideas about girls." Adam nods. "I noticed." * Tshaya looks at him. "What did he say to you anyways?" "He asked if I'd marry you" * Tshaya 's jaw drops. "He what??" (haha!!!) "If I'd marry you. Or the skinny one who wandered off." He shrugs *snooo-teeheehee-ooore* *hahaha!!!!!) * Tshaya stands suddenly and stomps over to Leafs sleeping form. * Tshaya stares at him a moment. *scratches himself in his sleep* (you have a natural awareness of currents flowing beneath the surface of events... in bed) * Tshaya turns and walks over to the fire, looks into the pots, picks one up, and walks back to Leaf. (pan's fortune cookie) (HAHAHAHAHA who's bed??) (in my bed ;) (wooooooo) * Tshaya sets the pot gently down next to him, then gingerly lifts his hand and puts it in. * Tshaya stands, smiles, and walks back to Adam. Adam smiles "That's just evil" "He deserves it." * Kun sense evil he laughs quietly "He would." timba come (just kidding ;) ((LOL)) a large black pather bounds in to the clearing Adam blinks and points "That's Timba." "Of... course..." he nods *hears the cat and wakes up* " vha... vhy is my hand in dis pot? " "He's a friend of the Druid's. That's what she says, anyways." "timba, hunt and feed, go" he nods ^ Adam ((LOL)) ((Timba nods)) ;-) i have a smart panther :p ((hehehe)) * Tshaya settles back against the tree again, watching the road. the panther bounds off again * Kun - zzz walks in to the woods (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) *SNOOOOORE* Zz In the morning you wake, the four others are gone but the fire still burns The sky is clear, but overcast in a small patch overhead * Tshaya wakes up and stretches. * Tshaya gets up an walks over to where Lyla is laying. * Kun walks back to where the fire burns * Tshaya looks down at Lyla smiling. hello *leaf gets up and stumbles to a tree* " Leaf haf to go like racink horse* * Tshaya looks around to her back, reaching down to pat it up and down. * Kun says in a most venomous manner,"May we continue?" l "Just checking for daggers." * Tshaya flashes her a grin, and stands up to join Kun. *mounts to his saddle* * Tshaya looks at Kun. "What's wrong with you?" * Kun looks down at tshaya for a moment but doesnt answer " grumpy von! let get goink! " * Tshaya pulls out the finder thingy and looks at it. time for a new day and a new start, time for all things to end and tos tart again (easterly) "Still east." * Tshaya looks at Kun a second longer, then turns to job east down the road. follows As you begin to head down the road, the small cloud begins to move along in your direction. After a few minutes it begins to rain lightly. job=jog *leaf looks relieved* (pitter patter, pitter patter) * Tshaya ignores the rain. * Kun pulls her cloak over her head The cloud follows you through the day, stopping as you stop, the rain eases and pours by turns. As night begins to fall, the cloud fades. kun, the rain will not harm you * Kun looks at lyla silently (*fiddles with the remote* next morning again..) ((lol)) ^_^ (do we find a snake in the road?) (day whizzes by, night falling.) ((no, in the grass!)) (lol) (damn you Tshaya... DAMN YOOOOU) ((hehehe)) *clopity-clop clopity-clop* (okay it's night time) (anyone wounded has full hp again) "Who wants to stop?" "I could go longer, but i will not speak for the party" *leaf vants to fight somethink* "Well, it's kinda dark...." "if you want to stop, say so" "Okay. I'm stopping." (okie... you guys all go to sleep?) (is someone gunna watch?) Leaf stands watch with binky* * Kun sleeps "Hey lead, wake me up in a few hours." er leaf. *nods* ((BRB need to get some water)) "Don't let anything get us!" *grins* " ha " (ok what time does leaf wake Tshaya up?) ((back, finally)) ((You weren't gone long at all. ;-))) (hehe you must beam yourself up some water becca) ((Ask Leaf. ;-))) (I was...) (LEAF!) *creeps over to Tshaya, fills up his helmet with water, and puts her hand in it* ((percocet, yum)) (what time do you wake Tshaya up?) (eek, perco) ((brb)) ( a few hours ) (what time?) 4 in the morning okay Bunnie roll 1d20 *whistles* 1 eep doh You hear what sounds like very heavy steps in the woods, coming your way. ((BTW Hatch, I memorized Spook instead of Fog this time)) (okie) " pokes Kun* " psst, wake ze others " * Kun awakens *draws his weapons* (don't you have 3 spells Claire?) *and retieves his helmet* * Kun proceeds to wake up Lyla and tshaya ((Yep. Spook, MM and Detect Magic. Dammit, brb (ah oky) Bunnie, the noises seems to get closer ((Spilled water on my keyboard, sec.)) (eek) eek *slips into the woods to the side of the camp* ( kuns awake right ) (yup) ( ?) ( then stay there ) Leaf and Kun can clearly make out the sounds are coming from the trees to the north, and closing fast. They seem to be attempting stealth, but fail miserably ((can i finish cleaning this up first?)) (i never slept_ *Tries to spot whoevers doing this * (yes claire) * Kun kicks tshaya moderatly (wake up!!!) (It's dark out, ou can't see) (darnit! none of us have infravision) (lol well stay close to fire) i have a flash light from radio shack *fine, Leaf ambushes them* (You see them not, Leaf) * by sound! * * Kun prepares her bastard sword ((back sorry)) The heavy footsteps close and you hear the sounds of seemingly large canines (well, crap) * Tshaya jumps up when Kun kicks her. "What's going on?" * Kun makes a "SILENCE!!!" gesture *attacks them when they are close enough, and gives a yell* (roll, Bunnie) * Tshaya 's eyes widen. ( which roll? ( 1d20 3 * Tshaya draws her bastard sword and spins to where Leaf's yell came from. you miss, Bunnie Initiatives, everyone who is awake currently and my other weapon? 13 oh yeah, roll that too Bunnie 7 but doesnt know what we are donig 16 9 that hits, Bunnie. Damage, against a Large creature ((oooh large!!)) (hehehee) ((can we id it?)) um I rolled 1d6 for 6 (Becca, but doggy-noise things are coming out of the trees) Okay Bunnie. And roll initiative too 11 and 16 ... 11, not 9 sorru (what did you roll, Bunnie?) for init? yes 11 and 16 no.. roll one dice ((what was your unmodded roll?) 9! not separately oh roll one die, and then the separate weapon speed ((what are your weapons speeds?)) 3 and 7 ( I miscounted on the 11 , it's 12 ) ((Okay, you ARE doing it right. ;-))) ((Sorry ;-))) (GROAN) ( hey, I had a hand axe, you told me the wrong speed cc! ) ((I didn' tell you any speed! :-p)) lol ( bah) okay one of the creatures comes out and attacks Leaf (what does it look like?) ((One of them! ;-))) he hits, doing 1 point of damage (1?????) I rolled a 1 okay! ^_^ ((It's a Teletubby!)) (It's dark, all you can tell is that they're big) (dont these huge creatures get strength bonuses?) Becca? your turn (i mean really) ((TInky Winky hugs you for 1 point of damage)) (They're not huge, just Large) (heehee) ((kun, the death wish warrior, KILL ME is her war cry)) ((LOL)) (( i dont know what they are?) (mwah mwah mwah) Becca your turn. There's two big forms next to Leaf no it's not enough light to see properly ((Bah. It's only paperwork.)) (casts bless) okay (ooh! wuz bless do again?) (Casts Gesundheit)) ((attack rolls +1)) (yay) ((its the only thing i could do)) okay.... another creature comes out and attacks Leaf " Ackengrabber! " He swings a large pole weapon and narrowly misses ((HAHAHAHA)) ((GNolls!!)) Pixie? (CLAIRE! ^_^ seeeesh) (how many can i see?) ( i figured as much ) ((Oops, sorry. It was just a guess. ;-))) Three, all near Bunnie ((Gnolls?)) (lol!) (sure sure Claire ;) * Kun attacks one of the "gnolls" swarming Leaf okay roll ^_^ ((Hehehe)) miss ( animal sounds and large humanoid figures, yeesh hatch ) eek ((and pole weapons. ;-))) (there's a fair number of ones like that. It's the weapons) (i dropped my shield by the way) okay, a fourth comes out and swings at Kun. And he misses. Bunnie, both attacks Hey! I get my attack before Bunnie's second!~ :-p 11 and 19 THe second one hit. 9 damage okay, that one died ((everyone remember the +1 ( descriptive dangit! ) ((lol)) Claire? * Tshaya charges forward and slashes at the one that attacked Kun. okie 16 Damage? so 17 after bless (dis out her d12 eek 11+2=13 ;-) doh. IT dies okay two more come out into the clearing, swinging in the dark and an arrow catches one of the gnolls next to Leaf in the back ((oooh!)) (hmmm) initiative? 15 * Tshaya switches to two-handed stance. 8, 9 9 8 and 9? two weapon :) i thougt the speed differences were greater than one nope *shrug* They WERE until I figured out what he was doing wrong. Which was, listening to me when I was tired or something :) ((ah ;-))) ( I knew it! ) I thought he had a battle axe, at first. Becca? Initiative? ( I always had a hand axe, somebody told me the wrong speed! ) 8 One pokes at Leaf with a short sword and misses. Ah, Becca go? ((pansy!)) *Roars in anger* :P attacks the closest to me with my swrod rolling okay 16 koay damage? Large creature i dont know for large um short sword? 1d8 8 with my str bonus okay *POP* he dies ((pansy)) (he exploded!) well, I suppose pop is bad.. um Bunnie! ((Geez, I hope there are like 400 of them. ;-))) 16 ((Becca do you have Short Sword specialized?)) Both of them Bunnie ;) ((no way, random encounter equals no good treasure, just slowing down)) ((no dont ;()) and 17 okay both hit. damage? large creature 18 overall *Splat* die Claire? ((where are the ones left, and how many?)) 3 left nearby lol * Tshaya swings two-handed at the one nearest her. missed okie I get another attack this round At the end, think. ;-) Another arrow flies past yep And there is significant hacking of air and dirt okay.. Claire? no wait Pixie (:p) ^_^ you're slowwwwww this time * Kun drops her bastard sword in disgust and goes after the gnolls with her bare hands lol rollllll ((HAHAHAHA)) ((Hug it hug it!)) awwww ( MR. Snuggles, you came back! ) ((Kun hugs Tinky Winky for 8 damage)) ac 4, ac 7 One hit * Kun drop kicks a gnoll for 11 points of damage ((GAH!!)) blah died (LOL!!) Initiatives? :) I get an attack! :-p gahhh okay Two left nearby * Tshaya swings at the nearest one. 10 , 11 Hahahaa! Natural 20. ;-) ack damage? :) This guys is TOAST. ;-) ( Tshaya rolls a 1 ) Oh geez. ;-) lol 2 handed bastard sword against large = 2d8 yep 4d8 rolled 6 and 8, plus 2 for specialization. ;-) it died from fright :p hehe *pfffffftttt* 32 damage. ;-) Claire has claimed the first SPLURCH *double pfffffft!* Gnoll paste is everywhere ((woot!)) ;-) Initiative? 8 10, 11 15 ;-) 8 okay rolled a 10 on my d10. ;-) Becca and Pix? ac 2, ac -something attacks a thingy roll becca? 14 +1 = 15 if bless still works okay hit becca and pixie, both hit damages? ((Becca beheads it while Kun bisects it at the waste, simultaneously. ;-))) er waist. ;-) 6 damage 22 damage total ( what cc said ) *SPLABAODHOA* okay.. ( you can do better then that! ) Bunnie and Claire, wanna do anything? * Tshaya wipes Gnoll paste off her face and cringes. (Hey don't mock my random splattery noises Bunnie!) they want to applaud of course :P * I place my boot on one of the bodies chests and laugh loudy as I stike a heroic pose* * Tshaya snickers. * Kun goes and picks up her sword and shield An arrow flies out of the trees "Show off, Kun!" She grins. ( crap ) * Tshaya ducks. "Whoah." "Cover!" * stands there blinking* Hitting Tshaya for3 points * Tshaya grunts. *drops to the ground* * Kun looks around for the source * I charge in the direction the arrow came from* koie * Tshaya growls and follows Leaf. " Heeerrrr Der RIKIRAKI! " ((LOL)) Moments later, you see a Gnoll in the underbrush about to lose another arrow *attack* ((THat's the greatest name ever.)) * Kun positions herself behind her towershield :p ... his bow snaps and whaps himself in the face ((where'd that arrow hit me?)) He now looks at you quite angrily ((HAHAHAHA)) (In the side, Claire) ( I just have that effect on people ) * Tshaya starts laughing giddily. ( I get first dibs! ) ((Go for it!)) go Cast heal light woods on tshaya * Kun sits behind her towershield... hum hum hum ((kill it kill it)) * Yells " Who wants Gnoll-back ribs! " as I swing* ((And he misses! ;-))) (not me, yuk) 19 and 7 one hit ((Guess not. ;-))) 11 *plat* dies ((How much did it heal, Becca?)) * Tshaya walks over and kicks the corpse. A stark stillness comes over the forest, peace returns to the nigth ((descriptive for those with stero irc - the knolls skinn splits apart gushing thin redish fluid)) (heeehee) Becca, roll 1d8 to heal CLaire? 7 okie (i gots dolbly5.1 IRC!) ((thanky)) * Tshaya grins at Leaf. "Fun." (...) (oh wait, i just have mono.. nevermind ;) * Tshaya turns and walks over to Lyla, giving her a big hug. a pretty bright light elevlops tshaya, (hey my spells look neatt :P)) *chuckles* " Dey are not very good vighters! " "They break rather easily" I couldnt stand you being harmed by those....things "Thanks Lyla." vell, back to sleep everyvon, I'll continue watch... " "your welcome" "Sleep? You're kidding, right?" * Kun zzz "we should castrate them" "I'm too wired to sleep. I'll watch the rest of the night." " you need your vest, we vill be movink in de morning * Tshaya giggles at Lyla's comment. * Kun - zzz "No, go ahead. I've slept enough, I don't need much sleep. "we cant allow them to breed in the next plane now can we?" " Leaf has binky to do walkink for him, sleep! " * Kun 's eye slits open * Tshaya snickers again. mumbles ,"the after life doesnt work that way..." ((LOL)) *generally mutilates the corspes and then lays down* * Tshaya walks over to Kun and squats down next to her. "You kicked that thing really hard." *but i checked them all first for stuff ;)* "That was great." mumbling,"Yes... and it splattered" hehe :) * Tshaya stands again and goes back to Leaf. "im sure it wa..aa...z.zzzzzz" on them, aside from weapons if you want find 28 gold, 41 platinum ((LOL)) 41 platinum??? Gathers the coins Cripes! yep (we have money to split) "Well, I'm not tired, so I'll just kee you company until I am." "a fair split is equitible correct?" " good evough " * Tshaya sits on the ground against a tree. 'Fine by me, Lyla." ((Tshaya's PMS must be going away. ;-))) if one were to look, one would see that Kun's sleeping with a bedraggled and worn doll... hmm... *hands everyone 8 platinum* ((HAHAHAHA)) and 6 gold * Tshaya 's eyes widen a bit. "well i am not wired and must regain my spell" *climbs a tree and rests in a far up branch* * Kun isnt getting anything cause she's asleep "I've never seen these silver-white ones. What are they?" kun has them stacked near her stuff * Kun wouldnt know that cause she's asleep "platinum" *calling down from the tree* "These are platinum? Wow!" (AAAAH!!!!) ((LOL)) ((Poor Pan! ;-))) (kitty kat lickin my armpitt :\) BAD TIMBA! ((Ewwwwww, poor poor cat!)) ((LOL)) (and she sits on me and farts :P) ((Cats are evil))\ * Tshaya turns to Leaf. "So, trying to find me a husband, hmm?" (time passes?) yes, morning if you want ((almost. ;-))) " who told vou zat? " "I just know. Woman's intuition and all that." " ah, vell, your vell past marrink age soo ves " * morning * "Well, good luck." *smiles and watches the road* ((morning. ;-))) * Kun -zzz day breaks, take 40 points of damage (Pan - zzz) ((LOL)) " Zook everyvon, Leaf made breakfast! " "YAWN" ((THis may be a good stopping place? ;-))) ((I'm sure Pan's way tired. ;-)))\ (Pan - zzz) *hands everyone their breakfast* ((poor gnolls. ;-))) (PAN - ZZZ) lol pixie tire d (this has toaster struddle written on it) Go to sleep pan. ;-) ((LOL Becca)) pan - zzz night Everinkone, eat your Gnoll steak bevore it gets cold! " *gobbles the meat down* How much exp to we get so far, Hatch? ;-) lol You got quite a bit for not trying to out-piss the other party ;) HOw much how much, I want level 5! ;-) LOL Adam was hot. ;-) ROFL Adam was eviL! Of course you guys WOULD like the only L/E guy there. Opposites atract. ;-) ((your on a road, in a fantasy land and you wander into peoples camps :P)) lol hehe so what xp? 99% of the time in RL they woudl have eaten your face :) Naw, Lawful Evils act in a very particular manner. ;-) you didnt know what ws there :P it could have been 99 level 900 demons from hades Suuuuure ;-) Will we see them again, Hatch? ;-) an exaggerated example but no one can say seriusly that they would have done what you did ;P THey were a fun bunch. ;-) Why? lol only two of them spoke more than 3 words ;) THey were interesting. ;-) lol The cleric was unstable And there was a girl close to my age! lol i might have gotten to know the thin one but i wasnt feeling to well at the rping time Was the cleric Gohrn? ;-) he was the most dangerous ^_^ no Ghorn was Kelemvor That's right! ;-) Big, loud, big, and drunk. And rude... he wants money. He has a horse. Named Binky. The horse is smarter, and it doesn't like Kun. HAHAHAHAHA lol Hey hey, gypsy wooooman... what? ^_^ You're a nut. ;) LOL SO where's aour exp! ;-) sometiems you feel a nut, sometimes you dont hehe And honestly, I was just guessing about the gnolls. ;-) As soon as you said pole weapon.,... ;-) lol were these gnolls from 90210? wha I don't get it. hehe very rich knolls LOL gnolls or how ever NOW I get it. ;-) I need to go sleep now. later! there is going to be a big fight soon :) So where was Cayle in all this? ;-) passed out? Night everyone. ;-) night:) tshaya is going to want a shiny magic item night! Nights hugs I am! ;-) I gotta go too bye leafs HUGS lol bye guys bye