Game Start; Febuary 25th, 852PA. On the road between Denbar and Northwind. Session Start: Sun Sep 10 00:01:16 2000 *** Now talking in #uvdd *** Topic is 'Lalala!' *** Set by Tshaya on Sat Sep 02 23:08:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Hatch Heya hey... hey hey hola *** Tshaya sets mode: +o Lyla *** Tshaya sets mode: +o Cayle *** Tshaya sets mode: +o Leaf Boo eek dies *** Cayle has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) *** Kun has joined #uvdd Get the camera while she's still posavle! *** Cayle has joined #UVDD *** Hatch sets mode: +o Cayle sorry about that *** Hatch sets mode: +o Kun accidently clicked hte close window button. hehe LOL who's the leader of the club thats ment for you and me.... huh? M i C, K E Y, M O U S E * Tshaya is being carried. * Hatch twitches "lets go, i would like to get to the girls before the end of the month" * Kun is carrying Tshaya We are heading down the road yes? " Just lead and I'll follow... can't think straight right now..." ( " East " ) ( * notices he fails to move* ) "yes, i do believe that is the way we were heading" "then we must go as fast as safty permits "intresting thing to say" "considering you just mentioned staying put a whole day while one of us recooperates" *** Metalgear has joined #uvdd (*clash* *clash* ;) I feel diffrently about the girls situation now, i feel they are in grave danger *** Metalgear was kicked by Hatch (Hatch) *** Retrieving #uvdd info... *** Metalgear has joined #uvdd *** Hatch sets mode: +psl 6 who's this? *** Retrieving #uvdd info... some guy who probably just saw the channel *** Hatch sets mode: +m *** Metalgear was kicked by Hatch (Hatch) and decided to see what it aws we're so mean ((hehehe)) My mood is degenerating. Transgressors are good victims. "... ofcourse" hehe I thought hatch was mean the first time, but when he came back I said he deserves it ;) ((twiddle)) ;-) (( the dm is a degenerate?)) (( of course ;p )) *taptaptap* (much like everyone else :D) * takes a sip of water) (moving swiftly to the east, what do i see?) The road, in the ever darkening twilight Anyone following her? * follows blindly, not wanting to have to think for himself at the moment* * Kun takes up the rear Maybe its better to camp then stubmble around, then she can walk for herself in the morn You travel another hour before darkness forces encampment * Tshaya opens her eyes and looks up at Kun. "yes?" "carrying me" *sets up a small tent* "yes, yes i am" "i didnt know druids had tents" i am not a druid * Tshaya falls asleep. Theeee night passes... you all gain 1hp from rest "... intresting" three >?? theeee ;) (you old english meanie ;) )) ok it's morning now! Of the 26th *casts heal light wounds on tyshana *yawns* 1d8+level hitpoints 6 +2? thats with the 2 +2?? someone gained a level? 1d8 + level hitpoints I gained a level too *blink* (You got d&d3 Pix ;)) ( what? why is she so confused? now I"m confused. hehe) ((Becca did you roll a 6 or was it 4+2?)) (... did i gain a level?) you should be level 2, Pix 6+2 ... i must have, i have a ass-load of htpts LOL duh :) ass-load? what exactly would an assload be? hehe. * Tshaya sits up slowly. a lot "Ow." okay now Tshaya only looks severely wounded (she can walk it off) tshaya needs food badly, tshayna is about to die ((Tis but a flesh wound!)) * Hatch quickly graphs the meaning of ass-load on a pie chart. 1See? * Tshaya stands up. "so you can walk now?" * Tshaya looks a little shaky. "Someone keep reminding me I hate goblins." "good morning sleepy head" * Tshaya looks at un. "If I say no will you carry me again?" * hits Tsaya with another heal* Tshaya 1d8+level "... i suppose" * Tshaya smiles. "I won't pit you through that again." hey hatch where do you get 1d8 + level? only 1d8 in my book * Tshaya stretches. I have a different book :) or did you add that yourself? ah. hehe which do you have? Guess! Just roll it 6+2 Gathers fire wood "you're not exactly what i would call large and unwieldly" *prepares breakfast* Okay Tshaya looks remarkably healthy, and you can all continue onwards "I'll take that as a compliment." "its the best way" *eats goblin eye omlet* * Tshaya takes out the findy thing and checks it. Easterly (Easter.... omlet...its a sign!) "so we go east"? "yes" "then lets go" "lets." *** Tshaya has quit IRC (Write Error: Connection reset by peer) You walk on for the day, resting at night... *GROAN* and Tshaya passes out *** Jayna_ has joined #uvdd HA! IRC isnt so great :P just a second please... hehe isp just crapped *** Disconnected Session Close: Sun Sep 10 00:23:05 2000 Session Start: Sun Sep 10 00:23:19 2000 *** Now talking in #uvdd *** Topic is 'ICQrap!' *** Set by Kun on Sun Sep 10 00:21:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Hatch okay, you walk the day (9Woo!)) and into the next... everyone gaining 1hp *** Lyla changes topic to 'pan is a doody head' *** Kun changes topic to 'pan is a doody head (ICQrap!)' ((LOL)) * Tshaya checks the findy thing. East walkwalkwalk Just always assume I check it every hour or so. ;-) (how do you make the action again? tpye /me After only a few hours of travel this morning, as you pass by a small, overgrown trail leading off a short distance to the north through thinning trees when two small insubstantial forms skip across the road, down the path. A faint, distant laughter of a child drifts by after they pass. *stops* "... do we go after?" * Tshaya stares after them, and checks the findy thing. It wavers up and down "They're nearby I think." " Oh this can't be good...." "Let's follow them!" "i think we should go see who laughed" * Tshaya goes down the path. *follows her, not wanting to leave her alone* *goes with tshaya* Following slowly down the ancient path it leads to a very old, decript house. It's a fairly large, two floor home, greying whitewash walls trimmed in rotting deep red wood. Cracked, broken and missing shutters reveal shattered windows. The heavy double doors have rotted from their hinges and have collapsed onto the small stone entranceway. Um, when was the last time Bunnie said something? (is it of any distinct type?) (like... say... a regional design?) (or maybe racial?) None any of you recognize, at all really a few minutes ago (not even me???)_ hehe (hmp) no not even you Picx * Tshaya checks findy thing. ((Hi BUnnie ;-))) ( heehe ) " Oh just fantastic... fantastic.... a spooky house..." still wavers and flickers ((what's the findy thing say?)) * Tshaya shows it to them. "Look at this." (( i recognize it from the blair witch project!!!!!)) * Tshaya peeks in the doorway. (how is its wavering and flickering different from what it usually does?) The entrance hall is wide, and approximately a dozen feet in length. Three statues line each side of the hall. Figures of humans in varying poses, nearly all of them look deathly afraid. The door at the end of the entrance hall is colapsed into the next room. (It usually points solid, unwavering) "It usually points steadily in a direction." (does this look like a religious building?) "THis is creepy." *makes sure to look towards the ground...* *makes a noise* The noise echos softly (apparently not) * Kun walks in * Kun looks about *speaks to the woods, timba guard "What are you all so frightened of?" Im not frighten i am cautious *** Tshaya has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) *** Tshaya has joined #uvdd *** Retrieving #uvdd info... *** Hatch sets mode: -m *** Hatch sets mode: +o Tshaya "Magic everywhere. In the air...." "Cautious... frightened, the difference between bravery and stupidity" * Tshaya stays behind Kun. * can't stop staring at the statues* *shudders* "I don't like them either, Cayle." * Kun pushes against a statue It does not move (oh yeah?) ((LOL)) * Kun pushes harder It tips backwards (crash?) Leaning on the wall " Kun, stop that!" (ok, a loud thunk then) * Tshaya walks slowly towards the other door. ((how far does a detect evil spell work?)) "Only a statue" 60 feet "and it seems that this place has been deserted for some time" I want to cast my spell " it's just a feelling ok... don't mess with those statures" err statues "But there's so much magic here." "It's in the air." no wait... 120 yards casts detect evil * Tshaya creeps up to the other doorway. The next room is even larger, fifteen feet by more than twenty. A statue stands in each of the four corners, shelves and several doors lead to other rooms. Too the right, one directly ahead, to the left of that is another door off it's hinges, and one just to the left of the door from the hall. A large stone spiral staircase leads upwards. "hmm... a staircase" * Tshaya draws her bastard sword softly. "stone no less, must have been difficult to construct" (mr dm person :P) * Kun walks up the staircase ((Becca cast detect evil Hatch ;-))) (yes?) ok There is no evil in the hall, or the room ahead * Tshaya follows Kun up. * doesn't want to follow but doesn't want to be left alone* *follows* *catches up with the foolhardy* ((is Leaf with us??)) Where you all going? (i went up the staircase) ((Up the stairs. Pay attention ;-))) Im waiting at the foot of the staircase oh okay eek we're spreading out (just a little) ((Not much)) The stairs leading up to the second floor bring you to a small alcove looking into a large open area. To the right, there is an entrance to a room with no door, the wall to the left turns away, you can see a set of double doors half colapsed a few feet down the wall. Behind you are a pair of statues. A woman knelt, seeming to bow, her head almost touches the ground. One hand reaches towards something unseen in the sky. The other, an old withered man stands tall, a staff held to his side, not really, im just laging some to avoid the party being trapped ((Except where the hell is Leaf?)) one hand held up with his palm forward. um how much of what I pasted showed up? an old wit? old whitey! withered A woman knelt, seeming to bow, her head almost touches the ground. One hand reaches towards something unseen in the sky. The other, an old withered man stands tall, a staff held to his side, one hand held up with his palm forward. ^_^ irc doesn't like big pastes *stands and watchs silently* (how good of quality are these statues?) Very good, very lifelike (hmm...) * Tshaya walks up to the woman statue and examines it closely, touching it. * Kun attempts to pick up a statue *looks up* You... pick it up the obvious reference here is a stoning creature hatch can't be that obvious... "I thought that at first too." (really heavy?) About 300 pounds ((put ooc stuff in () guys. ;-))) we must be wary "But the statues aren't scattered like stoned people would be. THey're carefully placed." stoned and then moved? *sigh* "One of these would make a great gift..." lol "I hope not Lyla." "They are pretty,a ren't they? "I'll have to remember to come back later" " Well if she could lift them something else probably could * Tshaya walks to the double doors. be careful "ha. you try to pick one up" Through the double doors is a small library. The air is heavy and dank, the roof half colapsed at the far corner. Red stucco tile and plaster lay decaying on the floor. Soft red carpet squishes wetly beneath your feet. A statue in the corner depicts a man in heavy armor clutching his side, face locked in a mask of anguish and loss. Shelves line the majority of three walls, wood soaked in water bowed under the heavy weight of wet, moldering paper. "Wow." " My point is still valid. if you can pick it up, someone else could too." * Tshaya examines th books. "true, but i dont see the point" *checks the walls* "this place is horribly delapidated" The books colapse wetly as you pick them up. (eeeewwww) * Tshaya sighs. * Lyla checks for hidden doors "these statues don't make me feel good...." * Kun walks to the room with no door No hidden doors found "We could destroy them " Through the door to the right of the stairs is the master bedroom. The door looks like it's been ripped from it's hingest and shattered on the floor. A massive four-poster bed lays in ruin, a heavy oak self colapsed onto it. A now unrecognizable stone statue lays in crumbled pieces strewn in one corner of the room, bits of the stone embedded into the white plaster of one wall, and cracking the thin wood of the other. i certainly dont like them * Tshaya goes out to the main chamber. Tshaya: The altar is a simple black marble one, long decayed and covered in heavy dust and wet, greenish mold. Unlit candle in braizers sit between the large panes of windows along the rear wall, matched by two more on the front wall. *mutters to himself and makes a sign against evil * * Tshaya checks findy thing. The arrow is incredibly faint (detect magic still on?) "Uh oh." ((for as long as it can be.)) "i think the magic of this... "place" is interfering with the finder" ((Is the arrow moving?)) (1 turn.. the background magic level is higher here, but from nothing specific) (not moving around) "I think you're right, Kun. Magic in this room is stronger." ((Where is the faint arrow pointing?)) East, southwest and north I get nothing from this place, i dont like being here, inside here. ((lol)) "what exactly does this finder track?" * Tshaya puts it away. "I think it tracks the body of one of the girls, living or dead." the girls, its locked to them "hmm" "That's what she aaid, anyways." *serches the room* "i wonder what would happen if they were undead..." Which room? ^_^ " ....that's not funny..." (heehee) the room with the alter "I think it would still track them." *shudders* " I hate undead..." ah, you find nothing significant but dust OOH dust!! (spell component?) lol.... god this person is so fucked up ((is there any other rooms u here we haven't checked?)) you know that guy who came in here earlier? (are... ARE!!!) (what about him?) all OOC is in (( )) format :p ((Yes please)) well he keeps talking to me.... some malaysian guy apparently, he just asked me " Are there any girls in your channel? If there are, can you tell them to message me! Please??" Downstairs you only went in two rooms, and the master bedroom upstairs you didn't really ((it's confusing enough as it is. ;-))) (LOL!!!!!) ROFL ((LOL)) (i thought i walked in the bedroom) (yes you walked in and right out) (:p) (you saw nothing big and hostile) (goes to the bedroom) (funny, i dont remember saying that!) ((she never said she left. ;-))) (well, everyone else went on and then you were in the altar room ^_^) * Tshaya goes to Kun. "Anything interesting in here?" * Tshaya looks around. (whatever ;) im in the bedroom) Through the door to the right of the stairs is the master bedroom. The door looks like it's been ripped from it's hingest and shattered on the floor. A massive four-poster bed lays in ruin, a heavy oak self colapsed onto it. A now unrecognizable stone statue lays in crumbled pieces strewn in one corner of the room, bits of the stone embedded into the white plaster of one wall, and cracking the thin wood of the other. all pasted? "nothing obvious" ((self?)) "Wow. THat statue looks like it exploded or something." * Tshaya goes to the ruined statue, checking the chunks in the wall." The sound of laughter fills the house again, rapid footfalls approaching. Two faintly insubstantial children run into the room, their laughter turns into quiet screams and their forms seem to be pulled into the walls. *Blink* " Oh now that's just freaky!!!" * Tshaya 's eyes widen. "hmm.... the walls..." " God I hate spirits, I hate the dead... " * Tshaya looks pretty frightened. *shivers* * Lyla runs torward the walls fast, checkn them! * Kun taps on the wall Pulling the thin layer of wood from the wall reveals a rough mortar and stone brick wall. Worn and deeply gouged in places, as if torn at with great force. Four round holes each three inches apart sit at chest-height approximately a foot left from the left wall. Above each of the holes is a small carved symbol. guys i have an early day tomorrow (is the symbol recognizable?) (are they i mean...) bye guys see ya! (night!) sorry ((bye(( night! Lyla recognizes the symbols ((night easter bunnie baw bawk)) hugs girls! ((lol)) *thunk* nooo! ((giggles, i got an easter egg:) )) (.... EWWW!!!!) *** Leaf has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) ( lol, I almost want one of you girls to talk to this guy to see wha the starts talking about) ((NO Shard. ;-))) hey hatch, quick, set the limit to 5. I don't want this guy coming in :) (hmmm) *** Retrieving #uvdd info... hehe I know you won't, it's just funny ;) *** Tshaya sets mode: +l 5 these are elven "Elven?" astrological symbols * Lyla points at each one "Wow. I know astrology." * Tshaya looks at them. roll it? :) 9 on d20 okay hey hatch, about what time of day is it? Midday The symbols are The Melting, Deepwinter, Highsun, The Rotting they are seasonal ((How big are the holes?)) "i guess we can infer as to what seasons they're referring to" "I guess." About an inch in diameter * Tshaya looks into one of the holes. * Kun sticks her finger in one Lyla can you roll intelligence? uhmmm.. Which one? ok I look into the deepwinter one. ;-) (i dont know elven characters) (the rotting i guess) my god There's a faint click, and that is all ((Uh oh ;-))) (Kun dies) lol " Oh you HAD to touch em didn't you..." "They trip something." "... i wonder what that did" * grabs his daggers out* they seem to be keys of some sort or key holes maybe? "I bet if we trip them in the correct order, something will open." They seemed to fit Kun's finger quite well ((Bites her tongue)) "hmm...." * Kun sticks her finger in DeepWinter or maybe in the house is corresponding one inch inserts mother.. * Kun Sticks her finger in deep* that doesn't sound right there is another click, and a faint rumble ((giggles)) * Tshaya jumps. * Kun sticks her finger in the melting jeez... "That's the next one." Pixie you're killing my work ;) (heehee) THere is another soft click and a longer rumble rofl, she pixked em all in the right order the first time? :) not to mention skipping the first floor ^_^ * Kun sticks her ifnger in the last one BLAH ((LOL)) rofl, a DM's hard work gone asunder... The wall section gives a series of low clicks that reverberate through the stone. It churns slowly back a little over a foot until it passes the edge of the wall and then slides to the right, revealing a dark set of stairs leading downwards. "Wow." (( lol, the guys' asking me to tell the girls to email him... rofl...)) (I can't believe you set of NO traps) "Some lock." 'Damn Im smooth" ((HOw dark is it down there?)) " Oh this is just fantastic.... god I HATE creepy... I don't mind tough, I dont' mind dangerous... but creepy... it's just so... creepy!!" Fairly dark * Tshaya gets a torch out of her pack and lights it. "Shall we?" * grabs one of his own torches* I prefer having my own torch ;) * Lyla looks at the lock * Tshaya starts towalk slowly down the stairs, torch in one hand, bastard sword in the other. The stairs descend dozens of flights downwards, four flights down condensation begins to gather on the walls as the stairs pass beneath the surface. Taking one final turn the stairs open into a small room with one exit to the right. * Tshaya waits for the others. * Kun walks down to Tshaya * Lyla follows mumbling "THis goes down pretty far. " Thank you, Tshaya, goddess of the obvious..." * Tshaya makes a face at Cayle. (anything in the room?) *sticks tounge out at Tshaya* ((Is my detect magic still up?)) It's gone now ((darn ;-))) Nothing in this room but an exit to a hall * Tshaya checks findy thing. No arrow at all * Kun peeks down the hall "Wow. There must be strong background magic down here." * Tshaya steps into the hall. * Lyla follows in to the hall * Kun goes do with Tshaya *keeps daggers in right hand, torch in left* Down a short hall, the passage splits to the left and right. "i hope the door doesnt close behind us" "Um.... me too." " I say we go left" i say me and kun go that way, you velma, scooby and shaggy go that way)) ((giggles)) "we could go down both... we have two torches" * Tshaya looks apprehensive. "and two torch bearers" you all know why fred sent scooby adn shaggy off alone? So he could have hot threeway action "I don't want to split up." in a building or maze always go right " Exactly Tshaya. Splitting up bad. BAD" " are you sure? I have a very good feeling about left" "i doubt there's anything down here... except maybe ghosts" "Well, where there's ghosts, there's bodies." "im sure" "And the ghosts are two little girls....." "and we couldnt hurt ghosts anyway, so fighting them is pointless" " I'd rather meet goblins or hobgoblins over ghosts any day...." "If that's what they ever were." ((ever=even)) * Lyla starts down the right passage * Tshaya follows her. To the right the hall extends about ten feet and then turns to the left, opening into a large room that reaches 15 feet to the left, a few feet to your right, and 12 feet across. The edges of the room are shrouded in a deep gloom. On the right are four stone coffins, a pair set head to toe on each side of another door to the left. to Cayle "Wanan go left?" " yes" * Kun goes left with Cayle " can't hurt... well yes it could,b ut might as well.. yo'ure right, I'm probably being irrational" *goes left* "I don't like coffins." tyshaya, coffins, why did it have to be coffins I hate coffins (damn rats) (or is it snakes... i cant remmeber) ((both)) * Tshaya examines the coffins. The hall to the left runs about ten feet down and then turns to the right, just down the hall to the left is a passage to another room, and the hall runs past that and then to the right joining another room. A few feet in front of you on the right side are a series of levers. ((Do any look recently moved or opened?)) They're covered in dust "levers eh?" lets open one tysaha * stands far back from Kun* (what do the levers lokl ike?) "Uh, why? THey're too old to have the girls in them." (heehe) Plain wooden levers set in a row (are they covered with dust? what?) arent you curios to whats in them? Yes, everything is "They're coffins. What do you think is in them?" ( hoho's!) ((LOL)) to cayle,"Should i pull one?" "I don't like dead people." "And the only dead people I'd be interested in right now are the girls, if they're dead." (how many levers?) "the dead are buried and the sprits pass, nothing is left but dust" " Umm... should is the wrong word to use" Three of them "If you want to open one, go ahead. I won't watch." " You probably have to, but should.... hmmm" " Just pull one, and get it over with...." "Can do" * Kun pulls the middle lever * Tshaya looks indecisive. "Dammit. Now I;'m curious." (( can i open a coffin?)) Yes you can open one I'm freezing, I need to put a shirt on Cayle, where are you in relation to Kun? * Tshaya goes to Lyla's side. "okay, lets do this one. (i think he stood far away from me) I'm about 10 feet behind her * Tshaya points to the one on the left by the other door. Back down the hall, Cayle? * Lyla tries to open the coffin tshaya is pointing to ((FIREBALL!)) * Tshaya helps. The coffin opens yep. I didn't wanna be aroudn the levers. hehe (i hope its just a fireball ;) ((Fireball in an enclosed place is BAD, Pan ;-))) Inside is a skeleton. The hollow pits of it's eyes stare blankly upwards. okay Cayle, roll Dex (naw ;) pass * Tshaya shivers. Kun, roll dex * Lyla examines the skel * Tshaya looks into the coffin. It is very, very dead "How boring." 5 i have a 9 dex ok that means you pass. hehe ((Kun is a lumbering oaf. ;-))) "Let's go this way." 9 is average! "it would seem that this person is not just dead, but very very dead" 9 is average tshaya ;) we're just too used to our uber stats * Tshaya walks to the other door. lol! * Tshaya giggles. A dart comes from back in the direction you came, shooting past you both and sinking into the end of the hall (some people have NORMAL stats thank you.... (says the woman that can lift up 300lbs statues)) * picks up the dart that came at him* ((LOL)) ((dooo dooo dooo doo dooo doo ddo)) It's stuck in the wall *pulls it out* "hmm... i think that was the wrong one" want to check out another coffin or door number one? " I'd assume so..." ((LOL)) "Let's do the door." door? * Kun puts the middle lever back into its original placing Which one...? * Tshaya goes to the doorway and looks into it. The one we didn't come from. ;-) Kun, nothing happens * puts the dart in to a pack wrapped in cloth* OH THAT DOOR! each side of another door to the left. Cayle the dart is stuck in a stone wall I told you I yank it out frag wait You're not strong enough ((LOL Poor hatchie)) I'm not? I'd figure it'd slide right out... "You cant pull it out?" I have no idea which way is left for you guys Your description only had one other door in the room. ;-) " Well yeah... we're not all amazonian" *smirks* Lyla and Tshaya, this is your room again... To the right the hall extends about ten feet and then turns to the left, opening into a large room that reaches 15 feet to the left, a few feet to your right, and 12 feet across. The edges of the room are shrouded in a deep gloom. On the right are four stone coffins, a pair set head to toe on each side of another door to the left. *clears throat* THe door to the left. ;) * Kun pulls on the dart The dart rips in half that door :P damn.... nevermind, just discard it now..." "Whoops!" Moving towards the door on the left, there is a faint shuffle from the shadows * Tshaya spins towards it. eek!, draws sword! "hmm... far left or far right?" "im thinking left" * Tshaya looks nervously at Lyla, and creeps toward the noise. " Let's stick with the left pattern" do you have another torch? "Will do" * Kun pulls on the far left lever * Tshaya hands her torch to Lyla and pulls another one out of her pack, lighting it. Cayle, where are you in relation to Kun? ((LOL)) Lyla and Tshaya... The far right corner of the room bends through a narrow passage, barely two feet wide a little closer this time, about 5 feet away we need to be very careful On her left, or right? "I'm scared..." right (hmmm) me too Roll d20 9 10 * Tshaya looks at Lyla again, then walks slowly to the opening of the passagaway. (uh oh ;) holds the torch way out in front of me I'm hoping low is good Another dart, this one from directly opposite the levers fires and embeds itself into the stone wall "... right it is then" * Tshaya looks down the passage. ((Hehehe Pan)) Lyla and Tshaya.... the hall opens directly into a 6 by 6 foot room. A blackish brown sphere floats directly in front of you. It has four short antenna extending upwards, each ending in an eye, and four long limbs hanging below it, clutching numberous objects. It slowly turns in the air, it's antenna moving to direct black pupil-less eyes towards you. * Kun pulls the right lever Kun, The wall clicks ((POh shit)) " Nah we'r enot that lucky.. they're probably ALL traps, put there cause they know idiots like us will pull them" "i think the click was a good sound" * Tshaya nudges Lyla and turns back quickly and quietly. ((Does it see us?)) * Lyla freezes * Kun pulls the far left lever again It's looking right at you, with four eyes atop four short antenna Kun, *click* ((only 4? ;-))) Four * Kun pulls the middle lever *click* "... did anytihng happen?" nope * Lyla whispers to tshaya, what is that * Tshaya grabs Lyla's arm and runs back down the corridor. It begins floating forward * Lyla runs with tshaya " maybe you have to do it in order..." "hmm... uhm... maybe we should leave this for now... Cayle" "i thought i did" * Tshaya runs down to the intersection and tries to find the others. Hmm.... guess we should just go * Lyla stops "its not going anywhere" The floating ball follows you through the halls slowly ((Did I find them?)) Yes you found them * Kun drags cayle with her back to the intersection hey, um somethign is following us! "hey, um what is?" It rounds the corner, coming towards you * Tshaya grabs Kun's sleeve and starts yanking on it. She looks terrified. floating ball thing! (what does it look like?) " Ummm........ ok..." A blackish brown sphere with four arms, and four eyes on short antennae * Tshaya points down the hall, then spins to stand, almost hiding behind Kun. It's holding a bunch of stuff "doesnt... seem very antagonistic to me" The hall is about five feet wide * Kun walks up to it what stuff was it holdig did i notice? It's holding a swords in two of it's legs (does it try to eat me?) no but.. that's a bad spot * Tshaya looks pretty scared. As it swings one of the swords at you RUN! It hits and you take (good luck swinging in a five foot hallway) 5 points damage (ow! i attack) * Tshaya fires a Magic Missile at it. hehe Damage Tshaya? 5 ;-) Initiatives, ye who fight in a narrow passage? I can't fight in the hallway unless I'm at the very front, I'd hit everyone else.. I'll stay back and heal 9 9 11 Becca? i only like 3 feet back from kun, ill use my short bow speed. 10 okay (dont hit me!) ((trust me)) (ha. ;) Kun is attacked agani (big suprise ;) That's gonna hurt 11 points Kun and Cayle can go (hmm) * heals Kun* she's been hit for 16 so far right? yep 5+2 (ok, im attacking unarmed) * Tshaya is breathless. "We should fall back so we have more room! Pix, +7hp (im getting my attack off first) okay 0, 9 * listens to tshaya and runs back a ways* One hit 10 damage (and if its possible i back up ;) Lyla is right behind you *bump* Lyla, you can go a five foot wide hall and shw bumps me? ;P Walking directly backwards ;) (im backpedaling) (can i shoot with out hitting her?) yes attacks (13) (with dex bonuses?) no tha was unmodifeied, + 1 You hit 4 points Okay, Claire The hall is now severely clogged (it needs triple by-pass surgery!!!!) Can I hit it without hitting anyone else? with a spell? ;-) A spell, yes yeah, I'm fairly sure magic missile will go around things in it's path to hit it's target * Tshaya casts Chromatic Orb. oh, hehe I already used my MM on it. ;-) (erm) Rolllll :) (you sure chromatic orb wouldnt hit us?) (why is the dm smiling?) (im scared) It's only 4 inches in diameter. ;-) Am I less the 10 yards away form it? ;-) yep Neet, +3 to hit. ;-) 18 natural ;-) Effect? 1d6 damage + heat damage :) damage 5, victim loses and rolls -1 to hit and -1 AC next round. okay A flicker of red light bounces through the hall you take 1 point, claire, and feel warm "Ow!" The thing floats forward and attacks Lyla with a larger sword "YOU ticked it OFF!" You take 6 points of damage Initiatives again 9 10 ARGH we've all backed up to get room, right? it came up and attacked me ;P 10 its sandwiched now Kun and Lyla didn't back up, Tshaya is back but not far. Cayle is back at the corner. "HA HA! BAD TACTICAL MOVE THEIR FLOATING BROWN SPHERE" (hehehe)) Becca Init? 7 with short sword ok It attacks Kun again Kun takes 7 damage (ow) And attacks Lyla with the larger sword again THis thing is FAST ;-) Lyla takes 4 damage and now... Lyla goes Dammit, I forgot to split my initiative. ;-) It should be 8 and 10. ok attacks ( i speced this remember :P dont forget) yep! just tell me natural roll :) 14 hit damage, modified? 7 with str bonus okay Claire... (bows dont get str bonus!!! wah!) Not using her bow ;) (( im using a short sword :P)) (oh ;) * Tshaya charges up next to Kun while drawing her Sabre, and take a slash at it. You can't seem to find a opening passed them (you'd have to go through the thing and Lyla) Oops, I thougt Kun was close to me. Kun and Lyla are still pretty much side to side (we are?) (got any heals? :))) yah I told you ^_^ you bumped into her (... never mind ;) hehe Damn. Well.... (yeeeeeeees? ;) (...) who's up? (claire!) ((Shhh ;-))) lol She's mutely doing something that you make no sense of! Shard? yeah? go your turn oh. can I get to lyla? yep okey dokey, one superduper heal coming up. lo err lol 7+2 (WHEW bless you) lol hehe that's what I'm here for Kun? 0, 3 hit, hit damage damage? "This damn hing reflects spells!" 21 damage total squish! it bounces down the hall, then rebounds towards you again, landing by your feet LOL!!! "Well, it used to...." ewwww floating brown thing fall down go boom hahahaah heehee... *snicker* (i can picture it so well.... ;) nudges the thing with a sword " Umm... quit it with the nudging.. just chop it up already" * Kun takes out her warhammer "I didn't like that thing." It doesn't move, but several things fall from it's mouth *checks the things swords* " eww...." It holds a bastard sword, and a short sword What kinds of things? Takes the short sword "When you are all done examining it... im going to make sure it is dead" a suit of banded armor, a black potion, two dolls, a deep blue silk cloak, a blued metal helm, and a black agate ring "Can I see the bastard sword Lyla?" (She didn't take it ^_^) *hands the sword to tshaya (banded mail?) *takes the sword ;P yeese * takes the ring* * pockets it but doesn't put it on* It's a ring! * Tshaya examines the sword. looks at the cloak, stands protectively next to it (what does the helm look like?) * takes the potion, uncorks it and takes a sniff* It's a plain, blued metal helm blued? "hm" this thing hates blue! You smell the stench of rotting me? yes from the potion * Kun picks up the brown floaterthing minus everything that was in its mouth... hehee " Hmm....... damn.... I really wouldn't like to test this..." thats just really nasty and takes it farther down where we came from.... "What are those dolls?" im not sure ... lays it down, and raises her hammer.... ((Damn I cast every single memorized spell ;-))) hehe does anyone care if i look at this cloak? *SPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH* daaamage? damage??? yse uhm... 10 ok ... /me hits it again damage? 12 "I think Kun is pissed. its dead jim ok " Better safe then sorry" * Kun hits it until its all over the walls lol damage? :D 100,000,000 hmmmmm ok its dead!!! its a troll floating brown thing, it regenerates ;) * Tshaya picks up the armor. * Kun chops it up into little bits and then pulverises the little buts with her warhammer Its very light banded mail "has anyone heard of a thing like that?" hm... it will be alive in 190 years! (there is now a big mess erm... over there) (so it DOES regenerate eh?) yah shhh (not anytime soon, heh heh) * Kun goes back over to the booty looks at the cloak lovingly okay there's still stuff on the floor, a door unexplored, levers unplayed with, wounded PC's and a whole floor unexplored (It lovingly gropes you) (i made sure not to ingest any of the floaty thing) * Tshaya hands the armor to Kun. ewww "It's light." "Yes, yes it is" "I bet it's magic." "I'll be able to tell you tomorrow!" "Or just shoddily made" wait how the hell did that thing fit an entire suit of armor inside it's mouth? or elven, their armor is remarkable It wasn't holding THAT in it's mouth hey kun what are you wearing now? "Or possibly custom... for someone who wasnt able to wear heavy armor" (im wearing banded) picks up the cloak ((Anything left on the floor?)) ok what is banded mail again? can't seem to remember... what AL? a suit of banded armor, a black potion, two dolls, a deep blue silk cloak, a blued metal helm, and a black agate ring 3 I have hte ring and potion I have the bastard sword. what did you find down to th left? *when she thinks no one's looking, Kun takes the dolls * ((Kun plays with dolls!)) (shaddap!) * Lyla taps calye on the shoulder * Tshaya turns and runs down the hall back to where we found the dumb thing. You see a 6 x 6 room shrouded in darkness * Tshaya looks around. You see dust ((anything else there? I have a torch ;-))) nope *sighs slightly and picks up the helmet* * Tshaya sighs and runs back. * Lyla runs to catch up Tis a helmet "Nothing in it's lair." * Kun puts it on okay nothing happens (does it fit?) hey kun, I want whatever suit of banded you don't end up wearing :) Yep it fits perfectly ((helm of attraction of lots of hurty pokey things +5 (heehee) (you can have the suit we found) * Tshaya swings the new bastard sword around, testing it. I can? Hurrah! It swings quite speedily tshaya, i dont know what this cloak does, but if its better for you when if ound out you can have it. * Tshaya grins. "... on second thought, i think I'll take this helmet off" " Would anyone want a potion that smells like death? I dunno, kind of makes me uncomfortable" * Kun takes off the helmet "I'll tell you if any of this is magical tomorrow." ((your hair now looks exactlly like buckwheats)) (( how tshaya? you can only memorize two spells right? 3 max? heh)) * Kun blinks slightly Did you find anything where you went?? ((Detect magic has a duration. I can look at everything during that duration ;-))) lol, 5:15 AM... "oh dear... i appear to be standing in a pool of my own blood " We foudn a bunch of levers that kept firing things at us..." * Tshaya looks at Kun. "What??" * changes into the banded* levers? firing? "im standing in a pool of my own blood" okay there's still a door unexplored, levers unplayed with, wounded PC's and a whole floor unexplored. But we can get to it later ^_^ why are you bleeding? from the battle? " Well we pulled some levers, and darts kept coming at us..." * Tshaya looks concerned. Later is good. ;-) Cause she got cleaved twice ;) "Can someone help Kun and Lyla?" lyla's already mostly healed *Casts cure light wounds IF it will be effective* "i... think i'll sit down for a while" on kun I only have one heal elft I'm trying ot save it... but if Kun needs it now I'll cast "i'll live" actually wait... I have two left... nevermind I can cast one now Did someone cast heal on her? Yeah I'm doing it now And Becca did too err if she did then I didn't don't wanna use up two heals ok Becca, 1d8+2 LOL well it'd be pointless if we heal her for more then her max she's quite wounded ;) really? hmm ok then 7+2 8 ... how many htpts am i gwtting? staying up this late would be fine with me if my parents didn't wake me up at 10 all the time even though I have NO reason to get up +9+8 you got 17 ku err kun ]"i feel able" "Did you two find anything?" "levers" darts... lots of darts... And a door she didn't look in We know hatch ;) (huh?) And a floor nobody looked in! (i dont remember that!) levers and darts and doors oh my * Kun puts on the helmet "There's a hallway and some coffins the way we went. And Mr. Freaky's house too." Kun, you feel the same (you say that like i was expecting something ;) * Lyla looks at the short sword "so, do you think the dolls are from some little girls that thing had devoured?" "I hope not....." " Maybe it just likes to play dollies..." Tis a very finely crafted sword, the quillons are shaped as angels wings ooh pretty "But, well, we see two girl ghosts running into the wall up there..." "...and this thing has 2 dolls." hatch, can I test a potion? like take a TINY taste and maybe feel a LITTLE bit of the effects instead of all of them? ((Be careful doing that ;-))) yeah I know... I think it's a petrification potion, but that's just a guess... (whats your constitution?) it smells like death adn rot, that can't be a good sign... err.. it's low... like 10 I think.. hmm... maybe that wouldn't be a good idea for ME to do it then. hehe (er... good luck ;) yeah you can taste it ((snickers)) * takes the tiniest of tastes* hehe It tastes foul Who has the cloak? rofl.. (you probably should have put a little on your skin first... to see if it burns LOL ;) ((ugh. How could someone taste something that spells so bad ;-))) (hehe) Who has the cloak? well smells bad, tastes bad....must be good for you. that's the law of nature lol Lyla has it ok nobody put on the ring or cloak? I'm afraid to put on teh ring :) but I might as well... *puts on ring* o:) LOL lol * Kun thinks she looks stupid with the helmet on You feel somewhat better I am holding the cloak ok Becca I do? sweetness... * Lyla thinks kun looks stupid with the helmet on ;) "Let's look around some more down here." guys, its' 5:30 in the rmoning... can't we stop? LOL Fine with me ;-) lets SO how much exp we get? ;-) yes just remember, there's still a door unexplored, levers unplayed with, and a whole floor unexplored. let me try on the killer death cloak first Significance ;) i want a bonus damnit!!!! ;) LOL blind luck bonus ;) LOL * Lyla drapes the blue silk cloak around her shoulders (save versus death magic!!!) It was a colak of silence 15'radius! (lol!!!) Ok i would like to make my first of 5 wishes now (you fail your save and are distintigrated, you cannot be ressurected) yeah, cloak of wishes ! :D ((So what happens to Lyla, Hatch! :-))) Nothing ((LOL)) what an anti-climax ;)