Okay Now, you're in the hallway, by the levers. "So, what do these levels do?" * Tshaya nudges one with her foot. " Shoot darts at us..." There's three levers * Tshaya chuckles. Currently, all three are in the down position. "anything else?" They started with all three being up. The hall goes three ways ((3 ways?)) left is too the room of coffins, right goes back to the entrance, and behind you is another short hall (Yep it's a kinky hall) ((I thought the levers were at the end of a hall)) has any one gone down the short hall? (no they're in the middle, slight offset) (nope_ "I think im going to check this hall out" ((cover me)) ((LOL)) * Tshaya follows Lyla. (throws a sheet over Lyla) oh bah. hatch you can surely do better then that ;p ((bumps into a wall)) You see two slightly undersized white stone coffins sit side by side on a raised dias in an 8 foot by 14 foot room. The copper name plates on each are corroded almost to nothing. Child coffins, *shudder* ((knocks on Pan's head)) " Not pleasant... I guess we have to check" " Would you like me to do it?" "Or elf, or gnome...." (note; the other coffins you looked in all had humans) * Tshaya looks at the coffins. ((are they dusty, undisturbed?)) The elf in the woods burn there dead. Im not sure about town elfs. "Elfs?" "ELFS????" Dusty, the edges are chipped slightly. The brass nameplates are extremely corroded. * Cayle snickers * Tshaya tries to read the nameplates. * Cayle lifts the lid on one of htem "these cant be the girls we are looking for" Cayle isn't strong enough on his own "nope." well damn ;p " Kun... some help please?" * Tshaya looks around the room while Cayle struggles with the lid. So why are we distubring them then? * Kun lifs up the lid " Maybe it'll lead to some clues about what this place is..." The lid creaks and lifts off (we have lift off) Moves out of the room into the hall ((I'm inspecting the room closely. Anything unusual?)) Nope, the room is very plain (( i wanted a peanut room)) ((LOL)) * Tshaya peeks around Kun to see what's in the coffin. Inside is a skeleton decayed to the point that the bones have colapsed and are turning to dust the room is no longer plain. It's milk chocolate. Same great taste, new name "THis is really old." From the hall, kun do me a favor? This place.... like some type of morgue... * Kun digs around in the dust, feeling for anything "I don't like it much." "Hmm?" * Tshaya leaves the room, standing next to lyla. Place one of the dolls on the remains You feel little bone chunkies Nothing happens ... * Tshaya looks at the levers. "Hmm." "Hey, which of these levers have you all tried?" * Kun puts one of the dolls in the coffin " All of them..." (All the levers are now down. They started all three up) Kun, nothing happens. "Did all of them shoot little darts?" " I think only two did... I don't remember..." "Hmm." "didnt we miss a whole level of this building?" * Tshaya pushes the right level up. There's another click. * Tshaya pushes the middle lever up. * Cayle lays flat on the ground *CLICK* The section of the wall immediately to the left of the row of levers sounds out with a loud clank, and then laborously raises into the ceiling accompanied by the sounds of ancient and rusted gears cranking within the ceiling. * Tshaya jumps back. You are immediately assaulted by the scent of ancient death and decay. Through the dim light in the room, cast from the glow in the halls behind you, you can just barely make out the dried river of blood running out of the darkness towards a small metal drain set in the floor a few feet in front of you, and the sound of a slow, shuffling movement. "Wow!" MOVMENT! everyone ready " Oh yeah, this bodes well..." * Tshaya readies the new bastard sword. (There's no light in the room. ANyone have light?) i have a torch :P me too ((Lyla and I both have torches)) (okay) The room isn't large, maybe 10 by 6 feet, and dominated by a large stone table stained red, angled slightly down towards the feet, with a narrow duct along the edges, leading to a run-off on one corner. so me, tshaya and alista do Dried splatters of blood run down and gather on the floor, then run to the drain by your feet. The remains of a wooden shelf on the right wall looks to have once held an array of tools. lyla;P "This is an embalming room." " oh..... oh wow..." "or a torture chamber" "what was this building!!? * Tshaya takes a step into the room. "possibly a surgery room..." "I have heard stories that they make undead in places like this" " Or a room for demonic rituals..." "undead?" * Tshaya looks apprehensive again. "zombies and such, from victims kidnapped" A skeletal figure in long-decayed robes moves from the shadows of the table "Watch out!" " Why wouldn't they just kill them and reanimate them... it's simple enough..." *jumps back* "WHO ARE YOU!" " ss....stt.st...stay back!" * Tshaya 's eyes get wide..... * Kun walks up to it * Tshaya backs up slowly. ((kun sometimes you feel like a nut...) It's jaw works silently as it steps forward, the hilt of a dagger in one bony hand. ((hehehe)) (is it attacking?) >:) ((do i have enough room to fire a bow?)) Everyone tell me where they are. *approaches closely behind Kun, in case she needs help* ((don't run into me, Cayle. ;-))) The room is 10 long and 6 wide "i wonder what its trying to say" * Kun taps chin I am the door of the room Okay addressing the skeleton,"Can you write?" dont touch it until I tell you to :P I need to know where you are before it stops moving it's mouth ^_^ im in front of it Aside from you ;) ( oh poppy cock... verbal components?) HOld hatch ;-) * Hatch holds himself Where is Cayle standing? right behind kun, slightly to her right okay Tshaya? :) I'm directly behind her, about a pace back from Cayle's left. (you know... it would really suck to get hit with a fireball) ((Ayup.)) or chain lightning... Okay it cna't cast a fireball in here... it'd kill itself too (its undead) ((Maybe it's dumb.)) ((hehehe)) ((or suicidal)) just sex sec LOL lol.... it just wants some lovin ;p ((Hatch needs to get laid. ;-)) i am NOT having sex with a skeleton well you can't... it doesn't have a penis... Kun's gonna get boned! rofl... eww ((hehehehe)) :p Okay, everyone but Lyla, save vs spell Is it a physical spell? *** xula has joined #uvdd Yes :) Good. Nice nick Bunnie ;) *** xula has left #uvdd er.. crap, the lights are off in my room and the book is on the shelf... hatch, can I get my saving throw? ( I'll roll it I just need teh number) ((I saved. 14.)) Base is 15 Shard (i rolled a 1) ((Ow)) wow a 14 saves for you? eek ((If it weren't a physical spell I wouldn't have saved.)) hehe okay ((I get a Dex bonus for save vs. physical spells, Hatch.)) saved The creature raises it's empty hand, and a sheet of fire fills half of the room. Tshaya and Cayle take 6 damage. Kun takes 12. Ow. *** Leaf has joined #uvdd *** Hatch sets mode: +o Leaf ( hiya folks ) * Tshaya gets a very angry look in her eyes and charges aroun Kun, hacking with her sword. yay Initiative :) let me find my d 10... hehe ( cat fight! *rowwwrr!* :D ) 3 ((fr the second time do i have a bow and arrow shot at it?)) (You can hit it but it may hit the others) 8 11 ((ill take that risk ;) )) * Kun smolders but looks suprisingly good for someone that just got torched (shor bow speed? i forgot) 6 8 Okay Cayle ((Hi bunnie)) ((So where's Leaf during all this?)) He's still in the hall ((Lucky. ;-))) hehe Cayle go heals Kun for 8 Okay ( has ONE heal left... Kun has gotta be more cautious. lol) Lyla and Tshaya ((LOL)) * Tshaya hacks at it, two-handed. ((hey i feel a whole lot more expereienced the level 2!)) Okay ((hit AC -1)) hatch, I'm practically right next to the thing... if I use daggers next round I won't hit anyone from my side right? Firing bow ((Medium creature, right?)) Damage, Claire? yes Roll, Becca 15 7 damage Missed, Becca okay Kun goes miss okay The creature rakes it's empty hand at Tshaya ((Wait, didn't we interrupt spellcasting? :-p)) misses It wasn't casting ^_^ ((or rakes. I thought you said Shakes. ;-))) And the dagger hilt in it's left hand sends out a small flame as he swings it at Cayle do any of you get REALLY kinda freaked yet fascinated at the same time by skeletons at the doctors office? ((Not freaked. ;-))) knowing that they used to be people, who had lives... kinda spooks me that now the'yre reduced to hanging in a doctors office from a pole... Cayle takes 5 damage ((Go ooc in (()) Cayl. ;-))) I can never stop thinking about what it's life was like (( heh. doh) (Pretty boring, since those skeletons are usually plastic (( my doctors isn't)) (kinky) You took 5 damage ;) I know okay Initiative again * Tshaya switches her bastard sword to her right hand and deftly draws her sabre with her left in one smooth motion. 13 5 and 7 8 9 okay, the creature's jaw begins to move again. Tshaya attacks... * Tshaya slashes with her sabre. ok ((Hit AC 2)) okay nothing seems to happen. And... It vanishes * Tshaya blinks. "watch your backs!" * backs up against a wall* :) my turn? Cayle, then yours "It cast invisibility!" ((wait, isn't mt my turn again? ;-))) blah yes " If it even existed.... can't tell if anythin'gs real in this place..." ((Oh and btw, Tshaya KNOWS it cast invis. There's no doubt. ;-))) (( and how would htat be?)) * Tshaya takes a chop at where it used to be. Roll :) ((She has the Spellcraft Prof. SHe recognized the way it disappeared.)) ((I need to roll a 20 I bet. ;-))) ((I rolled a 19. ;-))) BBZZZZZZK hehe AC? (( I don't think the spell craft proficiency automatically enables you to notice something that inconspicuous) (( probably have to be some roll for it)) ((It does if I was watching for it. ;-))) ((THAC0 is 18 without bonuses on whatever the sword does or penalties for blund fighting.)) With all the bonuses you know, what AC did you hit? ((18)) ((er, -1.)) Okay you seem to hit nothing. Cayle? sorry hold just ONE sec moms calling me ok.. Lyla? ((Shaaaard! Oh, SHaaaaard! Do the dishes!)) hey hey I'm still going! lol she's just calling me for a second I'm rolling now ( back ) 15 and 17, thaco 18 The daggers hit the wall and fall to the ground Lyla? ok how complex an action can you make? It's your move for the round, complex as you need * Lyla pulls out 4 vials of oil and tosses them away from her and her party Which way? okay. Kun? (is there only one way out of this room?) Yep * Kun goes and stands in the doorway ((and i was standing in the door way already)) (oh) (hmm) (what else is in this room?) ((a mean invisible thingy.)) ((big steel table, remain of a self)) A big stone table that's just away from the far wall (there's a shelf?) yes but it's mostly colapsed * Kun goes and rummages through the shelf debris ((LOL)) ((Mean invisible thingy, and Kun's housecleaning. ;-))) hello? oh lol what hte hell... hehe my IRC just went messed up and then fixed itself when I typed that You find a lot of decayed wood and some crude knives and clamps ((throw a clamp at it!!)) (clamps????) (uh... what type of clamps?) Surgical clamps :) ((Nipple clamps!)) lol (yes, sorta like the ones they used on you, Claire) ((ooooh!)) oww.... don't those hurt? (nope not at all) * Kun walks around with her arms stretched out trying to find the invisiable thing ((claire i thought you told me you wouldnt tella bout the nipple clamps)) ((Sorry, it slipped out.)) *leafs ambles throughthe door noisily munching on raw squirrel on a stick* You don't hit anything :) Leaf go? ( meh? ) You're in the hall behind Lyla :) kay... Stand and look uh.. vaguely disinterested? ;D ((hopes people didnt wander into my coating of oil :P)) I'll take that option sure lol okay Initiatives? 7 ((Hatch, what's the speed on a torch?)) 12 Session Time: Sun Sep 17 00:00:00 2000 11 (speed of a torch?) ((yeah. Say I want to pick up my torch and toss it into the oil. What would the initiative mod be? ;-))) (Miscellaneous action, +3) ((k)) Wait, you didn't give me my last attack last round. :-p I even reminded you. :-p lol Well you can only attack with it anyway ((and I sure as hell didn't hit it.)) ((LOL)) ((I DID roll anbother 17, but I know that doesn't hit. ;-))) lol initiative, claire and becca? Init is 6 B? ((where exactly did you toss the oil, Becca?)) (It's on the floor on half the room, and on the other side of the table) 9 Oaky Tshaya go "Everyone out of the room!" (Becca, what kind of oil was that?) ((I'm holding my action)) okay um Kun? * err... backs out of room* *runs* Flaming ;) lol ((hehehe)) Pix? ((It was greek fire!)) (It was?) ((No, I was joking. ;-))) (Becca?) (im still in the door way :P oh bugger (No I mean, what kind of oil was it?) (normal provisional oil thats in the guide book okay lamp oil ((Lamp oil)) ( sorry guys, my time is up ) ok ((bye Bunnie!)) hehe nice having you here leafy greens. Here'sa nice consellation prize (night!) So what is everyone doing? ((Um, waiting for Kun to do something. ;-))) kater err, later *** Leaf has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) cater :) * Kun sighs loudly and walks toward the door (just drop the torch and let her fry ;) hehee) ok... LOL Everyone is now towards the door? Except me. Okay As soonas Kun everyone is clear, can I take my action? Yep Just tell me when everyone's clear. ;-) um... okay.. now? Okay. ;-) * Tshaya backs towards the door and tosses her torch into the middle of the oil pool. Okay. The room flares with fire from the lamp oil "ok time to leave now" It burns slowly down and the upper part of the room fills with smoke * Tshaya looks confused. "what was the point of this?" "Where is it?" " Hold on a second" "i wanted to flush it back to visible but its hiding away from the fire or is astral or ethreal" And if its one of those we should run far far away" (Or it stood in it) " Or it could just be standing in the fire.." ( hehe I started typing that before hatch ;p) "if it were astral or ethreal we'd be dead" then its invulnerable to fire and we should leave, its too strong "It's invisible." "It's in there somewhere." " Lyla, it may be vulnerable to fire.. it may just be too stupid to walk OUT of the fire..." how can it hold concentration to keep up the invisiblity spell? "its undead " *clackclack clack clackclack* (invisiblilty isn't a concentration spell.) *throws a bola towards the sound* hee hee bola's are fun :) (It lasts certain number of rounds and expires, or until the invisible person does an offensive action) "besides, i dont think a lamp oil fire would be too damaging to a skeleton anyway" Tshaya, Cayle Two darts of fire appear from above the surface of the table heading towards you as the skeletal creature comes back into view. Tshaya takes 4 points, Cayle takes 3 um. ow New round. 6 and 8 8 9 8 err wait nevermind... hehe.... we can see it now, no point in using bola ;) 3 ok Cayle go ack. miss miss ok Tshaya * Tshaya growls angrily and charges it, leading with a sabre slash. ((which missed)) (run through the fire eh?) (fire went out) ((it went out)) (i thought oil would burn for a while) The creature jumps from the table and slashes with the burning dagger Can I parry? (Lamp oil, burns for 1 round) not if the oil is all spread out (yep you can parry) ((hit AC 4 on the parry, not including any bonus from the sword)) You miss it ((damn)) And it misses you ^_^ ((Good)) ;-) Tshaya again ((I used my attack to parry)) no wait you parried sorry ^_^ wow I'm glad me and Kun gave up;p okay it rakes it's empty hand at you And hits for... otherwise jayna becca and leafy greens would have had to take out the examiner alone and me and kun would have to take out this thing alone ;p ((I don't like this thing)) 7 points (like i'd have a problem ;) ((Gah. ;))) * Tshaya cries out in pain. She looks pretty bad. Lyla and Kun? (thats what she gets for being stupid and running out there;) lol, kun, this thing hit you for 12 at the very beginning of the fight :) I only have so many heals :) attack bow ((You're the one who always walks up to the stuff that wants to kill us. ;-))) okay * Kun attacks the thingy (yeah, and i kill it ;) ((Doesn't look dead to me. ;-))) ... usually anyway, miss ((Well, yes it does...)) ((But it still huuuuuurts. ;-))) okay Lyla miss doh End of round Lyla's second arrow my followup darts and daggers err daggers not darts. hehe Lyla? roll for the other arroow? hit -1 ((SHE HIT IT!)) ((OMG!)) maybe :) i mean, shooting arrows at a skeleton? he said skeletal figure ;P ((Yeah, like Kate Moss.)) hehhe Becca, the arrow seems to hit the creature but it seems to take no notice Calista FLockheart is a lich... lol (oh... i thought it was a skeleton) but not quite as ugly ;p (it is a skeleton) ((thomas i dont have a magic weapon :P)) ((why hasnt shard tried to turn it yet?)) Hit AC 2 and 1 I don't have turn Miss, and nothing. I'm a priest of air ((no turn clerics, great)) (he couldn't turn it yet anyway) yeah, you won't regret it so much when at levle 5 I summon an air elemental to fight our tough battles for us. lol Initiatives? * Tshaya looks at her sword. ((um hello, going to die to evil skel thingy, not going to make level 5 :P)) "It can only be hurt with magic!" 9 9 puts up bow, gets out short sword of indeterminate magic + something d10 becca? 3 okay Tshaya? 5 okay With belying quickness, Lyla attacks Oooh! Belying quickness! lol and hits on a 1 ac *clack clackclack* that's normal roll right? :) yes okay yah you quite easily hit it :) Damage im not sure :P what is the swords dice? 1d6 4+2 str = 6 +6 your normal bonus for strength and spec oh and 1 spec right? 7 +4 strength, +2 spec I thinkDried splatters of blood run down and gather on the floor, then run to the drain by your feet. The remains of a wooden shelf on the right wall looks to have once held an array of tools. i get +4 str? (gah I did it again!) *^_^* no no +4 damage "It's casting again!" do i get another attack? It looks quite hurt from that, and stops clacking (you have 3 every 2 rounds, so next round you get 2) (uh.. if it lives) Claire? * Tshaya Tshaya hands her Bastard Sword to Kun and stumbles out into the hallway. lol ((Hehehe)) Is Kun aware of that? ^_^ ((she is now!)) ;-) hah Kun? (erm) um.. gonna take the sword? * Kun attacks with tshaya's bastard sword (yes!) lol roll ^_^ 20, ac 0 (not natural) hehe is it almost my turn? ;p ok ((He's dead. ;-))) (checks Kun's damage bonus) he is? oh hehe... I gotta pay more attention 12 damage *heals tshaya Kun cleaves through the damaged skeleton's shoulder, running downthrough it's ribcage ((Yes, he is. ;-))) (yes I said, Lyla severely hurt it) (damn, im smooth) ((Healed me for how much Cayle?)) d8+2 you should be all of your hair was burned off by mr inviso skel ((LOL LOL Becca!)) whoops (:)) lol... umm hold on let me check 8 Quickly checks the skeleton * Kun searches the skeleton WAH You find.. * Tshaya is sitting out in the hall. bones and a dagger hilt ((Ooooh! Bones!)) Wow this tony dirizelli guy is a FANTASTIC artist. wish I could draw half as good as him. hehe (i was checking for dead not items kun) ((Lyla doesn't find a pulse)) ((Hell, she doesn't find an ARTERY.)) (heheh :P) You find bones and a dagger hilt "who wants the cursed dagger of doom?" * Tshaya is still moping out in the hall. " I say we just leave it here..." "are you ok?" (who has the dolls?) ((kun)) (ok) (i have one) (Leaving the dagger?) (Leaving the dagger hilt?) no i picked it up * Kun looks over the table (ok) (Who has the OTHER doll?) ((I thought Kun picked them both up)) (i picked it up after kun put it in the coffin) ok As the undead creature's unnatural life finally ends, the two etheral children materialize behind his body, throwing a hazy bluish light through the small room, cowering in the shadow of the stone table. Seeing them standing still now, you can see them clearly. A small boy with soap stone colored hair and light eyes, and an older adolecent raven haired girl. Both have looks mixed of terror and relief looking upon the fallen undead. (liar!!!) (wha?) (no one said anything about picking it up after i left it in the coffin) (nyeh) ((I thought you picked it up.)) ((no one's commenting on the kids? I'm out in the hall, I don't see it.)) (nope) (i wouldnt leave it there in the coffin) *stares, quietly* (you didnt say you picked it up) ((?)) (She's talking about the doll) ((I know. I'm just wondering why no one's doing anything.)) (ah) (goes back to the room get the stupid doll and walks back) ^_^ * Tshaya doesn't look at Lyla as she passes either time. * Tshaya falls asleep in the hallway. * Lyla extended out the doll i have to one of the two children The children continue to stare at the undead corpse * Lyla tries to talk to the children in common and elven * Lyla attempts to play dnd without anyone else ;P hehe.... I'm waiting for you all to do something, my char's kind of just... staring ;p * Kun walks over to the corpse and lifts it up by the neck * Tshaya heals herself for 54 health. Her Excellent Healing Kit has 13 uses left. ((silly ac reference)) :) The skeleton half falls apart, leaving you holding the skull and part of the spine ((I knew him, Horatio.)) (are the girls reacting to this?) * Lyla places the doll near the skull ((I'm moping in the hall. I don't even know what's going on. "tshaya, if you well enough, come in and look for secret passages!" * Tshaya stands slowly and comes around the corner back into the room. * Tshaya stops and stares at the girls. "Where'd they come from?" (um boy and girl) ((Oops)) ((Sowy)) ((Are they still staring at the mean thingy?)) * Kun throws the skull against the wall yes (shatter) * Tshaya jumps, but keeps staring at the kids. the skull cracks loudly and crumbles to dust wait what mean thingy... the corpse of that hting, or the wierd table "What do they want?" ((corpse)) " i think that thing killed them" * Kun tries to touch the children " It would seem so" They're not solid * Tshaya looks angry. * Lyla tries to touch a child with the doll (which?) * Kun walks over to tshaya * Tshaya looks at Kun, then to the kids again. (Lyla?) what does the doll i have look like? If a girl doll then the girl (look in your PM window?) (sent you message while ago) ((Okay wait. If it's a boy and a girl, it can't be two dolls. One of them has to be an action figure.)) * Kun pokes Tshaya in the shoulder * Tshaya jumps and looks at Kun again. * Lyla puts the doll in or on the boy "Did you kill it?" "Yes." "Good." A look of unearthly relief washes over the boy, and he vanishes from sight, the doll crumbling to dust. * Tshaya 's eyes widen. "Wow." (MY 1st edition doll!) kun touch the girl with your doll The girl looks stunned, and then incredibly sad and lost * Kun sighs * Kun walks over to the little girl " She misses him..." ((Kun waves the doll in her face and says "Neener neener!" * Kun touches the girl with a doll (( lol!)) (heheheh) The doll passes through the girl's form * Kun blinks (is the girl still there?) Yep "Oh no poor little girl...." * Tshaya looks really, really sad. * scoops up the ashes of the boys doll* "we might need to tie the girl tot he doll, may i see the doll kun pleasE? * Kun gives Lyla the doll im gong to need help opening the coffin in the other room * Tshaya is still standing, staring at the little girl. She has tears in her eyes. "... i take it you want me to open it?" yes, please * Kun pauses for a second, and then slings Tshaya up over her shoulder and walks toward the coffin room Cayle stay with the girl * Tshaya acts stunned. ".....hey!" "hmm hmm hmm" (doesnt seem to hear) * Tshaya squirms, trying to get free. * Kun opens up the coffin with one hand ((Showoff. ;-))) (the other is holding on to Tshaya!) The coffin opens ((I know! :-p)) "Why are you carrying me??" now that i look at this doll it doesnt look much like the other one did. The other one looked like the ghost, this one doesnt "it doesnt?" (totally ignores Tshaya) *gently takes the pile of ashes and places it in front of the girl, then backs off and waits for the others to return* *from Kun's shoulder* "Well, we need to find he doll then." this looks like a normal worn doll * Kun blinks * Tshaya struggles again. we have to find another doll or the spirit will not rest "Put me down!" "hmm... who knows where it could be" Didnt we miss one whole floor? "And there's another hallway up here too." * Kun shifts Tshaya to the other shoulder i dont think we should seperate, but im not sure we should be carrying people * Tshaya starts smacking Kun's lower back and butt. "Put me down!" "Are you trying to tell me something Lyla?" * Tshaya sighs. She doesn't look happy. *from Kun's shoulder* "We should search the rest of this place to try to find her doll." maybe you should let tshaya walk "yes, maybe you shoul!" * Kun pauses for a moment ((poor Cayle is all by himself)) ((well, he has the ghost of a little girl keeping him company)) then puts Tshaya down * Tshaya brushes herself off, then glares at Kun for a bit. Walks back to cayle, are you ok? * Tshaya turns and walks back to the room to see Cayle and the girl. The girl hasn't moved at all "Cayle, we need to find her doll. THis isn't it." * Tshaya sighs again and turns to leave the room, going to the other coffin room. ok ((Isn't there another hallway out of there?)) (it goes to the place the floaty came from) ((Oh, I thought there was another one.)) (yeah one loops back to the stairs *stays with the girl afraid to lose her* * Tshaya follows the loop back to the stairs. (( sorry about the absense, was doing something)) * Tshaya walks back to the room. "I'm going downstairs to look. Is anyone else coming?" * Lyla follows * Tshaya turns and goes down the stairs. down? ER up ;-) you're about 200 feet underground ;) Where's Kun? (Kun's smoking her pipe in the coffin room) ((No idea. I think she's still in with the kid's coffins.)) ((Can you describe the room we come out in again?)) It's a 6x9 room, one exit, and the stairs (Didn't someone say to not split up) ((Well, no one else is doing anything.)) I am with you :) (thusly, you're splitting up) ((And I meant the room at the TOP of the stairs)) ;-) Cant make them follow thomas The master bedroom? ((I guess so. Tshaya has no desire to sit there and watch Kun smoke her pipe.)) Sure you can, go and talk to them. ((shard seems to be AFK)) (well he said he was staying with the ghost regardless) "Aren't the others coming?" (( bah... sorr... will start paying more attention now) ((Yes please)) (( we're going backupstairs to find hte other doll right?)) (If you want to split up) * Tshaya turns around and goes back down to see where the others are. * Lyla calls out to kun "HELP!" * Tshaya goes to the kids' coffin room. "well?" (( ugh did you know tea can turn from good to spoiled in under 10 minutes?)) (( my tea was perfectly drinkable 10 minutes ago, now it's gone bad...)) "Well what? and whats wrong with Lyla?" *puff* *puff* *runs to lyla* "Nothing's wrong with here, we're just waiting for you. Are you coming or not?" ((here=her)) *puff* "I suppose" "Why are you just sitting in here anyways?" "... smoking" (( server her some quiche, and get it over with)) * Tshaya rolls her eyes. "I can see that. DOn't you want to find the little girl's doll so we can get out of here?" "im a requirement to your search?" * Lyla walks back to the coffins "It would certainly help. You just don't care about her?" *takes a long drag on her pipe* the last 2 thing we faced in here has been way above one or two peoples abilities, if we split up we all die, now get the hell up and stop wasting my time ((rowr)) * Kun taps chin lightly ((fffft fffft!)) ;-) "you know... if you're trying to sweet talk me, its not working" " She's got a point... it's especially dangerous now... I don't have any heals left... we need teamwork..." " Listen, Kun, not trying to sound pushy but I have saved your life two or three times today, the least you could show is a debt of gratitude or next time I might not be so quick, if you catch my drift" * Kun blows a smoke ring "I wasnt opposed to helping you search, i was mearly taking a break... but i have to say that i dont exactly like the way any of you are talking to me." " Well I don't like how you can act so apathetic about that girls pain! She may have been here suffering for centuries!" "You're the one that's been in such a hurry to find those girls. You don't care about them no either?" ((ignore the no)) "I cant see the connection between these children and the ones we're looking for" * Tshaya rolls her eyes. "i dont" "THe sooner we find her doll, the sooner we leave er to find the girls. Is that so hard to understand?" ((geez, er=here)) "I suppose I dont understand why we're here in the first place" *puff* ((serves kopparu her quiche)) ((LOL)) " We're here to help these children... and if you can act so uncaring about their torment.... then I.. I.... I want no part of you after our quest is finished. "We're here because some of us thought the girls were here." "If they're not, then we go find them." "But you have to GET UP AND START MOVING if we're ever going to leave!!" "If we're leaving, then lets go" "But now that we've been here, we have to find the girl's doll. "So can we go do that now, or are you gonna light up another bowl?" ((Reefer!)) ;-) (( hehe)) "Just ask me to come with you" "Heeeeey Kun? Can you come with us?" * Tshaya gives her sarcastic puppy dog eyes. "Yes." "Thank you. Can we go find her doll now?" "if thats what we're doing" "Well, if you don't want to, then don't. We're asking, not ordering." "you asked me, and i said yes" (( hatch is this gonna be wrapped up soon?)) (We're done when everyone wants to stop) "THen let's go, shall we?" * Kun stands up "I'll even let you carry me if you really want to." * Lyla walks back to the area unexplored * Tshaya follows, The girl is standing in the hall in front of you now, looking at you with mournful, pleading eyes. * Kun walks with the group *to the girl* "We'll find it." She doesn't seem to acknowledge you * Tshaya goes up the stairs. You can't get passed the ghost ...... ((So it's a solid ghost now? ;-))) nope Something bigger than her form "Um." (( huh?)) ((Like a force field around her form)) "I can't get past. Can anyone else?" * Lyla tries to pass You feel like you can't * Tshaya tries again. maybe the doll is down here? " Hmm..." * Kun goes up an taps on... whatever it is It's not directly physical "Should we search the other coffins?" do you guys wanna continue without me, or just clal it quits? "if you think there might be something in them" * Tshaya looks at Kun a second. "Do you know something about this that you're not sharing?" ((Hatch's call, Shard.)) "... what?" "every time someone makes a suggestion, you act all condescending, like you know better." "i wasnt aware that i was being condescending" "Oh. Want to come help with coffins?" Ill help "Okay." * Tshaya goes into the other coffin room. If it lets us. yep * Kun wanders in We are missing something The girl follows you I gotta go to bed... tell me what happens tomorrow *** Cayle has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) BYe! (where is teh girl in the room?) behind you "So why's the doll we have so different from the one we used on the boy?" (in the door way?) "What makes it different?" right behind you. that one was made in the image of the boy (in the door way then) this one is just a normal doll "hmm" "Just a normal doll? Then why did that thing have it?" "That's a pretty big conincidence. Can I see it?" * Kun pops open a few coffins * Lyla hands the doll to tshaya * Tshaya examines the doll. * Tshaya looks at the girl. It looks like a worn rag doll * Tshaya looks closer. ((describe it to me )) I just did... It's very plain * Tshaya hands it back to Lyla. leads spread out, where didnt we go? what didnt we look at? * Lyla puts the doll in a small coffin ((So I see nothing unusual about the doll at all?)) nope, it looks like most common dolls you saw as a child searches the both of the small coffins They look the same as you left them its 4am "Can I see the doll again?" * Lyla picks up the doll and hands it to you * Tshaya looks at it again. * Tshaya walks over to Kun and gives it to her. * Tshaya see anything odd about it? * Kun stares blankly "See anything odd about it? "... no" "It makes no sense that there are two children, that thing dropped 2 dolls, and only one of them was the right one." "that... sounds reasonable" we should rest and try again later "That other doll looked just like the little boy, but this one looks like a normal doll, like the one the girls we're looking for had." * Kun blanches "What?" **kun's ears turn red** "i... im sorry!!!!" **runs out the door, leaving her backpack** * Tshaya looks after her. "Uh." * Lyla looks in the back pack for the real doll * Tshaya 's eyes suddenly widen, and she buries her face in her hands. * Tshaya starts to laugh. you find a black haired doll buried in a bunch of miscellaneous junk ((That's just sad. ;-))) (junk???? hey!) takes the doll to the girl ghost The girl reaches slowly out for it * Lyla gives the doll to the girl As her hands touch to doll you feel it grow warm as she vanishes, the doll crumbling in your hands. * Tshaya is laughing so hard tears are streaming down her face. A quiet, cheerful laughter fills the catacombs and a warm, ghostly light permeates the halls. A dull noise comes from the room with the two coffins in it * Lyla walks to the coffin room * Tshaya follows, still laughing. you see that the dust and decay that once covered them is now gone, and the copper plates are whole and shine once again. * Tshaya stops laughing and looks at them, reading the names. They read, Sornarya Ranwë, 9th of Highsun, 293 PA - 20th of the Rotting, 304 PA, and Andil Ranwë, 16th of the Storms, 297 - 22nd of the Rotting, 304 PA. * Tshaya traces the names with her finger. ((WHat year is it?)) * Lyla sits on the floor 852 pa ((wow) ;-) "Let's go find Kun." she isnt going to be happy "I'm sure she has a sense of humor hidden in there somewhere." * Tshaya goes to look for Kun. (when you find Kun she wont look at either of you... she seems extremely embarrassed) * Tshaya is trying really hard not to laugh. "Um.... should we finish looking around here, or go find the girls?" * Kun is silent * Tshaya puts her hand on Kun's shoulder. "Let's go." * Kun drags herself onward * Lyla follows ((are we exploring the last level?)) not tonight i meant our we as a group? :P I don't know ((Dunno. ;-))) * Kun looks at her feet ((let's stop here. ;-))) Session Close: Sun Sep 17 02:30:09 2000