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A brief timeline as kept by the Order of the Star after the destruction of their great archives in Avalon City.

368 Elven cities of Tyr and Alarion established.
857 Founding of the dwarven capital of Stormgarde.
907 Alarion vanishes from the world, the elves of Tyr and those in the forests give
no explanation, nor are distressed at the occurrence.
000 P.A. Avalon City, on the banks of the Villichi river, midway between the Villichi lake
and the Ringing Mountains, the largest human settlement on Trell Wan,
destroyed completely in a burst of pure magical force, along with the Order's
first cathedral and the records of its history. The ground where the city stood
slowly sinks, forming a lake, recorded as the Lake of Golden Dreams in
the Order's rebuilt historical archives.
005 P.A. Last known sighting of the Mermen.
021 P.A. Construction of the Order's new cathedral begins at the western end of
the Villichi river in the town of Harlech.
028 P.A. The Order's cathedral completed.
104 P.A. Harlech, now by far the largest city on Trell Wan, declared capital.
113 P.A. The kingdom of Harlech flourishes under Rhiannon Avery, first Archon,
with the hands of the Knights of Drakken and the Order of the Star to
help guide the people.
159 P.A. The nation of Lyons breaks from Harlech, forming independent nation.
171 P.A. Jonathan Blake expelled from the Order for revealing long kept secrets of dark
magic to the magicians of Northwind.
172 P.A. Jonathan Blake appointed High Magi of Northwind.
174 P.A. Northwind declares independence from Harlech.
251 P.A. First open hostility between Lyons and Northwind.
295 P.A. A group of 4 ships sail from Harlech across the sea to Toku Kuni.
302 P.A. The ships of the expedition are officially declared lost.
346 P.A. Founding of the Drakken War Academy in Coventry.
422 P.A. Open warfare consumes the human kingdoms of Trell Wan.
474 P.A. The magical field hiding Alarion is dropped, returning the legendary city
to the world.
Archon-Princess Melissa Avery withdraws from the wars, agreeing to a general
peace with Chancellor Haakon Miraborg of Northwind and the parliament and
Captain-General Kenyon Morgaan of Lyons.
475 P.A. Escallation of the warfare between Northwind and Lyons.
Lyons parliament passes Resolution 115, which gives exteneded
military powers to Captain-General Morgaan for the duration of the war.
492 P.A. Kenyan Morgaan dies, Ryan Morgaan appointed Captain-General.
814 P.A. First of the Mermen reappears in the Villichi Sea.
830 P.A. A drought spans most of the northern reaches of Trell Wan
834 P.A. The Locathah, in search of more pleasant waters, leave their past homes in the
waters south of Gulg and Duluth.
837 P.A. The Locathah arrive in the waters near Caliban Cove.
838 P.A. Charles Grayson, Primus of the Order is murdered.
849 P.A. Edward Focht dies in building fire.
Precentor Martial Werel Kanyek of the Order leaves for Toku Kuni.
850 P.A. Morgan Avery assassinated by a rogue member of the Order of the Stars.
Myndo Waterly appointed Primus of the Order.
Sharilar Mori appointed High Precentor by Primus Waterly.
Galen Ward appointed Phelan Avery's personal guard.
851 P.A. Timor Morgaan dies at the age of 13 from the disease that has plagued
him since he was only six.
852 P.A. Phelan Avery goes missing. Alexis declared Archon.
856 P.A. The skies darken over the space of a few months, great bolts of light and earthquakes
shake the world. Mountains rise and fall, the sea eats at the shore.
Population of the goblinoid races rise.
858 P.A. The last of the smaller, lingering earthquakes cease, leaving nations shattered and cities
fallen. Millions died and lost.
861 P.A. Werel Kanyek returns from Toku Kuni accompanied by Lyra Al'Kali and depose
Alexis Avery, revealing himself to be Fredrick Indrahar, Alexis' uncle, missing over 20 years.
Alexis relocates to Ft Telmar, a small fortress on an island in what was previously central Lyons.
872 P.A. The main land mass of the Harlech empire officially merged with the Order of the Star, starting
the recovery of the nation.
1174 P.A. Present.