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Toku Kuni


The second large continent on Trell, it's average temperature is slightly higher than Trell Wan, the western part of the continent was once spanned by a great salt plain, now sunken and flooded all the way up to the foot of the Aldrin mountains, leaving only a small part remaining from hundreds of thousands of square miles of desert.
The great nation of Hachiman Taro still remains spanning the remnants of the continent, even the ruins of their once ancient capital city, shattered and moved down the river to a more accessible position. The other large city, Es Toch, still remains shrouded in it's mysteries, hidden in the Aldrin foothills.

Hachiman Taro;
The kingdom that spans all of Toku Kuni, before the Hachiman family took control of the continent millenia ago, it was inhabitted by seven small city-states and dozens of nomadic tribes. Since then the nation has flourished, aside from the large cities, small townships cover the countryside, even in the high mountains small towns exist. Hachiman is a harmonious nation under one religion praising knowledge and peace.

Major Personalities:

Prince Theodore Mayne
Aged 54, the current ruler of Hachiman and head of the Mayne household.

Cassandra Mayne, Princess Designate
Theodore's seventeen year old daughter, currently studying in Duluth.

Elder Lyra Al'Kali.
One of the last of a race of an exceptionally long lived race of elves who live in the southern mountains of Hachiman, the Elder Lyra has served the ruling family of her nation as their chief advisor for more than 700 years. Called Elder by those of Hachiman, Lyra has not even reached an age considered "old" be the Aldrin elves. Lyra, normally in the courts of Hachiman Taro, was moved to a new assignment, and has not been seen in the courts or other cities in Hachiman for more than two years.

Kasugai Hatsumi
Jonin of the Hachiman nekekami, spirit cats. The spies of their nation, continuing a long and quiet existence. Hatsumi still caries his shinobi-gatana sword and toxic shuriken even though he has not performed in the field for over a decade.

Major Cities:

Hachiman Taro.
The reborn capital city of the Hachiman empire, standing on the banks of the river leading from the sea to the Aldrin mountains.

Es Toch.
Some two hundred miles north of Hachiman Taro lies Es Toch, home of the Aldrin Elves, home of the largest historical archive in Hachiman, and main scientific center for the country.

The largest trade city in Hachiman, it shares the bounty of Turtle Bay, though the people do not spend much of their time hunting the great sea creatures.

The city at the heart of nearly 400 square miles of farmland, Bodach is the main food producer of Hachiman, and aside from the river, the only source of food for the city of Salt View.

Gulg and Duluth.
The twin cities of Gulg and Duluth are the two largest military training and production cities in the nation, Hachiman's guardians.