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Mean Surface Gravity: 0.95 G
Orbital Period: 370 days
Rotational Period: 23 hours, 59 minutes, 12 seconds

Kether, the larger and quicker of Trell's two moons has a faint bluish hue, and has a 22 day cycle.
Lia Fail, the second moon is of a brighter white and passes through the sky with significantly less speed. It has a full 54 day cycle.

Trell Wan, which long ago was simply known as Trell, as the planet. When it became known there was a second landmass, it became known as Trell One, but over the centuries, the pronunciation through dominant languages had warped the words.
Toku Kuni, is the second known continent, "far country" in language of the Tetatae, a long since extinct race of sentient creatures much like flightless birds. They lived on Trell when the dragons evolved, but died out before even the earliest of the elves.

Trell has seasons which range from the high heats of summer to the icy rains of winter, summer and winter are brief, lasting only approximately 70 days each. Snow is rare on Trell except for in the mountains. The two transitional seasons last for nearly four and a half months, and are more temperate with lighter rains than winter.
Wild semi-intelligent creatures are common on Trell, semi-aquatic and forest creatures the most common, while creatures of almost pure magical nature are almost unheard of aside from the undead masses on the island north of Lyons.

The older intelligent creatures of Trell, with the exception of the elves, have no knowledge of gods, instead following the elements of the nature spirits, earth, air, fire, water, the light, and the darkness. The humans and demi-humans of Trell, in their nature, worship gods of their own. The only exception to this is the old Order of the Star, which, though fairly small is now the most influential organized religion in Harlech, with small numbers of followers in the other kingdoms on Trell Wan.

Long ago, on an island off the coast of what is now called Lyons, one of the earliest of the human cities was founded. A millenia passed unrecorded in time, the city growing, and some people leaving to settle on the larger continent before a curse was cast down on the island, and all the dead that were there were brought back as guardians of the island. It is not known by any of the living human races on Trell what once existed on the island, only that all those who have ventured there never returned.

In the northern Ringing Mountains, just below the borders of the elven lands, there stands the great peak known as Dragon's Tooth. Long before the elves came to Trell Wan, the dragons and the tetatae lived on Trell. As it is known by the dragons, some fifteen thousand years ago, the tetatae simply vanished, and only the dragons remained. Most of the great dragons are spread across the land, most of them simply exist, only a few are either good or evil. Though all dragons go to the Tooth to die, those dragons which help to quietly guide the course of mankind hold frequent council in the caves within the Tooth.

The Aldrin Elves, known only to exist in their native city of Es Toch, there are several who live in other places of the world, though only one has ever let her true nature be known. Nearly as long lived as the dragons themselves, they were long thought to be truly immortal. They reach maturity at the same rate as elves, but when they reach the age of 70, the process of their aging slows so much as to almost have stopped.