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Trell Wan

Once the largest of the two continents on Trell, Trellwan was shattered into over a dozen larger islands, the three former nations in power disolving into smaller nations, and a handful of independent city-states. Even the once continent-spanning Ringing Mountains were broken, only small ranges remaining untouched. Most of the landmass on the continent is still grassland and scattered forest.

In addition to bounties offered by most cities on various creatures and goblinoid races that have resurged, there are also numerous rewards on bandits and highwaymen. The rewards and bounties vary from creature to creature, and in the case of bandits, the severity and frequency of their raids. The highest of the bounties lie on the living dead that somehow find their way from the Isle and onto the mainlands.

They are the two most common forms of income for most of the small mercenary troops. Those freelance soldiers who do leave regular house armies end up as one of few things, mercenaries, or bandits themselves mostly, though some do quit military life completely and settle into one of the many small villages.


Harlech Alliance;
The once great city of Harlech stands now in ruin, half lost into the sea itself. The nation now encompasses most of the former kingdom, and a large part of Lyons. The capital, now moved to Skyreach, somewhat over a hundred miles west further towards Coventry. Including Stormgarde, the subterranean dwarven city, and three, now much smaller elven settlements to the north. In the mountains south of the smaller of those cities lies the mountain known as Dragon's Tooth. Its peak can be seen from as distant as Silver Spring, it is the legendary home of the ancient dragons, though it's passage is guarded by younger dragons and the power of the ancient dragon's magic.

Their lack of need for a large military force had let their number of forces dwindle to only strong garrison forces in their cities, until their merging with the Order and their militaries were partially integrated.

Major Personalities:

Archon Jamis Indrahar
Current ruler of the Indrahar line since Fredrick Indrahar returned. Trained in the ruling family's tradition at the Drakken Academy in Coventry.

Cassiopeia Indrahar
Jamis' daughter and Archon Princess, now 17. Currently residing in Ma'vin with her mother.

An ancient silver dragon, frequently in Ma'vin and Skyreach over the last 200 or so years.

J'eren Tarn, Duke of Coventry, Marshal of Armies
One of Drakken's most prized graduates, appointed as the Harlech Alliance's Marshal seven years ago.

Primus Allison Waterly
Current head of the church of the Star, still one of Trell Wan's larger religions.

Major Cities:

The new capital city of the Alliance, founded in 868 P.A. with the new palace and Star cathedral. Still sharing much of the farmland surrounding the old city of Harlech, though the land for miles around the old ruin itself has gone abandoned and is long since overgrown.

Built almost as a waypoint between the growing city of Coventry, and the new capital, and the refounded Stormgarde. It functions as a trade city between the three largest cities in the Alliance. A restored, ancient stone keep here currently serves as the home to a fairly sizable mage guild.

Harlech's largest war college, the Drakken War Academy is in this city, and forms the basis of it's economy. Most of it's students are members of Harlech's regular army, though it is open to any who would seek training and afford for instruction. Greatly expanded in the last few hundred years, it now spills across all three banks of the Villichi river.

Built around one of the larger forest harvesting sites, on the displaced shore of the Villichi lake, it bears little in the way of significance aside from a population nearing 10,000 people, one of the few significan settlements on that part of the continent.

Once a small farm town set amongs the thinner patches of the Crysanden forest, now a coastal city.. on the edge of the Crysanden forest.

Krera... It's pretty big, really. Another once-small town that sprang in size after it suddenly became costal.

Once Lyon's ambassadorial city with Harlech, Kathil once held the distinction of having the single largest military force on Trell Wan. The only large city on the spit of land that was once connected to the rest of Lyons.

The underground Dwarven kingdoms, the caverns run under the entire Stormgarde mountain range. The Dwarves, though not as hard to deal with as the reclusive elves to the north, they are hard to deal with still. They trade with the human cities of the kingdom of Harlech.

Built at the foot of a once again silent mountain that became suddenly volcanically active when the magical forces ripped into the world. A large, sprawling port city.

Mostly sank beneath the water, the new city of Lyons was built as close to the old city as was possible, encompassing a significant portion of the lands of the old city, as well as part of the city itself.

Turtle Bay
The second-largest trade city on Trell Wan, it is the only city that is in fairly regular contact with the new city of Nibenay, on the Toku Kuni coast. Turtle Bay is the one place where the foreign culture has begun to integrate itself into Trell Wan life. Turtle Bay, originally settled as a fishing village. Their seas had a bounty of giant turtles unlike any other place on Trell, the small turtles being at least four feet in length, and reported sightings of turtles more than one hundred feet long in the deep southern seas.

No stranger to cataclysmic destruction, Skye was once a city of legend, the original city of Skye was destroyed and sank at nearly the same time as Avalon City, though in the case of Skye, not all of the city sank into the seas. Ruins of the old city lie along the coast and extend a fair way into the city. Not much is known of the old Skye, though many have ventured into the seas to search the sunken remains, very little is there to be found. The modern Skye, for reasons unknown, draws people of magical nature to the city. What they find there is a large fishing and farming town, renowned for the speed and strength of its horses. Left almost completely unscathed by the last cataclysm, it stands almost as it did four hundred years before.

Harlech Ruins
Abandoned, burned and sunken. The ruins of the once grand city of Harlech stand as silent monument to the raw destructive force of magic. The Order of the Star cathedral, and the Avery palace both sank into the seas, the earth cracking and falling within feet of the walls of both buildings.

Silver Spring.
The waters that flow out of the lake and rivers of Bracken Swamp shine with reflections of the large deposits of silver on it's bottom. The area around Bracken is one of the few places on Trell where silver can be found. The people in Silver Spring are close allies and trade with the advanced tribes of Lizard men who live in and around the Bracken Swamps and lake. Because of the extent of the trade, about half of the common people can speak the language of the lizards, as can most of the merchants and those in the staff of the ruling Duke.


Bracken Protectorate;
Built from two large islands, the shambles of all three of the old nations, centered around the large military-trading economies of Twycross and Joppa. They posses some of the largest and strongest ships on the world, some of their designs, built with the agafari tree native to the forest around Joppa have proven to be nearly unsinkable.

Major Personalities:

Minister Reyda Johnston
Elected govenor of the Protectorate council. Currently serving in her sixth consecutive four year term, still going strong in popularity at the age of 63.

Duncan Mao
A trade-baron who lives in Twycross, a great many rumors abound that he is actually the bronze dragon called Maelwyn.

Precentor Mirek Jem
The Star's high priest in the Protectorate, residing in the large cathedral in Wayside.

Major Cities:

Built largely as a symbolic city, it stands as the seat of power in the nation, it's single remarkable feature is the parliamentary buildings.

The Protectorate's largest military fort and training facilities, it stands on the northern coast, a day or so north of the Bracken Swamps. Almost all of the Protectorate's army is trained in Twycross, and though limited in number, they are matched only by the highest graduates of the Coventry Academy.

Quite literally that... a large city built in the low end of a valley leading from the Bracken Swamps. The primary wayport between the eastern island in the Protectorate, and the Alliance cities to the northeast.

Orignially a frontier stronghold, Caliban has become largely a fishing and mining city. On one of the few areas of the world that escaped the magical destruction unharmed, Caliban's population briefly surged as it was a city of importance for a short time.

A small, unassuming town, grown larger as a trade route between Thule, Point Barrow, and Tyval.

The southern end of a very large mining settlement slightly to the north, built into the base of a very rich rare-element mountain sprung up from beneath the Crysanden forest.

Once literally a wayside shrine on the old road from Joppa to Caliban, a town sprang to life around it. Then the town became a city, and the shrine became one of the Star's larger cathedrals.

The eastern-most outpost of the Protectorate, rebuilt not far from wreckage of the old city of Joppa, it began as little more than a wayside bar and weapons works. Since then it has grown mostly larger. Its weaponsmiths create some of the finest bows in the land, from the wood of agafari tree. With strength that rivals some metals, but as flexible as the soft oak, a bow made of agafari is a great prize for a fine archer, but the small forests around Joppa is the only place on Trell that the small greyish trees grow. That is the single saving grace of Joppa, but the Captain-General's staff believe this requires Joppa to have a heavy garrison, and since it's the quietest and most backwater of Lyon's large cities, a lot of the errant soldiers on Trell Wan come from Joppa.


The Independent States;

On the northeastern-most part of Trell Wan, largely comprised of cities once part of Northwind, is a grouping of large, independent city-states. Largely inter-reliant, though still steadfastly claiming independence from all others. Each one maintains it's own economy and military forces, rarely working together beyond the trading that each of the cities relys upon to survive.

Major Personalities:

Major Shelly Holings
This once military career woman, currently controlling the city of Point Barrow. An actual Major in a mercenary cavalry company before a short rise to power in the city.

Esmeralda Nightsbane
A mysterious woman who is said to reside in Sarna, Tarnby and Point Barrow all at once. Rumored to be a fairly powerful mage, though there has never been a confirmed sighting of her casting any sort of magic.

Major Cities:

A city once borne as the middle ground in the trade route from Northwind and Sarna, it was sank into the river and then rebuilt again on the displaced banks. Still renowned for the quality and purity of gems which come from the mines in the mountains just west of the city, the new city rises higher and spreads further into the land than the last.

Isolated in the far end of Trell Wan, Sarna is where it's most reclusive, and most powerful magicians tend to live. It's only other industry is their extensive trade with the small Gnomish and Halfling villages in and around the mountains near Sarna. Too distant from the other nations, and without any settlements larger than a small town, they have virtually no trade or contact with the other cities on Trell. The huge magical forces within Sarna itself shielded itself from a severe level of destruction rained upon the areas surrounding the city itself.

A city of sailors, renowned as a place to not spend the night.

A largely gnomish and halfing city, giving the halflings a central settlement on the edge of what was once their vast nomadic lands, and the gnomes a basis for their unending drive for invention.

Point Barrow
Home of a very large shipyard and military barracks, closest of the independent cities to the Protectorate.

A second largely demi-human city, primarily gnomes and humans. Large, and unremarkable in a great many ways.