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This is merely a placeholder until I get my ass in gear and finish
writing out code for my d20 Modern campaign.. my first RL attempt at
running a game since I was 17. It shall progress.. slowly.

Actually it progressed so slowly that the universe started to blue-shift and eventually a giant elephant ATE THE WHOLE FRAGGING WORLD. Also, the game died off, as interesting as it was to create and run... it just didn't go very well. I am a far better GM online.


    The close of 2002 approaches and hails the ending of a remarkable year. The majority of combat in Iraq ended months ago, Hans Blix retires. GM unveils their new fuel-cell car at Detroit's auto show, to be echoed by Ford's commitment to a fuel-cell powered Focus. The arrest of Muhammad and Malvo ended beltway sniper's three weeks of terror that followed in the wake of the nation's most emotional memorials in decades; the first anniversary of the WTC destruction. A Beautiful Mind and the first chapter of the Lord of the Rings saga sweep the Academy Awards, taking four Oscars each.

   For most, the world remains a mundane place. Only a small, but growing number of people see the truth... The world has changed, monsters, magic, and creatures of legend are now scattered about the earth, and their numbers are growing.


Notes on the system

Campaign Background

Cast of Characters A (not so) brief, ongoing description



*Note to readers, the following features may contain profanity. Mature audiences be prepared.
Immature audiences, prepare to snicker at the dirty words.