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Well, I've been gone for the better part of a week, due to a whole bunch of things working together, me having a lot of time on my hands, some MSIE/Windows problems which required downloading replacement stuff for about 30 hours one day two weeks ago, my starting to play a few RPG's online(the first four days after the start of Fixxxer's D&D campaign saw a total of about 20 hours of game time.), and having several rather long and interesting ICQ conversations with a few people, I hit my ISP hour limit and they killed my account until the start of the next month.

Bunnie tells me Sympatico has unlimited hours, and they're pretty reliable now. When I used them before, they were just coming on as a provider, and their networks were shit. I'll probably end up back there very soon because if I ever hit my hour limit again, especially at a time like it did (I won't go into it, but there was a LOT of stuff happening with people I consider friends online.), I'm going to break stuff.

So what the heck have I been doing? Well, I finally worked out my first essay for Law to the point where I was happy with it, so I turned it in. I'm going to do the final when I'm feeling less depressed.

I started going to the gym again, I haven't for a while, but somehow I managed to stay in remarkable shape for not doing it for so long. I still can't run. My knee went out on my third lap. Hurt like hell. So I worked on my car, it doesn't require me using my legs for much.

I discovered that while driving between 50 and 70kph, my car can actually get the tires spinning fast enough to burn. I just thought that was cool.

I started working on this story I've been working on for like a year. Well, I wrote half of the first chapter one night when I was semi-drunk and in a bad mood around the end of last summer, but I let it sit and got back to work on it off and on a few months ago. I never originally planned it as such, but it ended up being a SR story. Most of my stories either end up as that, Battletech, or some other near-future kind of story.

Uhh...what else... well, I didn't sleep most of the weekend. Well, Sunday or Monday I didn't sleep. Sunday, I got some news about someone that really, well, it hurt. A lot. So I did what I normally do when I'm hurt and confused. I got in my car and drove. Yeah, it was 2am when I left, but I do that. I drove east. I like driving east. Not quite three hours out I hit Cultas lake, and I stopped there and threw rocks until the sun came up before I came back.

I wasn't in a better mood at all. I was really tired though. I still had a net connection Sunday and Monday, so I went online when I got back. Sunday night I guess it was the same thing keeping me up, but it didn't feel the same. It didn't hurt like it did the night before, but it was something. It kept me up.

Monday night I had my connection taken down. That really confused me, because they could have taken it down any time at all on monday, or even the weekend guys at my ISP could do it on Sunday, but they waited until some time after 5:30pm on Monday. I was off and online a lot monday, talking to CC most of the time I was on. As usual, we talked about some, umm, odd stuff. Lots of it made me blush. Of course, CC and Red are really good at making me do that.

Some time after 3am on Monday night (Tuesday morning?), when I was working on that story, I passed out. Was up too long, and exhaustion got me. I woke up with a nice case of keyboard face.

I woke up Tuesday afternoon and was listless most of the day. I brought in that essay today, and pulled the roof lining out of my car, because it was really fragging bothering me. I did a few odd things on my comp, freed up some much needed space, and then drove to a park on the inlet and walked from one side to the other, and then back. It'd been a while since I did that. It was long past dark when I got back, but I didn't feel like going yet, so I walked down the pier and sat at the end, watching the waves for a while. It was peaceful until a dropped Mustang full of people came booming into the parking lot there. So I left.

I had a wierd dream that night, it had bits of old nightmares and some of the stranger dreams I had, and stuff in hospitals. I woke up. I fell back asleep, and that dream started again, so I got up and stayed up. I think I'd watched every anime I have by now. I have a lot of anime. (None of it is like that kinky stuff that Pixie has.) I watched Heavy Metal on Wednesday night. God what a wierd movie. I spent most of the day working on Shadowrun stuff, and then I took apart a fan for my dad. The motor wasn't working, so I told him to trash it. Of course, he ripped the top off so he could keep the stand. I cleaned the driveway too. It had a lot of oil and dried battery acid and junk on it. It needs to be resurfaced. Today was the day that Mark told me Rebecca would probably be feeling well enough after her surgery to come online and tell us all how she was doing, so I was really edgy all day. Not knowing something like this really gets to me.

Thursday now, and I'm pretty sure I hit the height of boredom. I started writing this today. I'm watching Robin Hood now. The Kevin Costner one. Down the street, an old Oldsmobile of some sort hammered into a telephone pole. It took the wires down and they caught onto the car. It burned. Badly. I screwed up one of the tires on my car when driving my step brother to football practice. I'll have to take it off and put the new tires on the front tomorrow before I go to D&D.

I read stuff in the D&D Arms & Equipment manual today, and then went to the library to research some of it. The definitions of some of the swords I think are wrong. Broad Swords mostly, because most of the stuff I could find on them makes them into like Bastard Swords, but about the size of a Long Sword. Except Broad Swords from Spain and a few neighboring countries from around 16-1700AD, where they are like the ones described in the D&D books; long, double edged, with a large basket hilt. I like the older English ones better, they're like Bastard Swords, because they're blade is wider than a Long Sword, it's always double edged, and is between 3 and 4 feet long, including the hilt, which is for one handed use only. It has a straight guard, like other swords of the time, sometimes the quilons turn upward a bit at the ends. I think from what I can tell, stuff like Long Swords were produced quickly back then, and of not great quality, but Broad and Bastard Swords I think tended to be like finely crafted family weapons.

Some people are born in the wrong century, or on the wrong continent. I think I'm one of those people. Aside from the time when I connect with a rare person, most of them online, recently, I think I was born either 900 years to late, or about 7 decades to early. I'd like to live back then, actually. A few hundred years before the Crusades, still knowing what I know. Or, the technical things, at least. Of course, being able to swear at some midevil English peasant in Jap or Spanish would just be fun. Of course, it would be easy to get myself burned at a stake if I wasn't careful. I'll have to remember to bring a lot of bullets if I ever should happen to be going back there.

I think I'll work on a time machine tomorrow. I need one. I'm thinking about going to Seattle on the weekend, I want to, and it's been like 7 months at least since I've been down there, except I can't really afford to do it now.

I didn't realize until I guess Sunday just how much the people I know online have worked their way into my feelings, and being without them for a week really hammered it home. I miss them when they're not around, especially when I just got to talking with one about stuff other than tech things or happenings online, and when another stands with her life in the hands of a bunch of doctors.

I didn't like it when I was in doctors hands, I really don't like it when it happens to someone else, and I can't do anything but think about it for days on end. Not being able to effect a course of events sort of bothers me, especially when it has to do with someone I care about.

Wow. This is long. Especially for not doing all that much interesting stuff this week, and I still have at least two days left, unless my ISP is nice, and connects me again earlier on Saturday. Or three days, if they're mean and won't let me get back online until Monday.

I thought about being the next DM for my D&D group, when I guess Hong's adventure is over. I don't actually have a plot. I never do.... for me, the plot tends to create itself as I go on a bit, but I have a bit of setting and background. I have to make the world first, and a history, before I go further.

Welll fragging hell. Only half of the guys I play D&D with could make it, so it was called off. Of course, since I had no access to my email, I had no idea until I called Dean. And something is wrong with my car. When I got the new front wheels on and balanced, I guess the other ones weren't, and now I can feel the alignment is quite off. I mean, I figured it was off, but not -that- much off.

So now I'm back again, and not in a very good mood. I'm listening to the dryer. There's nothing really on TV at all, just a third season ST:NG episode that I've seen more times than I have fingers. My cat is staring at me. He looks bored and annoyed at me... damned cat. Just lays there on my bed all day long. I mean ALL day long. He rolls over a few times, and hops down and walks two steps to eat once or twice, but he goes back. He'll go out once or twice later on, once it's dark outside. I think he just does it so he can come jump back in my window and wake me up though. That's ok, cause when I'm asleep and I roll over, he gets woken up as my leg sends him flying into the air.

Dangit. I'm actually watching that ST:NG episode. I was playing an emulated SNES Act Raiser today, but the last level was messed up, all you could see was the foreground, and it would move as you jumped or walked, but you couldn't see to do anything. I was annoyed, so I deleted it. And Duke Nukem, cause I installed it last night.

I have a bizarre fetish for reverse.