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Some day lost... from the depths

Posted by Outcast
(This was me, trying to post on the Village board without everyone knowing it was me)

Friday, 16 June 2000, at 9:34 p.m.

Lost child
lost girl
hides in the halls
darkened and torn
halls of the mind

Is that what makes me?
makes me different
whispered words
lost to me
what were they..

You aren't like us
not like us
You don't belong
I don't belong
what I would give to be

The belonging kind.
to quiet the murmurs
fade the pain
lose the loss
what was it I lost?

who can say
things lost
ever lost in time
all things get lost
in the winds of time

I remember the time
the time we shared
the time is past
is the past gone?

If we still remember
do you remember?
you've never said
never once
it must be gone

gone again
do all things go?
no, not all
someone said
do you believe it?

I believe her
it must be so
to bring it back
those things I lost
will they come back?

Some day...
some day, they say
I wish tomorrow
would be some day
instead of just
another day

Retroactively speaking...