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Mainly SR3 rules, with some variance. 120 Build Points.

Component Cost (Build Points)
Human 0
Ork/Dwarf 7
Elf 9
Troll 11
Metavariant +3
Using SR3 racial modifiers
Magician 25 (30 Force Points)
Magician Adept 20 (35 Force Points)
Physical Adept 20
2 build points per attribute point, up to a maximum of 70
1 build point per skill point
Int x 1.5 for Language skills. City speak is not a language (pbbbbth!)
Fluent in native language
Int x 5 for Knowledge skills
Background Knowledge skills are free at a rating 3 less than the same Active skill, or may be purchased for a skill you do not have. (Example: A character with Demolitions 5 also has Demolitions 2 as a Knowledge skill.)
You do not need to Specialize in an Etiquette.
No starting skills with a base higher than 6, specializations higher than 7.
Magic Force Points ( + or - ) 2 Force per 1 Build Point
Magic Force Points ( + only) 25,000¥ per Force
500¥ 0
2,500¥ 2
5,000¥ 3
15,000¥ 5
50,000¥ 7
90,000¥ 10
130,000¥ 13
200,000¥ 15
400,000¥ 20
650,000¥ (case specific) 25
Essence loss limit of 4, Alphaware is x2 cost, -20% Essence.
Bio Index limit of 4, Cultured Bioware is x4 cost, x.75 Bio Index, +2 Availability.
No starting gear above Availability 6, or Cyberware or Bioware up to 8.
Maximum 15 points of Flaws.
Non-listed Edges and Flaws must be approved.
Non-listed Knowledge skills should be approved.
SR3 rules for combat skills. Unarmed Maneuvers all cost 2 points.
Firearms is broken into Gunnery, Heavy weapons, Launched weapons, Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, SMGs.
No automatic starting enemies from resources. Enemies fitting with your history can be gained by purchasing flaws. I may alter your enemies power if I think it's justified, but you will get the points for it.
No sharing characters unless they share past experiences, which should be discussed with me beforehand.
Starting money is 6d6x100¥.
In addition to the two starting Level 1 Contacts, all players also have a Level 1 Fixer/Johnson Contact that I'll detail later. Other contacts may be purchased as normal.
I'm aiming for a slightly lower-powered game so anything with an Availability over 5 should be consulted with me.

