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Anyway, I guess this is a really good spot to explain the Unwashed Villagers to the people who know me who don't know what the Unwashed Village is.

(Hey, convenient pic (poorly) scanned from the Fallout 2 hintbook!) Yeah, that's us. For YJ and Dave and any of you others who played Fallout 2 and got that wierd encounter, that's some of us. ^_^ I'm the one who screams about guns (all us guys who were there look the same) off on the right side of the screen. Pixie is the one in the white armor. (ha ha, Hendee.)

Anyway, the Village was originally a really late night joke about those dirty peasants who chased monsters in old movies carried much too far. The original members banded and drove off these nasty people from Interplay's Fallout board.

It might seem silly, and at the time, it probably did to those 6 or 7 people, but that was more than a year and a half ago, more than 14 months for me. And there's something like 60 active members, plus a lot who come and go, or moved on to other things, a few who aren't allowed on until school is done (Miss you Aria.), and people who who seemingly vanished. As a whole, we don't like when our members have to go, but we know eventually they'll all come back at some point.

Anyway, had enough of me talking about this? Then go back!



Backward, ho!

Anarchy is against the law.